Disclaimer: The authors are solely responsible for the opinions expressed herein. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the position of the COMESA Secretariat, or its member countries or institutions to which the authors are affliated. 0 ISSUES IN COMESA MONETARY HARMONISATION PROGRAMME 1 Content List of Contributors Foreword Acknowledgements Executive Summary 1.0 ii iii v vi Analysis of the Departure of Actual Real Effective Exchange Paths from their Equilibrium Real Effective Exchange Rate Paths 1 Christopher Kiptoo 2.0 Macroeconomic Convergence 34 Noah Mutoti and David Kihangire 3.0 Sources of Inflation 57 Noah Mutoti and David Kihangire 4.0 Monetary Transmission 90 Noah Mutoti and Michael Etingo-Ego 5.0 Sources of Economic Growth 148 Rojid Sawkut, Seetanah Boopen, Sannassee Vinesh , Fowdur Suraj and Ramessur Taruna 6.0 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Co-ordination 210 Noah Mutoti 7.0 Impact of REER on Trade, Output and Current Account Christopher Kiptoo i 242 List of Contributors Kiptoo Christopher, is Senior Manager, Central Bank of Kenya Polycarp Musinguzi is Executive Director, Bank of Uganda Noah Mutoti is an Assistant Director of the Research Division, Bank of Zambia David Kihangire is the Director of Research, Bank of Uganda Michael Etingo-Ego is the Executive Director, Bank of Uganda Rojid Sawkut, Lecturer University of Mauritius Seetanah Boopen, Lecturer University of Mauritius Sannassee Vinesh , Lecturer University of Mauritius Fowdur Suraj,Lecturer University of Mauritius Ramessur Taruna, Lecturer University of Mauritius ii Foreword The Authority of Heads of State and Government in 1992 adopted a COMESA Monetary Cooperation Programme towards the establishment of a Monetary Union in the year 2025. The date for the achievement of the Monetary Union was latter changed to 2018.The primary objectives of the Programme is to create a common area of monetary and financial system stability which will facilitate integration of the financial markets in the region in particular and economic integration and economic growth in general. The achievement of monetary and financial system stability entails the attainment of economic convergence brought about by the removal of all macro-economic disharmonies which exist among the member states as a result of the pursuit of divergent macro-economic policies. To achieve Monetary Union it was considered essential that the member States should first go through a process of monetary harmonisation with a view to achieving macro-economic convergence. In order to assess progress being made towards this objective, a number of convergence criteria were formulated, with a view of gauging the progress being made by the member States in the implementation of the programme. The COMESA Monetary Integration Programme and the macroeconomic convergence criteria are consistent with the African Monetary Cooperation Programme. (AMCP). Under this Programme COMESA made the following significant achievements: (i) COMESA established the Regional Payment and Settlement System (REPSS) which is aimed at stimulating economic growth in the region, through an increase in intra-regional trade, by enabling importers and exporters to pay and receive payment for goods and services through an efficient and cost effective platform. Local banks access the payment system through their respective Central Banks. Any participating bank is, therefore, able to make payments directly to, and receive payments from, any other participating bank. The linkages through Central Banks thus avoid the complex payment chains that occur in correspondent bank arrangements. The system, therefore, operates through Member Countries Central Banks and their corresponding banking systems. (ii) PTA Bank was established in 1985 as the financial arm of COMESA to provide financing for trade and development projects of a regional nature. Currently, the bank provides business capital and trade finance to the private sector. (iii) In order to retain the insurance business within the region, COMESA set up a re-insurance firm in 1992 called ZEP-RE. ZEP-RE also markets its products both within and outside the COMESA region. Currently, the company is underwriting business in 29 countries which are both COMESA and non-COMESA member. (iv) African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) was established on 20 th August 2001. ATI is the continent’s first multilateral export credit and investment insurance agency which is designed to cover the import risk to the satisfaction of overseas sellers and their financiers. (v) Member countries adopted an Action Plan for Harmonisation of Bank Supervision and regulation. There is a high degree of compliance in member countries, to the 25 Core Principles of Bank Supervision and Regulation which is in line with the adopted Action Plan. (vi) Member countries have adopted the Financial System Development and Stability Plan for the Region. The Secretariat is currently developing an assessment framework for Financial System Development and Stability in the region. (vii) The 13th Meeting of the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks which was held in Cairo, Egypt in October 2008, agreed to establish the COMESA Monetary Institute; which will be responsible for the preparatory work for achieving Monetary Union in 2018. The iii COMESA Monetary Institute will be hosted by the Central Bank of Kenya and expected to be operational by January 2011. (viii) In order to enhance the implementation of the COMESA Monetary Cooperation Programme ;the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks set up two subcommittees; namely: the Monetary and Exchange Rates Policies Sub-Committee and the Financial System Development and Stability Sub-Committee. The Monetary and Exchange rates Policies Sub-Committee is responsible for devising appropriate monetary policy strategies and appropriate set of monetary policy instruments. This Sub-Committee undertook a number of studies which are crucial for policy analysis. These studies were considered by the Annual Meetings of the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks. The studies will be published in a form of a book in 2009. The Financial System development and stability SubCommittee is responsible to develop strategies for diversifying financial institutions and instruments at the national and regional level and share experiences on bank supervision and regulation. (ix) These two sub-committees were undertaking activities that are necessary for the enhancement of the COMESA Monetary cooperation programme. All the above are will significantly contributing for the success of the already established COMESA FTA, the COMESA Customs Union and for the establishment of the COMESA Common market in 2015. This book is the product of the commendable activities of the Monetary and Exchange Rates Policies Sub-Committee. I would like to thank EU for funding all the studies contained in the book. I hope that the book will stimulate a rich debate and contribute for harmonisation of macroeconomic policies in the region. iv Acknowledgments The contributors sincerely thank the COMESA Secretariat who on behalf of the Committee of Central Bank Governors of COMESA selected us to undertake the study. We especially thank Dr Charles Chanthunya, the COMESA Director of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs and Mr Ibrahim Zeidy, COMESA Senior Monetary Expert, for providing the logistical support for our Study. We are also grateful to a number of staff in some of the COMESA central banks for making an effort to provide us with the data required. Finally, we would not have completed the studies without the contributions of the Research Assistants: John Atenu (Bank of Uganda), Malimba Mutemwa (Bank of Zambia), Chungu Kapembwa (Bank of Zambia), Ngosa Mary Kafwembe (Bank of Zambia) and Leonard Kipyegon (Central Bank of Kenya). The quality of the manuscript was greatly enhanced bnt ey the comments and suggestions from COMESA member countries central banks and competent editorial services from Dr. Noah Mutoti. v Executive Summary Article 1, by Kiptoo and Musinguzi concluded that despite the adoption and implementation of a liberalized exchange regime in many COMESA countries, success had not been achieved in restoring equilibrium in the REER. Most countries have experienced more pronounced episodes of REER overvaluation, implying deterioration in the country’s international competitiveness. The major factors contributing to the movement in the REER included the degree of openness, TOT movements, levels of government expenditure and capital flows. To reduce the extent of exchange rate misalignments COMESA countries should make the following efforts. First, reduce public expenditure so as to reduce reliance on domestic borrowing which has tended to increase interest rates. Structural factors within the banking system that kept interest rates high should therefore be addressed. In particular, governments should streamline the operations of banking institutions so as to reduce their operational costs. Second, strategies to facilitate diversification of the country’s export base should be devised. This is meant to avoid a situation in which when one major export commodity experiences a sharp decline in prices, the country's TOT also significantly change, leading to significant REER misalignments. Finally, maintain macroeconomic stability through the pursuit of prudent monetary and fiscal policies. In this regard, governments and central banks should design and implement monetary policies to attain and maintain low and stable single-digit inflation which augurs well for export competitiveness. Relying on a heterogeneous panel econometric framework, Mutoti and Kihangire find, in article 2, no strong evidence of macroeconomic convergence in COMESA. There was no evidence of inflation convergence, indicating that COMESA nations had been experiencing uncommon price shocks, driven by various supply and demand factors. However, excluding nations with triple digit inflation, the evidence of inflation convergence appeared, validating the remarkable disinflation efforts in a number of COMESA countries. Fiscal and monetary policy divergence was also recorded. Like inflation, regional monetary policy convergence did appear in the absence of nations with triple digit money growth. Current account divergence was also found. Nonetheless, significant real convergence, which is output convergence, to lower growth rates was established. They recommended that for COMESA inflation to converge to lower rates, rampant inflation in DRC, Angola and Zimbabwe needed to be combated. Since inflationary pressures in these countries seemed to be induced by high money growth, controlling money supply was thus an effective demand management tool. Output converging to lower growth rates contradicts COMESA’s aspirations. It was noted that a number of economies are agro-based and agriculture performance are unpredictable, partly due to unforeseen circumstances, such as drought. Realizing the COMESA growth target of 7 %, in this context, thus called for the adoption of drought resistant technologies alongside increased investment in irrigation. Such a policy direction would not only boost output but also help in the fight against inflation, through increased supply. Accelerated growth could also be propagated by increased domestic investment. Further, as most of these countries export agricultural produce, there are also benefits to foreign reserves accumulation and improving the current account position, in the end, convergence of these respective variables. Improving external viability could also come through reduction in the stock of external debt. To achieve regional fiscal-policy convergence and thereby fiscal harmonization, increased revenue, is the major way forward. While revenue consolidation is advocated in performing economies, more efforts are needed to diversify and broaden the tax base. Sources of inflation varied from country to country, established Mutoti and Kihangire in article 3. However, the common phenomenon was that inflation inertia, monetary growth, output, exchange rate and world prices were important factors in explaining the inflationary process. The following were the policy implications discerned. First, there was need to pursue policies aimed at containing second-round effects of inflation arising from exogenous factors. Second, sustained prudent monetary policy stance was vital to curb inflationary pressures. Thirdly, increased productivity and thus output was an important vi factor in slowing down inflation. An exchange rate policy of maintaining a stable exchange rate could effectively complement monetary policy efforts in fighting inflation. The channels of monetary policy transmission to output and inflation was the basis of article 5 by Mutoti and Etingo-Ego. They found that in countries where monetary policy seem to have an impact, the lag horizon for monetary policy to affect output and inflation differs, which clearly pointed to the extent of the depth and efficiency of financial markets to mediate changes in the monetary policy stance. The capability of monetary policy to influence economic activity and inflation is still limited, as important channels of monetary transmission are not effective. In particular, the interest rate channel remains weak in almost all the countries. The exchange rate seemed to be the dominant transmission channel of transimission of monetary impulses. The development of the financial system could be key in enhancing the monetary policy transmission process in COMESA states. Article 4 by Sawkut, Boopen, Vines, Suraj and Taruna analyses the sources of growth using the growth accounting and econometric frameworks. The growth accounting results highlighted the importance of labour quality in influencing output elasticity. Together with quality of labour, other major drivers of growth are openness level, capital stock and FDI. Together with investment in capital and technology, including infrastructure development, there is a need for persistent accumulation in human capital – re-training, multi-skilling and continuous capacity building. The results from the econometrics study were also along the same line. Openness was observed to be an important ingredient of growth. The human capital variable also significantly explained growth, implying investment in human capital, through increased literacy rate and through technical and professional formation, would add to the level of growth of COMESA member countries. Financial depth was also interestingly observed to have a positive impact on growth of COMESA countries. This result supported the argument that in order to mobilize higher levels of savings for investment, it is important to have a well-developed capital market. The econometric study also showed the importance of political and institutional stability and infrastructural availability as important factors for a country’s growth prospects. Looking at Zambia, Uganda, Kenya and Malawi, Mutoti analysed the extent of monetary and fiscal policy co-ordinations and the link between budget deficit and inflation in article 5. For Zambia, it was noted that among the institutions arrangement to enhance monetary-fiscal policy co-ordination, there was an absence of legal guarantee for the operational independence of the Bank of Zambia. Also the legislation which limits the central bank direct access to central bank credit did not have a quantitative measure. Indirectly, the budget deficit growth has the potential of causing expansion in money and ultimately causing consumer price to rise. The policy implications are that whereas there is some resemblance of policy coordination as reflected in improved fiscal performance, lack of monetization of fiscal deficits and lack of evidence of fiscal deficits being a source of inflationary pressures, there is need to guarantee the central bank’s operational independence. Also specifying the quantitative limit of government direct access to central bank credit in the legal framework should be recommended. Otherwise the current legislation is subject to misinterpretation. The explicit legal guarantee for the Bank of Uganda’s operational independence and the legal requirement that government direct access to central bank credit should not exceed 18% of the recurrent revenue of the Government are strong evidence of the existence of institutional arrangements for monetary-fiscal co-operations. However, the widening of the fiscal deficits and the heavy reliance on foreign financing of the budget deficits are areas of concern. Experience teaches that too much dependence on foreign funding of domestic debt has the exchange rate and/or balance-of-payments risks. Like in Zambia, an indirect link between budget deficit and inflation was established. Uganda could enhance its fiscal-monetary co-ordination by including the Ministry of Finance in the MPTC. Further, the issue of heavy reliance on foreign financing of the deficit needs to be re-examined. While there is no legal guarantee of the central bank independence, the use of the central bank policy rate to signal the market could reflect some level of instrument independence of the Central bank of Kenya. The restriction of Government financing of the budget deficit through the central bank to no more than 5 % of gross recurrent revenue is further evidence of some level of co-operation between the vii monetary and fiscal authority. Nonetheless, the domestic debt, observed to be of above 20% of GDP, seems problematic. Similar to Zambia, the direct impact of fiscal deficits on consumer price was found to be marginal. However, there is evidence of the budget deficit indirectly impacting inflation through money growth. The policy lessons are that while there is some evidence of the existence of institutional requirement for effective co-ordination reflected in the limiting of government’s direct access to central bank credit, there is need to guarantee the operational independence of the Central Bank of Kenya. Further a domestic debt management strategy needs to be put in place. Like Zambia and Kenya, there is no legal infrastructure that guarantees Reserve Bank of Malawi’s operational independence. However, there is a limit of direct central bank lending to the Government. The law stipulates that the central bank could make short-term advances to government not exceeding 20% of the annual budgeted revenue. This limit could have assisted in reducing the monetization of budget deficits. The low level of development in the Malawian financial sector should be a source of concerns to enhancing the monetary –fiscal policy co-ordination which also reflected in the inclusiveness of the Monetary Policy Committee. Contrary to Zambia, Kenya and Uganda, there is a strong direct link between budget deficit and consumer price movements. It was recommended that measures to instill fiscal discipline and develop the financial sector should be put in place in order to get the maximum benefits of monetary and fiscal co-ordination. Kiptoo, in article 6, found mixed results on the impact of REER on exports, imports and output. In Kenya and Malawi, the REER volatility had a negative and highly significant effect on exports. In Egypt and Rwanda, on the other hand, the results showed that REER volatility had a positive and highly significant effect on exports. In Burundi, and Mauritius, however, the results showed that REER volatility did not have a significant effect on exports in the long run. While the results of two countries showed that REER volatility had a significant impact on imports, the rest showed that it had negative but insignificant effect on imports. The impulse response functions for most countries showed that REER depreciation had an expansionary impact on the output in both medium and long terms. The contractionary effects were, however observed for the short-term horizon. The article made two policy recommendations. Firstly, efforts should be made in COMESA countries to develop and deepen the derivatives market to provide for hedging instruments for managing exchange rate risk. This would involve coming up with a range of trade finance products that make it possible for risk-averse traders and investors to minimize their exposure to the effect of exchange rate risky. Secondly, policy makers should design an exchange rate policy that ensures that stability in the foreign exchange market is maintained. In this respect, the monetary authority should relook at its current intervention policy in the foreign exchange market with a view to ensure that as much as possible, REER volatilities are minimized. viii 1.0 Analysis of the Departure of Actual Real Effective Exchange Paths from their Equilibrium Real Effective Exchange Rate Paths Polycarp Musinguzi and Christopher K. Kiptoo 1.1 Introduction T he importance of real effective exchange rate (REER) adjustments especially in developing countries, including Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) states, has been articulated by many including Edwards (1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997) and Kiptoo (2004,2007). Instability in the REER and its departure from equilibrium level, which implies misalignments, influences not only trade and financial flows and hence the balance of payments, but also the structure and level of production of tradable commodities. Judging the appropriate level of the REER consistent with a more open and export-oriented economy is therefore of high policy relevance for any country. This especially is critical for COMESA in that most of its members have undertaken financial liberalization, and thereby witnessed a rapid pace of internationalisation of their goods and services. The opening of the current and capital accounts have also led to high capital flows, with serious policy concerns. The increased capital inflows could have resulted in exchange rate misalignments, and consequently adversely affected the profitability and growth of the export sector. The need to manage the monetary and exchange rate consequences of the aid-financed fiscal deficit could have compromised the central bank’s ability to pursue its inflation objective and support the orderly functioning of the domestic money and foreign exchange markets. What has been the magnitude and policy significance of the departure of the REER from their equilibrium real effective exchange rate (EREER) path in COMESA? Addressing this question is of vital important in the design of the COMESA exchange rate mechanism under the COMESA monetary cooperation programme. We provide answers to this broad question by focusing on three specific objectives. The first one is to establish the determinants of the REER for selected COMESA Countries. Second, is to establish the extent of REER misalignment. Finally, measures to reduce REER misalignments as the region moves towards adoption of an exchange rate mechanism stated in the roadmap of COMESA monetary union are proposed. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1.2 provides a brief review of the literature to inform the choice of the model employed. This is followed by a discussion of methodology employed in the estimation. Section 1.4 contains the results and analysis from the empirical investigation and Section 1.5 offers some concluding remarks. 1.2 Literature Review C conceptual approaches establishing equilibrium real exchange rates and misalignments could be grouped into three, namely the purchasing power parity (PPP), partial equilibrium and general equilibrium approaches. The PPP posits that exchange rates between currencies are in equilibrium when their purchasing power is the same, meaning that the exchange rate between two countries should equal the ratio of the two countries' price level of a fixed basket of goods and services. If a country's domestic price level is rising, the exchange rate must depreciate to return to 1 PPP. Under this approach, a single equilibrium period is chosen to measure the extent of REER misalignment. That period must be one in which most of the fundamentals are considered to have been near their ideal levels. Critics of the PPP argue that the equilibrium level changes over time as fundamentals change. Further, the assumption of perfect commodity arbitrage between the two countries is invalid and the comparability of general price indices is questionable due to differences in productivity and weighting procedures. The partial equilibrium framework, whose key exogenous inputs are medium term capital flows (i.e. private and public sector net savings behaviour) and the cyclically adjusted level of output, explains that the primary role of the REER is to influence the resource balance through expenditure switching mechanisms. In this sense, the equilibrium exchange rate is the rate that produces a current account that matches the assumption about medium-term capital flows. This approach therefore is related to the notion of the external sustainability-based equilibrium REER. Some shortcomings of this approach include the assumption of the law of one price, which in most cases does not hold (Ahlers and Hinkle, 1999). The other weakness is that it is based on macroeconomic identities and does not involve any theory of exchange rate determination. The general equilibrium approach focuses on the dynamic behaviour of the exchange rate, including short-run movements and deviations. This approach defines the equilibrium REER as a function of several fundamentals. One model in this category is the behavioural equilibrium exchange rate (BEER), which empirically comprises four stages. First, is estimating the relationship between the REER, the fundamentals and short-run variables. Second, calculating the actual misalignment whereby shortterm variables are set to zero and actual values of fundamentals identified substituted into the estimated relationship. In this case, the actual misalignment is given as the difference between the fitted and the actual value of the real exchange rate. The third step involves identifying the long-run or sustainable values for the fundamentals obtained by decomposing the series into permanent and transitory components (e.g. HP filter, Beveridge-Nelson decomposition). The final stage is the calculation of total misalignment. Long-term values of fundamentals are substituted into the estimated relationship relating the REER to the fundamentals, and short-term variables are set to zero again. Thus, total misalignment depends on the short-term effect and on the departure of fundamentals from their long-term value. A number of studies identify the terms of trade (TOT), capital flows, trade policy, productivity growth, government expenditure and trade balance as well as monetary and fiscal policies as the key determinants of the REER. 1.2.1 Terms of Trade The direction of the REER, following TOT changes, depends on substitution and income effects. Improvements in the TOT will lead to a real appreciation if there is a home bias in the tradable goods' consumption basket and/or the associated positive wealth effect raises demand for, and reduces supply of non-tradable goods’ (Edwards (1989 and 1994)). In contrast, deterioration in the TOT could lead to a real depreciation if the substitution effect dominates the income effect for an import price increase. This could be the case either if imports are competitive or have many domestic substitutes or if imports represent a low proportion of the production of tradables. 1.2.2 Capital and Financial Flows The impact of capital inflows on the real exchange rate depends on the composition of the flows. If capital inflows are composed largely of aid flows and if government’s propensity to import out of the resource inflow is 100 %, there would be no direct impact on the real exchange rate in the short run since the aid flow would be self liquidating. In the long-run, however, the real exchange rate may appreciate as the higher level of aggregate absorption sustained by the aid inflow is likely to be spread across both tradable and non-tradable goods. It is further argued that capital and financial inflows increases the supply of tradable goods and as long as the income elasticity of demand for non-tradables is positive, the demand 2 for them will increase and their price will rise, thus leading to an appreciation. 1.2.3 Trade Policy Trade liberalisation, characterised by a reduction in tariffs and the removal of quantitative restrictions, results in an increase in the import demand thereby generating a trade deficit. To restore external balance, the trade liberalisation will need to be accompanied by an increase in the relative price of tradables or real depreciation (Edwards (1989)) This result may not hold, however, in the presence of intermediate goods and negative effective protection, for the long run if exportable goods are less capital intensive than non-tradables or for the short run if substitution effects dominate income effects. 1.2.4 Productivity Growth Like in the case of TOT, the direction of the impact of productivity growth on the real exchange rate is unclear. Many theoretical models state that an increase in productivity arising from technological progress makes the tradable sector more competitive as it leads to reduction in costs. This tends to lead to exchange rate depreciation. The same models also show that an appreciation will however occur if the advancement in technology increases income, which in turn leads to increases in the demand for nontradables and thus reduces the relative price of tradables to non-tradables. This is confirmed by the traditional Balassa-Samuelson model which states that a country's currency will appreciate in real terms if the productivity of that country's workers in producing manufactured goods relative to their productivity in producing services grows faster than abroad. Conversely, if the relative productivity growth of manufacturing goods is lower than abroad, the currency depreciates. 1.2.5 Government Expenditure Because an increase in government expenditure often leads to a rise in domestic borrowing and interest rates, an overvalued real exchange rate is the outcome. The overvaluation would even be more pronounced if the major portion is spent on non-tradable goods and services. This is because such an increase in government expenditure raises the demand for non-tradables. In the short run, increased demand bids up their prices, leading to the strengthening of the real exchange rate. Real exchange rate depreciation will, however, occur if the major portion of government expenditure is spent on the consumption of goods from the tradable sector rather than on consumption of goods from the nontradables (Chowdhury (1999)). 1.2.6 Trade Balance Lane and Milesi-Ferreti (2002b) established an inverse relationship between the trade balance and the real exchange rate. They argued that in spite of the short run feedback between the real exchange rate and the trade balance, the real exchange rate adjusts in the long run as an equilibrium response to the level of the trade balance that is associated with the desired long run net foreign asset position. 1.2.7 Monetary and Fiscal Policies In addition to the fundamental factors, the proxies for the fiscal and monetary policy have been included in the estimation of the equilibrium real exchange rate. Accordingly, inconsistently expansive macroeconomic policies are likely to generate a situation of real exchange rate misalignment as explained in the major works of Edwards (1989, 1994), Musinguzi et al. (2000); and Mongardini (1998). 3 1.3 Methodology F ollowing Edwards (1994), the model framework, relied upon, takes the form: reert f (tot, prod , cf , g , trader , mon, r , r * ) t (1.1) where reer is the real effective exchange rate, tot the terms of trade , p r od denotes productivity, cf is capital flows , g is government expenditure, trader is the trade balance and mon is monetary shock, defined the difference between actual base money and programmed base money, while r and r * is domestic and foreign interest rate, respectively. The statistical technique employed in the estimation was the cointegation approach. In cases of fractionally integrated processes the autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) procedure was employed instead. The benefit of the ARDL procedure is that it can be applied irrespective of whether the variables follow an I (0), I (1) process or are fractionally integrated as by Mongardini (1998) in the case of Egypt. This clearly makes the estimation procedure independent of the assumed order of integration and therefore provides statistically more reliable estimates. The best model selected based on either the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or the Schwarz Bayesian criteria (SBC). The econometric procedure not only estimated the statistical long-run relationship between the REER and its fundamentals but also calculated the actual misalignment whereby short-term variables were set to zero. We identified the long-run or sustainable values for the fundamentals by decomposing the series into permanent and transitory components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. These longterm values of fundamentals were then substituted into the estimated relationship relating the REER to the fundamentals, and short-term variables were set to zero again. REER misalignment was then derived as the difference between the fitted and the actual value of the REER. 1.4 Empirical Approach 1.4.1 Data Monthly data, for the period 1993-2006 was used. The main sources of data were the IFS and the DTS. Other included IMF ‘Recent Economic Developments’ reports, ‘International Monetary Fund Article IV Consultations’ reports, ‘Letters of Intent’, ‘Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies’ reports, and ‘Regional Economic Outlook’ report on Africa. Further sources of the data were central banks, Ministries of Finance and Planning and Economic Development. The data are defined as follows: (i) The Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER), defined as the rate at which goods and services produced at home can be exchanged for those produced in another country or group of countries abroad. The RER is obtained by adjusting the nominal exchange rate (NER) with inflation differential between the domestic economy and foreign trading partner economies. 4 (ii) The Terms of Trade (TOT), derived as the ratio of an index of export prices to an index of import prices. In this respect, monthly data required for this variable was that of export prices and import prices. (iii) Government Expenditure (g), comprising both recurrent and development expenditures of the central government financial operations measured in millions of local currency and expressed as a proportion of real GDP at market prices. (iv) Net capital and financial inflows (cf), defined as the capital and financial inflows less the capital and financial outflows for a country as recorded in balance of payments. The capital component of this data comprises of the net capital official and private transfers as well as the net acquisition or disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets such land and property rights. The financial account component on the other hand comprises of the net foreign direct investment (i.e. equity capital, reinvested earnings and other capital), the net portfolio investment (i.e. equity securities and debt securities) and the net other investment (i.e. trade credits and loans both to government and private sector). (v) Trade Policy proxied by Degree of Openness, is a measure of protection of the domestic economy through use of instruments such as tariffs and quantitative restrictions. Due to scanty information related to the tariff and non-tariff barriers, which would have been the most appropriate variable of Kenya's trade policy regime, this study employed the degree of openness of the economy as an alternative. The degree of economic openness (OPEN) was measured as the ratio of a country’s total trade (i.e. total imports plus total exports) to real GDP and accordingly used as a proxy of each country’s trade regime over the study period. (vi) Productivity Growth/ Technological progress (Prod) - reflects growth in output not attributable to growth in inputs (such as labour, capital and natural resources). Increases in productivity can be driven by technological advances through innovation and increases in skills or improvements in efficiency through making better use of existing technology. Over the long term, productivity improvements are considered to be the main contributor to rising living standards. (vii) Trade balance (Trader), defined as the difference between exports and imports. 1.4.2 Results Kenya The trace test (Table 2A, Appendix 2) suggests one cointegrating vector identified as equation (1.2). While model has the normality problem, there is absence of serial correlation and heteroscedasticity. Generally, the parameters of the estimated model strongly corroborate to theory as they have the expected signs. At the 10% level, all the variables have significant influence on the REER except the TOT (note t-ratios in parentheses). 5 reert 11.41 0.47 opent 0.14 tott 0.79 g t 0.01( r r * ) t ( 2.01) ( 4.41) (1.14) ( 3.36) 0.23 prod t 0.004 trend ( 1.68) ( 2.20) VEC Normality (14) 198.11(0.00) Heteroscedasticity 2829.27(0.34) 2 Serial Correlation LM 60.59(0.12) Figure 1.1 shows the profile of both the equilibrium REER and the actual REER over the study period. Average deviations of the fitted values of REER from the actual ones were expected to be zero by construction. Hence, deviations of actual indices from the fitted values merely showed the short run misalignment. In the case of Kenya, the REER was categorized as undervalued (overvalued) when its deviation from equilibrium was positive (negative). It is evident from the Figure 1.2 that Kenya experienced relatively more episodes of overvaluation of the REER. Figure 1.1: Actual and equilibrium RER for Kenya 140 Equilibrium RER Actual RER 130 120 110 Index 100 90 80 70 60 50 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jul-99 Jul-00 Jul-01 Jul-02 Jul-03 Jul-96 Jul-97 Jul-98 Jul-04 Jul-05 Jul-06 Jul-94 Jul-95 Period REER** REER 6 1.2 Figure 1.2: Profile of Kenya's REER Misalignment 50.00 40.00 Percent 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Period RERM We deduce that Kenya experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness during the following periods when the RER was generally overvalued. (i) September 1994 – June 1995 (ii) December 1995- January 1996 (iii) April 1996 – July 1997 (iv) December 1997 – April 1999 (v) August 2000 – August 2000 (vi) March 2005 – May 2006 (vii) January 1997-July 1997 (viii) February 1998 – May 1999 (ix) February 2003 – September 2004 (x) February 2006 – December 2006 On the other hand, the REER generally remained undervalued, implying improvement in the country’s international competitiveness, during the following periods. (i) January 1993 – August 1994 7 (ii) July 1995- November 1995 (iii) February – March 1996 (iv) August – November 1997 (v) May 1999 – July 2002 (vi) June 2006 – October 2006 Uganda Equation (1.3) depicts the ADL estimated model of REER determinants in Uganda. With the absence of serial correlation and heteroscedasticity problems, the estimated model could be considered to fit the data well. reert 0.10 0.94 reert 1 0.02 tott 0.01tradert 0.003 cft (1.69) (43.25) (2.45) ( 0.55) (1.84) 0.003 cft 1 0.02 cft 2 0.001 prodt 0.02 gt (0.49) ( 3.22) ( 0.20) (1.3) (0.50) Adj R 2 0.95; Se 0.01 Serial Correlation 2 (12) 17.61(0.13) Heteroscedasticity 2 (1) 0.39(0.53) It could be noted that the REER movements are significantly influenced by its one- month and two-month lags; TOT, Trade balance and net capital flows. Contrary to prior beliefs, the TOT has a positive impact. Figure 1.3 shows the extent of misalignment. Figure 1.3: Actual and equilibrium REER Misalignment January 93-June 07 2.5 LREER 2.0 1.5 Fitted 1.0 1993M3 1994M6 1995M9 1996M12 1998M3 1999M6 2000M9 2001M12 2003M3 Months 8 2004M6 2005M9 2006M12 2007M6 The statistically insignificant misalignment of 0.25% was tested from residual’s computed t= (0.0025-0)/0.0121 =0.2066 < 1.96, t-value. It seemed that the residuals (REER misalignments) were generally well within 2 standard errors or a t-value of 1.96 at the significance level of 5%. However, there had been both episodes of slight real depreciations and real appreciations well within 0.25% in general as shown in Figure 1.4. It is worth noting that from October 2006 up to the first week of July 2007 when the nominal Uganda shilling/US$ experienced sharp appreciation pressures, with Uganda’s REER slightly overvalued, by only 0.25%. Figure 1.4: Profile of Uganda’s RER Misalignment (in Decimals), January 1993 – June 2007 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 1993M3 1994M6 1995M9 1996M12 1998M3 1999M6 2000M9 2001M12 2003M3 2004M6 2005M9 2006M12 2007M6 Months Equation (1.4) is the estimated long –run relationship. It suggests that in the long-run, it is only the net foreign capital flows, terms of trade and trade balance that exert a significant impact on the REER at the 10% significance level. reert 1.67 0.42 tott 0.24 tradert 0.30 cft 0.01 prodt 0.03 gt (3.60) (1.57) (1.53) ( 2.50) ( 0.20) (0.52) 1.4 Excluding the insignificant variables from (1.2) yielded equation (1.5), which provides the following intuitions. A one- month lagged REER, TOT and trade balance exert positive and highly significant effect on the REER. Two-month lagged net capital flows have a highly significant and negative impact on the REER. 9 reert 0.09 0.94 reert 1 0.02 tott 0.01tradert 0.003 cf t (1.71) (46.68) (2.59) ( 0.62) (1.84) 1.5 0.003 cf t 1 0.02 cf t 2 ( 3.26) (0.48) Adj R 2 0.96; Se 0.01 Serial Correlation 2 (12) 17.64(0.13) Heteroscedasticity 2 (1) 0.49(0.48) The impact of the departure of the actual base money from the desired base money is depicted in estimated equation (1.6). reert 0.06 0.95 reert 1 0.02 tott 0.01tradert 0.01 cf t (1.11) (44.48) (2.04) ( 1.24) (1.75) 0.03 mont 0.11 mont 1 0.001 prod t 0.001 g t ( 0.60) (2.53) (0.22) (1.6) (0.41) Adj R 2 0.94; Se 0.01 Serial Correlation 2 (12) 14.52(0.27) Heteroscedasticity 2 (1) 0.65(0.42) We note (from equation 1.6) that a one-month lagged liquidity overhang exerts a significant and positive depreciation impact on the REER, while a contemporaneous liquidity overhang exerts an insignificant and negative or appreciation effect. Net foreign capital flows have economic significance but insignificant effects when the liquidity overhang variable, as a transitory factor, is included in the shortrun determination of the REER path. This implies that foreign investors ‘eye’ Uganda’s excess liquidity in the banking system as part of their portfolio behavioural decision for participating in Uganda’s foreign exchange market and domestic government securities (Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds market). Figure 1.5 shows the extent of REER misalignment when the liquidity factors are considered. Figure 1.5: REER with both Fundamentals and Liquidity 2.5 LREER 2.0 1.5 Fitted 1.0 1993M3 1994M6 1995M9 1996M12 1998M3 1999M6 2000M9 2001M12 2003M3 2004M6 Months 10 2005M9 2006M12 2007M6 One of the policy lessons is that the BOU’s monetary policy stance for managing liquidity, using the RMP has a direct impact on Uganda’s REER path which is insignificant in appreciating the REER contemporaneously especially as the foreign capital flows are partly attracted by Uganda’s relatively higher Treasury Bills and bond interest rates compared to foreign interest rates. Malawi Equation (1.7) could be deemed a robust long-run relationship of the REER in Malawi as all the estimated coefficients of the expected signs. Also the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 10% level except government expenditure (see also Appendix for unit roots and cointegration tests) 1.7 reert 52.99 1.24 opent 0.96 cft 0.43 gt 7.95 prodt (2.51) ( 2.85) ( 1.16) (5.42) Figure 1.6 shows the profile of both the equilibrium REER and the actual REER Figure 1.6: Actual and Equilibrium RER for Malawi 160 Equilibrium RER 140 120 100 Actual RER 80 60 40 20 0 Jan-93Jan-94Jan-95Jan-96Jan-97Jan-98Jan-99Jan-00Jan-01Jan-02Jan-03Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06 REER* 11 REER Figure 1.7: REER Misalignment for Malawi 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 Jan-93Jan-94Jan-95Jan-96Jan-97Jan-98Jan-99Jan-00Jan-01Jan-02Jan-03Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06 In this case of Malawi where a decline in the REER implied depreciation, the REER was categorized as undervalued (overvalued) when it its deviation from equilibrium was negative (positive). Figure 1.7 below shows that Malawi experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness during the following periods when the REER was generally overvalued: (i) January – September 1993 (ii) October 1996- August 2000 (iii) January 2004 – June 2006 On the other hand, the REER generally remained undervalued, implying improvement in the country’s international competitiveness, during the following periods: (xi) October 1993 - September 1996 (xii) September 2000 – December 2003 (xiii) July 2006 – December 2006. Swaziland The same procedure used in the case of Malawi was employed to derive the equilibrium REER for Swaziland. The long-run relationship between the REER and its fundamentals are presented as equation (1.8). All the variables have expected signs and exert significant influence on the long-run REER. 12 reert 49.07 2.98 cft 6.40 gt 7.53 prodt 0.09 trend ( 5.54) ( 5.47) (4.86) (6.13) (1.8) Figure 1.8 shows the actual REER versus the equilibrium REER. In the Swaziland case, the REER was categorized as undervalued when it its deviation from equilibrium was positive and vice versa. It is evident from Figure 1.9 that Swaziland experienced more episodes of REER overvaluation. Figure 1.8: Actual and Equilibrium REER 250 Actual RER 200 Equilibrium RER 150 index 100 50 0 Jan-05 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Period REER* REER 13 Figure 1.9: REER Misalignment for Swaziland 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 We note that Swaziland experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness during the following periods when the REER was generally overvalued: April 1994 – December 1998 March 2003- October 2006. On the other hand, the RER generally remained undervalued, implying improvement in the country’s international competitiveness, during the following periods: January – March 1993 January 1999- February 2003 November - December 2006. Zambia The max-eigenvalue test rejected the null hypotheses of r=0 at the 5% level of significance (see also Appendix), in favour of one cointegration relation identified as equation (1.9). This equation argues that overtime the significant influences of REER in Zambia are openness, TOT and government 14 expenditure. Like in Malawi, high government spending causes an appreciation, suggesting most expenditure is for tradable goods. reert 7.69 4.02 opent 0.54 tott 0.76 cft 0.72 gt 0.75 prodt 0.01 trend ( 5.49) ( 3.15) ( 0.76) ( 5.10) ( 0.75) ( 3.15) The actual REER and Equilibrium REER are shown in Figure 1.11, and in turn used to assess the extent of misalignment. Figure 1.11: Actual and Equilibrium REER in Zambia Equilibrium REER Actual REER 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 Jan-93Jan-94Jan-95Jan-96Jan-97Jan-98Jan-99Jan-00Jan-01Jan-02Jan-03Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06 REER* REER In the Zambia case, the REER was categorized as undervalued (overvalued) when it its deviation from equilibrium was positive (negative). Figure 1.12 shows that Zambia experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness during the following periods when the REER was generally overvalued: January 1993- March 1994; March 2003- October 2006; October 1999 – November 1999; February 2000 –October 2000; October 2001-April 2002; February 2005 –December 2006. The REER generally remained undervalued, implying improvement in the country’s international competitiveness, during the following periods: 15 1.9 June 1994 - September 1999; December 1999 - January 2000; November 2000 - January 2001; June 2001 - July 2001; and May 2002 - January 2005. Figure 1.12: REER Misalignment in Zambia 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 -20.00 -40.00 -60.00 -80.00 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan- Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Burundi Both the trace test and the max-eigenvalue test rejected the null hypotheses of no cointegration at the 5% level of significance (see Appendix). The cointegrating equation (1.10) suggests that the main significant determinants of REER are openness, government spending and productivity. reert 7.69 1.86 opent 0.06 cft 1.34 gt 1.74 prodt 0.01 trend ( 2.83) (2.00) ( 3.40) (4.79) ( 3.15) (1.10) In the Burundi case, the REER was categorized as undervalued (overvalued) when it its deviation from equilibrium was positive (negative). Figures 1.13 and 1.14 suggest that Burundi experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness between the period May 1997 and December 2003 when the RER was generally overvalued. 16 Figure 1.13: Actual and equilibrium RER for Burundi 350 Equilibrium REER 300 Actual REER 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jan-93Jan-94Jan-95Jan-96Jan-97Jan-98Jan-99Jan-00Jan-01Jan-02Jan-03Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06 REER* REER It is also shown that Burundi experienced REER depreciation, implying improvement in its international competitiveness during the following periods. January 1993 and April 1997 January 2004 and December 2006 17 Figure 1.14: REER Misalignment for Burundi 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0.000 -20.000 -40.000 -60.000 -80.000 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Rwanda The trace test and the max-eigenvalue test showed that there are two cointegrating vectors (see also Appendix). Equation (1.11) is the estimated long-run relationship. reert 6.00 0.08 opent 0.21tott 0.11 cft 0.36 gt 0.29 prodt (1.03) (1.92) ( 4.93) (2.52) ( 1.29) (1.11) Like in other cases, the results of the estimated long run parameters were used to calculate the equilibrium REER and the degree of REER misalignment shown in Figure 1.15. In the Rwanda case, the REER was categorized as "undervalued" when it its deviation from equilibrium was negative. The RER, on the other hand, was categorized as ‘overvalued’ when it its deviation from equilibrium was positive. Figure 1.16 shows that Rwanda experienced deterioration in its international competitiveness: January 1996 - January 1997 May 1997 – April 2000 December 2000 –January 2003 The results also show that Rwanda experienced RER depreciation, implying improvement in its international competitiveness during the following periods: January 1995 - December 1995 February 1997 - April 1997 May 2000- November 2000 February – December 2007 18 Figure 1.15: Actual and Equilibrium REER for Rwanda 130.00 Actual REER 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 Equilibrium REER 50.00 40.00 30.00 Jan-95 Jan-96Jan-97Jan-98 Jan-99Jan-00Jan-01 Jan-02Jan-03 Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06 Jan-07 REER* 19 REER Figure 1.16: REER Misalignment for Rwanda 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 Jan-95 Jan-96Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99Jan-00 Jan-01Jan- Jan-03 Jan-04Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 1.5 Concluding Remarks T he objective of this study was to estimate equilibrium REER path for COMESA countries and determine the degree of REER misalignment between the observed and equilibrium REER as well as assess the implications of such misalignments on each county's international competitiveness. This was done for the case of only 8 out of 20 COMESA countries. The Permanent Equilibrium Exchange Rate (PEER) approach was employed in this study. The approach first involved estimating the relationship between the REER and the variables using cointegration analysis technique. Using the parameters of the long run REER model for each country, the study constructed a series of equilibrium REER derived to assess the extent of REER misalignment over the study period which in many countries covered the period 1993-2006. The long-term values of fundamentals were derived using the HP filter and then substituted into the estimated relationship relating the REER to the fundamentals. REER misalignments were then derived as the difference between the fitted and the actual value of the REER. The results led to the conclusion that despite the adoption and implementation of a liberalized exchange regime in many COMESA countries, success has not been achieved as expected in restoring equilibrium in the REER. The results indicated that most countries experienced more pronounced episodes of REER overvaluation, implying deterioration in the country’s international competitiveness compared to those of RER undervaluation, implying improvement in the country’s international competitiveness. This study shows that in spite of the huge depreciation in nominal exchange rates witnessed in most COMESA countries over the last 10 years, the REER has had several relatively pronounced episodes of over-valuation. The major factors contributing to the movement in the REER include the degree of openness, terms of trade movements, levels of government expenditure and capital flows. 20 COMESA countries should therefore make the following efforts. First, reduce public expenditure so as to reduce its reliance on domestic borrowing which has tended to put an upward pressure in the level of interest rates and which in turn have caused overvaluation of REER. Address structural factors within the banking system that have kept interest rates high should be addressed. In particular, the government should streamline the operations of banking institutions so as to reduce their operational costs. Second, devise strategies to facilitate diversification of the country’s export base in order to avoid a situation in which when one major export commodity experiences sharp decline in prices, then the country's terms of trade also significantly change, leading to significant REER misalignments. Finally, ensure an entrenched macroeconomic stability in the country through pursuit of prudent monetary and fiscal policies. 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(1994), “Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates (FEERs)”, in John Williamson (ed.), Estimating Equilibrium Exchange Rates, Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C: 177-244. 26 APPENDIX A Kenya Table 1A: Unit Root Tests -Kenya Variable Variable Name Real Exchange Rates reer Terms Trade ADF 1st Difference) PP (Levels) PP (1st Difference) Order of Integration Intercept Trend and Intercept -1.8489** -9.836602*** -2.032426*** -9.662421*** I(1) -3.110662*** -9.643212*** -2.309876*** -9.643212*** I(1) None -0.586727 -9.844063 -0.697572 -9.690686 I(1) Intercept Trend and Intercept -0.877305*** -3.431381*** -2.203623*** -26.77225*** I(1) -2.988558*** -3.329852*** -3.329852*** -6.602225*** I(1) None -1.401673*** -3.171512*** -3.171512*** -0.982245*** I(1) Intercept Trend and Intercept -3.085139*** -9.553897*** -8.166434*** -86.42225*** I(1) -12.4665*** -9.516154*** -12.4665*** -99.61636*** I(1) None 1.056817*** -9.4828*** 0.463633*** -66.56011*** I(1) Intercept Trend and Intercept -1.765308 -14.93998 -1.702962 -14.9201 I(1) -2.240758*** -14.8946*** -2.10119*** -14.87508*** I(1) None 0.691297*** -14.9201*** 0.735407*** -14.89743*** I(1) Intercept Trend and Intercept -1.643258*** -7.283197*** -2.551276*** -1.850567*** I(1) -5.023723*** -7.268109*** -4.103014*** -7.226949*** I(1) None -1.288194 -7.303909 -1.850567 -7.250768 I(1) Intercept Trend and Intercept -1.544993*** -12.7632*** -1.565224*** -12.76488*** I(1) -2.458846*** -12.72563*** -2.593443*** -12.72778*** I(1) None 0.494801*** -12.74037*** 0.467167*** -12.74427*** I(1) of tot Terms Trade ADF (Levels) Type of tot Degree of Openness Capital flows (proxied by Interest rate differential) open cflowa Productivity growth proxied by total investment to GDP ratio prod *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance 27 Table 2A: Kenya Trace Test for Cointegaration Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 95.28201 47.48000 20.52070 5.925117 0.003183 * C0.95 69.81889 47.85613 29.79707 15.49471 3.841466 Table 3A: Unit Root Tests Malawi Variable Real Exchange Rates Degree of openness Government expenditure Net capital & financial inflows Productivity growth proxied by Industrial Production Index Variable Name ADF (Levels) ADF 1st Difference) PP (Levels) PP (1st Difference) reer -1.757925*** -12.45004*** -1.886435*** -12.50723*** OPEN -1.908904*** -8.193436*** -30.70705 -1.411401 g -1.199119 -7.676671*** -2.604044*** -58.35443*** I(1) cflows 0.759251*** -5.024480*** 1.025538*** -8.960782*** I(1) prod -1.269372*** -7.927122*** -15.93460 -4.480093 *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance 28 Order of Integration I(1) I(1) (I(0) I(1) (I(0) Table 4A: Malawi Trace Test for Cointegaration Trace r 0 1 2 3 * C0.95 35.88503 25.72047 18.55818 5.973322 33.87687 27.58434 21.13162 14.26460 Table 5A: Unit Root Tests Swaziland Variable Real Exchange Rates Degree openness Variable Name ADF (Levels) ADF 1st Difference) PP (Levels) PP (1st Difference) Order of Integration Reer -0.447043** -4.885403*** -0.142066*** -8.506276*** I(1) open -1.908904*** -8.193436*** -30.70705 -1.411401 -0.009863*** -0.977754*** -3.539357*** I(1) --12.53578*** -2.884567** -14.24514*** I(1) -1.053271*** -2.036243* of Government expenditure Net capital & financial inflows (proxied by interest rate differential) Productivity growth (proxied by GDP Growth ) g I(1) (I(0) -3.255864** cflows -2.920493** prod -2.793700*** *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance 29 I(1) (I(0) Table 6A: Unit Root Tests Zambia Variable Variable Name ADF (Levels) ADF 1st Difference) PP (Levels) PP (1st Difference) Order of Integration LnREER -2.573226 -10.12284*** -2.573226 -9.989028*** I(1) OPEN 1.215390 -1.715483 1.615251 -8.639058*** I(1) Government expenditure Productivity growth (proxied by industrial productivity index) GEX -1.583130 -3.886743*** -3.366484 -6.570148*** I(1) IPI -0.455727 -3.522733*** -0.861042 -9.555763*** I(1) Terms of Trade TOT 1.215390 -1.715483 1.615251 -8.639058*** I(1) Net capital & financial inflows NKFI -0.576342 -4.489907*** --13.05273 -7.840203 I(1) Real Rates Exchange Degree of openness *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance Table 6A: Zambia Trace Test for Cointegaration Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 5 * C0.95 117.0216 72.28232 42.61564 22.94289 6.690882 0.107945 95.75366 69.81889 47.85613 29.79707 15.49471 3.841466 Table 7A: Unit Root Tests for Burundi The ADF and PP tests showed that all the variables were integrated of order 1, i.e. I (1) Variable Variable ADF ADF 1st Name (Levels) Difference) PP (Levels) Real Exchange Rates Rer -1.448051*** -13.31671*** -1.340381*** PP (1st Difference) Order of Integration -13.44885*** I(1) -12.86325*** I(1) Degree of openness OPEN -1.019287*** -12.86325*** 30 --1.030184*** Government expenditure Productivity growth (proxied by industrial productivity index) Net capital & financial inflows (proxied by interest rate differential) g 2.575504** --13.95369*** 2.413047*** -30.43538*** I(1) prod -0.423894*** -13.43750*** -0.718062*** -18.34475*** I(1) cflows -0.722477** -5.882807*** -13.71118** -0.781631*** I(1) PP (1st Difference) Order of Integration -5.713981*** I(1) *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance Table 8A: Burundi Trace Test for Cointegaration Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 * C0.95 79.81727 41.41748 20.72788 5.633951 0.004324 69.81889 47.85613 29.79707 15.49471 3.841466 Table 9A: Unit Root Tests for Rwanda The ADF and PP tests showed that all the variables were integrated of order 1, i.e. I (1) Variable Variable ADF ADF 1st Name (Levels) Difference) PP (Levels) Real Exchange Rate Reer -1.824017 -4.032588*** -1.730872*** Degree of openness -2.539815 open Government expenditure Productivity growth -9.448322*** -2.519556*** -12.98618*** I(1) g -3.135246** -4.446351*** -5.174049 -10.38094*** I(O) I(1) Prod 2.406457 -4.077989*** -0.472280*** -6.126325*** I(1) -3.020707** -9.025317*** -5.821851 -12.46455*** I(O) I(1) -0.510771 -3.309486** -3.397589* -9.358592*** I(O) I(1) Terms of Trade tot Net capital & financial inflows cflows 31 *** Significant at 1 % level of significance ** Significant at 5 % level of significance * Significant at 10 % level of significance Table 10A: Rwanda Trace Test for Cointegaration Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 5 * C0.95 166.5653 100.0398 55.40683 28.76846 15.38872 3.951725 117.7082 88.80380 63.87610 42.91525 25.87211 12.51798 32 2.0 Macroeconomic Convergence Noah Mutoti and David Kihangire 2.1 Introduction C ontributing to the COMESA Monetary Harmonization Program, this paper examines the degree of diversity in macroeconomic convergence. Specifically, it analyses deviations of selected macroeconomic variables from the agreed upon convergence targets. Do inflation, fiscal and current accounts, output, foreign reserves and domestic investment rate, alongside real interest and exchange rates (of COMESA countries) converge to common levels? Do convergence processes differ across countries? Whether monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies are sources of convergence (divergence) is also of great empirical interest, given that most COMESA members have completed early stages of financial reforms. What is the necessary policy adjustments required to achieve convergence? We address these questions by first inspecting historical trends of relevant macroeconomic variables in Angola, Burundi, Comoros, DRC, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar and Malawi, besides Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Second, an econometric analysis is undertaken. Contrary to a number of studies on macroeconomic convergence in Africa, notably by the ECA (2003), the convergence hypothesis is tested within an heterogeneous panel unit root framework, considering that substantial different steady states are likely due, in part, to disparities in human capital endowments (Barro and Sala-I-Matin 1992), saving rates, fertility and available technology (Barro, 1991), along with variations in policies regarding economic integration (Sachs and Warner (1995). A panel estimation approach advanced by Im, Pesaran, and Shin (IPS, 2003) is thus relied upon. As background to the empirical exercise, the next section reviews the literature. This is followed by an assessment of progress towards convergence. The econometric methodology and empirical results are respectively in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. Section 2.6 concludes and outlines policy recommendations. 