Section 20 HAY, GRAIN and GRASS
Class 20001 Maize, any variety, 5 kg and two cobs: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 20002 Maize, stalks and cobs, three - to be judged on cob formation: Harrison Crawford 1, Ryan Henry 2,
Class 20003 Maize, stalks, two - to be judged by weight: Ryan Henry 1, Georgia & Ian Herne 2,
Class 20004 Maize, tallest stalk - to be measured from ground level: Richard Boyd 1, Harrison Crawford 2,
Class 20005 Sorghum, six stalks, any variety: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1,
Class 20006 Sorghum, tallest stalk - to be measured from ground level: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1,
Class 20008 Sunflower Heads, two: Henry Suffolk 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 20009 Lucerne, Green - Sheaf, not less than 5 kg or not more than 10 kg: Richard Boyd 1, Ryan Henry 2,
Class 20010 Lucerne Hay, Sheaf or Bale, not less than 5 kg. or not more than 10 kg: Brent Pepper 1, Richard Boyd 2,
Class 20011 Hay, any other variety, Sheaf or Bale, not less than 5 kg, or not more than: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1,
Class 20012 Millet or Sudax, Green, Sheaf not less than 5 kg, or not more than 10 kg: R. D. & C. Cochrane 1, R. D. & C.
Cochrane 2,
Class 20013 Collection of Green fodders, not more than six varieties not less than 5 kg: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1,
Class 21002 Hen Eggs, Brown - one dozen Commercial value: Ron Preston 1, E, A, & W. Coulthart 2,
Class 21003 Hen Eggs, White - one dozen Commercial value: Shoalhaven High School 1,
Class 21004 Honey, Light - three jars: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 21005 Honey, Dark Golden - three jars: I. Goodger 1, Cooper McGuire 2,
Class 21006 Honey, Extracted (granulated) - three jars Scale of points for judging:: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 21007 Honey Collection: Cooper McGuire 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 21008 Honey Comb, Full depth frame of honey Scale of Points for judging:: Daniel McGuire 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 21009 Beeswax (any colour): I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Section 22 FRUIT
Class 22001 Apples, suitable for baking - six: Henry Suffolk 1,
Class 22002 Apples, suitable for making apple jelly - six: Henry Suffolk 1,
Class 22006 Figs - six (any colour): Rhonda Mottram 1, Hannah Shadlow 2,
Class 22007 Grapes, Isabella - plate: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 22008 Grapes, Black (any other variety) - plate: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 22009 Grapes (any other variety) - plate: Andrew Havadjia 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 22010 Lemons, Common - six: I. Goodger 1,
Class 22011 Lemons, other than Common - six: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 22014 Passionfruit - six: I. Goodger 1, Julianne Short 2,
Class 22015 Peaches, Clingstone, Light - six: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 22016 Peaches, Clingstone, Yellow - six: Henry Suffolk 1,
Class 22017 Peaches, Freestone, Light - six: Lisa Knight 1,
Class 22020 Pears, Baking - six: Julie Weymouth 1,
Class 22022 Pears, Table - six: Julie Weymouth 1,
Class 22025 Plums, Light - six: I. Goodger 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 22026 Quinces - six: Chris Alison 1, John Lees 2,
Class 22027 Tomatoes, Cherry - 250g: Andrew Havadjia 1, Alex Holdsworth 2,
Class 22028 Tomatoes, small, other than cherry: Malcolm Keevers 1, Nicoline Vaughan 2,
Class 22029 Tomatoes, Yellow - six: Andrew Havadjia 1,
Class 22030 Tomatoes, Red - six: Ian McKinnon 1, John Francis 2,
Class 22031 Tomatoes, Roma - six: The Mehic Boys 1,
Class 22032 Tomatoes, Heaviest - six: Rhonda Mottram 1, Merv Newell 2,
Class 22033 Tomatoes, Collection - three of each variety: The Mehic Boys 1, Alex Holdsworth 2,
Class 22034 Tropical Fruit, any species - three pieces: I. Goodger 1,
Class 22035 Any Fruit not previously mentioned: Donna Hewat 1, Nicoline Vaughan 2,
Class 22036 Best Collection of Fruit - two of each kind: I. Goodger 1,
Class 23001 Best collection: A. Havadjia 1, The Mehic Boys 2,
Class 23002 Beetroot, Long - three with tops: Dads Army 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23003 Beetroot, Short - three with tops: Dads Army 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23004 Beans, Butter - 20 beans: Rhonda Mottram 1,
Class 23005 Beans, French - 20 beans: A. Havadjia 1, David Larter 2,
Class 23006 Beans, Round - 20 beans: Dads Army 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23007 Beans, Runner - 20 beans: Adam Gavenlock 1, Rhonda Mottram 2,
Class 23008 Capsicums, Red or Green - two: A. Havadjia 1, The Mehic Boys 2,
Class 23009 Carrots, Long - three with tops: Dads Army 1, The Mehic Boys 2,
Class 23010 Carrots, Short variety - three with tops: Dads Army 1, The Mehic Boys 2,
Class 23011 Corn, Sweet - three cobs with outer husk on: Nowra High School 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23012 Cucumbers, Apple - three: A. Havadjia 1,
