Physical Science A

Physical Science A
% of
Total Points for the Course : 2170
Unit 1: Let's Get Physical!
Lesson 1.1: Science as Inquiry
Activity 1.1.1: Study - Summarizing
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Examine the inquiry the steps in the inquiry process
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 1.1.2: Discuss - Searching for Truth
Discuss the subject of inquiry with your classmates.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.1.3: Quiz - Science as Inquiry
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.2: The Scientific Method
Activity 1.2.1: Study - Representing Data Graphically
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how to represent data graphically.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 1.2.2: Journal - Reflections on the Method
(Documents: Journal)
Compose a response to a question about the Scientific Method and submit it to your teacher.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.3: Lab - Wet Pennies
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on the Scientific Method using wet pennies.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.4: Quiz - The Scientific Method
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.3: Let's Get Physical! Wrap-Up
Activity 1.3.1: Review - Let's Get Physical!
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 50 min
Activity 1.3.2: Practice - Introduction to Physical Science
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.3: Test (CST) - Let's Get Physical!
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.4: Test (TST) - Let's Get Physical!
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.4: Diagnostic
Activity 1.4.1: Diag - Let's Get Physical!
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 2: Get Your Motor Running
Lesson 2.1: Introduction to Kinematics
Activity 2.1.1: Study - Graphing Motion
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Explore kinematics the study of motion and begin learning how to create graphs around movement.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 2.1.2: Discuss - Defining Distance and Displacement
Discuss distance and displacement.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Activity 2.1.3: Quiz - Introduction to Kinematics
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Points Earned: _____
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.2: Gravity and Free Fall
Activity 2.2.1: Study - Catch Me — I'm Falling
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how gravitational acceleration affects motion in free fall.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 2.2.2: Lab - Falling Bodies
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on falling bodies.
Duration: 50 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.3: Quiz - Gravity and Free Fall
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.3: Motion in Two Dimensions
Activity 2.3.1: Study - Vectors
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Introduction to vectors and magnitude.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 2.3.2: Discuss - Athletic Projectiles
Discuss two-dimensional motion.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.3.3: Quiz - Motion in Two Dimensions
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.4: Get Your Motor Running Wrap-Up
Activity 2.4.1: Review - Get Your Motor Running
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 1 hr
Activity 2.4.2: Practice - Motion
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems on motion and submit the assignment to your teacher.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.4.3: Test (CST) - Get Your Motor Running
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Activity 2.4.4: Test (TST) - Get Your Motor Running
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Points Earned: _____
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.5: Diagnostic
Activity 2.5.1: Diag - Get Your Motor Running
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 3: May the Net Force Be with You
Lesson 3.1: Newton's Laws of Motion
Activity 3.1.1: Study - Newton's First Law of Motion
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Welcome to the world of dynamics force and Newton's First Law
Duration: 1 hr
Activity 3.1.2: Lab - Newton's Laws
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on Newton's laws of motion.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.1.3: Quiz - Newton's Laws of Motion
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.2: Friction
Activity 3.2.1: Study - Therein Lies the Rub
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn what causes friction its various types and what effects friction has on motion.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 3.2.2: Lab - That Rubs Me the Wrong Way
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on friction.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.3: Quiz - Friction
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.3: Centripetal Force
Activity 3.3.1: Study - Motion in a Circle
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn what causes circular motion and how gravity acts on all objects in the universe.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 3.3.2: Discuss - My World Is Spinning
Discuss centripetal force.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.3.3: Quiz - Centripetal Force
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.4: Buoyant Force
Activity 3.4.1: Study - Buoyant Force and Archimedes' Principle
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Why does something sink or swim? Learn by studying buoyant force and Archimedes' Principle
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 3.4.2: Journal - What Floats Your Boat?
(Documents: Journal)
Compose a journal entry in response to a question on buoyancy and submit it to your teacher.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.4.3: Quiz - Buoyancy
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.5: May the Net Force Be with You Wrap-Up
Activity 3.5.1: Review - May the Net Force Be with You
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 1 hr
Activity 3.5.2: Practice - Forces
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems on forces and submit the assignment to your teacher.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.5.3: Test (CST) - May the Net Force Be with You
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.5.4: Test (TST) - May the Net Force Be with You
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.6: Diagnostic
Activity 3.6.1: Diag - May the Net Force Be with You
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 1 hr
Unit 4: Crash into Me
Lesson 4.1: Momentum
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Activity 4.1.1: Study - Momentum and Newton's Second Law
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Crash! Impulse momentum and the Impulse-Momentum Theorom.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 4.1.2: Lab - Losing My Marbles
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on momentum.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.1.3: Quiz - Momentum
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.2: Work Simple Machines and Power
Activity 4.2.1: Study - Power
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Jump into the world of work and simple machines.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 4.2.2: Discuss - Working Out
What does working out really mean?
