SLAC E-158 A Study of Parity Violation in Møller Scattering Mike Woods, SLAC UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 1 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) Outline • • • • • • Physics Motivation E158 Beam and Beam Monitors LH2Target and Spectrometer Detectors Analysis Results & Outlook UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 2 Beyond the Standard Model Energy Frontier • Tevatron • LHC • (Linear Collider) Symmetry Violations Rare or Forbidden Processes Precision Electroweak Measurements Indirect access to TeV-scale physics Can clarify gauge structure and nature of New Physics discoveries at colliders Can motivate parameters for new colliders (ex. ILC, LHC upgrades, VLHC) Current Low Energy experiments can probe New Physics at (1 – 10) TeV! UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 3 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 4 Precision Electroweak Measurements 3 SM gauge parameters g, g’, v0 || a, GF, mZ from experiment aQED, known to 3 ppb: electron (g-2) GF, known to 9 ppm: muon lifetime mZ, known to 23 ppm: Z boson mass To compare precision measurements with SM predictions, need accurate radiative corrections, with input from DaQED(Q2), aS, mtop p g g p g W t W b High energy measurements: Z lineshape, W mass, Z-pole asymmetries Low energy measurements: muon (g-2), n-N DIS, atomic PV, e-e PV, e-N PV This talk UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 APV (e-e) M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 5 Parity Violation in Moller Scattering Polarized electron beam; unpolarized electron target APV R L M ZR M ZL R L Mg APV Q2 2 (1 4 sin 2 W ) MZ (g-Z interference) meas APV Pe APV For E158, E=48 GeV, Q2=0.03 GeV2 At tree level, APV= -3 x 10-7 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) Weak Radiative Corrections reduce this by more than 50% 6 Parity Violation, Weak Mixing Angle Electroweak Theory: SU(2)L x U(1), with isotriplet field Aim and isosinglet field Bm SU(2)L coupling constant is g U(1) coupling constant is g’ A1m, A2m are charged fields and correspond to W+, W- particles A3m, Bm are neutral and can mix, giving the Z0 and g particles Weak mixing angle: g’=g tanW LH coupling RH coupling e W g g/ 2 0 Q f g sin W Q f g sin W ( g 2 g '2 )1 / 2 ( I 3f Q f sin 2 W ) ( g 2 g '2 )1 / 2 (Q f sin 2 W ) n f f f Z0 f UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 7 Parity Violation at Low Q2 (g-Z interference) Studies pioneered by SLAC E-122 (semi-leptonic DIS): • first observation of PV in weak neutral scattering • cornerstone experiment that solidified the Standard Model developed by Glashow, Weinberg and Salam sin 2 W 0.224 0.020 (APV ~ 10-4) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 8 Parity Violation at the Z-pole f e e APV ALR Z0 21 4 sin 2 Weff L R L R 1 1 4 sin 2 Weff 2 f Very precise measurements by SLD at SLAC • best measurement of weak mixing angle best indirect constraint on the Higgs mass ( sin 2 Weff M Z2 0.23098 0.00026 (APV ~ -0.15) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 9 At high energy: precise MW and sin2W from LEP1, LEP2, SLC and Tevatron Data consistency within context of SM is generally good Higgs mass constraints: • W mass and leptonic asymmetries predict light Higgs • Hadronic asymmetries predict heavy Higgs UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 10 Electroweak Measurements away from the Z-pole also needed! Better sensitivity to contact interactions, Z’, other New Physics is possible with precision Low Energy measurements Running of aem and aS with Q2 are well established What about the Q2 evolution of sin2W? And does it agree with SM prediction? UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 11 Running Coupling Constants, Unification Running of aS: From PDG: data from