Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada APPS FOR SPEECH-THERAPY NAME Articulation Artic Pix Articulate It PRICE DESCRIPTION 29.99 or can buy individual decks for $1.99 each $39.99 Great for articulation therapy- has flashcards in all positions of the wordcan combine positions for higher level- also has matching activities for each set of flashcards- allows you to record data and print out results, can do group scoring up to 4 students- uses coloured line drawings Tiga Talk Speech Therapy $1.99 Small Talk Oral Motor Exercises Mirror Zoom Flashcards PicSearch Free Can be used as flashcards for articulation therapy- has flashcards organized by phoneme (initial, medial, final), by mode of articulation or by phonological process- can track individual and group data- uses real photographs- some target words are too complex for the goals- cannot combine all positions for higher level activity Works on producing individual phonemes in isolation- for students who are just developing their speech and have some imitation skills- feedback is not specific to phoneme- just for encouraging the student to imitate Videos of oral motor exercises Free Can use as a mirror when doing articulation placement Free Image Quiz Free GFlash + Free TWCLite Free Allows you to search google images and save them to your camera rollcan then use to make flashcards Allows you to make flashcards with images from your camera roll and to preview them, and then you can make a multiple choice or fill in the blank quiz with the cards Flashcard maker- use google docs to make a spreadsheet- one column has the URL of the picture that you want to use (google image) and the second column has the name of the picture- then you can import the document to your mobile device using GFlash+- this will allow you to have a set of flashcards and you can track scores- but pictures don’t always appear because the application depends on strength of internet connection Flashcard maker- use pictures from your camera roll and record voice to indicate name of picture Flashcards- quiz mode as well (words or pictures)- can add in own flashcards (use PicSearch to search pictures and save to your camera roll) Make your own flashcards from pictures in camera roll (use PicSearch to find pictures and save them to your camera roll) and record voice My First Apps Free (Alligator Apps) ABA Flashcards- Free Emotions Conversation Level Activities Find the Free Differences (My first games) Find the Free Differences Can use as a conversation level activity- have the student explain what the difference is in each picture using words instead of touchingprobably too difficult for younger students Can use as a conversation level activity- have the student explain what the difference is in each picture using words instead of touching- Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Pirates (My first games) Hidden Pictures Lite (Highlights) My First Hidden Pictures Lite (Highlights) Preschool EduPlay probably too difficult for younger students Free Free Free I Spy Free Funny Face Free Mixamajig Free Princess (Dress up) Free Conversation Starters What If Show Me Stories Syntax Grammar Dragon Irregular Verbs Free Grammar Fun Free Grammar Jammers Shake A Phrase Good activity for conversation level- have the student describe where the hidden picture is using words instead of touching Good activity for conversation level- easier level for younger studentshave the student describe where the hidden picture is with words instead of touching Very easy Find the difference and Hidden pictures- have the student describe the differences and the describe the location of the hidden pictures Very easy I Spy Game- great for younger students- can use for conversation level- have the student describe where the hidden picture is with words instead of touching Choose different parts of a face to customize- describe the character when it is completed Mix four different parts of a character to invent a new one and then describe Choose clothes and accessories for the princess- have the student describe what they are choosing and why and then have them describe the princess at the end Various conversation starters to get a conversation going Free Free What if questions- to use as conversation starters Choose pictures in different themes and erase the covering for the picture to reveal it and have the student describe the picture Free Free Game in which you choose grade level- work on identifying parts of speech Lists of irregular verbs in alphabetical order and their correct