2.2 Literature Review B road theoretical and empirical literature underlines various reasons for possibilities of macroeconomic convergence in COMESA, created in 1994 as a transformation of the PTA constituted in 1981. The first one arises out of predictions of the neoclassical growth theory that smaller poorer countries of the convergence club should catch up with richer ones because they can, for example, take advantage of existing technological advancements and larger markets in front-runners without having to develop their own (Baumo and Sala-I-Martin (1994)). COMESA members are thus expected to grow more rapidly. 33 Second, the growing consensus is that openness to trade fosters catch-up convergence as it involves the flow of capital and goods, serving natural means of coordinating economic development of the parties involved. Income convergence among countries, while far from being a worldwide phenomenon, seems to be a prevailing feature among countries trading extensively with one another, BenDavid (1995) argues. Intra COMESA trade is quite heavy, rising by two thirds (COMESA, 2004) between 1997 and 2003. Prospects to qualify for the HIPC initiative as well as meeting the MDGs are further inducements for convergence. The adequate institutional arrangements, along with adjustments in monetary and fiscal policies, in an attempt to fulfil required conditions are likely to generate similar trends in macroeconomic fundamentals. For instance, Uganda, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Zambia respectively reached HIPC completion points in 2000, 2004, 2004 and 2005, gaining substantial debt write offs. Commitments towards anti-inflationary policies and fiscal stability are also grounds for (macroeconomic) convergence. Stressed in Sargent and Wallace (1991), a country running expansionary fiscal policy at some stage monetizes the debt, making restrictive monetary policy impossible. Nations with low inflation will not want a union with fiscally expansionary economies, adds Ben-David (1995)). Convergence in macroeconomic stability indicators: inflation, budget and interest rates, is therefore highly desirable, besides external reserves and current account enforcing external stability. There are limited studies that have attempted to investigate macroeconomic convergence among COMESA members over the recent past. Mandevu et al. (1991) examined the extent of macroeconomic disharmonies among COMESA members, using the means, standard deviations and partial correlation coefficients of the exchange rate during the period 1971-1990. They concluded that improvements in the partial correlation coefficients in the 1980s augur well for monetary integration. Harvey et al. (2001) examined COMESA macroeconomic convergence during 1980-1998 and concluded that COMESA did not meet the criteria for an optimal currency area. Further examining alternative macroeconomic convergence along the lines suggested in the Maastricht Treaty for the European Union, it was argued that progress had been made towards policy convergence, as well as monetary harmonization program. However, they painted a pessimistic picture for COMESA integration, on the premise that South Africa, under the SADC, is a major detracting factor for those countries belonging to both SADC and COMESA. As an alternative, they recommended that COMESA forge macroeconomic linkages with the Euro zone. From most accounts, the rationale for choosing macroeconomic convergence criteria is to ensure countries participating into the integration process develop sound and common macroeconomic policy. In other words, the convergence criteria should be designed in terms of prudent values of key variables summarizing the overall macroeconomic policy stance. Like a number of regional economic groupings, including SADC, COMESA convergence criteria are centred on price stability, sustainability of fiscal and current accounts, limiting of deficit financing by the central bank and maintaining sufficient foreign reserves. This is in addition to achieving and sustaining high economic growth, supported by high domestic investment. For COMESA, the specific targets classified into primary and secondary criteria, achievable during the first stage (2005-2010), the focus of this undertaking is as follows. 2.2.1 Primary Criteria (i) Overall budget deficit/GDP ratio (excluding grants) of not more than 5%; (ii) Annual inflation rate not exceeding 5%; (iii) Minimize central bank financing of budget deficit towards 0% target; and (iv) External reserves of equal to or more than 4 months of imports of goods and non-factor services. 34 2.2.2 Secondary Criteria (i) Achieve and maintain stable real exchange rates; (ii) Achieve and maintain market based positive real interest rates; (iii) Achieve sustainable growth rates of real GDP of not less than 7%; (iv) Sustained pursuit of debt reduction initiative on domestic and foreign debt (i.e. reduction of debt as a ratio of GDP to a sustainable level); (v) Total domestic revenue to GDP ratio of not less than 20% ; (vi) Reduction of current account deficit (excluding grants) as a ratio of GDP to a sustainable level; and (vii) Achieve and maintain domestic investment rate of at least 20%. 2.3 Progress towards Convergence T his section explores COMESA’s macroeconomic performance vis-à-vis convergence targets in the first stage (2005-2010). Tables 1-9 report annual data by country grouped according to exchange rate regimes (based on the IMF classification of exchange rates of June 30, 2004), for the period 1995-2004. Country and COMESA averages are presented over sub-periods of 5 years, 1995-1999, 2000-2004, the former (period) reflecting initial conditions and the latter assessing progress towards convergence. Standard deviations (in parentheses), a measure of dispersion, are also reported as preliminary guide to evaluating the extent of converging or diverging. A decreasing standard deviation matched by a decreasing average rate of inflation, for example, would indicate nations converging towards low inflation. Congo DRC, Madagascar, Malawi and Uganda have adopted independently floating exchange rate system. This implies that, in these countries, the exchange rate is market determined, with central bank’s intervention in the foreign exchange market tailored towards moderating exchange rate volatility, in other words, avoiding undue exchange rate fluctuations, rather than establishing a specific level of exchange rate. As depicted in Tables 1-9, more than half of COMESA members are under a managed floating exchange rate with no predetermined path. In this case, the central bank attempts to influence the exchange rate without having a specific exchange rate path or target. Indicators for managing the rate are broadly judgmental (e.g. balance of payments positions, international reserves, and parallel market developments). Comoros, Eritrea, Libya, Seychelles and Swaziland pursue other conventional fixed peg arrangements. They peg their currencies at a fixed rate relative to a single currency or a basket of currencies of major trading, with the weights reflecting the geographical distribution of trade, services or capital flows. To make sure the exchange rate fluctuates within narrow margins around a central rate, the monetary authority stands ready to maintain the fixed parity through direct intervention (i.e., via sale/purchase of foreign exchange in the market) or indirect intervention (e.g., via aggressive use of interest rate policy, imposition of exchange rate regulations, exercise of moral suasion). Only Djibouti‘s exchange rate is guided by currency board arrangements. This regime is characterized by an explicit legislative commitment to exchange domestic currency for a specific foreign currency at a fixed exchange rate, combined with restrictions on the issuing authority to ensure the fulfilment of its legal obligation. By implications, the traditional central banks functions, such as monetary control and lender of last resort, are eliminated, thereby leaving little scope for discretionary monetary policy. Unsurprisingly, in all countries under other conventional fixed exchange rate arrangements except Libya, alongside Djibouti and Zimbabwe, the exchange rate serves as nominal anchor or intermediate target for monetary policy. The central bank stands ready to buy/sell foreign exchange at its preannounced level or range. In Egypt, Libya, Malawi, Mauritius, Sudan and Zambia, the monetary authorities use its instruments to achieve a target growth rate for monetary aggregate, such as reserve money or broad money, the latter considered the nominal anchor and the former the intermediate target. 35 DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda and, Uganda have adopted the Fund-supported or other monetary program. This involves implementation of monetary and exchange rate policies within the confines of a framework that establishes floors for international reserves and ceilings for net domestic asset of the central bank. Indicative targets for reserve money may be appended to this system. Angola and Burundi do not have explicitly stated nominal anchor but rather monitors various indicators in conducting monetary policy. Notwithstanding some countries still struggling to meeting the target, a broad disinflation process has taken place is the general emerging picture, reflected in the reduced annual average consumer price (CPI) inflation and standard deviation (Table 2.1). Dispersion of inflation across the region has reduced such that Uganda, Egypt, Ethiopia, Comoros, Djibouti and Seychelles have managed to keep their (inflation) rates within the COMESA target. Other single-digit inflation nations (Madagascar, Kenya, Mauritius, Rwanda, Sudan and Swaziland) are barely above target. Anti-inflation efforts also could not be missed in five countries. Inflation in DRC at 554 % in 2000 drastically dropped to 3.9 % in 2004. At the same period, inflation in Burundi declined from close to 100 % to single digits. Though still high (21.8 %), Zambia had sharply corrected inflationary pressures, which were degenerating early 1990s. The following observations are, however, unattractive. While Comoros has achieved the target, it is exhibiting an undesirable convergence pattern (i.e. a decreasing standard error with an increasing average). Over the last 2 years, there has been a build up of inflationary pressures in Eritrea, Kenya and Rwanda. The case of Zimbabwe is worrying, ramping inflation driving away from regional trend (see also Figure 2.1). Several reasons explained the inflation trends among COMESA countries. From the monetarist viewpoint (Friedman, 1953), high inflation could be associated with monetary expansion (Table 2.2). For example, in Angola, DRC and Zimbabwe average inflation of 146 %, 191 % and 197 % between 2000 and 2004 could be attributable to the respective triple-digit monetary expansions of 145%, 141% and 217 %, respectively. Rising inflation in Comoros could be in response to higher money growth (see also Table 2). Despite these selected unfavourable monetary developments, regional money growth has been downward trending. COMESA money growth has been cut by more than half, credited to tightening exhibited in Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Eritrea, Seychelles and Swaziland. Money growth has almost remained steady in a number of countries (e.g. Madagascar, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Mauritius and Zambia). Table 2.3 shows that about 40% of COMESA members have witnessed fiscal improvements, evidenced by lower average and standard error of the fiscal deficit (excluding grants) as a percentage of GDP. However, only DRC, Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Swaziland have met the prescribed target (20052010) of 5% or less and the regional average has slightly increased. This is plausible as many nations (e.g. Uganda, Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda) are under the PRGF and HIPC facilities, supported by the World Bank and IMF. By design, these programs require higher expenditure to accommodate the necessary donor aid in support of growth and poverty reduction efforts. For example since 2000, expenditure to GDP has been above 20 % in Uganda and over 30 % in Zambia as well as in Malawi. We further note fiscal deteriorations in Rwanda and Burundi, with domestic fiscal deficit to GDP ratio more than tripling between 2002 and 2004. Few countries (Uganda, Ethiopia, Mauritius and Comoros) have managed to build external reserves above the COMESA target of 4 months of import cover (Table 2.4). A tendency to run-down reserves is observed in a number of countries including DRC, Malawi, Burundi, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. As a group (absent Egypt, Rwanda, Sudan, Djibouti and Eritrea), an average increase is unnoticeable. Recent trends suggest economic growth varying markedly, with countries like DRC, Burundi, Libya, Zambia and Djibouti growing faster (relative to initial period), evidence of great potential (Table 2.5). However, substantial slow downs (i.e. more than 1.4 percentage points) have been observed in most countries (Egypt, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda) whereas two countries (Zimbabwe and Seychelles) posted negative growth rates. In terms of real GDP growth target (7 %), this is only achieved by Angola. Though growth rates in Uganda, Mauritius, Rwanda and Madagascar occasionally are quite 36 high, their recent performance does not support a tendency to exceed 7 % on a sustainable basis (see also appendix A). With group standard deviation almost unchanged and average on a declining trend, convergence to lower (growth) rates is suggested. We argue, increasing production and productivity, thereby accelerating economic growth above the stated COMESA target requires major drive efforts. Vis-à-vis the revenue to GDP (excluding grants) target of 20% (or more), 11 countries (Angola, Burundi, Egypt, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Eritrea, Seychelles and Swaziland) achieved it (Table 2.6). Hardly below target include Ethiopia, Mauritius and Zambia. Given the flat trend characterizing most countries, it is unsurprising that the regional average exhibiting little fluctuation. On the other hand, there is a tendency to greater dispersion. The policy lessons are that while revenue consolidation is advocated in performing economies, more efforts are needed to diversify and broaden the tax base among deficient countries (e.g. DRC) to assist in achieving and sustaining macroeconomic stability, while supporting investments in key sectors (of the economy). As shown in Table 2.7, domestic investment rate has been on the upswing in a number of countries, with strong signs of exceeding COMESA target of 20 % in Madagascar, Uganda, Mauritius, Seychelles and Zambia. Just below target include Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Eritrea and Swaziland. Yet, the COMESA average has declined while the standard deviation has virtually changed. COMESA does not attach specific convergence and sustainable target on the current account. Consistent with the World Bank and IMF programs for least developing countries (LDCs) undergoing major investment phase supported by external savings, a current account deficit (excluding grants) in percentage of GDP of 12% may be considered sustainable, given the development and investment needs for these countries(e.g. Uganda’s 12%). This is particularly so, if such a deficit is perceived to reverse in subsequent periods, following strong export performance. Mindful of the above, COMESA current account deficit standing at about 11 % recently may be considered impressive, mainly attributable to improvements in external positions of DRC, Madagascar, Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Sudan, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Comoros and Swaziland (Table 2.8). While Uganda and Seychelles barely exceed 12 %, current account deficits are on the rise in Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, Zambia, Djibouti and Eritrea. External debt as a ratio of GDP (Table 9) has been falling in some countries (DRC, Madagascar, Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and increasing in others (Malawi, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Seychelles and Swaziland). We observe unsustainable debt in countries with external debt to GDP ratio exceeding 100 % (Malawi, Burundi and Sudan), especially if one adopts the European Union (EU) target of 60 % as the upper limit. Furthermore, debt to GDP has been rising in fixed exchange regimes, a possible scenario since such countries have to borrow abroad to support the regime in the face of low exports. Due to data limitations, it is difficult to assess the extent of domestic debt in COMESA. However, we are able to note domestic debt as a percentage of GDP rising in Burundi, Kenya, Mauritius and Uganda. There are strong signs of prudent domestic debt management in Rwanda. Zambia’s picture is unclear, domestic debt/GDP has been up and down (Figure 2.1). Displayed in Figure 2.2 are nominal interest and inflation rates for selected countries.1 Four basic features are immediately evident. First, most countries have maintained positive lending rates since 1997. Second, real deposit rates have been positive in few countries (e.g. Uganda, Egypt, Mauritius and Madagascar), suggesting disincentives to save in more countries, a discouraging picture for regional savings mobilization in support of investment. Third, in few countries (e.g. Malawi) real deposit rates switched from negative to positive around 2000 as a result of lower inflation. Fourth, Zimbabwe’s real interest rates switched from positive to negative due to escalating inflation. Fifth, the gap between lending and deposit rates has been rising, indicating financial inefficiencies. Bearing in mind that while positive real interest rates are beneficial to the economy, high nominal rates distort the allocation of resources (in financial markets) by increasing the risk faced by borrowers. It is thus preferred to achieve positive real 1 Data on interest rates not available for others. 37 interest rates through reductions in inflation as this allows further cuts in nominal rates. We also argue curbing interest rate spread, an important element to enhancing financial efficiency, will require increasing banking sector competition, coupled with appropriate supervisory and regulation efforts. Figure 2.3 shows the REER appreciating in Angola, Comoros, Kenya, Swaziland and Zambia. Only Burundi and Uganda exhibit depreciated REER over the period 1997-2004. Table 2.1: Consumer Price Inflation (%) 1995-1999 Independently Floating 2000-2004 190.5(252.1) 347.0(221.1) Congo, DR 17.9(18.4) 8.9(6.7) Madagascar 18.6(9.2) 40.9(27.1) Malawi 5.4(3.0) 3.8(3.3) Uganda Managed floating with no predetermined path 1479.1(1838.1) 145.7((107.5) Angola 18.6(11.0) 10.2(9.2) Burundi 6.2(2.1) 2.8(0.4) Egypt 3.1(7.1) 3.7(8.9) Ethiopia 7.0(3.8) 7.6(4.0) Kenya 6.6(1.2) 5.1(0.8) Mauritius 15.5(19.26) 5.7(4.0) Rwanda 56.2 (48.1) 7.2(1.4) Sudan 30.7(8.1) 21.9(2.9) Zambia 30.6 (16.3) 197.3(158.1) Zimbabwe Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements 1.9(3.8) 4.5(0.9) Comoros 8.8(3.1) 19.2(3.4) Eritrea 1.6(3.0) 2.5(1.5) Seychelles 8.0(2.5) 7.5(2.9) Swaziland Currency Board Arrangements 3.0(1.2) 1.8(0.7) Djibouti 109.9(112.9) 34.9(14.7) COMESA 38 Table 2.2: Money Growth(%)2 1995-1999 Independently Floating 2000-2004 242.5(214.3) 140.6(156.4) Congo, DR 15.7(4.4) 13.8(9.9) Madagascar 36.9(23.6) 26.0(11.7) Malawi 21.1(5.7) 17.6(5.5) Uganda Managed floating with no predetermined path 1033.6(1568.8) 145.1(104.6) Angola 16.0(20.1) 17.3(10.4) Burundi 11.4(2.4) 13.8(3.4) Egypt 11.4(8.1) 12.1(2.1) Ethiopia 10.1(5.5) 4.6(8.5) Kenya 13.7(9.7) 12.5(3.0) Mauritius 26.3(33.1) 11.2(2.3) Rwanda 46.1(22.2) 29.0(3.7) Sudan 33.1(13.3) 34.0(23.7) Zambia 43.0(37.4) 216.6(181.6) Zimbabwe Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements 2.9(5.5) 13.7(20.1) Comoros 35.0(11.8) 17.2(5.6) Eritrea 7.9 8.2 Libya 18.9(6.2) 5.5(9.0) Seychelles 13.6(6.0) 8.3(8.5) Swaziland Currency Board Arrangements -1.1(5.9) 11.8(7.3) Djibouti 81.9(76.3) 37.9(8.2) COMESA 2 For all variable, standard deviations for Libya not computed due to data limitations. 39 Table 2.3: Fiscal Deficit (excluding grants) to GDP(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR -7.2(4.2) -4.8(2.4) Madagascar -8.3(1.3) -7.9(1.0) Malawi -10.8(2.1) -14.7(1.4) Uganda -6.2(0.5) -12.0(2.4) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola -21.5(16.6) -6.1(3.3) Burundi -8.9(2.1) -10.8(7.2) Egypt -1.8((1.5) -7.3(0.8) Ethiopia -8.3(2.6) -13.1(2.8) Kenya -1.7(0.9) -3.6(0.8) Mauritius -5.3(2.0) -5.6(0.9) Rwanda -10.8(2.5) -10.3(1.6) Sudan -1.6(1.3) -0.8(0.1) Zambia -9.7(3.4) -12.1(2.2) Zimbabwe -8.5(3.0) -9.8(7.6) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros -12.3(4.1) -6.9(2.4) Eritrea -35.6(19.8) -44.1(8.1) Seychelles -9.9(2.7) -7.3(8.7) Swaziland -0.2(1.4) -5.0(1.3) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti -3.6(3.4) -2.3(0.8) -9.1(1.8) -9.6(0.7) COMESA Table 2.4: Foreign Reserves (Months of imports) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR 3.4(1.6) 1.8(0.6) Madagascar 2.5(0.7) 3.0(0.8) Malawi 3.7(1.4) 2.8(1.2) Uganda 6.4(0.2) 7.9(0.6) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola 0.8(0.3) 1.5(0.8) Burundi 6.3(3.0) 3.1(1.5) Ethiopia 3.6(3.0) 3.9(1.5) Kenya 2.6(0.2) 3.4(0.5) Mauritius 2.9(0.4) 5.2(1.5) Zambia 1.0(0.8) 2.2(1.1) Zimbabwe 1.0(0.6) 0.6(0.3) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros 5.8(0.5) 11.0(1.6) Seychelles 0.6(0.1) 1.0(0.4) Swaziland 3.2(0.4) 2.4(0.7) 3.2(0.2) 3.7(0.3) COMESA 40 Table 2.5: Real GDP growth(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR -2.4(2.5) 1.4(5.4) Madagascar 3.2(1.3) 2.6(8.8) Malawi 7.0(5.6) 1.5(3.5) Uganda 7.6(2.9) 5.6(0.7) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola 7.9(3.1) 7.5(5.6) Burundi -2.4(5.5) 2.1(2.9) Egypt 5.2(0.8) 3.6(0.8) Ethiopia 5.2(4.3) 4.4(5.9) Kenya 2.7(1.5) 1.3(1.2) Mauritius 5.2(1.0) 4.3((1.8) Rwanda 15.6(11.2) 5.4(3.2) Sudan 6.2(3.0) 6.1(0.5) Zambia 1.5(4.0) 4.2(0.8) Zimbabwe 1.6(5.0) -9.3(3.7) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros 3.0(3.8) 2.6(1.1) Djibouti -1.2(2.6) 2.4(1.2) Eritrea 4.4(4.0) 1.2(8.7) Libya 1.7 3.8 Seychelles 5.4(5.8) -0.8(3.7) Swaziland 3.7(0.2) 2.5(0.8) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti -1.2(2.6) 2.4(1.2) 4.3(1.4) 2.7(1.1) COMESA 41 Table 2.6: Domestic Revenue (excluding grants) to GDP(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR 5.1(0.6) 7.3(1.6) Madagascar 9.8(1.3) 10.4(1.6) Malawi 16.7(1.5) 19.9(2.8) Uganda 10.8(0.6) 11.9(0.7) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola 38.7(7.6) 41.3(6.3) Burundi 16.1(1.5) 20.0(0.5) Egypt 25.9(1.1) 24.3(0.5) Ethiopia 18.1(0.4) 19.1(0.7) Kenya 27.0(1.6) 21.8(0.9) Mauritius 19.2(1.1) 19.5(1.3) Rwanda 9.4(1.5) 12.0(1.5) Sudan 7.2(0.9) 11.8(1.2) Zambia 19.4(1.2) 18.6(0.7) Zimbabwe 26.8(1.5) 28.8(2.3) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros 12.5(1.0) 12.3(1.9) Eritrea 34.3(4.3) 27.2(4.0) Libya 42.9 48.4 Seychelles 46.7(1.8) 43.5(3.6) Swaziland 30.0(0.8) 27.6(1.4) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti 31.5(1.5) 31.4(2.7) 22.5(0.4) 22.8(0.9) COMESA 42 Table 2.7: Domestic Investment to GDP(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR 21.1(9.7) 8.7(4.4) Madagascar 13.4(1.4) 24.1(6.1) Malawi 13.8(2.2) 11.3(1.6) Uganda 17.3(3.3) 21.22(1.2) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola 30.5(4.4) 12.5(1.3) Burundi 9.4(1.6) 9.8(1.8) Egypt 19.4(1.4) 17.8(1.5) Ethiopia 16.7(0.4) 19.5(2.9) Kenya 18.8(2.2) 14.2(0.5) Mauritius 27.5(2.3) 23.6((1.5) Rwanda 14.7(1.5) 18.3(1.6) Sudan 19.3(2.4) 18.4(0.7) Zambia 15.5(1.8) 22.6(3.2) Zimbabwe 20.2(3.5) 4.3(5.3) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros 14.6(2.9) 11.4(1.00) Eritrea 28.4(4.4) 19.7(4.8) Seychelles 33.3(3.7) 26.4(6.3) Swaziland 20.7(1.3) 21.7(2.3) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti 10.2(2.9) 12.5(3.1) 19.2(0.5) 16.7(0.51) COMESA 43 Table 2.8: Current account (excluding grants) to GDP(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR -6.6(3.6) -10.4(0.6) Madagascar -7.9(1.4) -6.9(3.6) Malawi -14.6(4.4) -15.5(2.6) Uganda -10.6(2.3) -12.4(0.8) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola -20.0(9.8) -3.0(10.2) Burundi -10.1(3.4) -23.0(11.3) Egypt -2.1(1.4) -0.1(1.6) Ethiopia -7.0(2.7) -11.6(1.7) Kenya -3.9(1.5) -2.8(1.7) Mauritius -2.2(2.3) 2.2(2.9) Rwanda -18.0(1.1) -17.6(2.0) Sudan -16.6(2.8) -11.5(3.7) Zambia -14.0(2.2) -17.0(3.5) Zimbabwe -4.5(3.4) -3.5(2.2) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros -16.3(7.1) -3.4(2.2) Eritrea -20.8(14.3) -30.8(3.6) Seychelles -16.3(4.2) -12.6(8.7) Swaziland -12.6(3.4) -2.3(1.1) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti -14.6(0.8) -15.0(2.1) -11.4(1.5) -10.4(0.6) COMESA 44 Table 2.9: External Debt to GDP(%) 1995-1999 2000-2004 Independently Floating Congo, DR 227.6(57.44) 214.7(52.7) Madagascar 121.69(11.2) 100.8(11.5) Malawi 120.6(29.8) 156.5(6.9) Uganda 57.1(1.4) 61.4(4.0) Managed floating with no predetermined path Angola 84.6(38.7) 45.7(17.6) Burundi 125.10.6) 176.8(18.8) Egypt 38.7(9.6) 25.1(1.4) Ethiopia 114.0(46.1) 88.7(10.4) Kenya 51.5(8.8) 39.6(4.5) Mauritius 15.5(1.9) 10.2(1.4) Rwanda 69.02(10.2) 80.2(5.4) Sudan 172.0(30.2) 125.0(9.5) Zambia 197.8(14.1) 13.4(50.0) Zimbabwe 45.9(7.6) 42.6(16.4) Other Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements Comoros 94.0(4.3) 96.8(13.3) Eritrea 15.5(11.6) 60.0(9.9) Seychelles 20.4(1.9) 32.7(9.0) Swaziland 21.1(3.2) 25.1(3.4) Currency Board Arrangements Djibouti 62.5(3.9) 67.0(1.2) 87.1(7.9) 83.2(5.4) COMESA 45 Figure 2.1: Domestic Debt/GDP(%) 19 27 18 26 25 17 24 16 23 15 22 14 21 13 20 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 BUR 2002 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 KEN 36 11.8 11.6 34 11.4 32 11.2 30 11.0 10.8 28 10.6 26 10.4 24 10.2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 MAU 2002 RWA 10 14 9 13 8 12 7 11 6 10 5 9 4 3 8 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 UGA 2001 2002 ZAM 46 Figure 2.2: Interest rates and Inflation 350 32 Angola Burundi 28 300 24 20 200 Percent Percent 250 150 16 12 8 100 4 50 0 1997 0 -4 1998 1999 Deposit 2000 2001 2002 Lending 2003 2004 96 97 Inflation 98 00 Deposit 16 16 14 01 02 Lending 03 04 Inflation Ethiopia Egypt 12 12 8 10 Percent Percent 99 8 4 0 6 -4 4 2 -8 96 97 98 99 Deposit 00 01 Lending 35 02 03 04 96 97 Inflation 98 99 Deposit 01 Lending 02 03 04 Inflation Madagascar 40 Kenya 00 30 30 20 Percent Percent 25 15 20 10 10 0 5 0 -10 96 97 98 Deposit 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 04 96 Inflation 97 98 Deposit 47 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 Inflation 04 Figure 2.2 cont… 50 20 40 16 Percent Percent 24 Malawi 60 30 Mauritius 12 20 8 10 4 0 96 97 98 99 Deposit 16 00 01 Lending 02 03 96 04 97 98 99 Deposit Inflation 00 01 Lending 02 03 04 Inflation 20 Rwanda Seychelles 16 12 Percent Percent 12 8 4 8 4 0 0 -4 -4 96 97 98 99 Deposit 01 Lending 02 03 04 96 97 Inflation 98 99 Deposit 20 20 16 15 12 01 Lending 02 03 04 Inflation 10 8 5 4 0 0 00 Uganda 25 Swaziland Percent Percent 24 00 -5 96 97 98 Deposit 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 04 96 Inflation 97 98 Deposit 48 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 Inflation 04 Figure 2 cont… 500 Zambia 50 400 40 300 Percent Percent 60 30 20 Zimbabwe 200 100 10 0 96 97 98 Deposit 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 04 96 Inflation 97 98 Deposit 49 99 00 01 Lending 02 03 Inflation 04 Figure 2.3: Real Exchange Rate 150 130 120 140 140 120 116 120 112 100 108 80 104 60 100 40 130 110 120 100 110 90 100 80 90 80 70 70 1997 60 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1998 1999 ANGOLA 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 96 1997 1998 1999 BURUNDI 104 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 106 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 CONGODR 120 140 104 130 100 110 102 96 120 100 100 98 92 110 100 90 96 90 88 80 94 84 1997 20 1997 COMOROS 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 92 1997 80 1998 1999 2000 ETHIOPIA 2001 2002 2003 2004 70 1997 1998 1999 KENYA 100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 70 1997 1998 1999 MADAGASCAR 120 2000 2001 MALAWI 110 112 99 110 108 98 105 97 100 104 96 90 100 95 100 94 80 95 93 96 70 92 91 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 60 1997 1998 1999 MAURITIUS 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 90 1997 1998 1999 RWANDA 2001 2002 2003 2004 SEYCHELLES 130 112 350 120 110 300 108 110 2000 92 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 SWAZILAND 250 106 100 200 104 90 80 70 1997 150 102 100 100 1998 1999 2000 2001 UGANDA 2002 2003 2004 98 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 50 1997 ZAMBIA 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ZIMBABWE 2.4 Convergence Methodology anel based unit root tests advanced by Qual (1992, 1994) and Levin and Lin (1993, LL hereafter) have been widely used to test the convergence hypothesis (e.g. Kočeda(2001 ). Convergence is inferred if, for example, per capita income disparities (between economies) follow a mean-stationary process, implying relative per capita income shocks only leads to transitory deviations from steady state. Both Qual and LL, however, impose homogeneity and thereby assuming common convergence rate(s), meaning all members of the group sharing the same speed of adjustment (to steady state) in all variables. For example, Burundi reaching the long run group average at the same rate as Swaziland is a valid assumption. Concerns of possible model misspecification, and consequently false inferences due to imposing identical convergence rates motivated Im, Pesaran and Shin (2003, hereafter IPS) to propose a test that accommodates heterogeneity across groups, such as individual specific effects and different patterns of residual serial correlations. This dynamic heterogeneous panel framework is based on the means of individual unit root statistics. In particular, it proposes a standardized t bar statistic based on the augmented Dickey-Fuller (Dickey and Fuller, 1979) statistics averaged across the groups. P 50 Following IPS, consider a sample of N cross sections (industries, regions or countries) observed over T time periods. The stochastic process yit is generated within the ADF regressions k ( yi ,t y t ) i i ( yi ,t 1 y t 1 ) i ,k ( yi ,t k y t k ) i ,t , i 1,..., N ,t 1,..., T , (2.1) k 1 where yi ,t y t is the variable disparity from mean of i 1,..., N at time t . The t bar statistic is a simple average of individual ADF statistics for testing the null hypothesis of unit roots, that is, no convergence: H 0 : i 0 for all i, (2.2) against the alternative of convergence H1 : i 0, (2.3) for at least one i . Under very general settings, this statistic ( t bar ) is shown to converge in probability to a standard normal variate and T , followed by N . That is, when T and N are sufficiently large, it is possible to develop valid t bar type panel unit root test that are free from nuisance parameters. In the special case where errors in individual ADF regressions are serially uncorrelated, a modified version of the (standardized ) t bar statistic , denoted by Z tbar is shown to be distributed as standard normal as N for a fixed T , so long T 5 in the case of ADF with intercepts , and T 6 in the case of ADF regressions with intercepts and linear trends. An exact fixed N and T test is also developed using the simple average of the ADF statistics. Based on simulations, it is known that the standard t bar statistic provides an excellent approximation to the exact test even for relatively small values of N . 2.5 Empirical Results A nnual data on growth in real GDP, M2 and CPI. In addition, fiscal/GDP, revenue/GDP, domestic investment rate, current account/GDP, real exchange rate and external debt/GDP3, over the sample period 1995-2004 were used. The focus is on analysing real, price, monetary policy, fiscal policy and external convergence. Real convergence is measured by real GDP. Most COMESA countries are implementing monetary targeting, deeming M2 an appropriate monetary-policy measure. Price and fiscal convergence are captured by developments in CPI inflation and fiscal deficit/GDP, respectively. External convergence is investigated using the current account deficit/GDP and real exchange rate. Data sources include various IFS and the WEO. The null of inflation divergence for COMESA is not rejected, albeit significant convergence in Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan and Uganda (Table 2.10), suggesting nations experiencing uncommon price shocks, driven by various supply and demand shocks. Excluding nation with triple digit inflation (DRC, Angola and Zimbabwe), the evidence 3 Fiscal/GDP, Revenue/GDP and current account/GDP excluding grants 51 Table 2.10: Estimated Results4 Angola Burundi Comoros Congo, DR Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Rwanda Seychelles Sudan Swaziland Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe t bar Inflation -0.27(-0.55) -0.50(-2.71)* -1.28(0.17) 0.06(0.05) -1.02(-2.48)* -0.36(-2.47)* -0.18(-0.34) -3.31(-0.43) -1.05(-0.97) -2.59(-3.46)* -0.01(-2.83)* -0.37(-2.75)* -1.25(-2.62)* -1.65(-3.59)* -0.94(-4.70)* -2..13 (-1.46) -2.11(-3.22)** 0.04(0.10) 4.58 (1.21) -1.46 Output -0.90(-1.36) -1.61(-4.35)** -1.47(-1.88) -0.65(-1.57) -0.88(-2.25)* -1.12 (-2.20)* -1.15(-1.47) -2.20 (-3.35)** -0.06(-0.18) -2.56(-2.75)* -0.72 (-1.44) -2.09(-3.46)** -1.19(-2.45)* -1.99 (3.65)** -2.03(-4.39)*** -1.71(-2.44)** -1.55(-4.64)*** -1.54(-6.03)*** 4.35(1.03) -4.59* Fiscal -0.91(-2.92)* -0.98(-0.56) -0.82(-2.34)* -1.21(-1.52) -1.78(-4.11)** -0.23(-1.07) -1.23(-0.21) -0.53(-1.18) -0.36(-0.54) -1.09(-0.99) -0.39(-0.99) -1.35(-2.00) -0.35(-0.33) -3.93(-0.74) -1.30(-2.38)* -0.34(-1.22) -0.58(0.82) -0.97(-1.84) -1.63(-1.31) -1.53 Revenue -0.99(-1.13) -0.41(-2.09) -1.41 (-1.53) 0.01(0.01) -2.38(-2.64)* -0.48(-0.88) -0.11(-0.36) -0.55(-0.73) -0.17(-0.72) -1.36(-2.02) 0.46(0.62) -1.98(-1.83) -0.10(-0.26) -1.39(-1.67) -0.17(-0.51) -1.41(-2.96)* 0.44(0.72) -0.88(-1.55) -1.93(-1.04) -1.08 t-bar critical values: 1 %, -2.21; 5%, -1.99; 10%, -1.89 *, **, ***, statistical significance at 10 %, 5% and 1 % levels. Table 2.10 cont… Angola Burundi Comoros Congo, DR Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Rwanda Seychelles Sudan Swaziland Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe t bar 4 M2 -0.35(-0.71) -1.58(-1.06) -1.58(-1.90) -2.37(-2.31) -0.16(-0.35) -1.24(-1.06) -0.26 (-0.92) -0.36(-0.69) -1.31(-2.31) -3.92(-4.43)** -1.31(-1.17) -1.99(-1.45) -1.66 (-5.29)*** 0.21(0.24) -1.36(-3.83)** -1.73(-2.07) -1.96(-3.40)** -2.59(-2.25) 4.51(1.79) -1.70 Invest -0.21(-0.41) 0.20(0.21) -0.82(-3.32)** -0.96 (-5.98)*** -2.45(-1.58) -0.59(-0.54) 0.37 (0.41) 0.97 (0.83) -0.58(-2.28) -0.73(-1.19) -0.83(-0.63) -0.47(-1.43) -0.27 (-0.68) 0.64(0.48) -1.13(-2.98)* -1.08(-0.27) -0.04(-0.15) 0.09(0.22) -0.28(-0.73) -1.05 t-statistics in parentheses. 52 Current Account -1.05(-0.73) 1.50(2.39)* -0.69(-4.35)** -1.19 (-3.06)* -3.70(-0.51) -0.68(-0.81) -1.17(-0.16) 0.04(0.15) 0.32(0.55) -1.36(-1.49) -1.36(-1.04) -0.64(-1.00) -1.47(-1.43) -3.25(-1.16) 0.14(0.19) -0.24(-0.18) -0.88(-5.60)** -1.09(-1.04) -1.13(-2.08) -1.57 of group convergence appears as the t bar statistic falls to -2.02, validating the remarkable disinflation efforts in a number of economies. As a region, significant output convergence is observed, mostly induced by the high degree of output convergence in individual nations (i.e. Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Sudan, Seychelles, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia). Caution, this empirical aspect coupled with the descriptive statistics, suggests convergence to lower rates. Surprisingly, real convergence (i.e. output convergence) is not supported by developments in domestic investment, as only few countries (Comoros, DCR and Sudan) showed evidence of convergence. With the coefficient being at the boundary of statistical significance, whether investment in Kenya is converging or diverging is unclear. Significant fiscal-policy convergence only recorded in Angola, Comoros, Djibouti and Sudan. Like the study by ECA (2003), this suggests COMESA exhibiting a statistical fiscal policy divergence. And with also revenue/GDP (excluding grants) statistically diverging, COMESA is yet to achieve fiscal harmonization. There is also lack of monetary policy convergence in COMESA, despite strong evidence of statistical convergence in few countries (Madagascar, Rwanda, Sudan and Uganda). Like investment, it appears monetary policy is either converging or divergence in Kenya. Similar to inflation, regional monetary policy convergence does appear in the absence of nations with triple digit money growth (Angola, DRC, Zimbabwe), as the t bar statistic of –2.68 is obtained. Significant current account convergence is recorded in few countries (Burundi, Comoros, DRC and Uganda). However, group convergence not yet in sight. 2.6 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations T his study tested macroeconomic convergence in COMESA using annual macroeconomic data from 1995 to 2004. Inspecting historical trends of the main variables and employing a heterogeneous panel unit root framework, we address the following questions: Do inflation, fiscal and current accounts, output, foreign reserves and domestic investment rate, alongside real interest and exchange rates of COMESA countries converge to common levels? Do convergence processes differ across countries? Are monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies sources of convergence (divergence)? We find no strong evidence of inflation convergence, indicating that nations experiencing uncommon price shocks, driven by various supply and demand shocks. However, excluding nation with triple digit inflation (DRC, Angola and Zimbabwe), the evidence of convergence appears, validating the remarkable disinflation efforts in a number of economies. Significant output convergence is observed. The econometrics aspect coupled with the descriptive statistics, suggests convergence to lower (output) growth rates. Surprisingly, real convergence (i.e. output convergence) is not supported by domestic investment. A strong evidence of both fiscal and monetary policy divergence is also recorded. Like inflation, regional monetary policy convergence does appear in the absence of nations with triple digit money growth (Angola, DRC, and Zimbabwe). COMESA current account convergence is not yet in sight. External debt as a ratio of GDP has been falling in a number of countries. However, it has been rising in fixed exchange regimes, a possible scenario since such countries have to borrow abroad to support the regime in the face of low exports. Due to data limitations, we are unable to adequately assess the extent of domestic debt in COMESA. However, we note domestic debt as a percentage of GDP rising in Burundi, Kenya, Mauritius and Uganda. There are strong signs of prudent domestic debt management in Rwanda. We are also unable to assess progress towards convergence in central bank financing of the deficit and real exchanges rate due to data constraints. Our policy recommendations are that for COMESA inflation to converge to lower rates, rampant inflation in DRC, Angola and Zimbabwe needs to be combated. Since inflationary pressures in these countries seem to be induced by high money growth, tight monetary policy is thus an effective demand 53 management tool. Such actions will also contribute to monetary policy (or money supply) convergence. Lessons from Mutoti(2005) and Kihangire and Mugyenyi (2005) that inflation is also associated with non-monetary factors, in particular, supply and exchange rate shocks, also guides in prescribing that policies meant to increasing domestic food supply and stabilizing the exchange rate are vital to achieving and sustaining COMESA (inflation) target. Output converging to lower growth rates contradicts COMESA’s aspirations. We find a number of economies agro-based and agriculture performance (in such countries) unpredictable, partly due to unforeseen circumstances, such as drought. Realizing the COMESA growth target of 7 %, in this context, calls for the adoption of drought resistant technologies alongside increased investment in irrigation. Such a policy direction will not only boost output but also help in the fight against inflation, through increased supply. Accelerate growth could also be propagated by increased domestic investment. Further, as most of these countries export agricultural produce, there are also benefits to foreign reserves accumulation and improving the current account position, in the end, convergence of these respective variables. Improving external viability will also come through reduction in the stock of external debt, giving support to the strict adherence to the HIPC requirements. Regional fiscal-policy convergence and thereby fiscal harmonization has not yet been in sight. 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A policy of maintaining low, stable inflation also enhances the Government’s credibility and confidence of households and businesses (in the economy), thereby boosting investment and growth. Further, there is a monetary cost of inflation that arises by eroding the purchasing power of money, causing households and firms to incur additional costs to manage money balances. The foregoing brief discussion suggests that it is every country’s desire to attain price stability, often defined as an inflation rate that is sufficiently low, stable and predictable so as not to be a factor in private decisions. COMESA members are not an exception to this desire. In its effort to achieve monetary integration destined for 2015, one of COMESA’s primary convergence criteria is attaining an inflation rate not exceeding 5%. In COMESA members, if not all, monetary targeting is the basis of monetary policy conduct. The question of the role of money supply in consumer price formation is highly relevant in this context. In an open economy such as COMESA, inflation could also emanate from external sources, for example, the depreciation of the exchange rate could raise the cost of imported commodities. What is the importance of exchange rate in inflation dynamics in COMESA members? Addressing such questions will not only provide answers to the relevant variables that significantly influence developments in inflation but will also guide in policies that are necessary for combating inflation and sustaining it at lower rates in each of the COMESA member country. Overall, such an undertaking will provide valuable information for designing policies to enable this economic regional group attain price stability. The theoretical framework follows. Section 3.3 contains the empirical results of inflation dynamics in Zambia, Malawi, Swaziland and Madagascar. These are in addition to Uganda, Kenya, Egypt and Sudan. Concluding remarks are offered in Section 3.4. 3.2 Theoretical Framework T hough there are numerous models of inflation, the enduring theoretical representations fall in three categories (Juselius (1992)). (a) Pure monetarist theories, positing expansion of money supply at a rate greater than warranted by growth in real productive potential is a necessary and sufficient condition for there to be inflation. While an initial increase in prices could as well be due to non-monetary impulses, a substantial and continued price increase can be sustained only if 56 money is accommodative. Similarly, a relative price shock resulting from exogenous policy/preference changes need not result in a significant increase in the aggregate price level unless there is an increase in money supply. In this sense, inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon (Friedman (1991)). In other words, causes of inflation lies in excess monetary growth, and the desired inflation rate should be obtained by controlling money supply. (b) Internal theories, usefully divided into (i) labour market theories and (ii) excess demand theories. The first appeals to the notion that the wage (the price of labour), which forms a major part of unit cost, is influenced by demand and supply of labour. The second underscores inflation induced by demand pressures in the goods market. (c) External theories split into (i) theories involving the transmission of import prices in foreign currency terms into general domestic inflation and (ii) inflation attributable to exchange rate depreciation. In a developing economy context, designing a model that incorporates these three categories is a daunting task, especially in view of the absence of reliable labour statistics. That is why in numerous previous work on Africa (e.g. Mwansa(1998), Moser (1995) and Ndung’u (1993)), the theoretical exposition relies on monetarist, external and excess demand theories. It is this approach followed here. A distinction is made between traded and non-traded goods. Overall domestic consumer price (CPI) level ( pt ) is a weighted average of the prices of traded ( p tT ) and non-traded ( p tN ) goods5. pt ptT (1 ) ptN (3.1) , where 0 1 is the share of imported goods in pt . p tN originates from the domestic sector and it is set in the money market, where demand for non-traded goods is assumed, for simplicity, to move in line with aggregate demand. Thus, p tN is determined by money market conditions ptN (mts p ) (mtd p ) (3.2) . Here (mts p ) and ( mtd p ) are real money supply and real money demand, respectively. Demand for real balances, underlying money market equilibrium, takes the form: mtd p a1 yt a2 Rt tmd (3.3) , where yt is domestic output (capturing the transaction motive), Rt nominal interest rate (characterizing the speculative motive) and tmd is a money demand shock (e.g. velocity shock). Adams (1995) and others, however, question whether the inclusion of interest rate makes it relevant for developing countries. They argue that in such economies, the relatively thin markets for financial securities make substitution between money and goods, or real assets, quantitatively more important and that expected inflation ( te ) is a better opportunity cost of holding money in such economies. We thus modify (3.3) to mtd p a1 yt a2 te tmd (3.4) . Substituting (3.4) into (3.2) yields 5 All variables are in log except inflation and interest rates. All coefficients are positive 57 ptN (mts p a1 yt a2 te ) tmd (3.5) , arguing that prices of non-traded goods are influenced by disequilibrium in the money market. Whenever (m s p)t exceeds (m d p )t there is a rise in the public’s cash balances. This, in turn, leads to increases in consumer spending and if yt does not correspondingly increase, the excess demand induces an upward pressure on the general price level. To sum up, increases in prices of non-traded goods reflect money market disequilibria as well as inflation expectation or inertia. The price of traded goods is determined in world markets where an individual country acts as a price taker. This follows from the assumption of a small open economy and perfect price arbitrage for homogenous tradable commodities. By implications, p tT originates from the foreign sector, taking the form ptT c1st c2 pt* (3.6) 6 where s t is the nominal exchange rate7 and p t* is foreign CPI. Currency depreciation and an increase in foreign price leading to higher prices of traded goods, is the argument in (3.6). Substituting (3.5) and (3.6) into (3.1), and after some simplifications, produces pt 1mts 2 yt 3 te 4 st 5 pt* tmd (3.7) where 1 , 2 a1 , 3 a2 , 4 c1 1 , 5 c2 1 . This equation predicts consumer price formation is associated with both monetary and non-monetary factors. Equilibrium in the goods market is characterized by an open IS equation yt 1 ( Rt pt ) 2 ( st pt* p) tIS (3.8) where tIS is an IS shock (e.g. fiscal policy shock). It is argued that higher cost of capital, captured by real interest rate ( Rt pt ) induces lower output whereas real exchange rate ( st pt* pt ) depreciation leads to higher output. Another requirement for asset market equilibrium is that domestic assets are perfect substitutes for securities that pay the (exogenously) world market interest rate ( Rt* ). This is depicted in the capital market equilibrium condition st st 1 ( Rt Rt* ) ts (3.9) also describing the international transmission linkages and fulfilling the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) condition if 1 (assuming world financial markets are integrated). The stochastic variable ts is a risk premium or exchange rate shock (e.g. shock to current account). 6 It is assumed that the exchange rate pass-through is incomplete Exchange rate is defined as the number of units of domestic currency, which can purchase one unit of foreign currency. Therefore, an increase implies a depreciation. 7 58 The statistical model that generates the data, and thereby, directly distinguishes the effects related to short- and long-run variation, is a reduced-form vector error correction model (VECM) in the sense =Engle and Granger (1987) and many others: xt 1xt 1 ... k xt k 1 xt 1 Dt vt , (3.11) xt is a n x 1 vector of stochastic variables, Dt are seasonal dummies, 1 ,..., k 1 are short-run dynamics and vt ,...., vT are Niid p (0, ) . Assuming x t is I (1), (11) contains a mixture of stationary and non-stationary where components and ' (3.12) , has a reduced rank where and are n x r . Specifically, ' gives the cointegration relations and α the loading or adjustment coefficients (that measure the feedback of the cointegration relations into the differenced variables, xt ). Given the cointegration rank r n , the process xt is stationary and x t is non-stationary, whereas ' xt is stationary. The last property gives the reason why the relations ' xt are potential candidates for economic long-run relations. For these relations to be interpreted in terms of economically interpretable parameters, testing of structural hypotheses is very crucial part of the analysis, especially when there is more than one cointegrating vector (Johansen and Juselius (1994)). On the other hand, if 0 , the model is statistically consistent but there would be no stationary long-run relations in the data, and (11) would be reduced to the standard VAR in first differences. 3.4 Empirical Analysis8 Zambia I nflation dynamics in Zambia is investigated by modelling food, non-food and overall inflation9. The sample period is 1992-2005. As already noted, all variables are in logarithms except interest rate. Domestic output is real gross domestic product ( yt )10; Domestic consumer prices are the Zambia overall CPI( p t ), food CPI ( p tf ) and non-food CPI ( p tnf ) ;Money stock ( m ts ) is broad money defined as the sum of currency, demand and savings deposits; Domestic interest rate ( Rt ) is the 3-month Zambian Treasury bill rate; nominal exchange rate ( st ) is the Kwacha/South African Rand; foreign price ( pt* ) is South African CPI; and foreign interest rate ( Rt* ) is South African Treasury bill rate. Real interest rate ( r int ) and real exchange rate ( rer ) are computed accordingly. BOZ and IFS publications are the main sources of the data. The empirical undertaking commenced with the analysis of the long-run structure of the data in terms of cointegration relations, interpretable as deviations from steady state relations. Using a 5 8 Data series are monthly Food makes up 57% of the consumer’s basket. 10 Monthly output is interpolated following the Chow-Lin distribution/interpolation procedure (Frain (2004). Like in Bank of England (1999) and Stock and Watson (1999), potential output is assumed to be constant. 9 59 endogenous variable VECM ptf ( ptnf ), mts , yt , Rt , st and three exogenous variables r int, pt* , Rt* with a maximum lag of 3 informed by the AIC, a cointegrating rank, r 3 (Table 3.1), was established in both model 1(with pt f ) and model 2 (with ptnf ). We proceeded by testing whether individual series are stationary by themselves. Since the number of cointegration relations increases for each stationary variables included in the cointegration space, the test outcome is useful as a means of identifying the minimal set of variables needed for cointegration (Hansen and Juselius, 2002). With r 3 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix A, Table 1A). Tables 3.2 and 3.3 report the 3 identified cointegrated vectors. 1 column denotes the price equation, arguing long-run food and non-food prices are largely driven by supply factors and exchange rate. We also find a modest role of money and a minor role of foreign price in non-food prices. 2 (column) characterizes an IS relation, suggesting the real cost of capital the main determinant of long-run output. Through interest rate differentials influence exchange rate, the UIP hypothesis is not supported ( 2 column). Table 3.1: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Model 1 Model 2 * C0.95 0 190.04 212.15 123.04 1 111.35 112.54 93.92 2 69.10 69.60 68.68 3 40.46 39.46 47.21 4 16.90 15.31 29.34 Table 3.2: Identified Lon-run Structure (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 2 pf 1 0.005 (0.002) ms -0.06 (0.13) 0.38 (0.11) y 3 1 0.03 (0.01) 1 R s r int p* -0.34 (0.09) 0 -0.005 (0.002) 0.04 -0.03 (0.01) -0.005 (0.002) -0.006 (0.004) R* 2 (6) 13.16(0.08) 60 Table 3.3: Identified Long-run Structure (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 2 pf 1 0.003 (0.001) ms -0.17 (0.05) 0.42 (0.10) y 3 1 0.01 (0.005) 1 R s -0.39 (0.15) -0.003 (0.001) 0.07 (0.03) -0.003 (0.001) r int -0.06 (0.03) p* -0.003 (0.001) R* 2 (6) 15.21(0.06) As a starting point, the dynamic models were estimated with a uniform lag structure of 6 for all the variables except the error-correction term (ecmpt 1 , ecmyt 1 and ecmst 1 ) and seasonal dummies. The general-to-specific approach, largely credited to Hendry (1995), produces equations (3.13) and (3.14) as the respective parsimonious estimated food and non-food inflation models11. ptf 0.07 0.46 ptf1 0.09 st 1 0.09 st 3 (2.36) (5.47) (2.96) (4.02) 0.15 yt 2 0.02 mar 0.01 apr 0.02 may ( 1.83) ( 4.10) ( 3.05) ( 3.84) 0.02 dec 0.004 ecmyt 1 ( 1.99) (2.98) Adj R 0.58; SE 0.02; LM 2 (3) 7.45(0.06); 2 (3.13) White 2 (10) 12.70(0.07); JB 2 (2) 3.83(0.16); Chow F (10,14) 1.49(0.13) Ommited var iables : p* , 2 (7) 11.69(0.11); m s , 2 (7) 13.10(0.07) t-values in parentheses; SE =standard error of regression; LM = test for serial correlation; White = White’s Heteroscedasticity test; JB=Jarque-Beta normality test; and Chow=Chow stability test; 11 61 ptnf 0.14 0.18 ptnf1 0.09 mts 2 0.05 mts3 0.09 st 1 0.09 st 2 (3.41) (2.54) (2.14) (1.84) (4.58) (3.44) 0.07 st 3 0.04 st 4 0.04 st 5 0.03 st 6 0.10 yt 3 (3.00) (1.89) 0.002 p (1.10) * t 3 (2.34) (1.85) ( 1.85) 0.01 ecmpt 1 0.004 ecmyt 1 ( 2.34) ( 2.45) Adj R 0.62; SE 0.01; LM 2 (6) 6.95(0.06); 2 White 2 (13) 11.61(0.08); JB 2 (2) 4.01(0.12); (3.14) Chow , F (13,133) 1.63 0.09 Omitted : p* , 2 (7) 5.10(0.64) The diagnostic test statistics reveal both models perform satisfactory, as there is no indication of residual autocorrelation; the normality and homoscedasticity of the residuals are clearly accepted. The estimated coefficients are generally highly significant and coefficients have the expected sign. With standard errors of regression of 0.02 (equation 3.13) and 0.01 (equation (3.14)), within the sample, the models explain price inflation considerable. The lack of significant evidence of structural breaks in the data further lends support to these models. The omitted variable F-test supports omission of South African inflation and money growth in food inflation. Also exclusion of South African inflation from non-food inflation model is not statistically rejected. The first lag of food inflation being significant suggests inertia or expectations are important in food price formations. We note about 0.46 % of the 1 % last month’s food price hikes feedback into current food inflation. Food inflation is also attributable to exchange rate movements. Sluggishly, food prices rise by 0.09 % after 1 month and by the same magnitude after 2 months in response to a 1 % depreciation. With total short-run effects of 0.18 %, partial exchange rate pass-through is implied. What also underline prices of the food basket are supply side factors. With 2 months lag, food inflation of -0.15 % is recorded following a 1 % increase in output. In conformity with the crop marketing pattern, food inflation trends downwards between April to May and it edges up in December, plausible reflecting surged demand due to Christmas activities. The following are the salient features of non-food inflation model. First, like food inflation, there is a significant role of inertia or expectations in developments of non-food prices. Second, non-food inflation does not respond contemporaneously to changes in all relevant variables. Third, developments in this price do not exhibit seasonal patterns. Third, unlike in food inflation, money is one of its leading indicators. With nominal money decreasing by 1 %, non-food prices decreases by around 0.09 % after 2 months and by 0.05 % in the 3rd month. Fourth, the Kwacha/Rand appreciation by 1 % initially impacts non-food prices after 1 month, decreasing by 0.09 %. One and two months thereafter, it declines respectively by 0.09 % and 0.07 %. In the fourth and fifth months it declines further by 0.04 %. Exchange rate effects are completed in the 6th month, with non-food prices declining by 0.03 %. Again the passthrough effects are partial, as the total short-run impact is approximately 0.36 %. The plausibility of the models just discussed was further investigated by modelling overall inflation. There are 3 identified cointegration relations (Appendix B, Table 1B). The vectors of the variables are also non-stationary (Appendix B Table 2B). We are able to identify the price, output and exchange rate equations (Appendix B, Table 3B). Long-run overall consumer price is mainly due to supply and exchange rate, with money having a modest role. A minor role of foreign prices is also established. Further, the exchange rate pass-through effects are partial. Like in the food and food prices, changes in real interest rate dominate long-run output movements. While the UIP specification is not well captured by Zambia’s data, interest rate differential plays a role in long-run exchange rate developments. 62 The estimated dynamic model (3.15) is also statically valid, as there is no evidence of serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and structural breaks. The following are the main properties. First, inflation inertia or expectations is well pronounced. Second, money plays a significant role in overall CPI movement. Mirroring non-food inflation model (3.14), the impact of money growth on CPI inflation is not contemporaneous. Money expanding by 1 % fuels inflation pressures, to a tune of 0.07 % two months thereafter and 0.04 % in the 3rd month. Third, like in previous models, the effects of exchange rate are sluggish. The Kwacha/Rand depreciating by 1 % results in overall consumer price edging up by a total of 0.2 % in the short-run, accounted for in the first month (0.09 %), third month (0.05 %), firth month (0.03 %) and the sixth month (0.03 %). Again consistent with food and non-food inflation specifications, the pass-through exchange effects are incomplete. It is generally argued that when significant lags exist in the transmission of exchange rate changes to domestic prices, exchange-rate depreciation only have limited impact on the rate of domestic inflation. The supply side variable is also significant, impacting inflation after 2 months. Specifically, a CPI inflation of 0.09 % is recorded following a 1 % rise in output. Downward pressures on the overall consumer price are also pronounced in March, April and May, a familiar seasonal picture, reflecting increased food supply. Monthly overall inflation is significantly up in December in line with increased demand. pt 0.07 0.46 pt 1 0.07 mts 2 0.04 mts3 0.09 st 1 0.05 st 3 (4.22) (5.23) (2.67) (1.97) (4.35) (3.05) 0.03 st 5 0.03 st 6 0.09 yt 2 0.01 apr 0.01 may (1.89) (1.88) ( 3.78) ( 2.22) ( 2.71) 0.02 dec 0.002 ecmpt 1 0.01 ecmst 1 ( 1.57) (2.86) ( 4.17) Adj R 0.70; SE 0.01; LM 2 (6) 11.49(0.07); 2 (3.15) White 2 (13) 13.72(0.06); JB, 2 (2) 3.62(0.16); Chow, F (2.51) 0.06 Ommited var iable 2 (7) 6.97(0.43) We draw policy implications from these salient observations. In the short-run, inflation is mainly driven by exchange rate, followed by money and lastly supply factors. In the long-run, it is mainly on account of supply factors, followed by exchange rate and lastly money. The implication is that, effective demand management policies could contribute to recording lower inflation at shorter horizons. Tightened monetary policy, assisted by exchange-rate stability, is a viable avenue in this regard. With supply side factors taking a pronounced role in the long-run, sustaining the single digit status should be considered a serious policy challenge. Supply factors in this economy are most characterized by agricultural activities, which are subjected to a number of shocks. This is in addition to the energy, whose price is mostly influenced by external demand and supply shocks. Enhanced production, especially in the agricultural sector, alongside, steady energy supply, in particular of petroleum products, is necessary to attain such a goal. Exchange rate stability (in the sense that it is not a source of cost-push pressures), is also a necessary condition. Long-term exchange rate stability is achievable with increased foreign exchange earning capacity. The Government’s vision of an export-led growth, driven by the private sector is thus appropriate. The challenge, however, is implementing a balanced exchange rate policy that ensures exchange rate stability and external competitiveness as well as effectively assists monetary policy in combating inflation. Malawi Monthly data over the period June 1993 to December 2006 is used. The variables are consumer price ( p ), s interpolated real GDP ( y ), broad money( m ), nominal exchange rate and South Africa consumer price ( p* ). 