m, t width; decays; DIS; e+e- event rate at 25 GeV; event shapes at TRISTAN; Z width and e+e- event shapes at LEP-I, LEP-II. Running of aEM: established with data from Brookhaven (g-2)m; VENUS and TOPAZ at Tristan; L3 and OPAL at LEP Gauge coupling unification? g1, g2, g3 are U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) 2 (from M. Peskin, hep-ph/9705479) SM Q (GeV) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 coupling constants, and a i g i 4p 5 a EM SUSY a1 3 cos 2 W a EM a2 sin 2 W a3 aS Q (GeV) M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 12 Low Q2 Measurements of W eN nm nm g,Z0 m nm Z0 W N Boulder Cs QW(Cs) = R sin 2 W (M Z2 0.0019 Purely leptonic N JLAB Qweak (~2007) 2 NC vN vNC N CC vN 2 Z APV 1 4 sin W CC vN 0.0017 sin 2 W (M Z2 0.0007 Goal e- eg,Z0 g,Z0 e- CERN CHARMII sin 2 W (M Z2 0.008 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 N sin W (M 2 nm nm g,Z0 FNAL NuTeV -N+Z(1-4sin2W) e- e- e- SLAC E158 2 APV 1 4 sin W sin 2 W (M Z2 0.0014 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 13 References on Low Energy Electroweak Measurements: J. Erler and M.J. Ramsey-Musolf, hep-ph/0404291 “Low Energy Tests of the Weak Interaction” UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 14 SLAC E-158 L ~ 1038 cm-2s-1 5x1011 e-/pulse 45 GeV P=85% integrating flux counter 2 GHz 4-7 mrad LH2 End Station A UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 15 E158 Collaboration •UC Berkeley •Caltech •Jefferson Lab •Princeton •Saclay Sep 97: 2001: 2002: 2003: UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 •SLAC •Smith College 8 Ph.D. Students 60 physicists •Syracuse •UMass •Virginia EPAC approval Engineering run Physics Runs 1 (Spring), 2 (Fall) Physics Run 3 (Summer) M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 16 Key Ingredients Beam • High beam polarization (85-90%!) and beam current • Strict control of helicity-dependent systematics • Passive asymmetry reversals Target and Spectrometer • High power LH2 target • Spectrometer optimized for Møller kinematics UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 17 E158 Physics Runs Run 1: Spring 2002 Run 2: Fall 2002 Run 3: Summer 2003 *1 Peta-Electron = 1015 electrons UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 18 E-158 Beam Parameters Parameter Proposal Achieved Intensity at 48 GeV 6 x 1011 / pulse 5.3 x 1011 Intensity at 45 GeV 3.5 x 1011 4.3 x 1011 Polarization 80% 85-90% Repetition Rate 120 Hz 120 Hz Intensity jitter / pulse 2% rms 0.5% rms Energy jitter / pulse 0.4% rms 0.03% rms Energy spread - 0.15% rms Delivered Charge (Peta-E) 345K 410K UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 19 Polarized Source Laser System IA Feedback Loop IA cell applies a helicity-correlated phase shift to the beam. The cleanup polarizer transforms this into intensity asymmetry. UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 POS Feedback Loop Piezomirror can deflect laser beam on a pulse-to-pulse basis. Can induce helicity-correlated position differences. M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 20 Photocathode for Polarized Gun High doping for 10-nm GaAs surface overcomes charge limit. Low doping for most of active layer yields high polarization. 