ERCOT 2004 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT (CONTINGENCY EVALUATION) •Purpose •Test ERCOT transmission system one year in advance •Determine if meeting planning criteria •NERC compliance testing •Identify possible system operations concerns in advance •Develop updated operations contingency lists •Develop/review Remedial Actions Plans and/or Special Protection Systems •2004 SSWG Data Set A Eight Seasonal Base Cases •On Peak and Off Peak for each season •Snapshot generation dispatch as outlined in SSWG Procedures •Fast Decoupled AC analysis using PTI MUST software •All planning contingencies on the current “B” list limited to 130 kV or above •One run done with “locked” transformer taps and “locked” switched shunts •Another run with “moving” transformer taps and “automatic” switched shunts •Both runs combined to show possible differences •Monitored all branches (lines) above 60 kV for Steady State thermal limits •Reported any violations above 100% of Rate B •Monitored all buses (nodes) above 60 kV for Steady State voltage limits •Reported any voltages outside of 0.9 PU to 1.05 PU •Used exclude file •Used Centerpoint DTAP file (multisection line modeling) •Merged known information from last year’s assessment in to this year •Valid contingency and corrective action ERCOT 2004 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT (CONTINGENCY EVALUATION) •2004 Summer On Peak Conditions •1168 above rating and voltage violations (some may not be valid) •Top twenty five contingencies with the highest number of violations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40 - BGRPR138-GIBCRK C & BRY E C-GIBCRK C 3423 KILL SS 138 3627 KILLFH T 138 1 3597 GROESPOD 138 3634 GROES SE 138 1 7258 GLIDDE13 138 8109 CPL-GLN4 138 1 8510 FALF 4 138 8695 CRSTNIO4 138 1 8392 BATES 4 138 8399 GARZA 4 138 1 429 - SMIGL 8-DILYSW 4 & DILYSW 4-COTULLA 3413 TEMPSSLT 345 3422 KILL SS 345 1 3632 MEX2 SE 138 3634 GROES SE 138 1 3422 KILL SS 345 3423 KILL SS 138 1 1816 COMM SS 138 1820 COMM 138 1 3118 LUFKN SS 138 3333 TX FND T 138 1 108 - MOSES-T-ALLEN2SS & ROYSE S-ALLEN1SS 8212 DILYSW 4 138 5704 SMIGL 8 138 1 656 - MCNEILW-DECK MB2 & DAFFIN G-DESSAU & 657 - MCNEILW-DECK MB2 & DAFFIN G-DESSAU & 8297 BRUNI 4 138 8695 CRSTNIO4 138 1 6655 BARRILA4 138 6680 ALAMITO4 138 1 1698 SULSP SS 138 1814 SULSPG 138 1 8392 BATES 4 138 8980 FRONT 138 1 292 - ROYSE A-RKWL E & ROYSE B-BLACKLND 2472 ROYSE B 138 2713 BLACKLND 138 1 280 - PARKD B3-E NET 2 & PARKD B2-E NET 8503 ALICE 4 138 8518 KINGSVL4 138 1 5704 SMIGL 8 138 5902 MIGUEL 8 138 1 ERCOT 2004 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT (CONTINGENCY EVALUATION) •2004 Summer On Peak Conditions (Continued) •Top contingencies with worst above rating (overload) • • • • • • • • • • 127 - EV WEST-VENUS S & EV EAST-VENUS N 604 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 & LI 1882 EV WEST 345 1906 VENUS S 345 1 136 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 605 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 & SH 1906 VENUS S 345 2420 C HILL 345 1 608 - VENUS S-C HILL & SHERRY T-CENTURY1 & 658 - EV WEST-EVER 1BT & EVER 1BT-EV EAST 671 - FARM SW-VALLEY & FARM SW-MOSES & FAR 600 - EV WEST-EVER 1BT & EVER 1BT-EV EAST •Top contingencies with highest overload severity index • • • • • • • • • 127 - EV WEST-VENUS S & EV EAST-VENUS N 604 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 & LI 05 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 & SH 136 - VENUS S-C HILL & VENUS N-WEBB 1 1882 EV WEST 345 1906 VENUS S 345 1 1906 VENUS S 345 2420 C HILL 345 1 658 - EV WEST-EVER 1BT & EVER 1BT-EV EAST 608 - VENUS S-C HILL & SHERRY T-CENTURY1 & 3423 KILL SS 138 3627 KILLFH T 138 1 •Top contingencies with highest voltage severity index • • • • • • • • • • 8392 BATES 4 138 8399 GARZA 4 138 1 3597 GROESPOD 138 3634 GROES SE 138 1 40 - BGRPR138-GIBCRK C & BRY E C-GIBCRK C 3423 KILL SS 138 3627 KILLFH T 138 1 3632 MEX2 SE 138 3634 GROES SE 138 1 1816 COMM SS 138 1820 COMM 138 1 280 - PARKD B3-E NET 2 & PARKD B2-E NET 3238 ATHENS 138 3247 ATHENS T 138 1 3410 LAKE CRK 138 3597 GROESPOD 138 1 7258 GLIDDE13 138 8109 CPL-GLN4 138 1 ERCOT 2004 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT (CONTINGENCY EVALUATION) • Proposed ROS Action Items 1. SSWG review to determine if valid contingency by indicating in workbook (complete by Nov 15) 2. For valid contingencies TDSP’s provide corrective action and indicate transmission additions that would resolve problems by indicating in workbook (complete by Dec 15) • Examine FERC 715 not a valid response 3. TDSP’s develop any needed special protection systems (complete by Feb 15) 4. OWG review and develop remedial action plans (complete by Feb 15) • All tasks should be completed by May 1 to maintain reliability during peak load seasons