Political Cartoon Scrapbook

Political Cartoon Scrapbook
During the first semester, all students will create a Political Cartoon Scrapbook in which they
analyze 15 different political cartoons. Your 15 cartoons must be divided up so that you have 6
cartoons representing the Executive Branch (the President), 7 cartoons representing the
Legislative Branch (the US Congress), and 2 cartoons representing the Judicial Branch (the US
Supreme Court). The 15 Political Cartoons need to be spread out over the course of the 1st
Semester, dated between August 25 – December 11, 2014.
Scrapbooks will be due on Friday, December 12, 2014.
Grade: The Portfolio will consist of a weekly grade in the 1st and 2nd Quarters as well as a final
project grade in the 2nd Quarter. Final Project Grade is 300 points, weekly grades will be 5 point
progress checks in which you will present your cartoon.
Final Grade: 300 Points
10 points per Summary/Analysis + 5 points/Cartoon+ 5 Points/Bibliography info=20 points/ page
15 Cartoon Pages x 20 points/page= 300 points
Weekly Checks: These will be done every Friday starting on 9/5/14. You will need 1 of your
Political Cartoons and the Bibliography Information for that cartoon that day.
Each Scrapbook must include the following:
15 Scrapbook Pages: Each cartoon should have its own page neatly assembled and put
into the binder in chronological order. Each page of your Scrapbook must contain the
o 1 Political Cartoon
o Summary/Analysis of that Political Cartoon: In the analysis, it should be
described who/what real life people/situation is depicted in the cartoon, what the
cartoon is trying to say about the person or situation, which branch it is making
fun of, and whether you agree/disagree with the political cartoon and WHY. (This
does not have to be long, short 5 sentences or so paragraph!)
o Bibliography Information for that Cartoon: date, newspaper/website,
The Scrapbook needs to include a title page: Name, Class period.
Scrapbook pages can be NEATLY handwritten or typed.
The Scrapbook itself can be a cheap 3 ring binder/folder or make a homemade
binding….just remember neatness counts!!
For the procrastinators out there……DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!
This assignment averages out to about 1 Political Cartoon page for each week, so if you don’t
wait until the last minute it is not overly stressful to complete.