Class 23013 Cucumbers, Long (green or white) - three: Rhonda Mottram 1, B & J Price 2,
Class 23014 Cucumbers, A.O.V. - three: A. Havadjia 1, B & J Price 2,
Class 23015 Eschalots, bunch as grown: Andrew Havadjia 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23016 Eschalots, bunch, green: Dads Army 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23017 Herbs, Kitchen, 1 variety, 1 bunch: Samanatha Boyd 1, Katherine O'Farrell 2,
Class 23018 Collection of Herbs, in one container: The Mehic Boys 1, Hannah Shadlow 2,
Class 23019 Marrow, Custard, White or Yellow: Andrew Havadjia 1, Shoalhaven High School 2,
Class 23020 Marrow, Table Queen: Andrew Havadjia 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23021 Marrow, Vegetable, Long, Green or White: The Mehic Boys 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23022 Marrow, Zucchini: Andrew Havadjia 1, Adam Gavenlock 2,
Class 23023 Melon, Preserving: Dads Army 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 23024 Melon, Rock: Henry Suffolk 1,
Class 23025 Melon, Water: Nicoline Vaughan 1, William Anderson 2,
Class 23026 Onions, Brown - three: Andrew Havadjia 1, I. Goodger 2,
Class 23027 Onions, Odourless - three: I. Goodger 1,
Class 23028 Onions, White - three: David Larter 1, Dads Army 2 2,
Class 23029 Onions, Largest - three, any variety: Heather Ferguson 1, David Larter 2,
Class 23030 Potatoes, Red or Dark skinned - 2 kg: Andrew Havadjia 1, Dads Army 2 2,
Class 23031 Potatoes, White, any variety - 2 kg: Adam Gavenlock 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23033 Pumpkin, Butternut: Shoalhaven High School 1, B & J Price 2,
Class 23034 Pumpkin, Crown: Dads Army 2 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23035 Pumpkin, Table - Heaviest: B & J Price 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23036 Pumpkin, Heaviest: Nowra High School 1, Adam Gavenlock 2,
Class 23037 Pumpkin, Jarradale: Merv Newell 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23038 Pumpkin, Pie - Bugle: Henry Suffolk 1, Dads Army 2 2,
Class 23039 Pumpkin, Kent Special (Jap): Merv Newell 1,
Class 23040 Pumpkin, Pie - Round: Andrew Havadjia 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23041 Pumpkin, Queensland Blue: B & J Price 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23042 Pumpkin, Triamble: Dads Army 1,
Class 23043 Pumpkins, Two (2) Baby Blue: Dads Army 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23044 Pumpkin, any other variety, large: Andrew Havadjia 1, B & J Price 2,
Class 23045 Pumpkin, any other variety, medium under 21cm: Andrew Havadjia 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23046 Pumpkin, any other variety, small table under 13cm: Andrew Havadjia 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23047 Pumpkin, Best Collection - 6 distinct varieties - to be named: Andrew Havadjia 1, Ethan Havadjia 2,
Class 23048 Rhubarb, giant - six stalks with at least 50% of leaf: Merv Newell 1, L. Anderson 2,
Class 23049 Rhubarb, medium - six stalks with at least 50% of leaf: Andrew Havadjia 1, Ruth Brack 2,
Class 23050 Spinach or Silver Beet - six stalks: Julie Weymouth 1, David Larter 2,
Class 23051 Squash, Banana: Andrew Havadjia 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 23052 Squash, Hubbard (green): Andrew Havadjia 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23053 Squash, Hubbard (red): Dads Army 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23054 Squash, any other variety: Dads Army 1, Andrew Havadjia 2,
Class 23055 Zucchini - four: Andrew Havadjia 1, B & J Price 2,
Class 23056 Any vegetable not previously mentioned: Lisa Knight 1, Dads Army 2,
Class 23057 Collection of Squashes and Marrows, 2 of each in container: Andrew Havadjia 1, Ethan Havadjia 2,
Class 23058 Beans - twenty: Josephine Schaefer 1, Ethan Havadjia 2,
Class 23059 Carrots, with tops - three: The Mehic Boys 1, Ethan Havadjia 2,
Class 23060 Pumpkin - any variety: Shoalhaven High School 1, Isabella Crawford 2,
Class 23061 Rhubarb - three stalks: E, A, & W. Coulthart 1, Josephine Schaefer 2,
Class 23062 Zucchini - three (not more than 180 mm long): Josephine Schaefer 1, Ethan Havadjia 2,
Class 23063 Potatoes - three: Ethan Havadjia 1,
Class 23064 Marrow - one: Ryan Henry 1, Isabella Crawford 2,
Class 23065 Any vegetable not previously mentioned: Ryan Henry 1, Shoalhaven High School 2,
Section 24 CUT FLOWERS
Class 24001 Rose, Pink - one: Max Atkins 1, Jason Rombouts 2,
Class 24002 Rose, Red - one: Max Atkins 1, Jason Rombouts 2,
Class 24003 Rose, White - one: Max Atkins 1, K. Monteith 2,
Class 24004 Rose, any other colour - one: Max Atkins 1, Henry Suffolk 2,
Class 24005 Roses, Distinct - three: Max Atkins 1, Max Atkins 2,
Class 24006 Roses, NND - three: Jason Rombouts 1, Max Atkins 2,
Class 24007 Roses, One Variety - in three stages: Henry Suffolk 1, Max Atkins 2,
Class 24008 Roses, Mixed Varieties - container: Max Atkins 1, Sharon Jeffery 2,
