Customer Data - Service Strategies

Nokia ES Profiling Initiative
“Pilot Fast Track Case Routing for Skilled Resellers Named
Stuart Freemantle
European World Class Support Showcase
29th October 2004
© NOKIA 2004
Profiling Initiative - Background
• Nokia today leverages contract data only for
support entitlement. The data as well as the
processes do not allow for the desired
flexibility & personalization.
• Nokia targets to deliver increasingly
personalized & more flexible support that
leverage both customer, contracts &
certification data – This is the way forward
© Nokia 2004
What is Profiling?
apply “rules & logic” on customer data to provide personalized support”
© Nokia 2004
Managing the Support Pipe
The “Right Support, Right Place, Right Time & Right Cost” …. for the “Right Customer”
EMS 2nd & 3rd
Level TAC
Nokia Web
TAC (1st Level)
DHL, Unisys
Operator Call
One Stop, Enterprise Focused Support
© Nokia 2004
EMS Profiling Strategy
Strategic Intent:
Nokia ES and it’s partners deliver world
class personalized & flexible support
through systematic, consistent and well
documented processes that leverage
customer, contracts & certification data.
This forms common & unified Nokia
level profiling data & processes than can
be used collaboratively by employees,
customers & partners.
• Nokia profiling processes are extended end-to-end through the
Current state:
Nokia leverages ES business unit specific
customer & service contract data only for
support entitlement. The data as well as the
processes do not allow for the flexibility &
personalization desired.
© Nokia 2004
support value chain and personalization has become a competitive
Profiling allows us to provide customers the “small company feel”
with the “big company capabilities & knowledge”
Focus shifts from new processes implementation to process
streamlining and optimization for efficiency
Profiling processes & requirements are extended to service
delivery partners to back our “personalized support” commitment
Profiling processes & data is extended to be used by channel
partners for further personalization of the collaborative service
Other expansions and potential business owners of profiling are
“Fast track” process is extended to specific enterprise customer
end users
Nokia On-Line as well as the support site allow user level
Personalized pro-active communication is further developed &
extended on the basis of customer product version(s) preferences
Implications of the increased ES channel complexity & increased
are analyzed
profiling is planned
to allow future personalized TAC call
“Fast track” bypass of 1st level TAC is implemented for trial
First steps towards personalized pro-active communication based
on core customer data & user product preferences are taken
Channel program certification profiling requirements are drafted
“Fast Track” Trial
• Give key skilled reseller named contacts direct access to 2nd or 3rd level TAC
engineers for initial case troubleshooting
• Improve reseller experience and satisfaction through more efficient case
handling & “first contact resolution rate”
Scope & Timing
• Trial for select resellers with named contacts
• Only WEB cases fast track routing
• Phone call fast track on roadmap (to be
• 2 resellers in the US identified for first round
• capture learning's and decide improvements
© Nokia 2004
Profiling Pilot A
• Technical Competencies
Knowledgeable and proficient
Easy to work with; they are team players
• Program Commitment
© Nokia 2004
Fast Track cases were logged on the support site by key contacts
Problem descriptions, output data (CPInfo, IPSOINFO, etc) and information
are accessible. Staff are co-operative and provide the necessary information
to progress case in a reasonable amount of time.
Lack of case survey submissions. We have only received a 27.5% response
rate on all Fast Track cases logged. Program commitment requires all cases
have a case survey submission.
Profiling Pilot B
• Technical Competencies
• Very knowledgeable and very proficient in core products
• Only open cases when absolutely necessary. Usually bugs
• Weakness in mobility area
• Program Commitment
• Fast Track cases were logged on the support site by key contacts
• Problem descriptions, output data (CPInfo, IPSOINFO, etc) and information
are accessible. Staff are co-operative and provide us the necessary
information to progress case in a reasonable amount of time.
• We have received a 0% response rate on all Fast Track cases logged on this
pilot. Program commitment requires all cases have a case survey submission.
• Feedback from Key Customer Manager Contact, reported very positive
feedback from his staff. He talked to his key engineers and he had received
positive feedback of the Fast Track program. In particular they were impressed
with the time to resolve and knowledge of our staff. We received comments of
"Great Service“ and they would like to see this program go forward with this
type of service in the long term.
