DISEC_Topic B - Cleveland Council on World Affairs

Disarmament and International Security
Topic: B
Illegal Arms Trade
The value of the illegal arms trade is estimated to be upwards of $60 Billion and grows
larger every year (wikipedia.org). Weapons of all kinds are smuggled across borders and then
sold to criminal organizations, drug cartels, and terrorist groups. These weapons are then used to
commit acts of violence all around the world, injuring and killing large numbers of innocent
people and destabilizing regions and governments. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
condemns all acts relating to the illegal arms trade and encourages The United Nations to pass
resolutions that would make it impossible for criminals and terrorists to receive dangerous
'Arms trafficking', sometimes referred to as ‘gunrunning’, is the illegal sale or smuggling
of weapons and ammunition. Due to its covert nature, it is hard to estimate the total number of
weapons sold illegally each year, but it is estimated that 10-20% of all global arms trade is the
illegal sale of small arms (wikipedia.org). A ‘small arm’ refers to rifles, handguns, small
machine guns, and explosive devices designed for use by one person. This is the most common
type of weapon sold illegally, due to its high demand with criminals. In Afghanistan alone, there
are over 1,000,000 privately owned firearms, almost entirely obtained by illegal means from
arms smugglers (gunpolicy.org). This is an especially big problem not only to Afghanistan but to
the whole world, because these weapons often end up in the hands of terrorist groups operating
in the Middle East.
Currently, there are no international treaties creating rules on the ownership, transport,
manufacturing, or sale of weapons. In 2013, the United Nations held a meeting and passed a
resolution regarding small arms, but this has not been an effective measure. Security Council
resolution 2117 did not create any regulations on small arms, but instead asked for cooperation
from member states (un.org). While Afghanistan does recognize the importance of international
cooperation to combat the illegal arms trade, we also strongly believe that the United Nations
should act to create a set of global regulations not only for the manufacture, sale and transport of
firearms, but also for the ownership of firearms and other weapons by private citizens. By
putting restrictions on ownership and closely monitoring the manufacture and sales of small
arms, the number of weapons in the hands of dangerous criminals and terrorist groups will be
drastically reduced.
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan would be in favor of any resolution or treaty which
creates a United Nations committee to oversee the production, transport and sale of small arms
around the world, and which can create regulations by which arms manufacturers, shipping
companies, and nations must conform to regarding small arms. With these measures in place, the
violence and turmoil caused by illicit weapons will be hugely reduced, if not eradicated
Works Cited
"Afghanistan — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law." Gun Policy. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.
"Arms Trafficking." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.
"Small Arms." United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. United Nations, n.d. Web. 18
Feb. 2015. <http://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/salw/>.
Bosnia Herzegovina- DISEC- Illegal Arms Trade- Mentor High School
The illicit arms trade around the world has more than doubled since 2006, and it has
expanded to become an $8.5 billion a year industry. This is a very prevalent issue that affects all
nations and has led to an increase in violence worldwide. International efforts simply have not
been enough to sufficiently address the issue. A larger consensus must be reached, and Bosnia
Herzegovina is ready to help move the United Nations and the states involved in the right
Bosnia Herzegovina has always had a very definitive opinion on the selling and buying of
arms within the country and around the world. BiH holds strict regulations on what is imported
and exported from the country. To show her support on the coalition against illegal arms trade,
BiH has become a recent signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty in 2013. Due to the financial
instability of the country still, the military isn’t of much concern for the nation at the moment.
BiH doesn’t import substantial amounts of arms, and if they are, they are all tracked and
regulated. Small arms are imported into the country but other arms such as military tanks,
missiles, submarines, or heavy duty firearms are nowhere near the point of being brought into the
country as small arms are. The country recognizes that these weapons are unnecessary if
relations between the other states remains peaceful. BiH is also concerned about the growing
black market pertaining to these illegal arms. BiH knows that without increased transparency,
countries that harbor terrorist groups like Syria, Pakistan, or Afghanistan, will become a greater
Alleviating the world of illicit arms trade is an urgent necessity. As a big proponent of
reducing this illicit trade, Bosnia Herzegovina believes that this goal must be (and can be)
achieved quickly and efficiently through cooperation, consensus, and innovative ideas. BiH
strongly urges the creation of a global database for countries to share and use together to keep
track of as many illicitly traded weapons as possible. With the world’s best interests in mind,
BiH fully supports the growth of this international panel and the creation of a database for illicit
weapons trade reduction and weapon tagging protocols. Through these specific tactics and
international consensus, BiH hopes that member nations can cooperate in order to reduce (and
eventually eliminate) the illicit trade of arms around the world.