Class 24009 Roses, Florabunda, NND - three cuts: Max Atkins 1,
Class 24010 Roses, Decorative - three cuts: Max Atkins 1,
Class 24011 Roses, Miniature, NND - three cuts: Max Atkins 1, K. Monteith 2,
Class 24012 Roses, Miniature, Mixed Varieties: Max Atkins 1,
Class 24014 Fuchsia, Container of blooms - six cuts: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 24015 Geraniums and/or Pelargoniums, Container of blooms - 6 cuts: Yvonne Lucas 1, Emma Bailey 2,
Class 24016 Geraniums and/or Pelargoniums, Scented leaf: Emma Bailey 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 24018 Hydrangea, any colour - three cuts: G. Coulthart 1,
Class 24019 Flower from any bulb, corm or tuber - one cut: Yvonne Lucas 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 24021 Marigolds, Container - six cuts: Lisa Foord 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 24023 Container of Coloured Garden Foliage: Yvonne Lucas 1, Emma Bailey 2,
Class 24024 Container of Flowering Shrub/s: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 24025 Container of Grevilleas: Julie Weymouth 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 24028 Container of mixed Cut Blooms: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 24029 Container of Flowers: Sharon Jeffery 1,
Class 24030 Cut Blooms, Container: R. Monteith 1,
Class 24031 Roses, Container: R. Monteith 1,
Class 24032 Coloured Foliage: R. Monteith 1,
Class 24033 Cut Blooms, Container: Jolie Davis 1,
Class 24034 Roses, Container: Jolie Davis 1, Keira Hitchcock 2,
Class 24035 Coloured Foliage: Jolie Davis 1,
Class 25001 Foliage and fruit arrangement: Anne Parry 1,
Class 25002 “White Magic”: Anne Parry 1, Lora Berryman 2,
Class 25003 “Weeping Beauty”: Helen Henry 1,
Class 25005 “Cottage Charm”: Helen Henry 1, Lora Berryman 2,
Class 25006 “Dare to be Different”: Anne Parry 1, Class 25007 “Out of my Garden”: Anne Parry 1, Helen Henry 2,
Class 25008 “My Inspiration”: Anne Parry 1, Lora Berryman 2,
Class 25009 “Colours of Summer”: Lora Berryman 1,
Class 25011 Flowers with glass using artificial flowers: Anne Parry 1, Anne Parry 2,
Class 25013 “Memories of Gran”: Lora Berryman 1, Lora Berryman 2,
Class 25015 “Mix and Match”: Anne Parry 1, Helen Henry 2,
Class 25017 “Rustic Charm”: Anne Parry 1,
Class 25018 Arrangement using candles and artificial flowers: Anne Parry 1,
Class 25019 Succulents and Pottery: Helen Henry 1,
Class 26001 Arrangement in a bottle: Olivia Oke 1, Emma Bailey 2,
Class 26002 Arrangement in novelty container: Emma Bailey 1,
Class 26003 Arrangement in recyclable container: Emma Bailey 1,
Class 26004 Arrangement in cup and saucer: Emma Bailey 1, Hana-Grace Berryman 2,
Class 26005 Arrangement in a teapot: Emma Bailey 1, Olivia Oke 2,
Class 26006 Arrangement in a shoe: Hana-Grace Berryman 1,
Class 26007 Best Dressed Pumpkin: Alannah Oke 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 26008 Floating flower heads: R. Monteith 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 26009 Arrangement in a novelty container: Bella French 1, Olivia Oke 2,
Class 26010 Floral saucer: Bella French 1, Ashlee Luckey 2,
Class 26011 Arrangement in a shoe: Jaida French 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 26013 Floral saucer: Jolie Davis 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 26014 Arrangement in novelty container: Ronan van Mastrigt 1, Alannah Oke 2,
Class 26015 Arrangement in shell: Lily Sproule 1, Layla Shadlow 2,
Class 26016 Arrangement in egg-cup: Alannah Oke 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 26017 Arrangement in cup and saucer: Jaida French 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 26018 Animal, bird or human made only from fruit, vegetables or any garden materi: Bridie Petre 1, Ronan van
Mastrigt 2,
Section 27 DAHLIAS
Class 27001 NOWRA SHOW SOCIETY CHAMPIONSHIP: Robert Morgan 1, R & H Curll 2,
Class 27004 One bloom: Robert Morgan 1, R & H Curll 2,
Class 27005 Three blooms NND (X): Robert Morgan 1,
Class 27007 One vase one variety (XXX): R & H Curll 1, R & H Curll 2,
Class 27008 One vase three varieties (XXX): Robert Morgan 1, R & H Curll 2,
Class 27009 One vase one variety (XXX): R & H Curll 1,
Class 27013 One bloom: Robert Morgan 1, Robert Morgan 2,
Class 27014 Three blooms NND (X): Robert Morgan 1,
Class 27016 One vase one variety (XXX): R & H Curll 1,
Class 27017 One vase three varieties (XXX): R & H Curll 1,
Class 27018 One vase one variety (XXX): L & E Osborne 1,
Class 27022 One standard unit: R & H Curll 2,
Class 27023 One vase one variety (XXX): R & H Curll 1,
Class 27025 One vase one variety (XXX): R & H Curll 1,
Class 27028 One vase one variety (XXX): Robert Morgan 1,
Class 27030 6 vases, 6 distinct types, one bloom per vase: Robert Morgan 1, R & H Curll 2,
Class 27031 One standard unit of any other Type: Robert Morgan 1, Robert Morgan 2,
Class 27032 One seedling Dahlia, any size (X): R & H Curll 1, R & H Curll 2,
Section 28 POT PLANTS