irregular past tense form Game to identify the parts of speech Free Songs that describe various parts of speech Free $1.99 Can use as a quiz to identify parts of speech- can also use as a story starter Wordventure! Free Mad libs activities- can use to generate conversation or to do story retelling Mad Libs Free Mad libs activities- can use to generate conversation or to do story retelling Silly Stories Lite Free Mad libs story- can use to generate conversation or to do story retelling Syntax- Yes/No and Wh-Questions Magic Toilet Free Ask a yes/no question to the toilet and then flush to get your answer Battleship Ask yes/no questions to determine the location of your opponents battleships Kiddie $2.99 Who, What, When, Where, Why Questions – can select one specific type Questions of question or do all of them Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Scratch A Sketch Lite Sound Touch Lite Peekaboo Animals Free Peekaboo Barn Free Peekaboo Free Peekaboo Ocean Lite Seek and Find Free Free Free What am I Free (in app purchase $1.99 for full version) Free (in app purchase $0.99) Free Peek-a-Boo Free Who’s Hiding Christmas Balloonimals Free Peek A Boo- I see you Pet the Zoo, Pet the Animals Baby Buttons WhiteBoard, Glow Free, Steam Draw Creationary, Picto Free Free (in app purchase $1.99) Free Free Free Free Take turns asking “What is it” and scratch to reveal the picture- can also ask “What WILL it be?” Take turns playing an animal sound and asking “What is it?” or try a yes/no question “Is it a…?” Take turns asking “What is it” and scratch to reveal the picture- can also ask “What WILL it be?” or ask a yes/no question “Is it a…?” or play a guessing game in which you ask yes/no questions to find the identify of the hidden animal Take turns asking “What is it?” or “What WILL it be?” and then tapping to open the barn door to see the answer or take turns asking a yes/no question “Is it a…?” or play a guessing game in which you ask yes/no questions to find the identity of the hidden animal Take turns asking “Where is the …?” (animal) and see if the other person can find the animal Take turns asking “What WILL it be?” and see if the other person can guess before revealing Fun app where you tap certain people or animals and see what they doTake turns asking “Where is the…?” and answering Take turns asking “Where is Peekaboo?” and seeing if the other person can guess Unscramble the body parts to answer the question “What am I?”- take turns asking “What is it” or “What am I”, do the Peekaboo activity and ask “Where is the …?”, do the sheep shearing activity and ask “What colour is it?” or “What will happen next?” Tap to reveal an animal- take turns asking “What WILL it be?” or “What is it?” Tap to reveal the animal in the present box- ask “What WILL it be?” or “What is in the box?” Take turns asking “What WILL it be?” or “What WILL it do?” or “What is it doing?” or ask a yes/no question “Is it a…?” or hide the finished creature and play a guessing game in which you ask yes/no questions to find the identity of the balloon animal Flashcards- can ask “What is it?” or “Where does it live?” Tap once to make a button appear, tap again to reveal the picture- take turns asking “What is it?” Take turns drawing pictures and asking each other “What is it?” and seeing if the other person can guess Play the game and take turns asking each other “What is it?” Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada ?GuessWho? Free Instruments Free ABA FlashcardsZoo, Fruits and Nuts, Vegetables, Eat, Instruments, Vehicles, Emotions, Wear, Play, Shapes, Sports, Science Smart Baby Apps Food Festival, First Words, eFlashEnglish My First Hidden Pictures Lite (Highlights) Preschool EduPlay Show Me Stories Free Vocal Zoo, Zoo Sounds, Farm Sounds Who do you call? Wild and Domestic Animals What am I Riddles What am I Pets Free Free Guess Who Game- ask yes/no questions to find the hidden identity of the other person Play the instrument and ask the other person “What is it?”