EXCEL CHAPTER 2 Lab Instructions—pgs. 145-155 NOTE: Make sure all spreadsheets fit to one page. Apply Your Knowledge pg. 145-146 1. Retrieve the data file from the I:/Shared drive 2. Follow Steps 1-4 as given in text; proofread and edit your document 3. Add the class information to the spreadsheet using the following (First/Last Name, Excel 2-AYK-Part 1, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A19-A22). 4. Step 5: Do NOT do document properties; do NOT put information in a header; save into your Excel 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-AYK-Part 1; preview and print the spreadsheet in color in landscape orientation 5. Do Step 6 as instructed 6. Step 7: Do Control+` to show entire formulas version; print entire worksheet instead of the range; print in Black & White, fit to one page, landscape orientation; remember to return settings to original state before saving again 7. Part 2 Instructions: Complete Step 1 as instructed 8. Part 2 Step 2: Change the class information to say Excel 2-AYK-Part 2; save the workbook in your Excel 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-AYK-Part 2; preview and print the worksheet in color, landscape orientation 9. Staple the assignment in the following order: Part 1, Part 2, Part 1 formulas version Extend Your Knowledge pg. 147 1. Retrieve the data file from the I:/Shared drive 2. Step 1: Set conditional format range to top 25%; change format to bold, white font; with orange fill (5th one over on first row) 3. Step 2: Set conditional format to below average; change format to bold, red font with yellow fill 4. Step 3: Set conditional format to Ds & Fs; change format to light red fill with dark red text 5. Step 4: Set conditional format to duplicate showing light red fill 6. Proofread and edit your document 7. Add the class information to the spreadsheet using the following (First/Last Name, Excel 2-EYK, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A24-A27) 8. Do NOT do document properties; do NOT do header 9. Save into your Excel Project 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-EYK 10. Preview and print the spreadsheet in color in portrait orientation Make It Right pg. 148-149 1. Retrieve the data file from the I:/Shared drive 2. Do Steps 1-7 as instructed in the text; except adjust Column B to 11.50 instead of 11.25; adjust Columns E & H to 10.00 width and Column C to 8.25 width; adjust D4:D17 to comma style so decimals align properly 3. Do NOT do document properties; do NOT add a header 4. Add the class information to the spreadsheet using the following (First/Last Name, Excel 2-MIR, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A20-A23). 5. Save into your Excel 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-MIR 6. Preview and print the spreadsheet in color in landscape orientation; print formulas version B/W in landscape orientation fit to one page; 7. Staple the assignment in the following order: values version then formulas version Lab Exercise 1-Parts 1-3 pgs. 149-151 1. Part 1: Follow Steps 1-14 as given in text (Note: there is a book error in Step 9—there is no B1 so apply to A2) 2. Change Step 15 to the following: Rename the sheet tab as Sales Analysis. Do NOT do document properties; do NOT do a header. Key class information (First/Last Name, Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 1, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A20-A23) 3. Change Step 16 to the following: Save into your Excel Project 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 1; preview and print the entire worksheet in color in landscape orientation; DO NOT print just the range 4. Do Step 17 as instructed but print in B/W; reset the worksheet page setup back to its original state 5. Part 2: Follow instructions as given in text except save it as Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 2 6. Change the footer information in cell A21 to Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Proofread and edit your document; do NOT do header Preview and print the spreadsheet in landscape orientation in color Part 3: Follow instructions as given in text except save it as Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 3 Change the footer information in cell A21 to Excel 2-Lab 1-Part 3 Proofread and edit your document; do NOT do header Preview and print the spreadsheet in landscape orientation in color Staple and submit in this order: Part 1 values version, Part 1 formulas version (in B/W), Part 2 values version, Part 3 values version Lab Exercise 2-Part 1 & 2 pgs. 151-154 1. Part 1 Instructions: Do Part 1-Steps 1-9 as instructed in text except change the width of Column A to 22.00 characters 2. Step 10: Change the worksheet name as instructed; add class information (First/Last Name, Excel 2-Lab 2-Part 1, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A20:A23); do NOT do document properties; do NOT create a header 3. Step 11: Spell check as instructed; Save into your Excel Project 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-Lab 2-Part 1; preview and print the spreadsheet in landscape orientation in color 4. Step 12: Do NOT print the range; preview and print the formulas version landscaped, fit-to-one page in Black and White; close without saving (make sure you have done prior save so you don’t lose document) 5. Part 2 Instructions: Open Lab 2-Part 1; change cell A21 to say Excel 2-Lab 2-Part 2 and save as Lab 2-Part 2 in your Excel 2 folder 6. Create chart as instructed in Steps 1-5; preview and create a custom footer in the Page Setup dialog box Header/Footer tab with the following information: First/Last Name, Excel 2-Lab 2-Part 2, Hour, Current Date each on a different line (enter); you will then need to size the chart by pulling up the bottom so that all of the footer information shows in the print preview; print the ONLY THE CHART in landscape orientation in color 7. Staple together in this order: Part 1 values version, Part 2 chart sheet; Part 1 formulas version; submit 8. Do Step 6 as instructed 9. Change Step 7 to select and preview the worksheet and chart but DO NOT PRINT the worksheets; save the changes as Excel 2-Part 2b in your Excel 2 folder 10. Part 3 Instructions: DO NOT DO Part 3 Lab Exercise 3-Part 1 & 2 pgs. 154-155 1. Part 1 Instructions: Follow the instructions for Part 1 as given in text for creating the web query 2. Key the class information (First/Last Name, Excel 2-Lab 3-Part 1, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A25-A28) 3. Save Part 1 into your Excel 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-Lab 3-Part 1; do NOT do document properties; do NOT create a header 4. Preview and print the spreadsheet fit to one page in landscape orientation in color 5. Click on the links as instructed but DO NOT PRINT any web pages; preview them and close without saving 6. Part 2 Instructions: Follow the instructions for Part 2 as given in text for creating the web query 7. Key the class information (First/Last Name, Excel 2-Lab 3-Part 2, Hour, Current Date) each in a separate row (A35-A38) 8. Save Part 2 into your Excel 2 folder using the filename Excel 2-Lab 3-Part 2; do NOT do document properties; do NOT adjust the header 9. Preview and print the spreadsheet fit to one page in landscape orientation in color 10. Staple parts 1 & 2 together in order; submit