Cloning - Pius X

The Goods of Marriage:
 Free: God’s love is freely given to us.
 Total: God’s love is complete and He gives all of Himself to us, withholding nothing.
 Faithfulness: God never abandons us and never stops loving us.
 Fruitfulness: god’s love brings us life. Jesus died for us so that we could have new life.
 Love is to will the good of the other, or to be a total gift of self to another
 If we reject one of these goods, we are not being a total gift and we are not willing what is
good for the other.
What is contraception?
Contraception is the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent
pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse.
Contraception comes from a combination of Latin words that literally mean “against
Contraception is also commonly known as “birth control”.
This is to make it sound like you are being irresponsible or uncontrolled, if you don’t use it.
It is the same technique used by the people who support abortion—they like to say “prochoice” instead of “pro-abortion.”  It makes it sound better if you say it this way.
The teaching of every major Christian church was that contraception was sinful up until the
1930’s. In the 1930’s doctors were developing a new drug that would prevent a woman from
getting pregnant.
One by one most of the Christian churches changed their teaching because of this new drug.
The teaching of the Catholic Church has always been that artificial contraception, including the
“Pill,” is gravely immoral.  This means that if you know it is wrong and do it anyway, it is a
mortal sin.
By the 1960’s many Catholics were wondering if the Church was going to change her teaching
on contraception.
Pope Paul VI wrote an encyclical (a long letter) to the whole Church about its teaching on
contraception. It was called “Humane Vitae”; Latin for “Of Human Life.”
Pope Paul VI made four predictions about the effects that such a drug would have on the
 The First Prediction: Pope Paul VI’s first prediction was that contraception would lead to
widespread marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards.
Divorce rates went up
Children out of wedlock
Abortion (contraception is the number one cause of abortions)
Homosexuality relationships
 The Second Prediction:
Loss of respect for women
Abuse of women: Sexual abuse, lying, rape, physical abuse
1st: Dopamine: Elevated levels of dopamine in the brain produce extremely
focused attention. This causes the person to focus intensely on task at hand to
the exclusion of everything else around
2nd: Epinephrine: This chemical induces feelings of exhilaration and increased
energy by giving the body a shot of natural adrenaline. Norepinephrine also
increases memory capacity. This explains why the experience can be
remembered with vivid clarity years later.
3rd: Testosterone: The release of testosterone increases the desire to be with
one’s spouse
4th: Oxytocin: Oxytocin acts as a natural tranquilizer. The individual seeks an
Oxytocin rush to cope with the stress and pressure of life.
5th: Serotonin: The release of this natural chemical evokes a deep feeling of
 The top reasons for divorce (2010)
1) Breakdown in Communication
2) Infidelity
3) Financial Problems
4) Emotional Abuse
5) Physical abuse
4 of the top 5 are caused by contraception!
Pornography addiction
Dangerous to Women: side effects of the contraceptives
Studies have shown that chemical contraceptives cause long term fertility issues
There are also other side effects:
Since the drug works by making a woman’s body think that it is already
pregnant, the woman feels pregnant
She gains weight
She feels less attracted to men
She has dramatic mood swings
Authorities could use contraceptives in coercive ways
Government funding of Planned Parenthood
U.N., China, etc.
 The Third Prediction:
o Euthanasia
o Population decline
 The Fourth Prediction:
People think that they had unlimited dominion over their bodies
In vitro fertilization
Surrogate motherhood
Genetic manipulation
The Fruits of Contraception
You can always
tell the
goodness of a
tree by its fruit
out of
Loss of Abuse of
Respect for Women
Danger to Pornography
Government Women
Euthanasia Control
In Vitro
Homework: due Thursday 12/4
 Read Bishop’s Conley’s “The Language of Love”
 Write a 1 ½ - 2 page paper on
o How Bishop’s Conley’s letter is a response to Humanae Vitae
o Your reflection on Humanae Vitae and “The Language of Love”
 (What did you learn that you didn’t know before)