63 Based on a 5-variable VAR with 2 lags, a cointegration rank of one established (Table 3.4). Table 1C (Appendix C) suggests that none of the variables are stationary (See also Figure 1C, Appendix C). Equation (3.16) depicts the statistically validate long-run relationship, which suggests that output, money and exchange rate as the main driving force of inflation. Supply factors have the largest influence. A 0.7% decline in inflation is expected to be observed following a 1% growth in real output. A 1% money growth and exchange rate depreciation causes CPI to rise by 0.5%. Table 3.4: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 143.60 68.68 1 92.49 47.21 2 55.94 29.38 3 24.91 15.34 4 8.91 3.84 pt 0.49 mts 0.70 yt 0.50 st 0.003 pt* (0.15) (0.33) (0.09) (3.16) (0.002) 2 (1) 3.68(0.06) We argue that because the estimated dynamic model (3.17) is statically valid---lack of evidence of serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and structural breaks—and the expected signs of the parameters conform to the priors, it is a useful guide in discerning the sources of short-run inflation. First is exchange rate, with the total impact of 0.18%. Specifically, a 1% currency depreciation would induce CPI to rise by 0.1% immediately and by 0.08% after 6 months. Money ranks second. A 1 % money growth would likely cause a 0.12% rise in consumer prices, with the first effects (0.06%) felt after one month and the rest after two quarters. Next are supply-side factors. A 1 % decline in output has the potential of fuelling inflation to tune of 0.04% after 2 months and 0.05% after 5 months. Fourth are seasonal factors. CPI inflation tends to pick up at the end of the year, plausible reflecting increased demand of commodities during the festive periods. Improved food supply explains the significant slowdown in inflation in June. An element of inflation persistence is also reported. pt 0.10 0.36 pt 1 0.06 mts1 0.06 mts6 0.10 s 0.08 st 6 (1.71) (6.78) (2.16) (1.77) (3.81) (2.59) 0.04 yt 2 0.05 yt 5 0.05 jan 0.04 jun 0.04 sep ( 2.18) ( 2.71) (7.09) ( 9.65) (5.66) 0.02 dec 0.02 ecmpt 1 (0.0001) ( 1.69) Adj R 2 0.69; SE 0.02; LM 2 (6) 8.27(0.22); White (14) 16.93(0.26); JB(2) 0.76(0.68); Chow, F (14,128) 0.61(0.80) 2 64 (3.17) The key policy implications are that demand management strategy is cardinal in combating inflation in the short run. Specifically, the tool of monetary policy should be relied upon, combined with a stable exchange rate strategy. Sustained output growth, stable exchange rate and non-expansionary monetary policy have the desired results of attaining and sustaining low inflation over time. With the real sector largely agricultural driven, concerted efforts to mitigate adverse shocks to this sector needs to be devised. For example, as most Southern African countries face droughts, well managed irrigation programs are the right direction in these efforts. Swaziland Monthly data over the period June 1994 to December 2006 is used. The variables are consumer price ( p ), s interpolated real GDP ( y ), broad money( m ), nominal effective exchange rate( neer ), real effective exchange rate ( reer )real interest rate( r int ) and South Africa consumer price ( p* ).Table 3.5 suggests that there are only two valid cointegration relations in the analysed data. The analysis of stationarity of the time series is provided in Table 1D (Appendix D, see also Figure 1D). None of the variables are stationarity, thus supporting the cointegration approach as the basis for modelling. A price and IS relations are identified(Table 3.6). In terms of price formation we note following. First, supply-side factors are the leading indicators of CPI movement. Over time, close to 0.2% slow down in inflation is envisaged in response to a 1% output growth. Second in importance is exchange rate, with around 90% pass-through effects reported. Lastly, money and South African price seems to have modest roles in Swaziland’s consumer price development (at long horizons). The IS relation suggests that what mostly drive aggregate demand is the real exchange rate. . Table 3.5: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 124.87 93.92 1 75.38 68.68 2 43.70 47.21 3 20.70 29.38 4 7.48 15.34 5 1.81 3.84 65 Table 3.6: Identified Long-run Structure (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 2 p 1 ms -0.12 (0.04) 1.97 (0.48) -0.89 (0.16) y neer 1 reer -0.56 (0.06) 0.002 (0.001) r int -0.19 (0.08) p* 2 (4) () The parsimonious model (3.18) characterizes inflation dynamics. The direction of short-run CPI largely depends on supply-side pressures. Like in the case of Malawi and Zambia, a slowdown in inflation is observed during the harvest season (in this case, April and M ay). The statistical insignificance of the exchange-rate in inflation is also worth reporting. pt 0.11 0.10 pt 1 0.01 mts 2 0.03 mts3 1.76 yt 5 (2.82) (0.93) (1.82) ( 2.21) (2.82) 0.001 p 0.004 apr 0.002 may 0.05 ecmpt 1 0.0001 ecmyt 1 * t (1.96) ( 2.61) ( 1.81) ( 2.64) Adj R 0.52; SE 0.007; LM (5) 9.36(0.15); 2 2 ( 1.60) (3.18) White (9) 3.80(0.58) JB (2) 1.86(0.39); Chow , F (10,124) 0.46(0.91) 2 2 Omitted : neer , 2 (7) 10.52(0.06) The foregoing results provide the following policy suggestions. Containing inflationary pressures largely depend on the supply-side strategies in the short-run. For example, Swaziland is likely to witness low inflation in the short-term following increased food supply. In the long-run, prudent monetary policy has the benefit of achieving and sustaining low inflation, in addition to high output growth and a stable exchange rate. Madagascar Data is monthly for the period January 1990 to December 2006 is used. The variables are consumer price ( p ), interpolated real GDP ( y ), broad money( m s ), nominal exchange rate( s ) and real interest rate( r int ). A cointegration rank of 2 (Table 3.7) is established using a 5–variable VAR with 2 lags. Based on Table 1E and Figure 1E (Appendix E), all the variables of interest are non-stationary. The valid long-run 66 relation is identified as price and IS relations (Table 3.8). Long-run inflation is largely influenced by developments in output, money and exchange rate. It is estimated that a 1% output growth would induce a 0.83% decline in consumer prices. A monetary action of 1 % money expansion would produce inflation of 0.63%. About 45% of the exchange rate depreciation is likely to be passed-through to consumer prices. Table 3.7: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 110.92 68.68 1 50.12 47.21 2 20.36 29.38 3 5.61 15.34 4 0.06 3.84 Table 3.8: Identified Long-run Structure (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 p 1 ms -0.63 (0.07) 0.83 (0.24) -0.45 (0.08) y s 2 1 0.0004 (0.0001) r int 2 (2) 4.21(0.07) With absence of serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and structural breaks, combined with conformity in the signs of the estimated parameters, model (3.19) is deemed to offer some intuition on the sources of inflation in the short-run. Similar to other country models, a pronounced inflation inertia or expectation in inflation dynamics is pronounced. Output is the leading indicator of inflation. CPI is likely to jump by 0.4% following a 1 % drop in output two months ago. Demand or nominal factors, that is, money and exchange rate influence CPI formation. While exchange rate impacts CPI instantaneously, the money effects are sluggish. A 1 % monetary contraction has the potential of reducing inflation by 0.2% after one month. Without delay, a 1% depreciation of the nominal exchange rate would result in a 0.06% upward adjustment of the CPI. The cost-push effects of exchange rate (on consumer prices) increases to 0.1% after 1 month. The influence of seasonal factors could also not be missed. 67 pt 0.33 0.21 pt 1 0.17 mts1 0.44 yt 2 0.06 st (2.01) (2.41) ( 2.21) (2.29) (1.99) 0.10 st 1 0.06 st 4 0.009 jan 0.01 feb (4.75) (2.03) (2.21) (2.27) 0.02 mar 0.009 aug 0.01 sep 0.01oct (3.35) (2.89) (4.41) (3.65) 0.01 dec 0.02 ecmpt 1 0.003 ecmyt 1 ( 2.10) (3.60) ( 2.18) Adj R 0.58; SE 0.015; LM 2 (4) 10.21(0.06); 2 (3.19) White 2 (15) 17.39(0.30) JB 2 (2) 0.14(0.93); Chow , F (16,167) 1.59(0.07) What are the policy suggestions? Containing inflation depends on both supply-side and demand – side strategies. That is increased output and tight monetary policy are critical in sustaining low inflation in this country. Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and Egypt We examined the problem of the sources of inflation for Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and Egypt, by modelling both headline and underlying inflation rates for 1993-2007. We sourced and compiled monthly data on key variables headline CPI( p ht ),money supply, ( m2 t ), world prices( p t* ), Shs/US$ exchange rate ( s t ), and index of industrial production ( yt ) from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, the Bank of Uganda, and the IFS. We compiled world prices on the basis of the weighted average of Uganda’s major trade partners, as used in the computation of Uganda’s real effective exchange rate. The data for, Sudan, Kenya and Egypt was supplied by the respective central banks, and was supplemented by data from IFS where gaps existed. We first examined the unit-root tests for the data (Table 3.9). The results, based on ADF and PP tests revealed that all the series were mix of I(0) and I(1). Accordingly, this revealed initial possibilities of a long-run relationship between the main variables of interest (See also Appendix F). 68 Table 3.9: Unit Root Test Uganda ADF PP 0.742 0.707 p ht Sudan ADF 4.744 PP 5.027 Kenya ADF 1.0537 PP 2.801 Egypt ADF 3.621 put 1.437 1.499 --- --- 3.457 6.003 --- p t* 1.748 1.751 2.479 2.451 0.294 0.357 0.212 yt 1.349 1.153 0.221 0.492 2.279 2.198 1.410 st 0.565 0.792 1.333 1.333 3.855 3.647 0.070 m2 t 0.575 0.582 3.637 3.316 2.321 2.297 0.154 NEERt 0.653 0.893 --- --- ---- ---- ---- p ht 12.607 12.981 7.776 8.154 5.560 2.591 4.009 p ut 14.211 14.204 --- --- 9.198 2.236 --- p t* 10.924 10.929 10.429 10.137 9.975 8.864 11.274 yt 14.557 31.385 13.431 25.724 15.558 15.373 10.709 st 10.781 11.404 12.044 12.044 8.406 8.412 11.159 m2 t 14.559 14.708 10.604 10.872 12.425 12.434 13.610 NEERt 10.268 10.259 --- --- --- --- ---- Uganda The results of cointegration based on trace statistics (Table 3.10), revealed that there was one cointegrating equation(3.20) for headline inflation. Long-run headline inflation is positively driven largely by money expansion, exchange rate depreciations, and increases in world prices. On the other hand, it is s subdued by increases in aggregate supply. Table 3.10: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Headline CPI r Trace * C0.95 0 106.4752 88.80380 1 63.13123 63.87610 3 35.44227 42.91525 4 12.39318 25.87211 5 5.690734 12.51798 69 pht 0.239 yt 0.261m2t 0.200 st 1.254 pt* (3.20) Equations (3.21) provide the outcomes of the parsimonious results of the dynamic headline inflation model. pht 0.022 0.198 pht 1 0.057 yt 2 0.044 m2t 2 0.101 st 0.375 pt*1 0.301 pt* 4 (0.031) (0.085) 0.301 p (0.162) * t 6 (0.016) (0.027) (0.053) (0.159) (0.161) 0.008 ecmt 1 0.013 Jan 0.007 Feb 0.004 Mar 0.010 May (0.009) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) 0.019 Jun 0.008 Jul 0.005 Aug ; (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) Adj. R 2 0.52; SE 0.009; (3.21) LM 2 (6) 7.29 (0.296); JB 2 (2) 2.866 (0.239) White 2 23 20.95(0.854) Chow F (8,93) 1.503(0.167) The results reveal that the dynamic headline inflation model (3.21) for Uganda is satisfactory on the basis of its diagnostic tests. In addition, the estimated coefficients are significant, and consistent with the assumptions of the model and economic theory. One of the most important findings is that inflation inertial explains current inflation. Secondly, increases in the activity variable helps to reduce inflation in Uganda. The measured elasticity of response is 0.057 with a 2-month lag. Thirdly, monetary expansion contributes to increases in domestic inflation. The measured elasticity is 0.044 with a lag of two months. Fourthly, nominal exchange rate depreciations partly explain the rise in inflation in Uganda, with a measured elasticity of response of 0.101. In addition, the response lag is almost contemporaneous. Sixth, increases in world prices are the most important factor in explaining increases in domestic inflation in Uganda. The combined elasticity of response is 0.976, with a response lag of between one month and persisting up to six months suggests that any increases in the world prices almost feed through to domestic prices. Seventh, there is very small adjustment lag to the long-run equilibrium path of inflation. The measured effects of elasticity of response are small, (-0.008), and are insignificant. Finally, seasonal patterns appear to explain domestic inflation in Uganda. The peculiar months of January, February, March, May, June, July and August all suggest that inflation tends to decline in those months on account of seasonality in increased food supply. In regards to the long-run structure of underlying Inflation, the results of the trace statistics revealed that there was at least one cointegrating equation (Table 3.11) 70 Table 3.11: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank—Underlying CPI Trace r C* 0.95 0 95.88053 88.80380 1 56.75041 63.87610 3 32.49773 42.91525 4 18.09461 25.87211 5 6.470892 12.51798 The results reveal that Uganda’s underlying inflation is driven largely by increases in money expansion, exchange rate depreciations, and increases in world prices. On the other hand, underlying inflation is subdued by increases in aggregate supply. put 0.122 yt 0.179m2t 0.142 st 0.3151 pt* (3.22) Equation (3.23) provides the outcomes of the parsimonious results of the model that is satisfactory on the basis of its diagnostic tests. The estimated coefficients are significant, and are broadly consistent with the assumptions of the model and economic theory. put 0.002 0.123 put 1 0.132 put 3 0.017 yt 1 0.024 yt 2 0.016 yt 4 (0.003) (0.081) (0.077) (0.012) (0.010) (0.010) 0.024 m2t 0.025 m2t 2 0.031 m2t 4 0.034 m2t 5 0.048 st 5 0.063 st 6 (0.015) (0.120) 0.165 p (0.087) * t 1 (0.100) 0.112 p (0.066) * t 3 (0.010) 0.168 p (0.070) * t 4 (0.026) (0.030) 0.011ecmt 1 (0.726) 0.005 Feb 0.006 Mar 0.006 Aug (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) Adj. R 2 0.33; SE 0.005; (3.23) LM (6) 1.965 (0.923); 2 JB 2 (2) 1.763 (0.414) White 2 33 34.40 (0.400) Chow F (8,93) 0.433(0.825) The results reveal that inflation inertial tend to explain current inflation, although the measured effects tend to clear within three months (e.g. the effects are 0.009). Secondly, increases in the activity variable helps to reduce inflation in Uganda. The sum of the measured elasticity of response is -0.057 (almost the same as for the headline rate of inflation) with lags of between one and four months, the peak being observed over 3 months. Thirdly, monetary expansion contributes to increases in domestic inflation with lags of between 0 and 4 months. The sum of the measured elasticity is very small (-0.004), and at times relatively insignificant. The tightness of monetary policy to contain inflation over the sampled period appears to explain this result. Fourthly, nominal exchange rate depreciations tend to subdue 71 underlying inflation overall in Uganda. The sum of the measured elasticity of response is very small and negative (i.e. -0.015), with response lags of 5 and 6 months. Sixth, increases in world prices, p t* are again found to be the most important source of underlying inflation in Uganda. The combined elasticity of response is 0.445, with a response lag of between one month and four months. In line with the assumptions of a small open economy, these findings reveal that any increases in the world prices would tend to feed through to domestic prices within four months. Seventh, we found very small adjustment lags to the long-run equilibrium path of underlying inflation rate. The measured effects of elasticity of response were small, (-0.011), and again very insignificant. This suggests that price shocks may take a longer period to revert to their long-run equilibrium path in Uganda. Finally, seasonal patterns appear to explain underlying inflation in Uganda. The peculiar months of February, March and August all suggest that inflation tends to decline in those months on account of seasonality associated with other activities in the economy other than food alone We discern the following policy implications. First, policy measures aimed minimizing acceleration of domestic prices might help to slow down inflation. Second, measures aimed at increasing supply response might assist in stabilizing inflation. Third, monetary policy consolidation could assist to avert inflation. Fourth, policy measures to stabilize the exchange rate could also be useful in stabilizing inflation as well. Fifth, policy efforts to increase the supply of domestic goods relative to foreign goods in the economy could assist to cushion against exogenous price shocks. Sixth, with regards to the seasonal pattern of inflation, this suggests that other structural policy measures aimed at increasing the supply of other goods, (in addition to food as stated above) could also assist in stabilizing underlying prices of goods during seasonal price increases. Sudan Like for Uganda, the results of cointegration based on trace statistics (Table 3.12), revealed that there was one cointegrating equation for inflation in Sudan (see results in equation (3.24)). The results reveal that Sudan’s headline inflation was largely explained by increases in money expansion, increases in world prices, and exchange rate depreciations. On the other hand, headline inflation is subdued by increases in aggregate supply, and private sector credit. Table 3.12: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank—Underlying CPI r Trace * C0.95 0 106.0406 95.75366 1 64.56161 69.81889 3 37.86663 47.85613 4 17.35482 29.79707 5 6 7.742560 0.016819 15.49471 3.841466 pht 2.88 0.476 yt 2.253m2t 1.050 psct 0.207 st 0.146 pt* 72 (3.24) The dynamic model is estimated following a general-to-specific ARDL model based on initial uniform lags of 6, except for the error correction term. Equation (3.25) provides the outcomes of the parsimonious results of the model. pht 0.227 pht 1 0.016 yt 1 0.062 yt 2 0.056 yt 3 0.071 yt 4 0.044 yt 5 (0.085) (0.012) (0.016) (0.018) (0.019) (0.017) 0.279 m2t 6 0.124 psct 1 0.025 st 1 0.024 st 4 0.023 st 6 0.003 pt*5 0.093 ecmt 1 (0.087) (0.060) (0.013) (0.013) (0.013) 0.077 ecmt 5 0.050 ecmt 6 (0.026) (0.006) (0.020) (3.25) (0.020) Adj. R 2 0.47; SE 0.028; LM 2 (6) 7.29 (0.296); JB 2 (2) 2.866 (0.239) White 2 23 20.95(0.854) Chow F (8,93) 1.503(0.167) The results reveal that the headline inflation model for Sudan is satisfactory on the basis of its diagnostic tests (serial autocorrelation, functional specification, normality, and heteroscedasticity, and parameter stability tests). In addition, the estimated coefficients are significant, and consistent with the assumptions of the model and economic theory. Like for Uganda, an important finding is that inflation inertial explains current inflation. The elasticity of response is 0.227, with a one period lag, and is highly significant. This suggests that policy measures aimed minimizing acceleration of domestic prices might help to slow down inflation. Secondly, increases in the activity variable helps to reduce inflation in Sudan, although persistent efforts to increase output leads to further inflation. This suggests that the Sudan economy could be operating at the maximum output potential, such that additional efforts to increase output cannot occur without increasing inflation. The measured elasticity of response is 0.016 with a 1-month lag; and 0.061, 0.70, and 0.044 for the second, third, fourth and fifth lags respectively. This again suggests that measures aimed at increasing supply might not assist in stabilizing inflation in Sudan. Thirdly, monetary expansion contributes to increases in domestic inflation. The measured elasticity of 0.279 with a lag of six months suggests that monetary policy restraint might assist in reducing the pace of inflation increases in Sudan. Fourthly, nominal exchange rate depreciations have a mixed impact in explaining inflation in Sudan. The measured elasticity of response is 0.025; -0.025 and 0.023 for the one, four and six lags respectively. However, overall, the results suggest that exchange rate depreciations exacerbate inflationary pressures in Sudan. This suggests that policy measures to stabilize the exchange rate could be useful in stabilizing inflation as well. Sixth, an increase in world prices is the least important factor in explaining increases in domestic inflation in Sudan. The measured effects are very small (-0.003) and insignificant. This suggests that any increases in the world prices might not affect domestic inflation in Sudan, a factor that might be explained by the fact that Sudan has been receiving significant amounts of food aid in support of the refugees. Finally, there is reasonable and significant adjustment lag to the long-run equilibrium path of inflation in Sudan. The measured effects of elasticity of response are -0.094; 0.077 and -0.050 for one, five and six period lags respectively, and are insignificant. Kenya The results of cointegration based on trace statistics (Tables 3.13 and 3.14) show that there is one cointegrating equation for both headline and underlying CPI. We note that long-run headline inflation (equation 3.26) and underlying inflation (equation 3.27) are driven largely by increases in money expansion, as well as increases in world prices. On the other hand, they are subdued by increases in 73 aggregate output and exchange rate depreciations. The effect of exchange rate depreciations slowing down inflation could be explained by increased output as explained by the elasticity approach to the balance of payments: output tends to increase with depreciations of the currency. The large size of the manufacturing sector in Kenya’s export-oriented economy assists it to respond to exchange rate depreciations. Table 3.13: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank—Headline CPI Trace r C* 0.95 0 94.48845 79.34145 1 53.99756 55.24578 3 30.95843 35.01090 4 13.62477 18.39771 5 2.880239 3.841466 Table 3.14: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank—Underlying CPI Trace r C* 0.95 0 108.3831 88.80380 1 61.47543 63.87610 3 37.24410 42.91525 4 16.66685 25.87211 5 3.255004 12.51798 pht 7.991 1.532 yt 0.671m2t 0.182 st 5.744 pt* (3.26) put 2.926 0.226 yt 0.055m0t 0.229 st 0.645 pt* (3.27) Equation (3.28) and (3.29) are dynamic headline and underlying inflation model, respectively 74 pht 1.2559 pht 1 0.3837 pht 2 0.0438 pht 6 0.0072 yt 2 0.0101 m2t 3 (0.0727) (0.0770) (0.0257) (0.0044) 0.0115 st 3 0.0099 st 5 0.0087 st 6 0.0814 p (0.0035) (0.0035) (0.00347) (0.0565) * t 4 (0.0015) 0.00038 ecmt 2 (3.28) (0.000043) Adj. R 2 0.967; SE 0.00146; LM 2 (2) 1.2301 (0.561); JB 2 (2) 41.006 (0.00) White 2 55 84.874 (0.178) Chow F (7,148) 0.152 (0.993) put 1.047 put 1 0.113 put 3 0.007 yt 2 0.008 yt 4 0.0065 yt 6 0.003 m0t 1 (0.049) (0.044) (0.003) 0.003 m0t 4 0.004 st 0.048 p (0.0014) (0.0019) (0.135) * t 4 (0.002) (0.002) (0.0015) 0.011 ecmt 1 0.018 ecmt 3 0.029 ecmt 5 (0.005) (0.007) Adj. R 0.988; SE 0.0008; 2 (0.005) (3.29) LM (6) 2.99 (0.861); 2 JB 2 (2) 605.2 (0.00) White 2 75 158.95(0.180) Chow F (7,148) 0.152 (0.993) The corresponding dynamic model of headline inflation for Kenya is satisfactory on the basis of its diagnostic tests (serial autocorrelation, functional specification, heteroscedasticity, and parameter stability tests). In addition, the estimated coefficients are significant, and consistent with the assumptions of the model and economic theory. Like for Uganda and Sudan, an important finding is that inflation inertial from the past periods explain most of the current inflation in Kenya. The elasticity of response is 1.259, with a one period lag, and is highly significant. The effects of lags tend to persist for up to six months. These results suggest that policy measures aimed minimizing acceleration of domestic prices in Kenya could assist to slow down inflation. Secondly, increases in the activity variable is associated with increases in inflation in Kenya, suggesting that efforts to increase output leads to further inflation. This suggests that the Kenya economy could be operating at the maximum output potential, such that additional efforts to increase output cannot occur without increasing inflation. The measured elasticity of response is 0.0072 with a 2-month lag. This again suggests that measures aimed at increasing supply might not assist in stabilizing inflation in Kenya, unless second generation reforms to increase capacity and productivity are undertaken. Thirdly, monetary expansion contributes to increases in domestic inflation. The measured elasticity of 0.0101 with a lag of three months suggests that monetary policy restraint might assist in reducing the pace of inflation increases in Kenya. Fourthly, nominal exchange rate depreciations are associated with increases in inflation in Kenya. The measured elasticity of response is 0.0115; 0.0099; and 0.0087 for the three, five and six months period lags respectively. Overall, the results from the dynamic model suggest that exchange rate depreciations exacerbate inflationary pressures in Kenya. This suggests that policy measures to stabilize the exchange rate could be useful in stabilizing inflation in the short-run. Sixth, increases in world prices is associated with decreases with explaining increases in domestic inflation in Kenya. The measured elasticity of response is -0.0814 and significant. This suggests that increases in world prices might assist in reducing domestic inflation in Kenya. Finally, there is very small 75 adjustment lag to the long-run equilibrium path of inflation in Kenya. The measured effects of elasticity of response are -0.00038 two periods lags. The corresponding results of the dynamic model for the underlying inflation rate in Kenya (equation 3.29) follow a similar pattern as that explained above. Egypt The results of cointegration based on trace statistics (Table 3.14), reveal one cointegrating equation for inflation identified as equation (3.30)). These results suggest that Egypt’s headline inflation is driven largely by increases in world prices and exchange rate depreciations, and increases in world prices. On the other hand, headline inflation is subdued by increases in aggregate economic activity as well as money supply. Table 3.14: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 102.3541 88.80380 1 53.42450 63.87610 3 27.14132 42.91525 4 12.74009 25.87211 5 2.621433 12.51798 pht 1 69.73 0.0514 yt 1 0.999m0t 1 1.268st 1 18.371 pt*1 (3.30) The results in equation (3.31) provide the corresponding outcomes of the parsimonious dynamic headline inflation model. pht 0.2000 pht 1 0.1047 pht 2 0.2047 pht 3 0.1951 pht 4 0.1144 pht 5 0.1082 pht 6 (0.0787) (0.0793) (0.0792) (0.0789) (0.0792) (0.0772) 0.0055 yt 1 0.0425 yt 2 0.0547 yt 3 0.5853 m0t 1 0.7353 st 1 11.0028 pt* 4 (0.0031) (0.0271) (0.0263) (0.5160) (0.6540) (9.4845) 0.5648 ecmt 1 0.5690 ecmt 2 (0.5158) (0.5157) Adj. R 0.213; SE 0.0008; 2 (3.31) LM (2) 7078 (0.702); 2 JB 2 (2) 3617.2 (0.00) White 2 75 107.1(0.103) Chow F (22,134) 1.1311(0.175) Overall, the results reveal that the headline inflation model for Egypt is satisfactory on the basis of its diagnostic tests (serial autocorrelation, functional specification, heteroscedasticity, and parameter 76 stability tests). Furthermore, the estimated coefficients are significant, and consistent with the assumptions of the model and economic theory. Like for the cases of Uganda, Kenya and Sudan above, the main finding is that inflation inertial, from the past period explains current inflation in Egypt. The sum of the elasticity of responses was found to be 0.527, with lags persisting up six periods. This also reveals that policy measures aimed minimizing acceleration of domestic prices might help to slow down inflation in Egypt. Secondly, increases in the activity variable, helps to reduce inflation in Egypt. The measured sum of elasticity of responses is 0.0917 with lags of up to three periods. This suggests that measures aimed at increasing supply might assist to stabilize inflation in Egypt. Thirdly, monetary expansion is strongly associated with increases in domestic inflation. The measured elasticity of 0.587 with a lag of six months suggests that monetary policy restraint might assist in stabilizing significantly inflation rates in Egypt. Fourthly, nominal exchange rate depreciations appear to have a significant impact in reducing inflation in Egypt. The measured elasticity of response of -0.7353 suggests that policy measures aimed at keeping the exchange rate highly competitive could assist in stabilizing inflation in Egypt. Sixth, increases in world prices is not an important factor in explaining slowing domestic inflation in Egypt. The measured elasticity of response of -11.0028, although very high is very insignificant, suggesting that any increases in the world prices might not affect domestic inflation in Egypt. This might be explained by the fact that Egypt produces the bulk of the goods in her basket of consumer price index. Finally, there is insignificant adjustment lag to the long-run equilibrium path of inflation in Egypt. The measured effects of elasticity of responses of -0.5648 and -0.5690 for the one and two period lags respectively, are insignificant. 3.5 Concluding Remarks T he results suggest that the sources of inflation vary from country to country. A common phenomenon is that inflation inertia is a very important factor in explaining current inflation in all the countries examined. This suggests the need pursue policies aimed at containing second-round effects of inflation arising from exogenous factors. The effects of monetary expansion on inflation are also found to be significant, suggesting the need for sustained prudent monetary policy stance. Thirdly, output is an important factor in slowing down inflation in a number of countries. This suggests the need for policies to increase output by increasing capacity and productivity. Fourth, exchange rate is found to be an important factor in explaining inflation, although the effects vary from country to country. This suggests the need for policies aimed at keeping the exchange rate stable. Finally, increases in world prices are found to explain inflation in a number of countries, but not all, suggesting a need for policies to diversify and broaden output of the domestic economies, so as to mitigate the effects of world prices from feeding into the domestic prices. 3.6.1 References Adam, C. (1995). ‘Fiscal Adjustments, Financial Liberalization and Dynamics of Inflation Some Evidence from Zambia’, World Development, Vol. 23. No. 5. 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Stock, J.H. and Watson, W.M.(1999). ‘Forecasting Inflation,’ Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 44, pp. 293-335. 78 Appendix A ZAMBIA Table 1B: Test for stationarity r pf 2 ms y R s r int p* 1 2 3 4 29.73 16.88 12.83 7.93 25.79 19.69 16.46 9.31 21.84 15.60 12.43 6.15 27.22 19.43 14.29 9.31 20.48 16.65 13.32 7.69 24.42 18.9 11.98 9.21 Test for stationarity r p nf 2 ms y R s r int p* 1 2 3 4 19.82 15.01 13.10 8.32 23.93 18.39 12.66 9.02 26.55 17.81 13.21 9.44 27.39 20.85 15.98 9.28 21.80 15.11 12.99 8.36 23.53 19.85 12.55 9.30 14.07 12.59 11.07 9.49 14.07 12.59 11.07 9.49 34.40 25.23 17.60 9.32 24.10 15.93 11.93 8.02 79 Appendix B Table 1B: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank CPI r Trace * C0.95 0 190.20 123.04 1 108.59 93.92 2 68.92 68.68 3 43.09 47.21 4 16.45 29.34 Table 2B: Test for stationarity p r ms 2 y R s r int sacpi 1 2 3 4 23.88 18.22 15.57 8.73 20.15 16.48 11.33 8.84 23.89 17.54 15.42 8.52 21.75 15.95 12.41 8.33 20.74 17.82 13.43 8.44 14.07 12.59 11.07 9.49 30.05 22.13 16.11 9.40 22.67 17.11 13.83 8.05 Table 2B: Identified Lon-run Structure (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 2 p 1 0.002 (0.001) ms -0.16 (0.03) 0.40 (0.17) y 3 1 0.02 (0.01) 1 R s -0.38 (0.13) r int p* -0.04 (0.03) -0.002 (0.001) 0.07 (0.03) -0.002 (0.001) -0.003 (0.001) R* 2 (8) 12.56(0.13) 80 Appendix C MALAWI Table 1C: r 2 1 2 3 4 Test for stationarity p ms 12.59 11.07 9.49 7.81 16.42 10.85 8.33 5.90 24.90 9.31 7.29 3.01 y R s 33.96 10.78 9.01 5.29 28.64 9.61 7.32 6.99 37.47 9.32 8.01 2.19 Figure 1C. Variables LEXCRT LEVEL 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 DIFFERENCE 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 REALRATE LEVEL 36 24 12 0 -12 -24 -36 -48 -60 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DIFFEREN CE 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 81 LCPI LEVEL 5 .5 5 .0 4 .5 4 .0 3 .5 3 .0 2 .5 2 .0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 0.125 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 -0.000 -0.025 -0.050 -0.075 -0.100 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 LMS LEVEL 1 1 .5 1 1 .0 1 0 .5 1 0 .0 9 .5 9 .0 8 .5 8 .0 7 .5 7 .0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 LIPI LEVEL 5 .1 5 .0 4 .9 4 .8 4 .7 4 .6 4 .5 4 .4 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DIFFEREN CE 0.32 0.24 0.16 0.08 0.00 -0.08 -0.16 -0.24 -0.32 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 82 2001 2002 2003 TB LEVEL 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 32 24 16 8 0 -8 -16 -24 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 83 Appendix D SWAZILAND Table 1D: r 2 1 2 3 4 Test for stationarity p ms 12.59 11.07 9.49 7.81 37.48 25.37 9.04 3.83 37.60 25.92 9.43 6.87 y neer reer 35.30 23.68 8.46 4.50 42.69 30.05 9.30 5.00 43.57 31.09 9.26 5.91 Figure 1D: Variables TBSA LEVEL 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 DIFFEREN CE 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.8 -0.0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 LREER LEVEL 5 .3 5 .2 5 .1 5 .0 4 .9 4 .8 4 .7 4 .6 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DIFFEREN CE 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 84 2001 2002 LNEER LEVEL 5 .6 5 .4 5 .2 5 .0 4 .8 4 .6 4 .4 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 DIFFEREN CE 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 LM2 LEVEL 1 4 .8 1 4 .6 1 4 .4 1 4 .2 1 4 .0 1 3 .8 1 3 .6 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 DIFFEREN CE 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 LCPI LEVEL 5 .4 5 .3 5 .2 5 .1 5 .0 4 .9 4 .8 4 .7 4 .6 4 .5 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DIFFEREN CE 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 85 2001 2002 Appendix E MADAGASCAR Table 1E: r 2 1 2 3 4 Test for stationarity p ms 9.49 7.81 5.99 3.84 25.63 24.75 5.53 1.94 38.53 30.65 3.37 1.41 y s r int 33.68 17.96 4.02 1.93 45.51 32.38 5.07 3.03 29.19 23.32 2.51 2.10 Figure 1E: Variables LEXCRT LEVEL 8 .4 0 8 .0 5 7 .7 0 7 .3 5 7 .0 0 6 .6 5 6 .3 0 5 .9 5 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 REALRATE LEVEL 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 DIFFEREN CE 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 86 LGDP LEVEL 7 .9 5 7 .9 0 7 .8 5 7 .8 0 7 .7 5 7 .7 0 7 .6 5 7 .6 0 7 .5 5 7 .5 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 2004 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 0.036 0.024 0.012 -0.000 -0.012 -0.024 -0.036 -0.048 -0.060 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 LM3 LEVEL 8 .0 7 .5 7 .0 6 .5 6 .0 5 .5 5 .0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 2004 2005 2006 2005 2006 DIFFEREN CE 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 LCPI LEVEL 5 .5 5 .0 4 .5 4 .0 3 .5 3 .0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 DIFFEREN CE 0.125 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 -0.000 -0.025 -0.050 -0.075 -0.100 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 87 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 4.0 Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy Noah Mutoti and Michael Etingo-Ego 4.1 Introduction T his paper discusses the transmission of monetary policy, i.e. how policy induced changes in nominal money stock or a short-term interest rate are transmitted through the economy, affecting aggregate demand, inflation expectation and the rate of inflation in selected COMESA member states. Argued in Mahadeva and Sinclair (2002), it is vital that central banks understand the transmission mechanism of monetary policy so that they know which variables respond to policy instrument changes, such as interest rates or money, when , why and how predictable. It is also important to understand what monetary policy can do and what it should do to stabilize inflation and output. Blinder (1998) stresses that a central bank’s interest in the monetary transmission process arises from its desire to know how to position its policy instrument in order to keep inflation in the future close to the target, while avoiding any excessive destabilization of output. In sum, to effectively conduct monetary policy, it essential to understand the transmission channel through which monetary policy actions affect aggregate demand in an economy and ultimately inflation. Though the monetary transmission mechanism has been a subject of much research over a number of years (e.g. Taylor (1995), Lütkepohl and Wolters (2003)), in developing countries, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, very little is known about issues central to underlying monetary policy. In particular, how the economy responds to shocks, the relative importance of various transmission channels, the magnitude and timing of monetary policy effects and the effectiveness of various policy instruments are less understood. Recently, however, with the deregulation of financial markets and monetary policy more oriented towards market-based operations, there has been increased interest in understanding the working of such economies (e.g. Mutoti (2005), Simatele (2004) Etingo-Ego (2000) and Mahadeva and Smidkova (2000)). Contributing to this literature, the overall objective of the study is to ascertain the differences and commonalities of the transmission process of monetary policy in COMESA member countries. The specific objectives are threefold. First, it is to review the existing literature on monetary transmission mechanism in each member country. Second is to estimate an empirical model of the transmission process of monetary policy for selected COMESA member countries. Third is to make policy recommendations. In doing so, address the following questions: What is impact of money supply on inflation? How long it takes for monetary policy action to affect inflation? Is the influence of a change in money supply/policy rate on inflation temporary or permanent? Finally, it is to recommend an appropriate monetary policy framework to achieve efficient transmission of monetary policy given the targets of price stability in each member country. 88 The remainder of this article is structured as follows. Section 4.2 reviews the literature of the transmission process of monetary policy. The econometric framework follows. Section 4.4 provides the empirical result. Section 4.5 concludes. 4.2 Overview of the Monetary Policy Transmission T he monetary transmission mechanism describes how policy-induced changes in nominal money stock or short-term interest rate impact real gross domestic product (GDP) and inflation. Many, including Mishkin (1995) argue that the channels of monetary policy transmission are interest rate or money, exchange rate and credit channels. The basic reason behind the interest rate (or money) channel is as follows: given some degree of price stickiness, a policy induced increase in the short-term nominal interest rates initially leads to an increase in longer-term nominal interest rates, in line with the expectations hypothesis of the term structure. This translates into an increase in the real interest rate. As firms face increased real cost of borrowing, they cut back on their investment expenditures. Likewise, households scale back on their purchases of homes, automobiles, and other durable goods. Consequently, aggregate demand falls and so does inflation. This is precisely the mechanism embodied in conventional specifications of the “ÏS curve”—whether of the “Old Keynesian “variety, or the forward-looking equations at the heart of the” New Keynesian” macro models. In open economies, the effects of a policy-induced change in the short-term interest rate are transmitted through the exchange rate channel. When the domestic nominal interest rate rises above its foreign counterpart, the domestic currency is expected to appreciate--this is the condition of uncovered interest parity. This makes imports more attractive than exports, causing output and as well as inflation to fall. The effects of monetary policy to the real sector are also propagated through two distinct credit channels, bank lending and balance sheet channels. These channels emphasize how asymmetric information and costly enforcement of contracts creates agency problems in financial markets (Bernanke and Gertler (1995)). According to the lending view, banks play a special role in the economy not just by issuing liabilities—bank deposits—that contribute to the broad monetary aggregates, but also by holding assets—bank loans—for which few close substitutes exist. For especially small banks, deposits represent the principal source of funds for lending and for many small firms, bank loans represent the principal source of funds for investment. Suppose an open market operation leads to contraction in the supply of bank reserves. If banks cannot offset a decline in reserves by adjusting securities holdings or raising funds through issuing non-reservable liabilities, bank lending must contract. Because small firms have difficulties obtaining funding from non-bank sources, a contraction in bank lending will force them to contract their activities. Consequently, employment and output will fall. Bernanke and Gertler (1995) describe a broader credit channel, the balance sheet channel. This is based on the theoretical prediction that the external finance premium facing a borrower depends on borrowers’ financial position. The greater is the borrower’s net worth the lower the external finance premium should be. In the presence of financial market imperfections, a firm’s cost of credit, whether from banks or any other external source, rises when the strength of its balance sheet deteriorates. A direct effect of monetary policy on the firm’s balance sheet comes about when an increase in interest rates works to increase the payments that the firm must make to service its debt. An indirect effect arises when the same increase in interest rates works to reduce the capitalized value of the firm’s long-lived assets. Hence, a policy-induced increase in the short-term interest rate not only acts immediately to depress spending through the traditional interest rate channel, it also acts, possibly with a lag, to raise each firm’s cost of capital through the balance sheet channel, deepening and extending the initial decline in output and employment. We end this section with a discussion on the demand for money Analysis. The existence of a well-specified demand for money is very important for the conduct of monetary policy, whether the 89 central banks’ major policy variable is the stock of money or the official interest rate. There is growing evidence in the literature that disequilibrium in the money market can affect the future output gap and/or inflation. Goldfeld (1994) considers that the relation between the demand for money and its main determinants is an important building block in macroeconomic theories and is a crucial component in the conduct of monetary policy. As a result, the demand for money is one of the topical issues that have attracted the most attention in the literature both on developed and developing countries. In the context of developed countries it is argued that disequilibrium in the demand for money (defined as the difference between the real money stock and the long-term equilibrium real money stock) may affect the efficacy of interest rate policy in the long run via its impact on output gap and/or inflation. There are a number of studies that highlight the importance of the demand for money in developed countries because the "real money gap" (the resulting residuals from the money demand function) helps to forecast future changes in the output gap and/or inflation (Laidler, 1999, Gerlach and Svensson, 2002). From standard IS-LM models and their extension to open economies in the Mundell-Fleming manner to international monetary models and new classical models, money plays a central role. The demand for money serves as a conduit in the transmission mechanism. In particular, the stability of the money demand function is critical if monetary is to have predictable effects over time on real output and the price level. As well as being at the heart of the issue of monetary policy effectiveness, the demand for money is important in assessing the welfare implications of policy changes and for determining the role of seigniorage in an economy. 4.3 Econometrics Approach A structural vector auto regression (SVAR) model to measure the inflation and output effects of monetary policy shocks is relied upon because of its wide applicability to test hypotheses on the monetary transmission mechanism. Consider a set of I(1) domestic variables, xt and a set of I(1) exogenous world variables, xt* and time periods t 1, 2,...T . Define zt as ( xt, , xt*' ) , a k x 1 vector. Assume that there are r long-run cointegrating equilibrium relationships and define the r x 1 set of I(0) variables: t zt (4.1) For simplicity, assuming the maximum lag length of 1, then the structural form of the system is a cointegrating vector autoregressive distributed lad (VARDL) model: 0 xt b t 1 1xt 1 0 xt* 1xt*1 t (4.2) where t is the n x 1 vector of unobserved structural disturbance, with E (tt, ) , 0 , b, 1 , 0 and 1 are structural parameters and is a vector of constants. Multiplying (4.2) by 01 produces the reduced-form vector error correction model (VECM), in the sense of Engle and Granger (1987) and many others: xt t 1 1xt 1 0 xt* 1xt*1 t 90 (4.3) where 01 , 01b, 1 011 , 0 01 0 , 1 011 and t 01t is a n1 vector of VECM residuals with covariance matrix . Estimating (4.3) is all what is needed for pure forecasting purposes. However, for policy-making, one needs to estimate the structural coefficients as well as recover the shocks. This proceeds as follows. By Granger’s representation theorem (Engle and Granger(1987)), VECM(4.3) has a moving average (MA) representation: xt C ( L) t (4.4) . and a structural MA representation (5): xt ( L)t (4.5) where ( L) C ( L)01 ( I C1 L)01 . Imposing restrictions on both 01 and the covariance matrix of the structural shocks identifies the structural model. There are n 2 elements in 0 and n(n 1) 2 unique elements in i , but only n(n 1) 2 unique elements in , implying n 2 restrictions are required for model identification. As usually, assuming the structural shocks are orthogonal and setting the diagonal elements of 0 to unity, since each structural equation is normalized on a particular endogenous variable, generates n(n 1) 2 additional restrictions, leaving n(n 1) 2 restrictions to achieve complete uniqueness of the structural shocks (that is, exactly identify the model). There are a number of ways to generate the remaining restrictions. Bernanke (1986) suggests imposing contemporaneous restrictions on the 0 matrix. Blanchard and Qual (1989) method achieves identification by imposing zero restrictions on the long-run effects 1 (1) of the structural shocks on the level of particular endogenous variables. This formulation requires that the level of the endogenous variables that such restrictions are imposed on are non-stationary, but not cointegrated so that their first differences enter the reduced form VAR. The Gali (1992) method uses the Bernanke contemporaneous restrictions and the Blanchard and Qual long-run restrictions. The King et al (1991) method, takes into account any cointegrating relationships among the nonstationary variables included in the system. Let k n r be the number of common stochastic trends driving xt . Partitioning t into two components (tP ' ,tT ' ) , tp contains k permanent shocks and tT the r transitory shocks (Stock and Watson (1988)). Following King et al. (1991), (4.6) and (4.7) guides recovering tp : t 0 t (4.6) (1) C(1)01 0 (4.7) where is a n k matrix of long-run multipliers and 0 is a n (n k ) matrix of zeros associated with tT . Since is determined by the condition that its columns are orthogonal to cointegrating vectors, tp represents innovations to long-run components of t . Adopting three sets of 91 assumptions exactly identify tp . First, tp and tT are uncorrelated. Second, tp , are mutually uncorrelated. Third, is lower triangular, permitting writing * and thus (1) * 0 (4.8) where * is a known n k with full column rank and is a k k lower triangular matrix with full rank and 1’s on the diagonal. 4.0 Empirical Results Zambia 12 We use monthly data over the sample period 1992-2003, corresponding to monetary targeting and the post-liberalization era. Domestic output ( yt ) is real gross domestic product (GDP).13 Domestic price ( ptc ) is Zambia’s consumer price (CPI), whereas the measure of money stock ( mt ) is broad money. Domestic interest rate ( Rt ) is the 3-month Zambian Treasury bill rate and the nominal exchange rate ( st ) is between Zambian Kwacha and South African Rand. Accordingly, foreign price ( p* ) is South African CPI and the 3-month South African Treasury bill rate captures foreign interest rate ( Rt f ).14 Bank of Zambia (BOZ) and IMF International Financial Statistics (IFS) publications were the main data sources. The empirical undertaking commenced by investigating the long-run structure of the data in terms of cointegration relations, interpretable as deviations from steady state relations. With the appropriate lag length chosen using the Schwarz criterion (SC) and Hanna-Quinn (HQ), reported in Table 1A(appendix), the VECM is estimated with two lags, and the variables ordered as X t [ p* , y, m, p c , R, s, R f ]t' . Table 2A (appendix) shows the Johansen cointegration test (Johansen (1991)) supporting a cointegration rank r 4 . Since the sample period is small and r 4 is boundary (accepted), it is highly recommended to examine additional information, including the characteristic roots to check whether estimating under alternative r rank ( ) is plausible (Juselius(2003), Johansen (1995), Johansen and Juselius(1994)). The three largest roots are quite close to unity, indeed validating r 4 (Table 3A, appendix). We then proceeded to testing whether individual series are stationary by themselves. Since the number of cointegration relations increases for each stationary variable included in the cointegration space, the test outcome is useful as a means of identifying the minimal set of variables needed for cointegration (Hansen and Juselius, 2002). With r 4 , none of the variables are indeed stationary by themselves(Table 4A, appendix). Table 4.1 presents the identified long run structure. The 1 column resembles a money demand equation, which seems reasonably estimated as all coefficients are significant at the 5 % level and show expected signs. Similar to Tseng and Corker (1991) and Hubrich (1999) the long-run income elasticity 12 All calculations performed using RATS and CATS Hansen and Juselius (2002)) Monthly output is interpolated by means of the Chow-Lin distribution/interpolation procedure (Frain (2004), using copper output as indicator variable. Like in the Bank of England(1999) and Stock and Watson(1999), potential output is assumed to be constant. 14 Foreign influences are assumed to emanate from South Africa as it is by far Zambia’s most important trading partner--share of trade 60 % of Zambia’s imports come from South Africa. 13 92 exceeds one (i.e., 1.15), suggesting monetary wealth has been growing faster than real GDP.15 There is strong support for currency substitution effects, making exchange rate an important determinant of money holdings. The income specification, 2 column, is also well defined. This specification is justified assuming in the long run nominal interest rate equals real interest rate. The 3 column is an exchange rate relation. Like in Dekle et al. (2001), it posits a link between interest differential and nominal exchange rate, thereby capturing the idea that higher domestic interest rate makes domestic assets more attractive, causing an appreciation and vice versa. The 4 column gives an impression of South African policy reaction function. The loading vectors too look sensible. The parameter 13 depicts money stock equilibrium error correcting to agents’ demand for money. Inferred from 12 and 14 excess money, measured as deviations from long-run money demand, significantly increases real aggregate demand and consequently inflation. The estimated 22 and 24 suggest deviation from long-run goods market equilibrium is error correcting and has expected effects on inflation. The exchange rate, on the other hand, does not significantly respond to disequilibrium in the goods market. The negative coefficient 23 is also as expected. Bank of Zambia (BOZ) reacts to excess demand by monetary tightening. The coefficient 36 shows exchange rate is error correcting and, intuitively, excess demand for exchange rate significantly increases inflation ( 34 ). Finally, South African interest rate insignificantly affects Zambian macroeconomic variables. Table 4.2 confirms the statistical validity of VECM specification. The Godfrey (1988) multivariate Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test indicates lack of evidence of either first or fourth order residual autocorrelation. Further, the Jarque-Beta multivariate normality test does not rejects the null of normality. The model ‘s statistical adequacy is finally investigated by recursive stability test. Constancy of the restricted cannot be rejected at the 10 % level (Figure 4.1). 15 Tseng and Corker(1991) argues that an income elasticity of money demand exceeding one, reflects higher savings. This has not been established in this study. 93 Table 4.1: Identified Long Run Structure Cointegrating vectors: (Standard errors in parentheses) 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 1 0 m -1.15 (0.20) 1 -0.15 (0.05) 0 0 0 0 pc -1 0 0 0 R 0.13 (0.00) 0.07 (0.01) 0 0.52 (0.12) 0 0.61 (0.00) 1 0 -0.18 (0.00) (t-values in parentheses) 1 p * y s Rf p* y m p c R s R f 0 0 1 2 3 4 -0.01 (-1.39) 0.01 (3.40) -0.06 (-3.51) 0.05 (3.12) 0.15 (2.73) 0.14 (1.75) 0.02 (0.42) 0.02 (1.88) -0.02 (-2.27) -0.03 (-0.41) 0.12 (3.79) 0.04 (4.99) -0.12 (-0.76) -1.33 (-1.06) -0.002 (-2.47) 0.001 (2.30) -0.02 (-1.18) 0.08 (3.88) 0.78 (4.94) -0.01 (-0.16) 0.19 (0.61) 0.00 (-0.76) 0.00 (1.65) -0.003 (-2.38) 0.00 (-0.38) 0.54 (2.23) 0.003 (1.08) 0.06 (-2.60) 2 (9) 7.80 p value 0.08 94 Table 4.2: Misspecification Tests Multivariate tests Residual autocorrelation LM1 (49) 44.96(p=0.64 ) LM 4 (49) 65.23(p=0.16) Normality 2 (14) 20.58(p=0.06) Univariate tests Normality(2) ARCH(2) Skewness Kurtosis p* 4.62 3.08 -0.31 3.38 0.83 y 4.82 1.79 0.16 1.07 0.68 m 3.25 3.01 -0.42 3.19 0.85 p c 0.07 3.24 -0.09 3.53 0.82 R 2.42 2.17 0.25 2.91 0.79 s 4.38 2.35 0.29 3.50 0.75 R f 0.49 2.18 0.47 5.02 0.80 R2 At 5% significance level , critical value for 2 (2) 5.99 Figure 4.1: Recursive Test for Constancy of the Identified Test of known beta eq. to beta(t) 4.5 BETA_Z 4.0 BETA_R 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1 is the 5% significance level What are the implications of the cointegration results for the long-run transmission of Zambia’s monetary policy? First, a stable money demand exits, satisfying one key precondition for the policy of monetary targeting by the Bank of Zambia (BOZ). As Juselius (1996) argues, this implies money growth 95 has a predictable impact on economic activity and hence on excess demand in the economy. Second, demand for money is interest sensitive, suggesting the LM curve is not steep and changes in money supply have lower effects. Third, inflation is associated with excess demand in the money and goods market as well as disequilibrium in the exchange rate market, and thus it is not necessarily a monetary phenomenon. Fourth, although we do not explicitly identify the money-based rule, there is a feedback between nominal money and inflation. It is observed that higher price leads BOZ to lowering money supply. Finally, the impact of developments in foreign interest rate on domestic variables is insignificant. To what extent shocks to money play a role in the transmission process is the topic of the structural analysis. In terms of structural Analysis16, the cointegration result suggests the economy is driven by three permanent shocks (i.e. aggregate supply, monetary policy and foreign price shocks) and four transitory shocks (i.e. money demand, IS, exchange rate and foreign interest shocks). In the notation of Section 3, ordering xt [ p* , y, m, p c , R, s, R f ]t' in (4.9), the 7 3 matrix of long-run multipliers is a product of * and 17. From * , the first shock is a foreign price shock. In the long run, it increases foreign price by 1 % and foreign interest rate by 0.15 basis points. Through an exchange rate relation, it depreciates domestic currency by 0.03 % and through a money demand relation increases consumer price marginally. The second shock is a domestic aggregate supply shock, predicted to raise domestic output by 1 % and through an IS relation reduces domestic interest rate by 1.92 basis points. Further, through an exchange rate relation depreciates nominal exchange rate by 1.17 % and through a money-demand relation reduces consumer price by 1.32 %. The third shock is a money supply shock. A one-to-one relation is assumed between money and consumer price (see equation 4.1). 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 1.9 x10 1.32 0 1.92 1.17 0.03 0.15 0 0 0 1 11 1 21 0 31 0 0 0 22 32 0 0 33 (4.9) We observe two major assumptions implied in . First the small country assumption, that is, foreign price does not react to domestic aggregate supply and money supply shocks in the long run. Second the neutrality assumption. Output is long run neutral with respect to money supply. Adopting the following assumptions, which generates r (r 1) 2 6 , exactly identifies the four transitory shocks. 1). Foreign interest rate does not respond contemporaneously to all domestic transitory shocks. 2). Domestic price only responds contemporaneously to domestic shocks. 3). Domestic interest rate responds on impact to all the shocks, except foreign price shock. 4). Because of expectations, exchange rate responds contemporaneously to all the shocks. 16 Throughout the discussion, domestic consumer price is referred to as consumer price. 17 To obtain * we re-write money demand in terms of p c and IS in terms of R . 96 Figures 4.2-4.8 plot impulse responses. Whereas dark lines represent point estimates of responses of the level of each variable to a one standard deviation positive shock, upper and lower dashed lines enclose the 95 % confidence bands constructed from Monte Carlo integration. With few exceptions, the responses match theoretical priors and conform to the identification strategy. Absence of puzzle about the relationship between a monetary policy shock, identified as innovation to money supply, interest rate and exchange rate responses, suggests the model correctly identifies the policy shock. The results are also consistent with the small country assumption----foreign variables hardly respond to domestic shocks. Figure 4.2 shows impulse responses of variables to a monetary policy shock accords with a number of studies (e.g. Cushman and Zha (1997), Bagliano and Fevero (1998)). The sharp increase (0.7 %) in money stock is accompanied by a significant fall in domestic interest rate that lasts one year. With foreign interest rate almost unchanged initially, domestic interest rate reduces below foreign interest rate by almost 0.5 basis points. This induces temporary currency depreciation, reaching the peak value of 1.7 % after 4 months. Though output barely rises, consumer price reacts significantly over 4 months, contemporaneously by 0.6 % and 4 months later recording the peak increase of roughly 1 %. By construction, the impact of this shock on real balances is positive and persistent. Whereas output rapidly returns to its steady state, consumer price persistently rises, though marginally. Similar to the results for developed economies (e.g. Blanchard and Qual (1989), Gali (1992) and Astley and Garrant (2000) and Cameroon et al. (2002)), the impact of an aggregate supply shock has the expected sign, increasing output and reducing consumer price (Figure 4.3). Output is raised by 0.27 % at first and by 0.5 % over time. Consumer price, which barely falls on impact, records the maximum response of 3.5 % after 15 months, before settling down to a value of approximately 2 % above the baseline 3 years later. Nominal money rises significantly over a short period, suggesting in the short run a beneficial supply shock induces commercial banks to create more loans (Keating (2000)). With lower domestic interest rate, nominal exchange rate depreciates significantly over 4 months. Finally, this shock affects real money through its impact on economic activity, interest rate and exchange rate, with a cutback of around 1.5 % being the overall outcome. Like in Gavosto and Pellegrini (1999), the effects of an IS shock on output and consumer price are fast and strong. Output initially rises by 0.3 % and 4 months later attains an utmost response of about 0.4 %, thereafter returning to zero with some fluctuations (Figure 4.4). On impact, consumer price is raised by 0.11 % and 5 months afterwards by a maximum of 3.5 %. Whereas output gradually returns to its steady state, the increase in consumer price dies away rapidly. Reflecting higher domestic interest rate, money supply falls significantly for a short period, nominal exchange rate appreciates significantly for 10 months and real balances fall. Characterizing this shock to have transitory effects is by and large unfailing. 