- can do with picture or by sound only to make it harder Take turns asking “What is it?” or “Is it a…?” (Category)- or play guessing games in which you ask yes/no questions to identify the item Free Take turns asking “What is it?” or “Is it a…?” (Category)- or play guessing games in which you ask yes/no questions to identify the item Free Take turns asking “Where is the …?” and have the other person answer Free Take turns asking “Where is the …?” and have the other person answer Free Take turns asking “Who is it?” or “Who WILL it be?” or “What is it?” and having the other person erase to see the picture- can also ask “What is he/she doing?” Take turns playing the animal sound and asking “What is it?” Free Free Take turns asking “Who is it?” and then unscrambling the pictures to show the answer Take turns asking “Is it a wild animal?” and then putting the animal in the correct location Free Take turns listening to the clues and asking “Who am I?” Free Take turns asking “What am I?” and unscrambling the mixed up character to reveal the answer Take turns asking “What is it?” and having the student answer aloud to cause an interesting animation Play ‘n Say Free House, Play ‘n Say Vehicles View a Clue Free Take turns asking “Where is the …?” and answering Who am I Free Take turns giving clues and then asking “Who am I?” Pickids Fruit Free Take turns asking “Where is the …?” Grammar- Complex Sentences Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada What If ABA FlashcardsHH (Healthy Habits) Different Roads to LearningWhat goes together Brain-Go ABA FlashcardsWhat Goes Together ABA FlashcardsWhich Does Not Belong Clean up NLC AutismSort and categorize Smart Kids Opposites 3D Day/Night, Black/White Speech with MiloSequencing Funny Face Cookie Maker 2 & Tasty Ice Cream Mixamajig Princess Dress Up ABA FlashcardsZoo, Fruits and Nuts, Vegetables, Eat, Instruments, Vehicles, Emotions, Wear, Play, Shapes, Sports, Science Grammar ABA FlashcardsActions Free Free Use to create “if” sentences Use to create “because” or “so” sentences Free Use to create “because” sentences Free Free Use to create “because” sentences Use to create “because” sentences Free Use to create “because” sentences Free Free Use to create “because” sentences Use to create “because” sentences Free Use to create “because” sentences Use to create “but” sentences Use to create “but” sentences Use to create “before” and “after” sentences Free Free Use to make descriptions using the word “that” or “which” or “who” Use to make descriptions using the word “that” or “which” or “who” Free Use to make descriptions using the word “that” or “which” or “who” Use to make descriptions using the word “that” or “which” or “who” Free Use to play a describing game in which you make sentences with the words “that” or “which” or “who” Free Can use for present progressive or future tense- can use for past tense if you skip over the irregular past tense cards (or vice versa)- can also use to Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada My First Apps (Alligator Apps) Free Show Me Stories Free Talking Tom Talking Tom 2 Talking Nikki Gunther Little Farm Seek and Find Free Free Free ABA Flashcards- Free Zoo, Fruit and Nuts, Vegetables, Eat, Instruments, Vehicles, Emotions, Wear, Play, Shapes, Sports, Science Concepts: Time Concepts iLearn with Poko Seasons Earth Day 2011- Four Seasons Calendar (on all mobile devices already) Holidays Calendar Mom’s Daily Planner Weather Eye Free teach pronouns he/she/they Flashcards- has a category for actions- quiz mode as well (words or pictures)- can add in own flashcards (use PicSearch to search pictures and save to your camera roll)- can use to teach pronouns he/she/they Choose pictures in different themes and erase the covering for the picture to reveal it and have the student describe the picture using copulas- or describe what the person is doing, will do or has done- can use to teach pronouns he/she/they Practice asking questions and having Talking Tom repeat you- or make Talking Tom or Gunther do something and describe what he is doing or what he will do- can use Talking Tom for “he” and Talking Nikki for “she” Ask “What is… doing?” “What will happen?” “What happened?” Ask the student “What is …doing?” “What will happen?” and “What happened?” use copulas to describe where a particular animal, person or object is Use for copulas “It is…” “They are…”- identify the item, the colour, or the category Works on identifying characteristics of the seasons, dressing for the season and works putting activities on a weekly calendar (can work on days of the week and sequence concepts) Book to describe the seasons and the weather associated with the seasons Free Use to talk about months, days of the week- use to schedule activities into certain days, talk about the holidays $0.99 Use to look up all the holidays for the current year Free Use to talk about months, days of the week, use to schedule activities into certain days, talk about the holidays Use to check the weather for today, tomorrow, can use to work on the days of the week, morning, afternoon, etc. Free