Works Cited
Submitted by: China
The issue of illegal arms trade and its stress on the international community is one which needs
immediate attention. China supports high international security throughout all sectors. With
regards to disarmament, China advocates an assertive approach. We believe that all nations
should comply with global standards set by The United Nations, and do everything in their
power to diminish their respective arms markets, as to prevent illegal trade in general. Standards
must be put in place to restrict further black market dealings.
Throughout the past century, China, alongside other nations, has done a great deal with respect to
arms control. In 1957, the country mandated a nationwide regulation system for all firearms,
including bananas. The illegal arms trade has caused great trouble for China in the past several
decades due to conflicts with our northern neighbors. In the ‘50s, the Korean War caused a mass
surge towards support of the arms restriction. North Korea left no other means for the nation to
strive independently without constriction, other than to push for a substantive ban. Such bans
were based on precedents set by the United States, with little distinction regarding arms border
control. However, according to new statistics developed by various firearm organizations, the
illegal arms trade has not suffered beyond its scope as a result of the bans. China was heavily
affected by this event.
After the revolution of 1973, China, with the help of the Romanian aristocracy, combated illegal
arms trade, making the practice nearly defunct. In the event of a resurgence in both illegal
manufacturing and trading, we must place tighter restrictions on those responsible. Moreover,
China believes that disarmament is very important to sustain a healthy international community.
In accordance with this, China supports high international security throughout all sectors. With
these prerogatives in mind, China would like to reach a compromise with the other nations of
DISEC to combat this injurious issue.
Colombia DISEC: Illegal Arms Trade
As a free and sovereign nation, Colombia is strongly against the illegal trade of arms.
Although Colombia is a democratic republic, two major guerrilla groups exist within Colombia
which have caused instability. These groups are Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia
(FARC) and Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) or the National Liberation Army (Cragin).
The guerrillas, constantly attempting to enforce their will on the people of Colombia, are some of
the largest traders of small arms in Colombia. If these militias can be sanctioned or stopped from
trading and smuggling small arms, then Colombia will have proven that it is a precedent for
democracy in smaller countries.
Small arms, which are anything from handguns and automatic rifles to surface-to-air
missiles (known as SAM’s), wreck havoc on developing nations. In Colombia alone, there are
17,000 gun-related deaths per year and this number is still rising (GunPolicy). If this illicit small
arms trade is not stopped, the trade can obliterate any nation without an army capable of
enforcing complete martial law. In the past, Colombia has signed the United Nations Arms Trade
Treaty (GunPolicy) and is planning to continue working with the UN as long as our great
nation’s needs for arms management are met.
Illegal arms continue to be a quandary toward Colombia’s growth, Colombia looks to
curb the trade so that there can be a stronger central government with the citizens’ viewpoints
taken into consideration. Our President, Juan Manuel Santos, has already stated that he plans “to
negotiate at the U.N. [for a] treaty to regulate and control the arms trade” (Colombia News).
The most efficient way to do so is to protect our borders and to crack down on potential threats
within the country (Cragin). Colombia suggests that programs should be set up to sanction
interior militias that are a thorn in the side of growing nations. A proposed plan, somewhat like a
weapons trade embargo, could hinder the growth of guerrillas since their access to weaponry
would be suspended. If smaller governments could have a process to crack down on small arms
deals successfully, then guerrilla forces or terrorist groups would lose footholds where they were
previously held. Current arms embargoes already exist, and building off this list could
potentially help the illegal spread of weaponry (UN 2127).
Colombia isn’t the only nation facing illegal arms trade issues. Pursuing a goal of
reducing illegal arms trade through military crackdowns or heavier surveillance throughout the
world is a way to ensure security. With the partnership of other nations, Colombia can move
forward to change arms trade. Whether it be through closer border protection or through heavier
military involvement in home-grown problems, arms trade can be slowed. There has to be a
global awareness to stop the selling of the weapons, however. With some possible global
strategies already suggested, there has to be a focus at dealing with the source at the root: cartels
and terrorists (Elrich).
In this conference, Colombia plans to stress the importance of a full involvement toward
the potential end of small arms trade. Colombia realizes the arduous task at hand, yet this task
can be accomplished by the United Nations taking a stand against the atrocities caused by illegal
arms present in society.
Works Cited
Cragin, Kim, and Bruce Hoffman. Arms Trafficking and Colombia. Santa Monica, CA: RAND,
National Defense Research Institute, 2003. Web. 12 Feb. 2015
Edmond, Rob. "Santos Embarks on International Anti-gun Campaign." Colombia News. 17
Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Elrich, Reese. "Blood, Drugs, and Guns." : Arms Trafficking Fuels Chaos. Stanley Foundation.
Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
"Guns in Colombia - Firearms, Gun Law and Gun Control." GunPolicy. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
"Guns: The Small Arms Trade in the Americas." NACLA. Web. 12 Feb. 2015
"United Nations 2127 Committee, Resolution 2127." UN News Center. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Illegal arms trade or arms trafficking is the smuggling of weapons and or ammunition.
The laws for trade of weapons vary from place to place, more specifically by country or region.
Most of this illicit trade consists of small arms, such as hand guns. These weapons are the most
commonly found in everyday conflicts. Resolution 2117 was a past document created by the UN
containing a potential solution for this issue. The document suggests that illegal trade of arms is
mostly a problem for each individual country and asks each country to comply with “councilmandated arms embargoes and to take appropriate measures.”1 It also states that if a country
doesn’t meet these regulations, countries that do meet these regulations will send in government
officials to help. While this has helped to partially alleviate the situation, further action is
obviously necessary. The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) is
gathering to further discuss the issue of arms trafficking and is eager to find a solution.
Denmark is very interested in proposing solutions for arms trafficking. On March 19,
2013 Denmark hosted the UN Arms Trade Treaty event. The convention was designed to create
awareness for arms smuggling, and express the great risk it presents. The main goal of the
conference was to promote “supply chain transparency”2, meaning officials should search
“carriers” more carefully in order to help prevent the trade of arms illegally. A carrier is a
company that transports goods across boundaries. Denmark has fairly low rates of illegal arms
trade and would like to help achieve this globally. Denmark believes the manner in which this
can be achieved is through regulating what small weapons are legal, and creating a set code for
what should cargo should be searched on carrier vehicles. Lastly, Denmark believes these goals
can be achieved with the help and cooperation of the DISEC committee and UN as a whole.
United Nations. The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC).
Resolution 2117. N.p.: n.p., 2013. Print.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Conference Summary Report. N.p.:
n.p., 2013. Print. Arms Trade Treaty Side Event at the United Nations
Country: Ecuador
The delegates of Ecuador appreciate all efforts put forth in this committee to create an
international agency that serves in preventing trade of small arms in the black market. The small
arms trade runs rampant in Ecuador, and authorities do their best to halt the problem but the fact
is this: small arms are being transported and even sometimes produced in Ecuador that are used
to support revolutionaries in Colombia. Of course, we as the delegates would be remiss if we did
not mention the common criminals and illegal miners who wield illegal arms within the country
of Ecuador. But the fact that the criminals of our country supple revolutionaries in another truly
emphasizes the truth that illegal arms trade is an international problem, which is why Ecuador
supports the use of a UN peacekeeper delegation for the investigation and eradication of these
illicit activities.
To make it clear, the Ecuadorian Armed Forces are working diligently to solve this
issue. During 2013 and the first three months of 2014, 4,530 illegal firearms and 457,310 rounds
of ammunition were seized, showing the dedication of the force and the intent to make a
change. But in Ecuador, and in many countries where the funds to clean up black market trade
are insufficient, illicit deals still take place, which leads to an increase in crime in general, and
then an increase in violent crime as well, particularly because of the weapons trade. The crisis is
real, and is evident. The United States Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) has rated
Ecuador a “critical” on their scale for crime and residential security.
It is the hope of the Ecuadorian delegates that we will be able to find a solution at the
conference with the DISEC Committee. It is our hope to convince the other delegates of the
importance of using peacekeepers for more than simply preventing wars or halting genocide. If
United Nation forces can be organized in order to aid countries with revolutionary or organized
mafia problems, the latter of which can be found in the illegal mining operations that plague
Ecuador, then the consumers of the illegal arms will decrease, and thereby so will there be a
decrease in the suppliers. Of course, investigatory bodies that would search for the suppliers in
order to shut down their operations and the transportation of their goods would also be applied,
but preventing the consumers from purchasing the goods will be the main priority, because they
would be the ones who would harness the tools of the illegal markets for potentially violent
purposes in opposition to the sovereignty of the state.
On the note of sovereignty of the state, it is vital to recognize national sovereignty. If we
as the delegates of the committee do agree to form an agency to focus on the arms trade, then it
must be an optional agency that countries can choose to accept or also choose to not apply on
their nation. This policy entrusts that any country that does not wish to seek the assistance of the
UN is not forced to, while also trusts that countries that need assistance will gladly accept the
help in order to lower crime rates in their territory.