© Nokia 2004
Profiling Pilots
Pilot A
Closed cases – 4
3 cases escalated to PLS
Survey results (average) – N/A
Pilot B
Closed cases – 36
1 Case has been escalated to PLS
Survey results - Satisfaction with case
handling 100% (8 surveys completed of 36)
•NSAS cases posed an issue. Shortage of
training/handling made it difficult for assigned
engineers to diagnose and provide solutions
for this product
•Still improving in the area of gathering
information prior to case submission
meetings were a challenge due to
schedule conflicts, in the beginning of the
© Nokia 2004
Fast Track Pilots – High Level Summary
• Overall very positive customer satisfaction
• 100% for Profiling Customer A (8 case surveys)
• Profiling Pilot B “moved” from highly dissatisfied to satisfied
• Creates same level of improvement as TAM
• Fast track “relevance”
• Good match of competence levels – reseller / level 2 and 3
• 36 cases from Pilot A did require level 2 to resolve
• Pilot B cases went PLS level to resolve
• Routing to PLS can be enhanced by TAC main contacts
• Dedicated “named” contact engineer was assigned
• Key value add and big driver for customer sat improvement!
• To manage pilot as well as follow up on cases
• Became an effort similar to TAM
• May not require additional resources but org changes
• Requires improvements on CRM tool to manage
• “Issue” on event driven customer sat survey’s
• Not full co-operation from pilots
• Need to review survey process for “large” customers
© Nokia 2004
Fast Track Trial Results
• Improved Customer Satisfaction And Relations
• Both participating resellers were dissatisfied with the level of service they were
receiving as little as 12 months ago. Relations are now good to excellent.
• Staying The Course
• With the exception of survey creation, both trial accounts adhered to
instructions and policies relating to the Fast Track Program. Examples:
• Web case submission
• Schedule program operation (Core hours)
• Bi-weekly con-calls
• Understanding Reseller
• Dedicated resources and case tracking helps TAC identify strengths,
weaknesses and overall requirements. i.e. NSAS This information can be fed
into Sales/SBM/Marketing in order to recommend improvements at a reseller
© Nokia 2004
TAC Case Processing Enhancements
Enterprise IT
Fast track - Routing directly to
2nd level TAC engineer
• Provided to resellers based on
their business volume &
• Entitlement rules defined by
reseller program
• WEB cases first (phone cases
“Extended ES 1st level TAC”
Reseller TAC
“Fast Track”
with Essential
ES 1st Level TAC
ES 2nd and 3rd Level TAC
© Nokia 2004
Enhanced Call Routing – Speed &
priority through 1st level TAC
• Provided as a component of the
Premium Access support offering
• Premium Access could be a prerequisite for TAM
• Phone as well as WEB cases
Reseller Personalized Newsletter
Today’s Proactive Communication
TAC Newsletter (External)
New\Modified Resolutions
Alert Notifications
TAC related updates
Informative “how to”
PLS Newsletter (Internal)
New\Modified Resolutions
Bug status
Process changes
System changes
Product Line Information
End of 1H04
Pilot VAR Newsletter
Input from strategic resellers
Content enhanced to include - Advanced notification of know bugs,
hardware issues, Fast Track information and other defined content
We’re looking for contacts to pilot the VAR Newsletter for official launch 2H04
© Nokia 2004
Moving Forward – Examples of Entrance
Must be part of the Sales EMEA Accreditation Program (Gold or Premier)
Minimum of $X in Nokia service revenue per annum based on country or sub region
Minimum of 2 trained engineers (with specified certification)
First Tier support helpdesk, speaking the local language with
Second tier accreditation offering Office hours helpdesk
Lab or test bed facility
Provision of detailed metrics bi-annually (min)
Professional call tracking system
Documented escalation procedure
Must track Customer Satisfaction
Quality program
© Nokia 2004
Remaining Concerns?
• One key objection that we must overcome from our partners is the
“What’s in it for me?” question
• Will our current Infrastructure support the program?
• How do we sell this as different from today?
• How do we exclude/denominate non performers
© Nokia 2004
Reseller Program & Mobility Certification
What are the benefits:
• Nokia controlled & scalable service delivery through channel
• Control & knowledge of channel quality of services & support
• Channel differentiation limiting competition on product price
• Increased channel service revenues through every step in program
Making it “public” is key:
• Clear & open communication (on the web) of program structure, benefits &
• Open announcement of resellers status & status changes on WEB
A Couple Key Challenges:
• Buy in from sales and full support to enforcement of program
• Co-ordination with product driven channel accreditation
© Nokia 2004
© Nokia 2004