Page 1 of 7 PUT-74-03 C-r-o-s-s-l-i-n-k International, Inc. SUPPLIER EVALUATION FORM EVALUATION TYPE: NEW SUPPLIER EVALUATION COMPANY NAME: SUPPLIER CODE: CAGE CODE: DUNS NUMBER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/PROV: ZIP/POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: PHONE: COMPANY TYPE: MANUFACTURER (PMA) SERVICES OTHER PRODUCTS/SERVICES OFFERED: FAX: DISTRIBUTOR FAA Repair Station Parts Mfr Appv’l Do you manufacture products or services for other C-I Divisions, if so please list: COMPANY’S WEBSITE: SUPPLIER CERTIFIES THAT IT IS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): A Small Business Concern A SBA Certified Small Disadvantaged Business A Veteran-Owned Small Business Historically Black Colleges & Universities / Minority Institutions OTHER: A Women-Owned Small Business A Hub-Zone Small Business Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Native American Large NOTICE OF PENALTY - Under 15 U.S.C. 645(d), any person who misrepresents a firm’s status as a small, small disadvantaged, or women-owned small business concern in order to obtain a contract to be awarded under the preference programs established pursuant to section 8(a), 8(d), 9, or 15 of the Small Business Act or any other provision of Federal law that specifically references section 8(d) for a definition of program eligibility, shall (i) be punished by imposition of fine, imprisonment, or both; (ii) be subject to administrative remedies, including suspension and debarment; and (iii) be ineligible for participation in programs conducted under the authority of the Act (FAR 52.219-1(d)(2)). PERSON COMPLETING EVALUATION Name: Date: Title: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: QUALITY ASSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE Name: Title: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: C-I REVIEWER RECOMMENDATION (Completed by C-I Representative only) EVALUATING C-I DIVISION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED CONDITIONAL: (limited to following) RESTRICTED (Scope of restriction) The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 2 of 7 PUT-74-03 C-I EVALUATOR’S NAME: Date: COMMENTS: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. AREA IN SQUARE FEET TOTAL: MANUFACTURING: WAREHOUSE (DISTRIBUTION ONLY): CLEAN ROOM: CLEAN ROOM CLASS (if applicable): 2. NUMBER OF PERSONNEL: MANUFACTURING: QUALITY ASSURANCE: ENGINEERING: WAREHOUSE (DISTRIBUTION ONLY): 3. WHAT PERCENT OF PRESENT WORK IS: GOVERNMENT % COMMERCIAL % OTHER % 4. DESCRIBE ANY SPECIAL PROCESSES THAT YOU PERFORM INCLUDING MILITARY SPECIFICATION, IF APPLICABLE, (E.G. PLATING, PAINTING, SOLDERING, WELDING, WIRE WRAP, ETC). ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET(S) IF NECESSARY. LIST: 5. IS THE COMPANY HEADQUARTERED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? Y N IF NO, THEN WHAT COUNTRY? 6. DOES YOUR ESD PROGRAM COMPLY WITH MIL-STD-1686, MIL HANDBOOK 263 OR ANSI/ESD S20.20? Y N N/A 7. LIST ANY INTERNATIONATIONALLY ACCEPTED WORKMANSHIP STANDARDS YOUR COMPANY COMPLIES WITH: 8. ARE YOU C.A. S. E. REGISTERED? Y N 9. WILL YOUR COMPANY NOTIFY C-I COMMUNICATIONS OF ALL SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE FACILITY’S QUALITY SYSTEM (including the revocation of any certifications)? Y N CERTIFICATIONS AND ACCREDITATIONS (AS9100: ISO 9001;ISO/IEC 17025, FAA-AC-0056A, ISO/TS 16949, ANZI/NCSL Z540, FAA/PMA, CAA, EASA, A2LA, CMMI, NADCAP etc.) Certification Cert Type Certifying Organization Expiration Registration Number *If ISO or AS9100 certified, please furnish copies of ISO/AS certificate with Scope of Registration and attached pages. *If you hold an FAA/CAA/EASA Repair Station certificate, please furnish the FAA/CAA/EASA certificate, Operations Specifications, and FAA/CAA/EASA Anti-Drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program documentation. *Furnish any other copies of certifications/accreditations/letters of approval held by your company The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 3 of 7 PUT-74-03 NOTE: IF THE PROSPECT OR CURRENT APPROVED SUPPLIER HAS A QUALIFIED QMS, OR THIS IS FOR A CURRENT APPROVED SUPPLIER REEVALUATION, THIS ENTIRE SECTION MAY NOT BE REQUIRED. SEE PROCEDURE PUP-74-04 FOR FURTHER REEVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QMS) General Do you have a quality management system composed of documented procedures? Are outsourced processes controlled by the QMS? Y N N/A COMMENT Quality Manual (QM) Do you have a Quality Manual Does the QM contain or reference the procedures in the QMS and describe their interaction? Y N N/A COMMENT Control of Documents Do you have a document control system? Are documents approved for adequacy prior to use and reviewed and updated when necessary? Are current revisions of documents available for those who need to use them? Are obsolete revisions removed to prevent unintended use? Y N N/A COMMENT Control of Records Do you have a process to control Quality records? Have you defined Quality records within your QMS? Are records of inspections and tests maintained? Are all records used to document the QMS legible, readily identifiable and retrievable? Are the