Class 28002 Begonia, Flowering: Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28003 Begonia, Foliage: Yvonne Lucas 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 28004 Fern, Maidenhair Fine - Basket or container: Ann Wearne 1,
Class 28005 Variegated plant in container or basket: Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28006 Fern, Maidenhair Coarse - Basket or container: Patrick Kerr 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28008 Climbing plant (Totem or Support): Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28009 Bromeliad - Flowering: Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28010 Coleus: Jolie Davis 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28014 Collection of Three indoor plants - distinct in 3 containers: Rhonda Grant 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28015 Cacti - Specimen: Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28016 Cactus and/Succulents - Four containers 1 plant in each: Maria Middleton 1,
Class 28017 Collection of Cacti or Succulents - in one container: Cathy Tasker 1,
Class 28018 Succulent - Specimen: Rhonda Mottram 1, Rhonda Mottram 2,
Class 28020 Something from the Shadehouse - Ribbon in Memory of Mr. A. Mottram: Yvonne Lucas 1, Rhonda Grant 2,
Class 28022 Flowering Plant in container - not previously mentioned: Maria Middleton 1, Maria Middleton 2,
Class 28023 Fern not previously mentioned - basket or container: Patrick Kerr 1, Patrick Kerr 2,
Class 28024 Foliage Plant - not previously mentioned: Maria Middleton 1, Rhonda Grant 2,
Class 28025 Collection of Herbs growing in container: Jolie Davis 1,
Class 28026 My Favourite Plant: Maria Middleton 1, Kim Vellacott 2,
Class 28027 Collection of plants grown in one container: Jolie Davis 1, Mia Jessop 2,
Class 28028 Miniature garden in container depicting Nursery Rhyme/Story: Jolie Davis 1,
Class 29002 Collection of Jams, four varieties to be named: Megan Gavenlock 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 29003 Collection of Jellies, four varieties to be named: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 29004 Collection of Berry Jams, three varieties to be named: Wes Glanville 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 29005 Apricot: Yvonne Lucas 1, Brian McMahon 2,
Class 29006 Blackberry: Yvonne Lucas 1, Wes Glanville 2,
Class 29007 Fig (Sponsored by Mrs. Nerida Ryan): Jeanett Muller 1,
Class 29008 Four Fruit (Apple, Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon): Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 29009 Grape: Megan Gavenlock 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 29010 Melon and Lemon: A. C. Havadjia 1,
Class 29011 Mulberry: A. C. Havadjia 1, Kay Sykes 2,
Class 29012 Nectarine: Yvonne Lucas 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 29013 Orange: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 29015 Peach: Jeanett Muller 1, Billie Parsons 2,
Class 29016 Pear - any added flavour: Yvonne Lucas 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 29017 Plum, Dark: Helen Sargent-Clark 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 29018 Plum, Light: Megan Gavenlock 1,
Class 29020 Strawberry: Andrew Jagot 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 29021 Tomato - any added flavour: Billie Parsons 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 29022 Jam other than specified - variety to be named: Kay Sykes 1, Wes Glanville 2,
Class 29024 Quince: Yvonne Lucas 1, A. C. Havadjia 2,
Class 29025 Herb Jelly: A. C. Havadjia 1,
Class 29026 Jelly other than specified - variety to be named: A. C. Havadjia 1, Jim Ryan 2,
Class 29027 Lemon Cheese: Billie Parsons 1, Allan Harvey 2,
Class 29028 Passionfruit Cheese: Yvonne Lucas 1,
Class 29029 Plum Jam: M. Hutton 1,
Class 29030 Marmalade, any variety: Wes Glanville 1, M. Hutton 2,
Class 29031 Jam other than specified - variety to be named: Kyle Shadlow 1, Kara Davis 2,
Class 29032 Jelly, any variety - variety to be named: Kara Davis 1,
Class 29033 Plum Jam: Ophelia Van Doorn 1,
Class 30001 Fruits in Syrup - three kinds: Heather Ferguson 1, Heather Ferguson 2,
Class 30002 Preserved Vegetables - three kinds: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30003 Chutney, Sauce and Pickles, one of each: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30005 Mustard Pickles, three kinds: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30006 Sauces, three kinds: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30007 Apricots in Syrup: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30008 Peaches in Syrup, halves: Heather Ferguson 1, Heather Ferguson 2,
Class 30009 Pears in Syrup: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30010 Pineapple in Syrup: Heather Ferguson 1, Heather Ferguson 2,
Class 30011 Plums in Syrup: Heather Ferguson 1,
Class 30013 Chutney, Tomato: Graeme Cord 1, Michelle Drover 2,
Class 30014 Chutney, any other variety: Yvonne Lucas 1, Heather Ferguson 2,
Class 30017 Pickles, Mustard: Heather Ferguson 1, Allan Harvey 2,
Class 30018 Pickles, any other variety: Brian McMahon 1, Billie Parsons 2,