Concepts- Location Concepts Speech With Works on teaching prepositions MiloPrepositions Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Humpty Dumpty Peekaboo Free Works on “on” and “off”, “up” and “down” Free Where’s Mommy Free Seek and Find Free Whiteboard, Glow Free, Steam Draw Cookie Maker 2 & Tasty Ice Cream Find them All Find and learn Hidden Pix My1st Hidden Pix, iSpy, EduPlay, View a Clue Funny Face Free Tap to listen to the animal and then turn the light on to see where it ishave the student describe where that animal is in relation to the other animals “Find the…” (can add in own pictures as well)- have the student describe where the particular picture is- first, second, third column, which row, corner, between, beside, above, below, left, right etc. Fun app where you tap certain people or animals and see what they dohave the student describe where a particular animal, person or object is in the picture Describe what you would like the student to draw and have them draw it – use location concepts to give the directions, or draw an object and have the student add something to the picture in relation to that object Have the student describe where he/she is going to place each decoration etc. Free Free Free Free Free Have the student find the given animal and explain where it is Have the student find the particular animal and describe where it is Have the student find the hidden picture and describe where it is Have the student describe where he/she is going to place each part of the face Concepts- Size & Same/Different & Colours & Shapes Big or Small Free Find the Big or Small Letters Whizzy Kids Free Match the monster- teach same/different- can also use for conversation to describe the monster Learn Shapes Free Find the shape (choice of four items) Fun Shapes HD Free Shape Matching Activity Shapes and Free Find the shape of a particular colour (choice of four items) Colours DTT Autism Find the shape (choice of two)- customizable- choose your own correct Shapes and incorrect targets Toddler Shapes Free Match the shapes Shapes Free Flashcards, shape quiz DTT Autism Free Find the colours (choice of two)- customizable- choose your own correct Colours and incorrect targets Concepts- Sequence Speech with Sequence pictures in a story MiloSequencing Making PizzaFree Story to read and then sequence- if you take a screenshot of several LAZ pictures, then you can print them off and have the student put them in order or use the app visualList to select the pictures, put on captions and Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada A Seed GrowsLAZ Free Make Lemonade Free Balloonimals (lite- gives you one balloon animal) Free $1.99 for full version (gives 12 animals) Free WhiteBoard, Glow Free, Steam Draw Tasty Ice Cream, Cookie Maker 2 How to Draw Peek-A-Boo I see you put them in the correct order Story to read and then sequence- if you take a screenshot of several pictures, then you can print them off and have the student put them in order or use the app visualList to select the pictures, put on captions and put them in the correct order Story to read and then sequence- if you take a screenshot of several pictures, then you can print them off and have the student put them in order or use the app visualList to select the pictures, put on captions and put them in the correct order Do the activity with the student, discuss what they did first, second, third, last Draw a set of objects in a line and have the student identify the one at the beginning, the middle, the end, first, second, third, last, etc. Free Discuss the steps in making and decorating an ice cream cone or cookiesfirst, second, third, last, etc. Free Discuss the steps in drawing a particular picture- first, second, third, last etc. Find Peekaboo hiding behind one of three objects- first, second, thirdhave child indicate which one he thinks Free (in app upgrade $0.99) Concepts- Number and Quantity Counting Ants Free Ants go Marching song- teaches numbers 1-10 (Ants go Marching) Learn your 1 2 Free Teaches numbers 1-4 (flashcards and quiz) 3 Lite 123 Tracer Free Free Trace numbers, count items, put numbers in order, add and subtract, do even and odd numbers Toddler Free Counting 1-5 Counting Lite Numbers Game Free Identifying numbers Numbers Free Number Flashcards with quantity DTT Numbers Find the numbers (choice of two)- customizable- choose your own correct and incorrect targets Fishing Toddler Free ABC, 123, Colour, Shape- Find the matching item Toddler 123 Free Match numbers to reveal picture hidden underneath, has a number