97 Figure 4.2: Impulse Responses to a Monetary Policy Shock Output Consumer Price 0.0100 0.08 0.0075 0.06 0.04 0.0050 0.02 0.0025 0.00 0.0000 -0.02 -0.0025 -0.04 -0.0050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Interest Rate 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Foreign Price 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.3: Impulse Responses to an Aggregate Supply Shock Output Consumer Price 0.0100 0.08 0.0075 0.06 0.0050 0.04 0.02 0.0025 0.00 0.0000 -0.02 -0.0025 -0.04 -0.0050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Interest Rate 15 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Foreign Price 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 98 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 Figure 4.4: Impulse Responses to an IS Shock Output Consumer Price 0.0100 0.08 0.0075 0.06 0.04 0.0050 0.02 0.0025 0.00 0.0000 -0.02 -0.0025 -0.04 -0.0050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Interest Rate 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Foreign Price 10 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.5: Impulse Response to a Money Demand Shock Output Consumer Price 0.100 0.08 0.075 0.06 0.04 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.00 0.000 -0.02 -0.025 -0.04 -0.050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Interest Rate 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Foreign Price 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 99 5 10 15 20 25 30 Immediately following a money demand shock, real and nominal balances temporarily rise significantly for about a year (Figure 4.5). Also without delay, output and consumer price rises, the latter registering the climax response of 3.8 % after 8 months. Unlike the IS shock, the full adjustment of output and consumer price are rather gradual. With the domestic interest rate going up, a significant currency appreciation is induced over a short period. Like all domestic shocks, the impact of this shock on foreign variables is unnoticeable. As expected, the effects of this shock completely diminish over time. Virtually all impulse responses correspond with the predicted effects of a temporary exchange rate shock (Figure 4.6). The nominal exchange rate reacts intensively, depreciating by around 6 % on impact and gradually returns to its pre-shock level. Output rises by a bare margin initially and by 2.5 % 2 quarters later, before slowly falling back to zero after 3 years. Consumer price at first rises by 0.43 %, 4 months later by a maximum of 4 % and 3 years thereafter falls to its pre-shock value. This shock is followed by temporary lower money supply and higher nominal domestic interest rate, implying monetary tightening to dampen the anticipated price effects. Transitory lower real balances are also recorded. Higher foreign price and foreign interest rate accompany a foreign price shock (Figure 4.7), causing significant currency depreciation over a short period, in turn, raising consumer price by utmost 0.85 % 3 months later and by 0.6 % over time. Since some imports are inputs into production the resulting higher production costs, reflecting an adverse supply shock, depresses domestic output further raising consumer price. The recorded monetary policy response is lower money supply, thereby higher domestic interest rate. By construction, real balances fall. In response to a foreign interest rate shock, foreign interest rate rises significantly for 6 months, decreasing foreign price (Figure 4.8). A rise in domestic output is also reported, plausibly, on account of increased net exports associated with lower import prices. This output response combined with currency depreciation exerts upward pressures on domestic consumer price. Figure 4.6: Impulse Responses to an Exchange Rate Shock Output Consumer Price 0.0100 0.08 0.0075 0.06 0.04 0.0050 0.02 0.0025 0.00 0.0000 -0.02 -0.0025 -0.04 -0.0050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Interest Rate 15 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Foreign Price 10 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.7: Impulse Responses to a Foreign Price Shock Output Consumer Price 0.0100 0.08 0.0075 0.06 0.04 0.0050 0.02 0.0025 0.00 0.0000 -0.02 -0.0025 -0.04 -0.0050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Interest Rate 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Foreign Price 10 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.8: Impulse Responses to a Foreign Interest Rate Shock Output Consumer Price 0.100 0.08 0.075 0.06 0.04 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.00 0.000 -0.02 -0.025 -0.04 -0.050 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Money 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 Real Money 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Interest Rate 15 20 25 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.075 0.03 0.050 0.02 0.025 0.01 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.025 -0.02 -0.03 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Foreign Price 10 15 20 25 30 Foreign Interest Rate 0.0125 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 -0.0075 -0.0100 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 101 5 10 15 20 25 30 Table 4.3 summarizes variances of output and consumer price explained by each structural shock. Monetary policy or money supply shocks have relatively little impact on Zambian output, accounting for less than 10 % of its variance. Money demand shocks only modestly boost short-run output, contributing utmost 20 % (to its variance). Agreeing with a number of SVAR studies (e.g. Gali (1992), Dhar et al. (2000) ), output fluctuations are mainly attributable to aggregate supply shocks, underlying 40 % in the short run (i.e. 12 months) and 82 % in the long run (i.e. beyond 60 months). A key implication (of this result) is that the business cycle theory arguments that aggregate supply shocks are important in business cycle frequencies cannot be dismissed. Like in Keating (2000), IS shocks turn out to be the most important demand factor for the business cycle, responsible for one third of output variability. Unlike shocks to South African interest rate, South African price shocks have a modest role in domestic output, especially at longer horizons, accounting for 15 % (of its variance). Table 4.3: Percentage of Forecast Error Explained by Shocks Shocks Variable Monthsahead 1 Output 6 12 24 36 48 72 Consume r Price 1 Aggre. Supply 45.72 (0.22) 40.85 (0.23) 40.40 (0.24) 42.92 (0.23) 61.75 (0.27) 73.81 (0.27) 82.42 (0.27) 11.03 (0.03) IS 47.23 (0.10) 25.15 (0.09) 25.25 (0.10) 17.16 (0.11) 4.93 (0.03) 1.77 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 11.15 (0.03) Money Demand 0.01 (0.04) 12.57 (0.04) 3.37 (0.01) 19.74 (0.04) 20.42 (0.05) 5.90 (0.03) 0.00 (0.00) 46.91 (0.15) Money Supply 3.81 (0.01) 1.63 (0.01) 8.42 (0.03) 10.30 (0.04) 0.05 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 17.27 (0.09) Exch. Rate 0.15 (0.01) 7.86 (0.03) 8.42 (0.02) 2.58 (0.02) 1.32 (0.01) 1.18 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 13.64 (0.04) Fore. Price 3.05 (0.10) 8.17 (0.02) 12.12 (0.03) 5.58 (0.03) 9.88 (0.03) 15.75 (0.04) 17.58 (0.06) 0.00 (0.00) Fore. Rate 0.03 (0.01) 3.77 (0.01) 2.02 (0.01) 1.72 (0.03) 1.65 (0.01) 1.57 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 6 19.31 8.70 28.99 2.42 33.82 3.86 2.90 (0.05) (0.03) (0.14) (0.08) (0.05) (0.01) (0.01) 12 31.05 3.66 28.21 4.63 26.02 3.25 3.18 (0.09) (0.04) (0.11) (0.06) (0.04) (0.01) (0.01) 24 37.80 0.15 14.18 4.73 33.09 5.91 4.14 (0.12) (0.01) (0.10) (0.02) (0.05) (0.02) (0.02) 36 55.75 0.13 10.22 5.57 11.61 11.15 5.57 (0.11) (0.01) (0.07) (0.02) (0.04) (0.02) (0.01) 48 64.57 0.17 1.99 7.45 2.23 17.38 6.21 (0.12) (0.01) (0.03) (0.03) (0.01) (0.03) (0.01) 72 71.06 0.00 0.00 7.89 0.00 21.05 0.00 (0.15) (0.00) (0.00) (0.02) (0.00) (0.04) (0.00) Note: Aggre. Supply =Aggregate Supply; Exch. Rate =Exchange Rate; Fore. Price=Foreign Price; Fore. Rate=Foreign Interest Rate The contribution of money supply shocks to the variance of Zambia’s consumer price is only modestly pronounced in the initial period (17 %). At all horizons, more than 30 % of its variance is due to 102 aggregate supply shocks. Specifically, the share of aggregate supply shocks in consumer price variance at 32 % in the short run increases to slightly over 70 % over time. Money demand and exchange rate shocks have a large role in the short run, the former responsible for 28-47 % and the latter 34 %. Foreign price shocks have a modest role especially after 24 months, contributing utmost 21 %. Not surprising, shocks to South African interest rate are the least indicators of developments in Zambia’s consumer price. We draw policy implications from two key observations. First, though a positive monetary policy shock leads to a sharp and persistent rise in money supply, a strong consumer price response is only recorded in the initial period. Second, money demand is stable and yet the role of money demand shocks in consumer price is only pronounced in the short run. These suggest a weakened link between money and inflation, giving rise to situations where getting the monetary target does not produce the desired inflation outcome and where money fails to produce reliable signals of the stance of monetary policy. Since food price has the largest share in CPI and the dominant role of exchange rate in inflation dynamics established, sustaining lower inflation in Zambia requires policies meant at boosting domestic food supply and stabilizing exchange rate. Malawi Based on a 5-variable (money, CPI , exchange rate, Tb,GDP) VAR with 2 lags, a cointegration rank of one is established (Table 1B). Table 2B (Appendix B) suggests that none of the variables are stationary. The identified cointegration relation (4.10) suggests the desire to hold real balances is mostly driven by transaction motive. As exchange rate is insignificant, absence of currency substitution is inferred in the long-run. Figure 4.9 generally confirms stability in the money demand function except around 2003. (m s p)t 0.76 yt 0.014 Rt (0.29) (4.10) (0.002) 2 (3) 5.68(0.07) Figure 4.9: Recursive Test for Stability of the Money Demand Test of known beta eq. to beta(t) 2.00 BETA_Z BETA_R 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 is the 5% significance level To undertake structural analysis, we first take a stand on the five shocks underlying the economic process. Innovations to money are associated with monetary policy shocks, in light of 103 the monetary targeting framework this country is currently implementing. We identify money demand shocks as innovations to consumer price. Innovations to output are classified as an aggregate supply shock. As expected, an exchange rate shocks are reflected in the innovation to the nominal effective exchange rate. Innovations to the nominal interest rate denote IS shocks. The following contemporaneous assumptions guide our identification strategy18. (i) Money supply responds immediately only to a monetary policy shock (ii) Price responds without delay only to money demand and exchange rate shocks (iii) Output only responds instantaneously to aggregate supply shocks (iv) Exchange rate responds immediately to monetary policy, money demand and exchange rate shocks. (v) Interest rate responds contemporaneous to a monetary policy, money demand and IS shocks The foregoing generated 12 restrictions, implying the model is over-identified. Based on the results 2 (5) 9.22(0.06) the structural model’s over-identifying restrictions are valid. The suitability of the estimated model for policy analysis relied on the model’s dynamics presented as Figures 4.10-4.14. Generally, the impulse responses do not depart from the theoretical predictions. The nominal interest rate falls significantly over six months following a 5% increase in the money stock caused by a positive monetary policy shock (Figure 4.10). In line with the identification strategy, both output and consumer price responds sluggishly. While output hardly changes, consumer price increases significantly over 18 months, recording the maximum response (2.5%) after six months. The inflationary impact of money is, however, not sustained. Further fuelling inflationary pressures are exchange rate costpush effects. Without Figure 4.10: Impulse Responses to a Money Policy Shock Money Consumer Price 0.075 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Output 10 15 20 25 30 35 30 35 40 40 Exchange Rate 0.020 0.09 0.015 0.06 0.010 0.005 0.03 0.000 0.00 -0.005 -0.010 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Interest 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 18 5 10 15 20 Same identifying strategy is used for Swaziland and Madagascar 104 10 15 20 25 45 45 delay, the nominal exchange depreciates significantly during the first five months (in response to a monetary policy shock). The foregoing suggests the presence of both the money and exchange channels of transmission of monetary policy to inflation. What happens after a money demand shock? Money supply increases to meet demand (Figure 4.11). The extent of excess demand for money is reflected in the immediate consumer price response, which rises significantly over a year, reaching the climax response of close to 4% within the first 3 months. Characterized as a temporary shock, the effect of money demand on consumer price diminishes in the long run. After a while appreciation in the exchange rate is observed, reflecting high interest rates (associated with increased money demand). The macroeconomic impact of an aggregate supply shock, example, favourable weather, are as follows. First, output increases significantly over a year, registering the climax response of between 1% and 1.5% after six months. Second, consumer prices declines by a maximum of 2% after 6 months, and lowers by 1% over a sustained period after 3 years. Third, money supply increases to support increased production activities. Fourth, despite lower interest rates, a strong domestic currency is witnessed. This plausible as expanded activities could be export oriented, thereby increasing the supply of foreign exchange in the country. Instantly, the Malawian Kwacha vis-à-vis other currencies weakens significantly in light of a positive shock to the nominal exchange rate. At the same time, consumer price is raised by 2% and after 3 months by a maximum of 3.3%. Over time, consumer price persistently rises by around 0.5%. Contrary to expectation, output initially drops and then increases after one year. This is plausible as producers face high import costs, forcing them to cut down on production. After some time, improved international competitiveness induces them to increase output. With regards to money supply, it is raised suggesting that monetary policy has been inactive to mitigate the inflation consequences of currency depreciation. We note the following responses of the variables to an IS shock, notably a fiscal policy shock. First, the nominal interest rate rises significantly over close to one year, thereby inducing modest currency appreciation. Benefiting an aggregate demand shock, output is raised and 105 Figure 4.11: Impulse Responses to a Money Demand Shock Money Consumer Price 0.075 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Output 20 25 30 35 40 45 Exchange Rate 0.020 0.09 0.015 0.06 0.010 0.005 0.03 0.000 0.00 -0.005 -0.010 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 45 Interest 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 Figure 4.12: Impulse Responses to an Aggregate Supply Shock Money 0.075 Consumer Price 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 30 35 40 Output 0.020 Exchange Rate 0.015 0.10 0.010 0.08 0.005 0.06 0.04 0.000 0.02 -0.005 0.00 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -0.02 0 Interest 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 106 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 4.13: Impulse Responses to an Exchange Rate Shock Money Consumer Price 0.075 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 Exchange Rate Output 0.09 0.020 0.015 0.06 0.010 0.03 0.005 0.000 0.00 -0.005 -0.03 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 Interest 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.14: Impulse Responses to an IS Shock Money Consumer Price 0.075 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 Output 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Exchange Rate 0.020 0.09 0.015 0.06 0.010 0.005 0.03 0.000 0.00 -0.005 -0.010 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 Interest 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 107 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 45 consumer price rises briefly. The significant lower money supply recorded over a short time, reflect high interest rate. Mirroring impulse responses, the variance decompositions (Table 4.4) suggests that output growth is largely driven by aggregate supply, money demand and IS shocks both in the short and long run. Sources of inflation in the short-run (i.e. 1 year) are money demand, followed by monetary policy, exchange rate and aggregate supply shocks. In the long run, it is largely attributable to aggregate supply and exchange rate shocks. Table 4.4: Percentage of Forecast Error Explained by Shocks Variable Mont hsahead 1 Monetar y Policy Money Demand Aggreg. Supply Exch. Rate 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 (0.00) (0.00) (0.30) (0.00) 6 0.19 26.08 50.74 0.01 (0.04) (0.07) (0.12) (0.001) 12 0.12 35.39 46.42 0.03 (0.030) (0.09) (0.13) (0.02) 24 0.06 32.06 35.02 0.11 (0.03) (0.10) (0.11) (0.03) 36 0.03 30.23 35.95 0.12 (0.01) (0.06) (0.10) (0.04) 45 0.05 29.01 35.85 0.11 (0.02) (0.05) (0.09) (0.03) Consumer 1 0.00 52.86 0.00 47.14 Price (0.00) (0.16) (0.00) (0.11) 6 19.34 28.04 15.28 25.31 (0.06) (0.14) (0.06) (0.10) 12 22.44 23.95 17.26 20.21 (0.05) (0.11) (0.05) (0.09) 24 8.01 6.51 42.94 40.11 (0.04) (0.04) (0.08) (0.11) 36 5.14 4.47 45.33 41.78 (0.03) (0.05) (0.08) (0.13) 45 5.05 4.00 44.77 42.90 (0.02) (0.03) (0.07) (0.15) Note: Aggre. Supply =Aggregate Supply; Exch. Rate =Exchange Rate Output IS 0.00 (0.00) 22.98 (0.11) 18.04 (0.10) 32.75 (0.09) 33.67 (0.08) 33.81 (0.08) 0.00 (0.00) 12.03 (0.04) 16.14 (0.03) 2.43 (0.03) 3.28 (0.03) 3.28 (0.02) Swaziland Using similar variables like in Malawi case, one cointegration rank is noted (Table 4.5), identified as a money demand relation (4.11). It is suggested that the transaction and speculative motives determines real money holdings in the long-run. The stability test reviews an unstable demand for money function, especially after 2003 (Figure 4.15) . 108 Table 4.5: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 82.54 68.68 1 43.70 47.21 2 20.70 29.38 3 7.48 15.34 4 1.81 3.84 (m s p)t 0.16 yt 0.09 Rt (0.29) (4.11) (0.002) 2 (3) 3.21(0.08) Figure 4.15: Recursive Test for Stability of the Money Demand Test of known beta eq. to beta(t) 5.0 BETA_Z BETA_R 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 is the 5% significance level Generally, the impulses responses are in accordance with the narrative evidence. With few exceptions, the characterization of the transmission process accords with theory. The sharp increase (5.5 %) in the money stock is accompanied by an unnoticeable fall in the nominal interest rate. Unsurprisingly output barely rises (Figure 4.16). Sluggishly, consumer price modestly responds significantly over 12 months, reaching the peak increase of 2% after 6 months. Surprise monetary policy significantly depreciates the nominal exchange rate by a maximum of about 0.5%. Figure 4.17 depicts the impact of a money demand shock to be in line with the literature (e.g. Levin et al. (1999)). Higher nominal interest rate follows a one standard deviation positive shock to money demand. As this is considered a demand shock, output also rises, attaining the peak response of around 2% after 7 months. A significant consumer price reaction is also recorded. On impact, it rises by 0.8% to 1% and after that the effects decline and settles at around 0.3%t. Domestic currency after sometime appreciates, in part, due to higher interest rate. A one standard deviation positive aggregate supply shock significantly raises output and reduces consumer price (Figure 4.18). Output, which barely rises on impact, attains the maximum response of 0.6% 10 months later. Consumer price falls significantly over 35 months. In the long run, output rises by 0.5% and consumer price falls by 0.4%. In response to this shock, money supply falls and thereafter rises, suggesting that it takes time for commercial banks to accordingly react to a beneficial supply shock by 109 creating more loans. In support of increased output, currency depreciation is significantly registered over time. The main consequences of a positive exchange rate shock are summarized in Figure 4.19. First, nominal exchange rate strongly depreciates. Second, consumer price rises on impact and sustains a rise from the 20th month. Third, output modestly rises. Fourth, following high money supply interest rate falls eventually. A positive IS shock causes higher nominal interest rate, lower money supply and appreciated domestic currency (Figure 4.20). Output increases by a maximum of 0.1% after 6 months. With a delay, consumer price barely rises (in light of an IS shock). Figure 4.16: Impulse Responses to a Monetary Policy Shock Money 0.06 0.05 Consumer Price 0.04 0.010 0.03 0.008 0.02 0.006 0.004 0.01 0.002 0.00 0.000 -0.01 -0.002 -0.004 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -0.006 45 0 5 10 15 Output 20 25 30 35 40 45 Interest Rate 0.0100 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 45 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 110 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 4.17: Impulse Responses to a Money Demand Shock Money Consumer Price 0.06 0.010 0.05 0.008 0.04 0.006 0.03 0.004 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.000 0.00 -0.002 -0.01 -0.004 -0.02 -0.006 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Output 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 Interest Rate 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 -0.025 -0.050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 0 5 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 111 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 4.18: Impulse Responses to an Aggregate Supply Shock Money Consumer Price 0.06 0.010 0.05 0.008 0.04 0.006 0.03 0.004 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.000 0.00 -0.002 -0.01 -0.004 -0.02 -0.006 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Interest Rate 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 Output 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 112 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 4.19: Impulse Responses to an IS Shock Money 0.06 Consumer Price 0.05 0.010 0.04 0.008 0.03 0.006 0.02 0.004 0.002 0.01 0.000 0.00 -0.002 -0.01 -0.004 -0.02 -0.006 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Output 0.0100 Interest Rate 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 4.20: Impulse Responses to an Exchange Rate Shock Consumer Price Money 0.06 0.010 0.05 0.008 0.04 0.006 0.03 0.004 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.000 0.00 -0.002 -0.01 -0.004 -0.006 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 Exchange Rate 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0 5 10 15 20 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0.0075 5 5 Interest Output 0.0100 0 0 45 25 30 35 40 45 113 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 45 It is suggested in Table 4.6 that growth in output is largely attributed to aggregate supply shocks. However, in the short run, it is also modestly on account of money demand and IS shocks. Sources of inflation are money demand and aggregate supply shocks in the short run. Over time, there are aggregate supply shocks, followed by IS shock, money demand and to a less extent monetary policy shocks. Table 4.6: Percentage of Forecast Error Explained by Shocks Variable Mont hsahead 1 Monetar y Policy Money Demand Aggreg. Supply Exch. Rate 0.00 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.0) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01) 6 5.01 17.98 60.92 0.19 (0.02) (0.03) (0.23) (0.001) 12 0.95 4.55 75.22 6.20 (0.002) (0.003) (0.25) (0.02) 24 0.06 6.02 82.71 9.14 (0.003) (0.02) (0.28) (0.03) 36 0.07 6.12 90.58 2.15 (0.002) (0.02) (0.31) (0.01) 45 0.07 5.34 91.36 2.15 (0.003) (0.03) (0.31) (0.01) Consumer 1 0.00 87.51 0.00 12.49 Price (0.00) (0.25) (0.00) (0.04) 6 9.19 60.06 23.30 3.42 (0.04) (0.19) (0.09) (0.05) 12 8.03 53.81 28.02 4.07 (0.04) (0.16) (0.12) (0.03) 24 7.05 36.38 48.51 3.04 (0.03) (0.10) (0.15) (0.01) 36 8.07 10.27 61.20 9.34 (0.03) (0.07) (0.15) (0.04) 45 8.04 6.86 64.87 9.36 (0.02) (0.03) (0.17) (0.01) Note: Aggre. Supply =Aggregate Supply; Exch. Rate =Exchange Rate Output IS 0.00 (0.00) 15.90 (0.05) 13.08 (0.04) 2.07 (0.01) 1.08 (0.01) 1.08 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 4.03 (0.01) 6.07 (0.01) 5.02 (0.02) 11.12 (0.02) 10.87 (0.03) Madagascar We found one cointegration relation among money, consumer price, interest rate, output and exchange (Table 4.7), identified as equation (4.12). This equation suggests that transaction and currency substitution are strong factors in household money holding decisions. Based on Figure 4.21, the hypothesis of a stable money demand could not be supported. Table 4.7: Trace Test for Cointegration Rank r Trace * C0.95 0 71.17 68.68 1 34.22 47.21 2 15.43 29.38 3 6.52 15.34 4 0.78 3.84 114 (m s p)t 1.36 yt 0.01 Rt 0.17 st (0.31) (0.003) (4.12) (0.061) 2 (1) 4.19(0.06) Figure 4.21: Recursive Test for Stability of the Money Demand Test of known beta eq. to beta(t) 2.72 BETA_Z BETA_R 2.56 2.40 2.24 2.08 1.92 1.76 1.60 1.44 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 is the 5% significance level With few exceptions, the impulse responses are line with theory. A 2 % rise in money stock, following surprise monetary policy has the following consequences. First, the high liquidity is reflected in a decline in the nominal interest rate (Figure 4.22). Second, despite the barely rise in output, consumer price responds strongly, recording the peak increase of around 1.5% within the first 12 months. Third, a weak exchange rate is recorded over time, reaching the climax depreciation of about 1%. The foregoing suggests evidence of money and exchange channels of transmission of monetary policy to inflation. A shock to money demand is immediately followed by a sharp increase in consumer price, registering a sustained rise of slightly over 1.5% (Figure 4.23). A modest rise in output over a short period is also witnessed. The nominal interest rate rises briefly and declines latter, in part reflecting increased money supply. Despite lower interest rates, a strong domestic currency is experienced after a money demand shock. Shown in Figure 4.24, an aggregate supply shock is followed by a strong and significant increase in output and a decline in consumer prices. The response of monetary policy (to this shock) is mute--money stock and interest rates barely change. On the other hand, the exchange rate initially depreciates to support increased output. A 4% surprise exchange rate depreciation has the potential of causing a maximum of 2% increase in consumer price (Figure 4.25). We infer that the monetary authority is very aware of the inflation consequences of exchange rate movements---monetary policy is tightened in responses to exchange rate depreciation. As a result of such action, a rise in interest rate is observed after sometime. A significant and sustained rise in output is further reported reflecting improved international competitiveness. Lastly, a significant increase in interest rate is registered following an IS shock (Figure 25). And with increased aggregate demand, both output and consumer prices rises. The exchange rate response to this shock (IS shock) is unnoticeable. 115 Figure 4.22: Impulse Responses to a Monetary Policy shock Money Consumer Price 0.04 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 Output 15 20 25 30 35 40 35 40 45 Exchange Rate 0.020 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 Interest 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 4.23: Impulse Responses to a Money Demand Shock Money Consumer Price 0.04 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 0 Interest 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 30 35 40 35 40 45 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.015 5 10 Exchange Rate Output 0.020 0 5 116 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 Figure 4.24: Impulse Responses to an Aggregate Supply Shock Money 0.04 Consumer Price 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 Exchange Rate 0.06 Output 0.020 0.05 0.015 0.04 0.03 0.010 0.02 0.005 0.01 0.000 0.00 -0.005 -0.01 -0.02 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Interest 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 4.25: Impulse Responses to an Exchange Rate Shock Money 0.04 Consumer Price 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 45 Output 0.020 Exchange Rate 0.015 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 35 40 0 Interest 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 117 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 Figure 4.26: Impulse Responses to an IS Shock Money Consumer Price 0.04 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 Output 20 25 30 35 40 45 Exchange Rate 0.020 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 45 0 Interest 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 0 5 10 15 20 25 40 45 118 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Table 4.8 argues that output fluctuations are largely explained by aggregate supply and exchange rate shocks in both the short- and long-run. We find that monetary policy has a significant role in inflation formation both in the short and long run. Other major sources of inflation are exchange rate, money demand and aggregate supply shocks. Table 4.8: Percentage of Forecast Error Explained by Shocks Variable Mont hsahead 1 Monetar y Policy Money Demand Aggreg. Supply Exch. Rate 0.00 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.0) (0.00) (0.30) (0.00) 6 0.06 9.82 64.86 15.19 (0.00) (0.05) (0.31) (0.05) 12 0.15 8.55 63.92 19.17 (0.00) (0.04) (0.32) (0.05) 24 0.07 7.02 65.75 20.14 (0.00) (0.02) (0.30) (0.06) 36 0.01 4.12 42.41 48.15 (0.00) (0.05) (0.28) (0.08) 45 0.07 1.34 41.38 51.90 (0.00) (0.01) (0.28) (0.08) Consumer 1 0.00 86.26 0.00 13.74 Price (0.00) (0.15) (0.09) (0.06) 6 22.14 18.84 26.13 30.94 (0.07) (0.14) (0.08) (0.07) 12 26.94 17.40 23.33 31.21 (0.08) (0.11) (0.06) (0.09) 24 29.42 17.73 20.84 31.92 (0.10) (0.10) (0.05) (0.09) 36 32.68 17.36 19.61 30.30 (0.012) (0.07) (0.04) (0.10) 45 33.12 17.23 19.62 29.98 (0.13) (0.03) (0.05) (0.12) Note: Aggre. Supply =Aggregate Supply; Exch. Rate =Exchange Rate Output IS 0.00 (0.00) 10.07 (0.04) 8.21 (0.03) 7.02 (0.03) 5.31 (0.03) 5.23 (0.04) 0.00 (0.00) 1.95 (0.01) 1.12 (0.01) 0.09 (0.02) 0.05 (0.02) 0.05 (0.03) Uganda For Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt and Libya, the estimation is done using seasonally adjusted monthly data spanning January 1992 to October 2006. Data sources are the IMF International Financial Statistics (IFS) publications and country publications, especially central banks’ publications. The following variables, in logarithm except interest rate, were used: real gross domestic product (LRGDPB); consumer price (LGP); broad money (LGM2) ; 91 Treasury bill rate (TB91); nominal effective exchange rate (LGNEER); base money (LGBM), and Net Domestic Credit (LGNDC). It is worth noting that the variable that is used to gauge the stance of monetary policy is assumed to be base money for all countries except Egypt. Among the group of intermediate variables, the nominal exchange rate is included to study the importance of the exchange rate channel. Net domestic credit is included to gauge the importance of credit channel. Finally, the two goal variables output and price level are also included. The standard information criteria are used to select the lag length of the VARs. The real gross domestic product series were interpolated using Quadratic average match. The procedure is to fit a local quadratic polynomial for each observation of the GDP frequency, then use this 119 polynomial to fill in all observations for the monthly frequency series associated with the period. The quadratic polynomial is formed by taking sets of three adjacent points from the GDP annual series and fitting a quadratic so that the average of the high monthly frequency points matches the low annual frequency data observed. According to Lukepohl and Wolters (2001), to model the monetary policy transmission mechanism, there should be at least one cointegration relation in the system, which could be identified as a money demand equation. Ignoring the relation may lead to producing an inaccurate results. We start the analysis therefore by investigating cointegration relationship. For the impulse response functions to have meaningful interpretations as responses to exogenous structural shocks, the retrieval of the corresponding structural form is important, and also an orthogonalization process is crucial to render the error terms structurally independent and thus an innovation to any equation in the VAR can be rightly interpreted as an independent structural shock. The structural identification assumption used is described as follows. The first two equations represent sluggish response of prices and real GDP with respect to shocks to the nominal variables, money stock, short-term interest rates, and the nominal exchange rate. The third equation suggests that the nominal exchange rate responds immediately to price level, money supply and monetary policy stance. The fourth equation can be interpreted as a short-run money demand equation, with money demand allowed to respond contemporaneously to shocks in output, prices, and short-term interest rates. The fifth equation is private sector credit flow which assumes that credit responds to shocks in demand, money supply and monetary policy stance. The last equation can be interpreted as the monetary policy reaction function, which responds contemporaneously to money demand and the exchange rate, but does not respond immediately to contemporaneous output and price shocks because data on output and prices is usually only available with a lag. Given the short sample, we will not consider an explicit analysis of the long-run behaviour of the economy. By estimating the VAR in levels, implicit cointegrating relationships are allowed in the data. Money Demand Analysis A VAR of 5 endogenous variables ( LGP, LGRGDPB LGNEER, LGM tb91) is used in the cointegration analysis for Uganda. Table 4.9 shows that there is one cointegration vector. Table 4.9 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 89.37280 51.99963 30.37529 18.76871 8.379820 * C0.95 76.97277 54.07904 35.19275 20.26184 9.164546 We thereafter impose a unity restriction on money to identify a money demand function. All the coefficients have the expected signs. The demand for money is positively related to income and negative to the Treasury bill rate (equation (4.13)). Demand for nominal money balances rise with income, exchange rate and price level but fall with interest rate. The income elasticity of M2 is to close unity and it is significantly different from zero. The finding of unitary income elasticity suggests that, over the sample period, changes in real income have been inducing on average a proportionate increase in the demand for M2. The rise in demand for nominal balance due to increase in the price level is significantly different from 1 which could suggest money illusion. 120 LGM 2 11.62 0.60 LGP 0.97 LGRGDP 0.12 LNEER 0.22 TB91 t t (0.01) t (0.08) t (0.05) t (1.71) (0.10) (4.13) To test for the stability of the demand function, we specify an error correction model for money demand and then use recursive coefficients approach to examine whether the function has been stable over the sample period. Visual inspection of Figure 4.27 suggests no evidence of any structural break. This indeed confirms the stability identified through convergence of the VARs and also the statistically significant error correction term in the model. Figure 4.27: Stability Test Uganda .03 0 .02 -1 .01 .00 -2 -.01 -3 -.02 -.03 -4 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 97 98 99 Recurs ive C(1) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 05 06 05 06 Recurs ive C(2) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. 1.0 .6 0.8 .4 0.6 .2 0.4 .0 0.2 -.2 0.0 -.4 -0.2 -.6 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 97 98 99 Recurs ive C(3) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. 00 01 02 03 04 Recurs ive C(4) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. 2 .2 .1 1 .0 0 -.1 -1 -.2 -.3 -2 -.4 -3 -.5 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 97 Recurs ive C(5) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Recurs ive C(6) Es tim ates ± 2 S.E. With regard to the M2 velocity, it is integrated of order one. Thus it properties have changed over time as indeed can be seen from the Figure 4.28. Since its properties have changed over time, this points to its instability over the sample period. Figure 4.28: Velocity Uganda 121 Velocity (GDP/M2) 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions The impulse response (Figure 4.29) indicates that an unexpected rise in base money fades away over 7 months. The rate of inflation starts to accelerate in response to a positive monetary shock after about 2 months, afterwards follows a zigzagged course and in the long run it asymptotes to its pre-shock level, which is consistent with the widely accepted premise of the long-run neutrality of money. A onetime monetary shock (i.e. a temporary impulse) is translated into a long-run increase in the price level, with a return to the pre-shock rate of inflation, given that expectations did not change. Only recurring impulses in reserve money could cause a permanent increase in inflation as expectations adjust to the new permanent monetary policy stance. A monetary stimuli in the base money tends to be followed by a slight reduction in GDP but later causes a slight rise in real output. However, overall it seems to exhibit marginal effect on real income. This is not a surprising result given the slew of structural weaknesses in the financial sector, which are likely to hamper the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The impact on log of CPI seems to be mild but is noticeable within the first 3 months and then gradually fazes out within 7 months. Looking at variance decomposition (Table 4.10), underlying CPI is driven by its own innovations, as well as by domestic credit and exchange rate shocks. For instance after 12 months, 24% of variation in LGCPI would be attributed to domestic credit, 50% to own innovation, 6.8% to exchange rate, 11.2 % to M2, 2.4% to output and 5.3% to monetary shock. Domestic credit seems to explain a larger share of the variation of the LGCPI than reserve money. This seems to suggest that monetary shocks does not account significantly to the fluctuations in prices. Overall, both the reserve money and interest rate seem to some have an identifiable transmission mechanism on consumer prices. 122 Figure 4.29:Impulse Responses with innovation to Base Money as Monetary Policy Shock. Table 4.10: Variance Decomposition of Price, Base Money as Policy as the Monetary Policy Shock Period LGP LGRGDPB LNEER LGM2 LGNDC LGBM 1 6 12 24 100.00 68.57 50.23 45.72 0.00 2.89 2.42 6.59 0.00 8.43 6.79 4.22 0.00 9.16 11.25 8.82 0.00 6.92 24.04 28.28 0.00 4.04 5.29 6.37 As mentioned earlier we also use the interest rate on the 91 days treasury bills as a measure of monetary policy stance (Figure 4.30). The impulse response indicates slight reduction in the price level as a result of a shock in the Treasury bill rate. In particular, aggregate demand in Uganda responds very little to changes in bank lending rates due to low levels of monetization and financial intermediation , which are among the lowest in the developing countries. Moreover, Uganda’s banking system has been experiencing related-party lending which may contribute to a low interest elasticity of credit demand. Credit, which reacts systematically to changes in the monetary policy stance seems to have positive impact on the price level but not impact on output. In terms of variance decomposition, for instance after 12 months, almost a half of the fluctuations in the price level would be still attributed its own fluctuation, 20 % to credit, 8.6% to exchange rate, 7.3% to monetary instrument, while around a 13 % of the fluctuations in price can be attributed to the money stock (Tables 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13). Hence, consistent with the impulse response analysis, a monetary shock has a slight impact on prices. However, over the longer horizon, say 24 months, the monetary policy shock seems to have a stronger impact. Given the weak link between output and monetary stance amid relatively stronger link between price stability and monetary stance, there seems little scope for balancing the two competing goals of output stabilization and price stability. This seems to support BoU focus on price stability. 123 Figure 4.30: Impulse Responses with innovation to 91Tb as monetary policy shock Table 4.11: Variance Decomposition of LGP Period 1 6 12 24 LGP 100.00 70.63 47.55 31.23 LGRGDPB 0.00 3.76 3.05 17.31 LNEER 0.00 2.53 8.59 6.026 LGM2 0.00 2.04 13.16 10.37 LGNDC 0.00 13.19 20.39 20.85 LGTB91 0.00 7.86 7.26 14.22 Table 4.12: Variance Decomposition of LGRGDPB Period LGP LGRGDPB LNEER 58.69 41.31 0.00 1 34.76 55.47 1.77 6 31.08 53.07 4.24 12 24 30.81 40.92 10.66 LGM2 0.00 1.69 3.71 5.46 LGNDC 0.00 3.01 4.44 6.12 LGTB91 0.00 3.28 3.46 6.03 LGM2 0.00 0.76 6.57 7.09 LGNDC 0.00 43.42 37.80 32.15 LGTB91 0.00 2.08 2.53 11.15 Table 4.13 Variance Decomposition of LGNEER Period 1 6 12 24 LGP 0.48 3.60 12.94 20.10 LGRGDPB 3.39 3.77 7.465 6.70 LNEER 96.13 46.36 32.70 22.80 124 Kenya Data was seasonally adjusted monthly data spanning January 1992 to October 2006 for the following variables which are in log form except interest rates: broad money (LGM2): consumer price(LGCPI), real GDP(LGRGDP) and exchange rate(LGEXCH), policy rate(PR), private sector credit (LGPSC). Money Demand Table 4.14 shows that there are 2 cointegrating vectors. The identified long run demand for money in Kenya is significantly influenced by the scale variable, exchange rate, interest rate and the price level (Equation 4.14). As in the case of Uganda, the coefficient on the price variable is significantly different from 1 suggesting some degree of money illusion. However, the coefficient on GDP seems to indicate unity elasticity. The results also suggest that there is opportunity cost of holding money in relation to returns of other financial assets as measure by short term interest rate. Kenya shilling depreciation seems to cause a decrease in the demand nominal money. Table 4.14 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 147.3717 65.77826 33.08779 12.98619 2.399460 * C0.95 76.97277 54.07904 35.19275 20.26184 9.164546 LGM 2t 0.68 LGCPIt 1.22 LGRGDPt 0.12 LGEXCHt 0.22 PRt (0.69) (0.45) (0.91) (0.01) (4.14) To ascertain whether the demand for money has been stable in Kenya, we use vector error correction model since cointegration tests between real money balances, real GDP, exchange rate and real interest rate indicates at most two cointegrating relationships we normalise in relation to demand for real balances (money market equilibrium) and the output (IS curve). The focus here is on whether once the two long run relationships are in disequilibrium there mechanism to return them to equilibrium which would be reflection of stability. The Vector error correction estimates indicate a statistically significant error correction term on the demand for money equation which indicates a stable money function. In terms of evolution of velocity, as shown in the Figure 4.31, velocity has declined substantially for the period 1992-2006. 125 Figure 4.31: Velocity VEL 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Impulse Response and Varience Decompositions A key concern is the choice of the variable that accurately gauges the stance of monetary policy and that is also invariant during the period of estimation. Kenya targets monetary aggregates and uses reserve money program as a monetary policy framework. We therefore use both the base money and the bank rate as an indicators of the monetary policy stance. The caveat in using base money as an indicator of monetary policy stance is that sometimes base money growth reflect changes in monetary base supply due to factors outside the control of the central bank as as well as due to monetary policy actions. The results seem to suggest that CPI and output responses to monetary policy rate seem to be quite faint (Figure 4.32). A shock in the policy rate seems to have no significant impact on goal variables but particularly so on the output. However, the exchange rate seems to have a prolonged positive effect on real output. Credit impact on price level is noticeable within 5 months and money supply shock seems to have an impact on price level but not output. Variance decompositions are also reported below over 24 months (Tables 4.15 and 4.16). Structural decomposition of the LGCPI variance suggests that bulk of variation can be attributed to exchange rate, credit, output and its own innovations. In the case of reserve money as the monetary instrument, the impulse response still indicates a weak response from the monetary shock, however, a shock in the reserve money seems to have a persistent negative effect on the real output. Also the exchange rate seems to have a persistent positive effect on real output while price level has a persistent negative effect. The protracted output response to monetary base innovations is puzzlingly (Figure 4.33). This could be explained by the fact that that a positive monetary shock affects expectations about the future stance of monetary policy where market agents expect a continued monetary expansion. This change in expectations could cause a protracted decrease in output since persistent increase in monetary base could cause inflation. Credit to the private sector seem to have stronger impact on both inflation and output (Tables 4.17 and 4.18). 126 Figure 4.32: Impulse Responses with policy rate as an indicator of monetary policy stance. Table 4.15 Variance Decomposition of LGCPI: Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 0.293291 19.45 16.38 6 0.991663 19.05 16.28 12 1.247169 19.11 16.05 24 1.352500 18.91 15.83 Table 4.16 Variance Decomposition of LGRGDP: Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 0.013226 30.29 35.32 6 0.071248 26.61 32.52 12 0.191986 24.91 28.04 24 0.519912 21.54 21.81 LGEXCH 47.37 47.83 47.82 48.04 LGEXCH 26.32 30.91 35.87 44.59 127 LGM2 0.45 0.42 0.51 0.64 LGM2 0.54 0.31 0.12 0.03 LGPSC 16.30 16.41 16.51 16.56 PR 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 LGPSC 7.50 9.63 11.05 12.04 PR 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 Figure 4.33: Impulse Responses with base money as an indicator of monetary policy stance. 4.17 Period 1 6 12 24 4.18 Period 1 6 12 24 Variance Decomposition of LGCPI: S.E. 0.05 0.50 0.58 0.63 LGCPI 3.97 15.76 15.81 15.42 LGRGDP 49.97 37.46 37.73 37.62 LGEXCH 16.68 23.10 23.11 22.40 LGM2 0.49 0.38 0.40 0.79 LGPSC 26.34 23.03 22.20 21.53 LGBM 2.55 0.27 0.74 2.26 LGEXCH 37.59 10.71 14.99 19.90 LGM2 0.49 1.39 1.46 2.06 LGPSC 5.49 15.36 14.69 11.55 LGBM 15.74 5.17 3.12 2.25 Variance Decomposition of LGRGDP: S.E. 0.006676 0.056830 0.155352 0.343365 LGCPI 33.45 8.12 11.58 15.32 LGRGDP 7.24 59.25 54.17 48.91 128 Egypt Seasonally adjusted monthly data, over the period January 1992 to October 2006 is used. The specific variables in logarithmic form, except interest rates, are as follows: broad money (LGM2): consumer price(LGCPI), real GDP(LGRGDP) and exchange rate(LGEXC), policy rate(Prate), private sector credit (LGCP). Money Demand As shown in Table 4.19, one cointegration vector was established and identified as a money demand function (4.15). It is suggested that demand for money rises with exchange rate depreciation, increase in income and the rise in price level and fall with a rise in interest rate. Elasticity of money demand with respect to income is less than unity. Similarly elasticity of demand for money with respect to price level is different from one suggesting money illusion as in the case of Uganda and Kenya. The influence of opportunity cost on demand for money is much stronger in comparison to Uganda and Kenya, in part suggesting a more developed financial system. Table 4.14 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 86.72522 45.53225 23.18148 7.311930 0.574806 * C0.95 69.81889 47.85613 29.79707 15.49471 3.841466 LGM 2t 0.51 LGCPIt 0.56 LGRGDPt 0.85 LGEXCt 0.62Pr atet (0.19) (0.19) (0.13) (0.16) (4.15) In relation to the stability of demand for money function, since the cointegration test indicated one cointegrating vector, we specify an error correction model and test for coefficients stability using recursive coefficients approach. The parsimonious results are reported below and the recursive estimates indicates a stable demand for money function (Figure 3.34). 129 Figure 4.34: Stability Test . .02 8 2 6 .016 .014 1 .01 4 .012 0 .00 2 .010 -1 0 .008 -.01 -2 -2 -.02 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -4 1994 1996 Recursive C(1) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 .006 -3 1994 1996 Recursive C(2) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1.2 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 .004 1994 1996 Recursive C(3) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 2 2 0 1 -2 0 -4 -1 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Recursive C(4) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .008 1.0 .006 0.8 .004 0.6 .002 0.4 .000 0.2 -.002 0.0 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -6 1994 1996 Recursive C(5) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -2 1994 1996 Recursive C(6) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .6 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -.004 1994 Recursive C(7) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .012 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Recursive C(8) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .8 .6 .4 .008 .4 .2 .004 .2 .0 .0 .000 -.2 -.2 -.004 -.4 -.4 -.6 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Recursive C(9) Estimates ± 2 S.E. -.008 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -.6 1994 1996 Recursive C(10) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Recursive C(11) Estimates ± 2 S.E. Regarding the trend in velocity, Figure 3.35 indicates a systematic decline in velocity over the sample period. Figure 3.35: Velocity VELOCITY 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Impulse Responses and Variance Decomposition Unlike other COMESA countries in this group of study that are under a floating exchange rate, Egypt uses a policy rate as an instrument of monetary policy. The increase in policy rate seems to have no effect on goal variables, price level and GDP (Figure 3.36). Looking at variance decomposition, log of underlying CPI is driven by the exchange rate. Money stock, monetary policy shock and own innovations. For instance after 12 months, 72% of variation in LGCPI would be attributed to exchange rate, 10% to own innovation, 10% to M2 and 5% to monetary policy shock (Tables 4.20, 4.21 and 4.22). Similarly, GDP variations seem to be attributable largely to the exchange rate, M2, price level, own innovations and to some extent monetary policy shocks. The exchange rate shocks seem to be more predominant in Egypt largely because of the pegged exchange rate regime in part of the sample period under the review. 130 Figure 3.36: Impulse Responses Response to Structural One S.D. Innov ations ± 2 S.E. Response of LG CPI t o LG CPI Response of LG CPI t o LG RG DP Response of LG CPI t o LG EXC Response of LG CPI t o LG M2 Response of LG CPI t o LG CP Response of LG CPI t o PRAT E .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .00 .00 - .02 .00 - .02 - .04 10 15 Response of 10 15 10 15 - .02 - .04 5 20 Response of LG RG DP t o LG EXC .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 LG RG DP t o LG RG DP .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 .00 - .02 - .04 5 Response of LG RG DP t o LG CPI 10 15 - .04 5 20 Response of LG RG DP t o LG M2 10 15 5 20 Response of LG RG DP t o LG CP Response of .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .000 .000 - .004 .000 - .004 - .008 10 15 Response of LG EXC t o LG CPI 10 15 Response of LG EXC t o LG RG DP 10 Response of 15 LG EXC t o LG EXC 10 Response of 15 - .008 5 20 LG EXC t o LG M2 10 Response of 15 5 20 LG EXC t o LG CP .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 - .01 - .02 10 Response of 15 LG M2 t o LG CPI 10 15 Response of LG M2 t o LG RG DP 10 Response of 15 LG M2 t o LG EXC 10 15 - .02 5 20 Response of LG M2 t o LG M2 10 15 5 20 Response of LG M2 t o LG CP .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .00 .00 .00 - .02 - .04 10 Response of 15 LG CP t o LG CPI 10 15 Response of LG CP t o LG RG DP 10 Response of 15 LG CP t o LG EXC 10 15 - .04 5 20 Response of LG CP t o LG M2 10 15 5 20 Response of LG CP t o LG CP .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .00 .00 .00 - .02 - .04 10 15 Response of PRAT E t o LG CPI Response of 10 15 PRAT E t o LG RG DP 10 15 Response of PRAT E t o LG EXC 10 15 - .04 5 20 Response of PRAT E t o LG M2 10 15 5 20 Response of PRAT E t o LG CP .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 - .1 - .2 10 15 20 .0 - .1 - .2 5 10 15 20 .0 - .1 - .2 5 10 15 20 10 15 20 20 - .1 - .2 5 15 .0 - .1 - .2 5 10 Response of PRAT E t o PRAT E .2 - .1 20 - .02 - .04 5 20 15 .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 .00 - .02 - .04 5 10 Response of LG CP t o PRAT E .04 - .02 20 - .02 - .04 5 20 15 .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 .00 - .02 - .04 5 20 .00 - .02 - .04 5 10 Response of LG M2 t o PRAT E .04 - .02 20 - .01 - .02 5 20 15 .00 - .01 - .02 5 20 .00 - .01 - .02 5 20 .00 - .01 - .02 5 10 Response of LG EXC t o PRAT E .02 - .01 20 - .004 - .008 5 20 15 LG RG DP t o PRAT E .000 - .004 - .008 5 20 .000 - .004 - .008 5 20 .000 - .004 - .008 5 10 - .2 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 Table 4.20: Variance Decomposition:LGCPI Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 5.243965 7.38 4.60 6 8.053041 8.26 2.16 12 9.787098 8.58 2.96 24 15.42471 9.05 8.52 LGEXC 73.37 73.76 72.73201 67.56 LGM2 9.87 10.65 10.72 10.42 LGCP 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.11 Prate 4.73 5.12 4.96 4.34 Table 4.21:Variance Decomposition of LGRGDP: Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 0.45 5.28 72.29 6 1.06 8.21 14.48 12 1.60 8.85 9.84 24 2.51 8.82 6.85 LGEXC 16.52 63.40 66.92 69.33 LGM2 3.72 9.48 10.06 10.36 LGCP 1.31 0.26 0.17 0.12 Prate 0.87 4.15 4.15 4.53 Table 4.22:Variance Decomposition of LGEXC: Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 1.908073 9.56 2.888 6 3.340065 8.93 3.928 12 3.691461 8.92 4.30 24 5.725545 8.22 9.00 LGEXC 72.19 71.96 71.76 68.26 LGM2 10.82 10.54 10.50 9.90 LGCP 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.18 Prate 4.50 4.56 4.44 4.44 Rwanda Data was seasonally adjusted monthly data spanning January 1992 to October 2006 for the following variables which are in log form except interest rates: broad money (LGM2): consumer price(LGCPI), real GDP(LGRGDP) and exchange rate(LGEXCH), reserve money (LGBM), private sector credit (LGCP) and interest rate (TD). 131 Money Demand Analysis Cointegration test LGM2, LGCPI, LGRGDP, TD and exchange rate indicates two cointegrating vectors (Table 4.23) which we normalise in terms of demand for money depicted in equation (4.16). It is suggested that the demand for money in Rwanda rises with exchange rate depreciation, increase in income and the rise in price level and falls with a rise in interest rate. Elasticity of money demand with respect to income is less than unity. Similarly the elasticity of demand for money with respect to price level is no different from unity suggesting absence of money illusion. The influence of opportunity cost on demand for money is much weaker in comparison to Uganda, Kenya, and Egypt in part suggesting a weaker financial system. Table 4.23 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 66.43 30.29 9.80 1.46 * C0.95 40.17 24.28 12.32 4.13 LGM 2t 0.90 LGCPIt 0.63 LGRGDPt 0.36 LEXCHt 0.01TDt (0.13) (0.08) (0.12) (4.16) (0.008) As already pointed out, the interest is to test for stability of demand for money. Looking at the vector error correction estimates, there is an indication that once the demand for money function is out of its long run equilibrium, it adjusts and the speed of adjustment is about 4%. Moreover, this speed of adjustment is statistically different from zero thus suggesting a stable demand for money function. In relation to the evolution of velocity, there is an indication of general decline for the period under review with exception of the period immediately after the 1994 genocide (Figure 4.37). Figure 4.37: Velocity Rwanda VELOCITY 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions The impulse response functions in the Rwandan case are presented in Figures 4.38 and 3.39. They allow us to see the monetary transmission mechanism unfolding by illustrating the response of the system to a shock in our measures of monetary policy (Tb rate and change in monetary base).The impulse response graph indicate that a shock in monetary base seems to increase output but the impact fazes out after one year, however its effect seem to be faint. Monetary base innovations cause a rise in price level 132 quite fast, within 6 months. Base money shocks seems to have a marginal effect on the exchange rate and credit to private sector where both act as transmission channels to mediate the effect of changes in the monetary policy stance on output and inflation. The impact of credit shock on price level is sluggish in the early periods and appears to be at maximum after 20 months. It also impacts negatively on the output in the first periods after the shock but it turns positive after 10 months. Money supply shock seems to have no effect on both output and price. The exchange rate shock cause a rise in the price level in the initial months but the impact becomes negative after 6 months. This can be attributed to the response of output to exchange rate depreciation. Overall, it appears credit seems to be playing a crucial role as intermediary variable. We also use 91-day Treasury bill rate as an alternative indicator of the monetary policy stance and the impulse response functions indicate no significant effect. A plausible explanation for is that the Rwandan financial system is plagued with structural weaknesses, thereby hampering the monetary transmission to the rest of the economy. In relation to the variance decomposition Tables 4.24 and 4.25, CPI is driven by its own innovations, as well as by output, money stock, and credit. After 12 months, 29% of variation in CPI would be attributed to the output, 12% to own innovation, 31% to exchange rate, 26% to credit, 2% to M2 and 0.8% to base money. Output variation is largely due to own innovations, the exchange rate and credit. Figure 4.38: Impulse response functions (base money for policy instrument) Table 4.24: Period 1 6 12 24 Variance Decompositions of LGCPI S.E. 0.24 2.59 2.85 3.56 LGCPI 13.66 10.77 12.28 12.04 LGRGDP 27.80 31.72 28.68 29.08 LGEXCH 32.60 27.43 31.05 31.57 133 LGM2 0.73 1.88 2.09 2.05 LGCP 25.20 27.59 25.12 24.50 LGBM 0.00 0.61 0.78 0.77 Table 4.25: Variance Decompositions of LGRGDP Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP LGEXCH 1 2.188 12.24 29.17 33.31 6 2.238 12.25 29.05 33.20 12 2.288 12.44 28.71 33.43 24 2.478 12.88 27.87 34.22 LGM2 2.21 2.19 2.16 2.26 LGCP 22.30 22.52 22.50 21.92 LGBM 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.85 Figure 4.39:Impulse response functions (policy rate indicator of monetary policy stance) Ethiopia Data was seasonally adjusted monthly data spanning January 1992 to October 2006 for the following variables which are in log form except interest rates: broad money (LGM2): consumer price(LGCPI), real GDP(LGRGDP) and exchange rate(LGEXCH), reserve money (LGBM), private sector credit (LGCP) and treasury bill rate (TB). Money Demand Analysis One cointegrating relation was established (Table 4.26) and identified as a money demand equation (4.17). Ethiopia’s long run demand for money function rises with exchange rate depreciation, increase in income and the rise in price level and falls with a rise in interest rate. Elasticity of money demand with respect to income is less than unity. The elasticity of demand for money with respect to price level is different from unity implying money illusion as in the previous cases whereas with respect 134 to the exchange rate it is unity. The magnitude of the influence of opportunity cost on demand for money is quick small although statistically different from zero. Table 4.26 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 69.23876 31.72035 13.52188 3.416221 0.224069 * C0.95 60.06141 40.17493 24.27596 12.32090 4.129906 LGM 2t 0.74 LGCPIt 0.47 LGRGDPt 0.99 LGEXCHt 0.01TBt (0.20) 0.17 (0.42) (4.17) (0.02) Using the error correction framework, we investigate whether the parsimonious model derived through general-to-specific approach is stable and also where the error correction term is negative and statistically significant from zero. The results appear to indicate a stable demand for money function (Figure 4.40). Figure 4.40: Stability Test. .04 0.4 .03 0.2 .012 1.2 0.8 .008 0.0 .02 0.4 -0.2 .01 .004 -0.4 .00 0.0 -0.6 -.01 .000 -0.4 -0.8 -.02 -1.0 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 -.004 98 99 Recursive C(1) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 -0.8 98 99 Recursive C(2) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 01 02 03 04 05 06 98 99 Recursive C(3) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 3 1.0 .010 2 0.8 .008 0.6 1 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 05 06 05 06 Recursive C(4) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 0.8 0.4 .006 0.0 0.4 0 .004 0.2 -1 -0.4 .002 0.0 -2 -3 -0.4 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 -0.8 .000 -0.2 -.002 98 99 Recursive C(5) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 -1.2 98 99 Recursive C(6) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 0.4 0.0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 98 99 Recursive C(7) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .010 .008 .008 .006 .006 00 01 02 03 04 Recursive C(8) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .4 .2 .004 .0 .002 -.2 .000 -.4 .004 -0.4 .002 .000 -0.8 -.002 -.002 -1.2 -.004 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Recursive C(9) Estimates ± 2 S.E. -.6 -.004 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Recursive C(10) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 05 06 -.8 98 99 00 .2 .1 .