defined controls used to identify, store, protect, retrieve, and disposition records adequate? Are quality records retained for a specified period of time? Y N N/A COMMENT Y N N/A COMMENT Quality Policy Do you have a Quality Policy? Y N N/A COMMENT Quality Planning Do you perform quality planning Are measurable quality objectives established and communicated to all relevant functions Y N N/A COMMENT Management Responsibility, Authority & Communication Do individuals responsible for quality have the necessary authority to make decisions that impact the quality of the product? Y N N/A COMMENT Management Review Do you conduct periodic management reviews of the QMS? Does the review include input from internal audits, customer feedback, process performance and product conformity data? Does the review output result in decisions to improve the QMS and apply resources to improve the product? Do you maintain records of management review? Y N N/A COMMENT Y N N/A COMMENT Y N N/A COMMENT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY Management Commitment Does top management have a process for communicating the importance of meeting customer, statutory and regulatory requirements to the organization RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Provision of Resources Do you have adequate resources to meet and maintain quality requirements? Human Resources/Training The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 4 of 7 Do you have a documented training program for employees performing work affecting product quality? Does this program include the definition of the required competencies? Do you ensure employees have the education, training, skills or experience necessary to meet these requirements? Do you evaluate the effectiveness of this training? Do you maintain records of training? PRODUCT REALIZATION Planning of Product Realization Do you develop plans and/or processes for manufacturing product to meets requirements? Are inspection and test activities based on product acceptance criteria? PUT-74-03 Y N N/A COMMENT Customer-related processes When customer requirements change, is there a process that ensures relevant personnel are notified and relevant documents are amended? Is there a process for communicating with customer on product information, enquiries, contracts or order handling, including amendments and customer feedback? Are product related requirements reviewed prior to commitment to supply product to customer? Are records of the review and actions rising from the review documented and maintained? Y N N/A COMMENT Design & Development Do you maintain a process for implementation of design changes? Is your organization responsible for design of product purchased by C-I Communications? (If No, skip to next section) Are plans prepared for each design or development activity that includes review, verification & validation milestones? Are design reviews conducted at planned intervals? Are the responsibilities, authorities and organizational interfaces defined for implementation of these plans? Do design inputs include product functionality, performance, statutory and regulatory requirements? Is the design output documented and expressed in terms that can be validated against the design input requirements? Does the output provide adequate information for purchasing, production and service and include product acceptance criteria? Do you maintain records associated with the design process? Y N N/A COMMENT Purchasing Are procurement sources evaluated and monitored? Do you specify applicable quality requirements to the supplier? Do you maintain a documented system for the verification of purchased product? Do you maintain an “Approved Supplier Listing”? Is criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation (including requesting corrective action when appropriate) of suppliers established and are evaluations documented? Do you maintain records of supplier evaluations? Y N N/A COMMENT Control of Production & Service Do you perform in-process inspection? Are process capabilities established and maintained? Are procedures for equipment and facilities maintenance established? Are production and/or service carried out under controlled conditions? Do conditions include the availability of acceptance criteria, work instructions and monitoring equipment? Are records available to substantiate acceptability of product? Y N N/A COMMENT Y N N/A COMMENT Validation of Processes The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 5 of 7 Are processes validated where the product cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring & measuring? Do validations include defined criteria for review and approval of processes? ID & Traceability If required, do you have the ability to provide traceability? Are incoming materials identified and segregated until acceptance? Are materials in stores identified and controlled? Are in-process materials identified and controlled? Is the status of inspection identified throughout product realization? Do you maintain records demonstrating product identification and traceability when required? Y N N/A COMMENT Customer Property Do you utilize any customer