Class 30019 Relish, Tomato: Barbara Grant 1, Billie Parsons 2,
Class 30020 Relish, any other variety: Billie Parsons 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 30021 Sauce, Tomato: Heather Ferguson 1, Jeanett Muller 2,
Class 30022 Sauce, any other variety: Heather Ferguson 1, Wes Glanville 2,
Class 30024 Chutney, any variety - to be named: Graeme Wearne 1, M. Hutton 2,
Class 30025 Pickles, any variety - to be named: Kara Davis 1, Kara Davis 2,
Class 30026 Relish, any variety - to be named: Christine Power 1, Class 30027 Sauce, Tomato: Christine Power 1,
Class 30028 Sauce, any other variety - to be named: A. C. Havadjia 1, Kara Davis 2,
Class 30032 Relish - any variety - to be named: Layne Jones 1, Natasha Taylor 2,
Class 31001 Loaf of Bread - White (plain): Megan Gavenlock 1,
Class 31003 Loaf of Bread - Fancy: Megan Gavenlock 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 31004 Bread Rolls - White, three plain: Megan Gavenlock 1,
Class 31006 Loaf of Bread (Plain) using Bread making machine: Julie Weymouth 1,
Class 31007 Scones - White, six plain: Sandra Martin 1, Peter Farrell 2,
Class 31008 Scones - Savoury, six: Sandra Martin 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 31009 Scones - Date, six: Sandra Martin 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 31010 Scones - Pumpkin, six: Sandra Martin 1, Yvonne Lucas 2,
Class 31011 Scones -Collection, three varieties, three of each: Sandra Martin 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 31012 Damper - Plain - Sponsored by Meroogal: Debra Hawkes 1, Sandra Martin 2,
Class 31013 Scone Loaf - Savoury (any size or shape): Patrick Muller 1, Megan Gavenlock 2,
Class 31014 Loaf of Bread (any variety): Patrick Muller 1,
Class 31017 Non Yeast Pumpkin Scones - Six: Debra Hawkes 1,
Class 31018 Non Yeast Scones - White, six plain: Lachlan Butfield 1,
Class 32002 Special Occasion Cake - Birthday, Anniversary, Christening etc.: Jennifer Peters 1,
Class 32005 Most Creative Cake: Amanda Ardler 1,
Section 33 COOKING
Class 33001 Christmas Pudding (boiled in cloth): Alison Jennings 1, Lynette Anderson 2,
Class 33002 Boiled Fruit Cake: Jeanett Muller 1,
Class 33003 Fruit Cake (8oz. mixture) prize money donated by Mrs Nanette Ryan: Paul Anderson 1,
Class 33004 Rich Fruit Cake - NSW Competition: Richard Kirkpatrick 1, Andrew Armstrong 2,
Class 33005 Sultana Cake: Ann Wearne 1, Andrew Armstrong 2,
Class 33006 Banana Cake: Jeanett Muller 1, Megan Jeffery 2,
Class 33007 Butter Cake - Plain: Sandra Martin 1, Narrell Middleton 2,
Class 33009 Chocolate Cake: Andrew Armstrong 1, Jeanett Muller 2,
Class 33010 Coconut Cake: Sandra Martin 1, A. C. Havadjia 2,
Class 33011 Marble Cake: Sandra Martin 1, Debra Hawkes 2,
Class 33012 Orange Cake: Alison Jennings 1, Jeanett Muller 2,
Class 33013 Peach Blossom Cake: G. Coulthart 1, Jeanett Muller 2,
Class 33014 Butter Cake not previously mentioned (Cake to be named): Jeanett Muller 1,
Class 33015 Lamingtons - six: Narrell Middleton 1,
Class 33016 Patty Cakes - six: Narrell Middleton 1, Jeanett Muller 2,
Class 33018 Sponge Sandwich, corn flour, any filling (uniced): Kay Sykes 1,
Class 33021 Biscuits - three distinct varieties - 3 of each: Sandra Martin 1, Cathy Tasker 2,
Class 33022 Date Loaf: Sandra Martin 1, Debra Hawkes 2, Class 33023 Loaf, any other variety (not yeast): Sandra Martin
Class 33024 Muffins, sweet - six: Julie Weymouth 1, Julianne Short 2,
Class 33025 Pikelets - six: Debra Hawkes 1, Megan Jeffery 2,
Class 33026 Shortbread (whole): Megan Jeffery 1,
Class 33027 Slice, any variety six pieces: Julie Weymouth 1, Emma Bailey 2,
Class 33028 Apple Pie: Julie Weymouth 1,
Class 33029 My Favourite Cake: Daisy King 1, Class 33032 Sponge Sandwich - plain, jam filled, un-iced: Lachlan Butfield
Class 34001 Chocolate Cake - iced: Gabrielle Levick 1, A. Coulthart 2,
Class 34002 Banana Cake - iced: Luke Collier 1, Edlourd Santos 2,
Class 34003 Carrot Cake - iced: Natasha Smart 1, Alexandria Smith 2,
Class 34004 Sponge Sandwich - jam filled - NO icing: E. Coulthart 1, Tamara Kreis 2,
Class 34005 Sultana Cake: Liam Falls 1, Angus Newell 2,
Class 34006 Special Occasion Cake - soft icing - decorated: Lauren Singleton 1,
Class 34007 Novelty Cake Depicting a Show Theme: Patrick Mehic 1, Alicia Collison-Gates 2,
Class 34008 Special Education - Your favourite cake - iced and decorated: Chelsea Pearn 1, Rachel Batman 2,
Class 34009 Coconut Ice - four (4) pieces: Patrick Mehic 1, Thomas Speer 2,
Class 34010 Chocolate Balls - four (4) pieces: Keeli Hagedoorn 1, Tamika Tuckley 2,
Class 34011 Rocky Road - four (4) pieces: Patrick Mehic 1, Lily-Rose Baxter 2,
Class 34012 Toffee or Peanut Brittle - jar: R. Monteith 1,
Class 34013 Biscuits, three distinct varieties, two of each - six on plate: Luke Collier 1, Tamara Kreis 2,
Class 34014 Anzac Biscuits - four (4) pieces: Tristan Wisniewsky 1, Shanonh Signarong 2,
Class 34015 Pikelets – four: Kaitlyn Green 1, Tyler France 2,
Class 34016 Scones, Plain - four: R. Monteith 1, Olivia Price 2,