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 04 Recursive C(11) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 06 Recursive C(13) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 135 05 06 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Recursive C(12) Estimates ± 2 S.E. In relation to velocity, the Figure 4.41 indictates decline over time of the velocity Figure 4.41: Velocity VELOCITY 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions The impulse response indicates that a monetary shock has no impact on both goals but seems to cause exchange rate depreciation (Figure 4.42). It seems that credit innovations have a larger effect on inflation where the rate of inflation increases (relative to the pre-shock rate) and the impact seems to be at maximum after 12 months. This could indicate that the credit channel is more influential relative to say the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effect of monetary shocks to both output and inflation. Credit and M2 shocks seem to have a prolonged effect on output but the impact dies out after 24 months. Variance decomposition indicates that CPI in Ethiopia is driven largely by monetary aggregates, as well as by own innovations. For instance over the after 12 months horizon, 18% of the variation in CPI would be attributed to monetary policy shocks and 12% to own innovation (Tables 4.27 and 4.28). 136 Figure 4.42: Impulse responses. Table 4.27: Variance Decomposition of LGCPI Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP 1 0.02 100.00 0.00 6 0.03 54.92 5.67 12 0.08 12.23 4.15 24 0.09 12.26 5.32 LGEXCH 0.00 0.38 0.35 0.46 LGM2 0.00 8.70 23.17 22.11 LGCP 0.00 24.89 41.59 40.15 LGBM 0.00 5.44 18.50 19.71 Table 4.28 Variance Decomposition of LGRGDP: Period S.E. LGCPI LGRGDP LGEXCH 1 0.01 10.31 89.699 0.00 6 0.02 13.21 41.26 0.21 12 0.03 7.71 22.10 2.43 24 0.05 6.57 14.18 3.19 LGM2 0.00 30.11 45.27 46.04 LGCP 0.00 13.56 21.80 26.72 LGBM 0.00 1.66 0.70 3.30 Burundi Data was seasonally adjusted monthly data spanning January 1992 to October 2006 for the following variables which are in log form except interest rate: broad money (LGM2): consumer price(LGCPI), real GDP(LGRGDP), exchange rate(LGEXCH), base money (DBM) and net domestic credit (LGCNDC) and treasury bill rate (TB). 137 Money Demand Table 4.29 suggests one cointegrating vector identified as a money demand relation (equation 4.18). Evidence points to demand for money in Burundi as positively being influenced by the exchange rate, income and price level and negatively by the opportunity cost of holding money. The influence of price level is statistically no different from one. The income elasticity is substantially weak and homogeneity with respect to income is rejected. Table 4.29 :Trace Test for Cointegration Rank Trace r 0 1 2 3 4 144.12 45.50 24.86 10.49 3.03 * C0.95 69.82 47.86 29.80 15.49 3.84 LGM 2t 0.94 LGCPIt 0.19 LGRGDPt 0.18 LGEXCHt 0.05TBt (0.18) (0.11) (0.09) (4.18) (0.01) As in the previous cases, we specify an error correction model, focusing on establishing whether the demand for money is stable in Burundi. The parsimonious model obtained is reported below. The recursive estimates indicate that the function has largely been stable over the sample period (Figure 4.43). However, there are noticeable large fluctuations in the mid 1990s. The error correction term does confirm a demand for money function that adjusts when it is out of equilibrium confirming a stable demand for money function. Figure 4.43: Stability Test .20 5 .15 0 .10 -5 .05 -10 .00 -15 .020 .016 .012 .008 .004 -.05 .000 -20 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 -.004 1994 1996 Recursive C(1) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 1994 10 .012 0.8 5 .008 0.6 0 .004 0.4 -5 .000 0.2 -10 -.004 0.0 -15 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Recursive C(4) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Recursive C(5) Estimates ± 2 S.E. .0 -.2 -.4 -.6 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2000 2002 2004 2006 -.008 1994 .2 1994 1998 Recursive C(3) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 1.0 1994 1996 Recursive C(2) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 2006 Recursive C(7) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 138 2006 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Recursive C(6) Estimates ± 2 S.E. 2006 The trend in velocity appears to indicate zigzag behaviour in large part reflecting the turbulent environment Burundi has been going through. Overall, there is an indication of a downward trend (Figure 4.44). Figure 4.44: Velocity VELOCITY 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions In the addition to the variables mentioned earlier in the section, we include in the VAR and cointegration test a dummy for the period 2000-2007 to capture the shift impact that could have impacted the economy by relative stability and removal of the trade embargo. The SVAR results indicated no response from monetary policy instruments we therefore tried the Cholesky decomposition procedure which gave relatively plausible. As in the previous cases, we use both monetary base and 91-day Treasury bill rate as monetary policy instruments. The impulse response graph indicates that an unexpected rise in base money results in an increase in the price level after 10 months and the impact is persistent (Figures 4.45 and 4.46). Although not statistically significant, a shock in base money results in a slight reduction in output perhaps due to the effect on inflation. An innovation in credit has a strong positive and significant impact on output but has no effect on the price level. The money supply shock seems to cause the exchange rate to depreciation but has no significant effect on output and prices. In terms of variance decomposition of underlying CPI is driven by several factors (Table 4.30 and 4.31). For instance, after 12 months, 5% of underlying CPI variation would be explained by output, 14 by changes in base money, 6% by the exchange rate, 2% by monetary supply, 5% by credit and 67% by own innovation. In terms of 91day Treasury bill rate as a monetary policy instrument, innovations in the TB rate seem to have no effect the goal variables and intermediate variables. 139 Figure 4.45:Impulse responses- change in base money as a monetary policy instrument. Table 4.26: Variance Decomposition of LGCPI: Period 1 6 12 24 S.E. 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.09 DBM 0.02 3.83 14.01 28.48 LGNDC 3.95 3.95 5.44 2.70 LGM2 1.06 2.43 2.31 1.44 LGEXCH 1.37 5.08 6.21 15.51 LGRGDP 5.80 4.92 5.15 22.47 LGM2 0.50 0.14 0.45 5.57 LGEXCH 24.06 14.58 7.82 5.07 LGRGDP 68.42 68.69 72.88 64.58 LGCPI 87.79 79.79 66.88 29.45 Table 4.27: Variance Decomposition of LGRGDP Period 1 6 12 24 S.E. 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.05 DBM 0.07 4.39 4.98 7.46 LGNDC 6.96 9.97 12.10 16.59 140 LGCPI 0.00 2.24 1.77 0.72 Figure 4.46:Impulse responses- 91 day Treasury bill rate as a monetary policy instrument. 4.5 Conclusion. The preceding analysis raises a number of implications for the conduct of monetary policy. The empirical results on MTM obtained from the estimated VAR models suggest that monetary policy instruments are not similar in the countries. In some countries, reserve money qualifies better than policy rate in capturing the stance of monetary policy. In countries where monetary policy seem to have an impact, the lag horizon for monetary policy to affect output and inflation differs which clearly points to the extent on the depth and efficiency of financial markets to mediate changes in the monetary policy stance. The empirical results indicate that the capability of monetary policy to influence economic activity and inflation are still limited, as important channels of monetary transmission are not effective. In particular, the interest rate channel remains weak in almost contries, even though there is some evidence in some countries for a transmission of policy rate rate changes to CPI. Most empirics indictate a tendency of monetary impact to affect inflation before output or even not to affect output at all. 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At a more specific level, the aim of this study is to take stock of the current situation in selected COMESA member countries, by making use of existing data and theoretical and econometrics models and to compare the results with those of newly industrialised economies in an attempt to propose realistic policies to increased the rate of growth of those selected COMESA Members under study. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 5.2 reviews existing literature on sources of growth. This is followed by a discussion on the recent economic performance of selected COMESA countries. In this same section, we analyse developments in the stock market, facilities and incentives to investors, capital formation, the sectoral composition of GDP and selected trade indicators. Section 5.4 decomposes of sources of growth using a standard growth accounting framework, based on a standard Cobb-Douglas production function. An econometric evidence of the sources of growth is contained in Section 5.5. Section 5.6 determines the optimal economic ratios. We conclude and provide policy recommendations in Section 5.7. 5.2 Literature Review T here are two main categories of growth theories namely the Solow model and the endogenous growth model. The Solow model puts emphasis on capital accumulation, technological innovation and exogenous rates of change in population. According to this model, free-market economies having the same rate of technological progress and population growth will eventually grow at the same constant rate. Romer (1986), however, stated that the traditional theory failed to reconcile empirical observations with its own prediction. Plosser (1992) also argued that the Solow model cannot properly describe changes in growth rate across countries. Endogenous growth models attempt to better explain observed trends. Such models stipulate that long-run growth is determined by economic incentives. In this case, inventions are intentional and generate technological spill over that lower the cost of future innovations. Endogenous models also maintain that an educated labour is crucial in determining the rate of technological innovation and the long-run growth. Further, greater accumulation of human knowledge will not only result in higher income but also in a permanent higher growth rate. A number of studies, including, OECD (2003) summarize the following as the factors that influence economic growth: political and economic stability; government intervention; the political economy; international trade; capital investment; human capital; trade barriers; population; banking system; risk management; information. 146 5.2.1 Political and Economic Stability Stability is associated with lower level of uncertainties. In a stable society, business people can take sound decisions and lack of uncertainty also promotes business and consumer optimism. The medium and long-term benefits are highly conducive to growth. Barro (1991) estimated that political instability, measured by the number of revolutions and political assassinations in a given country, decreases GDP growth per capita. For examine, South Korea would have experienced a growth rate of 6.25% instead of 5.25 % on an annual basis from 1960 to 1985 had there been a higher degree of political stability. El Salvador lost a potential growth of 7 % per year in per capita growth because of the high level of political instability. 5.2.2 Government Intervention Government intervention distorts market signals and as such leads to miss-allocation of resources. It also gives the wrong signal to the market where private investors feel insecure. This may eventually lead to a lower level of investment in productive opportunities. The size of government also affects economic growth. This is in part because Government spending often creates distortions from taxation and reduces private savings leading to lower growth. Barro (1989,1990,1991) concluded that the larger the ratio of government spending (excluding education and defence) to GDP, the lower the growth rate and investment. 5.2.3 The Political Economy Acemoglu et al. (2005) confirmed that good institutions ensure property rights and access to economic resources for the population at large. Governance consists of voice and accountability; political stability and physical security; government effectiveness; regulatory quality rule of law, and control of corruption. Hazama (2008) discussed the direct and indirect effects on economic growth of institutions, governance and democracy. He found that institutions and governance have a positive effect on growth. While democracy neither promotes nor hampers growth directly, its indirect effects on growth cannot be ignored. Mild and short-term institutional changes have often led to rapid economic growth. For example, China is reaping the benefits of institutional reforms. Corrales (2003) concluded that growth has been higher in countries that have adopted extensive reforms. Claessens and Laeren (2001) argue that the types of institutions in a country affect growth performance. Acemoglu et al. (2003) showed that institutions accounted for Botswana’s success. Similarly, Subramanian and Roy (2003) explained that Mauritius success story has been influenced by economic and institutional factors. In addition, they found that the uniqueness in Mauritius lies in its ethnic fragmentation. For instance, the economic elite minority (the French) avoided nationalization and heavy taxation by sharing their rent with the political elite majority (Indians). Kaufmann and Kraay (2002) concluded that governance has a positive effect on growth. In practice, democracy, legitimacy and culture determine the quality of governance. Przeworski et al. (2000) showed that democracy does not affect growth. Feng (2003) argued that political instability and political uncertainty significantly reduces economic growth. However, while democracy does not affect growth rates, it has indirect influences on individual aspects of economic growth. Moreover, Rodrik (2007) stated that growth rates (both short term and long term) were more stable in a democracy. In addition, democratic regimes recovered more quickly from economic shocks. Democracy attracts FDI flows and promotes human capital development. FDI by increasing the inflow of investment and hence technology, leads to transfer of technology in favour of the recipient country. Borensztein et al. (1998) suggested that FDI is an important vehicle for the transfer of technology. However, FDI contributes to growth only if the economy can absorb advanced technologies otherwise the transfer of technology generated by inflows of FDI would have no effect on the domestic production. 147 5.2.4 International Trade International trade promotes growth since countries are expected to produce goods and services in which they have comparative advantages. Trade provides new unexplored market, enabling firms to produce on a larger scale. However, often when a government tampers with international trade through tariffs, subsidies, quotas and foreign exchange control, this reduces the benefits derived from international trade. Poor infrastructure implies that a country will not be reaping the full benefits of international trade. Hopkins (1973) inferred that the primary engine growth of African countries during the colonial era as the exploitation of Africa’s comparative advantage in the production of certain primary products. Nonetheless, many countries failed to further expand primary commodity exports after independence. In parallel, price distortions resulting from government intervention brings inefficiency, which in turn slows growth. Barro (1991) compared relatively closed economies (Africa and Latin America) with opened economies (Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan). He found that relatively closed economies had a lower growth rate (less than 5%) as opposed to the opened economies (8-10%). In a similar study, Ben-David (1991) argued that new members of the European Union experienced an increased in incomes and approached those of the wealthier nations since they had to drop their trade barriers. Roubini and Sali-i-Martin (1991) inferred that if a country shifts from complete openness to a closed economy, growth rate would fall by 2.5%. Gould and Ruffin (1993) found that if human capital, measured by the literacy rate, is relatively high in open economies, then growth rate is 1-2% higher than in a closed economy. 5.2.5 Capital Investment De Long and Summers (1991) stated that new technologies are embodied in new machines. Assuming a constant relative labour productivity, growth of the labour force, school enrolment rates and investment other than in machinery and equipment, they found that for every 1% of total output devoted to investment in machinery, there is an additional economic growth of 0.26%. Kim and Law (1996) studied the sources of Asian Pacific economic growth and they concluded that high level of investment and savings are important elements for rapid economic growth. They also recommended that the countries needed to devote a higher proportion of their resources to research and development so as to increase the contribution of technical progress to economic growth. Accumulation of machinery and equipment (also called physical capital) leads to economic growth. The industrialisation process has been triggered by the accumulation of capital. As the number of machinery per worker goes up, productivity increases. In practice, it is rare to find new capital equipment or consumer product embedding all existing technological innovation. Public or private knowledge is also embedded in capital equipment. Private knowledge (patents, know-how), in fact, belongs to firms and other institutions on developed economies. Public knowledge can be non-excludable; for example, scientific knowledge, which is regularly published in research journals, can be accessed by anyone. However, Fafchamps (2000b) argued that few Africans have the required level of technical expertise so as to use this information efficiently with a view to diffuse technological innovation in Africa. There is an acute need of equipped laboratories and research institutes together with a qualified labour. In addition, , for a proper implementation of technological innovations, there is a need for equipment. For example, internet cannot be used without computers. However, capital accumulation alone cannot account for long lasting growth because too many machinery per worker will lead to saturation. Solow (1965) stipulated that if an economy is driven only by accumulation of physical capital, the economy will stop growing at some point in time. In fact, it will reach a point where it will be no longer profitable to increase output because of diminishing returns. Schultz (1961), Barro (1991) and Mankion et al. (1992) argued that education and skills are complementary to physical capital. 148 Developing countries will have to tap into the same stock of knowledge as developed nations. It may be argued that poor countries can grow simply by applying existing technology and know-how and adapting them to the local context. Developing countries can improve technological transfer by subsidizing local research, sending scientists and students in developed countries and focusing on the adaptation of technologies or research to the local context. Furthermore, these countries can also attract foreign firms possessing the technical know-how via incentives or joint-venture agreements. Technology thus has an important role to play in promoting growth. Aghion and Howitt (1992) concluded that firms needed to innovate constantly so as to remain competitive. This is the process of creative destruction proposed by Shumpeter as the driving force behind growth. Schumpeterian economics also stress on the important role played by entrepreneurs. African government may nurture local business talents by providing a host of incentives to promote new businesses. Economic development can also be seen as a modernization process. Hence, technological innovation is an important source of economic growth. Developing countries can boost growth by adopting new technologies. Removing obstacles in technological transfer boosts growth. Hence, the government has an important role to play in the technological transfer process. Technology is embedded in physical capital. Hence, by accumulation capital, an economy can acquire new technologies. Technology transfer increases the productivity of both labour and capital. It also increases the standard of living of the population. For example, mobile phones and cars have improved the quality of life of many individuals. 5.2.6 The Human Capital Many including Levine and Renelt (1992) argue that educating the population is a key to economic growth. The more educated a population is, the faster will be the technological progress since individuals will build on ideas of others or will simply use technology of other countries in a better way leading to increased productivity. Barro (1991) concluded that if the Guatemalan government had invested in education so as to achieve a 50% attendance at schools in 1960, the growth rate per capita of the country might have increased by 1.3% per year from 1960 to 1985. 5.2.7 Removal of Barriers Removal of barriers to economic efficiency promotes growth. Idle resources exist when an economy is underdeveloped. By putting idle resources to work, the economy moves nearer to its production possibility frontier. For instance, clearing unproductive vegetation or draining marshy land increases the land available for productive uses. Introducing new production techniques or variety of crops enables better use of labour. Additionally, improving transport network and reducing transport costs make isolated resources more employable. However, once all idle resources have been used efficiently, there is a need to look for other sources of growth namely allocative efficiency. Producing goods and services desired by the population can enhance welfare. Hence, allocative efficiency is important in promoting growth. It focuses on eliminating all price distortions and minimising the role of the government. It may be argued though that growth stops once allocative efficiency has been achieved. Moreover, Dervis, de Melo and Robinson (1982) concluded that welfare gains from allocative efficiency rarely exceed a one-off rise of a few percent in the GDP. In a dynamic perspective, growth is the result of an accumulation process. Given that accumulation leads to more productive resources being available for production, using all resources will eventually enhance growth prospects of an economy. 5.2.8 Population Growth Population growth affects the long-term economic growth. The Malthusian view that an increase in population would lead to negative per capita growth had strong influence on policy. However, fast 149 rising population has not been accompanied by a decrease in food availability. Boserup (1965) argued that the Malthusian view ignored the fact population growth often triggers investment in infrastructure, education and the technological innovations. This is beneficial in the long run. 5.2.9 Efficient Banking System There is a direct link between banks and economic activity. By economizing on the costs of acquiring and processing information about the firms and managers, banks can influence resource allocation. Better banks are lower cost producers of information with consequent implication for capital allocation and productivity growth (Diamond (1984); Greenwood and Javanovic (1990); and King and Levine (1993b)) .Schumpeter (1961) stressed out that financial services are paramount in promoting economic growth. In this view production requires credit to materialise, and one can only become an entrepreneur by previously becoming a debtor. That is, what the entrepreneur first wants is credit. Levine (1997) identified five basic functions of the banking sector, which helps to explain its critical contribution to a country’s economic development. These are savings mobilisation; risk management; acquiring information about investment opportunities; monitoring borrowers and exerting corporate control; facilitating the exchange of goods and services. The mobilization of savings is perhaps the most obvious and important function of the banking sector. The provision of savings facilities or transaction bank accounts enables households to store their money in a secure place, and allows this money to be put to productive use. That is, channelling funds through lending to individuals or enterprises to finance their investment projects, thus encouraging capital accumulation and promoting private sector development. However, lack of access to secure savings facilities leads people to save in physical assets such as jewellery, or store their savings at home. As such, bringing these savings instead into the banking sector where they can be utilised productively, would by itself make a significant contribution to the home country’s economic development. In addition, the returns on investment can create positive expected returns for the savers, which may in turn increase savings. It can also facilitate the development and adoption of better technologies. Adoption of a better technology can be best explained with McKinnon (1973) illustration of a farmer who cannot afford a particular investment out of his own savings, as such, he needs to borrow in order to buy some piece of equipment, that is, invest in “new technology” which would increase his productivity and enable the farmer to earn a higher income thereafter. Thus, by mobilizing savings and hence increasing the availability of credit, the banking sector facilities investment in new technologies across the economy, increasing overall productivity. De Gregorio (1996) argues that credit may also be made available to finance investment in education or health, and can thus promote the accumulation of human capital. Thus, savings mobilization can have a significant impact on growth by increasing investment, productivity and human capital. 5.2.10 Risk Management Many projects or enterprises require a medium to long-term commitment of capital, whereas most savers prefer to have the option to draw on their savings, or move them into another investment opportunity, should the need arise, that is, they like their savings to be liquid. Levine (1991) argued that banks combine many households’ savings, and because savers usually do not want to withdraw their money at the same time, this allows the banks to simultaneously provide medium to long-term for investment and liquidity for savers. Bencivenga and Smith (1991) explained that banks help to ensure that capital is allocated to the best projects, even if they require a long-term financial commitment. They can also affect the rate of technological change in long-term commitments of resources to research and development promotes technological innovation. As these factors serves to increase the return on savings, they may also increase savings and capital inflows. 150 Obsfeld (1992) inferred that the banking sector also promoted the concept of risk diversification. Investing in an individual project is riskier than investing in a wide range of projects whose expected returns are unrelated. As savers generally dislike risk, banks allow investments to be made in riskier projects with higher expected returns in aggregate. This again increases overall investment returns and improves capital allocation, with a subsequent impact on growth. Risk diversification can also increase technological change. While it is well known that innovation is risky and may well result in failure, the ability to diversify risk by investing in many different innovation-based enterprises may make investment in otherwise prohibitively risky enterprises possible. So by making more capital available to innovators, banks that facilitate diversification may also increase technological change and thus promote economic development. 5.2.11 Acquiring Information about Investment Projects Individual savers are unlikely to have the time or capacity to collect, process and compare information on many different enterprises, managers and market conditions before choosing where to invest. As such high information costs may prevent capital from flowing to its highest value use. In addition, they will be less keen to invest in activities about which they have little information. 5.2.12 Monitoring Borrowers and Exerting Corporate Control The ability of banks to monitor the performance of enterprises on behalf of many investors, who cannot gather critical information about performance of enterprises because of lack of resources individually, and to exercise corporate control (for example, lenders holding meetings with borrowers to discuss business strategy), helps to ensure that investors receive returns that properly reflect the enterprise’s performance. Further, this ensures that investors are not being defrauded by the firm’s managers as a result of their lack of information, and thereby creates the right incentives for the managers of the borrowing enterprises to perform well. Bencivenga and Smith (1991) argue that financial arrangements that improve corporate control tend to promote faster capital accumulation and growth by improving the allocation of capital. 5.2.13 Facilitating Exchange The banking sector facilitates transactions in the economy, both physically by providing the mechanisms to make and receive payments, and by reducing information costs in the ways outlined above. So by providing financial intermediation in this way, the banking sector reduces transactions costs and facilitates the trading of goods and services between businesses and households. In doing this, the banking sector allows greater specialization which in turn facilitates productivity gains, technological innovation and growth. As such, anything that reduces transaction costs and better facilitates exchange of goods and services, whether it is faster payment systems, more bank branches, or improved remittance services, will help to promote economic development. 5.3 Economic Performance M ost of the countries in COMESA have experienced an annual GDP constant growth rate of at least 5 % in 2006 (Table 5.1). And for most of the countries, this growth rate is much better than the rate of growth in 1990 and 1995. The only two countries that seem to be performing worse than their performance in the 1990’s are Comoros and Mauritius. Their annual rate of growth has declined over the years. For Comoros, this result is mainly attributed to the recurrent political crisis, tensions and civil war in the country, which is hindering the economic progress and pushing the country further towards a debt trap. For Mauritius, the lower annual rate of growth of real 151 GDP is mainly attributed to the erosion of sugar trade preferences, the dismantling of the Multi Fiber Agreement and soaring oil prices. Ethiopia has experienced the highest annual growth rate, 11.5 %, mainly attributable to good weather conditions. The inflation rate at the end of 2006 is a one-digit rate for most of the selected countries. There are some countries, which are still facing a two-digit inflation rate, but it is important to note that these countries were facing even higher inflation rate at the end of 1990 or 1995. This means that even if the inflation rate is double-digit, these countries are in the process of reducing the level of price increase. Table 5.1 GDP and Inflation for Selected COMESA Countries, 1990 - 2006 (%) GDP Inflation 1990 1995 2006 1990 1995 2006 Burundi 3.4 -7.9 5.1 11.0 19.0 9.0 Comoros 5.0 3.6 1.2 N/A -7.0 2.0 Congo -6.5 0.6 5.6 265.0 370.0 18.0 Ethiopia 2.6 6.1 11.5 5.0 15.0 12.0 Kenya 4.1 4.2 6.1 41.0 7.0 16.0 Madagascar 3.1 1.6 5.0 9.0 37.0 11.0 Malawi 5.6 13.8 7.9 23.0 75.0 10.0 Mauritius 4.9 4.4 3.6 10.0 6.0 8.0 Rwanda 0.4 35.2 5.4 6.0 38.0 12.0 Seychelles 7.4 0.5 5.3 4.0 1.0 1.0 Uganda 6.5 11.3 5.0 27.0 11.0 7.0 Zambia -3.4 -2.8 6.2 110.0 46.0 8.2 Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank and World Economic Outlook 2008, IMF Table 5.2 shows liquidity aspects (development) of the stock market of selected COMESA members. Market capitalization as a percentage of GDP can be used as a proxy for economic performance in the financial sector of an economy. The higher the ratio, the more developed is the financial market. It is clear that the importance of the stock market in the three countries has increased over the years. However, when compared with the average of other regions of the world, they have a long way to go. Table 5.2: Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP) 1990-2006 1990 1995 2006 Kenya 5 21 50 Mauritius 11 35 57 Zambia 1 11 Europe and Central Asia 67 High Income Non-OECD 251 High Income OECD 122 Latin America and 52 Caribbean Low and Middle Income 73 Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank 152 The economic performance of a country depends to a large extent on the facilities and incentives available to the private sector. At the very outset, the main factors hindering growth include red tape and corruption level. Table 5.3 gives an overview of red tape in selected COMESA countries for the year 2006. The number of days required to start a business in countries like Angola and Congo are too many compared to other COMESA member countries. Since the procedures take very long, the effects can be multiple in an economy. For instance, small entrepreneurs would not register their firms and as such operate in the informal sector leading to tax revenue forgone. Also, foreign investors would be very reluctant to start business in such countries and thus the actual level of FDI would be less than the potential FDI level. Besides Congo, the number of days taken to start a business in the selected COMESA member countries is directly comparable with average number of days of other regions of the world. Table 5.3: Number of days required to start Business(2006) Number of Days required 43 23 155 16 54 21 37 46 16 38 28 35 31 33 16 77 54 Burundi Comoros Congo Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Rwanda Seychelles Uganda Zambia Europe & Central Asia High-Income non-OECD High-Income OECD Latin America & Caribbean Low & Middle Income Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank With the exception of Burundi, Comoros and Congo, the average of other regions of the world, for the year 2006, shows that the ratio of gross capital formation (GCF) to GDP of the COMESA countries are more or less the same as those other regions, approximately 20% (Table 5.4). The level of schooling of the citizens of a country is an indicator of the level of skills existing in the country. The more advance an economy is, the higher is the level of schooling for the citizens of the country, both in terms of number of students at schools and the level of education reached. For the purpose of analysis, the primary completion rate as a percentage of the relevant age group for the COMESA members is reported in Table 5.4. Over the years under study, primary completion rate as a percentage of relevant age group has been increasing in the COMESA countries, implying that people in are becoming more educated and therefore the productive capacity is increasing. 153 Table 5.4: Gross Capital Formation (% of GDP) & Primary Completion Rate, 1990-2006 Gross Capital Formation (% GDP) 1990 1995 2006 Primary Completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) 1990 1995 2006 Burundi 15 6 17 41 Comoros 20 19 10 - 36 - - Congo 9 9 16 - - - Ethiopia 13 18 20 - 18 49 Kenya 24 22 19 - - - Madagascar 17 11 25 35 28 57 Malawi 23 17 24 29 53 55 Mauritius 31 29 25 64 98 92 Rwanda 15 13 21 45 Seychelles 25 30 33 - - - Uganda 13 12 23 - - - Zambia 17 16 24 - - 84 Europe & Central Asia - - 23 - - High-Income non-OECD - - 20 - - - Latin America & Caribbean - - 21 - - - Low & Middle Income - - 27 - - - Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank Another way of assessing whether an economy has performed well over the years is to consider the change in quality of life of its citizens. Table 5.5 shows different indicators related to quality of life for the period 1990 to 2006. The data on electric power consumption shows the spending capacity of the citizens of a country on electricity. The higher the expenditure capacity, the more mechanized apparatus are used by household and the more the electricity power consumption per head. For the COMESA members, over the years 1990 to 1995, it seems that electricity power consumption per head has increased. This shows that the expenditure capacity of the citizens has improved. The number of fixed line and mobile phone subscribers per hundred people has increased over the years in almost all countries. This variable also shows increased consumption capacity. The more an economy performed, the more revenue the government receives and the more is spent on medical care facilities by the government and the better the medical facilities and ability for citizens to use proper medical care, the higher is the life expectancy at birth. For the COMESA countries selected, life expectancy has improved over the years, although still very low in absolute terms. Table 5.5: Quality of Life, 1990-2006 Electricity power consumption (kWh per capita) Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 1990 1995 2006 1990 1995 2006 1990 1995 2006 Burundi - - - 0 0 - 46 45 49 Comoros - - - 1 1 - 56 59 63 119 100 - 0 0 7 46 44 46 Congo 154 Ethiopia 21 24 - 0 0 2 48 49 52 Kenya 116 131 - 1 1 19 59 56 53 Madagascar - - - 0 0 6 51 54 59 Malawi - - - 0 0 49 48 48 Mauritius - - - 5 14 90 69 70 73 Rwanda - - - 0 0 3 32 31 46 Seychelles - - - 12 17 100 70 71 72 Uganda - - - 0 0 7 50 46 51 Zambia 754 48 43 42 698 1 1 15 Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank Table 5.6 highlights the composition of GDP. During the 10 years under study, the structure of the COMESA members did not change much. Seychelles, which had a low agricultural sector in 1996, continued to be the same in 2006. In Madagascar, the service sector as a share of GDP has fallen to the benefit of the manufacturing sector. Table 5.6: Sectoral Composition of GDP, Value Added (% of GDP) 1995-2006 Agriculture 1995 2002 Burundi 48 41 Comoros 41 50 DR Congo 57 Ethiopia Industry 2006 1995 2002 19 19 45 12 12 51 46 17 57 42 47 Kenya 31 29 Madagascar 27 Malawi 30 Mauritius 10 Rwanda 44 Seychelles 4 Uganda Services 2006 1995 2002 33 41 12 47 38 33 21 28 26 27 27 10 15 13 33 43 39 27 16 17 19 53 53 54 32 28 9 14 15 64 54 57 38 34 20 17 20 50 45 46 7 6 32 31 27 58 62 68 41 41 16 21 21 40 37 38 3 3 23 30 26 73 67 71 49 31 32 14 22 18 36 47 49 Zambia 18 22 22 36 26 33 46 52 45 Zimbabwe 15 14 29 21 56 65 Source: World Development Indicators 2007, World Bank In what follows we discuss specific countries. Burundi The Burundi’s economy is made up of mainly the agricultural sector with more than 90% of the population dependent on subsistence agriculture. This sector, as is well known, depends to a large extent on the weather conditions. The poor rains of 2003 and 2005 negatively hit the agriculture sector very hard (GDP growth was -1.3 percent and 0.9 percent, respectively) which eventually resulted in a yearly GDP growth rate of only 2.7% between 2001 and 2006. Burundi is with an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. Reforms and parallel political progress have resulted in an increase in agricultural production and construction, as private confidence has returned and donors have re-engaged. The main agricultural 155 2006 production includes coffee, cotton, tea and corn and the main industrial production includes light consumer goods such as blankets, shoes and soap. Comoros Agriculture, which mainly includes fishing, hunting, and forestry for Comoros, contributes about 45% to GDP and employs 80% of the labour force. This is also the most important sector in terms of exports revenue. Comoros has limited resource endowments, a small domestic market as well as a narrow export base. The main agricultural production includes vanilla, cloves and ylang-ylang and the main industrial production includes fishing. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) The DRC is endowed with vast potential wealth. She is endowed with the second largest rain forest in the world, with fertile soils, ample rainfall, and considerable and varied mineral resources – but with a GDP per capita, which is lowest in the world. Mining (copper, cobalt, diamonds, gold, zinc, and other base metals) and petroleum extraction used to account for about 25 percent of the country's GDP but the economy is now, due to the impact of the conflict, centred on subsistence agriculture and informal activities, with a collapse of export and value-adding activities. The main agricultural production includes coffee, sugar and palm oil and the main industrial production includes mining (diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, coltan zinc) and mineral processing. Egypt The highly fertile Nile valley, where most economic activity takes place, bisects Egypt. The Egyptian economy experienced quite a high rate of GDP growth, about 5% per year in 2005-06, and 7% in 2007. This was the result of the favourable taxation and privatization policies that has been initiated in the economy since 2005. Agriculture, Industry and services accounted for 14%, 41% and 45% of GDP in 2007, respectively. The main agricultural production includes cotton, rice and corn and the main industrial production includes textiles, food processing and chemicals. Egypt ranks 63 among the world’s exporters in goods (Table 5.7), with an annual growth in exports value of 33% per annum over the period five year 2002 – 2006 and 48% per annum over the period 2005-2006. Given that growth of the world’s exports is around 17% per annum over the period 2002-2006, Egypt exporters are therefore increasing market share. The sectors in which Egypt is gaining market may be attractive sectors for investments (foreign or domestic). At HS 2-digit level, Table 7 highlights these sectors. They are, amongst others, mineral fuels, oils and distillation products (HS 27), iron and steel (HS72), Salt, sulphur, earth, stone, plaster, lime and cement (HS 25), aluminium and articles thereof (HS 76), plastic and articles thereof (HS 39) or Edible fruit, nuts, peel of citrus fruit, melons (HS 08) and these sectors are experiencing high growth in value, 48%, 51%, 50%, 28%, 42% and 37% respectively. In 2006, mineral fuels, oils and distillation products (HS 27), out of which petroleum gases (HS 2711), petroleum oils, not crude (HS 2710) and petroleum oils, crude (HS 2709) represent 45%, 27% and 26% respectively, were mainly exported to India (16%), Italy (16%) Spain (15%) and USA (10%). At a more detailed level, the main exported products are Natural gas, liquefied (HS 271111) mainly to Spain and USA, Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude (HS 271000) mainly to India and Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude (HS 270900) mainly to Italy and India. Iron and steel (HS72), were mainly exported to USA (27%), Saudi Arabia (16%), Italy (12%) and Spain (12%). Tables 5.8 and 5.9 show Egypt’s top products exported at the HS 6-digit level. While Table 5.9 gives a time series exports value over the 4-year, 2003-2006, period, Table 5.8 gives trade indicators for the year 2006. It can be seen from Table 5.9 that over the years, exports of almost all the products listed, 156 with the exception of cotton, has increased more than two-fold. Therefore, all these sectors be interesting sectors to focus trade promotion efforts. NO REFERENCE TO 5.10 ETC Table 5.8: List of products at 2 digits level exported by Egypt in 2006 (Mirror) Annual Annual Annual growth growth growth in value in value of world Trade between between imports balance 20022005between Exported value 2006, US$ 2006 2006 20022006, US$ ‘000’ ‘000’ (%) (%) 2006 (%) Ranking in world exports All products Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc 20,049,000 -13,412,640 33 48 17 63 9,581,498 6,218,987 48 81 31 36 Iron and steel Salt, sulphur, earth, stone, plaster, lime and cement Articles of apparel, accessories, knit or crochet Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet Aluminium and articles thereof Plastics and articles thereof 1,382,936 - 330,899 51 39 27 36 762,920 682,603 50 3 15 12 669,067 425,257 16 35 10 39 577,904 370,161 16 28 9 37 486,709 329,908 28 35 19 47 447,693 - 740,607 42 48 17 53 Fertilizers 444,606 390,985 23 95 18 16 Cotton Edible fruit, nuts, peel of citrus fruit, melons Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 400,661 - 154,045 0 -5 6 21 392,999 277,869 37 -2 13 27 374,470 176,023 21 11 12 20 157 Table 5.9: List of products exported by Egypt 2006 All products Natural gas, liquefied Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude Exported Value in 2003, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2004, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2005, US$’0000’ Exported Value in 2006, US$’0000’ 8,125,014 11,061,343 14,006,000 20,049,006 1,614,502 3,846,936 0 979,450 1,427,174 1,101,509 2,544,668 810,262 1,181,623 1,485,712 1,937,173 348,293 420,755 576,719 634,962 132,511 298,989 297,727 391,600 183,861 122,445 172,858 367,558 Portland cement nes 91,956 199,953 248,724 288,207 Propane, liquefied 81,937 99,263 170,010 261,531 Oranges, fresh or dried Cotton, not carded or combed Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 108,429 145,901 277,894 236,576 259,079 184,665 251,508 211,037 124,312 132,820 150,070 200,959 Aviation spirit Light petroleum distillates nes Hot roll iron/steel nes, coil >600mm x <3mm Urea in aqueous solution in packages weighing more than 10 kg 158 Table 5.10: List of products at 6 digits level exported by Egypt in 2006 (Mirror) Annual growth in value between 20052006, %, p.a. Annual growth of world imports between 20022006, %, p.a. Share in world exports, % Ranking in world exports 48 17 0.17 63 138 30 6.45 6 Exported value 2006, US$’000’ Trade balance 2006 , US$’000’ Annual growth in value between 20022006, %, p.a. All products Natural gas, liquefied Petroleum oils obtained from bituminous minerals Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude Hot roll iron/steel nes, coil >600mm x <3mm Urea in aqueous solution in packages weighing more than 10 kg Portland cement nes 20,049,000 - 13,412,640 33 3,846,936 3,829,381 2,576,487 1,469,833 30 2 25 37 0.57 40 2,544,668 1,510,505 27 2 138 31 0.27 35 391,600 362,964 50 26 39 24 3.44 9 367,551 364,412 24 - 113 23 5.83 6 288,207 286,800 107 100 29 19 5.21 3 Propane, liquefied Oranges, fresh or dried Cotton, not carded or combed Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 261,531 77,249 43 17 26 1.33 15 236,575 236,352 38 9 7.93 4 211,036 87,673 - 24 6 54 11 16 15 1.95 8 200,906 175,830 20 17 34 9 1.06 27 Annual growth in quantity between 2002-2006, %, p.a. Figure 5.1 plots Egypt’s annual export growth (horizontal axis) and the annual growth of international demand (vertical axis) both over the 4-year period. The vertical red line (reference line) indicates the average nominal growth of total exports of Egypt for the period 2002-2006 and the horizontal red line indicates the average nominal growth of world imports over the same period, which is 17%. These reference lines divide the chart into four quadrants – loses in growing sectors, losers in growing sectors, losers in declining sector and winners in declining sectors. The criterion for distinguishing growing and declining products in this chart is the average nominal growth rate of total world imports from 2002 to 2006 that is 17%. 159 Products, whose world imports have grown below this rate, are classified as declining products as their share in the world trade is declining, while products located in the upper quadrants are growing products, as they are growing faster than the world market. Winners in the growth market are those products for which the world exports are growing and for which Egypt exporters have increased their share, i.e. exporters of these products have proven their international competitiveness over the period. These are sectors that would normally attract investors easily as the products forms part of national success stories. A number of iron products appear to be in this segment. Examples include bars and rods (HS 721420), hot roll iron and steel (HS 720839) and wire of refined copper (HS 740811). Losers in growth markets refer to products for which international demand has been growing at above-average rates, while the demand for these products from Egypt has been falling, i.e. Egypt has been losing international market share in sectors, which is growing in the world market. This means that although markets for these products exist; yet Egypt cannot take full advantage, may be because of supply capacity or any other factor that is limiting the product to reach the markets. We find that petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude (HS 271000) and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude (HS 270900) appear to be in this segment. Winners in declining markets refer to cases where world demands for the products are below average but the Mauritius exporters are gaining market share. This may mean that competing country producers’ countries are moving away from the production of these sectors but Egypt continues to trade in these products because either it is more competitive or Egypt is facing difficulty in shifting production towards other sectors. Normally, a niche-marketing strategy is adopted in this segment to isolate positive trade performance from the overall decline in these markets. In terms of value, the exports rice (HS 100630) and trousers and shorts, of cotton (HS 620342 and HS 620462) from Egypt fall under this category. Losers in declining markets are exports of products for which demand in the world is decreasing and at the same time Egypt exporters’ share of the market is declining. Cotton exported by Egypt (HS 520100) appears in this segment. Figure 5.1: Growth of National Supply and International Demand for the twenty leading Exports in 2006. 160 Ethiopia Ethiopia's economy is based on agriculture, accounting for almost 50% GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment. With an annual growth rate of 11% during 2003-2007, Ethiopia is experiencing 161 an unprecedented spell of economic growth. Given that there are doubts about indefinitely lasting good weather conditions, this high growth rate in GDP has to be analysed with care. The main agricultural production includes cereals, pulses and coffee and the main industrial production includes food processing and beverages. Table 5.11: List of products at 2 digits level exported by Ethiopia in 2006 Trade balance 2006 US$’000’ Annual growth in value 20022006(%) Annual growth in value 20052006 (%) 1,042,963 - 4,164,357 28 13 435,734 345,103 29 173,252 152,242 85,948 Annual growth of world imports 20022006( %) Share in world exports, % Ranking in world exports 17 0 139 25 16 2 15 50 13 10 1 21 68,737 12 2 8 15 1 77,693 76,184 9 16 5 0 45 64,518 63,594 118 45 15 0 84 56,365 32,596 13 47 12 0 51 36,906 2,396 417 180 10 0 28 Live animals 33,311 28,956 217 38 12 0 37 Meat and edible meat offal 17,400 17,321 77 5 12 0 63 Cotton 10,375 8,395 -9 77 6 0 95 Exported value 2006, US$’000’ All products Coffee, tea, mate and spices Oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed and fruit Vegetable plaiting materials, vegetable products nes Raw hides and skins (other than fur skins) and leather Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, etc Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Live trees, plants, bulbs, roots, cut flowers etc Ethiopia ranks 139 among the world’s exporters in goods (Table 5.11), with an annual growth in exports value of 28% per annum over the period five year 2002 – 2006 and 13% per annum over the period 2005-2006. Given that growth of the world’s exports is around 17% per annum over the period 2002-2006, Ethiopia exports are therefore gaining market share. The sectors in which Ethiopia is gaining market may be attractive sectors for investments (foreign or domestic). At HS 2-digit level, Table 5.11 highlights these sectors. They are, amongst others, Coffee, tea, mate and spices (HS 09), Oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed, fruit, etc, nes (HS 12) and Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, etc (HS 71). These sectors are experiencing high growth in value, 29%, 50% and 118% respectively. In 2006, at HS 4-digit level, out of coffee, tea, mate and spices (HS 09), the main exporting product group was coffee (0901). It represented 81% of total exports under HS 09. At a more detailed 162 level, the main exported products are Coffee husks and skins, coffee substitutes (HS 090190) and are mainly exported to Germany (25%), Japan (21%), Saudi Arabia (12%) and USA (9%). At HS 4-digit level, out of Oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed, fruit, etc, nes (HS 12), the main exporting product group is oil seed (1207). It represented 92% of total exports under HS 12. At a more detailed level, the main exported products are Sesame seeds, whether or not broken (HS 120740) and are mainly exported to China (45%) and USA (10%). Tables 5.11 and 5.12 show Ethiopia’s top products exported at the HS 6-digit level. It can be seen that over the years, exports of sesamum seeds, whether or not broken (HS 120740) has out-placed exports of Vegetable products nes (HS 140490). These two sector may be interesting sector to focus trade promotion efforts. Also, the sectors cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh (HS 060310) and Kidney beans and white pea beans dried shelled, whether or not skinned o split (HS 071333) seem to be picking up quite well. Table 5.12: List of products exported by Ethiopia 2003-2006 All products Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated Sesamum seeds, whether or not broken Vegetable products nes Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years Kidney beans and white pea beans Gold in other semimanufactured form nonmonetary(including gold plated) Chickpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split Silver in unwrought forms Bovine, live except pure-bred breeding Sheep or lamb skins, pickled, without wool on Exported Value in 2003, US$ thousand Exported Value in 2004, US$ thousand Exported Value in 2005, US$ thousand Exported Value in 2006, US$ thousand Exported Value in 2007, US$ thousand 512,689 614,701 926,204 1,042,963 1,277,145 181,214 185,663 32,543 72,257 413,221 47,939 110,192 61,914 3,808 173,307 275 160,619 10,961 133,029 106,120 305 1,907 12,082 25,039 68,816 - - - - 37,507 9,715 9,946 3,366 5,683 35,171 - 71,212 44,405 64,420 34,917 777 - 12,850 - 28,417 - 36,475 - 25,227 24,796 333 3,372 23,375 31,578 24,365 479 1,636 6,922 14,327 21,602 163 Table 5.13: List of products at 6 digits level exported by Ethiopia in 2006 All products Coffee husks and skins, coffee substitutes Sesamum seeds, whether or not broken Vegetable materials nes, used primarily for plaiting Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated Gold in other semimanufactured form nonmonetary(including gold plated) Chickpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split Bovine, live except pure-bred breeding Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh Sheep or lamb skin leather, nes Sheep or lamb skins, pickled, without wool on Annual growth in quantity between 20022006, %, p.a. Annual growth in value between 20052006, %, p.a. Annual growth of world imports between 20022006, %, p.a. Share in world exports, % Ranking in world exports 13 17 0.01 139 Exported value 2006, US$’000’ Trade balance 2006 in US$’000’ Annual growth in value between 20022006, %, p.a. 1,042,963 - 4,164,357 28 353,666 353,647 909 815 17 22 89.93 1 160,619 148,654 58 37 -7 22 17.84 2 74,917 74,917 -14 39 55.71 1 72,257 -15,585 -28 122 21 0.67 21 64,420 64,420 423 45 40 0.37 25 36,475 36,005 72 64 28 15 6.36 6 31,578 29,709 467 460 35 9 0.58 20 25,039 10,670 537 758 107 10 0.41 21 15,228 15,073 48 33 77 -6 1.58 12 14,327 14,327 121 178 107 -11 8.22 4 - 39 Figure 5.2 plots Ethiopia annual export growth (horizontal axis) and the annual growth of international demand (vertical axis) both over the 5-year period. The vertical red line (reference line) indicates the average nominal growth of total exports of Ethiopia for the period 2002-2006 and the horizontal red line indicates the average nominal growth of world imports over the same period, which is 17%. These reference lines divide the chart into four quadrants – loses in growing sectors, losers in growing sectors, losers in declining sector and winners in declining sectors. The criterion for distinguishing growing and declining products in this chart is the average nominal growth rate of total world imports from 2002 to 2006 that is 17%. Products, whose world imports have grown below this rate, are classified as declining products as their share in the world trade is declining, while products located in the upper quadrants are growing 164 products, as they are growing faster than the world market. Winners in the growth market are those products for which the world exports are growing and for which Ethiopia exporters have increased their share, i.e. exporters of these products have proven their international competitiveness over the period. These are sectors that would normally attract investors easily as the products forms part of national success stories. The products at HS-6 level in this category are Gold in semi-manufactured form (HS 710813), sesamum seeds (HS 120740) and coffee husks and skins (HS 090190). Exports for these products grew at an annual rate of 423%, 58% and 909% respectively, over the five-year period. Losers in growth markets refer to products for which international demand has been growing at above-average rates, while the demand for these products from Ethiopia has been falling, i.e. Ethiopia has been losing international market share in sectors, which is growing in the world market. This means that although markets for these products exist; yet Ethiopia cannot take full advantage, may be because of supply capacity or any other factor that is limiting the product to reach the markets. We find that coffee not roasted not decaffeinated appears to be in this segment. In fact, Ethiopia is a net importer of this product. Winners in declining markets refer to cases where world demands for the products are below average but the Ethiopia exporters are gaining market share. This may mean that competing country producers’ countries are moving away from the production of these sectors but Ethiopia continues to trade in these products because either it is more competitive or Ethiopia is facing difficulty in shifting production towards other sectors. Normally, a niche-marketing strategy is adopted in this segment to isolate positive trade performance from the overall decline in these markets. In terms of value, the exports of Chickpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split (HS 071320), Bovine, live except pure-bred breeding HS (010290) and Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh (HS 060310) from Ethiopia fall under this category. Losers in declining markets are exports of products for which demand in the world is decreasing and at the same time Ethiopia exporters’ share of the market is declining. Cotton, carded or combed (HS 520300) appears in this sector. Figure 5.2: Growth of National Supply and International Demand for the twenty leading Exports in 2006 165 166 Kenya GDP in 2007 grew at about 6% and this was well better that some previous years when GDP grew only at 1% to 2% per annum following droughts which affected agricultural production, fall in commodity prices which affected revenue from exports and high level of corruption which affected investors confidence. The main agricultural production includes tea, coffee and corn and the main industrial production includes small-scale consumer goods, agricultural products and horticulture. Kenya ranks 110 among the world’s exporters in goods (Table 5.14), with an annual growth in exports value of 13% per annum over the period five year 2002–2006 and 2% per annum over the period 2005-2006. Given that growth of the world’s exports is around 17% per annum over the period 20022006, Kenya exporters are therefore losing market share in the world market. Although, in total, the share of Kenya exports is below that of world’s exports, yet there are some sectors in which Kenya is gaining market share and these sectors may be attractive sectors for investments (foreign or domestic). The HS 2digit level sectors are highlighted as follows: live trees, plants, bulbs, roots, cut flowers etc (HS 06) and Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet (HS 62). These sectors are experiencing high growth in value, 20% and 18% respectively. However, in 2005-2006, HS 62 grew at a negative rate of –1%. In 2006, at HS 4-digit level, out of coffee, tea, mate and spices (HS 09), the main exporting products group were tea (0902) and coffee (0901). They represented 73% and 26%, respectively, of total exports under HS 09. At a more detailed level, the main exported products are Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea in packages exceeding 3 kg (HS 090240), representing 97% of Kenya exports of tea (0902) and are mainly exported to UK (33%) and Pakistan (32%). Kenya's exports represent 25.34% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 1. At HS 4-digit level, out of coffee (0901), the main exporting product is Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated (HS 090111) with an annual growth rate of 14% during the period 2002-2006 and represented 98% of total coffee exported by Kenya. Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated (HS 090111) is mainly exported to Germany (25%), USA (15%) and Sweden (11%). Tables 5.15 and 5.16 show Kenya’s top products exported at the HS 6-digit level. It is shown that light petroleum distillates nes (HS 271019) has not only suffered a fall in the value of exports, but also weigh less in importance compared to 2002 when it used to be the main exported product for Kenya. At HS 6-digit level, products which would probably attract investment (i.e. those sectors for which the annual growth rate in export supersede the annual world exported growth rate for this sector) are Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh (HS 060310), Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled (HS 070820), Women’s/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted (HS 620462). These sectors may be interesting sector to focus trade promotion efforts. Table 5.14: List of products at 2 digits level exported by Kenya in 2006 (Mirror) Coffee, tea, mate and Annual growth in value 20052006( %) Annual growth of world imports 20022006( %) Share in world exports, (%) Ranking in world exports Trade balance 2006 US$’000’ Annual growth in value 20022006(%) 3,014,898 - 3,733,133 13 2 17 0.03 110 600,455 514,719 9 3 16 2.73 11 Exported value 2006, US$’000’ All products Annual growth in quantity 20022006( %) 167 spices Live trees, plants, bulbs, roots, cut flowers etc Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc Vegetable, fruit, nut, etc food preparations Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates nes Articles of apparel, accessories, knit or crochet Salt, sulphur, earth, stone, plaster, lime and cement Iron and steel 469,871 453,762 20 17 10 3.18 7 243,528 222,607 13 17 12 0.64 26 212,248 176,364 18 -1 9 0.13 56 173,169 - 1,341,076 1 - 50 31 0.01 106 102,322 96,371 9 -1 12 0.29 42 82,745 61,797 - -3 10 0.13 73 74,286 47,161 27 -9 10 0.05 78 69,456 52,914 10 -4 15 0.24 56 67,366 - 238,202 25 -14 27 0.02 85 168 Table 5.15: List of products exported by Kenya 2003-2006 Exported Exported Exported Value in Value in Value in 2002, US$ 2003, US$ 2004, US$ thousand thousand thousand All products 1,400,372 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea in packages exceeding 3 kg 139,997 Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh 99,386 Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated 35,070 Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled 38,177 Light petroleum distillates nes 175,746 Women/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 1 Peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled 5,535 Tiles, cubes and sim nes, glazed ceramics 87 Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 17 Pineapples preserved, sugared,sweetened, spirited or not 44,132 Exported Value in 2005, US$ thousand Exported Value in 2006, US$ thousand 2,551,073 2,683,206 3,040,980 3,014,926 478,961 458,423 427,171 429,934 175,446 231,370 355,569 414,915 89,934 93,080 145,410 154,678 61,500 363,879 88,970 464,383 111,320 234,231 137,851 129,473 2 970 145,853 129,241 7,905 6,084 55,027 59,587 392 11 580 58,982 24 134 39,403 55,304 51,193 45,366 54,823 52,566 169 Table 5.16: List of products at 6 digits level exported by Kenya in 2006 (Mirror) All products Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea in packages exceeding 3 kg Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh Petroleum oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled Women/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted Peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled Tiles, cubes and sim nes, glazed ceramics Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted Pineapples preserved, sugared,sweetened, spirited or not Annual growth in quantity between 20022006, %, p.a. Annual growth in value betwee n 20052006, %, p.a. 2 Annual growth of world imports betwee n 20022006, %, p.a. 17 Share in world exports ,% 0 Ranking in world exports 110 3 2 7 25 1 18 10 7 4 Exported value 2006, USD thousand 3,014,898 Trade balance 2006 in USD thousand -3,733,133 Annual growth in value between 20022006, %, p.a. 13 429,927 357,657 7 414,895 412,867 21 161,345 -1,287,239 1 - 15 -52 37 0 88 154,652 153,760 14 1 7 21 1 16 137,843 137,813 23 12 24 19 24 1 129,232 127,827 25 23 -11 11 1 29 59,549 59,454 42 32 8 15 30 1 58,976 52,695 209 7 10,247 12 1 16 55,282 50,843 11 15 40 9 0 40 52,551 52,539 3 -2 -4 9 6 4 Figure 5.3 plots Kenya’s annual export growth (horizontal axis) and the annual growth of international demand (vertical axis) both over the 5-year period. The vertical red line (reference line) indicates the average nominal growth of total exports of Kenya for the period 2002-2006 and the horizontal red line indicates the average nominal growth of world imports over the same period, which is 17%. These reference lines divide the chart into four quadrants – loses in growing sectors, losers in 170 growing sectors, losers in declining sector and winners in declining sectors. The criterion for distinguishing growing and declining products in this chart is the average nominal growth rate of total world imports from 2002 to 2006 that is 17%. Products, whose world imports have grown below this rate, are classified as declining products as their share in the world trade is declining, while products located in the upper quadrants are growing products, as they are growing faster than the world market. Winners in the growth market are those products for which the world exports are growing and for which Kenya exporters have increased their share, i.e. exporters of these products have proven their international competitiveness over the period. These are sectors that would normally attract investors easily as the products forms part of national success stories. The products at HS-6 level in this category are negligible for Kenya. Losers in growth markets refer to products for which international demand has been growing at above-average rates, while the demand for these products from Kenya has been falling, i.e. Kenya has been losing international market share in sectors, which is growing in the world market. This means that although markets for these products exist; yet Kenya cannot take full advantage, may be because of supply capacity or any other factor that is limiting the product to reach the markets. We find that coffee neither roasted nor decaffeinated (HS 090111) appears to be in this segment. Winners in declining markets refer to cases where world demands for the products are below average but the Kenya exporters are gaining market share. This may mean that competing country producers’ countries are moving away from the production of these sectors but Kenya continues to trade in these products because either it is more competitive or Kenya is facing difficulty in shifting production towards other sectors. Normally, a niche-marketing strategy is adopted in this segment to isolate positive trade performance from the overall decline in these markets. In terms of value, the exports of Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh (060310); men’s and women’s trousers (HS 620342 and 620462) Losers in declining markets are exports of products for which demand in the world is decreasing and at the same time Ethiopia exporters’ share of the market is declining. Portland cement (HS 252329) appears in this sector. 171 Figure 5.3: National Supply and International Demand for the twenty leading Kenya Exports in 2006. Mauritius After having reached a low level of 1.2% in 2005, GDP growth rebounded to 3.9% in 2006. The economy continued to recover in 2007 growing by 5.6%. Interestingly, excluding sugar, the economy has performed even better as the growth rate was 6.4% compared to 5.3% in the previous year. The renewed good times of the Mauritius economy in 2007 has been in large part driven by a boom in the tourism sector, which in turn led to strong growth in the construction sector, and a better performing textile industry. Tourist arrivals reached 900,000 which translated in a growth rate of 13.1% in 2007 compared with 3.5% in 2006. The construction sector grew at an impressive 15%, compared to 5.2% growth rate in 2006, mainly due to the construction and renovation of hotels, Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS) projects and expansion of textile and wearing apparel industries. The manufacturing sector grew marginally slower in 2007 at 3.7% compared to 4.0% in 2006. Textile and food processing industries performed quite well as they grew respectively at 7.2% and 3.9%. Mauritius has been transformed from a mono-crop agrarian economy during the 70’s to a manufacturing economy in the 1980’s and 1990’s and now much more into services (68% in 2006). Mauritius ranks 119 among the world’s exporters in goods (Table 5.17), with an annual growth in exports value of 5% per annum over the period five year 2002 – 2006 and 8% per annum over the period 2005-2006. Given that growth of the world’s exports is around 17% per annum over the period 20022006, Mauritius exports are therefore losing market share. 172 Although, in total, the share of Mauritius exports is below that of world’s exports, yet there are some sectors in which Mauritius is gaining market share and these sectors may be attractive sectors for investments (foreign or domestic). At HS 2-digit level, table 5.11 highlights these sectors. They are, amongst others, meat, fish and seafood preparations (HS 16) or live animals (HS 01) and these sectors are experiencing high growth in value, 23% and 28% respectively. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, Meat, fish and seafood preparations, particularly prepared or preserved tuna, skipjack and Atlantic bonito (HS 16041400), were mainly exported to UK (52%), Spain (27%), Italy and France. Live animals, in particular live primates (HS 01061100) were mainly exported to US (60%), UK (24%), France and Spain. Tables 5.17 and 5.18 show Mauritius’s top products exported at the HS 6-digit level. While table 5.12 gives a time series exports value over the 5-year, 2003-2007, period, table 5.13 gives trade indicators for the year 2006. It can be seen from table 5.12 that over the years, exports of tuna (HS 160414) has outplaced exports of men/boys shirt of cotton not knitted (HS 620520). The sea food sector may be an interesting sector to focus trade promotion efforts. Table 5.17: List of products at 2 digits level exported by Mauritius in 2006 (extract) Annual Annual Annual growth in Annual growth Exported Trade growth in quantity growth in of world value balance value 2002value imports 2006, 2006 20022006 ( 20052002US$’000’ US$’000’ 2006( %) %) 2006( %) 2006( %) All products Articles of apparel, accessories, knit or crochet Sugars and sugar confectionery Electrical, electronic equipment Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet Meat, fish and seafood food preparations nes Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, etc Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates nes Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof Share in world exports, (%) Ranking in world exports 2,173,838 - 1,469,492 5 8 17 0.02 119 553,732 546,542 - 4 10 0.38 41 357,020 332,125 6 2 15 1.21 19 293,391 -139,306 95 4 17 0.02 66 212,096 186,719 -18 3 9 0.13 57 158,131 141,854 23 46 13 0.54 30 86,119 -13,578 6 -4 15 0.04 76 65,917 -136,766 2 19 10 0.11 77 54,537 - 273,491 14 65 14 - 93 39,663 -184,730 26 1,019 7 0.02 60 Cotton 32,173 -156,898 -7 3 6 0.06 75 Live animals Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc apparatus 25,892 15,096 28 -13 12 0.18 41 21,509 -17,773 5 -1 17 0.01 75 Sources: ITC calculations based on COMTRADE statistics. Table 5.18: List of leading products exported by Mauritius 2003-2007, HS-6 digit level (extract) 173 Exported Value in 2003, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2004, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2005, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2006, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2007, US$’000’ All products T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knitted Raw sugar, cane Tunas, bonito, prepared/preserved, whole/in pieces, ex mincd Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, not knitted Transmission apparatus, for radio, telephone incorporating reception apparatus Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 1,862,056 1,925,291 2,004,352 2,173,838 2,054,082 377,809 301,882 402,020 354,860 331,699 344,429 340,528 351,245 357,136 297,142 71,630 80,608 107,398 156,936 196,936 97,157 129,858 114,797 113,144 130,137 13,835 34,947 263,821 262,559 85,390 106,187 59,890 40,836 51,161 71,208 Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, knitted Fish nes, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of other textile materials, knitted Diamonds non-industrial nes excluding mounted or set diamonds Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of cotton, knitted 26,785 31,078 26,269 34,576 65,125 35,484 37,943 51,435 59,897 57,389 17,523 35,772 46,203 50,159 45,589 37,258 41,013 42,978 44,217 40,143 47,800 41,693 34,615 32,919 29,483 Live primates Women/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted 15,338 21,822 29,065 25,379 25,496 103,026 57,417 13,241 8,728 21,044 Sources: ITC calculations based on COMTRADE statistics. 174 Table 5.19: List of leading products at 6 digits level exported by Mauritius in 2006 (extract) Product Label All products Raw sugar, cane T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knitted Transmission apparatus, for radio telephone incorporating reception apparatus Tunas, bonito, prepared/preserved, whole/in pieces, ex mincd Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, not knitted Fish nes, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of other textile materials, knitted Diamonds non-industrial nes excluding mounted or set diamonds Aircraft of weight exceeding 15,000 kg Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, knitted Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of cotton, knitted Exported value 2006, US$’000’ Trade balance 2006 US$’000’ Annual growth in value 20022006(%) Annual growth in quantity 20022006 (%) Annual growth in value 20052006( %) Annual growth of world imports 20022006 (%) Share in world exports( %) Ranking in world exports 8 17 0.02 119 2 16 4.62 3 2,173,838 -1,469,492 5 351,245 350,542 6 340,528 339,818 - 3 15 1.48 17 262,559 -20,245 162 - 27 0.14 29 156,936 156,682 23 46 12 4.80 5 113,144 112,533 5 -1 9 1.27 19 59,897 -17,438 2 16 11 1.55 18 51,161 50,742 -26 25 9 0.27 41 50,159 49,966 44 9 13 0.66 27 44,217 31,493 7 3 13 0.09 23 36,179 -178,899 10 0.04 31 34,576 34,173 7 32 12 0.71 27 32,919 32,535 -6 -5 8 0.20 45 5 15 11 Sources: ITC calculations based on COMTRADE statistics. Figure 5.4 plots Mauritius annual export growth (horizontal axis) and the annual growth of international demand (vertical axis) both over the 5-year period. The vertical red line (reference line) indicates the average nominal growth of total exports of Mauritius for the period 2002-2006 and the horizontal red line indicates the average nominal growth of world imports over the same period, which is 17%. These reference lines divide the chart into four quadrants – winners in growing sectors, losers in growing sectors, losers in declining sector and winners in declining sectors. The criterion for 175 distinguishing growing and declining products in this chart is the average nominal growth rate of total world imports from 2002 to 2006 that is 17%. Products, whose world imports have grown below this rate, are classified as declining products as their share in the world trade is declining, while products located in the upper quadrants are growing products, as they are growing faster than the world market. Winners in the growth market are those products for which the world exports are growing and for which Mauritius exporters have increased their share, i.e. exporters of these products have proven their international competitiveness over the period. These are sectors that would normally attract investors easily as the products forms part of national success stories. The only product at HS-6 level in this category is transmission apparatus for which exports grew at an annual rate of 162% over the five-year period. Losers in growth markets refer to products for which international demand has been growing at above-average rates, while the demand for these products from Mauritius has been falling, i.e. Mauritius has been losing international market share in sectors, which is growing in the world market. This means that although markets for these products exist; yet Mauritius cannot take full advantage, may be because of supply capacity or any other factor that is limiting the product to reach the markets. We find that raw sugar, cane appears to be in this segment. Sugar appears in this segment because sugar from Mauritius had a guaranteed access at a guaranteed price in the EU market but because of the drastic cut arising from the EU Sugar Reform, the value of Mauritius sugar exports has declined. However, Mauritius has chosen to engage into a profound restructuring of its sugar sector to turn it into a sugar cane industry. Accordingly, the Multi-Annual Adaptation Strategy Action Plan 2006-2015 (MAAS), which was prepared in consultation with all the stakeholders of the industry, defines the strategic orientations and key measures that need to be undertaken. The EU will be providing grants for restructuring the sugar industry. Winners in declining markets refer to cases where world demands for the products are below average but the Mauritius exporters are gaining market share. This may mean that competing country producers’ countries are moving away from the production of these sectors but Mauritius continues to trade in these products because either it is more competitive or Mauritius is facing difficulty in shifting production towards other sectors. Normally, a niche-marketing strategy is adopted in this segment to isolate positive trade performance from the overall decline in these markets. In terms of value, the exports t-shirts (HS 610990) and tunas (HS 160414) from Mauritius fall under this category. Losers in declining markets are exports of products for which demand in the world is decreasing and at the same time Mauritius exporters’ share of the market is declining. A number of leading products exported by Mauritius at HS-6 digit level appear in this segment, most of them belong to the wearing apparel cluster. 176 Figure 5.4: Growth of National Supply and International Demand for the twenty leading Mauritian Exports in 2006. 177 Zambia The Zambian economy continues to perform better than in the 1990’s.Over the period 2005-2007, real GDP growth is around 6%. Strong macro economic performance continues. Zambian production and exports is largely dominated by the copper industry. The Zambian Government is pursuing an economic diversification program to reduce the economy's reliance on the copper industry. This initiative seeks to exploit other components of Zambia's rich resource base by promoting agriculture, tourism, gemstone mining, and hydropower. Zambia ranks 108 among the world’s exporters in goods (Table 5.20), with an annual growth in exports value of 40% per annum over the period 2002 – 2006 and 108% per annum over the period 20052006. Given that growth of the world’s exports is around 17% per annum over the period 2002-2006, Zambia exporters are therefore gaining market share in the world market. The sectors in which Zambia is gaining market may be attractive sectors for investments (foreign or domestic). At HS 2-digit level, Table 5.20 highlights these sectors. They are, amongst others, Ores, slag and ash (HS 26), Copper and articles thereof (HS 74) and tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes (HS 24). These sectors are experiencing high growth in value, 194%, 49% and 50% respectively. In 2006, at HS 4-digit level, out of Ores, slag and ash (HS 26), the main exporting products group were Copper ores and concentrates (HS 2603). They represented 97% of total exports under HS 26. At HS 4-digit level, out of copper and articles thereof (HS 74), the main exporting product are copper cathodes and sections of cathodes unwrought (HS 740311) and Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick (HS 740919) with an annual growth rate of 32% and 3739%, respectively during the period 2002-2006 and represented 56% and 34%, respectively of total Copper and articles thereof (HS 74) by Zambia. Copper cathodes and sections of cathodes unwrought (HS 740311) are mainly exported to Switzerland (72%), and Thailand (8%). Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick (HS 740919) are mainly exported to Switzerland (39%), Thailand (17%) and Egypt (13%). Zambia is in fact the number one exporter of this product on the world market. It can be seen that Switzerland is the first importer of both HS 740311 and HS 740919 and this makes Switzerland the number one importer of Zambia’s products (40%) followed by South Africa (11%). Tables 5.21 and 5.22 show Zambia’s top products exported at the HS 6-digit level. Exports of Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick (HS 740919), has been increasing over the period 2002-2006 and in terms of value of exports, it even exceeded Copper ores and concentrates (HS 260300) and Cobalt and articles thereof, nes (HS 810590). At HS 6-digit level, products that would probably attract investment (i.e. those sectors for which the annual growth rate in export supersede the annual world exported growth rate for this sector) are Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick (HS 740919), Copper ores and concentrates (HS 260300) and Wire of refined copper of which the max cross sectional dimension > 6mm (740811). These sectors may be interesting sector to focus trade promotion efforts. 178 Table 5.20: List of products at 2 digits level exported by Zambia in 2006 Annual growth Annual Annual in growth Exported growth in quantity in value value Trade balance value 200220052006, 2006 20022006, 2006, US$’000’ US$’000’ 2006( %) (%) (%) Annual growth of world imports 20022006(%) Share in world exports, (%) Ranking in world exports All products 3,770,370 696,109 40 108 17 0.03 102 Copper and articles thereof 2,613,420 2,605,244 49 160 37 1.94 17 Ores, slag and ash Other base metals, cermets, articles thereof 431,909 402,162 194 242 41 0.45 28 146,895 146,078 4 -9 29 0.96 21 Cotton Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Sugars and sugar confectionery Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc Electrical, electronic equipment Live trees, plants, bulbs, roots, cut flowers etc Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 82,238 77,637 16 4 6 0.17 47 76,361 72,065 50 18 6 0.30 47 66,978 59,890 23 - 11 15 0.23 63 60,432 - 587,732 220 1,160 14 - 89 40,248 - 214,193 57 131 17 - 95 32,178 31,371 15 69 10 0.22 32 27,600 13,983 31 16 12 0.07 69 Table 5.21: List of products exported by Zambia 2003-2006 Exported Exported Exported Value in Value in Value in 2003, 2004, 2005, US$’000’ US$’000’ US$’000’ Exported Value in 2006, US$’000’ Exported Value in 2007, US$’000’ All products Copper cathodes and sections of cathodes unwrought Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick 980,445 1,575,627 1,809,763 3,770,370 4,618,619 394,224 497,777 629,223 1,483,419 2,106,181 0 9,091 134,731 909,209 825,136 Copper ores and concentrates 11,010 25,604 77,533 422,715 255,853 Cobalt and articles thereof, nes Copper unrefined, copper anodes for electrolytic refining Wire of refined copper of which the max cross sectional dimension > 6mm 48,907 258,420 161,417 143,657 247,939 0 24 8,846 49,299 151,766 19,386 43,687 73,712 149,514 149,428 Raw sugar, cane Tobacco, unmanufactured, not stemmed or stripped 31,135 34,031 72,767 60,287 80,785 8,577 29,629 38,964 41,488 54,539 Cotton, not carded or combed Powders, copper, of nonlamellar structure 24,734 122,222 57,320 61,705 41,174 0 5 4 0 38,781 179 Table 5.22: List of products at 6 digits level exported by Zambia in 2006 Annual growth in value 20022006( %) Annual growth in quantity 20022006( %) Annual growth in value 20052006, (%) Annual growth of world imports 20022006, (%) Share in world exports, % Ranking in world exports 108 17 0.03 102 136 43 3.36 10 575 22 52.02 1 Exported value 2006, US$’000’ Trade balance US$’000’ All products Copper cathodes and sections of cathodes unwrought Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick Copper ores and concentrates Wire of refined copper of which the max cross sectional dimension > 6mm Cobalt and articles thereof, nes Cotton, not carded or combed 3,770,370 696,109 40 1,483,419 1,482,840 32 909,209 909,130 3,739 422,715 395,929 252 203 445 53 1.36 12 149,514 149,486 78 38 103 46 0.90 23 143,657 143,256 17 8 -11 36 22.09 2 61,705 58,822 41 43 8 15 0.57 21 Raw sugar, cane Copper unrefined, copper anodes for electrolytic refining Tobacco, unmanufactured, not stemmed or stripped Electric conductors, for a voltage >80V but not exceeding 1,000 V, nes 60,287 59,449 23 8 -17 16 0.79 20 49,299 48,990 508 379 457 46 0.79 15 41,488 41,488 48 45 6 2 2.03 11 33,097 30,414 70 38 109 27 0.24 51 Product Label -4 Figure 5.5 plots Zambia’s annual export growth (horizontal axis) and the annual growth of international demand (vertical axis) both over the 5-year period. The vertical red line (reference line) indicates the average nominal growth of total exports of Kenya for the period 2002-2006 and the horizontal red line indicates the average nominal growth of world imports over the same period, which is 17%. These reference lines divide the chart into four quadrants – loses in growing sectors, losers in growing sectors, losers in declining sector and winners in declining sectors. The criterion for distinguishing growing and declining products in this chart is the average nominal growth rate of total world imports from 2002 to 2006 that is 17%. Products, whose world imports have grown below this rate, are classified as declining products as their share in the world trade is declining, while products located in the upper quadrants are growing products, as they are growing faster than the world market. Winners in the growth market are those products for which the world exports are growing and for which Zambia exporters have increased their share, i.e. exporters of these products have proven their international competitiveness over the period. These are sectors that would normally attract investors easily as the products forms part of national success stories. The products at HS-6 level in this category are Plate, sheet & strip of refined copper, not in coil, exceeding 0.15mm thick (HS 740919), Copper ores and concentrates (HS 260300) and Wire of refined copper of which the max cross sectional dimension > 6mm (740811). 180 Losers in growth markets refer to products for which international demand has been growing at above-average rates, while the demand for these products from Zambia has been falling, i.e. Zambia has been losing international market share in sectors, which is growing in the world market. This means that although markets for these products exist; yet Zambia cannot take full advantage, may be because of supply capacity or any other factor that is limiting the product to reach the markets. We find that Copper cathodes and sections of cathodes unwrought (HS 740311) (number 10 exporter in the world market) and Cobalt and articles thereof, nes (HS 810590) (number 2 exporter in the world market) appear to be in this segment. Winners in declining markets refer to cases where world demands for the products are below average but the Zambia exporters are gaining market share. This may mean that competing country producers’ countries are moving away from the production of these sectors but Zambia continues to trade in these products because either it is more competitive or Zambia is facing difficulty in shifting production towards other sectors. Normally, a niche-marketing strategy is adopted in this segment to isolate positive trade performance from the overall decline in these markets. In terms of value, the exports of Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh (060310) and cotton not carded not combed appear in this segment (HS 520100) Losers in declining markets are exports of products for which demand in the world is decreasing and at the same time Zambia exporters’ share of the market is declining. Almost none of the main exporting products by Zambia appear in this segment. Figure 5.5: National Supply and International Demand for the twenty leading Zambian Exports in 2006. 5.4 Growth Accounting 181 G rowth accounting allows the decomposition of the economic growth rate of a country into contributions from different factors. Specifically, GDP growth can be decomposed into three shares: the capital, the labour and the total factor productivity (TFP) shares. The latter is computed as the residual of GDP growth once capital and labour contributions were removed. The framework typically adopts a constant return to scale Cobb-Douglas production function and shows that the parameter of the function is equal to the share of the remuneration of physical capital in aggregate output. The most basic version of growth accounting, this perspective is provided by an aggregate production function: 1 Y AK L (5.1) t t t t Where Yt is output (i.e. GDP), K t is the capital stock, Lt is labour force and At is the total factor productivity, At . Since there are three factors affecting GDP in this production function, this framework will allow us to decompose observed growth rates into contributions from capital, labour, and productivity. Only capital and labour are actually observable in the data and productivity serves as a catch-all for anything else that is left unexplained by the other two factors. If GDP goes up by more than can be explained through capital and labour alone, the increase is interpreted by productivity. Since productivity serves as a residual in this sense, it is computed from the production function (5.1), as opposed to being inferred from some other source. Solving (5.1) for At we get: Yt A (5.2) t K L1 t t By computing productivity in this way, for any values of Yt , K t and Lt , we can find the “right” productivity values such that all output is accounted for in (5.1). An additional step that needs to be taken before we can use 5.2 in practice to compute values for At is to estimate parameter α that enters the computations, and needs to be set in some fashion. Again, there is no obvious way how α should be chosen. It turns out, however, that α has a simple interpretation under the additional assumption that there is perfect competition among firms in the economy. To see this, consider the profit maximization problem of a firm using production function (5.1) that rents capital at rental rate rt and hires labour at wage wt max At Kt L1t rt Kt wt Lt Kt , Lt The first-order conditions for this problem require that the marginal product of each factor equals its price: 1 Lt r A (5.3) t t Kt 182 L w (1 ) A t t t Kt (5.4) Given these expressions, we can compute the capital and labour shares for the economy (the fraction of output used to pay capital and labour, respectively) as: rt Kt Yt (5.5) wt Lt 1 Yt (5.6) Therefore, under the assumption of perfect competition, the capital share is a measure of the parameter α. Once the capital and labour shares have been found, equation (5.2) could be used to compute productivity values for any given year. To proceed to the goal of decomposing economic growth into separate contributions from capital, labour, and productivity, we argue that growth rates can be computed as (natural) log-differences. Thus taking logs of the production function (5.1) gives: log Y log A log K (1 ) log L t t t t (5.7) The growth rate of output can therefore be expressed as: log Y log Y log A log A (log K log K ) t 1 t t 1 t t 1 t (1 )(log L log L ) t 1 t (5.8) The growth rate of output equals the growth rate of productivity, plus α times the growth rate of the capital stock, plus 1 − α the growth rate of the labour force. Intuitively, the impact of any given factor of production on output growth is proportional to its share in output. Assume, for example, that the capital share is one-third and the labour share is two-thirds. If the capital stock increased by 3% in a given year, this growth would translate into just 1% growth in output. If instead the labour force were to grow by 3%, the resulting output growth would be 2%. Changes in the labour force have a bigger impact on output, since labour is more important than capital in production. A central element in the above process is to estimate the appropriate share of capital and labour. The early literature drew on the national accounts of some industrial countries and set the parameter for the capital share between 0.3 and 0.4 (with the labour share varying correspondingly between 0.6 and 0.7). Thus the parameter, and hence technology, is assumed to be the same across countries and this is questionable. In general, authors conduct some sensitivity analysis on the value of the parameter but none of them tests the assumption of identical technologies across countries. It is only recently that Senhadji (2000) relaxed the assumption of identical technologies across countries by estimating separate production functions for 88 countries and found significant differences across countries. In fact estimating the capital shares assumes the traditional constant return to scale Cobb-Douglas production function in per capita form and to measure the relative contribution of factor accumulation and productivity the following regression can be estimated (see Senhadji, 2000). 183 log(Y / L ) log( K / L ) it it i i it it it (5.9) The slope α represents the capital share in output, Y represents real output, K the capital stock and L labour. Thus, instead of assuming a common value for the capital share (α), which are in fact mostly based on estimates of industrialized countries or assumed to be constant for all countries, we used the above regression model based to estimate each country’s share of capital individually (and also for the sample) and these are presented in Table 5.23. The results confirm the expectation that capital shares differ significantly across countries. On average the α of our the sample is 0.5 (although varying across countries) and this is consistent with the ones obtained by Senhadji (2000) (refer to table 1 in Appendix). This confirms that applying the same share to all countries may be misleading. The computed estimates are then used to compute the contributions of capital, labour and TFP to the growth rate of GDP in 12 COMESA countries. The choice of countries is imposed by the availability of the data. The contribution of the various factors to GDP growth is computed for the three sub-periods namely 1980-1990; 19912000 and 2001-2007. Output is measured by the GDP at constant prices and the labour is approximated by total labour force and both proxies are from the World Bank World Development Indicators 2008 and from the IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO). The capital stock series are constructed using the perpetual inventory methodology (PIM). It is assumed that the initial capital-output ratio in 1980 was 3 and the depreciation rate was set at 5 percent19 (following Connell and Ndulu, 2000 and Tahari, Ghura, Akitoby, and Aka, 2004). The results from growth accounting exercises for individual countries and for COMESA as a group over the period 1980-2007 are provided in Table 5.23. 19 Refer to appendix for an overview of the PIM methodology. 184 Table 5.23: Contribution to Growth: COMESA countries (α specific Contribution to Growth) Cou Growth Capi Labo ntries Rate tal ur TFP 1980-1990 Burundi 3.5 2.65 1.45 -0.6 1991-2000 -1.0 -1.25 1.5 -1.25 2001-2007 3.1 2.0 1.0 0.1 1980-2007 1.9 1.3 1.3 -0.6 1980-1990 Congo DR 0.8 1.0 0.5 -0.7 1991-2000 1.8 1.2 0.8 -0.2 2001-2007 4.6 2.6 1.5 0.5 1980-2007 2.4 1.6 0.9 -0.1 1980-1990 Egypt 4.9 4.7 1.2 -2 1991-2000 4.4 1.7 1.5 1.1 2001-2007 4.5 1.6 1.9 1 1980-2007 4.6 2.8 1.5 0.3 1980-1990 Ethiopia 2.6 -0.2 2.2 0.6 1991-2000 3.2 1.55 2.25 -0.6 2001-2007 5.2 2.3 2.7 0.2 1980-2007 3.6 1.2 2.3 0.1 1980-1990 Kenya 4.6 2.0 1.5 1.1 1991-2000 1.75 1.3 1.3 -0.85 2001-2007 4.3 2.2 1.4 0.7 1980-2007 3.7 1.9 1.5 0.3 1980-1990 Madagascar 0.45 1.9 2.2 -2.65 1991-2000 1.4 -0.9 2.45 -0.15 2001-2007 3.3 2.0 1.5 -0.2 1980-2007 1.9 1.1 2.0 -1.1 1980-1990 Malawi 1.8 1.75 1.5 -1.45 1991-2000 3.0 0.2 1.75 1.05 2001-2007 2.5 1.1 1 0.3 1980-2007 2.7 1.4 1.3 0.0 1980-1990 Mauritius 6.35 3 2 1.35 1991-2000 5.6 2.5 2.1 1.0 2001-2007 4.1 2.5 0.9 0.7 1980-2007 5.3 2.6 1.7 1 1980-1990 Rwanda 2.2 1 2.2 -1 1991-2000 0.8 -0.25 2 -0.9 2001-2007 5.9 3.7 2 0.2 1980-2007 3.0 1.5 2 -0.5 1980-1990 Uganda 3.5 -1.7 2.7 2.5 1991-2000 6.2 2.5 2.5 1.2 2001-2007 5.8 2.2 1.7 1.9 1980-2007 5.0 0.9 1.9 1.9 1980-1990 Zambia 1.3 1.3 1.5 -1.5 1991-2000 0.5 1.2 1.3 -2 2001-2007 5.2 2.4 2.2 0.6 185 α specific 0.6 0.55 0.58 0.4 0.5 0.38 0.45 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.53 Table 5.23Cont..: Contribution to Growth: COMESA countries (α specific Contribution to Growth) Growth Capital Labour α specific Rate TFP 1980-1990 Zimbabwe 5.0 2.7 1.8 0.4 0.5 1991-2000 1.6 1.3 1.4 -1.1 2001-2007 -5.8 -1 -1 -3.8 1980-2007 0.5 1 0.8 -1.3 1980-1990 COMESA 3.1 1.53 1.73 -0.16 0.5 1991-2000 2.43 0.73 1.64 0.06 2001-2007 4.53 2.13 1.45 0.95 1980-2007 3.35 1.5 1.6 0.28 An evaluation of economic growth during 1980-2007 shows that average growth in the COMESA region rose from 3.1 percent during 1980-90 to 4.53 percent during 2001-2007, although a slower rate of 2.34 is registered for the period 1990-2000. Over the period 1980-2007, COMESA member countries have grown approximately by around 3.3 percent, with members like Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and Mauritius registering the highest growth (> 4% growth) and Zimbabwe the lowest one. Growth in the region remained however among the slowest of all other regions in the world (with Asian economies and China growing at an average rate of about 6% in real terms over the period), driven largely by the insufficient record of Total Factor Productivity growth (TFP). Initially during the period 1980-1990, labour growth, with a higher contribution value of 1.73, was the major driver of growth as compared to capital and it is should be observed that the region registered a negative TFP growth during that period (same was observed by Tahari et al for the same period for the case of SSA). During the subsequent decades it is interesting to note the improvement in TFP, especially during the period 2001-2007, and overall a positive value of TFP for the aggregate period of 0.28 is calculated reflecting that overall the region has gained in productivity and that the latter is also a driver of growth, although to the same extent as observed in other regions and countries of the world. An interesting comparison is that of Tahari et al.(2004) work on a sample of around 40 Sub Saharan Countries for the period 1960-2000 where the author reported similar average growth rate for the SSA but with no TFP growth for the region during the period and even negative productivity for the period 19802000. Collins and Bosworth (1996) also reported negative growth rate (-0.42) of TFP for sample of SSA over the period 1960-1994 and Bosworth and Collins (2003)20 confirmed a negative or no TFP growth for a study period 1960-2000. More than half of the countries in the sample experienced declines or no increase in TFP on average during 1980-2007. Mauritius and Uganda experienced an average TFP growth of more than 1% during the period. The increased TFP growth during the latter period are those countries which benefited from the efficiency gains from the shifts in the policy regime beginning around 1980, the ongoing process of liberalization and opening up of the economy and from the implementation of macroeconomic and structural reforms they embarked on. The associated increases in reliance on markets and reductions in the role of government would be expected to result in improved economic efficiency. Although COMESA members appears on the average to outperform fellow SSA countries at large in TFP, the average TFP growth for COMESA remains below the world average and could explain the relatively poor overall growth performance of the region. It is noteworthy that nearly the East Asian countries and China which are among the best performers worldwide have TFP contribution of around 1.2 with China alone reporting around 2.5 (for the period 1960-2005) Bosworth, et al.(2006) reported TFP of 1.7 for the case of India over the period 1980-2004. It should be stressed that real GDP growth was driven largely by factor accumulation, and in fact nearly all of the output growth during the first period is associated with increases in factor inputs, 20 Bosworth and Collins (2003) provide a comparison of the growth performance of various sub-regions in the world during 1960-2000 (Table 10). 186 particularly labour. With time capital is also observed to establish itself as an important driver of growth outpacing the contribution of during the last decade. This is reflected probably by the massive investment in capital infrastructure from the part of government coupled by an overall increase in domestic and foreign direct investment. Over the 1980-2007 period the contribution of labour and capital appears to be the same. As a robustness check the contribution of the various factors to GDP growth is computed using the same alpha coefficient (i.e. the sample alpha 0f 0.5) for all countries and the findings were found robust to that alternative value (the latter corresponds to the COMESA average) The growth accounting framework can be extended to assess the role of human capital for the determination of output and economic growth. Up to this point, potential human capital differences across countries or over time were subsumed in the productivity term If information on the stock of human capital is available, we can incorporate human capital into the production function in order to measure its contribution to growth. Thus extending the Cobb Douglas function with human capital term takes the following form: 1 Y AK H L t t t t t where H t (5.10), is human capital. To proceed to the goal of decomposing economic growth into separate contributions from capital, labour, and productivity, we argue that growth rates can be computed as (natural) log-differences; thus the growth rate of output in a given year, for example, can be computed as logYt+1 − log Yt. The growth rate of output can therefore be expressed as: log Y log Y log A log A (log K log K ) t 1 t t 1 t t 1 t (log H t 1 log H ) (1 )(log L log L ) t t 1 t (5.11) Thus, the growth rate of output equals the growth rate of productivity, plus α times the growth rate of the capital stock, plus β times the growth rate of human capital, plus 1 − α − β the growth rate of the labour force. The measurement of data are as above and human capital is measured here as the average years of schooling. However given that such information is available for very few countries as reported in Table 4.2. Including human capital reveals interesting results and shows that this factor is interestingly explaining part of the growth as well (maybe captured in labour mainly from the previously study). This is particularly true for the case of Mauritius and Kenya. Bosworth and Collins (2003) have argued that the growth accounting framework is a useful tool to understand growth experiences across countries. The same authors have, however, noted the limitations of this methodology. A key weakness relates to the interpretation that the measured residual from the growth accounting exercise represents TFP growth. In practice, in addition to providing a measure of gains in economic efficiency, the residual may also reflect a number of other factors, including political disturbances and conflicts, institutional changes, droughts, external shocks, changes in government policies, and measurement errors. This limitation is particularly important for sub-Saharan African countries mired in conflicts and subject to significant drought-related and external shocks. Also, the results from growth accounting exercise should not be misconstrued as providing the fundamental causes of growth (rather than the proximate sources of growth). Table 5.24: Contribution to Growth :COMESA countries (with Human Capital) 187 Periods Growth Rate 1980-1990 1991-2000 2001-2007 1980-2007 1980-1990 1991-2000 2001-2007 1980-2007 1980-1990 1991-2000 2001-2007 1980-2007 1980-1990 1991-2000 2001-2007 1980-2007 Kenya Mauritius Uganda Zambia 5.5 4.6 1.75 4.3 3.7 6.35 5.6 4.1 5.3 3.5 6.2 5.8 5 1.3 0.5 5.2 2.4 Capital Labour 2.0 1.1 2.1 1.9 2.9 2.4 2.3 2.5 -1.7 2.5 2.1 0.9 1.3 1.2 2.3 1.6 Human Capital 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.9 1.8 0.7 1.5 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 TFP 1.1 -0.85 0.6 0.2 1.25 0.9 0.6 0.9 2.5 1.1 1.8 1.8 -1.5 -2.0 0.5 -1.0 Econometric Approach T his section attempts to investigate the classical determinants of growth for the COMESA case by i) using panel data analysis for the whole sample. We proceed firstly by estimating a Cobb Douglas production function to consolidate results from the growth accounting framework and then in the second instance we examine the relative contribution of some selected policy variables to growth using an augmented Solow growth model. We shall also attempt to estimate the optimum level of these policy variables proxies to help in assisting policy decisions. 5.5.1 The Econometric Models Following the literature, we alternatively adopt similar economic framework and selected the classical explanatory variables of model based on the work of Barro (1991, 1998); Mankiw, et al. (1992), Levine and Renelt (1992); Islam (1995); Krueger and Lindahl, (2001) and Easterly (2001) whereby a standard production function is derived from the augmented Solow-type model. Fosu (1999), Tahari, Ghura, Akitoby, and Aka (2004) and Khadaroo and Seetanah (2007, 2008) recently used such specification for their respective works based on Africa. The panel model specifications take the form: yit f (k , l )it (5.12) yit f (k , l , open, edu, pdgdp, fdi,inf, govtconsump, pol )it 188 (i 1, 2,....n) (5.13) where y is total output, k open proxies the level of trade openness, countries debt level, fd is financial development, inf is is the capital stock, l is labour, edu is the level of education. pdgdp is a inflation, fdi represents foreign direct investment, govtconsump government consumption and pol is political situation. Note that equations (5.12) and (5.13) are the Solow and augmented Solow growth models, respectively. In the growth literature there exist a unanimous consensus (see Delong and Summers, 1990, 1994; Reinhart, 1989 and more recently Sala-i-Martin, 1997 and Arin 2004) of the role of capital investment in promoting economic performance, possibly because technological change is embodied in recent vintages of capital. This is measured by the level of capital stock of the respective countries (refer to previous section). Openness of the country is included in the model following the work of Dollar (1992), Sachs and Warner (1995) and Edwards (1998). These authors supported the idea that increased trade openness raised economic growth through access for a country to the advances of technological knowledge of its trade partners, access bigger markets and encouraging the development of R&D through increasing returns to innovation and also through providing developing countries with access to investment and intermediate goods that are vital to their development processes. In addition, they are likely to have a greater division of labour and production processes that are more consistent with their comparative advantages, which enable them to grow faster. Openness is captured by the ratio of total trade to GDP. Following the arguments and empirical evidences of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992), Barro (1998) and more recently Temple (2001), education is to account for the quality of labour. This is because human capital could be thought of as affecting economic growth in the sense that workers with higher levels of education or skills should, ceteris paribus, be more productive and more inventive and innovative. Higher levels of human capital may also encourage capital accumulation, or may raise the rate of technological catch-up for follower countries (Temple, 2001). The secondary enrolment ratio is used to proxy for the above. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private non guaranteed longterm debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Theoretically inadequate debt management and a permanent growth of debt level to GDP ratio may result in negative macroeconomic performance, like crowding out of investment, financial system instability, inflationary pressures, exchange rate fluctuations and more importantly adverse effects on economic growth. The theoretical underpinnings (see Krugman, 1988; Savvides 1992; Agénor and Montiel, 1996; Serven, 1997 and Moss et al, 2003) are linked namely to debt overhang, liquidity constraint, fiscal effect, productivity suppression and reduction in human capital accumulation along which external debts affects negatively growth. There are also certain social and political implications of unsustainable debt burden. Persistent and high public debt calls for a large piece of budgetary resources for debt servicing. As a result, the government finds itself with no other alternative but to cut allocations for other public services. The relationship between inflation and GDP growth is twofold. In the short run, high inflation can be associated with high growth in high activity cycles. In the long run, however, high inflation is associated with macroeconomic policy miss-management and is expected to have a negative impact on growth. Fischer (1993) show that growth is negatively associated with inflation, huge budget deficits and distorted foreign exchange markets. Fischer and Modigliani (1978) argued that inflation uncertainty reduces efficiency by discouraging long-term contracts and increasing relative price variability. A high and unpredictable rate of inflation generally results in poor performance of businesses and households. While most authors find growth and inflation to be inversely related (see Fischer 1993, Levine and Renelt, 1992, Cozier and Selody, 1992; Levine and Zervos, 1993 and Barro, 1995) with the implication that inflation is quite costly, there are exceptions (Sala-I-Martin, 1991). The financial system is also known to affect the level of economic growth in a country. According to Levine and Zervos (1993), economies with more developed and more efficient financial 189 systems will be able to more effectively allocate savings to the best investments, which in turn leads to increased productivity, potentially higher savings rates, and faster growth. Financial development is directly linked with money supply growth. Financial development is measured as the ratio of M3 to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It a typical measure of ‘Financial Depth’ and has been widely used (King and Levine, 1993). Most theoretical and empirical findings imply that foreign direct investment has a strong positive growth impact on the recipient economy (Dunning and Narula(1996); Borenstein, et al.(1998), Markusen and Venables 1999, Balasubramanyam, et al. (1996); Bende-Nabende and Ford 1998; Soto 2000, Li and Liu 2005). Nyatepe-Coo (1998) and Bosworth and Collins (1999) in their studies including African states reported positive contribution of FDI. Obwona (1999) also found similar results for Uganda and Akinlo (2004) for the case of Nigeria. However, Cockcroft and Riddell (1991) results suggested that FDI made a negligible contribution to productivity in most African countries during the 1980s. Assanie and Singletone (2002) confirmed such results. We use the ratio of the country’s FDI inflows to GDP to capture FDI flows in the COMESA states. Other alternative policy variables have also been included in the model specification. Barro (1995) argued that government policies play a very crucial role in determining where an economy will go in the long run. For example, favourable public policies including better maintenance of law, fewer distortions of private markets, less non-productive government consumption and greater public investment in high-return areas – lead, in the long run, to higher levels of real per capita GDP. Hall and Jones (1997) believe that differences in levels of economic success across countries are driven mainly by the institutions and government policies and political stability that frame the economic environment. We thus include pol , namely, the political risk rating as provided by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG 2003). The rating awards the highest value to the lowest risk and the lowest value to the highest risk and provides a mean of assessing the political and institutional framework of the countries5 (see ICRG 1999). Higher government saving is likely to support aggregate economic growth through two ways: (1) countries which have higher government saving rates also tend to have greater overall savings and investment, and therefore grow faster; and higher government saving indicates sound overall macroeconomic management, which lowers risks for investors and increases investment (Barro, 1991). Thus prudent government fiscal policies appear to be associated with faster overall economic growth. Many studies examine the role of government fiscal surpluses and deficits in affecting economic growth. The general view is that high levels of government deficits are bad for growth (Fischer, 1993). Fischer emphasises the importance of a stable and sustainable fiscal policy, to achieve a stable macroeconomic framework. Easterly and Rebelo (1992) find a consistent negative relationship between growth and budget deficits. Levine and Zervos (1993) attempt to measure the role of government in economic activity by using the ratio of government consumption to GDP. They find a negative relationship between government consumption to GDP and growth, though insignificant. Barro (1991) also states that growth is inversely related to the share of government consumption in GDP. We thus adopt a similar measure of Barro (1991) and Levine and Zervos (1993), that is, the ratio of government consumption to GDP, in an attempt to capture the above. 5.5.2 Empirical Results Data Equations(5.12) and (5.13) were estimated by OLS and dynamic panel frameworks. The main source of the data was the IFS, World Bank World Development Indicators (various issues) and the Penn World Table 6.1 (updated). The number ( n ) of countries in the study is 12 over the period 1980-2007. All the variables are form except, inf and pol . 190 We commenced the empirical analysis by carrying out panel unit root tests following the approach of Im, Pesaran, and Shin (IPS) (1995) who developed a panel unit root test for the joint null hypothesis that every time series in the panel is non stationary, we could reject a unit root in favour of stationarity (the results were also confirmed by the Fisher-ADF and Fisher-PP panel unit root tests) at the 5 percent significance level and it was deemed safe to continue with the panel data estimates of the above econometric specification. Results of Panel Analysis Table 5.25 presents the results of OLS panel estimation. From column 2 (the Cobb Douglas specification), labour appears to have had a relatively greater influence on growth with an output elasticity of 0.61 (that is a one percent change in labour is likely to bring a 0.61% change in the output of the countries in the sample. It is interesting to note that this reconcile to a large extent the results obtained from the growth accounting exercise in section above. The augmented Solow Growth Model (column 3) reveals that the capital stock of the country remains the major driver of growth with openness level, education and FDI playing promising roles as well. The key role of capital stock and investment in promoting growth is in line with earlier studies of Beddies (1999) for the case of Gambia, Ghura and Hadjimichael (1996), Rodrik (1998), Calamitsis, Basu Variable Table 5.25: OLS (fixed) panel estimates, dependent variable, y (t-values in parentheses). Cobb Douglas Augmented Solow(2) Augmented Growth (1) Model (3) k 0.53 0.45 ( 5.24)*** l 0.61 ( 5.66)*** 0.39 ( 6.25)*** ( 4.34)*** 0.39 0.25 ( 2.11)* ( 2.43)* open 0.25 0.23 ( 2.11)** edu ( 2.31)** 0.28 0.21 ( 4.51)*** ( 2.55)*** 0.17 pdgdp ( 3.06)*** fd 0.14 0.11 ( 3.07)*** ( 2.77)*** 0.16 inf 0.18 ( 9.28)*** fdi ( 5.45)*** 0.18 0.21 ( 3.35)*** ( 2.33)** Govtconsump 0.15 pol 0.17 ( 2.34)** ( 2.14)* 2 R Observations Hausman Test 0.46 336 0.51 336 prob 2 0.00 0.54 336 prob 2 0.01 Note *significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, ***significant at 1% -The quantities in brackets are the heteroscedastic robust t/z-values. -No serial correlation was detected according to Bhargava, Franzini and Narendranathan (BFN) (1982). -Note that in specification 2 and 3, the k variable was replaced by the ratio of savings to GDP (savings/GDP) and coefficients of 0.4 and 0.34 were respectively obtained. The coefficients of the other explanatory variables did not change significantly. 