provided product or equipment in your process? Is customer property identified and stored to prevent loss or damage? Do you have a mechanism to alert the customer if their property is damaged or lost? Do you maintain records of damage or loss? Y N N/A COMMENT Preservation of Product Do procedures or processes exist for the storage, protection, handling, and preservation of product? Is the conformity of the product preserved internally and during delivery to the intended destination? Do you have a process to manage shelf life or age control materials? Y N N/A COMMENT Control of Measuring Devices Do you utilize any inspection, measuring or test equipment in your processes for the acceptance of product or services supplied to CI? Are measuring and test equipment uniquely identified? Is the calibration status of measuring and test readily identifiable? Is measuring and test equipment used for acceptance calibrated against nationally accepted standards? Does the program account for and require disposition of product previously accepted, when equipment is found out of calibration or out of tolerance? Do you maintain records of calibrations? Y N N/A COMMENT Y N N/A COMMENT Internal Audit Do you maintain an internal audit program? Are audits performed in accordance with an established schedule? Are audits performed objectively and impartially with auditors not auditing their own work? Is action taken to eliminate the causes of nonconformances discovered by the audits? Do you maintain records of internal audits? Y N N/A COMMENT Monitoring & Measurement of Processes Are processes monitored and measured to demonstrate achievement of planned results? Is action taken if processes are not producing planned results or to achieve continual improvement? Y N N/A COMMENT MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS & IMPROVEMENT Customer Satisfaction Do you have a method to measure customer satisfaction? PUT-74-03 Monitoring & Measurement of Products Y N N/A COMMENT Do you monitor or measure the characteristics of your products Do you have documented procedures that contain acceptance criteria? The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 6 of 7 PUT-74-03 Is the final release of product approved by a relevant authority? Do you maintain records of the acceptability of products? Control of Nonconforming Product Do you control nonconforming material to prevent its unintended use or delivery? Do you have a documented procedure for the control of nonconforming product? Are nonconforming items identified, segregated and controlled? When nonconforming product is corrected, is it subject to reverification to demonstrate conformance to requirements? Do you seek customer approval when necessary regarding the disposition of nonconforming product? Do you maintain records of nonconforming product including its disposition? Y N N/A COMMENT Analysis of Data Do you use process/product quality data to facilitate necessary actions and continual improvement? Y N N/A COMMENT Continual Improvement Do you have a formal process for continual improvement? Y N N/A COMMENT Corrective Action Do you have a documented procedure for corrective action? Are nonconformances evaluated to determine the root cause? Are corrective actions sufficient not only to correct the problem but also to prevent recurrence? Are corrective actions reviewed to assess effectiveness? Do you maintain records of corrective actions? Y N N/A COMMENT Preventive Action Do you have a documented procedure for preventive action? Are potential nonconformances evaluated to determine the root cause? Are actions taken to eliminate potential nonconformances and prevent occurrence? Are preventive actions reviewed to assess effectiveness? Do you maintain records of preventive actions? Y N N/A COMMENT DISTRIBUTOR PROCESSES ONLY - N/A (Manufacturers check N/A) Y N N/A COMMENT Are you a franchised Distributor? Are machines used for processing, packaging and inspections checked/calibrated periodically? Are age controlled items and shelf life items current and identified? Are procedures used to stop the issuing of out-of-date shelf life items? Are shipping documents reviewed for accuracy, destination and necessary requirements? Are there time limits, statute of limitations, or restrictions for the returning of defective products? (if so, describe in “Comments”) Would you be willing to stand behind your delivered Dock to Stock products for an extended time frame due to no Incoming Inspection at some C-I Communications Divisions? Note: Product received Dock to Stock may be discovered to be incorrect or defective for up to 12 months after receipt because next higher assemblies are not usually built until all sub-parts are received and stocked. Additional Area for Comments: The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D Page 7 of 7 PUT-74-03 Revision History Rev A B C D EC No. Initial Release EC-100708-01 EC-101014-01 EC-150219-01 Initials SNP SNP SNP SNP The Information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL to Crosslink International, Inc. Its use, in whole or in part, without written permission by Crosslink International, Inc. is PROHIBITED Revision D