1000 A Cathode for Run 3 Gradient-doped strained superlattice; 5% higher polarization than for Runs 1,2 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 25mm 25mm Active Region GaAs0.64P0.36 Buffer GaAs(1-x)Px Graded Layer GaAs Substrate M. Woods (SLAC E-158) GaAsP Strained GaAs 30 A 40 A GaAsP Strained GaAs GaAsP Strained GaAs 21 Beam Monitoring Devices Energy dithering region BPM24 X (MeV) Can compare measurements of neighboring devices to determine the precision of the measurement. toroid ~30 ppm BPM ~2 microns Agreement (MeV) energy ~1 MeV BPM12 X (MeV) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 22 End Station A UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 23 Scattering Chamber and Spectrometer Magnets LH2 Scattering Chamber UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 ‘Sewer Pipe’ in front of Detector Cart M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 24 Experimental Layout in ESA Target chamber Quadrupoles Concrete Shielding Detector Cart Precision Beam Monitors Dipoles Main Collimators Drift pipe Luminosity Monitor 60 m UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 25 Liquid Hydrogen Target Refrigeration Capacity Max. Heat Load: - Beam - Heat Leaks - Pumping Length Radiation Lengths Volume Flow Rate UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 1000W 500W 200W 100W 1.5 m 0.18 47 liters 5 m/s Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Wire mesh disks in target cell region to introduce turbulence at 2mm scale and a transverse velocity component. Total of 8 disks in target region. M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 26 E158 Spectrometer Line-of-sight shielding requires a •Target is an 18% radiator •Moller ring is 20 cm from the beam “dogleg” or “chicane” UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 27 Collimators UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 28 Collimators Acceptance Collimator UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 29 Kinematics UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 30 Detectors MOLLER, ep are copper/quartz fiber calorimeters PION is a quartz bar Cherenkov LUMI is an ion chamber with Al pre-radiator All detectors have azymuthal segmentation, and have PMT readout to 16-bit ADC UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) MOLLER 1 E 4 MOTT LUMI lab 1.5mrad MOLLER lab 6.0mrad 31 1 E 2 4 Moller, ep Detector •20 million 17 GeV electrons per pulse at 120 Hz •100 MRad radiation dose: Cu/Fused Silica Sandwich -State of the art in ultra-high flux calorimetry -Challenging cylindrical geometry Single Cu plate “ep” ring “Møller” ring End plate Lead shield Light guide PMT holder Lead shield UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 32 Profile Detector 4 Quartz Cherenkov detectors with PMT readout insertable pre-radiators insertable shutter in front of PMTs Radial and azymuthal scans collimator alignment, spectrometer tuning background determination Q2 measurement Cerenkov detector Linear drive Bearing wheels UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 33 Scattered Flux Profile Moller Detector ep Detector ee Moller signal ep QC1B (main acceptance) collimator ep Background to Moller sample: • 6% from elastic scattering • 1% from inelastic scattering • (29±4) ppb correction Insertable QC1A collimator - used for polarimetry UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 34 Pion Detector Quartz Cherenkov Detector with PMT readout ~ 0.2 % pion flux ~ 1 ppm asymmetry ~ (0 ± 2) ppb correction UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 35 LUMI Detector Segmented ion chamber detector with Aluminum preradiator. 500W incident power (50W from synchrotron radiation) Signal: Motts and high energy Mollers 350M electrons per pulse; <E>~40 GeV APV ~ -10ppb Enhanced sensitivity to beam fluctuations Null asymmetry measurement Diagnostic for luminosity fluctations, including target density fluctuations. UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 36 Experimental Features Beam helicity is chosen pseudo-randomly at 120 Hz • use electo-optical Pockels cell in Polarized Light Source • sequence of pulse quadruplets; one quadruplet every 33 ms: RR R R R R R R 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 Physics Asymmetry Reversals: • Insertable Halfwave Plate in Polarized Light Source • (g-2) spin precession in