Government pwpt - Jamestown School District

United States Government
And the U.S. Constitution
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The Constitution…
• Is the “Supreme Law of
the Land”
• It specifically lists all of
the powers of the national
• It divides power between
the national and state
gov’ts (federal system)
• Delegated powers--federal
• Reserved powers--state
• Spells out our
representative democracy
-- a gov’t which people
elect their leaders.
• It describes a system of
checks and balances
where each branch can
check on the other two so
no branch gets too
• It also separates powers to
balance the branches
Article I -- The Legislative
Branch (Congress)
• This branch makes the
• It is divided into two
branches -->
• The House of
Representatives and the
• House of Reps has 435
members and each state is
represented through
population (more people
in the state the more reps
you get in the House)
• Members of the House are
elected every two years.
And they are the house
that can impeach a
• The Senate has 100
members (each state sends
• Senators serve six year
terms and they are the
branch that hear the
impeachment trials.
• Both houses can propose
Powers of the Legislative Branch
To borrow money
To raise and lower taxes
To coin money
To set up post offices
To build roads
To declare war
To provide a military
Regulate trade between
states and foreign
– Allows congress to to
stretch their powers to
change with changing
On your dry erase boards.
• 1. Where would you look to find all the powers
you have as the Legislative Branch?
• 2. What is a representative democracy and give an
example of it.
• 3. What are the names of the two houses in the
Legislative Branch? Which branch has a longer
• 4. What does the Legislative branch do when it
comes to laws?
• 5. List two powers you have as our Legislative
Analyze and explain the point of
the cartoon
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Article II -->
The Executive Branch (President)
• The President enforces the
• He/she is the commander
and chief of the armed
forces though he cannot
declare war.
• To be president one must
be 35 years old, be born in
the U.S. and have lived in
the U.S. for the past 14
• The President serves four
year term. He can serve
no more than two terms.
• The president can sign and
veto bills
• He appoints federal judges
• He appoints his cabinet
(those hired to advise him)
• He also has the power to
pardon federal offenders
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Flip over your notes
• 6. What is the President’s job when it
comes to laws?
• 7. What is on requirement someone must
meet before becoming president?
• 8. What is the purpose of the President’s
• 9. Besides his cabinet, who else can the
President appoint (hire)?
In your groups, analyze and
explain the cartoon
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Article III-->
Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)
• The judicial branch makes
sure that the laws are
carried out fairly
• The judicial branch is a
system of courts whose
head is the supreme court.
• There are 94
federal/district courts in
the U.S. today
• Cases may make it all the
way to the Supreme Court
• Supreme Court hears about 100
cases a year.
• The court can determine that
some laws or actions by our
gov’t are unconstitutional
• It also hears cases involving
disputes between states and
internt’l leaders
• The President appoints these
members with the approval of
• It is a life long appointment
Flip over your notes!
• 10. Is the Supreme Court the only national
or federal court? Explain.
• 11. What type of cases does the Supreme
Court take?
• 12. What is the Supreme Court’s job when
it comes to laws?
• 13. What happens if the Supreme Court
feels a law is breaking the Constitution?
In your groups analyze and
explain the following cartoon.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Article IV -->
The States.
• This section just shows
that states must honor the
laws and court decisions
of other states.
• For example if a someone
flees his state because he
is about to be arrested and
goes to a state where he
did not commit a crime,
the new state must send
him back
• It talks about how new
states can be added to
the country.
• Blah, blah, blah, blah
Article V
How to amend (change)the
• Then 3/4 of the states
The following is the
process in amending
the constitution:
• 2/3 of both houses of
congress must deem it
necessary to propose
the amendment or 2/3
of the states can do the
must vote to ratify the
• The first ten amendments
are called the Bill of
Rights. These were added
to protect the rights of the
• In our 200 + year history
there have only been 27
amendments to out
Articles VI and VII
• Article VI just says
that if a state law
conflicts with a federal
law, then the federal
law wins
• Whoever cares about
Article II, raise your
• Me neither.
Bill of Rights
First 10 Amendments to the
1--Freedoms. Ex:
• 8--Cruel and unusual
Speech, religion, assembly
2--Bear arms. Ex: own a
3--No Quartering Acts
4--Privacy. Ex. Police
need warrants, need
probable cause to enter
your house
procedures the courts must
follow when trying people
accused of crimes.
• 9--can’t mess with the
constitution to deny
• 10--all rights not in the
constitution go to the
states or people
Which Amendment is this
cartoon about? Explain.
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
With Rights come
• Citizens have
responsibilities/ duties to
other citizens and to the
• Ex:
– Obey laws
– Know what the laws are
– Respect people in authority
• Cont:
– Paying taxes
– Protect the nation from
– Register for the draft
– Called to and serve on jury
– Parents have resp to take
care of children, children
have resp to listen to