song, trace the number Let’s Count Free Counting animals Animals Vocabulary- Expressive Naming & Categorizing Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada auFlashcards Creationary, Picto Free Instruments Free ABA FlashcardsZoo, Fruits and Nuts, Vegetables, Eat, Instruments, Vehicles, Emotions, Wear, Play, Shapes, Sports, Science Smart Baby Apps Food Festival, First Words, eFlashEnglish Animal Fun Baby Flashcards My First Couplets Play ‘n Say House, Play ‘n Say Vehicles Preschool Memory Match Farm Flip Show me Stories Mixamajig Free Free Flashcards Game to identify pictures in categories Free Instrument flashcards with sound Free Flashcards Free Flashcards Free Free Free Flashcards Flashcards Flashcards- two word combinations (adjectives and nouns) Free Have student give name for each item in the category to see a cool animation Free Memory game for items in various categories Free Free Memory Game for Farm animals Reveal picture scenes by category- good for teaching vocabulary Mix up characters and use descriptive words to describe the resulting character Dress the princess and use adjectives to describe Princess Dress Free Up Cookie Maker 2 Free Make ice cream cone or cookies and then use adjectives to describe what and Tasty Ice you have made Cream Vocabulary Receptive Naming Where’s Free Can customize by adding in own pictures and instructions “Find the…”Mommy? can do by category etc. iTaboFree Free Give clues without using certain words What am I Free Clues to identify farm animals Farm Fruity Quiz Free Identify the fruit from a choice of four- need to read aloud to students Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada who can’t yet read Find the … (animal) Clues to identify the animal (higher level) Clues to identify community helpers Find and Learn Free Animalpedia Free Who do you Free call? What am I Free Listen to clues to identify person Riddles What am I Pets Free Listen to clues to identify pet- unscramble picture to show answer ABA FlashcardsIdentify pictures from a set of three with certain characteristics or which Receptive belong to certain categories Combined ABA FlashcardsIdentify pictures from a set of three Receptive Identification 1 ABA FlashcardsIdentify pictures from a set of three according to their function Receptive by Function ABA FlashcardsIdentify pictures from a set of three that belong to a particular category Receptive by Class ABA FlashcardsIdentify pictures from a set of three that have a particular feature Receptive by Feature PicKids Fruit Free Find the fruit from a set of four pictures Who am I Lite Free Read clues for animals and then reveal answer Baby Animals Free Identify the picture of the baby animal (choose from a set of four) Lite ABCville- Native Free Identify the animal based on where it is found (choose from a set of four) Animal Vocabulary Word Associations Different Roads Free Which item goes with this? (set of two pictures) to LearningWhat goes together ABA Flashcards- Free Identify which item from a set of four would be used in a particular HH (Healthy situation Habits) Brain-Go Free Identify the picture that does not belong- put it in the garbage can ABA Flashcards- Free Identify two of four pictures that go together What Goes Together ABA Flashcards- Free Identify the picture that does not belong from a set of four Which Does Not Belong Clean up Free Sort each picture into one of three categories NLC AutismFree Identify which of four categories the picture belongs to Sort and Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada categorize Smart Kids Free Dino-Sort Free Food Frenzy Free Wild and Free Domestic Animals Synonyms/Antonyms Opposites 3D Opposite Free Ocean Same Meaning Day/Night, Black/White Narratives Story Chimesmany books are free- has many classic stories (3 Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Ugly Duckling, Sleeping Beauty, the Princess and the Pea, etc) iReading (8 in 1) Free Identify which of four pictures an item goes with Sort pictures with a Venn Diagram according to 2 features Sort food items into food groups Sort animals into category of wild vs domestic Identify the opposite from a set of three pictures Choose grade level (2 and up) and then find the opposite word from a set of four- need to read or have it read to the student- drag into oyster to check answer Choose grade level (2 and up) and then find synonyms from a set of fourneed to read or have it read to the student- drag into well to check answer Opposite flashcards Free Read the story and have the student retell- can