Cleveland 1 Alicia Cleveland Strategic Communication Plan COMM 495 Professor Taylor August 2, 2015 Cleveland 2 Smart goals Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound: For further goals of the company, more people need to be involved in many different ways. More volunteers are a great asset to be added. Sometimes the customers are dependent upon getting different visits each day. Many are lonely and that interaction gives them the ability to continue. The basic question as a company, is what is it that we want to accomplish? Meals on Wheels has always been a giving company, and the ability to provide meals to more families is a number 1 priority on the list. Striving for this goal to happen within upper management first and headquarters to start the task at hand. When creating a specific timeframe, different factors are to be included. For example planning, creating, and strategizing take time. The hiring of volunteers and employees can be a 3-6 month time frame. Budgets are also a factor that can take a long time to progress in the company. A 1 year time frame is a sufficient start to make additions to the company. To achieve the goal Meals on Wheels needs the help of the government and community. With an increase of meals and customers, comes an increase of costs. In past times, the organization has had to cut customers from the program due to economic issues. The benefits to expanding the organization are abundant. More volunteers allows more help with clients. A larger amount of customers means more people in need that can be helped and the ability to be provided with healthy meals. With measurements coming into play, based on each location over 5 employees and at least 3 volunteers can be added to each MOW location. Situational Analysis Cleveland 3 Meals On Wheels, Inc. provides home-delivered meals, professional case management, and other needed services to elderly and disabled homebound residents. It is in response to several community needs: malnutrition, food insecurity, social isolation, and poor mental and physical health. The success of the Meals on Wheels operation depends on its relationship with volunteers, donors, community partners, service recipients and others. Employees are always expected to place the customers first and conduct our daily work activities appropriately. A few similar organizations include the Salvation Army and Good Samaritan ministries. Over 5 million seniors experience some form of food insecurity in the United States. Hunger is a serious threat facing millions of seniors in the United States. Besides food-insecure status, older people eat less than the recommended amount of dietary nutrients. Food security exists when people have physically and economically stable. Meals on wheels are working in an environment where it is not only vital for people to be service in poverty stricken areas. The meals are very essential for citizens but also the need for the daily interaction for their wellbeing. The program depends very heavy Many issues with organizations happen internally. The success of the Meals on Wheels operation depends on its relationship with volunteers, donors, community partners, service recipients and others. Employees are always expected to place the customers first and conduct our daily work activities appropriately. Organizations need to focus on the factors that they do have some control over and do what they can to improve them. Organizations might need to provide more time, a larger budget, or improve the overall working conditions. Sometimes simple solutions like lowering the amount of office noise can have huge impacts on improving performance. For example, the organization Meals on Wheels caters to seniors who are not mobile like they used to be. Or may not have the proper means to provide Cleveland 4 food for them. With this company the most important aspect is to keep the customers and employees motivated. Reassuring families that their loved ones are being cared for. The company also created performance standards. Volunteers of the company are people who have the ability to help others. When an organizational plan comes into play employees and volunteers of Meals on wheels is observed. With looking at the ethical code of meals on wheels this company supports these characteristics. Their main goal as a whole is to work together as a team and put the customers first. A critical role for volunteers is to dedicate their time. And the role of the company is to have a functional and motivated staff. With ability, employees are supposed to perform at a high standard towards the citizens. Motivation is internal within a person; it’s what provides them to be motivated. Companies have to be motivated to put effort towards their goals. Second is ability, this is the impact on an individual’s behavior and performance. Anytime an employee lacks ability it can be due their nature or lack of training. Role perception is basic understanding how to work as a team an also responsibilities. With role perception the organization is complete as a whole. If employees lack role perception it could be because they don’t have a clear idea of what’s expected of them. Lastly are situational factors, having to do with enhancing behavior and work performance. Other situational factors are beyond the control of an individual, but inside the organization’s control. With internal factors, changes made within the company can affect the workplace flow. Lack of volunteers are also something internal, that is the main backbone and of operation to the company. Meals on wheels relies heavily on volunteers to keep everything running. Fundraising with the company is also another internal issue because this is a Cleveland 5 source of income for the company. Financial issues with the company are an external issue happening. With the decrease of funds, many senior citizens had to be cut from the program at the hands of the government. Another external issue is the competition that are surrounding them. Many companies cater to the same