Political Cartoon Scrapbook During the first semester, all students will create a Political Cartoon Scrapbook in which they analyze 15 different political cartoons. Your 15 cartoons must be divided up so that you have 6 cartoons representing the Executive Branch (the President), 7 cartoons representing the Legislative Branch (the US Congress), and 2 cartoons representing the Judicial Branch (the US Supreme Court). The 15 Political Cartoons need to be spread out over the course of the 1st Semester, dated between August 25 – December 11, 2014. Scrapbooks will be due on Friday, December 12, 2014. Grade: The Portfolio will consist of a weekly grade in the 1st and 2nd Quarters as well as a final project grade in the 2nd Quarter. Final Project Grade is 300 points, weekly grades will be 5 point progress checks in which you will present your cartoon. Final Grade: 300 Points 10 points per Summary/Analysis + 5 points/Cartoon+ 5 Points/Bibliography info=20 points/ page 15 Cartoon Pages x 20 points/page= 300 points Weekly Checks: These will be done every Friday starting on 9/5/14. You will need 1 of your Political Cartoons and the Bibliography Information for that cartoon that day. Each Scrapbook must include the following: 15 Scrapbook Pages: Each cartoon should have its own page neatly assembled and put into the binder in chronological order. Each page of your Scrapbook must contain the following: o 1 Political Cartoon o Summary/Analysis of that Political Cartoon: In the analysis, it should be described who/what real life people/situation is depicted in the cartoon, what the cartoon is trying to say about the person or situation, which branch it is making fun of, and whether you agree/disagree with the political cartoon and WHY. (This does not have to be long, short 5 sentences or so paragraph!) o Bibliography Information for that Cartoon: date, newspaper/website, author/illustrator The Scrapbook needs to include a title page: Name, Class period. Scrapbook pages can be NEATLY handwritten or typed. The Scrapbook itself can be a cheap 3 ring binder/folder or make a homemade binding….just remember neatness counts!! For the procrastinators out there……DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!! This assignment averages out to about 1 Political Cartoon page for each week, so if you don’t wait until the last minute it is not overly stressful to complete. LATE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! DECEMBER 12, 2014 is the Due Date!!!