191 and Ghura (1999) for a sample of Sub Saharan countries and Fosu (2001) for a larger sample of African states. More recently Makdisi, Fattah and Limam estimated a coefficient of 0.2 for the case of the MENA region and O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) an output elasticity of 0.4. It is noteworthy that Aisen (2007) estimated a value of 0.33 for the Emerging Asia case. Openness is also observed to be another important ingredient of growth in COMESA states. This confirms the results of Sachs and Warner (1997), Sacerdoti,et al. (1998), Calamitsis, Basu and Ghura (1999) and Fosu (2001) and dirk de Willem for sample of African countries. The coefficient obtained is lower as compared to most other region of the world and may imply a lower impact of openness on growth in the COMESA region. This may be explained by the prolonged application of inward-looking strategies based on import substitution, by many countries during the 1960’s and 1970’s. This can also be explained by the fact that the region continues to be among the least integrated regions in the World. O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) also reported an elasticity of 0.15. However Kim and Hanh (xxx) for the East and South Asia case observed an elasticity of 0.74 while Aisen observed 0.4. As expected, a significant and positive relationship is derived from education. The implied elasticity of output with respect to human capital varies between 0.21-0.27, suggesting its vital role for COMESA. Knight, et al. (1992) and Barro (1991, 1995) also obtained an elasticity of around 0.2 education for large panel data sets. Beddies (1999), for the Gambian case, Khadaroo and Seetanah (2007) for Mauritius and Calamitsis, et al. (1999), Sacerdoti, et al. (1998) and Rodrik (1998) also confirm such results for the African context. The positive and non negligible impact of FDI on COMESA performance concur with the findings with that of Nyatepe-Coo (1998), Bosworth and Collins (1999) and Assanie and Singletone (2002) for the case of developing countries which include African panel data set. For countries case Obwona (1999) for Uganda, Akinlo (2004) for Nigeria and Subramanian and Roy (2001) for Mauritius obtained similar positive effects. Our results are however not in line with Cockcroft and Riddell (1991) who suggested that FDI made a negligible contribution to productivity in most African countries during the 1980s. The relative lower impact of FDI for African states in general (including COMESA) may be due to the fact the these countries have not really attracted that level of FDI which could have important threshold effects. Financial depth (as proxied by the ratio of money supply to GDP) is also interestingly observed to have a positive, although a relatively lower impact on growth of COMESA countries. Allen and Ndikumana (1998) for the case of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) found some evidence of a positive correlation between financial development and growth of real per capita GDP. O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) recently reported a coefficient of 0.16 for a sample of African countries and Seetanah and Padachi (2007) an elasticity of 0.05 for the case of 40 Sub Saharan African countries. As per theoretical prediction, inflation and public debt are seen to have negative influence on economic performance. The adverse effect of inflation is consistent with pioneering work from Barro (1995). Te velde (2000) and Ghura and Hadjimichael (1996) also reported negative association of inflation for SSA region. O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) additionally reported an output elasticity of -0.1 for a sample of African country. Recently Aisen (2007) showed that inflation has also be country growth enhancing for the case of Asian countries. The reported negative and significant coefficient of external debt (-0.17) from specification 2 tallies with the findings of the debt overhang hypothesis features supported by research from Iyoha (1996), Fosu (1999), Mbanga and Sikod (2001) and Clements, et al. (2003) for developing countries. The estimated coefficient is close to Seetanah and Durbarry (2007) who estimated an elasticity of -0.16 for a sample of SSA while Makdisi, Fattah and Limam obtained -0.1 for Mena Region and O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) -0.05 for a sample of African states. Kasibhatla and Stewart (2007) also recently showed that that debt overhang impeded growth in Latin American economies severely and the impact was moderately negative in the Asian region. As far as the third econometric equation is concerned (refer to column 3) the variable pol, which is a proxy the political and institutional framework of the countries turned out to be negative and 192 insignificant in line with theoretical predictions and empirical works of Gynimah-Brempong and Traynor (1999) and Rodrik (1998) for Africa. Our estimated coefficient of -0.17 is not too far from that obtained from O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) with a reported elasticity of -0.14 Government consumption which comes as another alternative policy variables in specification 3 is also confirmed to have a negative impact on growth with the estimated parameter more or less in the range of that obtained by Te velte (2005) and O’Connell and Ndulu (2000) (-0.1 to -0.2). Sacerdoti, Brunschwig and Tang (1998) earlier found similar results and Aisen (2007) lately reported elasticity of 0.2 from a cross country of Asian economies. We also included the level of infrastructural availability (here in lieu of government consumption), measured as the level number of kilometers of paved roads and also additionally by the number of telephone lines per 1000 inhabitants (data available from the WDI) in the above specification for still further analysis. Although we have not reported the entire set of results here, but a positive and significant correlation coefficient of 0.13 and 0.07 respectively were estimated suggesting that infrastructural support also enhances growth. These results are in line with Khadaroo and Seetanah (2007, 2008) for the African case. Finally, we expand our analysis towards determining whether some determinants, if available and combined simultaneously and together would also benefit growth in the COMESA states. We do so by interacting some pairs of explanatory variables (each in turn) namely trade openness and education, trade openness and FDI, FDI and capital stock and also capital stock and financial development. The results while including the above interacting terms yields notable findings as they all turned out to be positive and significant indicating that the growth effects are still better with the simultaneous presence of some ingredients. The other results obtained previously did not change significantly and confirms robustness. Table 5.26 presents the results of the dynamic panel regression using GMM estimators (Arellano and Bond’s 1991). The estimated equation passes the diagnosis test related to Sargan Test, which is a test for over-identifying restrictions. The reported p − values for the Sargan test on over-identification suggest no invalid over-identifying restrictions. The results from the dynamic panel analysis validate and consolidate the main findings from the previous analysis and gives short run estimates. Interestingly the positive and significant coefficient of yt-1 from the table suggests that lagged income of the countries in the sample contributes positively towards the current level of y confirming the existence of dynamism and endogeineity in the modelling framework. This is consistent with recent works from Bende-Nabende, Ford, Sen and Slater (2000) and Choe (2003) and Li and Liu (2005). In fact the value of the coefficient of the lagged income is 0.41 implying a coefficient of partial adjustment α of 0.59. This means that y in one year is 59 percent of the difference between the optimal and the current level of y. The other explanatory variables are also confirmed to be important ingredients in explaining growth pattern in these countries. Table 5.26: GMM estimated Dynamic Panel Model Cob-Douglas(1) Augmented Solow Growth(2) Augmented Solow Growth(3) yt 1 0.66 (3.3)*** 0.41 (7.87)*** 0.35 (5.84)*** kt 0.20 (1.89)* 0.24 (5.37)*** 0.15 (5.65)*** lt 0.50 (1.81)* 0.30 (2.21)** 0.27 (1.99)* 0.13 (3.3)*** 0.20 (3.24)*** opent 193 educt 0.12 (1.65)* 0.09 (1.34) 0.07 ( 3.06)*** pdgdpt fdt 0.06 (3.62)*** 0.06 (3.23)*** inf t 0.11 ( 7.19)*** 0.11 ( 6.14)*** fdit 0.12 (2.34)** 0.13 (2.23)** govtconsumpt 0.06 ( 1.99)* pol 0.11 ( 2.12)* Sargan Test of Over identifying restrictions prob 2 0.21 prob 2 0.23 -*significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, ***significant at 1% -The small letters denotes variables in natural logarithmic, d denotes variables in first difference and the heteroscedastic-robust z-values are in parentheses -Note that in specification 2 and 3, the k variable was replaced by the ratio of savings to GDP (savings/GDP) and coefficients of 0.23 and 0.15 were respectively obtained. The coefficients of the other explanatory variables did not change significantly. 5.6 0ptimal Economic Ratios Based on the Experience of NIEs The growth performance of the COMESA region has always been less on average as compared to most region of the world with an average real growth rate of around 3% (and 4% during the recent years). The Newly Industrialized Countries (South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, Philipiness, Thailand and Turkey) recorded an average of 6.5 percent real growth late in 2007. Taking the above categories of countries as a useful benchmark, in this section we attempt to determine optimal economic ratios with respect to savings/investment, and export and import to GDP ratio. It is hoped that this may help in assisting COMESA member countries in economic planning based on the experience of Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs). 5.6.1 The Incremental Capital-Output Ratio In recent years, the use of incremental capital output ratios and the Harrod-Domar model as a suitable framework for estimating development finance requirements has come under criticism. However, no alternative methodology is available, so this approach is used here. The growth of output (Y/Y) can be expressed as the product of the ratio of investment to national output (I/Y) and the productivity if investment (Y/I), that is (Y/Y)= (I/Y) (Y/I) This is in line to Harrod’s model of growth (1939) where g=s/c where g is the growth rate ((Y/Y); s is the savings ratio(S/Y), and c is the incremental capital output ratio ((Y/I). The latter is the 194 amount of investment or increase in the capital stock required to increase the flow of output by one unit (this is the reciprocal of the productivity of investment, (Y/I)) The simple Harrod growth framework has been very useful for planning and forecasting purposes and in assisting target plans and ratios for many developing countries. Thus for a given capital output ratio for a country, the required rate of savings and investment can be determined to achieved a targeted growth rate. Thus if a country wishes to growth at 5 per cent per annum, from the above, and given a capital-output ratio of 3, then it must have a saving and investment ratio of 15%. If less savings is achieved, the growth will be lower (unless the incremental capital-output ratio is reduced or alternatively the productivity of investment is raised.) Taking the above economic framework into account, the optimal savings and investment rates of the COMESA states is estimated, using the growth rates of the NICs as a benchmark. An important element is the incremental capital output ratio. Nehru and Dhareshwar (1994), Amoako (1999), McQuinn and Whelan (2007) and Khadaroo and Seetanah (2007) suggested that such ratio for the case of Africa and developing countries is around 4. Lighhart (2000), Pedroni and Canning (1999), Canning and Bennathan (2000) used similar ratio for a wider sample of countries. From Table 5.31, the average incremental capital output ratio for COMESA countries is 4.1. Thus for the case of COMESA as a whole, investment and savings of 4.1 x 6.5 = 26.7 per cent of GDP would be needed to reach the NIC actual annum growth. The current domestic investment rate in the COMESA is around an average of 19 per cent of GDP for 2007 and is below those regions such as Central Asia (23%), and Latin America 21% and East Asia around 35%. Thus a further 7% would be needed from external sources to finance the gap. It should be noted that some countries such as Mauritius, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia are not far from these target ratios. Table 5.31 gives a country wise comparative analysis of the optimum savings/investment ratios. The respective incremental capital output ratio has been estimated as above with the optimum ration subsequently calculated taking NIC growth as a benchmark. As confirmed some countries are very close to the optimal while other faces some savings-investment gaps that need to be closed by external financing. 5.6.2 Optimal Import Ratios As discussed in the Harrod model of growth previously, the relation between growth and saving is determined by the incremental capital-output ratio (c), (g = s/c), where g is the growth rate and s is the saving ratio. Ahmad (2001) likewise argued that the growth rate can be expressed as the product of the incremental output-import ratio ( Y/M = m) and the ratio of investment goods imports to income (M/Y = i), i.e. g=im. Thus if domestic saving is calculated to be less than the level required to achieve the target rate of growth, there is said to exist an investment-saving gap. Similarly, if minimum import requirements to achieve the growth target are calculated to be greater than the maximum level of export earnings available for investment purposes, there is said to exist an import-export gap. If the target growth rate is to be achieved, foreign capital flows must fill both of the two gaps. The incremental output-import ratio ( Y/M = m) has been generated for each selected countries and are reported in Table 5.27. The average for the COMESA comes to 0.21. Thus based on the fact g = im and with a targeted growth rate of 6.5, the optimum import to output ration amounts to 30. Country specific optimum ratios have been subsequently generated and are reported below. In general the optimal import requirements to achieve the growth target are seen to be greater than the actual level of export earnings available for investment purposes and thus an import-export gap exists with the exceptions of few COMESA states. Table 5.27: Comparative optimal Ratios of Savings/Investments and Import/Exports Countries Ethiopia Mauritius Zambia Uganda Kenya Egypt Malawi 195 Burundi NIC =6.5% c I / Y m Y / M I* M* Actual I Actual m Actual x 3.7 0.18 24 36 20 42 16 5.7 4 0. 14 26 47 25 67 60 3.8 0.24 25 27 24 30 38 4.5 0.24 29 27 23 29 15 3.9 0.18 26 36 19 36 26 4 0.24 26 27 25 30 17 4.3 0.23 28 28 24 29 17 4.8 0.16 31 40 17 48 11 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations T he broad objective of this paper was to undertake a study on the sources of growth in some selected COMESA Member countries, making use of accounting frameworks and econometrics analysis. The extended growth accounting frameworks (both Cobb-Douglas and Solow) we used shed light on the importance of labour quality in influencing output elasticity. Together with quality of labour, other major drivers of growth are openness level, capital stock and FDI. Together with investment in capital and technology, including infrastructure development, there is a need for persistent accumulation in human capital – re-training, multi-skilling and continuous capacity building. The results from the econometrics study are also along the same line. Openness is observed to be an important ingredient of growth. Therefore, removal of especially NTBs as far as possible to facilitate and reduce costs of international trade would enhance growth. The human capital variable significantly explains growth. Investment in human capital, through increased literacy rate and through technical and professional formation, would add to the level of growth of COMESA member countries. As it is currently, in some countries, there are (remote) areas where the level of absenteeism and failure rates are quite high. Financial depth is also interestingly observed to have a positive impact on growth of COMESA countries. In order to mobilize higher levels of savings for investment, it is important to have a welldeveloped capital market. Mauritius and Egypt already have a quite developed capital market and have plans to further develop the markets to induce investment. The econometric study has shown the importance of some other variables like political and institutional stability and infrastructural availability as important factors In view of the aggregate nature of our study and in light of the above findings, several relevant policy issues deserve further analysis within a country specific context. This policy recommendation section is based on the analysis on COMESA mainly as an aggregated group. However, for practical policy recommendation, the members within COMESA have to be studied more in details. In the study, there have been some attempts to deal with country cases but still these country cases can be studied deeper and then formulate policies regarding the growth of each member state. The following points should however be noted. To achieve sustainable growth in the future, COMESA countries must take policy measures that should substantially enlarge and diversify their economic base. Industrial policies, while changing the structure of the economy should attempt to create more value added products. More value added products could mean a shift from agricultural sector to manufacturing sector or from an agricultural based economy to an agro-industry based economy. Growth requires non-marginal change that market forces alone may not generate. Governments need to coordinate investment decisions to promote a ‘Big Push’. The strategy involves changing the incentive structure to redirect investment towards more value added industries. There is a need to investigate and assess each country’s resource availability and past industrial and trade policies before coming up with new improved policies. 196 The importance of capital and technology has been highlighted in the analysis of NICs section. It has also been highlighted that the level of savings, capital and investment for some COMESA members are much lower than the required rates to reach the growth levels of NICs. In order to mobilize higher levels of savings, it is important to have a well-developed capital market. However, many COMESA members do not have such a capital market, although the banking sector is well developed in many COMESA members. Financial investors do not therefore have the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of well diversified financial assets which could help in further mobilize savings. As a medium-term strategy, the COMESA member countries should consider developing their capital markets and also further developed the money markets by developing new financial instruments to mobilize savings. Some COMESA members have already started developing their capital markets. For example, the Egyptian stock market is equipped with one of the most advanced trading floor and a highly sophisticated interactive web site, with E – Business solutions. The stock exchange of Mauritius also constitutes a stateof-the-art electronic trading system built on third generation technology. Trading in securities is conducted through dedicated trading workstations located at intermediate dealers and linked by communication lines to the stock exchange of Mauritius trading engine. The stock exchange of Mauritius has also introduced the trading of treasury bills, i.e. an active secondary market for government instruments. In an attempt to help increase domestic savings to finance investments and increase economic growth rates, in 1998, Egypt enacted an insurance legislation which permits private sector entry into the capital of Egypt’s three state-owned insurance companies. The new law also removed all restrictions on minority foreign ownership of insurance firms and abolished the ban on service by foreign nationals as corporate officers. As from 2008, in Mauritius, government employees contribute 6% of their salary in a pension scheme. This is an attempt to further mobilize savings in the country. Another example is the establishment of Micro Finance Bank in Pakistan, which is a major private sector investment and will encourage other domestic and international entrepreneurs to invest in Micro Finance sector. However, parallel to initiatives and policies designed to mobilizing domestic savings, which is a medium term strategy, in order not to stick to the low-savings low-investment trap in the short term, there is a need to promote FDI. Of course in an attempt to further increase FDI, image building and investor targeting is important. In order to attract FDI it is also important is to remove all unnecessary obstacles in doing business in the country. In this context, the world Bank Doing Business index and ranking can be used as an indicator. Egypt, with a rank of 114 (out of 181 countries) in 2009 is the only COMESA member out of the top ten reformers in doing business in 2007/2008 (ranked 125 in 2008). The only COMESA member that ranks among the top 25 countries is Mauritius. Most of the COMESA members are well after the 100th. Measures to reduce the cost of doing business in Mauritius started with the 2006 Business Facilitation Act which provided a new legal framework whereby businesses operated on the basis of selfadherence to comprehensive and clear guidelines and the authorities checked for compliance by exercising ex post control, facilitate doing of business and acquisition of properties by foreigners and enable small enterprises to start their business activities within 3 working days. It should be noted that well devised industrial policies as proposed in point 1 above do not always lead to the intended results. A good example is the case of Nigeria. A case study on Nigerian manufacturing highlighted that in 2000 Nigeria was one of the most unindustrialised economies in the world with manufacturing value-added accounting for only 5% of GDP (lower than levels at independence in 1960). This was the case in spite of government’s huge investment in the industrial sector, active industrial policies as well as a restrictive trade policy with effective rate of protection higher than the developing country average. This is also in spite of four different national development plans (1962–1985), and industrialization as the number one priority of successive governments in Nigeria.21 There is a need for the industrial policies to go in tandem with measures that is needed to enhance their capacity to withstand adverse domestic and external shocks and lessen their exposure to the volatility that the region as a whole has experienced. For example, due to the concentrated nature of production, 21 ODI (2007) Creating Country Trade Negotiations Strategies 197 principally due to trade preferences, COMESA countries have suffered a lot during the soaring oil price increase and some of the COMESA countries seriously faced the adverse effects of trade liberalization like the end of MFA agreement and reduction in sugar prices imported by the EU. There is a further need for private-public partnerships (PPPs) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Given that the state normally intervenes in the market to correct all sorts of market inefficiencies, investment by the state should have been enhancing private investment. However, due to the high level of corruption in some of the COMESA countries and the long procedures to start business, PPPs and CSR should be well developed so that the private sector participates to a larger extent in the development of the economies. For example, in Mauritius, the Minister of Finance, in his Budget Speech 2007/08, appealed to the private sector to dedicate at least 1 % of profits to social activities in guise of solidarity with the vulnerable and poor. In fact, it has become difficult for Government alone to address the major social concerns of the country especially given its well-documented weak fiscal position. The private sector has responded positively to his appeal. Countries should look for opportunities in the changing international economic environment. There is however a need for capacity building of the staffs of the governments of member countries so that they understand the changing global business framework – WTO, Technical Barriers to Trade, Sanitory and Phytosanitary measures etc – and the tools available to make analysis and take decisions thereafter. Policies of greater openness and integration in the world economy should be vigorously pursued simultaneously with appropriate domestic economic and institutional reforms. The role of the state is important. Removal of internal barriers to doing business is not all. The state has the essential role to make it cheap to do business. This means that the state should invest massively in infrastructure – road networks, high-speed Internet connection not only in main cities, make it cheaper to make international calls and send faxes, set up organizations that will help investors in the process of setting up their firms, set up specialized organizations to guide domestic investors in understanding the international markets and conduct market profiling for them, make information cheap and reliable. Governments may also provide broad-based tax incentives for R&D. Governments should encourage a supportive environment for the private sector, including active competition policies, the application of the rule of law, an open framework for trade and investment and sound fiscal and monetary policies. In the area of finance, policies need both to promote domestic savings and to attract external resources for productive investment. tors that may affect growth. 5.8 References Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S. and Robinson, J.A. (2003) “ Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth,” Handbook of Economic Growth, Amsterdam, Elsevier. Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S. and Robinson, J.A. (2005) “ An African Success Story: Botswana,” In Search of Prosperity, ed. Dodrik, Princeton University Press. Adei, S. (2007) “Political and Management Leadership for Change and Development in Africa”, Paper presented in the African Association for Public Administration and Management. Adjibolosoo S. 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F (2001) “Towards a theory of the entrepreneurial state”, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 28, Number 9, pp. 752-766 202 Appendix Table A1:Capital Shares in various Regions and countries Table A2: Sub-Saharan Africa: Sources of Real GDP Growth by Sub-Group of Countries, 19602002 Source: Tahari, Ghura, Akitoby, and Aka, 2004 203 Table 4: SSA: Sources of Real GDP Growth, by Subgroup of Countries and by Decades, 19602000 Source: Bosworth and Collins (2003). Table 10. Sources of Growth in the World by Region, 1960-2000 Table 5:Sub-Saharan Africa: Sources of Real GDP Growth, by Subgroup of Countries and by Decades, 1960-2000 204 6.0 Co-ordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies Noah Mutoti 6.1 Introduction E ffective monetary-fiscal co-operation is the only framework within which policy may be successfully conducted in small open economies to promote internal equilibrium (price stability) at the same time external equilibrium, that is, sustainable balance of payments according to Fry (1995)). Sargent and Wallace(1981) as well as Lambertini, et al. (2001) emphasize fiscal discipline as a pre-requisite for monetary stability.Laurens and Enrique (1998) add that co-ordination of monetary and fiscal policies ensures credibility since the appearance of conflict (between the central bank and the treasury) tends, in general, to undermine macroeconomic policy and in particular, increases uncertainty in financial markets as well as price and output volatility, besides provoking capital flights. On the whole, without the monetary and fiscal authorities taking into account each other’s objectives and actions, financial instability could ensue, leading to high interest rates, exchange rate pressures, rapid inflation and adverse impact on economic growth. Why fiscal policy matters for monetary policy and vice versa is because there is little standing to lowering inflation by monetary measures alone in the presence of soaring budget deficits and public debt (Dahan (1998)). Further, not only does public debt management affect monetary policy through interest rates, it too complicates the central bank’s task of maintaining an orderly behaviour of monetary aggregates. On the other hand, the degree of monetary policy credibility is vital for effective fiscal management. Because credible monetary policy, to some extent, implies an independent central bank, it prevents or minimizes the monetization of fiscal deficits. The actions of the monetary authority also have a bearing on public debt. While relaxed monetary policy would initially facilitate government borrowing at lower cost, the inflation that may follow would cause upward adjustments in nominal interest rates to cover investors’ perceived risks, in the end raising the cost of debt service. This paper discusses the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) perspective on the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies in Zambia, Uganda, Kenya and Malawi. The goal is not to break any new theoretical ground but rather to delineate the procedures in these selected COMESA member countries for bringing about co-ordination between central banks and fiscal authorities in pursuit of common objectives of price stability and sustained economic growth. To this end, Section 6.2 provides a survey of the literature on the rationale for co-ordination. The focus is on the institutional arrangements, which is highly relevant as in recent years, most COMESA countries, if not all, in line with the worldwide trend, have set up institutional and operational mechanisms to ensure more efficient policy conduct. Section 6.3 outlines the theoretical framework. This is followed by empirical analyses of the relation between fiscal deficits, money supply and inflation. Concluding comments and necessary policy adjustments in cases of non-coordination to avoid negative consequences of macro and financial sector instability are contained in Section 6.5. 6.2 Rationale for Co-ordination T he rationale for the monetary and fiscal policy coordination is derived from the following interrelated objectives. First, it is to set internally consistent and mutually agreed targets of 205 monetary and fiscal policies with a view to achieve non-inflationary stable growth. Second, it is to facilitate effective implementation of policy decisions by setting targets of monetary and fiscal policies efficiently through a mutually supportive information sharing. Third, to compel the central bank and government adopt sustainable policy. Overall, without efficient policy coordination, financial instability could ensue, leading to high interest rates, exchange rate pressures, rapid inflation, and adverse impact on economic growth. Dahan(1998), Laurens and Enrique (1998) as well as Hilbers(2005) add that the main sphere of interaction between monetary and fiscal policies relates to the financing of the budget deficit and monetary management. The particular stance of monetary policy affects the capacity of the government to finance the budget deficit by changing the cost of debt service and by limiting or expanding the available resources of financing. At the same time, the financing needs of the government and its funding strategies place constraints on the operational independence of the monetary authority. Not only does efficient coordination make it easier for policy makers to achieve their policy objectives, it also ensures the commitment of decisions markers responsible for the two policy areas to mutually agreed objectives. Equally important for the overall policy framework is achieving credibility. The stabilization of expectations through monetary policy can only be successful if public finances do not give rise to destabilizing expectations, as the pursuit of price stability could lead to high interest rates owing to an unfavourable perception of the fiscal stance. Public debt management is an additional area that requires the fiscal and monetary authorities closely working together. The capacity of the government to place debt at low financial cost depends, to a large degree, on the stance of monetary policy. An expansionary monetary policy would initially permit the placement of public debt in the market at low interest rates. If inflation follows the implementation of relaxed monetary policy or if the budget deficit grows rapidly, given the prevailing low financial costs, investors would demand high interest rates to cover the perceived risks, in the end raising the cost of debt service. On the other hand, a restrictive monetary policy could initially increase the cost of debt service, but if applied in a co-ordinated fashion with fiscal policy, it would help to build up credibility. In carrying out open market operation (OMO), the central bank must decide whether to intervene by transacting in its own paper (deposit) or in government securities. The choice between these instruments depends on the characteristics of the financial market and on the ability of the monetary and fiscal authorities to co-ordinate policy targets and operational procedures. The ideal choice is to have the central bank conduct OMO in the secondary market, while the treasury places debt in the primary market. This permits the fiscal and monetary authorities to pursue their own objectives simultaneously, while government securities stand to gain in liquidity. Even in the absence of a well-developed secondary market, whereby both authorities operate in the primary market, the importance of policy co-ordination cannot be overstated if the goals of both authorities are to be accomplished. Where the central bank issues its own securities for monetary policy purposes while the treasury issues government paper to support debt management objectives, co-ordination is necessary not only to achieve efficient market segmentation but also to avoid competition between the fiscal authorities---who try to reduce the costs of debt service---and the monetary authorities—would try to maintain interest rates high enough to prevent excessive build up of liquidity. Co-ordination is also inevitable during liberalization of the financial sector (World Bank(1989)). Such reforms could only proceed within a framework of a supportive fiscal policy that provides macroeconomic stability. If high fiscal deficits persist while the authorities are undertaking such reforms, interest rates would rise to unprecedented levels or, if the interest rates are kept at artificially low levels, either inflation would surge or the demand for credit and distortions in resource allocations would grow significantly. In either case, the financial reform program more than likely will be unsuccessful. 6.2.1 Monetary Effects of Fiscal Policy 206 B ecause fiscal policy influences demand pressures, via both direct spending by government and changes to private disposable income (through taxation and the benefit system), it impacts on inflation. In particular, through the monetization of fiscal deficits, fiscal policy undermines monetary policy as it fuels inflationary pressures. Even in the absence of monetization by the central bank, higher deficit policies may cause inflation, as the government’s borrowing requirements will increase the net credit demands, drive up interest rates and crowds out private investment (Miller (1983). The resulting reduction in economic growth would lead to a decrease in the amount of goods available for a given level of cash balances, causing higher price levels. The other channel, through which deficits fuel inflation, when central banks do not monetise the debt, is the private monetization of the debt. This occurs when high interest rates induce the financial sector to develop new interest bearing assets that are almost as liquid as money and are risk free. Hence, the government debt not monetized by the central bank is monetized by the private sector and the inflation effects of higher deficit policies prevail. There is another, more direct channel of fiscal policy affecting central bankers, and that is, the impact of indirect taxes on price levels (Akcay, et al (1996). If governments resort to substantial increases in indirect taxes---sales taxes, value added taxes--- this would have a direct impact on prices, through the wage-price spiral. Alongside these direct relationships, there is a more indirect channel through expectations. Perceptions and expectations of huge budget deficits and resulting large borrowing requirements are likely to trigger a lack of confidence in the economic prospects, posing risks to financial system stability. On the external side, there are risks of too much dependence on foreign funding of domestic debt, arising from unsustainable fiscal deficits. This may result in exchange rate and/or balanceof-payments crises, which are worrisome to central banks. Fiscal policy as well affects monetary policy through public debt. The modality of public debt management influence interest rates, while the financial operations of the government usually complicate the central bank’s task of controlling money supply. Related, the sustainability of the public debt has serious implications for monetary policy. If market participants perceive the growth in public debt as unsustainable, the credibility of the overall policy mix is reduced, and interest rates will rise. And with a liberalized capital account, high interest rates would attract foreign capital that would require monetary sterilization operations by the central bank. 6.2.2 Fiscal Effects of Monetary Policy The degree of monetary policy credibility is an important factor that determines the fiscal position. As credible monetary policy implies an independent central bank, it prevents monetization of government debt to a certain degree. Dahan (1998) summarizes the impact of monetary policy on the fiscal stance. The first one is the revenue effect. In the short-run, tight monetary policy may lead to lower output growth and for that reason, tax revenues might reduce, causing a rise in the budget deficit. Second, is the effect on public debt. A tight monetary policy results in higher interest rates, making servicing public debt expensive. With caution, the overall impact would depend on how economic agents formulate their expectations and the degree of credibility of monetary policy. There are two possibilities: (i) the public expects that the monetary authority will fail to achieve the inflation target and eventually abandon the tight policy (ii) the tight policy will bring down inflation (and inflation expectations) once the policy is announced. In the first scenario, tight policy may lead to higher inflation and higher nominal interest rates. In the second scenario, the expected reaction in inflation tends to decrease the nominal interest rate and thus the debt effect is ambiguous. Further the sign of the debt effect is positive if the government is a net borrower and negative if the government is a net lender. The magnitude of the debt effects depends on the level of public debt, the maturity of government bonds and the share of flexible interest rate on bonds and the sensitivity of various interest rates. 207 The third is on seigniorage. A deceleration in the rate of money creation (through OMO) leads to an increase in debt creation, resulting in higher budget deficits in subsequent periods. This effect is at work depending on the government–central bank relationship. If the central bank is nothing but an agent of the government, such arrangements allows the government to borrow from the central bank (e.g. government has an unlimited access to base money). Thus the central bank sales of government bonds to the private sector have to be replaced by other sources of financing of the budget deficit. This is also consistent with the government not allowed to borrow from the central bank, and yet the central bank has to transfer usually, at the end of the period, the net gains to the treasury. 6.2.3 Essential Features of Effective Monetary –Fiscal Co-ordination To reduce the appearance of conflict between the central bank and the treasury that could undermine the credibility of macroeconomic policy, demands effective co-ordination. This requires appropriate supporting institutions and operational arrangements, the main ones discussed below. Independence of the central bank By central bank independence, we do not mean absolute independence, which in any event does not exist. What is advocated is central bank independence from the political power. Assigning monetary policy responsibilities to an independent central bank insulated from political pressures and having a large degree of operational autonomy is seen as an effective way of anchoring monetary policy to long-run considerations and to resist pressures to trade price stability for temporary increases in output. Specifically, the central bank should be empowered by law to apply the tools of monetary policy without prior approval of the treasury, prohibited by law from lending to government or quasi government on non-market terms, and accountable to parliament. Nonetheless, the fact that a central bank enjoys some form of independence does not mean that it no longer needs to co-ordinate its operations with the fiscal authority. In fact, a crucial element of a successful monetary policy framework based on central bank independence depends on developing efficient means of policy co-ordination between the central bank and the fiscal authority. The theoretical justification for central bank independence, however, weakens in the case of small open economies. The reasoning is that monetary and exchange rate policies are opposite side of the same coin. Central banks in open economies are not independent, in fact, unless they have final authority over the exchange rate. Moreover, because fiscal policy changes affect both monetary and exchange rate targets, the former (targets) are always conditional on fiscal policy . Limiting direct central bank credit to the government An issue closely related to the operational autonomy of the central bank is the extent to which the government can receive direct credit from the central bank. When securities markets are underdeveloped, direct central bank credit is the main source of domestic government financing. Excessive central bank credit is likely to pose a threat to macroeconomic stability. Institutional arrangements to limit direct central bank credit to the government are thus critical to enhance central bank independence and constrain the risk of inflation. Fiscal Discipline 208 When the public sector borrowing requirement arises, the central bank sells government paper, bidding up interest rates and choking off expenditure until the balance of supply and demand of loanable funds is restored. In an open economy, rising interest rates may attract capital inflows, which may directly or indirectly finance the increased government deficit. On the other hand, taking into account information asymmetry, expectations and credibility effects, fiscal indiscipline is costly. If financial markets come to believe that the public sector borrowing requirement is too high, expectations may arise of an acceleration of inflation and /or a depreciation of the exchange rate, meaning that very high interest rates may be required to avoid capital flight. It is for these reasons fiscal discipline is essential to maintain macroeconomic stability. Lack of fiscal discipline generally stems from the use of policy discretion. While some of the benefits of discretion could be seen in terms of the ability of policymakers to respond to unexpected shocks, discretion could be misused, resulting in persistent deficits, rising debt levels, and over time, loss in overall policy credibility. One of the mechanisms that could instil fiscal discipline and improve transparency and accountability is the Fiscal Responsibility Law(FRL). In 1994 New Zealand approved a FRL. Brazil enacted a FRL in 2000 to, inter-alia, establish a broad framework of fiscal planning, execution, and transparency at the federal, state, and municipal levels. But FRL by itself is not enough to guarantee fiscal discipline. Other factors such as existence of sound budget institutions, political consensus for prudent fiscal policy, political commitment to observe the rules, existence of a sound public financial management system, quality of fiscal information and overall transparency of budget execution and reporting are essential elements for fiscal discipline. Developed Financial Markets Since the transmission of monetary and fiscal impulses is by way of financial markets, particularly through interest rates, exchange rate and futures prices, it is unclear how monetary-fiscal co-ordination is to be achieved in the absence of well-developed financial markets. The domestic financial market provides the least distortion source of financing of the fiscal deficit, while the need to pay marketdetermined debt service costs act as a deterrent to large fiscal deficits. At the same time, these markets allow the central bank to conduct monetary policy more efficiently through indirect, market-based instruments. Finally, domestic markets impose discipline on the monetary and fiscal authorities given their responsibilities in ensuring a stable financial environment. Public Debt Management Strategy Already noted, the actions of the monetary authority affect the management of public debt through a variety of channels, including the policy stance, the choice and design of central bank instruments, and the measures taken to promote the development of domestic financial markets. Likewise, the financing strategy of the government to place debt in the market affects monetary policy and puts constrains on the operational autonomy of the central bank. Institutional arrangements may be in the form of a debt and monetary management committee. It can play an important role in coordinating the volume of debt issuance in the primary market with monetary policy goals and help resolve conflicts concerning the stance of policy. 6.3 Government Budget Constraint T he link between fiscal and monetary policy is established through the budget constraints of the fiscal authority and the central bank. That is the accounting identity that insists that every budget deficit must be financed by selling bonds either to the public or to the central bank. 209 This identity points out that today's fiscal-monetary decisions have implications for the number of bonds that will have to be sold to the public today, and thus for the feasible set of fiscal-monetary combinations in future periods. The fiscal budget identity takes the form Gt it 1 BtT1 Tt ( BtT BtT1 ) RCBt (6.1) , where Gt is government expenditure on goods, services and transfers, it 1 BtT1 is interest on the outstanding debt (where BtT is the total debt and it is the interest rate)22, Tt is tax revenue, RCBt denotes direct receipts from the central bank. The monetary authority or central bank also has a budget identity that links changes in its assets and liabilities expressed as ( BtM BtM1 ) RCBt it 1 BtM1 ( H t H t 1 ) (6.2) , where BtM BtM1 is central bank purchase of government debt, it 1 BtM1 is the central bank‘s receipt of interest payments from the Treasury and ( H t H t 1 ) is the change in the high-powered money (or monetary base). Let B BtT BtM be the stock of government interest-bearing debt held by the public, and combing (6.1) and (6.2) yields the consolidated budget constraint Gt it 1Bt 1 Tt ( Bt Bt 1 ) ( Ht Ht 1 ) (6.3) that captures that government spending plus interest payments on outstanding debt must be funded by tax receipts and an increase in public debt as well as high-powered money. The revenue the government gets from an increase in high-powered money is referred to as seigniorage. Define the real interest factor as (1 r ) 1 i ( pt pt 1 ) (6.4) and dividing (6.3) through by the price level pt yields the budget constraint in inflation adjusted or real terms (with lower case denoting real terms), which after re-arranging yields (1 r )bt gt tt bt st 22 (6.5) , Total debt includes foreign debt, which is affected by foreign interest and exchange rate movements 210 where st is the real increase in high-powered money or seigniorage. i.e., the increase in high-powered money adjusted for the level of prices. Iterating (6.5) forward produces T (1 r )bt i 0 T tt i gt i T st i bt i i i i (1 i) i 0 (1 i ) i 0 (1 i ) (6.6) . Relationship (6.6) is the intertemporal budget constraint, showing how the government resources and spending are connected over time and further indicating that the government must plan to raise enough revenue (in the present value terms) through taxation and seigniorage to pay for its existing debt and planned expenditures. A key implication of the intertemporal budget constraint is that any government with a current outstanding debt must run, in the present value terms, future surpluses (Walsh, 2003). One way to generate a surplus is to increase revenues from seigniorage, which brings in the implications of budget deficits for future money growth. Suppose the government decides that for a set path of future spending, it will lower current and future taxes permanently. This will decrease the present discounted value of future surpluses. So to find the path of future spending, the government would need to increase the present discounted value of seigniorage. Since seigniorage is related to high-powered money, money growth must rise in the future. The reverse is true if taxes are increased permanently. Equation(6.6) also provides intuitions on the link between deficits and inflation. If the monetary authority must act to ensure that the government intertemporal budget is balanced, then fiscal policy is set independently, so that the monetary authority generates enough seigniorage to satisfy the intertemporal budget condition. Leeper (1991) describes such a situation, as one in which there is an active fiscal policy and a passive monetary policy. It is also described as a situation of fiscal dominance (or Non-Ricardian fiscal policy). When monetary policy is dependent, it responds to fiscal policy so that seigniorage revenue becomes an important component of government finance. In this case, the treasury might decide to run permanent deficits, a situation that may require seigniorage to make up the gap between the value of the public debt and the present discounted value of budget surpluses. One would expect to see a link between deficits and inflation since monetary policy makers respond to deficit spending. Suppose that whenever there is a change in the present discounted value of seigniorage, fiscal policy adjust so that the intertemporal budget constraint holds. The monetary policy is therefore independent in the sense that monetary policymakers take action without regard to fiscal policy, and then fiscal policy adjusts to maintain a balanced budget (i.e., a Richardian fiscal policy). This is a situation of active monetary policy and passive fiscal policy. With monetary independence, policymakers are free to purse goals such as low and stable inflation and not to worry about money growth to finance treasury budget deficits. In this case, we would not expect a tight link between government budget deficits and inflation, because current budget deficits would be largely offset by future government surpluses. To further this discussion, specifically how does unsustainable fiscal policy affect price stability? The classical view (Sargent and Wallace (1981), which is rooted in the quantity theory of money (QTM), is that fiscal deficits cause inflation because governments that run persistent fiscal deficits tend, over time, to resort to money creation to finance the deficits. However, according to more recent studies leading to a fiscal theory of price level (FTPL) developed by Woodford (1994, and 1998), Leeper (1991), Sims (1994), and Cochrane (1998, and 2000) and extended to an open economy by Daniel (2001), money creation may not be the only channel through which fiscal policy becomes dominant and budget deficits cause inflation. This theory argues that a fiscal dominant (non-Ricardian) regime may arise when fiscal policy is not sustainable and government bonds are considered net wealth (Woodford, 1998). These wealth effects could jeopardize the objective of price stability, irrespective of central bank commitment to low inflation. Thus in a non-Ricardian regimes, it is fiscal, not monetary, policy that determines the price level and becomes the nominal anchor. The FTPL therefore challenges the conventional wisdom dictated by the QTM, which implies that Ricardian regimes are the norm and that sooner or later fiscal policy will have to adjust to guarantee the 211 solvency of the government intertemporal budget constraint. These competing views of the interaction between monetary and fiscal policy and their effects on price stability are very relevant for policy makers. In Ricardian regimes, it is the demand for liquidity and its evolution over time that determines prices. 6.4 Empirical Approach I n the process of examining the existence, in a country, of the essential features for effective fiscal-monetary co-ordination, a number of questions are addressed. What is the extent of monetary and fiscal co-coordinating policy targets and operational procedures? Is there too much dependence on foreign borrowing arising from fiscal difficulties? Has financial operations of the government complicated the ability of the central bank to control money supply? We then proceeded to modelling the link between budget deficits, money and inflation. 6.4.1 Zambia Legal and Institutional Framework Currently, there is no legislation that guarantees an autonomous Bank of Zambia (BOZ). However, BOZ, especially in recent times, has been conducting monetary policy without due influence of the Treasury, entailing some degree of operational independence. The macroeconomic policy framework, which depicts co-ordination between the monetary and fiscal authorities, included the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and the annual budget speech, which clearly reflect the inflation target. Further, the Monetary Policy Committee includes officials from the Ministry of Finance. This suggests some of level co-operations to set policy targets. Fiscal Discipline Table 6.1 and Figure 6.1 suggest that there have been improvements in the fiscal position over the years. Between 2005 and 2007, the domestic budget deficit was cut by more than half to slightly over 2% from slightly over 5% of gross domestic product (GDP), recorded between 1999 and 2001. At the same time, a primary surplus had been registered, partly attributed to favourable economic performance (see Figure 6.2). Following the consistent pursuance of comprehensive market and structural reforms over the past 15 years, there has been a boost in foreign direct investment (FDI), especially in the mining sector, and consequently the economy has witnessed remarkable growth. For eight consecutive years, starting in 1999, positive real GDP growth has been registered and since 2003, it has averaged around 5% annually. The recent commodity boom, including the price of copper, the country’s main stay has assisted in the growth of the economy and government revenue. Since 1992, domestic revenue has exceeded 20 % of GDP. Also there had been expenditure restraints, reflected in total government spending being below 30 % of GDP since 2004. Since 2002, there has been a shift towards heavy reliance on domestic source of deficit financing, such that between 2005 and 2007, foreign financing (of the deficit) declined to below 1% of GDP (Table 6.1). Table 6.1: Fiscal Budget (% of GDP) Revenue Expenditure Interest Payments Primary balance 1990-92 1993-95 1996-98 1999-01 2002-04 2005-07 19.7 23.6 1.2 -2.7 28.7 36.1 2.4 -5.0 25.7 30.1 2.6 -1.8 25.2 30.6 2.8 -2.6 25.0 29.6 3.8 -0.8 22.9 25.0 2.1 0.0 212 Overall balance -3.9 -7.4 -4.4 -5.4 -4.6 -2.1 1.4 2.5 0.7 6.7 -0.1 4.5 1.2 4.2 2.4 2.2 1.4 0.7 Financing Domestic Foreign Figure 6.1: Revenue and Expenditure Relative to GDP (%) 40 35 (%) 30 25 20 15 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 Revenue 02 04 06 Expenditure Figure 6.2: Budget deficit and Economic Growth 8 4 (%) 0 -4 -8 -12 90 92 94 96 98 Real GDP 00 02 04 06 Budget/GDP Limiting Central bank Credit to Government There has been no direct central bank financing of government deficit since 2006, with the legal framework assisting in this effort (see also Box I). The domestic sources of deficit financing have been through the securities market. Figure 6.3 suggests the role of BOZ in the Treasury bills market has been unnoticeable since 2004, with commercial banks taking up about 80% of the market share and the participation of non-bank financial institutions on the rise. 213 Box I THE BANK OF ZAMBIA ACT Advances to Government Section 49. The Bank shall not advance funds to the Government except in special circumstances and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Bank and the Minister Limitation of lending to Government 1) Except as provided for in Section 49, the bank shall not directly or indirectly , at any time, give credit to the Government by way of short tern advances , purchases or securities in a primary use, or any other form or extension of credit that exceeds fifteen percent of ordinary revenue of the Government in the previous year. 2) If in the opinion of the Bank the limitation provided for in Sub-section((1), is likely to be exceeded , the Bank shall submit to the Minister stating a) The details of the amounts then outstanding of the funds advanced and credit facilities extended by the Bank and the Bank’s holdings of securities referred to in sub section (1); b) The causes which are likely to lead to such limitation being exceeded; and c) Its recommendation to forestall or otherwise remedy the situation. 3) The Bank shall continue to make further reports and recommendations on the matters referred to in subsection(2), at intervals of not more than six months until such time, as , in its opinion, the situation has been rectified. 4) Where the limitation provided for in subsection (1) is exceeded, the Bank shall forthwith advise the Minister of that fact and shall not allow any further increase , whether directly or indirectly , in the aggregate amount of the funds advanced and credit facility extended by the Bank and the Bank’s holding of securities referred to in subsection(1) Though for long-term debt instruments, the central bank has a dominant role (40%), there has been an encouraging participation by the non-banks (Figure 6.4). Figure 6.3: Treasury bill Holdings 214 90 Bank of Zambia Commercial Banks Non-bank financial institutions 80 70 (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 04:01 04:07 05:01 05:07 06:01 06:07 Figure 6.4: Bond Holdings 70 Non-bank financial institutions Commercial banks Bank of Zambia 60 (%) 50 40 30 20 10 04:01 04:07 05:01 05:07 06:01 06:07 We argue that such developments have assisted in letting market signals guide the conduct of monetary policy and finance the budget deficit with market-based instruments, which are vital elements of effective policy co-ordination. This has further led to, by and large, fiscal operations not been a problem in the central bank‘s reserve management. In fact, between 2005 and 2007, fiscal operations have assisted in the slowdown in reserve money growth to just below 10% in 2007 from 27% in 2005 (Table 6.2), suggesting a low extent of monetisation of the fiscal deficits. It is further suggested that the contribution of fiscal deficit to money growth, as reflected in the NCG, has been low especially in recent times. In 2006, annual broad money growth would have exceeded 45% without good fiscal performance, which contributed –27.3% to money growth (Table 6.3). Overall, one could argue that fiscal operations have not complicated the central bank’s control of money supply. 215 Table 6.2: Reserve Money NFA NDA NCG Table 6.3: M2 NFA NDA NCG Contributions to Reserve Money Growth(%) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 28.64 -5.89 34.53 29.41 53.35 -394.11 447.47 116.60 45.75 148.72 -102.97 14.54 44.81 -97.05 141.85 -24.08 11.88 70.39 -58.50 11.39 33.83 2.60 31.23 14.61 27.13 124.26 -97.12 -11.10 34.01 159.07 -125.05 -9.38 9.20 31.01 -21.81 -26.56 2005 0.15 28.88 -28.73 -2.17 2006 45.02 72.28 -27.26 1.51 Contributions to Broad Money Growth(%) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 71.32 12.30 31.26 22.56 31.27 -78.56 32.84 -17.77 18.33 11.21 149.87 -20.53 49.02 4.23 20.06 45.97 17.97 -2.68 27.54 -4.44 2007 26.2 13.5 12.7 -7.3 Financial Sector Development In an effort to improve the performance of the financial sector, financial liberalization had been undertaken starting early 1990s. This move reflected, in part, the underpinning view of the new Government that excessive controls and regulations were inappropriate for efficient resource allocation and economic growth. Negative real interest rates, coupled with weak and negative (economic) growth, suggested that an overly regulated financial system discouraged savings, created distortions in investment decisions, and generally failed to intermediate between savers and investors. It was also clear combating triple-digit inflation required more effective means of absorbing liquidity, limiting access to central bank credit, and financing the government from less inflationary sources. In this regard, interest rates were liberalized supported by the introduction of a government securities auctioning system aimed at financing fiscal needs, especially financing maturing securities, without resorting to central bank credit. In 2005, working with BOZ, the government introduced the 364days Treasury bill as well as the 3- and 5-year bonds. Liberalizing domestic financial markets was accompanied by the removal of exchange controls and the shift towards flexible exchange rates. Financial sector developments efforts further involved facilitating the emergence of a competitive banking system, a prudent supervisory system and an efficient payments system. These reforms contributed to positive developments in the financial sector, as reflected in broad money supply (M2) rising to around 24% of GDP in 2006 from 14% in 1990 (Figure 6.5). 216 Figure 6.5: M2 as a ratio of GDP 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Public Debt Management The improved fiscal position is also reflected in the domestic debt, which has reduced to 18% in 2007 from 32% in 2000 (Figure 6.6). Figure 6.6: Domestic Debt/GDP 36 32 (%) 28 24 20 16 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Private sector credit and Interest Rates Unsurprisingly, there is a strong positive relation between commercial bank lending rates and the Treasury bill rate, which reflects fiscal operations (Figure 6.7). With improved fiscal performance, the lending rates have trended downwards and private sector credit has increased. As already alluded to, positive real growth has also been witnessed during the period. 217 Figure 6.7: Interest rates and private sector credit 60 50 (%) 40 30 20 10 0 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Private Sector Credit Lending Rate 91TB rate Empirical Model This section addresses the question of whether there is a link between fiscal deficits, money and inflation using econometric models. While the theoretical framework guides the choice of the variables in the empirical model, we also benefit from other empirical studies. A two-model approach is adopted. The first model depicts the fiscal view of prices, and therefore, a standard model of inflation is adjusted by replacing money with fiscal factors. The second model underpins the money supply and the inflation processes. The cointegration technique is the estimation strategy employed. We considered a vector xt (T , g , p, y, s, m, psc, res, p* )t , where Tt is domestic revenue, gt is total government expenditure, pt denotes domestic consumer price index (CPI), yt is output, st represents the nominal exchange rate (between the Kwacha and the Rand) and mt is broad money supply. psct is credit to the private sector, rest represents international reserves and pt* is South Africa CPI. The sample period is 1998-2008. All variables are monthly and in logarithms23. The main source of data is various BOZ and Ministry of Finance publications. Examining the data properties commenced with cointegration analysis. In the first model, using a 1-lag Vector Error Correction Model (guided by the HQ criteria) of 5 endogenous variables (T , g , p, y, s)t and pt* as an exogenous variable, there was 1 cointegrating vector (Appendix 1, Table 1A). Following Hansen and Juselius (2002), with a cointegration rank ( r ) 1 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix A, Table 2A). The long-run relation, lacking serial correlation and non-normality problems, was identified as equation (7), which resembles a price relation.24 Though the fiscal variable is correctly signed and significant, it has unnoticeable direct impact on consumer price. The main sources of long-run consumer price movements are output, followed by exchange rate and foreign price. 