Florida Virtual School (FLVS)

Florida Virtual School (FLVS)
Processes and Integration
Project Set-Up Phase
C&I will create a master Curriculum
ticket with a list of all FLVS courses to
be migrated for the specified school
year. This is usually a discussion
between Lorri McDaniels (Senior
Director of Curriculum Production) and
Pat Hoge (Senior Vice President of
Curriculum & Instruction).
C&I will create a master MS&D ticket
for each FLVS course that is being
Naming convention if tickets should
[Course folder name in SVN] – remove
navigation, tabs, and validate HTML
Project Set-Up Phase
C&I ensures that all FLVS files are received, including:
a. Files are uploaded to the FTP server (Content/Develop)
b. Files are transferred over to SVN for C&I and MS&D purposes
4. C&I analyzes course and scopes changes that need to be made to
Alternate versions are determined (st, ho, ss)
C&I provides course ID number and name to Application Management
Course creation requests will be submitted for each course shell
C&I will have a review period for prioritization/analysis
C&I/MS&D will make any necessary adjustments to the scope and
estimates for given courses (each course will receive its own
documented functional estimate)
FLVS (Third Party) Files Prepared
MS&D performs the following tasks:
Moving files to the extra drive (CID
numbers and names need to be provided
before this can occur)
Check files into the EMS
Provide External Document linking URL’s
(which is attached to the Master MS&D
IA ticket)
Validate HTML within course files
Other issues are addressed (e.g.,
removing FLVS specific navigation)
MS&D returns the ticket to C&I after the
previous tasks are completed
C&I verified the changes and notifies MS&D
of any additional or missed work that is
required. Individual MS&D tickets are closed
after verification.
Create Alignment Documents
Course shells are created in bulk at the beginning of the
project or Course Creation Request Forms are submitted.
2. When ensuring files received are in proper order, the
following subtasks are to be followed:
a. C&I creates versions (st, ho, ss)
b. C&I builds the units and lessons based on the FLVS
Proof Shell
c. MS&D renames source folders to match CA structure:
d. MS&D creates copies and checks files into the extra
External Document Linking/Modifying
Content (Project Assistant)
EMS Integration Specialist will create an IA ticket and delegate course
linking and course modifications
a. IA will contain the external document linking URL
b. The Specialist will provide any additional pertinent information that
would be needed to complete this task
2. If a new textbook is provided for a specific course, this should always
happen before content editing (and, align assessment content with the
new textbook). This is most common in courses that are located on the CA
side of the curriculum manager.
3. Once Project Assistant is complete linking the external documents and
course modifications, they are then reviewed by the Project Associate.
4. EMS Integration Specialist conducts a final review of linking and course
External Document Linking/Modifying
Content (Project Assistant)
Before Content Edits
After Content Edits
Assessment Creation (Project
1. EMS Integration Specialist will assign out (by
module/unit) assessments to be created in
Connexus by the Project Assistant. These tasks will
come via an IA ticket, which will contain all pertinent
information that will be needed in order to create
these assessments successfully.
2. The PA will use the FLVS Proof Shell to “copy and
paste” (import) the assessments into the
assessment manager within Connexus.
Assessment Creation (Project
FLVS Proof Shell
Assessment Manager
Assessment Creation (Project
Once assessments are created, PA’s will attach the assessment to the
correct location within the course.
2. The PA will update the assessment IA ticket with all of the assessment ID’s
that have been created for the specified module/unit.
3. The Project Associate will review all completed assessments:
a. Check to ensure that all question groups and questions were created
appropriately and correctly
b. All correct answers are given the appropriate point value
c. Assessment metadata is set correctly
d. Assessments are attached to the correct location within the course
4. Project Associate will PDF all assessment answer keys by each semester,
NOT by unit.
Editorial Process
The Senior Managing
Editor will assign out the
review of course content
of FLVS courses on the CA
side of the curriculum
2. The Senior Managing
Editor will assign out the
review of (all)
assessments. Assessments
are submitted to editorial
for review by course.
Course Metadata
EMS Integration Specialist will review and ensure the course
metadata is set, which includes:
a. Building (status)
b. Course Year
c. Locations
d. Display Name
e. Course Directions & Tips
f. Grading Type
g. OLE
h. Grade Book weights
i. Grading scale
Course Metadata
1. Create metadata review ticket for each course and
assign ticket to the Senior Manager of Curriculum
Development to review the course metadata
a. FLVS Metadata completion (lesson days, etc.)
b. CA Metadata completion (weighting, lesson days,
etc.). The review ticket should include the
editorial content review spreadsheet.
QA (Quality Assurance) Process and
Course Release
Once files and assessments have been integrated into the course shell, the
course will need to be sent to the FLVS QA team before or during the
Connections QA team (never should be sent after the Connections QA
2. C&I conducts a final click-through
a. MS&D fixes emerging functionality issues within the course (any
outstanding issues will need to have a new MS&D IA ticket created)
b. QA test all officially supported internet platforms and browsers
c. Click-through edits implemented
d. QA verification
3. MS&D deploys files from CMS to Live
4. Once course Metadata has been verified by Curriculum Development,
then the Course Release Checklist is submitted to Cate Darlington for final
course release.
Review FLVS course on CA side of Curriculum
Manager with Instruction Team
1. Once all of the CA courses have been approved for
release, they should be reviewed with the
Instruction Team. The course CID’s should be sent to
the Instruction Team prior to any scheduled