body systems lesson plan b

November 18, 2014
Ms. Wissler
Body Systems Unit.
Today we will doing some research on the 11 body systems. You were given a worksheet that has the
body systems unlabeled. Please use the sites to navigate and find the correct names to the different part
of the body.
The expectation is to finish the labeling today and/or finish it as homework by Monday November 23rd.
You will look through all the sites and familiarize yourself with the sites in order to know which one suits
will help you the most in your project. Look for the structure, functions, diseases, and interesting facts
about each system and take notes on what you find.
Library Databases
Britannica: Britannica
Gale Virtual Reference Library:
UXL Complete Health Resource, 2001 – vol. 1 & 2 have body systems, articles include “ailments”|9780787693138&v=2.1&u=win20859&it=etoc&p=GVRL&sw=
The Gale Encyclopedia of Fitness - Body systems articles also includes common diseases and
Into the Body movie viewed in class:
National Cancer Institute – Seer Training Modules:
On this site you need to go through all the steps of the Anatomy and &Physiology
module map and answer each quiz at the end of each section. Please print you quiz results and keep
them and make sure to see which ones you missed and take note.
This is what you will see when you go to the site.
Anatomy & Physiology
Intro to the Human Body
o Body Functions & Life Process
o Anatomical Terminology
o Quiz
Cells, Tissues, & Membranes
o Cell Structure & Function
 Cell Structure
 Cell Function
o Body Tissues
 Epithelial Tissue
 Connective Tissue
 Muscle Tissue
 Nervous Tissue
o Membranes
o Review
o Quiz
Skeletal System
o Structure of Bone Tissue
o Bone Development & Growth
o Classification of Bones
o Divisions of the Skeleton
 Axial Skeleton (80 bones)
 Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones)
o Articulations
o Review
o Quiz
Muscular System
o Structure of Skeletal Muscle
o Muscle Types
o Muscle Groups
 Head and Neck
 Trunk
 Upper Extremity
 Lower Extremity
o Review
o Quiz
Nervous System
o Nerve Tissue
o Organization of the Nervous System
 Central Nervous System
 Peripheral Nervous System
o Quiz
Endocrine System
o Characteristics of Hormones
o Endocrine Glands & Their Hormones
 Pituitary & Pineal Glands
 Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands
 Adrenal Gland
 Pancreas
 Gonads
 Other Endocrine Glands
o Review
o Quiz
Cardiovascular System
o Heart
 Structure of the Heart
 Physiology of the Heart
o Blood
 Classification & Structure of Blood Vessels
 Physiology of Circulation
 Circulatory Pathways
o Review
o Quiz
Lymphatic System
o Components of the Lymphatic System
 Lymph Nodes
 Tonsils
 Spleen
 Thymus
o Review
o Quiz
Respiratory System
o Mechanics of Ventilation
o Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
o Conducting Passages
 Nose, Nasal Cavities & Paranasal Sinuses
 Pharynx
 Larynx & Trachea
 Bronchi, Bronchial Tree, & Lungs
o Quiz
Digestive System
o General Structure
o Regions of the Digestive System
 Mouth
 Pharynx & Esophagus
 Stomach
 Small & Large Intestine
 Accessory Organs
o Review
o Quiz
Urinary System
o Components of the Urinary System
 Kidneys
 Ureters
 Urinary Bladder
 Urethra
o Review
o Quiz
Reproductive System
o Male Reproductive System
 Testes
 Duct System
 Accessory Glands
 Penis
 Male Sexual Response & Hormone Control
o Female Reproductive System
 Ovaries
 Genital Tract
 External Genitalia
 Female Sexual Response & Hormone Control
 Mammary Glands
o Review
o Quiz
SEER Training Modules, Human Body Systems. U. S. National Institutes of Health, National
Cancer Institute. November 18, 2014(of access) <>.