take screen shots of the pictures and then use an app such as visualList to sequence the pictures and to retell the story Free Aesop’s Fables- Read the story and have the student retell- can take screen shots of the pictures and then use an app such as visualList to sequence the pictures and to retell the story Free classic stories with illustrations- Read the story and have the student retell- can take screen shots of the pictures and then use an app such as visualList to sequence the pictures and to retell the story Design a character and make a story Write part of story, then pass it to the next person to add on MeeGenius Free StoryMaker Once Upon a Time Vacation Brag Free Free Story Wheel Free Mixamajig Show me Stories Free Free Write a story about a vacation and add pictures from camera roll – or just use pictures and make up story as you go along Spin to see a picture and record a section of the story and then spin and find a new picture to incorporate into the story and add on to the recording Design a character and then tell a story about that character Reveal a picture scene and tell a story about it Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Listening WhiteBoard, Glow Free, Steam Draw Mr. Squeaky Free Use as a barrier type game- give student description of items to draw and see if they can replicate what you have described Free Have student repeat words or phrases after you and record their voice with Mr. Squeaky to make it higher or lower pitched- can also record voice with Talking Tom or Talking Tom 2 Find the…- listen for instructions to find a particular animal Identify the picture of the item that makes a particular sound Find and Learn Different Roads to LearningWhat makes this sound Zoo Sounds, Animal Sounds Who do you call? ABA FlashcardsCombined, Receptive, Function, Class, Feature What am I Riddles What am I pets Who am I Simon Says Lite How to Draw Free Free Treasure Hunt Free Free Free Listen to the sound and touch the picture (choice of 2) of the animal that makes that sound Listen to the clues and identify the community helper Listen to instructions to identify the correct picture (from a choice of 3) Free Listen to the clues to identify the person Free Free Free Free Listen to the clues to identify the pet Listen to the clues to identify the animal Listen to the instructions and only do what Simon Says Have one person give directions to create the picture, one step at a time and have the other person try to draw the picture without looking Listen to the instructions for the treasure hunt and find the hidden treasure- can customize to your location and hide your own treasure Learning to Listen sounds- associate the sounds with the pictures (Auditory Verbal Therapy) Find the animal that is named (from an increasingly larger set of pictures) Listen to instructions on how to dress up the princess Learn to Listen Animal Find Princess Dress Up Tasty Ice Cream & Cookie Maker 2 Rhymes Free MotherGoose Goosed-Up Nursery Rhymes Toddler Email Lite Free Free MiniMod $3.99 Free Listen to instructions on how to make the ice cream cone and cookie and to decorate them Free Listen to nursery rhymes and retell Listen to nursery rhymes and retell Listen to nursery rhymes and retell Free Under “Friends”- see nursery rhymes and read them to the student and have them attempt to retell them- do activities related to the nursery rhymes Read the story to the student and have them answer the multiple choice Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Reading for Details Lite MiniMod Reading for Inferences Lite Story Chimesmany books are free- has many classic stories (3 Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Ugly Duckling, Sleeping Beauty, the Princess and the Pea, etc) iReading (8 in 1) MeeGenius questions about the details $3.99 Read the story to the student and have them answer the multiple choice questions that involve making inferences Free Listen to the story and then have the student retell or ask them questions about the story Free Listen to the story and then have the student retell or ask them questions about the story Free Listen to the story and then have the student retell or ask them questions about the story Phonological Awareness- Letter-Sound Correspondence Abc Pocket Free Choose letters from first set of Jolly Phonics and trace the letter and hear Phonics Lite the sound- also can do activity where you match letter to a word that starts with that sound Phonics Free Free Tap on a letter to hear the sound it makes- can also tap on letter to see word