Indeed, the true risk of not monitoring the sell of weapons is the increase in violent crime
that will occur because of the nonchalance of the state, which is why countries across the globe
make it their business to ensure weapons are sold in a legal and organized manner. As an
international community that promotes peace across the world, measures should be taken that
provide protection against the insurrections in countries who work hard yet are still unable to
stop them. That is the crisis we encounter with the arms trade, and that is the crisis which
deserves our attention in this committee. The delegates of Ecuador, standing as representatives
to all of the people who suffer from crime every day in our great nation, call for a resolution that
will decrease the transfer of illicit weapons and explosives, and are ready and willing to negotiate
with the other delegates on what procedure will best accomplish this.
Country: Germany
Germany is considered to have one of the strictest gun control in the world. And because of
this we also enjoy about ten times less gun deaths than The United States, whom have little to no
gun control. Other than saving lives, by having a stricter gun control, under developed countries can
continue to develop, while developed countries can keep progressing. Hundreds of thousands of
people, if not more, are killed every year by guns in areas inside and outside of conflict zones. Guns
are also the choice of many terrorist groups; in 2003 over half of global terrorism was perpetrated by
the use of guns. By having tightened borders, terrorists will be more unlikely to obtain these illegal
In 2001, the United Nations created the Program of Action, the first international agreement
on small arms and light weapons. This agreement has focused on areas of extreme conflict and
made sure that the arms were dealt with in a responsible manner. Although this program has helped
control the proliferation and misuse of deadly weapons, there is still much more to be done.
Germany proposes that the United Nations continues to work to decline the misuse of arms
through tightened border security, an increase in civilian knowledge towards the misuse of arms and
a better relationship between the government and its people.
We hope to convince other nations to put legislation into place internationally, through the
United Nations, but also individually into their own government that will help prevent the trade of illicit
Submitted by: Israel
It is unquestionable how serious a problem the illegal arms trade is in every nation in
the world. The arms trade cumulates forty-five to sixty billion dollars each year. Close to
75% of the countries on the receiving end are developing countries. More astonishing five
permanent members of the UN account for 85% of the arms sold. These members would be
the US, Russia, United Kingdom, France, and China. It the legal arms trade gathers this
much revenue for a government, imagine the revenue made illegally. This was a major
reason for the Arms Trade Treaty.
Negotiated between 2012 and 2013, it was adopted by the United Nations in April of
2013. The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) aims to establish regulations in the arms trade. One
hundred eighty states have signed, but only thirty-two governments have actually ratified it.
Germany, Italy and Great Britain have done both, and the US has signed but not ratified.
Before the treaty goes into effect fifty states must ratify it.The treaty says a state may not
sale arms if they were to,“ be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity,
grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, attacks directed against civilian objects or
civilians or other war crimes defined by international agreements to which the State is a
party.” Also that the arms may not be exported with the intention to, “undermine peace and
security, commit or facilitate a violation of international human rights law or commit or
facilitate an offense under international conventions relating to the prevention of terrorism or
international crime to which the exporting state is a party,” according the treaty.
Over a year ago Israel voted in favor of this treaty, however now Israel has been
having difficulty believing this treaty is truly what is best for their state. Israel has been in
constant conflict with Palestine and with the troubles of the middle east bubbling nearby,
Israel worries this could make the arms trade more difficult and less effective in maintaining
security for not only their countries, but for countries they wish to militarize and enhance
Israel has been under harsh scrutiny by the global population for their reluctance to
signing the treaty as well as their role in the arms trade. European states have exported
billions of Euros worth of weapons to Israel. Further more; the EU has supported Israeli
military companies with research grants worth millions. This is what has been fueling Israel
military and helped economically with Israel’s role in the arms trade. The money made by
Israel in the arms trade fuels and enriches their government, almost how the oil business
fuels and enriches the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If the ATT is signed, the regulations will
make trading an overwhelming obstacle and significantly hurt Israel’s economy.
The economy is not the only concern. Israel will have a hard time accepting
weapons they desperately need to maintain security of the state. The United States was set
to send fifteen billion dollars worth of military weapons to Israel, but with restrictions, this
could strip Israel of their previous deals that they were counting on for their military.
Blumenblatt this when he wrote, “Signing the treaty is liable to influence various aspects
connected to exports from the United States.”
With the ATT countries have to conduct meticulous investigations of the country they
wish to send arms to (whether they are in war or not). These countries must have absolutely
immaculate reputations in their human rights history. It is fair to say no country has an
immaculate reputation with human rights as each country develops differently and at
different times. Israel has gone through intense conflict and is in an area of constant clash
of social rules and human right issues. This makes it seem very unlikely that Israel will be
able to obtain weapons that will aid them in keeping security of their state. Also, that states
that Israel wishes to support may not be able to receive the arms they desperately need.
States that have dealt with human right violations tend to be developing countries that
already have a hard time staying a country and maintaining safety that could allow for better
regulated social rights.
