PREPARED BY: HAZRATI BINTI HUSNIN FACULTY OF EDUCATION SEMESTER II 2011-2012 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Where are now? TOPIC Analyze Learners Evaluate and Revise State Objectives The ASSURE model contains six steps and the letters in ASSURE form an acronym. Require Learner Participation Select Material and Media Utilize Media and Materials Slide 3 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Where are now? TOPIC Slide 4 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Where are now? TOPIC Slide 5 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Identification of the Problem TOPIC ID Process begins with identification of the problem Purpose of identifying the problem is to determine if instruction is the best solution How to identify the problem? Needs Assessment Goal Analysis Performance Assessment Slide 6 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction What is Needs Assessment TOPIC The needs assessment is a part of the front-end analysis in the instructional design process It includes all the activities used to collect information about your students' learning needs, wants, wishes, desires, etc… A needs analysis can be very formal, extensive and time consuming, or it can be informal, narrowly focused and quick. Its purpose is to determine what the needs are, whether they are instructional or other issues Slide 7 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction What is Needs Assessment TOPIC Need to perform needs analysis to identify instructional goals Some of resources for conducting a needs analysis may include surveys and questionnaires, test scores, and interviews. The process also sometimes involves looking at the expectations and requirements of other people who may be impacted by the program. Slide 8 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Conducting a Needs Assessment TOPIC 4 phases to NA process Phase 1: Planning Phase 2: Collecting Data Phase 3: Data Analysis Phase 4: Final Report Slide 9 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Planning TOPIC Define the target audience. Develop a strategy - methods Who will participate in the study? How should the data be collected? Slide 10 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Collecting the Data TOPIC Consideration about sample size and distribution Schedule the appointments Travel to the sites to collect the data Slide 11 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Analyzing the Data TOPIC SPSS Needs should be prioritized Goal Analysis Method Slide 12 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Goal Analysis TOPIC Alternative approach to NA - 6 steps Identify the Aim (what’s the problem?) Set Goals -(identify behaviors for performance) Refine Goals - sort, delete, combine, refine Rank Goals - by order of importance Refine Goals AGAIN Make a final ranking Slide 13 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Compiling A Report TOPIC Report would contain Summary of purpose Summary of process Summary of results with table (s) and narrative Recommendations based on the data Slide 14 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Which method to Use TOPIC Needs Analysis Used when the problem is not identified Much time and cost are involved Conducted with a large target audience Goal Analysis Used when problem is identified and valid Less time and cost involved Focus is narrower Conducted with a few individuals Slide 15 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Performance Assessment TOPIC Identify performance problems Causes of performance problems: Lack of knowledge or skills Lack of motivation or incentive Environmental factors Management factors Interpersonal relations Slide 16 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Where are now? TOPIC Analyze Learners Evaluate and Revise State Objectives The ASSURE model contains six steps and the letters in ASSURE form an acronym. Require Learner Participation Select Material and Media Utilize Media and Materials Slide 17 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Media TOPIC A means of communication Latin medium (“between”) The term refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver Slide 18 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Media TOPIC Media concept according to Torkelson Message Channel Message Design Message Slide 19 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Definition of Media TOPIC Medium that can be used to deliver message from the sender to the receiver in a manner that can stimulate thought, feeling, interest and student’s attention which later occur in learning process According to Heinich (2002), if the media convey a message about instruction, then that media can be called as instruction’s media Slide 20 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction The use of media in instruction TOPIC Why Media? Slide 21 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction The use of media in instruction TOPIC To expose technology to students through teaching Innovation in teaching and learning – latest technology To gain student’s interest To promote an interesting teaching and learning To enable clear and effective explanation To promote meaningful learning Slide 22 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Preparing Instruction Media TOPIC Initiate idea Define objective Analyze students Gather and arrange materials Convert idea into visual Plan student’s involvement Evaluate plan Revise plan Slide 23 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Media Characteristic TOPIC Visual Color Daya suntingan Movement Student’s learning Media Characteristic Mobile Slide 24 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media TOPIC Instruction Media Non Print Media Presentation Media Static Presentation Non Static Presentation Print Media Non Presentation Media Graphic Static Image Exhibition Material Audio Material Slide 25 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Non Print Media TOPIC Transparency Slide Microfilm Film and Video CD/DVD Slide 26 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Non Print Media TOPIC Drawing Cartoon Charts Graf Slide 27 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Non Print Media TOPIC Photograph Postcard Flash card Slide 28 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Non Print Media TOPIC Chalk board White board Flannel board Bulletin board Electronic board Slide 29 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Non Print Media TOPIC Tape Cassette Compact disk Slide 30 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Print Media TOPIC Module Text books Manual Newspapers Magazine Journals Articles Slide 31 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Classification of Instruction Media – Print Media TOPIC Print Materials Human Resource Internet Projector/ Presentation Slide 32 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Choosing Media TOPIC Criteria: Objective Student’s Ability Physical Equipment Economy / cost Utility / technical Appropriateness Format Relevance Slide 33 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Advantages of Using Media TOPIC Improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning process Time saving Stimulate student’s interest Provides various teaching method Enriched student’s experience Produce more efficient teaching materials Slide 34 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Disadvantages of using media TOPIC Unplanned media Choosing the media Preparing the media Implementing the media Designed media is too crowded Video as a media – too long Effect of using media Bored Not meaningful Wasted Slide 35 of 17 WEEK 5: Designing Media and Instruction Conclusion TOPIC TEACHERS 1. Effectiveness 2. Time saving 3. Various techniques, strategy and approach STUDENTS Media 1. Interest, passion 2. Skills 3. Independent Teaching Slide 36 of 17 PREPARED BY: HAZRATI BINTI HUSNIN FACULTY OF EDUCATION SEMESTER II 2011-2012