that starts with that sound and hear it being sounded out iMother Free Identifies sounds and words that start with those sounds Goose’s Phonics Flash Cards First Letters Free Match the letters to hear the sound it makes and then reveal a word that Lite starts with that sound Meet the Free Listen to the letter and find the letter from a set of three Vowels ABC Phonetics Free Tap on the flashcards of the letters to hear the sound and a word that starts with the same sound Letters Free Matching game in which you find the matching letter pairs and hear the sounds being said ABC Teacher Free Tap on a letter to hear a song about its sound ABC Magic 2 Free Tap on letter to hear sound and four words that start with that sound Phonological Awareness- Rhyming Bunny Bus Lite Free Find two out of three pictures that rhyme ABA Flashcards- Free Find a picture that rhymes with another one from a set of three What rhymes Green Eggs and Free Read the book to the student and leave out the last word in the phrase to Ham Lite have them fill in the rhyming word Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Bubble Words Free Touch the word that rhymes with the given word (word only- no picture) Free AbaTalk Fun Free Find the rhyming pairs (words only- no pictures) Rhyming Lite Phonological Awareness- Sound Blending and Segmenting Magic reading 2 Free Choose word by category- shows picture and number of sounds at the consonant bottom- sound out word by tapping each box- or can tap each sound and blends have the student blend it back together Magic Reading Free 3 sound words- choose by short vowel- can tap picture and have student 1 sound out word using boxes at bottom as a cue as to number of sounds or can tap each sound and have student guess the word Abatalk Phonics Free Find words with particular short vowels and shoot those words- words Lite only- no pictures ABC Spelling Free Tap word to hear sound- drag letters into boxes at bottom to spell the Magic word Consonant Blends First Sound Identification Phonics Free Free Tap on a letter to hear the sound it makes- can also tap on letter to see word that starts with that sound and hear it being sounded out Abc Pocket Free Choose letters from first set of Jolly Phonics and trace the letter and hear Phonics Lite the sound- also can do activity where you match letter to a word that starts with that sound ABCville Free Tap on one of four pictures to find the one that starts with a particular letter iMother Free Identifies sounds and words that start with those sounds Goose’s Phonics Flash Cards ABC lite Free Shuffle the flashcards to match the letter with a word that starts with that letter First Letters Free Match the letters to hear the sound it makes and then reveal a word that Lite starts with that sound ABC Phonetics Free Tap on the flashcards of the letters to hear the sound and a word that starts with the same sound ABC Magic 2 Free Tap on letter to hear sound and four words that start with that sound BabySmart Free Listen to letter name and then tap picture of word that starts with that letter ABC Magic Free Match letters to pictures of words starting with that sound or match two Memory Match pictures starting with the same sound ABC Magic Free Match letters to pictures of words starting with that sound or match two pictures starting with the same sound Turn Taking iPlunk Free Kerplunk game- take turns taking out sticks and see who releases the most marbles 4 in a Row Free Four in a Row Game (Connect Four) My Snakes Lite Free Snakes and Ladders Game Elizabeth Glover, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada Tic Tac Glow Crocodile Dentist Jenga Free Free Tic Tac Toe Tap a tooth one at a time- see who gets bitten by the crocodile Gobble Gator Free Can Knock Down Glide Hockey or Air Hockey Hit the Apple Ant Smasher Goaaal! Lite Stick Picker Fruit Ninja Lite 10 Pin Lite Cup Stack Pin The Donkey Free Pull out a block and put it on top of the tower- don’t knock over the tower Use your crocodile to chomp on ducks- see who can get the most (take turns) Throw a ball and knock down as many cans as you can Free Air hockey- see who can get the most goals Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Archery Game to see how many points you can get Smash as many ants as you can Score as many soccer goals as possible Game to see who can pick up the last stick Slice the fruit and see who gets the highest score Bowling game- see who can get the most points See who can stack the cups the fastest See who can pin the tail on the donkey with the fewest taps