Region 4 Student Activities Report

Student Activities
Region 4
Report for Region 4
Sections Congress
Steven James: R4SAC
Max Steuer: R4SR
August 2011
Region 4 Student Activities – Aug. 2011
SAC Accomplishments in 2011
Hosted a Regional Student Paper Contest at
the EIT conference: Nine papers entered
– Plans to improve attendance
Attended the SAC conference in Seattle
– Many good ideas on best practices
– Working on getting all of the slides to
understand what we can incorporate into R4
“Change the World Competition” Judging
– 11 papers judged
IEEE Webpage Contest
Currently Planning the Leadership Workshop
and Ethics Competition
Region 4 Student Activities – Aug. 2011
Student Leadership Conference
and Ethics Competition
Northwestern University in Evanston, IL
October 15, 2011
– BBQ and bonfire Oct. 14th
Registration through Eventbrite:
Deadline for individual and leadership
training registration is October 1st,
2011. Ethics Competition registration
deadline is September 15th, 2011
Region 4 Student Activities – Aug. 2011
Student Leadership Conference
and Ethics Competition - Agenda
Friday, October 14th
18:00 – 22:00 BBQ and
Campfire at North Beach on
Northwestern Campus
Saturday, October 15th
08:00 – 09:00 Continental
Breakfast/Coffee and Visitation
09:00 – 09:30 Introductions,
Agenda Breakdown
09:30 – 10:00 Morning
Keynote Speaker – Boeing
10:00 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:30 Leadership
Training (Main Conference
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:30 Ethics
13:30 – 16:30 Additional
Leadership Training (concurrent
w/ Ethics Competition)
16:30 – 17:15 Ethics
Competition Judging / Dinner
17:15 – 17:45 Ethics
Competition Awards
(Certificates distributed to all
17:45 – 18:15 Evening Keynote
18:15 – 20:30 Dinner / Google
Mapmaking Activity
Region 4 Student Activities – Aug. 2011
Other Student Activities
GOLD/Student Mentorship Program
– Keep students interested in IEEE
Student Transition & Elevation
Partnership (STEP) – Arun Kumar
– Let’s students know about the
advantages of staying with IEEE after
Region 4 Student Activities – Aug. 2011
Other Considered Activity
Evaluate SAC best practices (other Regions)
Encouraging S-PACs and S-PAVs
R4 SAC Newsletter
Conf Call w/Section SAC chairs
Student Activities – Best Practices
Identify a Team to help execute the plan
Expand the information on the website
Solicit suggestions from Region 4 Student Branches for
Activities to:
– Promote awareness of the scope, opportunities, nature and
responsibilities of the engineering profession
– Educational Opportunities
– Promote involvement in Region 4 Activities
Partner with local sections to increase student involvement
– Investigate creating a best section/student branch
partnership award