NANO SCALE SCIENCE/MATH for the Middle School Presenters: Bob Neudel, Science Teacher, Bridgett Frary, Math Teacher, The Albany Academies 135 Academy Road Albany, NY 12208 Download Power Point at: and click “nano unit” or How many years has Nano Technology been used? How many years has Nano Technology been used? 2000 years! We now know that a cup made by the Romans 1700 years ago used nanotechnology! Slide from Copyright April 2009 The Pennsylvania State University We now know that the beautiful stained-glass windows made 1600 years ago by the ancient Irish also used nanotechnology. (We just found out because we just learned how to see the nano-particles they used). Agenda Intro 10 min-- Short video Sample Labs/activities 20 min Bringing it together 20 min Activities Resources Questions: What ever time is left Play some more if time permits.... Short Video-- what is a nanometer: 4_AFzKlAXsg elated MATH ACTIVITIES What is a Billion? Building an understanding and a mental visualization of one billion. How many golf balls would it take to fill this room? Materials: golf balls, a meter sticks, calculators Procedure: Find the diameter of a golf ball in cm. Find the dimensions of the room in meters. Convert the dimensions of the room from meters to golf balls. Find the Volume of the room in golf balls. Challenge: How could you determine the size of a container that would hold one billion golf balls? What size would the container be? How tall would a stack of a billion sheets of card stock be? Materials: 25 sheets of card stock, metric ruler Procedure: Students measure the stack of 25 sheets then calculate the height of 100 sheets, then 1 billion sheets of card stock. Challenge: One story building is approximately 3m high. How many stories would a billion sheets of card stock be? How long would it take to count from one to one billion? Materials: stopwatch Procedure: One student counts from one to 10 while being timed. Based on that time the student will calculate the number of seconds to count to 100, to 1,000, and to one billion. Then they will calculate how many years it will take to count to one billion. Nano Shapes: Tiny Geometry Materials: Buckeyball template printed on cardstock. Scissors, tape Procedure: Students will cut out the template, then fold each dark line. Connect the matching letters and tape where they meet. Finished Product: A BUCKEYBALL!! Math Hanouts in Resource Materials.. End of Power Point SCIENCE ACTIVITIES Properties Purpose: to build skills of describing characteristics for future activities. Directions: Introduce term 'Properties'. Ask students what they think the word means. Hand out a variety of objects (rubber ball, marble, wheel, for example) Ask class to list properties they all share. Then ask them to list properties that are unique to each. Compare answers You can extend this activity with other objects. Electrical Friction on a Nano Scale Purpose: See how electricity can be produced thru Friction. Materials: Cow (or cylinder shape) magnet, 1 copper and 1 pc piping same height and inside dimensions. Procedure: Have students hold hand under plastic tube and run magnet through (Vertical). Write observations. Repeat with copper tube. Questions: Why did the magnet 'slow down' and make noise in the copper tube? Explanations for Electrical Friction Have you ever looked inside an electric motor… two main parts are coiled wire and magnets. Hook that electric motor to a voltmeter or bulb and turn motor: Presto… you have a Generator. Electricity is produced when a magnet runs around copper wire or copper wire wraps around a magnet. When you run the magnet down the copper tube you are moving electrons on the nano scale – while not producing usable electricity– you are producing electricity or electrical friction that slows the magnet down. Another explanation: magnet_is_dropped_inside_a_copper_tube_its_ex it_is_delayed_by_a_few_minutes_why Nano Scale Cotton vs cotton Explanation: The nano sized cotton is shaped something like velcro--- the ends of the cotton are so small that water will cling to the top of the fibers (lesson on Materials: 100% cotton cloth and pair of water!) and roll off. 