Module 5 Reference Guide 5.00 – Take your pre

Module 5 Reference Guide
5.00 – Take your pre-test and don’t worry about your score. Remember it’s a pre-test, you’re not supposed to
know it all yet. This is to help you and me with what you need to spend the most time learning.
5.01 – Le verbe avoir
There is a quiz for this lesson. Take your time!
Forms of Avoir
Tu as
Avoir = to have
I have
Nous avons
You have (friendly)
Vous avez
Il a
Elle a
On a
He has, it has
She has, it has
One has, we have
Ils ont
Elles ont
I don’t have
You don’t have
He doesn’t have
She doesn’t have
On doesn’t have, we
don’t have
Nous n’avons pas
Vous n’avez pas
Ils n’ont pas
Elles n’ont pas
We have
You have (polite and
They have
They have (females
The negative with avoir:
Je n’ai pas
Tu n’as pas
Il n’a pas
Elle n’a pas
On n’a pas
We don’t have
You don’t have
They don’t have
They don’t have
5.02 – J’ai besoin de
There is no assignment to submit here, but be sure you understand how to use ‘j’ai besoin de’ in a sentence.
5.03 – Les couleurs
There is a quiz for this lesson. Be sure to take your time. You will need the information from 5.02 and 5.03 for
this quiz.
For the essay questions, use the information in the question to help you answer them.
For example, ‘de quelle couleur est ta chemise?’ Answer: Ma chemise est verte.
Voice activity: remember to include a written version of your sentences so that your teacher can give you the
best feedback possible.
Tell 3 things that you are wearing and include the color of the item. Here are some helpful phrases:
I wear/I am wearing = Je porte
I have = J’ai
The color goes AFTER the clothing item. EX: Je porte une chemise rouge.
French word
5.04 – Avoir Expressions
All of these expressions mean ‘to be’, but don’t let that fool you, use AVOIR in your answers.
Avoir ___ ans
Avoir soif
Avoir faim
Avoir de la chance
Avoir chaud
Avoir froid
Avoir sommeil
Avoir peur
Avoir besoin de
Avoir raison
Avoir tort
To be __ years old
To be thirsty
To be hungry
To review
To be warm
To be cold
To be sleepy
To be afraid/scared
To have need of/ to need
To be correct/right
To be wrong
Written Activity -- You get to choose 6 of the questions to answer. Be sure to use a form of AVOIR (see 5.01)
in EVERY answer.
Voice activity – record yourself reading your sentences from the written assignment.
Collaboration option –- your collaboration is a group project where you get to choose 1 of the lesson options
(this being one of them). You will work with a partner where each of you will ask 5 questions in French using
the material from the lesson. Then you will each answer your partner’s questions in French. Submit this and
the collaboration assessment guide (similar to a lab report) in assignment 5.05.
5.05 – collaboration
Submit your collaboration and assessment guide here.
5.06 – Review
CALL your Teacher as soon as you get to this assignment for your DBA! You don’t want to forget what you
5.07 – Exam
Your teacher will give you a password to access your exam when you have finished your DBA.
5.08 – Segment Review
Be sure to study well for your segment exam!
5.09 – Segment exam
After you have completed ALL Assignments in segment 1, your collaboration, and successfully completed all
DBAs your teacher will give you the password to take your segment exam. This is the LAST thing you need to
do, so take your time, be careful, and check over your answers.
Félicitations you are all done with segment 1, call your teacher to verify your grade and information so he/she
can issue your grade.