A-line (45 GeV and 48 GeV data) ‘Null Asymmetry’ Cross-check is provided by a Luminosity Monitor • measure very forward angle e-p (Mott) and Moller scattering Also, False Asymmetry Reversals: (reverse false beam position and angle asymmetries; physics asymmetry unchanged) • Insertable “-I/+I” Inverter in Polarized Light Source UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 37 APV Measurement det (det ~ I E 4 where: det : detected flux (20 million Moller electrons/spill) I : beam intensity E: beam energy phys·I) : scattering angle Assume dependence on beam parameters is linear over the jitter range: meas phys APV = Pe APV + AQ + {E, x, y, x, y a = a D Contribution due to ‘False’ beam asymmetries } APV aE 1 ppb/ppb ax 1 ppb/nm ay 1 ppb/nm UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 ax 2 ppb/nm ay 2 ppb/nm M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 38 APV Measurement 1. Measure asymmetry for each pair of pulses, p, A p exp σR - σL σR σL 2. Correct for difference in R/L beam properties, charge, position, angle, energy A praw A pexp ai Δxi R-L differences coefficients determined experimentally by regression or from dithering coefficients 3. Sum over all pulse pairs, A raw A praw 4. Obtain physics asymmetry: 1 A raw DA bkg A PV Pb 1 fbkg backgrounds background dilutions beam polarization, linearity UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 39 Moller Detector Regression Corrections In addition, independent analysis based on beam dithering UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 40 Raw Asymmetry Systematics • First order systematic effects – False asymmetry in electronics • Measured to be smaller than 1 ppb – Errors in correction slopes • Measured by comparing two 60 Hz “timeslots” • Beam-induced asymmetries of ~1 ppm corrected to below stat errors of 50 ppb in multiple data samples • Higher-order corrections – Beam size fluctuations • Measured by wire array – Correlation between beam asymmetry and pulse length (intra-spill asymmetries) • New electronics in Run III UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 41 SLICES: Temporal Beam Profile • SLICES readout in 10 bit ADCs Q : bpm31Q (4) E : bpm12X (3) X : bpm41X (4) Y : bpm41Y (4) dX : bpm31X (4) dY : bpm31Y (4) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 S1 S2 S3 S4 BPM 12X “Real” Waveform Integration time : S1 : 0 -100 ns S2 : 100-200 ns S3 : 200-300 ns S3 : 300-1000 ns M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 42 Additional Corrections • OUT detector at edge of Møller acceptance most sensitive to beam systematics • Use it to set limits on the grand asymmetry detectorwith asymmetry vs sample OUTOUT asymmetry SLICE correction trouble Better ! UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 43 EP Sample: Summary Preliminary (raw asymmetries) ARAW(45 GeV) = -1.36 ± 0.05 ppm (stat. only) ARAW(48 GeV) = -1.70 ± 0.08 ppm (stat. only) Ratio of asymmetries: APV(48 GeV) /APV(45 GeV) = 1.25 ± 0.08 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) Consistent with expectations for inelastic ep asymmetry, but hard to interpret in terms of fundamental parameters 22±4 ppb correction to Møller asymmetry Test of strong interactions in E158 ? UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 44 Transverse Asymmetries Beam-Normal Asymmetry in elastic electron scattering Electron beam polarized transverse to beam direction 2p d( ) AT S e (k e k'e ) sin d Interference between one- and two-photon exchange AT UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 a me s M. Woods (SLAC E-158) a me 2mtarget E beam 45 AT in Møller Scattering e e e e e e e e s 200MeV AT ame s Theory References: 1. A. O. Barut and C. Fronsdal, (1960) 2. L. L. DeRaad, Jr. and Y. J. Ng (1975) 3. Lance Dixon and Marc Schreiber:hep/ph-0402221 (Included