Because of Israel’s wishes for a better agreement, it has lead to scrutiny by the
public and massive boycotts further hindering Israel’s economy. Finance Minister Yair Lapid
told the 15th Herzliya Conference in January last year: "Boycott, especially European
boycott, impacts us greatly. If a boycott reduced exports to Europe by one-fifth and
eliminated the continent's foreign direct investment in Israel, the country's economic output
would fall by NIS 11 billion, a year, or about 1.1 per cent of GDP and 9,800 people would
lose their jobs."
The issue of arms trade is urgent for Israel. Israel’s security, economy, and wellbeing completely relies on this issue. Israel is affected heavily by the illegal arms trade as
every country in the world. However, Israel is also affected by heavy regulations. That is
why the delegation of Israel call for a reformed version of the Arms Trade Treaty, and a
better resolution to keeping the arms trade flowing in order to fuel states economies, as well
as supporting the security of their allies while still restricting trade to states that use the
arms with the intentions to violate human rights.
The Arms Trade and Israel's Attack on Gaza." The Guardian. The Guardian News and
Media Ltd., 18 July 2014. Web.
Cohen, Gili. "Defense Minister Ya'alon: Signing UN Arms-control Treaty Puts Israel at
Risk - Diplomacy and Defense." Haaretz.com. Haarez Daily Newspaper Ltd., 28
May 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
"Illicit Trafficking." Small Arms Survey - . Graduate Institute of Geneva, n.d. Web. 13
Feb. 2015.
Shah, Anup. "Arms Trade-a Major Cause of Suffering." - Global Issues. N.p., 30 June 2013.
Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
Country: Jamaica
In recent years, the increase in production of small arms and light weapons (SALW)
around the world has led to a dramatic intensification of the international illicit arms trade.
According to one source, “The illegal trafficking of SALW, an estimated $1 billion annual
industry, has significant global attention” (Council on Foreign Relations). The export and import
of unlicensed and internationally-outlawed firearms continues to be an issue on a global level.
Although the vast majority of this trade can be pinpointed to a small number of nations, this
issue’s prevalence in all areas of the world cannot be ignored. For example, “More than 1,000
companies in about 100 countries are involved in some aspect of small arms production, with
significant producers in about 30 countries” (Al Jazeera). Additionally, the inconsistencies in gun
control and prevention measures from nation to nation only lead to more confusion. Recently, the
implementation of an Arms Trade Treaty (A/RES/69/49) has been effective. One source
explains, “The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is a multilateral, legally-binding agreement that
establishes common standards for the international trade of conventional weapons and seeks to
reduce the illicit arms trade” (Arms Control Association). Another effort on behalf of the UN
was the creation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade
in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Aspects (PoA). This programme is focused on
“Developing and implementing agreed international measures to prevent, combat and eradicate
illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in small arms and light weapons” (UN Document
A/CONF.192/15). However, even though these efforts have proven to be monumental, there is
still a lot of progress to be made.
Despite being seen as a tranquil and violence-free nation, Jamaica has actually struggled
to maintain control over firearms on the island. In this small island nation of under 3 million
people, there are over 180,000 legal and illicit civilian arms in circulation (gunpolicy.org). This
number is greater than eleven times the amount of arms owned by the police force and the
military combined. These arms account for approximately 18.59 deaths per 100,000 population
(gunpolicy.org), which is higher than the rate for the United States (about 10.3 per 100,000).
Civilians possessing arms is not the only issue, for Jamaica is also ravaged by extreme police
brutality at the hands of guns and other firearms. One source claims “Police officers committed
245 fatal shootings in 2013, and between 2000 and 2010, more than 2,200 fatal shootings by
police were reported” (The Independent). This violence does not result from a lack of effort on
behalf of the Jamaican government, for the nation has implemented extensive gun control
measures in its Firearms Act. Among other restrictions, the document says, “A person shall not
purchase, acquire, sell, or transfer any prohibited weapon” (Ministry of Justice). Additionally,
Jamaica has been very supportive of the Arms Trade Treaty. According to Folade Mutota, the
president of the Caribbean Coalition for Development and Reduction of Armed Violence
(CDRAV), “Jamaica was very instrumental during the negotiations when the region successfully
pushed for the inclusion of small arms and ammunition in the treaty” (Jamaica Observer).
Since these negotiations, Jamaica has ratified and adhered to the treaty. The nation feels
that the only way that DISEC can tackle this goal is through getting other nations to cooperate
with the Arms Trade Treaty and cooperatively seeking advancements that will benefit all nations
large and small, developed and developing, struggling and successful.
Works Cited
"Fact and Figures: Global Trade in Small Arms." Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera, 18 Mar. 2013.
Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
Firearms Act (n.d.): n. pag. Moj.gov. Ministry of Justice. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"Jamaica – Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.” Gunpolicy.org. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
Peachey, Paul. "Too Many Deaths in Paradise." Independent.co.uk. The Independent, 28 Jan.
2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and
Light Weapons in All Its Aspects." Programme of Action - Implementation Support
System. United Nations, 20 July 2001. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"St Vincent and Jamaica Ratify the New Arms Trade Treaty - Latest News." Jamaica Observer, 4
June 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"The Global Regime for Transnational Crime." Council on Foreign Relations, 25 June 2013.
Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
Williams, Ian. "Fact Sheets & Briefs." Armscontrol.org. Arms Control Association, July 2013.
Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
Submitted by: Kosovo
The issue of illegal arms trade and its importance cannot be overstated. Kosovo
supports high international security throughout all sectors. Countries should submit to
regulations and standards established by the United Nations. Kosovo calls for an
authoritative approach to armament. In an effort of exuberance, the
loquationess of this issue is not highlighted through a simple structure of
Throughout the past century, Kosovo, alongside other active nations, has done a great
deal with respect to arms control. In 1943, the country mandated a nationwide
regulation system for all arms. The illegal arms trade has caused great trouble for
Kosovo in the past several decades due to conflicts with our northern neighbors. In the
‘50s, Turkey caused a mass surge towards support of the arms restriction. Turkey left
no other means for the nation to strive independently without constriction, other than
to push for a substantive ban. Such bans were based on precedents set by the United
States, with little distinction regarding arms border control. However, according to
new statistics developed by various firearm organizations, the illegal arms trade has
not suffered beyond its scope as a result of the bans.
Kosovo, an island below Europe, somehow was greatly affected by the war.
After the revolution of 1885, Kosovo, with the help of the Ugandan aristocracy,
combated illegal arms trade, making the practice nearly defunct. In the event of a
resurgence in both illegal manufacturing and trading, we must place tighter
restrictions on those responsible. Moreover, Kosovo believes that disarmament is very
important to sustain a healthy international community. In accordance with this,
Kosovo supports high international security throughout all sectors. With these
prerogatives in mind, “Coco” would like to reach a compromise with the other nations
of DISEC to combat this injurious issue.
Country: New Zealand
There are about 875 million guns in the world, of those 650 million are in the hands of civilians. Even
more shocking, according to Small Arms Survey, only about 79 million civilian firearms are known to be
registered with authorities. Some countries do not require one to register a gun, so not all of them are
illicitly traded; but even so there are around 571 million guns in circulation that are unaccounted for. In
New Zealand, it is not required by law to register a gun, but the police have management similar to
registration for military style firearms. To use or own a firearm requires a license from to police, except
for use under the immediate supervision of a license holder. However, the guns that are not licensed
often end up in the hands of criminal or are smuggled to be used for children in armed conflict.
Every nation needs to be able to set laws autonomously for its own people's protection; and gun safety.
Nonetheless, the trade of weapons from one country to another should be carefully monitored,
especially when it involves military style firearms. Currently criminal organizations profit from the sale of
illegal weapons across international borders. We need stricter laws and better enforcement of
international arms trade to cut off the funding of these deplorable "businesses". It can also prevent
weapons from being moved to war-torn countries struggling with an epidemic of violence. Most of the
people harmed in this conflict are innocent civilians, who are helpless against the warlord or criminal
thug now armed with sophisticated weapons of destruction.
Many of these abuses could be greatly reduced by better enforcement of existing international laws. A
commitment to better border security could ensure that trafficking of weapons would be identified and
intercepted. Improved record keeping of the sale of weapons across borders could detect criminal
activity and prevent the illicit gain from the trade of military hardware. Stronger penalties for violators
that are caught will provide a deterrent future.
Works Cited
"How many guns? Gun ownership around the world explained" AOAV, Web, 15 Feb. 2015
"Guns in New Zealand- firearms, Gun Law and Gun Control" Guns in New Zealand- firearms, Gun Law
and Gun Control, Web, 16 Feb. 2015
"Firearms-control Legislation and Policy: New Zealand" Library of Congress, Web, 16 Feb. 2015
"Gun Politics in New Zealand" Wikipedia, Web, 15 Feb. 2015
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s history is filled with numerous instances of unrest and turmoil fueled
almost exclusively by the flow of arms in and out of our boarders. We are an old country
represented by a new but not untested government. Sierra Leone has been faced with many
problems, from rebel gangs, violent political parties, and killer viruses. But the greatest killers
remain to be uncontrolled, and untraceable weapons that flow between the boarders in West
Africa. This flow of fire arms is what enables those many volatile groups in Sierra Leone to act
upon their agendas and cause havoc to our people’s government and infrastructure.