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.3: Quiz - Work Simple Machines and Power
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.3: Energy
Activity 4.3.1: Study - Work-Energy Theorem
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about the many states of energy and several formulas.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 4.3.2: Discuss - Conserving Energy
Discuss energy conservation.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.3.3: Quiz - Energy
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Lesson 4.4: Crash into Me Wrap-Up
Activity 4.4.1: Review - Crash into Me
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 1 hr
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.4.2: Practice - Energy
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems on work and energy and submit the assignment to your teacher.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.4.3: Test (CST) - Crash into Me
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.4.4: Test (TST) - Crash into Me
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.5: Diagnostic
Activity 4.5.1: Diag - Crash into Me
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 5: I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Lesson 5.1: Properties of Waves
Activity 5.1.1: Study - Types of Waves
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Explore the types and properties of waves.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 5.1.2: Lab - Smile and Wave
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on waves using coiled springs.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.1.3: Quiz - Waves
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.2: Sound Waves
Activity 5.2.1: Study - Matching-Up Time
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learning about wave properties and the Doppler Effect
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 5.2.2: Quiz - Sound Waves
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Lesson 5.3: Electromagnetic Waves
Activity 5.3.1: Study - Light Spectrum
Points Earned: _____
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Introduction to electromagnetic waves and the properties of the light spectrum.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 5.3.2: Quiz - Electromagnetic Waves
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.4: Optics
Activity 5.4.1: Study - Reflection and Mirrors
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Reflecting on reflections rays and optic applications.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 5.4.2: Lab - Bend It Like Beckham
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on optics.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.4.3: Quiz - Optics
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.5: I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations Wrap-Up
Activity 5.5.1: Review - I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 50 min
Activity 5.5.2: Practice - Waves
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems on waves and submit the assignment to your teacher.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.5.3: Test (CST) - I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.5.4: Test (TST) - I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.6: Diagnostic
Activity 5.6.1: Diag - I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 50 min
Unit 6: It's Electric!
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Lesson 6.1: Static Electricity
Activity 6.1.1: Study - Electric Charge
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Investigate insulators conductors Columb's Law and Conservation of Charge.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 6.1.2: Lab - A Shocking Tale
(Documents: Dry Lab, Wet Lab)
Complete a lab on static electricity.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.1.3: Quiz - Static Electricity
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 6.2: Current and Circuits
Activity 6.2.1: Study - Ohm's Law
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Confronting the world of circuits and answering the question why don't birds on electric wires get shocked?
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 6.2.2: Discuss - Current Events
Discuss current.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.2.3: Quiz - Current and Circuits
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 6.3: Magnetism
Activity 6.3.1: Study - Electromagnetism
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Moving into the worlds of magnets and magnetic fields.
Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Activity 6.3.2: Journal - Surprise Science
(Documents: Journal)
Compose a journal entry in response to a question on magnetism and submit it to your teacher.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.3.3: Quiz - Magnetism
Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.
Duration: 40 min
Lesson 6.4: It's Electric! Wrap-Up
Activity 6.4.1: Review - It's Electric!
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____
Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.
Duration: 50 min
Activity 6.4.2: Practice - Electricity and Magnetism
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Complete a set of practice problems on electricity and magnetism and submit the assignment to your
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.4.3: Test (CST) - It's Electric!
Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.4.4: Test (TST) - It's Electric!
Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 6.5: Diagnostic
Activity 6.5.1: Diag - It's Electric!
Take a diagnostic unit test that will generate a study plan based on your responses.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 25
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 7: Physical Science Semester 1 Review and Exam
Lesson 7.1: Physical Science Semester 1
Activity 7.1.1: Review - Physical Science Semester 1
(Documents: Review)
Prepare for the semester exam by reviewing key concepts covered in Physical Science Semester 1.
Duration: 5 hrs
Activity 7.1.2: Exam - Physical Science Semester 1
Take a computer-scored exam to demonstrate your mastery of concepts and skills covered in Physical
Science Semester 1.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 90
Points Earned: _____
Activity 7.1.3: Final Exam - Physical Science Semester 1
Take a teacher-scored exam to demonstrate your mastery of concepts and skills covered in Physical Science
Semester 1.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 90
Points Earned: _____
Appendix B: Additional Activities
B.1: Extra Credit
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____