bremsstrahlung corrections: few percent) E158 acceptance UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 Prediction for 46 GeV: ~ -3.5 ppm M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 46 Transverse ee Asymmetry Asymmetry vs Flips sign at 43 GeV Two-photon exchange; QED measurement with E-158 Observe ~ 2.5 ppm asymmetry First measurement of single-spin transverse asymmetry in e-e scattering. Theory References: 1. A. O. Barut and C. Fronsdal, (1960) 2. L. L. DeRaad, Jr. and Y. J. Ng (1975) 3. Lance Dixon and Marc Schreiber; hep-ph/0402221 i) Interesting signal, ii) potential background for APV measurement UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 47 Transverse ep Asymmetry Moller ring • Raw asymmetry! • Has the opposite sign! (preliminary!) • Polarization & background corrections • ~ 25% inelastic ep • Few percent pions (asymmetry small) Proton structure at E158 ! ep ring (Azimuthal angle) 43 & 46 GeV ep ep ~ 24 hrs of data UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 48 Longitudinal ep Asymmetry ARAW(45 GeV) = -1.36 ± 0.05 ppm (stat. only) ARAW(48 GeV) = -1.70 ± 0.08 ppm (stat. only) Ratio of asymmetries: APV(48 GeV) /APV(45 GeV) = 1.25 ± 0.08 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) Consistent with expectations for inelastic ep asymmetry, but hard to interpret in terms of fundamental parameters UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 49 Backgrounds for Møller Analysis • Electron-proton elastic scattering – Well-understood at our kinematics • Radiative electron-proton inelastic scattering – PV asymmetry unknown at our kinematics – Naïve quark model prediction O(1 ppm) • Pion production • Two-photon exchange events with transverse polarization – A bit of a surprise • Other contributions at O(0.1%) level UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 50 APV Corrections, DA, and dilution factors, f Source DA (ppb) f Beam1 (1st order) (-) ± 1.4 - Beam (higher order) 0±3 - Transverse polarization -4 ± 2 - -7 ± 1 0.056 ± 0.007 -22 ± 4 0.009 ± 0.001 Brem and Compton electrons 0±1 0.005 ± 0.002 Pions 1±1 0.001 ± 0.001 High energy photons 3±3 0.004 ± 0.002 Synchrotron photons 0±1 0.002 ± 0.0001 TOTAL -29 ± 7 0.077 ± 0.008 e p e p(g e (g p e X APV Araw DA P 0.89 0.04, 2 1 , b Pb ε 1 f (linearity 0.99 0.01 asymmetry correction to Aexpt is (-9.7 ± 1.4) ppb 2Beam polarization measured using polarized foil target; same spectrometer used with dedicated movable detector 1Beam UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 51 Moller Asymmetry, APV APV(e-e- at Q2 = 0.026 GeV2): -131 14 (stat) 10 (syst) parts per billion (preliminary) Significance of parity nonconservation in Møller scattering: 8.3 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 52 from APV to sin2Weff APV GF Q 2 1 y 2pa 1 y (1 y 4 4 ( FQED 1 4 sin 2 Weff where: GF Q 2 1 y 2pa 1 y 4 (1 y 4 is an analyzing power factor; depends on kinematics and experimental geometry. Uncertainty is 1.5%. (y = Q2/s) FQED = (1.01 ± 0.01) is a correction for ISR and FSR; (but thick target ISR and FSR effects are included in the analyzing power calculation from a detailed MonteCarlo study) Weff is derived from an effective coupling constant, geeeff , for the Zee coupling, with loop and vertex electroweak corrections absorbed into geeeff UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 53 Weak Mixing Angle Results 6 Q2-dependence of W E158 final result: Phys.Rev.Lett.95:081601,2005 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 54 Future Low Energy Experiments / Proposals Atomic Parity Violation (0.35% expt, 0.5% theory for Cs is current precision) Paris Cs → (0.1-1)% U. Washington Ba+, KVI Ra+ → sub-1% Berkeley Yb isotopes → sub-1% n-e scattering (sin2W = 0.008 is current precision) Reactor experiment? (sin W 0.0019 (hep-ex/0403048) Future n Factory?? (sin 2 W 0.0003 (Blondel talk at PAVI2004) 2 e scattering (sin2W = 0.0014 is current precision) JLAB Qweak APV (elastic e-p) (sin 2 W 0.0007 JLAB 12-GeV upgrade: APV (DIS eD, ep) sin 2 W 0.0009 APV (e-e)? sin 2 W 0.0003 Fixed target at ILC?? APV (e-e) (sin 2 W 0.0001 (Snowmass 2001 study) ( UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 ( M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 55 Elucidating the new Standard Model MSSM? RPV SUSY? Extra Z’ Leptoquarks? Extra dimensions? Precision measurements important! Kurylov, Ramsey-Musolf, Su (2003) one example RPV 95% CL MSSM loop JLAB Qweak ±1 SLAC E158 ±1 JLAB ee(12 GeV) ±1 UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 56 Summary: Physics results from E-158 Electro-weak parity violation • first observation of parity violation in Møller scattering (8.3) • running of the weak mixing angle established (6.2 ) • Probing TeV-scale physics: ~10 TeV limit on LLL, ~1 TeV limit on SO(10) Z’ • inelastic e-p asymmetry consistent with quark picture Transverse asymmetries • First measurement of e-e transverse asymmetry (QED) • e-p transverse asymmetry measured (QCD) Weak Mixing Angle Final Result using all data (Q2 = 0.026 GeV2) APV (Moller) = (-131 ± 14 ±10) ppb sin2Weff = 0.2397 ± 0.0010 (stat) ±0.0008 (syst) Best measurement of the weak mixing angle away from the Z-pole! UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 57 Backup Slides UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 58 Flash:Ti L3 Laser Polarization Control And Analysis Piezomirror IA Intensity 1 PD Helicity Control Bench Helicity /2 filter plate -2I Electric Field Vector after PS Cell in Jones Matrix notation: Cleanup polarizer PS CP CP sin 2 E p i ( PS 2 cos CP e 2 +2I remotely insertable Asymmetry inverter Intensity 2 PD s1 cos( CP X Y X Y Stokes parameters for laser polarization: s2 sin ( CP sin ( PS U V U V RL s3 sin ( CP cos( PS RL (s 2 1 s22 s32 L2 C 2 1 (ex. C=0.998, L=0.063) Allow for imperfect Pockels cells and phase shifts in downstream optics: Left Pulse Right Pulse CP -p/2 – aCP +DCP +p/2 +aCP +DCP PS – aPS +DPS – aPS +DPS s1 ~ – aCP +DCP ~ – aCP -DCP s2 ~ – aPS +DPS ~ – aPS -DPS UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 DCP, DPS introduce significant linear polarization asymmetries M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 59 Charge Asymmetry due to anisotropic strain* Sensitive to linear polarization In laser light Example L=0.01 300ppm Charge Asym Recall, APV 0.1 ppm and want ~ppb systematic errors! VQW = 2800V UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 *Reference: R.A. Mair et al., Phys. Lett. A212, 231 (1996) M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 60 Techniques for minimizing beamALR’s At the start: ~1000 ppm, ~2 µm systematics 1) Passive setup: Helicity bits delayed by 1 pulse and RF modulated prior to broadcast. Collimation of laser beam and minimization of spot size at CP, PS cells. Image CP, PS cells onto the cathode. OTS brought to atmospheric pressure to avoid stress-induced birefringence in windows. Select Pockels cells and carefully align to minimize systematics. Null AQ with DCP, DPS. ~100 ppm, ~0.5 µm 2) Active suppression with feedbacks: IA loop & POS loop. Double-feedback loop. <100 ppb, <100 nm 3) Slow reversals: Flip certain classes of asymmetries while leaving everything else unchanged. /2 plates (2) energy (g-2 precession) asymmetry inverter These can provide cancellation of systematics, but they also serve as a cross-check thatSanta systematics are well-understood.M.Multiple reversals UC Cruz 10-25-05 Woods (SLAC E-158)are essential! 