Pre-Checkout Meetings

June 2015
Why is this Stuff Important?
 We recognize the end of the year presents challenging and
often emotional transitions for students
 We want to help reduce stress for residents and families
 We want residents to be successful and avoid fines
 We need to prepare for June clean-up, summer housing and
summer conferences
 We want you to be able to leave for summer!
Closing Dates
Friday, June 12:
• 5:00pm – housing closes
• ONLY approved students will be able to stay past closing
• Graduating seniors
• RAs or other RAD staff
• Late check-out fee is $300
Saturday, June 13:
• 7:00am – approved late-stay students in priority spaces must be out
• A, I, J, Mods
• 12:00pm – all other late-stay students must be out
• 2:00pm – RAs should be checked out
Important Dates Prior to Closing
Week 6
• RA In-service about closing
Week 7
• Closing bulletin boards up (by Sunday, May 17)
• Hand out Exit LLAs
Week 8
• Health and Safety Inspections – promote closing and Exit LLAs
• Follow up on Exit LLAs
Week 9
• Closing Community Meetings – collect back Exit LLAs
• Post closing reminder notices on resident doors (by Sun, May 31)
• Wednesday, 3pm – front office training w/ Jaycie
Important Dates Prior to Closing
Week 10
• RAs begin to facilitate pre-checkout meetings with residents
• RAs begin to monitor common areas for issues
Eval Week
• Monday, 6-8pm – All RAD staff end of year celebration dinner
• RAs facilitate pre-checkout meetings with each resident upon
• RAs work check-out front office shift (one 3-hour shift Wed-Sat)
• Monitor hallways, lounges, stairwells, sorting centers for issues
• Keep tabs on residents and when they are leaving
• Friday, 1pm – Graduation
Closing Bulletin Boards
• RDs will hand them out at staff meetings next week
• Helpful info and reminders about closing and moving out
• Should be put up by Sunday, May 17
Exit LLAs
• Hand out during week 7
• Collect back by week 9 Closing Community Meetings
• Offer your assistance to help the roommates complete them
• Explain the importance of this as a tool to help roommates
successfully complete their move-out process, sharing
responsibilities equitably and hopefully avoiding fines
• Document located under “Community Development” on RA
Resources Page
• Your RD will give you copies at week 7 staff meeting
Closing Community Meetings
• Use provided agenda
• Hold during week 9, between Monday-Wednesday, May 25-27
• Advertise at least 48 hours in advance, using multiple methods
• Take attendance on your roster
• Collect back Exit LLAs
• Follow up with residents who missed the meeting
• Post closing materials during week 9, by Sunday, May 31
Pre-Checkout Meetings
• BEFORE they return keys to the front office, they should walk
through the room with you
• Residents should sign up with you 24 hours in advance for a precheckout appointment (15 minutes) – failure to do so may result in
an improper check-out fee of at least $60
• Use Doodle for residents to sign up for appointments
• Have this setup and link sent out to residents by Sunday,
May 31 (beginning of week 10)
• Make sure to reflect your own academic schedule, but keep
plenty of times available
Pre-Checkout Meetings
• What you’re looking for:
• Have they removed all of their belongings from the
• Have they cleaned?
• Is there any obvious damage, if so, who’s responsible?
• Lock window(s) and door(s)
• Do NOT take keys—they should return them to the check-out office
• You’ll sign a 1/8 sheet for them to return to the office with their keys
to show the desk staff they completed this step
Pre-Checkout Meetings
• FOAs will still be assessing spaces for billing
• Let your RD know if there was anything problematic or if you learned
something needed to be billed to a particular person(s)
• Keep track of residents who have left on your roster
• If there are residents who haven’t signed up for an appointment or
you aren’t sure what their plan is, follow up with them asap
• Use Doodle for residents to sign up for appointments
• Have this setup and link sent out to residents by Sunday,
May 31 (beginning of week 10)
• Make sure to reflect your own academic schedule, but keep
plenty of times available
All the “What ifs…”
• What if:
• Someone can’t find a time on my Doodle schedule?
• Someone shows up at my room and says they need to meet
with me now (no prior appointment)?
• Someone’s space doesn’t look check-out ready?
• Someone refuses to/doesn’t have time to complete all the
necessary check-out steps?
• Someone leaves without meeting with me?
Other Things
• You’ll receive a temporary A-D exterior key during Eval Week
• A-D will be put on a different core as of 5pm Friday
• You should plan to stay until 2pm on Saturday, unless told otherwise
by your supervising RD
• Friday of closing, we’ll feed you dinner at 6pm
• On own for breakfast/lunch Saturday
To Do Before You Leave
• Return all RA apparel (including hats) and supplies to your RD
• Return admin/staff keys to your RD
• Complete your own check-out
• Remove all belongings from your room/unit and clean it
• Return your housing keys to the SGS office on the 2nd floor of
• Give yourself a big pat on the back!