Class 34017 Scones, Date - four: Emma Bramley 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 34018 Scones, Pumpkin - four: Chloe Bowers 1,
Class 34019 Slice, cooked - any variety, four pieces: Georgia Herne 1, Katie France 2,
Class 34020 Shortbread - whole: Bree Robinson 1, Tamara Kreis 2,
Class 34021 Patty Cakes - four - iced and decorated: Lola Lochrin 1, Belle Lochrin 2,
Class 34022 Healthy lunch box treat - 4 pieces: Brooke Hitchcock 1, Kate Fairbairn 2,
Class 34023 Butter cake - Iced: R. Monteith 1, Kaitlyn Green 2,
Class 34024 Muffins, sweet, with fruit - four: Aaron Tasker 1, Gifty Oppong 2,
Class 34025 Tartlets, Jam, short crust - four: Elizabeth Remnant 1, Breeanna Jackson 2,
Class 34027 Slice - healthy lunchbox style: Isabelle Duncan 1, Keira Hitchcock 2,
Class 34028 Chocolate Cake - iced, no decorations: A. Coulthart 1, Keira Hitchcock 2,
Class 34029 Vanilla - Packet Cake - iced, no decorations: Georgia Herne 1, Kate Fairbairn 2,
Class 34030 Gingerbread People, decorated - two: Peta Harris 1, Noah Tasker 2,
Class 34031 Slice, uncooked - four pieces: Thomas Speer 1, Kate Fairbairn 2,
Class 34032 Chocolate Packet Cake - iced, no decorations: Alexander Duncan 1, Jolie Davis 2,
Class 34033 Patty Cakes, cooked in cases, iced and decorated - four: Lily Sproule 1, Lana Crawford 2,
Class 34034 Milk arrowroot biscuits - commercial, iced and decorated - four: Laura Beauchamp 1, Brooke Hitchcock 2,
Class 34035 Slice, uncooked - 4 pieces: Tanner Short 1, Kaitlyn Green 2,
Class 35005 Handwork, any article: Mireille Smith 1,
Class 35006 Wall Hanging - any fabric: Charlotte Neale 1, Luci Neale 2,
Class 35011 Novelty/Soft Toy: Kate George 1,
Class 35012 Any item assembled using fabric and glue: Kate George 1,
Class 35014 Specimen of Needlework/Craft not listed, hand or machine made: Kate George 1, Belle Lochrin 2,
Class 35015 Cross Stitch or Longstitch, any article: R. Monteith 1,
Class 35018 Any article using felt or wool: R. Monteith 1,
Class 35020 SPECIAL - Quilt – using any technique: Samantha Fletcher 1, Naomi Woods 2,
Class 35023 Cushion, any type of needlework: Ashlee Stevens 1,
Class 35025 Specimen of Needlework/Craft not listed, Hand or machine made: Naomi Woods 1, Maddie Bamber 2,
Class 35028 Cushion, any type of needlework: Heather Deura-Thompson 1, Ashleigh Peter 2,
Class 35030 Garment, any technique: Tamara Johnson 1, Ashleigh Peter 2,
Class 35031 Specimen of Needlework/Craft not listed, hand or machine made: Jessica Conley 1,
Class 36005 Lego - Exhibitor’s Original Construction - mounted on solid base: Henrik Schaefer 1, Connor Thomas 2,
Class 36006 Lego - Kit Construction - mounted on solid base: Brooke Hitchcock 1, Leilani Roser 2,
Class 36007 Article or construction made from Plastic: Lizzy Stiles 1,
Class 36008 Article or construction made from Paper: Maddox Roser 1, Autumn-Rose Watson 2,
Class 36010 Article or construction made from Glass, Ceramic or Tile: Leilani Roser 1, Maddox Roser 2,
Class 36012 Article or construction made from natural materials: Annabelle Fitch 1, Charlotte Neale 2,
Class 36015 Collection – of any items: Charlie Burns 1, Noah Tasker 2,
Class 36016 Lego - Exhibitor’s Original Construction - mounted on solid base: Hoye & Waller 1, Noah Tasker 2,
Class 36017 Lego - Kit Construction - mounted on solid base: Darcy Davis 1, Samuel Paduck 2,
Class 36018 Article or construction made from Plastic: Kate George 1,
Class 36019 Article or construction made from Paper: Jayden Stewart 1, Charlie Burns 2,
Class 36020 Article or construction made from Wood: Nikki Roser 1,
Class 36021 Article or construction made from Glass, Ceramic or Tile: Noah Tasker 1,
Class 36024 Project Book / Research Assignment: Alexander Fletcher 1,
Class 36025 Scrapbook / Scrapbooking: Hannah Button 1,
Class 36026 Collection – of any items: Colby Short 1,
Class 36027 Lego - Exhibitor’s Original Construction - mounted on solid base: R. Monteith 1, Harry Petre 2,
Class 36028 Lego - Kit Construction - mounted on solid base: R. Monteith 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 36030 Article or construction made from Paper: R. Monteith 1,
Class 36035 Project Book / Research Assignment: R. Monteith 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 36036 Scrapbook / Scrapbooking: Kendall Button 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 36037 Collection - of any items: Aaron Tasker 1, Daniel Paduck 2,
Class 36040 Article or construction made from Plastic: Ethan Havadjia 1, Ridley Smith 2,
Class 36041 Article or construction made from Paper: Patrick Mehic 1, Aaron Tasker 2,
Class 36042 Article or construction made from Wood: Daniel Paduck 1, Daniel Paduck 2,
Class 36043 Article or construction made from Glass, Ceramic or Tile: Aaron Tasker 1,
Class 36044 Article or construction made from Metal: Anthony Mehic 1, Daniel Paduck 2,
Class 36045 Article or construction made from natural materials: Anthony Mehic 1, Patrick Mehic 2,
Class 36046 Project Book / Research Assignment: Talia Stewart 1,
Class 36047 Scrapbook / Scrapbooking: Mya Stewart 1,