'nano-tex' pants (can be purchased at Target). This material top coating is nano sized cotton fibers that water will cling to and roll off. Procedure: Have students pour 10 cc's of water on cotton material. Do the same with nano tex. take notes. For visual effect... wear a pair of pants and pour 10 cc' of water on pants! Purpose: to see how small size can change properties of cotton. Nano Scale Ferrous Fluid Purpose: Observe how iron filings in nano scale have different properties. Materials: Magnet, Iron filings, Commercial ferrofluid. Procedure*: Have class make predictions, next test a magnet with iron filings. Next make predictions on what nano sized filings might do. Test with magnet next to tubes with nano fluid. *Goggles, please! Explanation: "Ferrodluid, first developed by NASA in the 1960's consists of nano sized magnetic particles suspended in a liquid. Notice different 3 dimensional images." (Explanation from Flinn Scientific) Nano Ferrous Fluid Students Discover: Sand vs Nano Size Coating Purpose: Students make predictions and observe properties of sand and nano size particles of sand. 2. Pour sand and Magic Sand into water. Procedure: Pass out fine sand particles and ask students to make predictions. Do the same for the nano-coated sample. 1. Next pour water over sand and then sample. Explanation and Where to purchase: http://www.steve t/1331 Follow up reading: 27 and UV Light Detector beads Purpose: Observe how technology can test for UV light on the nano sclae (100-200 nm). Procedure: This makes a great lesson to discuss properties of light and UV light as well as test sun tan lotions and/or UV coated glasses. Hand students a small zip lock bag. Ask them to make predictions of what would happen if the beads are held in front of UV light. On a sunny day for our side and test of check what indoor lights put out. Expanded lesson: Have research and give reports on UV light or the dangerds of UV light . Then have them design an experiment to test for UV light. Explanation and Purchase: http://www.steve t/experiment/00000118 UV Beads Cont. • Have students design experiment snf test UV protection for: • 1. Suntan lotions (brands or pf 15:30:50 • 2. Hand creams • 3. Glasses… Are your glasses protecting you… or cheap sunglasses vs expensive ones. • #’s 1—3 Best done outdoors in sunlight. 4. Will the beads change color on a cloudy day Graphite... Testing properties of adding layers. This can be done at same time of the Buckyball Math Lab…examining carbon properties. Materials: Number 2 pencil, voltmeter (Comparing how bright a light bulb glows is an alternative to a voltmeter). Purpose: Students will observe how adding layers to small particles can increase conduction. Procedure: Test paper for conduction with a voltmeter. Have students design an experiment that would test how adding graphite may increase voltage. Example: Draw one line on paper. Draw over the line. How does adding to this effect the conduction of electricity. I found 1 single line, writing over line ten times, 30 times, 50 times gave measurable readings with a number 2 pencil. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Purpose: Produce hydrogen gas (with a solar panel) to collect hydrogen gas for Hydrogen Powered Car. Materials: Hydrogen Model Car (can be purchased at variety of science suppliers.). Notes: Limitless activities--this is a unit in itself. Procedure ideas: Have students research properties of hydrogen and oxygen, H2 powered cars, solar energy. Collect Hydrogen in test tube and test with a match. Do same with oxygen. (Operational definition of H2 and O2. Collect H2 gas and run Hydrogen powered car. Student research how Fuel Cell converts Hydrogen to electricity. Nano Science Visit and Career Opportunities! 1. Arrange visit to SUNY Albany School of Nano Science. e-mail: Steven Stewart at for information. Questions for this workshop: Science :Bob Neudel or Math Bridgett Frary For Career oportunities for students to research: reers.html Materials Ferrofluid: Flinn Science: http://www.flinnsci .com/store/scripts/prodVie w.asp?idproduct=22304 or duct/physical+science/physics /magnetism/ferrofluid+displa You Tube Help What is a nanometer and Excellent introduction: tch?v=sITy14zCvI8 What is nanotechnology... good for middle school students: http://www.youtu Xsg Buckeyball Annimation: BqCY Buckeyball: annimation and m/watch?v=HR3lwWhFUD4 Chem Matters-medicine: http://www.youtu dg Thanks to: It would be nice to say that all these thoughts and labs are ours but they are not! Albany College of Nano Science especially: Diana Dumesnil Bob Gear, Stephen Stewart. Pennsylvania School of Nano Science Nanoscale Science: Activities for Grades 6-12By: M. Gail Jones, Michael R. Falvo, Amy R. Taylor, and Bethany P. BroadwellNSTA Press Book: Link to book: nano%20science. Math Resources from this book pages 13, 14, 15 and 30 for classroom use only. You Tube Cotton Fiber: om/watch?v=eAkfMODXdgw Iron 1 watch?v=BDqsdpAF89Q Iron 2 watch?v=4NRt5aIuCPM Resources you will be asked to register but all teaching materials are free. Buckyballs explanation: http://scifun.c ckball/buckball.html and ticle.aspx?ArticleID=1781 What is Nano Science explanation: /education/overview.html