European Project Center Enhancing Mobility of the Croatian Academic Community MOBIL SCM-C018B06-2006 Administrative Details and Contractual Issues 01/07/2007, Ljubljana Content - General conditions Contract details * Eligibility of costs Supporting documents Visibility guidelines Project management Discussion Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana General Conditions I Acronym: M O B I L Eligibility period: 15/06/2007-14/06/2008 Project number: SCM-C018B06-2006 Grant holder: Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Mr. Matthias Winker Technische Universität Dresden European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana General Conditions II - Partners EU Croatia TU Dresden – Grant applicant University Ljubljana IPO - International Programme Office for Education and Training IDE – Grant Coordinator MSES – Ministry ASHE – Agency for Science and Higher Education (AAE – Agency for Adult Education) University Rijeka University Dubrovnik University Osijek Zagreb School of Management ISR-CERD – Institute for Social Research Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana General Conditions III – project relationship Within the sense of the TEMPUS programme: - External relationship: EU Applicant - Internal relationship: Applicant Coordinator Partners IMPORTANT! Please no direct communication between partner instistutions and EU. Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Contract Details I – Grant Agreement signed in Dresden 09/05/2007 signed in Brussels 21/05/2007 Eligibility period: 15/06/2007 – 14/06/2008 project number: SCM-C018B06-2006 Total Budget: € 128,308.00 Grant: € 121,892.00 = 95 % Co-Financing: € 6,416.00 = 5 % Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Contract Details II – Financial risks The TUD has the full financial risk! - EU makes the applicant responsible for any mistakes and ineligible actions. - The final audit of the project can be up to 5 years after the project has ended. - TUD will follow the EU rules and guidelines as close as possible to minimize the risk of financial loss. - Pre-financing of every partner is necessary IMPORTANT! The EU will not give all the money at the beginning. There is a pre-financing of only € 97,513! That means: partnership must pre-finance € 24,379! Be aware of it! The rest will be paid after the confirmation of the final report. Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Contract Details III – Partnership Agreement EU Grant Applicant Grant Agreement Grant Applicant Partner institution Partnership Agreement Mandate Annex I Project Description/ Work plan Annex II Individual Budget Annex III Financial Provisions Annex IV General Criteria of eligible costs * Annex V Guidelines for the use of the grant * Annex VI Declaration on taxation Annex VII Visibility Guidelines * Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Eligibility of costs I *Annex IV 1 Staff Costs: - salaries plus social security charges – gross salary - may not exceed local rates – see Annex II - calculated on the basis of the task performed and not on the status of the person 2 Staff Travel Costs & Costs of Stay: - only people under official contract in the consortium institutions - APEX air fare, economy class or equivalent - Car – 1st class train price confirmation - Train (1st class fare) - per diem: € 150 (accommodation, subsistence, insurance, local transport) Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Eligibility of costs II *Annex IV 3 Equipment: - only eligible for Croatian universities and institutions - equipment planned for IDE (copy machine, voice recorder) 4 Publishing & Printing: - handbook "Platform for launching ERASMUS in Croatia“ - seminar packages - seminar working papers - project web site creation 5 Other Costs: - external translations, review, bank transfer costs, book keeping costs Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Supporting documents I *Annex V 1 Staff Costs - Working contract or any similar document showing the status as staff member of the institution - Salary slip or any similar document showing the gross salary paid by the university - Filled in and stamped form Annex V/I – convention for staff costs - Timesheet of each month (time & activity) Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Supporting documents II *Annex V 2 Travel Costs and Costs of Stay - Annex V/II (Individual Grantholder Report) - Template: Answered questions for each trip - travel costs: invoices, tickets, boarding cards, passenger receipt original documents - costs of stay/per diems: cash receipt Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Supporting documents III *Annex V 3 Equipment - 3 quotations - original invoice – without VAT (at least not showing) ! - confirmation of taking into inventory 4 Publishing & Printing - original invoice - 3 copies of any distribution visibility guidelines 5 Other Costs - original invoices Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Supporting documents IV Co-financing same documents as for grant official exchange rate by the EC all supporting documents must be dated within the eligibility period all documents by fax or scanned by email first – original to be brought with to meetings or sent per registered mail Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana EC and Tempus Visibility *Annex VI/VII Using the EC logo for every communication means Using disclaimer - responsibility by author and not by EC 3 copies of each outcome, publication or communication means to TUD Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Project management I Communication EC/ETF TUD IDE Partners preferred by email, telephone, fax Coordination and Management Scientific coordination = Grant coordinator = IDE Administrative management = Grant applicant = TUD Changes within the project Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Project management II – Changes within project - for all changes to the proposal & contract we need OK from EC - that must be given prior to the change! - two different types of changes: Minor Changes: - timeline, dissemination Major Changes: - partnership, budget, - outcomes, activities PROBLEM: EC and ETF work very slow! Response to the request can take up to 3 to 12 weeks! Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Project management III – Reporting & Accounting Accounting deadlines 1st part of the project: 11.01.2008 2nd part of the project: 30.06.2008 Payment deadlines 1st instalment – after confirmation of 1st accounting final payment – after receiving the final payment by EC Final Report Project end 14.06.2008 2 months Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Project Management IV - Payment Cash travel costs and costs of stay Transfer to the institution/university staff equipment (or to the company) other costs overhead Transfer of the overhead can be made only after the positive evaluation by the EC and the final payment of the EC!!! Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Questions Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Discussion I - Co-financing Co-financing only for eligible costs Supporting documents as for grant in the proposal 6,416.00 €= 5 % by MSES University Rijeka ??? Which costs should be covered within the project ? Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Discussion II - Payment To avoid any financial risk for TUD, each partner has to prefinance different activities and costs. 80 % of the stated costs as 1st instalment within the project 20 % of the stated costs as final payment after the project was positive evaluated by EC PROBLEM: institutions with travel budget only, less staff costs (ASHE, UNIOS, MSES, UNIDO, ZSM, AAE) 80 % of travel costs and costs of stay SUGGESTION: 100 % paymanet for travel costs and costs of stay for these inst. sharing of prefinancing with the other 6 inst.??? Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Contact Technische Universität Dresden European Project Center (EPC) Mrs. Ines Schmidt 01062 Dresden Germany Tel. +49 351 463 39741 Fax +49 351 463 39742 Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana Thank you very much for your attention. Ines Schmidt TU Dresden, European Project Center Project Planning Meeting 01/07/2007 Ljubljana