EMBA Marketing Management - MKT 9703 Spring 2014 Office hours by appointment. Bahriye Goren Office: VC 12-210K e-mail: Bahriye.Goren@baruch.cuny.edu SYLLABUS This is an introductory course which covers all of the areas of marketing to describe how marketing delivers value to consumers and customers. Marketing is the key revenue generating activity of both profit & nonprofit firms. We will use lectures following the textbook, real life/HBR case studies, and classroom discussions. This will be an interactive course. Requirements for this class are enthusiasm and a willingness to participate fully. A sense of humor would also be greatly appreciated. Course objectives: This course enables students to: 1. Achieve an understanding of the marketing concept a) as a basis for general management decision making; b) as a framework for analyzing marketing situations. 2. Demonstrate high levels of analytical skill in a marketing context defining problems, identifying opportunities and interpreting their implications for decision making. 3. Demonstrate high levels of practical decision making skills using persuasive arguments in support of realistic marketing decisions. 4. Achieve an understanding of the basic elements of marketing management from market analysis, branding, marketing strategy, positioning and activation. 5. Argue for a marketing orientation in company planning and thinking regardless of functional responsibility. 4. Practice their reasoning, judgments and evaluations of marketing issues and opportunities. EMBA MKT 9703 - Syllabus Spring 2014 – Bahriye Goren Page 2 Core learning goals: This course will address the graduate core learning goals in the following ways: a. Teamwork and Leadership – group project b. Ethical Awareness – lectures, case analysis and group project c. Communication – individual and group assignments; individual and group presentation d. Information Technologies – lectures e. Quantitative Analysis – lectures and group project. f. Knowledge Integration – lectures, case analysis and group project g. Global awareness – lectures and group project Grading: Midterm Class participation Team Assignment Case study presentation Final Exam 20% 10% 30% 10% 30% It is very important to keep up with the content as we go along to avoid unnecessary repetition in class. It will also influence your grade, as I will take note of who participates and who comes prepared. Course Readings 1. Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, A Framework for Marketing Management, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012. 2. 5 HBS Case Studies (detailed in schedule). 3. All (additional) presentation materials and articles can be found on Blackboard. EMBA MKT 9703 - Syllabus Spring 2014 – Bahriye Goren Page 3 Tentative Course Schedule with topics (the topics are subject to change depending on class discussions): Class # Date 1 Sat Jan 4 2 Sat Jan 11 3 Fri Jan 17 4 Sat Jan 18 5 Sat Jan 25 6 Sat Feb 1 7 Fri Feb 7 8 Sat Feb 8 9 Sat Feb 15 10 Sat Feb 22 11 Sat Mar 1 12 Fri Mar 7 13 14 Sat Mar 8 Sat Mar 15 Topics Introductions. Overall Course description. What is Marketing and Branding? Explaining the Team Assignment. Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Connecting With Customers – Defining your Target. What is an Insight? (Amex, Oreo, etc.) ZARA Case Study Insights Continued. Identifying Market Segments and Targets and Creating Brand Equity Seth Godin’s purple cow Crafting Brand Positioning and Competing Effectively – Brand Ladder framework Juice Guys Case Study Brand Positioning – Brand Ladder continued Practicing with team groups CarlsBerg Best Friend Recap for Midterm next week Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs Presenting Team Insights and Ladders Virgin Mobile Case Study Midterm Storytelling in Digital Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Campaign Development/ Connection IKEA Case Study – moved to next week Connection Continued Dove example – Chipotle example IKEA Managing Mass Communications Disney Case Study When things are broken – Seth Godin Deciding on Mass Media – Examples Recap of key topics – Take-Home exam FINAL Team Presentations Review Key topics and Final exam Materials Textbook Chapters 1 and 2 – Additional powerpoints Textbook Chapters 4, 5 - Additional powerpoints – ZARA case study Textbook Chapters 6, 8 -Additional powerpoints Textbook Chapter 9 – Additional powerpoints – Juice Guys Case Study Textbook Chapter 10 Additional powerpoints Textbook Chapter 12 RECAP previous material Textbook Chapter 15 Additional powerpoints Additional powerpoints Textbook Chapter 16 Additional Powerpoints TED talk Chapter 16 EMBA MKT 9703 - Syllabus Spring 2014 – Bahriye Goren Page 4 Attendance Policy You are expected to attend class and participate in class discussion. Feel free to use participation as a way of getting any questions answered or sharing an insight or comment. Class participation and attendance count for 10% of your grade, so please take them seriously. Exams There will be a