Class 36049 Project Book / Research Assignment: Tamara Johnson 1,
Class 36058 Lego - Kit Construction - mounted on solid base: J. Monteith 1, J. Monteith 2,
Class 37001 Matinee Jacket: Lyn Tierney 2,
Class 37003 Baby’s Jacket, Bonnet & Bootees in Synthetic: Lyn Tierney 1, Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 37004 Baby’s Bootees: Suzann Davidson 1, Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 37005 Child’s Jumper or Cardigan - any ply/yarn mix: Lyn Tierney 1,
Class 37007 Adult’s Jumper any ply/yarn mix: Jean Payne 1,
Class 37008 Adult’s Cardigan - any ply/yarn mix: Maureen Allerton 1, Maureen Allerton 2,
Class 37009 Crochet edging, small article, i.e. on handkerchief, doily, etc: Pat Lambert 1,
Class 37012 Table Centre: Lyn Tierney 1,
Class 37013 Baby’s Jacket, Bonnet & Bootees: Kay Sykes 1,
Class 37014 Baby’s Bootees: Suzann Davidson 1, Kay Sykes 2,
Class 37015 Adult’s Jacket or Over Jumper: Carole Hand 1, Jean Payne 2,
Class 37016 Adult’s Shawl or Stole: Jean Payne 2,
Class 37017 Baby’s Layette (Bonnet, Frock, Bootees): Kay Sykes 1,
Class 37018 Baby’s Shawl: Laetitia Mainey 1, Kay Sykes 2,
Class 37019 Rug: Lyn Tierney 1, Anna Torresan 2,
Class 37022 Baby’s Jacket: Hannah Shadlow 2,
Class 37024 Rug - cot or single size only: Dianne Brack 2,
Class 38001 Applique - any article: Faye Suffolk 1, Margarert Woods, 2,
Class 38002 Embroidery - any article: Faye Suffolk 1, Marilynne Stephenson 2,
Class 38004 Patchwork: Suzanne Stevenson 1, Suzanne Stevenson 2,
Class 38006 Article not previously mentioned: Loes Bridge 1, Marilynne Stephenson 2,
Class 38010 Any article - Machine Sewing: Talia Stewart 2,
Class 38011 Applique - any article: Marilynne Stephenson 1, Amanda Fletcher 2,
Class 38012 Apron: Ann Wearne 1,
Class 38016 Any article with a Craft Technique applied: Nerida Ryan 1, Jan Cale 2,
Class 38017 Any article not previously mentioned: Amanda Fletcher 1, Bella Van Doorn 2,
Class 38018 Any article Machine Made/Hand Decorated: Ann Wearne 1,
Class 38019 Applique - any article: Barbara Grant 1, Dianne Brack 2,
Class 38020 Cross Stitch, unmounted, any article: Catherine Green 1, Catherine Green 2,
Class 38021 Cross Stitch, mounted: Alice Parnell 1, Cristine Suffolk 2,
Class 38026 Stump Work or Raised Embroidery: Amanda Fletcher 1,
Class 38030 Quilt - handmade, handpieced together maximum size 1.2m x 1.2m: Carole Hand 1,
Class 38031 Any article not previously mentioned: Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 38035 Longstitch: Bronwyn Green 1, Bronwyn Green 2,
Class 38036 Petit Point: Villy William 1,
Class 38041 Long Stitch: Lyndall Browne 1, Lyndall Browne 2,
Class 38044 Cottage Craft - any article: Sandra Payne 1, Wil van Mastrigt 2,
Class 38045 Tea Cosy: Sandra Payne 1, Sandra Payne 2,
Class 38046 Cushion, Fancy - other than embroidery: Elise Bennett 1, Anna Torresan 2,
Class 38047 Doll, Child’s Toy: Suzann Davidson 1, Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 38048 Doll, Ornamental: Suzann Davidson 1, Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 38049 Best Dressed Doll: Rosemary O'Connor 1, Rosemary O'Connor 2,
Class 38050 Dress Hanger: Sandra Payne 1, Jean Payne 2,
Class 38051 Teddy Bear, Child’s Toy: Carole Hand 1,
Class 38052 Teddy Bear, other than Toy: Bronwen Spalding 1,
Class 38053 Toy, Soft - excluding Teddy Bears: Laetitia Mainey 1, Barbara Grant 2,
Class 38054 Travelling Rug: Carole Hand 1, Suzann Davidson 2,
Class 38055 Woven Article: Dianne Brack 1, Dianne Brack 2,
Class 38056 Handspun Wool - any article: Barbara Wyles 1, Adriana Hussey 2,
Class 38057 Yarn - Handspun Wool - Skeins: Barbara Wyles 1, Barbara Wyles 2,
Class 38058 Yarn - Handspun - other than Wool - Skeins: Barbara Wyles 1, Barbara Wyles 2,
Class 38059 Handspun Article - other than Wool: Adriana Hussey 1, Adriana Hussey 2,
Class 38060 Felting - Any Article: Karen Spalding 1, Melinda Binkins 2,
Class 38061 Felting - Nuno Felting - Any Article: Melinda Binkins 1, Melinda Binkins 2,
Class 38063 Specimen of Craftwork not previously listed: Marie Schuman 1, Julie Weymouth 2,
Class 39001 Decorative painting - any hard surface - small: Yolande Buchan 1, Yolande Buchan 2,
Class 39002 Decorative painting - any hard surface - large: Yolande Buchan 1,
Class 39006 3D and or Paper Tole: Julie Mehic 1, Carole Hand 2,
Class 39007 Greeting Card - Paper Tole: Carole Hand 1, Mary Lee 2,
Class 39008 Greeting Card - Tea bag Fold: Carole Hand 1, Carole Hand 2,
Class 39009 Greeting Card - using any medium: Zoe Roberts 1, Zoe Roberts 2,
Class 39010 Greeting Card - sets, using any medium: Zoe Roberts 1, Mary Lee 2,
Class 39011 Quilling: Carole Hand 1, Carole Hand 2,
Class 39012 Scrapbooking - single sheet (Novice): Zoe Roberts 1, Zoe Roberts 2,
Class 39013 Scrapbooking -single sheet (Experienced): Yolande Buchan 1, Yolande Buchan 2,
Class 39014 Scrapbooking - Album: Yolande Buchan 1,
Class 39018 Recycled hard material - any small item, hard material (except wood): Mary Lee 1, Mary Lee 2,
Class 39021 Any item in hard craft not previously mentioned - large: Colleen Hetherington 1, Ron Witz 2,