issues. Key Messages Meals on Wheels will be creating a new banquet hall that will be open to the public. This facility will provide meals to our clients who are able to attend on a frequent basis. Newton Meals on Wheels will be changing the current meals being served and upgrading the. It is our mission to serve our clients the freshest food and healthy meals. When someone is in need of a simple necessity, we as a company want to do what we can to feel that void. Creating a once a day human interaction can change the pace of someone’s day. We will continue to provide comfort to our clients and keep a positive bond with them. Meals on Wheels looks to service clients, old and new. With new creations in hand, we want our clients to experience a positive change. Reaching out to a newer and broader community and educating them on how many people struggle with hunger on a daily basis. Meals on Wheels will take the time to show the importance of a healthy lifestyle and human interaction can affect a person. The goal of the company is to expand the members of the facility as well as clients. In a perfect world there would be no limits or restrictions. With hard work and dedication that is the mission. Integration Cleveland 6 In today’s society social media has truly consumed everyone’s life but it’s a useful resource that human’s use on a daily basis to almost function. Regarding Meals on Wheels, social media is not a huge aspect to the company. Over the last couple of years, the world has adopted social media as a primary form of communication. While the millennial generation has grown up around this fast-paced world of technology, the older generations are much slower to adopting these new trends. With the use of Social Media it allows you to be up to date and see current information regarding the organization. Since social media interaction is the new way of communicating, I want that to be a source of giving and receiving information. Social media will be a positive aspect to the organization because this is one of the top ways that people are communicating. Facebook and Twitter can give direct updates to anyone who wants to follow information about the organization. Employees and volunteers can read announcements or company wide information regarding the company. And outside stakeholders such as the clients or community can get information about company changes or upcoming events. Success means building the company from within. With social media marketing that is the way to measure Meals on Wheels objective. Measurement and metrics are going to be used to understand the statistics of projects and goals. With the increase of technology, and the use of social media. Measuring is the way to track the data and success rate. With any company the most important face of the company is the staff. They are the representation of everyone and how they act and work ethic really counts. Social media today is one of the highest markets and a very useful resources. With the team from Meals on Wheels working together, the company can branch off and succeed. With Meals on Wheels, this company has been an environment friendly organization with emphasis on senior citizens. Cleveland 7 Fundraising events need to be for a great cause and multi-purpose reasons. In a community setting it is very easy for everyone to come together for a joyful event. With citizens of the program, sometimes they do not have that family value or friends around. So when someone drops off their meal that possibly could be the only human interaction for the day. The first step when creating an event is to develop the goal and objective. A team will be organized and responsibilities will be divided. The main stakeholders which are the customers, employees, and volunteers will attend to be a part of the company’s success. Many of the citizens possibly do not have that human interaction they need, it would be a great way to connect with many of the families and workers to reassure that basic human need. When looking at fun ways to create the fliers, the save the date option is a fun and informative way to get the information out to the community. Sending out information online is always an easy option to get back a fast reply. The message will be communicated through the community with fun and funky posters, showcasing what the event entails. Interpersonal communication will be top key priority with the main stakeholders. With the fundraiser everything should be done within a 6 month time period. In month 3 fliers and posters are created to give a prompt time to plan. A social media page will be created on Facebook and Twitter giving live updates and reminders for the event. Once the event is over, the main importance is to set a goal for the company and reach the limit. Sharing information with the stakeholders and plans made to put towards Meals on Wheels. With crisis communication, different strategies can be addressed. A team of executives should be identified to serve as an organization’s Crisis Communications Team. Ideally, the Cleveland 8 organization’s CEO will lead the team. Each crisis communications team should have people who have experience in different channels of communications. Another strategy is verifying who your stakeholders are. Who are the internal and external stakeholders working within the company? It’s a matter of having the Crisis Communications Team on the receiving end of information coming in from your team members. You have to have the right type of information being provided so you can give the appropriate response. Next you finalize and adapt key messages. There should be main messages that are sent to different stakeholders and individual groups regarding the crisis. Communication plan and timeline 02.12.15- 02.14.15 Valentine for Lunch Box 03.19.15 March for Meals Walk/Run 04.23.15 Chef Showcase Gala 08.01.15 Renovated building opening 08.15.15 Bakery/Cafe’ opens 11.01.15 Banquet/ catering opens The Valentine Lunchbox will be provided directly for all clients and incoming clients who will