midterm and a final exam. All exams consist of multiple choice and written open ended questions. Questions will be based on both lectures and the readings, including the supplemental materials. Team assignment Everyone will have to participate in a Branding team assignment. I will guide you through the assignment in details in class, but below is a summary of the task at hand: Together with your team, pick a product or brand that you want to work on. As a team, you will simulate the launch of this product. I would suggest picking an existing product/brand, as it will make your lives easier. So for example, as a team you can pick the Apple IPad, or Chipotle’s burritos or Virgin music CD’s, anything that you find interesting to work on. Whatever you decide to choose, I would want to see a clear description of the product/brand that you choose, who your target audience is and why you chose this particular industry and product. Together with your team, you will discuss the following three topics (sections) in your papers (we will be discussion all three topics in detail in class before you are expected to hand in your papers: 1) Consumer Insights and Brand Positioning: What is the need that you are answering in the market space and what is the decision-making behavior of your consumer? For this first part of the assignment, as a team, it is mandatory to conduct real interviews with people that are not members of the class. Each team member should conduct 2-3 interviews. I will be explaining several methodologies as to how to conduct these interviews and we will be practicing (by means of role playing) in class. The write up for this section should include: Demographic and Socio-graphic Profile of the Respondent in Each Interview. Note: please be sure to mask the identity of your interviewees by using a fake name or just using their initials. EMBA MKT 9703 - Syllabus Spring 2014 – Bahriye Goren Page 5 Summary and discussion of findings: Write a concise summary and analysis of your interview findings. What are the insights? (Definition of an insight will be discussed in class). Be sure to compare and contrast the decision styles between the respondents in each of the interviews. Then, discuss within your team and develop the Brand Positioning of your brand/product/service according to the Brand Ladder model as discussed in class. 2) Brand Campaign development and 360 activation: Then, discuss within your team and develop the Brand Positioning of your brand/product/service according to the Brand Ladder model as discussed in class. Then, based on your Brand Ladder - together with you team - come up with a creative advertising campaign for this product. We will be discussing in class in detail what an advertising campaign should look like. Elaborate on what style you are using and why. Be creative when explaining the campaign idea as if you are an actual agency presenting it to the client (use pictures, mood boards, etc.) Activate the campaign according to the 360 degrees connection wheel as described in class. This section is mostly about being creative and thinking out of the box. My teaching philosophy For me, teaching is a way to transfer my experience and passion for marketing and branding to my students. Although everyone is capable of learning, a student's motivation and desire to learn is the most important input to effectively mastering new concepts and skills. My job as your teacher is to create an atmosphere that fosters learning. Your job is to participate, engage and be pro-active . I encourage an environment that stimulates conversation about the concepts being presented. I value your opinion and highly encourage a dialogue. Marketing is a fascinating world and I am glad that I will be sharing my insights with you and introducing you to this interesting and exciting field this coming semester. I am happy to help with any course-related problems, discuss marketing and business issues, or provide career-related advice. I would also appreciate any suggestions you may have regarding course content or approach. If you want to know more about my professional background, then please check my company website www.artofbranding.us.com Academic Integrity: Students are expected to know and adhere to the Baruch College Academic Honesty Policy, found at HTTP://www.baruch.cuny.edu/academic/academic_honesty.html. It states, inter alia, that: EMBA MKT 9703 - Syllabus Spring 2014 – Bahriye Goren Page 6 Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. ** NOTE: ALL COURSE WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL AND WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS. YOU MAY QUOTE OTHER AUTHORS WHEN NECESSARY BUT THEY MUST BE APPROPRIATELY REFERENCED. ANY CASE OF CHEATING OR PLAGIARISM WILL RECEIVE A GRADE OF 0 (OR F) AND BE REFERRED TO THE COLLEGE FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Additional information and definitions can be found at http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/academic/academic_honesty.html