Section 40 WOODWORK
Class 40001 Cabinet and joinery work - including furniture: Darryl McLean 1, Michael Dickson 2,
Class 40002 Turned item - spindle turned: Charles Hillen 1, Charles Hillen 2,
Class 40003 Turned item - faceplate turned: Steve Sheaves 1, Charles Hillen 2,
Class 40005 Article from recycled wood or scraps: Erin Scharfegger 1, Michael Dickson 2,
Class 40006 Wooden toy: Jim Dawson 1, Terry Maloney 2,
Class 40007 Whittling or carving: Las Ferenz 1,
Class 40008 Jewellery box: Darryl McLean 1, Steve Sheaves 2,
Class 40010 Any item not previously mentioned: Joan Vinci 1, Charles Hillen 2,
Class 40011 Any other turned article not previously mentioned: Steve Sheaves 1, Charles Hillen 2,
Class 40013 Woodwork - any item: Lucy Hadfield 1, Mya Stewart 2,
Class 40014 Woodwork - any item: Finn Lochrin 1, Finn Lochrin 2,
Class 41001 Australiana, most original hand crafted piece: Marcos Roa 1,
Class 41002 Handbuilt: Hannah Shadlow 1, Roger Graham 2,
Class 41003 Pit fired: Hannah Shadlow 1,
Class 41005 Sculpture or Tile Work: Hannah Shadlow 1, Marcos Roa 2,
Class 41006 Set - maximum of six pieces: Roger Graham 1, Hannah Shadlow 2,
Class 41007 Plate: Roger Graham 1, Roger Graham 2,
Class 41010 Pot - Stoneware: Roger Graham 1, Roger Graham 2,
Class 41011 Any other piece: Roger Graham 1, Roger Graham 2,
Class 41017 Pottery Item: Lucy Hadfield 1, Samantha Fletcher 2,
Class 41018 Pottery Item: R. Monteith 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 41019 Pottery Item: Lizzy Stiles 1,
Class 43001 Animal/s or Bird/s: Faye Suffolk 1,
Class 43002 Using - three or more techniques: Faye Suffolk 1, Jean Payne 2,
Class 43003 Miniature - maximum 10cm: Kay Sykes 1, Faye Suffolk 2,
Class 43004 Monochrome - any subject, excluding Pen & Wash: Faye Suffolk 1,
Class 43005 Pen and Wash: Faye Suffolk 1, Kay Sykes 2,
Class 43006 Portrait: Kay Sykes 1, Faye Suffolk 2,
Class 43007 Any piece not previously mentioned: Faye Suffolk 1, Nicoline Vaughan 2,
Class 43008 Australiana - Floral, Fauna and Scenes: Jean Payne 1,
Class 43009 Floral - excluding Wild Flowers: Kay Sykes 1, Jean Payne 2,
Class 43010 An article of Porcelain Painting – Oriental: Jean Payne 1,
Class 44001 Modern Doll - under 50cm: Faye Suffolk 1,
Class 44002 Modern Doll - over 50cm: Faye Suffolk 1,
Class 44006 Baby Doll: Faye Suffolk 1,
Class 44007 Figurine or Character in Porcelain including lace draping: Nicoline Vaughan 1,
Class 44009 Reborn Doll – to be dressed by exhibitor: Nicoline Vaughan 1,
Section 45 ART
Class 45001 Landscape - Oils or Acrylics: Jane Crawford 1, Yolande Buchan 2,
Class 45003 Best Painting in Oils of the Shoalhaven District: Philip Miles 1, Yolande Buchan 2,
Class 45004 Portrait - any medium: Jane Crawford 1, Margaret Barry 2,
Class 45007 Painting in Water Colour - any subject: Leonie Osborne 1, Leonie Osborne 2,
Class 45008 Modern Painting - any medium: Philip Miles 1, Kathryn Wright 2,
Section 46 JUNIOR ART
Class 46002 Drawing - any medium: Mya Stewart 1,
Class 46005 Painting - any medium: Daniel Paduck 1, Lucy Hadfield 2,
Class 46006 Drawing - any medium: Daniel Paduck 1, Daniel Paduck 2,
Class 46009 Drawing or Painting - any medium (NOT prepared for hanging): Mali Semovente 1, Sealisha Buckley 2,
Class 46010 Pencil Drawing (NOT prepared for hanging: Peta Harris 1, Peta Harris 2,
Class 46011 Drawing or Painting – any medium (Prepared for hanging, framed or canvas –: Charlie Giddings 1, Madison
Carr 2,
Class 46012 Drawing or Painting - any medium (NOT prepared for hanging): Ellie Berry 1, Chrystel Buckley 2,
Class 46013 Pencil Drawing (NOT prepared for hanging): Ellie Berry 1, Lexie Cooper 2,
Class 46014 Drawing or Painting – any medium: Tegan Love 1, Ellie Berry 2,
Class 47001 Portrait: Dan Crowley 1, G. Parsons 2,
Class 47002 Landscape/Seascape: Colin Talbot 1, Fiona Butler 2,
Class 47003 Any other Subject: Terri Ford 1, Kim Touzel 2,
Class 47004 Landscape/Seascape: L. Anderson 1, Terri Ford 2,
Class 47005 Portrait – formal or informal: Colin Talbot 1, B. Williams 2,
Class 47006 Sport/Action: Terri Ford 1, Dan Crowley 2,
Class 47007 Animal/Bird/Insect: Terri Ford 1, Kim Touzel 2,
Class 47008 Flora: L. Anderson 1, Kim Touzel 2,
Class 47009 Any other subject: Colin Talbot 1, Lisa Knight 2,
Class 47010 Sunrise/Sunset: B. Williams 1, Dan Crowley 2,
Class 47011 Creative - Any Subject (more than basic manipulation): Jordon Bailey 1, Di Coghlan 2,
Class 47012 Any subject: Kim Touzel 1, P. Kitto 2,
Class 47013 Animal/Bird/Insect: R. Monteith 1, R. Monteith 2,
Class 47014 Any other Subject: Charlie Burns 1, H. v. Mastrigt 2,
BEST EXHIBIT - Class 12: Kim Touzel
BEST EXHIBIT - Class 12: Trinity Tilbury
BEST EXHIBIT - Class 12: Trinity Tilbury
BEST EXHIBIT - Class 12: R. Monteith
BEST EXHIBIT - Classes 13-14: R. Monteith
BEST EXHIBIT - Classes 15–16: A. Mehic
Class 47015 Landscape/Seascape: Patrick Mehic 1, J. Monteith 2,
Class 47016 Any Other Subject: A. Mehic 1, Jasmine Hair 2,
Class 48001 Pale Ale/Bitters – please specify: Kyle Shadlow 1, Kyle Shadlow 2,