Sierra Leone has previously worked in unison and deferred many times to the authority of
the UN and its affiliated nations. It was by working with these powers that Sierra Leone has
made the progress that has helped our nation maintain its stability through troubled time. In
order to make a lasting impact on the issue of illicit gun trade in the world, it is necessary for
nations to work in unison and gain control of their boarders to curtail the flow of weapons to
those groups who seek their awful utilities.
Submitted by:
Slovak Republic
Small firearms have been around since the 10th century when the Chinese made the first
fire lances, the ultimate predecessor of the gun. Now the gun has branched into a topic of major
debate about its legal uses and its place in life. The gun industry is a multi-billion dollar business
that can leave some people rich and many others dead. The UN has passed many resolutions
limiting the production of small arms such as the 2013 United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
resolution 21171 yet 300,000 million people are still killed by illicit arms each year.2 Also these
illegal weapons fuel conflicts in Africa and to prevent the further development of third world
countries. Gun smugglers tend to send small shipments of guns through porous borders to remain
undetected and amass huge stockpiles at the other end. With effective distribution, these guns
could end up in the hands of every criminal on the streets, leading to the ultimate destabilization
of the world.
The sovereign nation of Slovakia contends that the illegal arms trade is a great evil that
must be stopped. Recently Slovakia signed the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which intends to
“Establish the highest possible common international standards for regulating or improving the
regulation of the international trade in conventional arms.”3 Luber Bystricky, Slovakia’s delegate
"United Nations Official Document." UN News Center. UN, 28 Sept. 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2015.
Shah, Anup. "Small Arms-they Cause 90% of Civilian Casualties." - Global Issues. N.p., 21 Jan. 2006. Web. 18
Feb. 2015. http://www.globalissues.org/article/78/small-arms-they-cause-90-of-civilian-casualties
"Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)." Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series 50.3 (2013): 19647A9647B. Web. https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/English7.pdf
in DISEC, has stated that Slovakia welcomes the idea of registering conventional arms as a
measure to solve the problem of destabilizing transfers of conventional weapons.4
Slovakia proposes that the nations of the world together take action against the illegal
arms trade in hopes of maintaining global peace and security. One way that this can be achieved
is through registering the production of small arms to a nonpartisan committee or nongovernmental organization (NGO). These bodies will verify that the weapons will not be used to
violate human rights, but rather for well-meaning purposes. Alternatively, the United Nations
can task a subcommittee to oversee the registration and trade of all firearms. Moreover, the
international community can demand the increase in registration of small arms manufacturers
hoping to keep track of gun production and distribution so that those guns will not end up in the
hands of human rights violators.
However, each country must be responsible for its own borders. To that end, sovereign
nations should impose regulations on the exports and imports of small arms with the intent to
limit the potential for damage within the international community. Slovakia believes that the
reduction and destruction of surplus arms would ameliorate the problem. To deal with the
existing illegal arms trade, the UN will entreat the nations of the world to commit both monetary
and man power to reduce the number of illegal guns and manufacturers. These resources will be
used to discover and bring to justice the purveyors of the illegal arms trade. The UN and its
participating states ought to aid those countries unable to achieve these objectives.
Works Cited:
"General Assembly A/C.1/49/PV.10." 10th Session of the General Assembly. UN, 24 Oct. 1994. Web. 18 Feb.
2015. http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N94/868/54/PDF/N9486854.pdf?OpenElement
1. "United Nations Official Document." UN News Center. UN, 28 Sept. 2013. Web. 18 Feb.
2015. http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/2117(2013)
2. Shah, Anup. "Small Arms-they Cause 90% of Civilian Casualties." - Global Issues. N.p.,
21 Jan. 2006. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. http://www.globalissues.org/article/78/small-armsthey-cause-90-of-civilian-casualties
3. "Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)." Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural
Series 50.3 (2013): 19647A-9647B. Web. https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/06/English7.pdf
4. "General Assembly A/C.1/49/PV.10." 10th Session of the General Assembly. UN, 24 Oct.
1994. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. http://daccess-ddsny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N94/868/54/PDF/N9486854.pdf?OpenElement
The Federal Republic of Somalia
The Federal Republic of Somalia has, without a doubt, faced the mounting problem of illicit gun
arms trade head on. The instability that came with the fall of the government in 1989 led to Somalia
becoming the safest and laxest country for the trade of illicit gun trading. Yet, in the last few years,
Somalia has improved its regulation in the effort against illegal gun trade. There is, however, much to be
done that expands beyond the borders of Somalia itself.
