Daily Homework- Wednesday (9/18) ENGLISH Brown 5 Paragraph Mirror Reflection Essay Rough Draft is due Thursday. Coleman The Essay Exploration assignment started in class yesterday is due on Thursday. Students will have time in class Thursday to work on it. Dimick CP English 11 – Due Wed (10/30) – perfect job application & resume English 11 Tech – pd 8 tech eng- students are to turn todays (Tues) notes into minutes or they will lose points! Twaddell LS English 9 - none LS English 10 – none LS Reading – Thur (9/19) – Test (review spelling/vocab words) Bonfanti Thur (9/19) – Ch. 1 vocab Test SOCIAL STUDIES Osteen Guscott Econ. - none Gov. – none Safstrom Euro Hist – Chapter 4 Test on Friday Psych – 2.1 reading assignment today and 2.2 reading assignment due on Friday Raudensky None Barry W. History – Geography Fri (9/20) - unit 1 test SCIENCE Metzgar Bio II – none – working on their project Bio I – Microscope parts/functions worksheet ES – Test on Friday – Bingo cards filled out tonight. Yeany Good Physics – CSI – Chemistry – Helock MATH Puchalsky LS Algebra 1A- p. 12 #1-9 LS Algebra 1B- 5.3 Study Guide & Intervention Worksheet #2, 4-6, 8-10 Lamb Geometry – WS 1-4 to 1-6 and study for Quiz Fri (9/20) – Quiz on 1-4 to 1-6 Alg. 1B – p. 286 #12-27 (mult of 3) and 30-40 (all) We are revisiting the problem set p. 61 #1-27 (o) & 4447 (will be a quick check on this Thursday in class) and work on the worksheets 1-4 to 1-6 (due Friday before the quiz) Orner Week of 9-16 through 9-20 Transition Math: Create and study flash cards. Students must study independently and with an adult. Adult must sign off on the amount of time student studied! Students have specific guidelines for studying. Dinkel Alg. 2 – In.t 3 - p. 40-41 #1-11 (all) and #58, 60, 62, 64 Fulkerson Alg. 1 – 1.4 worksheet Fri (9/20 - Quiz LANGUAGE Yost Please have Fr. 2 study vocabulary on pp. 19 and 20 of text for a quiz on Friday. Fr. 1 quiz on nationalities and numbers Friday, pd. 1 Thursday *lesson 1b. Enders Spanish II: keep studying chapter 8 vocabulary. Thursday will be their present progressive test. Spanish III: keep studying chapter 1 vocabulary. Thursday will be their present perfect test. Spanish IV: keep studying chapter 1 vocabulary. Thursday they must recite their Antonio Machado recitation. Also, continue their subjunctive packets. Lingle Study: 1. Look at colors, go over them using flashcards on quizlet. They should do this a few minutes every day. The colors will be quizzed next week 2. Look over new vocabulary words on "to do" sheet. 3. Finish reading story about kids going to Pamplona write: 4. Draw at least 3 pictures on picture sheet, about the story. (stick figures are fine) Write at least 3 matching sentences that tell something happening in the picture. Sts may copy the sentence from the story Fri (9/27) - memory quiz on the Pledge ELECTIVES Rothstein Weidman Zerman Weaver Sutcliffe Strouse Perkowski