receive 3 meals on Valentine’s Day. Each meal including breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided in fun hearts shaped designs, wrapped in colorful red and pink boxes. Treats and deserts will also be provided for those who want them. Handmade cards are also included a long with treats sending a heartfelt message to each client. Next is the March of Meals Walk/Run. This an event that is open to the public that will be a 5k or 10k to raise money for the organization. This race will be held at a Newton park Cleveland 9 downtown. Depending on the amount of laps you run or walk, money will be raised. All adults and children of any age will be provided. Music selections and food will be provided for those who attend. When entering you are allowed to run as an individual or run as a team. The race will start at 10am and run all day until 6 pm. Water and snack stations will be set up at certain points. Chef Showcase Gala. The Chef Showcase Gala is grand fundraising event to raise money for the clients and organization. On April 23rd there will be a delicious meal served. Guests are given a variety of appetizers, specialty cocktails, and a seven-course meal, all created by well renowned local chefs. A Silent Auction starts during cocktail hour, with dinner starting at 6 pm. Early bird tickets are $100; after February 20th tickets are $125. The dress code for the event will be formal attire. During the silent auction different prized will be given as well. During dinner, different pictures will be displayed, showing the different accomplishments that Meals on Wheels has done over the years. Seeing the different clients that have been serviced over the year. Renovated building open. The new center will be opening in the heart of Newton at a downtown facility. On the day of the opening a ribbon cut will take place and it will be shown on the news and place in the newspaper article. All clients, staff, volunteers, and any other stakeholders will be invited to enjoy the event. Food and music will be provided and informational videos shown such as a slide show. Future plans and goals for MOW will be discussed. The Bakery and Café’ will open offering free vouchers to the first 50 people, welcoming them to the facilities. Cleveland 10 The banquet and catering services will be available all year long. All events will have to be booked in advance and yearlong specials and discounts will be displayed to each customer. Project Planner Period Highlight: 1 Plan Actual % Complete Actual (beyond plan) % Complete (beyond plan) PLAN PLAN ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT START DURATION START DURATION COMPLETE PERIODS ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Valentine Lunch box March for Meals Walk/Run Chef Showcase Gala Renovated building opening Bakery/ Café opens Banquet/ Catering opens 1 5 1 4 1 6 1 6 2 4 2 5 4 8 4 6 4 2 4 8 4 3 4 6 100% 100% 100% 95% 93% 85% Measurement During the opening of the center, proceeds and donations will be calculated through the year. Quarterly reports will take place every 3 months showing how money is being spent or going into the company. With each check it will be shown that progress is being made towards the company’s goals. Midway through the years, if progress is decreasing, new strategies will come into play. When different events are organized through the year, the growth will continue into the opening of the new building and banquet. Any high tech data will be transmitted internally. Followers of the company will be able to follow statistics through the use of social media. With the use of Social Media it allows you to Cleveland 11 be up to date and see current information regarding the organization. Since social media interaction is the new way of communicating, I want that to be a source of giving and receiving information. Academic reflection Beginning with media ecology states the different ways that we communicated affect others in different ways. Changes come about through the years and through separate cultures. When delivering information you have to understand the community that you are reaching to. For example with Meals on Wheels there are different stakeholders at hand. Clients are the most important people that we are trying to reach. Upper management, employees, as well as volunteers are the main sources to the organization. Media ecology ties in with communication technology, and also how we can communicate through the use of social media. Media is the cognitive behavior due to changes of technology. Media has taken over and technology is used on a constant basis, sometimes we don’t understand the environment we are in because of being so hooked. With human based interaction, media ecology determines the speed and communication channels that are appropriate to use. Impression management deals with the reputation of the company. As Meals on Wheels we want to look welcoming and accessible to every customer. A bad reputation leads to bad results. Individuals have the ability to give themselves self-preservation and a positive presentation. Through this course I have learned that one person can sometimes ruin a company through different crises. That is why it is very important to have a crisis communication plan at Cleveland 12 hand, that way the company can respond in a timely manner. Elaboration is categorized as persuasion. Cleveland 13 References "NonProfit Social Media Strategy." NonProfit Social Media Strategy. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Aug 2015. Baldassrre, Roco. "How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager." Social Media Examiner RSS. N.p., 07 Sept. 2014. Web. 01 Aug 2015. "Meals on Wheels America." Meals on Wheels America. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Aug 2015. Williams, O'neil. "What Are Communication Channels Within an Organization?" Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Aug 2015. "Developing a Communications Strategy." — Knowhow Nonprofit. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Aug. 2015.