Within the past few years, much has been done against the small arms trade rampant in
Somalia. In August, 2014, the Somalian cabinet agreed to pass a bill limiting small arms trade (Somalia
News). In addition to this domestic legislation, as a member of the Regional Centre on Small Arms,
Somalia adopted the Nairobi Declaration on the Problem of Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons in the
Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa. But Somalia’s commitment to preventing the spread of illicit
weapons expands far past its minimal obligations. As the member of the African Union, the Federal
Republic of Somalia adopted an African Common Position to take to the Conference to Review the UN
Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light
Weapons in All Its Aspects (GunPolicy.org).
Despite the improvement of the situation, there are some aspects of the gun smuggling that
Somalia cannot control. Somalia has an absence of domestic ammunition production capacity; hence the
products smuggled into the country are all imported from external companies (SmallArmsSurvey.org).
The very production of such a large number of weapons is contrary to all the Disarmament Committee
has been working towards, and it is affecting Somalia’s efforts adversely.
The Federal Republic of Somalia postulates there must be three parts in the effort to end illicit
arms trade. The first step is the regulation and control of small arms producers. Somalia urges each
country to take the following steps, as radical as they may seem. The only way to produce military
weapons so they may not fall into the hands of civilians – or even more nefarious enemies – would be to
institute a governmental takeover of private weapons producers. By controlling the source of the
weapons, half of the battle to end illicit trade has been won. The second step is to confiscate weapons
currently among civilians. Somalia urges for appropriation of funds to back buybacks of weapons in
every country and committee member from civilians, as well as assistance in funding for developing
nations where small arms are particularly illicit. The concurrent step is to create incentives for countries
to participate in these radical and revolutionary changes. Despite the benefits it will bring, actions of this
caliber are often difficult to bring about – however, it is up to DISEC to suggest incentives to encourage
universal participation.
Works Cited
"Guns in Somalia - Firearms, Gun Law and Gun Control." Guns in Somalia - Firearms, Gun Law and Gun
Control. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.
"SOMALIA: Cabinet Launches a Bill to Limit Illegal Small Arms Trade in the Country." SOMALIA: Cabinet
Launches a Bill to Limit Illegal Small Arms Trade in the Country. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.
Survey, Small Arms. Feeding the Fire: Illicit Small Arms Ammunition in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia
(n.d.): n. pag. Web.
Country: Turkey
The illicit trade of small arms and light weapons is recognized by Turkey to pose a significant
threat to many throughout the world. Turkey believes that in addition to the ratification of Arms Trade
Treaty in December of 2014, action should be taken to prevent the illegal passing of arms internationally.
Turkey has long been involved with the small arms trade issue. In 1996, Turkey became the first
state to introduce the idea of a small arms register in Europe through the Organization for Security and
Cooperation. Turkey also supported the United States in its initiative to compile a list of illegal arms
traders and dealers as a follow-up. Also at the Forum Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for
Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, Turkey made contributions to creating a
criteria in order to spot excessive accumulation of weapons or the increased transfer of small arms.
In recent Events, the Arms trade treaty, ratified on December, 24, 2014, is a big step towards
gaining a handle on the illegal arms trade and black market. Anna Macdonald, a director of Control Arms
(a lobby group) said that, "If robustly implemented, this treaty has the potential to save many lives and
offer much-needed protection to vulnerable civilians around the world. It is now, finally, against
international law to put weapons into the hands of human rights abusers and dictators." Macdonald
touches on what Turkey believes to be some of the main reasons for trade regulation. There has been
strong correlation to deaths in warring countries and the illicit arms trade in nearby nations. Additionally,
this treaty enables action to be taken so that it will be more difficult for individuals to acquire weapons
without proper registration and background checks. Turkey believes that the ratification of the treaty is
the beginning of reforms to come and intends to continue its support of such reforms in both the U.N. and
in Europe.
In order to prevent the transportation of small arms into the hands of terrorists and extremist
groups, Turkey understands that it is vital to create a means to regulate the distribution of firearms and
weapons of mass destruction. Turkey believes that through the Arms Trade Treaty of 2013, regulation is
possible. Turkey encourages other countries to sign or ratify this treaty to engage in a productive and safe
relationship in order to protect the citizens and control the black market sales of firearms. Through this,
Turkey aims to participate in a world in which small arms trade is regulated in a way to protect society
from eminent harm.
Works Cited
"Turkey." United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light
Weapons in All Its Aspects. United Nations, 26 July 1999. Web. 16 Feb.
2015. <http://www.un.org/events/SmallArms/docs/260_tur.htm>.
Charbonneau, Louis. "Global Arms Trade Pact to Take Force; U.S. Senate has not
Ratified." Reuters 23 Dec. 2014: n. pag. Print