61 Beam Asymmetries Charge asymmetry agreement at 45 GeV Charge asymmetry at 1 GeV Energy difference agreement in A line Energy difference in A line Position differences < 20 nm UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 Position agreement ~ 1 nm M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 62 Detectors Luminosity Monitor region Profile Detector wheel UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 63 Brookhaven (g-2)m (g s 2 e s a m 2 m 2 a m (SM a m (QED a m (Had a m (Weak ms gs a m (BNL E821 a m (SM a m (SM UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 2.2 0.5(expt ppm 0.7(theory M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 64 a m (BNL E821 a m (SM a m (SM e e- 2.2 0.5(expt ppm ( 0.7 theory 2.7 Sensitive to weak corrections: a m (weak 1.3 ppm a m (SM Deviation from New Physics? Hints of SUSY?? Future experiments? • BNL E969 proposal to reach 0.2 ppm total expt error (scientific approval by Lab in Fall ’04; needs funding) • LOI submitted to J-PARC to reach 0.1 ppm Need reduced error in hadronic corrections: currently, a m (had, LO am 0.5 ppm a m (had, LBL am UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 Additional e+e- data needed: BaBar, Belle, KLOE 0.3 ppm M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 65 NuTeV Neutrino Experiment Target / Calorimeter R Toroidal Spectrometer NC vN vNC N CC vN vCC N sin 2 W(on shell 0.2277 0.0013(stat. 0.0009(syst . UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 1 2 sin 2 W 2 Standard Model prediction is 0.2227 (3 deviation) M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 66 NuTeV Result: New Physics? – not MSSM or RPV SUSY – Z’ possible “Old” Physics? – Isospin symmetry violated? u p ( x d n ( x ? • 5% effect needed to move result to SM • Difficult to constrain – Asymmetric strange sea? s(x s (x? • Unlikely from NuTeV direct measurement – NLO QCD? Theoretically small, being checked by NuTeV – Electroweak radiative corrections? • ISR, FSR and exp’t acceptance • New calculations and RC codes being checked in NuTeV simulation Jury is still out… UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) R 0.5% R 67 APV: Boulder Cs Experiment 133 • measure APV component of 6s 7 s transitio n in Cs ; interferes with E1 (Stark) transition • 5 reversals to isolate APV signal and suppress systematics • APV signal is ~ 6 ppm of total rate, measured to 0.7% (40 ppb!) ( QW N Z 1 4 sin 2 W UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 QW ( 133 Cs 72.74 0.29 (expt) 0.36 (theory) 73.19 0.13 (SM M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 68 QW ( 133 Cs 72.74 0.46 (expt) 73.19 0.13 (SM Currently <1 deviation Deviation between experiment and SM has been as large as 2.5. Atomic theory corrections since 2000, have resulted in current consistency: • Breit interaction, -0.6% • Vacuum Polarization, +0.4% (Ginges and Flambaum, Phys.Rept.397:63-154,2004) • aZ Vertex Corrections, - 0.7% • Nuclear Skin Effect, - 0.2% Future Atomic PV experiments Paris group: Cs 6S → 7S, but with different systematics than Boulder expt; 2.7% current accuracy, 1% within reach and 0.1% (expt) may be possible (physics/0412017, 2004) single Ba+ ion (U. Washington), Ra+ ion (KVI) (talk by Fortson at subZ Workshop 2004; sub-1% possible) Berkeley group: Yb isotopes (talk by Budker at LEPEM2002 Workshop; sub-1% possible) UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 69 APV(Møller) at JLAB 12 GeV-upgrade (slide from K. Kumar, JLAB review April ‘05) E’: 3-6 GeV lab = 0.53o-0.92o APV = 40 ppb Ibeam = 90 µA 150 cm LH2 target 4000 hours Toroidal spectrometer ring focus (APV)=0.58 ppb • Beam systematics: steady progress (E158 Run III: 3 ppb) • Focus alleviates backgrounds: ep ep(g), ep eX(g) • Radiation-hard integrating detector • Normalization requirements similar to other planned experiments • Cryogenics, density fluctuations and electronics will push the stateof-the-art UC Santa Cruz 10-25-05 M. Woods (SLAC E-158) 70