23 24 Monthly output is interpolated following the Chow-Lin distribution/interpolation procedure (Frain (2004). t-ratios in parentheses 218 pt 1.41 yt 0.35 st 0.04( g T )t 0.17 pt* ( 3.78) (2.20) (2.06) (1.86) 2 (1) 0.37(0.54) Serial Correlation : 2 (25) 25.77(0.26) (6.7) Normality : 2 (10) 12.43(0.26) The second model is a 1-lag VECM of 6 endogenous variables (m, T , g , p, y, s)t while pt* , psct and rest are considered exogenous. The trace test supports the existence of 2 cointegrating vectors (Appendix A, Table 3A). Similarly, with a cointegration rank ( r ) 2 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix A, Table 4A). The identified structure, which passes the diagnostic tests, is reported as equation (8) (see also Appendix 1, Table 6A). We deduce the following. First, sources of consumer price movements are domestic supply, followed by exchange rate, foreign price and money growth. Second, money growth is significant induced by the budget deficit and private sector credit. Third, a budget deficit growth of 10% has the potential of causing a 14 % expansion in money. In response, consumer price will rise by 1.8% over time. pt 1.42 yt 0.13 mt 0.26 st 0.19 pt* (2.19) (6.21) (2.63) (3.11) mt 1.43( g T )t 0.75 psct 0.02 reservest (5.22) (6.81) (0.92) 2 (7) 0.20(0.65) Serial Correlation : 2 (36) 37.30(0.41) (6.8) Normality : 2 (12) 13.69(0.09) 6.4.2 Uganda The Legal and Institutional Framework The roles and functions of the Bank of Uganda (BOU) are enshrined in the BOU Act. Cap. 51. Article 162(2) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda specifically guarantees the independence of the central bank. Before 1993, responsibility for monetary policy formulation in Uganda was vested in the Ministry of Finance. Like many central banks, the objective of monetary Policy is price stability in form of low and stable inflation and stability in financial markets. Government sets annual inflation performance target conducive for sustainable economic growth. In the conduct of monetary policy, the central bank (Bank of Uganda) coordinates with the government using a number of strategies in managing liquidity. The strategy used to manage the excess liquidity injections resulting from government expenditure is a cautious instrument mix to minimize instability in the financial markets. Government Securities Treasury bills and Treasury bonds sold in the domestic financial markets as well as sales of foreign exchange help in sterilizing liquidity. Repurchase Agreements are also used to manage intra-auction liquidity variations. Policy rates, bank rate and rediscount rate are also used to supplement the quantity based instruments. Fiscal discipline 219 The overall budget deficit has been widening between 2005/6 and 2007/8 financial year. The major source of deficit financing is external (Figure 6.8). Figure 6.8: Deficit Financing 800 400 0 -400 -800 -1200 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Overall Deficit Domestic Financing External Financing 220 2008 Minimize central bank financing of budget deficit Monetization of the fiscal deficit by the central Bank was stopped as part of the macroeconomic stabilization program (see also Box II). Further, Figure 6.9 suggests the role of BOU in holding of government securities is minimal. About 50% of Government Treasury bills are held by commercial banks and the role of insurance companies has growth from a share of less than 10% in 2006 to around 25% in 2008. Box II Bank of Uganda Statute 1993 PART VI—BANK RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GOVERNMENT. 34. Temporary advances. 1) The bank may make temporary advances to the Government and local governments in respect of temporary deficiencies of recurrent revenue. 2) The Treasury shall, at the beginning of each financial year, identify and submit to the bank all its requirements for temporary advances for that year; and the bank shall, subject to subsection (3), operate within that requirement. 3) The total amount of advances made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed 18% of the recurrent revenue of the Government. 40 The bank shall charge market rates of interest on any advance to the Government or local government unless the board determines otherwise. 35. Report on advances. (1) Where in the opinion of the bank the limitations on bank credit prescribed under section 33(3) or the holding of securities is exceeded, the bank shall make a report on the bank’s outstanding advances or holding of securities in terms of those sections and the causes that have led to the breach of the limitations, together with any recommendation or remedy; and the bank shall make further reports and recommendations to the Minister at intervals not exceeding six months until the situation has been rectified. (2) At any time when the limitations on bank credits or the submitted requirement is exceeded, the powers of the bank to grant additional financing shall cease until the situation has been rectified. 221 Figure 6.9: Holdings of Government Securities 70 60 50 (%) 40 30 20 10 0 06:01 06:03 07:01 07:03 08:01 08:03 Insurance Commercial banks Bank of Uganda Figure 6.10 suggests growth in reserve money has been kept below 20% and Government operations, reflected by the NCG, and has assisted in controlling reserve money. Figure 6.10: Sources of Reserve Money 120 80 % 40 0 -40 -80 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Reserve Money Net Foreign Assets Net Claims on Government Since 2001, net claims on government contribution to broad money (M3) have been negative, suggesting fiscal operations have greatly assisted BOU in controlling money supply (Figure 6.11). 222 Figure 6.11: Sources of Broad Money 120 80 (%) 40 0 -40 -80 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Broad Money Net Foreign Assets Net Claims on Government Empirical Model We relied on monthly data, over the 1997-2006 period, xt (T , g , p, y, s, m, p* , psc, reserves )t , where Tt is domestic revenue, gt is total government expenditure, pt denotes underlying consumer price index (UCPI), yt is output25, st represents the nominal effective exchange rate , mt is broad money and pt* is World CPI while psct and reservest are private sector credit and gross international reserves, respectively. Bank of Uganda is the main source of the data. One cointegration vector is established (Appendix B, Table 1B) and all the series are not stationary by themselves (see Appendix B, Table 2B). The cointegrating relation is identified as equation (6.9). Though the fiscal variable is correctly signed, it has no significant effect on underlying inflation. The significant factors are world price, followed by domestic supply and exchange rate. The second model is a 1-lag VECM of 6 endogenous variables (m, T , g , p, y, s)t with pt* , psct and rest considered exogenous. The trace test supports the existence of 2 cointegrating vectors (see Appendix B, Table 3B). Similarly, with a cointegration rank ( r ) 2 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix B, Table 4B). The identified structure, which passes the diagnostic tests, is reported as equations (6.10) and suggesting the following. A 10% growth in the budget deficit would eventually result in 13% growth in broad money. This in turn will induce an inflation rate of 1.6%, other things equal. pt 0.23 yt 0.14 st 0.39( g T )t 1.33 pt* (4.50) (2.12) (0.61) (9.47) (1) 2.25(0.13) 2 25 (6.9) Output is proxied by the Industrial Production index (IPI) 223 pt 0.14 yt 0.12 mt 0.13 st 0.17 pt* (10.00) (5.20) (3.32) (1.58) mt 1.30( g T )t 0.37 psct 0.74 reservest (10.18) (6.51) (6.10) (5.69) 2 (7) 10.05(0.19) 6.4.3 Kenya Central Bank Independence While there is no legal guarantee of the central bank independence, the use of the Central bank policy rate to signal the market could reflect some level of operational independence. Fiscal Discipline Between 1990 and 2004, relative good fiscal performance was observed especially after 1995 when the overall fiscal deficit averaged below 1% of GDP (Table 6.4). This was largely due to improved revenue performance and a drop in expenditure (Figure 6.12). Revenue increased to about 28% in 1993 from 22% of GDP in 1990. At the same time, expenditure declined to 30% from 32%. The 1999-2004 periods generally witnessed a decline in both revenue and expenditure (relative to GDP). Table 6.4: Fiscal Budget 1990-92 1993-95 1996-98 1999-01 2002-04 (% of GDP) Revenue Expenditure Overall balance 24.7 28.2 -3.5 27.1 31.0 -3.9 26.8 27.4 -0.6 22.5 22.8 -0.3 20.5 22.0 -1.5 Financing Domestic Foreign 2.3 1.2 3.9 0.0 1.4 -0.8 0.9 -0.6 2.0 -0.7 224 Figure 6.12: Domestic Revenue and Expenditure (in % of GDP) 36 32 (%) 28 24 20 16 90 92 94 96 98 Revenue 00 02 04 06 Expenditure Limiting Central Bank Credit to Government The amendment of Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) Act of 1996 limited the Kenya Government financing of its budget deficit through Central Bank to no more than 5 % of the latest audited Government gross recurrent revenue (see also Box III) What has been the impact of fiscal operations on reserve money and broad monetary aggregates? By and large, claims on government (net) have been moderating the liquidity effects of net foreign assets (Figures 6.13 and 6.14). This suggests, in line with the limiting of central bank credit to government, the deficit has not been largely monetized. Figure 6.13: Contributions to Reserve Money 35 30 25 (%) 20 15 10 5 0 -5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Reserve money Net Claims on Government Net Foreign Assets 225 2006 Box III CHAPTER 491 THE CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA ACT Advances to Government no.9 of 1996 s.18 1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Bank may make direct advances to the Government for the purpose of offsetting fluctuations between receipts from the budgeted revenue and payments of the Government 2) Each advance made by the Government under this section shalla) Be secured with negotiable securities issued by the Government which mature not later than twelve months; b) Bear interest at market rate; and c) Be made solely for the purpose of providing temporary accommodation to the Government 3) The total amount outstanding at any time of advances made under this section shall not exceed five per centum of the gross recurrent revenue of the Government as shown in the Appropriation accounts for the latest for which those Accounts have been audited by the Controller and Auditor General Figure 6.14: Contributions to Broad Money 20 16 (%) 12 8 4 0 -4 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Broad Money Net Claims on Government Net Foreign Assets Domestic Debt Management Despite improved fiscal performance, domestic debt has generally been above 20% of GDP (6.15). Figure 6.15: Domestic Debt 226 26 24 (%) 22 20 18 16 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Empirical Model Monthly data, over the 1997-2006 period, xt (T , g , p, y, s, m, p* )t , where Tt is domestic revenue, gt is total government expenditure, pt denotes headline consumer price index (CPI), yt is output26, st represents the nominal effective exchange rate and mt is broad money and pt* is World CPI. CBK is the main source of the data. One cointegration vector is established (Appendix C, Table 1C) and all the series are not stationary by themselves (Appendix C, Table 2C). The cointegrating relation is identified as equation (6.11) (see also Appendix B, Table 3B), suggesting that world price has a dominant feature in headline inflationary process in the long run, followed by domestic supply and exchange rate. Similar to Zambia, the direct impact of fiscal developments on consumer price is marginal. pt 0.26 yt 0.20 st 0.08( g T )t 1.18 pt* ( 3.25) (4.74) (3.77) (8.43) (1) 2.25(0.13) 2 (6.11) The second model is a 1-lag VECM of 6 endogenous variables (m, T , g , p, y, s)t with psct and rest considered exogenous. The trace test supports the existence of 2 cointegrating vectors (see Appendix C, Table 3C). Similarly, with a cointegration rank ( r ) 2 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix C, Table 4C). The identified structure, which passes the diagnostic tests, is reported as equations (6.12) and suggesting the following (see also Appendix 1, Table 6A). A 10% growth in the budget deficit would eventually result in 12% growth in broad money. This in turn will lead to consumer price rising by 2.6%. 26 Output is proxied by the Industrial Production index (IPI) 227 pt 0.07 yt 0.22 mt 0.30 st 0.63 pt* (0.96) (6.91) (8.63) (4.91) mt 1.21( g T )t (6.12) (14.96) 2 (5) 8.40(0.14) 6.4.4 Malawi Legal and Institutional Framework There is no legal infrastructure that guarantees central bank independence. This has been provided for in the draft Reserve Bank of Malawi Bill which has been drafted on the basis of the SADC Model. The Secretary to the Treasury and the Director of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance are ex-officio members of the monetary Policy Committee (MPC). However, they only sit as non-voting members of the committee. The Governor appoints members of the MPC. In addition, the Head of the Economics Department at the University of Malawi-Chancellor College, the Secretary to the Treasury, Principle Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development and the Director of Economic Affairs at Ministry of Finance are ex-officio members. The Governor chairs the MPC. Fiscal Discipline The domestic budget deficit, by and large, has been below the COMESA convergence criteria of no more than 5% of GDP (Table 6.5). Recently, revenue has been rising while expenditure has been falling relative to GDP (Figure 6.16). Table 6.5: Fiscal Budget 1990-92 (% of GDP) Revenue 20.7 Expenditure 26.1 Overall balance -5.4 Financing Domestic 2.0 Foreign 1.5 1993-95 1996-98 1999-01 2002-04 2005-07 24.9 30.7 -5.8 19.8 23.1 -3.2 25.1 28.5 -3.5 28.5 38.9 -7.4 41.9 44.4 -1.9 3.3 4.3 -0.6 3.1 2.5 1.5 7.4 -0.3 0.11 0.35 Figure 6.16: Revenue and Expenditure (in % of GDP) 228 50 45 40 35 30 (%) 25 20 15 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 Domestic Revenue 02 04 06 Expenditure Limiting Central Bank Credit to Government There is a limit of central direct bank lending to the Government. The law stipulates that the central bank could make short-term advances to government not exceeding 20% of the annual budgeted revenue (see also Box IV). BOX IV PART VIII POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BANK LAWS OF MALAWI (CHAPTER 44:02) 40. (1) The Bank may make short-term advances to the Government in respect of temporary shortfalls in budget revenues on such terms and conditions as the Bank may determine. (2) The total amount of advances outstanding at any time made by the Bank under this section shall not exceed twenty per cent of the annual budgeted revenues of the Government as defined in subsection (3). (3) For the purposes of this section, the annual budgeted revenues of the Government shall be those revenues derived from sources within Malawi as estimated for the Government's financial year in which such advances are made. (4) All advances made under subsection (I) shall be repaid as soon as possible and, in any event, shall be repayable within four months of the end of the Government's financial year in which they are made, and if after the end of the financial year such advances remain outstanding, the power of the Bank to grant further such advances shall not be exercisable unless and until the outstanding advances have been repaid. (5) If at any time the Bank has any Government loans and advances outstanding, irrespective of maturity, the Bank may require the Government to issue to it treasury bills or promissory notes and other instruments as the Bank may deem fit for open market policy purposes, and the terms and conditions shall be agreed upon between the Bank and the Minister. Prior to 2003, fiscal performance, as reflected in net claims on government was a major source of reserve money, contributing more than 80%. This suggests monetization of fiscal deficits (Figure 6.16). During this time, fiscal deficits also contributed largely to money supply accounting for between 20% and 40% of broad money growth (Figure 6.18). Figure 6.17: Contributions to Reserve Money 229 100 (%) 50 0 -50 -100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Reserve Money Net Claims on Government Net Foreign Assets Figure 6.18: Contributions to Broad Money 40 30 (%) 20 10 0 -10 -20 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Broad Money Net Claims on Government Net Foreign Assets Financial Sector Development Figure 6.19 depicts the low level of development in the Malawian financial sector. Figure 6.19: M2 as a ratio of GDP 230 14 13 12 (%) 11 10 9 8 7 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 M2/GDP Empirical Model Monthly data, over the 1997-2007 period, xt (T , g , p, y, s, m, p* , psc, reserves )t , where Tt is domestic revenue, gt is total government expenditure, pt denotes headline consumer price index (CPI), yt is output27, st represents the nominal exchange rate and mt is broad money and pt* is World CPI whereas psct and reservest are private sector credit and gross international reserves, respectively. Reserve Bank of Malawi is the main source of the data. One cointegration vector is established (Appendix B, Table 1B) and all the series are not stationary by themselves (see Appendix B, Table 2B). The cointegrating relation is identified as equation (6.13) (see also Appendix B, Table 3B). Contrary to Zambia, Kenya and Uganda, there is a strong direct link between budget deficit and consumer price movements. For example, a 10% growth in budget deficit will ultimately cause consumer price to rise by around 5%. Within this framework, consumer price is also induced from foreign sources, domestic supply side as well as exchange rate movements. pt 0.70 yt 0.52 st 0.47( g T )t 1.65 pt* 3.11 7.09 7.22 3.68 (1) 1.31(0.24) 2 (6.13) The second model is a 1-lag VECM of 6 endogenous variables (m, T , g , p, y, s)t with psct and rest considered exogenous. The trace test supports the existence of 2 cointegrating vectors (see Appendix 1, Table 4A). Similarly, with a cointegration rank ( r ) 2 , none of the variables are stationary by themselves (Appendix 1, Table 5A). The identified structure, which passes the diagnostic tests, is reported as equations (6.14). Money supply rises by about 5% in response to a 10% growth in the budget deficit, consequently inducing consumer price rising by about 0.9%. 27 Output is proxied by the Industrial Production index (IPI) 231 pt 0.65 yt 0.17 mt 0.64 st 0.61 pt* ( 0.95) (2.45) (6.87) (0.89) mt 0.55( g T )t 0.83 psct 0.07 reservest (7.91) (15.09) 0.99 (6.14) 2 (7) 7.21(0.19) 6.5 Concluding and Policy Implications O verall, this study delineates the procedures in selected COMESA member states (Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia) for bringing about co-ordination between central banks and fiscal authorities in pursuit of common objectives of price stability and sustained economic growth. Specifically, it analyses the extent of coordination; review the essential institutional arrangements for effective co-ordination; econometrically establish the relation between fiscal deficits, money supply and inflation; and recommend necessary policy adjustments in case of non-coordination to avoid negative consequences of macro and financial sector instability. The rationale for the monetary and fiscal policy coordination stems from the following interrelated objectives. First, it is to set internally consistent and mutually agreed targets of monetary and fiscal policies. Second, it is to ensure policy credibility. Third, it is for effective management of the domestic debt. Fourth, this is necessary to support the development of domestic financial markets. The need for policy coordination also arises during financial sector liberalization. On the whole, without the monetary and fiscal authorities taking into account each other’s objectives and actions, financial instability could ensue, leading to high interest rates, exchange rate pressures, rapid inflation and adverse impact on economic growth. The success of the co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policies depends on institutional and operating arrangements, which include instrument independence of the central bank; central bank credit to the government should be restricted; fiscal discipline; and developed financial markets. The theoretical link between fiscal and monetary policy is established through the budget constraints of the fiscal authority and the central bank. That is the accounting identity that insists that every budget deficit must be financed by selling bonds either to the public or to the central bank. This identity points out that today's fiscal-monetary decisions have implications for the number of bonds that will have to be sold to the public today, and thus for the feasible set of fiscal-monetary combinations in future periods. According to the fiscal theory of price level, money creation may not be the only channel through which fiscal policy becomes dominant and budget deficits cause inflation. This theory argues that a fiscal dominant (non-Ricardian) regime may arise when fiscal policy is not sustainable and government bonds are considered net wealth. These wealth effects could jeopardize the objective of price stability, irrespective of central bank commitment to low inflation. Thus in a non-Ricardian regimes, it is fiscal, not monetary, policy that determines the price level and becomes the nominal anchor. Empirical results suggest the following. Among the institutions arrangement to enhance monetary-fiscal policy co-ordination, we observe an absence of legal guarantee for the operational independence of the Bank of Zambia. The legislation which limits the central bank direct access to central bank credit does not have a quantitative measure. While a direct impact of the budget on inflation is unnoticeable, a budget deficit growth of 10% has the potential of causing a 14 % expansion in money and ultimately causing consumer price to rise by 1.8%. The policy implications are that whereas there is some resemblance of policy coordination as reflected in improved fiscal performance (that is fiscal discipline), lack of monetization of fiscal deficits and lack of evidence of fiscal deficits being a source of inflationary pressures, to enhance monetary-fiscal co-operation co-ordination, there is need to legislate the central 232 bank operation independence. Also specifying the quantitative limit of government direct access to central bank credit in the legal framework should be recommended. Otherwise the current legislation is subject to miss-interpretation. The explicit legal guarantee for the Bank of Uganda’s operational independence and the legal requirement that government direct access to central bank credit should not exceed 18% of the recurrent revenue of the Government are strong evidence of the existence of institutional arrangements for monetary-fiscal co-operations. However, the widening of the fiscal deficits recently should be a source of concerns. Also there is a heavy reliance on foreign financing of the budget deficits. Experience teaches that too much dependence on foreign funding of domestic debt has the exchange rate and/or balance-ofpayments risks. There is no significant link between budget deficits and underlying inflation. However, a 10% growth in the budget deficit would eventually result in 13% growth in broad money. This in turn will induce an inflation rate of 1.6%, other things equal. We argue that Uganda could enhance its fiscalmonetary co-ordination by including the Ministry of Finance in the MPTC. Further the issue of heavy reliance on foreign financing of the deficit needs to be re-examined. While there is no legal guarantee of the central bank independence, the use of the central bank policy rate to signal the market could reflect some level of instrument independence of the Central bank of Kenya. The restriction Government financing of its budget deficit through Central Bank to no more than 5 % of gross recurrent revenue is further evidence of some level of co-operation between the monetary and fiscal authority. Nonetheless, the domestic debt, observed to be of above 20% of GDP, seems problematic. Similar to Zambia, the direct impact of fiscal developments on consumer price is marginal. A 10% growth in the budget deficit would eventually result in 12% growth in broad money. This in turn cause consumer price to rise by 2.6%. While there is evidence some evidence of the existence of institutional requirement for effective co-ordination reflected in the limiting of government’ direct access to central bank credit, there is needed to guarantee the operational independence of the Central Bank of Kenya. Further a domestic debt management strategy needs to be put in place. Like Zambia and Kenya, there is no legal infrastructure that guarantees Reserve Bank of Malawi’s operational independence. However, there is a limit of central direct bank lending to the Government. The law stipulates that the central bank could make short-term advances to government not exceeding 20% of the annual budgeted revenue. This limit could have assisted in reducing the monetization of budget deficits. Prior to 2003, fiscal performance, as reflected in net claims on government was a major source of reserve money, contributing more than 80%. During this time, fiscal deficits also contributed largely to money supply accounting for between 20% and 40% of broad money growth. The low level of development in the Malawian financial sector should be a source of concerns to enhancing the monetary –fiscal policy co-ordination which also reflected in the inclusiveness of the Monetary Policy Committee. Contrary to Zambia, Kenya and Uganda, there is a strong direct link between budget deficit and consumer price movements. A 10% growth in budget deficit will ultimately cause consumer price to rise by around 5%. Further, money supply rises by about 5% in response to a 10% growth in the budget deficit, consequently inducing consumer price rising by about 0.9%. We recommend that the recent evidence of fiscal discipline should be consolidated. Measures to develop the financial sector should put in place in order to get the maximum benefits of monetary and fiscal coordination. We conclude by arguing that that there is room for improvements in all countries examined and countries should learn from each other. For example, Zambia and Uganda should learn from Malawi by having a Monetary Policy Committee which includes academia. Malawi should learn from others in terms what need to be done to develop its financial sector. Except for Malawi, the main channels through which budget deficits affect inflation is through the indirect money channel. 233 4.6 References Akcay, E. and Alper, E.C. and Ozmucur, S. (1996)” Budget Deficit, Money Supply and Inflation” Evidence From Low and High frequency Data from Turkey, Bogazici University Research paper Baldini, A. and Marcos, P. R. (2008). “:Fiscal and Monetary Anchors for Price Stability: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.” IMF Working Paper WP/08/121, Washing DC. Cochrane, J. 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The specific objectives are three. The first is to analyse the structure and major characteristics of the current account. The second is to empirically investigate the impact of RER volatility on the current account and output. To do this, long-run and short-run export and import functions are estimated. The third objective is to make recommendations on what policies should be pursued to avoid negative effects of REER volatility. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 7.2 presents some of the stylised facts on the structure of current accounts of COMESA countries. This is followed by the review of the literature and the model framework. The empirical approach is presented in Section 7.5. Section 7.6 offers some concluding and policy recommendations. 7.2 Trends in the Current Account and GDP Table 7.1 shows that most countries in the COMESA region had been experiencing deteriorating current account deficits. This had been due to the widening of the trade deficit caused by relatively faster growth in imports compared to exports (Table 7.2). Table 7.1: Average Current Account (% of GDP) Burundi Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Libya Madagascar Rwanda Mauritius Rwanda Seychelles Sudan Swaziland Uganda Zambia Source: IFS 1993-1997 -1.2 0.4 0.5 -0.9 8.4 -4.5 -2.3 -1.6 -0.4 -3.8 -2.6 -1.2 -4.1 -4.9 240 1998-2002 -13.3 -1.1 -3.9 -1.7 24.7 -7.8 -6.0 1.8 -5.1 -17.8 -5.7 -1.2 -9.1 -18.3 2003-2007 -37.4 4.5 -11.1 -2.8 12.5 -16.0 -5.5 -8.5 -18.7 -13.2 4.7 -5.9 -18.7 Table 7.2: Average Export and Imports (% of GDP) Exports 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 Burundi 3.7 5.9 9.0 Egypt 5.9 6.9 20.4 Ethiopia 6.0 7.2 9.9 Kenya 12.9 14.4 25.1 Libya 155.6 88.4 29.2 Madagascar 7.9 18.6 26.0 Rwanda 6.2 24.0 Mauritius 29.3 37.1 43.2 Rwanda 2.4 4.1 7.0 Seychelles 12.3 28.9 54.7 Sudan 2.1 10.9 25.8 Swaziland 35.5 72.3 105.9 Uganda 7.0 7.9 14.0 Zambia 14.3 25.8 81.1 1993-1997 6.3 15.5 14.3 16.6 128.4 10.1 7.7 35.6 8.9 40.3 4.5 41.1 12.1 13.6 Imports 1998-2002 14.3 16.0 20.5 22.8 50.8 22.2 28.4 44.3 13.5 57.3 12.8 77.3 16.8 32.2 2003-2007 33.2 29.9 39.8 44.2 12.9 39.1 60.4 22.3 88.3 27.1 102.0 26.0 70.8 What follows is a brief account of each country’s performance with regards tithe current account, real gross domestic product (GDP) and REER. Burundi’s economy is predominantly agricultural with more than 90% of the population dependent on subsistence agriculture. Economic growth depends on coffee and tea exports, which account for 90% of foreign exchange earnings. The other export commodities are sugar, cotton and hides. Thus, the country’s ability to pay for imports rests primarily on weather conditions and international coffee and tea prices. Burundi’s main import items include petroleum products, capital goods (iron and steel) and cement, glass as well as glass and glass wares. In 2006, Burundi’s major export destinations were as follows: Germany (25.3%), Switzerland (20.5%), Pakistan (5.5%) and Belgium (4.6%). During the same year, the main import partners were Saudi Arabia (15.4%), Kenya (10.4%), Belgium (7.8%), France (5.5%), Uganda (4.9%), Germany (4.9%), India (4.3%) and Russia (4.2%). As shown in Figure 7.1, Burundi’s REER depreciated in 1993 to 1997 and appreciated thereafter until 2004. Real GDP declined generally until 2004 when it registered an upward trend. Current account deficit generally remained stable during the first half of 1990s and deteriorated generally thereafter. Current account deficits were due to trade deficit attributed to higher imports compared to exports. Figure 7.1: Burundi Current Account, Real GDP and REER 241 4500 140 4000 120 Current a/c & GDP (US$ million) 3500 REER Index (2000=100) 3000 100 2500 80 2000 1500 60 1000 40 500 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 20 2007 -500 -1000 0 Current Account Real GDP REER Egypt has a fully diversified economy with enormous potential for sustained high growth across all sectors. Oil is a major source of foreign exchange. Egypt’s main exports of goods are fuel products, manufactured goods, and agricultural products, mainly cotton. Egypt has considerable earnings from its tourism, attracting around 7 million tourists annually. Egypt imports the vast majority of its consumer goods and capital equipment (machinery and transport equipment) as well as chemicals. About 14% of imports are purchased for activities at Egypt’s free trade zone. The European Union is the main supplier (40% of total imports), followed by the US, (14%). The EU’s main imports from Egypt are energy (42%), textiles and clothing (16%), agricultural products (10%) and chemicals (6%). Trade with Arab countries has been growing, up from 10% to 13% of the total. Figure 7.2 shows the evolution of GDP and current account balance of Egypt. The real GDP improved from 1993 until 2000 when it declined and thereafter picked up in 2004. Egypt generally registered current account deficit since 1995 to 2001 and thereafter recorded surplus current account mainly due to surpluses in the services account (on account of increased tourism revenue) and net transfers (due to increased remittances), which help to make up for the rise in trade deficit. Figure 7.2: Egypt Current Account 5000 120000 Current Account (US$ million) 4000 100000 GDP (US$ million) 3000 80000 2000 1000 60000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 40000 -1000 20000 -2000 -3000 0 Current Account GDP Kenya's economy could be divided into three sectors, namely: the primary sector, the secondary sector and the tertiary sector. The primary sector is composed of agriculture, forestry, mining and quarrying activities. Kenya’s economy has traditionally been based on 242 the performance of the primary sector where the agriculture activity plays a prominent role. The primary sector’s contribution to GDP has, however, been on a declining trend over the decades. Kenya’s secondary sector has similarly declined in performance as a share of GDP. This development has been mainly in the utilities and construction sub-sectors as the manufacturing activity has grown, albeit marginally. Kenya’s tertiary sector has, however, registered significant growth as a share of GDP since independence. This sector is mainly composed of trade, restaurants, and hotels; transport, storage, communications, financial institutions and ownership of dwellings. Kenya’s current account balance has been experiencing increasing deficits over the recent past mainly due to widening trade, reflecting faster increase in imports relative to exports. The increased merchandise imported reflects increased imports of oil, machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, chemicals and other miscellaneous imports particularly palm oil, raw materials, cereals, beverages and tobacco. Increased oil imports bill was mainly in crude oil, diesel oil and jet fuel. The increased value of manufactured goods imported reflected increased imports of iron, steel, paper products, textiles, rubber products and other metal manufactures. The increased imports of machinery and transport equipment was mainly in road vehicles, electrical machinery, industrial machinery and equipment, telecommunication and sound recording equipment and power generating machinery while increased chemicals imported was mainly in industrial chemicals, medicinal and pharmaceutical products, fertilizers and plastics. Merchandise exports have also been increasing albeit less fast than imports. The increase has mainly in horticulture, coffee, manufactured goods, raw materials and other miscellaneous exports, particularly chemical products, electrical machinery, sugar, tobacco, animal and vegetable oils. Increased exports of coffee, tea, horticulture and oil products benefited from improved export prices while the increase in manufactured goods exports, mainly of processed leather, cement and metal manufactures, was attributed to an increase in both export volume and prices. As at May 2008, coffee, tea and horticulture made up 35.9% of the total exports while manufactured goods and oil, respectively, contributed 12.4%. The main export destinations were Uganda (12.4%), United Kingdom (11.2%), the Netherlands (8.0%), Tanzania (7.8%), United States of America (6.3%), Sudan (4.3%), Somalia (3.8%), Pakistan (3.7%) and Egypt (3.2%). Overall, African countries absorbed 45.2% of Kenya’s merchandise exports. Imports mainly originated from the United Arab Emirates (17.0%), India (10.4%), China (8.0%), Japan (6.7%), South Africa (6.1%), United Kingdom (4.3%), United States of America (4.0%), Germany (3.7%), Indonesia (3.2%), Saudi Arabia (2.9%) and France (2.6%). Shown in Figure 7.3, Kenya’s REER appreciated from 1993 until 1998 when it remained fairly stable. Since 2005 it has generally appreciated. Real GDP rose generally from 1993 until 1996 and thereafter declined until 2001 when it registered positive trend. Kenya’s current account balance has been in deficit in most of the period and recorded consistent deterioration since 2004 mainly due to rising trade deficit. Figure 7.3: Kenya Current account, REER and GDP 243 18000 160 Current a/c & GDP, US$ million 16000 140 14000 120 REER (2000=100) 12000 100 10000 8000 80 6000 60 4000 40 2000 20 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 -2000 0 Current account GDP REER The Libyan economy depends primarily upon revenues from the oil sector, which contribute about 95% of export earnings, about one-quarter of GDP and 60% of public sector wages. The non-oil manufacturing and construction sectors, which account for more than 20% of GDP, have expanded from processing mostly agricultural products to include the production of petrochemicals, iron, steel, and aluminium. Climatic conditions and poor soils severely limit agricultural output, and thus Libya imports about 75% of food. The main exports are crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas and chemicals. As at end 2006, Libya’s main destination of its exports were Italy (37.1%), Germany (14.6%), Spain (7.7%), US (6.1%), France (5.6%) and Turkey (5.4%). In 2006 also, Libya’s sources of imports were: Italy (18.9%), Germany (7.8%), China (7.6%), Tunisia (6.3%), France (5.8%), Turkey (5.3%), US (4.7%), South Korea (4.3%) and UK (4%). Libya’s current account surpluses have generally improved in tandem with expansion in real GDP (Figure 7.4) Figure 7.4: Libya's Current Account and Real GDP 30000 25000 20000 US$ million 15000 10000 5000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 -5000 Current account GDP Ethiopia's economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for almost half of GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment. Coffee is the main export commodity. The other export commodities are at, gold, leather products, live animals and oilseeds. In 2006, the main destinations of these exports were China (11%), Germany (9.1%), Japan (7.8%), US (7.1%), Saudi Arabia (6.1%), Djibouti (6%) and Italy (5.2%). The main sources of Ethiopia’s imports in 2006 were Saudi Arabia (18.1%), China (11.4%), India (8.1%) and Italy (5.1%). 244 During the first half of 1990s, Ethiopia current account was in surplus but generally recorded deficit since 1997 (Figure 7.5). Real GDP has been generally on upward trend over the study period. Figure 7.5: Ethiopia Current account and GDP 500 12000 Current account (US$ 10000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 GDP (US$ million) 8000 -500 6000 -1000 4000 -1500 2000 -2000 0 Current Account GDP Since gaining independence in 1968, Mauritius has developed from a low-income, agriculturally based economy to a middle-income diversified economy with growing industrial, financial and tourist sectors. For most of the period, annual growth has been in the order of 5% to 6%. Sugarcane is grown on about 90% of the cultivated land area and accounts for 25% of export earnings. Expansion of local financial institutions and domestic information telecommunications industry, have also been responsible for the rise in the growth of the economy. Mauritius has attracted more than 9,000 offshore entities, many aimed at commerce in India and South Africa, and investment in the banking sector alone has reached over $1 billion. Mauritius also has a strong textile sector that has been well poised to take advantage of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Figure 7.6 shows a sizeable current account deficit, due to heightened import demand against stagnating exports. Figure 7.6: Mauritius Current account, GDP and REER 20000 160 Current a/c & GDP, US$ million 140 REER Index (2000=100) 15000 120 100 10000 80 5000 60 40 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20 -5000 0 Current account GDP REER Agriculture is the most important sector of Uganda’s economy, employing over 80% of the work force. Coffee accounts for the bulk of export revenues. Since 1986, the 245 government, with the support of foreign countries and international agencies, has acted to rehabilitate and stabilize the economy by, among others, undertaking macroeconomic and structural reforms. In 2000, Uganda qualified for enhanced HIPC debt relief worth $1.3 billion and Paris Club debt relief worth $145 million. These amounts combined with the original HIPC debt relief added up to about $2 billion. Growth for 2001-02 was solid, despite continued decline in the price of coffee, Uganda's principal export. Uganda’s REER depreciated generally from 1993 to 1997, it thereafter appreciated until 2004 when it recorded depreciation (Figure 7.7). Real GDP improved from 1993 to 1997. It then declined up to 2001 and thereafter expanded generally. Deterioration in current account deficit throughout most of the period under review was registered. Worsening current account deficit due to unfavourable trade balance as imports grew at faster rate than exports. Rising import bill was mainly on account of growth in private sector imports for capital and consumer goods such as petroleum products, iron and steel, mineral fuels, electrical machinery, pharmaceutical products and sugars. The petroleum products’ import bill increased on account of the increase in local demand for oil arising from hydro electricity power shortage and rising international oil prices. Figure 7.7: Uganda Current Account, GDP and REER 9000 140 8000 120 Current a/c and GDP, US$ million 7000 6000 100 REER (2000=100) 5000 80 4000 3000 60 2000 40 1000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20 -1000 -2000 0 Current account GDP REER Agriculture in Zambia accounts for 80% of total employment and 20% of total GDP. Important crops in the country are maize, soybean, cotton, sugar and sunflower. Both the services sectors as well as industrial sector make the highest contribution to the country's total GDP. Copper and agricultural exports are the major export earnings. Following the privatization of governmentowned copper mines, copper output has increased steadily since 2004, due to higher copper prices and the opening of new mines. Figure 7.8 below shows the evolution of REER, GDP and current account balance of Zambia. The REER generally depreciated in 2006 and thereafter recorded an appreciation. Real GDP deteriorated since 1993 to 2003 and thereafter generally improved. Zambia recorded widening current account deficit throughout most of the period. The current account balance which was in surplus in 2006 turned into deficit in 2007 due to narrowing trade surplus and deficit in the service account. The favourable trade balance was due to increase exports earning from copper due to high global copper price and increase in non-metal exports. 246 Figure 7.8: Zambia Current Account, GDP and REER Current a/c and Real GDP (US$ million) 30000 200 180 25000 REER (2000=100) 160 20000 140 120 15000 100 10000 80 60 5000 40 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 -5000 2004 2005 2006 2007 20 0 Current Account GDP REER Rwanda economy is predominately agricultural, with about 85% of the population living in rural areas. Agriculture accounts for about one-third of GDP and four-fifth of export revenues. Tobacco accounts for more than half of the export earnings. Rwanda’s other main exports are cotton, rice, coffee and maize. The main imports include petroleum products, iron and steel, cement, machinery and transport equipments. The country has experienced both trade deficit as well as balance of payment deficit over years. In 2007, levels of exports and imports of the country were as follows. Exports amounted to $145 million mainly from exports of tea, coffee, coltan, cassiterite, hides, iron ore, and tin. Agribusiness accounted for 36.2% of Rwanda's GDP ($2.8 billion) and 40.2% of exports. Its major exports partners are Spain, Belgium, Germany, China and Brazil. Imports were worth $488 million with foodstuffs, machinery and equipment, steel, petroleum products, cement, and construction material being the main products. Kenya, Germany, Belgium, US, France, Uganda, and Israel are the major suppliers of imports to Burundi. The agriculture sector that includes fishing and forestry is the mainstay of the Madagascar economy, accounting for 34% of GDP and contributing more than 70% to export earnings. Madagascar’s main export commodities are coffee (45%) and vanilla (20%). The others are cloves, shellfish, sugar, petroleum products. The main destinations of Madagascar’s exports are France (40%), United States (9%), Germany (8%), Japan (6%) and United Kingdom (6%). Madagascar’s main import commodities are: intermediate manufactures (30%), capital goods (28%), petroleum (15%), consumer goods (14%) and food (13%). The main sources of these imports are France (39%), Hong Kong (5%) and Japan (5%0. The others are the People's Republic of China and Singapore. Shown in Figure 7.9, Madagascar’s real GDP generally deteriorated since 1993. Madagascar’s current account deficit generally remained stable since 1993 to 2000 with improvements thereafter. Figure 7.9: Madagascar’s Current Account and GDP 247 Current account (US$ million) 12000 0 -100 10000 GDP (US$ million) -200 8000 -300 6000 -400 4000 -500 2000 -600 0 -700 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 GDP 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Current account Swaziland is a small, landlocked economy whose subsistence agriculture occupies more than 80% of the population. It has a diversified manufacturing sector. Mining has declined in importance in recent years with only coal and quarry stone mines remaining active. The main exports commodities are soft drink concentrates, sugar, wood pulp, cotton yarn, refrigerators, citrus and canned fruit. The main destinations of these exports are South Africa (60%), EU (9%), US (9%) and Mozambique (6%). The main imports commodities are motor vehicles, machinery, transport equipment, foodstuffs, petroleum products and chemicals. Its main sources of imports are: South Africa (95%), EU (1%), Japan (1%) and Singapore (0.3%). Agricultural production remains Sudan's most important sector, employing 80% of the work force and contributing 35% of GDP. Sudan's economy is booming on the back of increases in oil production, high oil prices, and large inflows of foreign direct investment. GDP growth registered more than 10% per year in 2006 and 2007. The main exports commodities are oil and petroleum products; cotton, sesame, livestock, groundnuts, gum Arabic and sugar with the main destinations being China (67.8%), Japan (19%) and South Korea (2%). The main imports commodities are foodstuffs, manufactured goods, refinery and transport equipment, medicines and chemicals, textiles and wheat. The main sources of these imports are China (27.9%), Saudi Arabia (7.5%), India (6.3%), Egypt (5.6%), UAE (5.5%) and Japan (4.2%). 7.3 Literature Review What is commonly used in the literature to explain the impact of exchange rate changes on the current account are the elasticity and absorption approaches to balance of payments. 7.3.1 Elasticity Approach According to the elasticity approach, the exchange rate is determined in the process of balancing the value of the imports and exports. Assuming flexible exchange rate, a current account deficit will lead to the depreciation in the exchange rate. Because depreciation in the currency makes imports more expensive and exports cheaper, exports and imports will respectively rise until the current account is balanced. The speed of adjustment, however, depends on how responsive exports and imports are to exchange rate. Since this approach stresses trade or the flow of goods in the determination of exchange rates, it is more useful in explaining exchange rate in the long run than in the short run. 7.3.2 Absorption Approach The Absorption Approach is based on the idea that the current account is equivalent to the difference between national income and domestic absorption arising from private and public consumption and investment. The approach states that devaluation affects the current account directly through its effects on real income and absorption and indirectly on the income elasticity of absorption. 248 In contrast to the elasticity approach, the absorption approach views external balance via national income accounting What is the impact of devaluation according to this approach? When unemployed resources exist, devaluation increases exports and decreases imports. This in turn causes an increase in production (income) through the multiplier mechanism. If total expenditure rises by a smaller amount, there will be an improvement in the balance of trade. In this sense, devaluation not only aids the balance of payments, but also helps the economy move towards full employment. However, under conditions of full employment, devaluation cannot be expected to produce, by itself, the desired extent of change in the overall balance. Appendix 1 provides an illustration of the effects of exchange rate depreciation on the current account of the Balance of Payments. 7.3.3 Effect of RER Volatility on Trade and Investment Given the erratic pattern of the exchange rates in most developing countries following devaluation and subsequent adoption of floating exchange rate regimes, there has been increasing concern about the possible effects of exchange rate volatility on trade. Consequently, two general theoretical schools of thought have come up that attempt to explain the effect of exchange rate volatility on international trade and investment. The first is the traditional school, while the second is the risk-portfolio school. The traditional school holds the position that higher volatility increases risk. It considers risk averse exporters/investors who consider the REER as the source of uncertainty. Thus, a rise in exchange rate volatility increases the uncertainty of profits on contracts denominated in a foreign currency because this risk leads risk-averse to redirect their activity from higher risk foreign markets to the lower risk home market. Two assumptions are crucial for the volatility of the REER to affect the exporting/investing decision. One is that there is no perfect hedging, meaning that access to exchange rate forward market would reduce the effect. The other is that exporters have to be very risk averse. Thus, the school focuses on firm behaviour and presumes that increased REER volatility would increase the uncertainty of profits on contracts denominated in a foreign currency and would therefore reduce international trade to levels lower than would otherwise exist if uncertainty were removed. This uncertainty of profits, or risk, would lead risk-averse and risk-neutral agents to redirect their activity from higher-risk foreign markets to the lower risk home market. Examples of theoretical studies that belong to this school include Côté (1994), Clark (1973), Hooper and Kohlhagen (1978). The risk-portfolio school maintains the belief that higher risk presents greater opportunity for profit, and should increase trade and investment. This school is not a unified body of thought, but rather comprises multiple theories, varying in complexity, but united in the opinion of the traditional school as unrealistic. The school argues that one reason why the traditional school holds the view that trade may be adversely affected by exchange rate volatility stems from the fact that they assume that the firm cannot alter factor inputs in order to adjust optimally to take account of movements in exchange rates. When this assumption is relaxed and firms can adjust one or more factors of production in response to movements in exchange rates, increased variability can in fact create profitmaking opportunities. Thus, higher exchange rate volatility and thus higher risk represents greater opportunity for profit and might increase trade according to this risk-portfolio school of thought. Two important theoretical papers from the risk-portfolio school are those of Broll and Eckwert (1999) and Dellas and Zilberfarb (1993). Both studies argued that due to the convexity of the profit function, exporters’ return from favourable exchange rate movements and the accompanying increased output outstrip the decreased profits associated with adverse exchange rates and decreased output. The studies pointed out that although the convexity of the profit function may imply a positive correlation between trade and exchange rate risk, the more prominent tenet of the risk-portfolio school examines exchange rate risk in light of modern portfolio diversification theory. Farrell et al. (1983), Canzoneri et al. (1984) and Gros (1987) are other examples of studies that are classified as those belonging to the risk portfolio school. The studies observe that the effect of REER volatility depends on the interaction of two forces at work. First, if the firm can adjust inputs to both high and low prices, its profits will be larger with greater exchange rate variability. This is 249 because the firm will sell more when the price is high, and sells less when the price is low. Second, to the extent that there is risk aversion, the higher variance of profits has an adverse effect on the firm and constitutes a disincentive to produce and to export. If risk aversion is relatively low, the positive effect of greater price variability on expected profits outweighs the negative impact of the higher variability of profits, and the firm will raise the average capital stock and the level of output and exports. It also argued that under certain conditions, increased price variability can result in increased average investment and output as the firm adjusts to take advantage of high prices and to minimize the impact of low prices. 7.3.4 Empirical Studies on Effects of REER Volatility on Trade The empirical evidence from studies undertaken in developed economies especially that of the USA and other major industrial countries, generally supports the view that REER volatility has significant and negative effect on the volume of trade. These studies include Cushman (1983, 1986, 1988,), Maskus (1986), De Grauwe and De Bellefroid (1986), Bini-Smaghi (1991), Feenstra and Kendall (1991), Kumar (1992), Kroner and Lastrapes (1993), Arize, (1995, 1997), Hassan and Tufte (1998), Fountas and Aristotelous (2000), Anderton and Skudelny (2001), Siregar and Rajan (2004) and Égert and Morales-Zumaquero (2005). However, a number of studies on developed countries did not find any significant relationship between REER volatility and trade. These studies are Hooper and Kohlhagen (1978), Perée and Steinherr (1989), Koray and Lastrapes (1989), Kroner and Lastrapes (1993), Sukar and Hassan (2001), Clark et al. (2004) and Hondroyiannis et al. (2005). However, few studies found a positive and statistically significant relationship between exchange rate volatility and trade. These studies for developed countries are Asseery and Peel (1991), and Sercu and Vanhulle (1992). Some studies for developing economies found a negative and significant relationship between REER volatility and trade. These include Coes (1981); Brada and Mendez (1988); Caballero and Corbo (1989); Bah and Amusa (2003); Arize et al. (2004); Kihangire (2004) and Cameron et al. (2005). A summary of each of these studies is provided in Appendix 4. These studies were mainly carried out in Latin America and Africa. Brada and Mendez (1988) is among the few studies that have analysed the relationship between exchange rate variability and foreign trade for Latin American countries in spite of the fact that many Latin American countries moved to a flexible exchange rate regime at some point in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The other study is that by Arize et.al (2004) who investigated empirically the impact of RER volatility on the export flows of eight Latin American countries over the quarterly period 1973-1997 drew similar results. Bah and Amusa (2003) Cameron et al. (2005) and Kihangire (2004) are those carried out in Africa. Bah and Amusa (2003) used the Auto-Regressive Conditional Order (ARCH) and Generalized ARCH (GARCH) models to investigate the impact of the REER volatility on South Africa's exports to its largest, single-nation trading partner, the USA. The results indicated that volatility of the Rand's REER exerted a significant and negative effect on exports in both the long and short-run. Cameron et al. (2005) investigated empirically the effects of monthly exchange rate variability on Uganda’s exports of coffee over the period 1988-2001. The results suggest that the effects of exchange rate variability on Uganda’s exports coffee were more severe under the floating exchange rate regime, than for the fixed exchange rate regime period. Similar results were drawn by Kihangire (2004) who investigated the effects of exchange rate variability on Uganda’s aggregate export growth under the floating exchange rate policy regime (1994-2001), benchmarked on the fixed exchange rate regime (1988-1993). Studies for developing economies that have conclude that exchange rate volatility plays no significant role in explaining trade in developing economies include Gonzaga and Terra (1997) and Kihangire et al. (2005). 7.4 Model Framework 250 7.4.1 Export Function Following the two-country models of international trade developed by Goldstein and Khan (1978), the main determinants of the demand for a country’s exports are external relative prices of exports and foreign income levels expressed as: xdt f (reer , y * )t (7.1) where xdt is the world demand for a country’s exports, reert refers to the relative price of country’s exports defined in equation form as; reert pt where p ft is the foreign neer t * p ft ) price, pt is the domestic price level and neer is the nominal exchange rate defined as the amount of local currency per unit of foreign currency. yt* represents the real foreign income of a country’s major trading partner. When the measure of exchange rate volatility (rervolt ) is added to equation (7.1), the following function is obtained xdt f (reer , y * , rervol )t (7.2). A reduced export demand model could also be obtained from the export supply function, derived from the assumption of profit maximization. The main determinants of structural export supplies are domestic relative prices of exports, and domestic capacity utilization proxied by real GDP ( yt ). Consistent with literature, we extend this theoretical framework to include exchange rate variability, yielding a structural export supply function: xst f (reer , y, rervol )t (7.3) where xst denotes the supply of exports. Assuming equilibrium in the export markets, the following relationship holds: xdt xst xt f (reer , y, y * , rervol )t 7.4.2 (7.4) Import Function There are two primary determinants of imports (Hooper and Marquezz, 1988). The first is the domestic income variable, which measures the economic activity, and hence the purchasing power of each trading partner. This is called the income effect. The second is the price effect, which takes into account the relative price or terms of trade variable. There is, however, an additional factor called the volatility effect, which captures the effect of RER volatility on the demand for imports. When all these factors are incorporated, then we get the following importdemand function: mt f (reer , y, rervol )t (7.5) 251 where mt denotes real imports, and reer t the relative price serves as an indicator of external competitiveness and is measured as the terms of trade. Model (7.4) and (7.5) were estimated within a cointegration framework. 7.5 Empirical Approach 7.5.1 Data To estimate the export and import functions, the following variables were needed: real exports, real imports, real domestic income, domestic relative prices proxied by REER, real foreign income (proxied by real GDP of respective COMESA country major trading partners) and REER volatility. Real exports refer to a country’s export values adjusted for inflation. Real foreign income is defined as the sum of all the incomes (proxied by real GDP) of the major trading partners of each COMESA country. The DTS and IFS Databases of the IMF were the source of data for real GDP of each COMESA country trading partners. Since all the data were on an annual basis, interpolation had to be done in order to get the monthly data using the Chow and Lin (1971) approach. In this respect, the industrial production index published by OECD was used as a proxy for the trend of monthly GDP. Real foreign income, which was initially measured in millions of US dollars, was converted to the respective domestic currency using the relevant exchange rates. The relative price, proxied by the real exchange rate, is defined as the ratio of respective country’s exports prices (i.e. index of unit value of exports) to the world export prices (i.e. index of unit value of world exports) all expressed in domestic currency. It serves as an indicator of the country’s external competitiveness. Due to lack of monthly data not only on the unit value of exports but also the unit values of world exports, the REER was used as a proxy for relative prices. Real imports refer to imports measured in real terms (i.e. import values measured in millions of domestic currency and adjusted for inflation). Real income of domestic economy is proxied by real GDP. The source of real GDP data was obtained from the Surveys produced by the National Statistics Offices of respective COMESA Countries in addition to the IFS of the IMF. Since the data obtained was on annual basis, EViews package was used interpolate i.e. convert the annual to monthly real GDP data. The Terms of Trade (TOT) defined as the ratio of import prices to domestic prices of import substitutes. Monthly data on import prices and the import substitute prices was unavailable. The TOT was therefore used as a proxy variable. In this respect, monthly data required for this variable was that of export prices and import prices. All the TOT data was measured as an index. REER volatility is defined as short-term fluctuations of the REER about their longer-term trends. In the context of this study, it was assumed that the REER uncertainty (i.e. volatility) is generated by first order autoregressive process (See appendix 2). All the variables were in logarithmic form. 7.5.2 Empirical Results Burundi Equations (7.6) and (7.7) are the estimated long-run and dynamic export and import functions, respectively xt 1.11 yt* 1.33 reert (1.85) (0.95) 0.47 rervol t (0.47) (7.6) 252 xt 0.13 xt 2 0.23 xt 3 2.05 reert 4 10.65 rervolt 5 7.63 rervolt 8 (1.69) ( 1.50) (3.03) ( 2.40) (1.71) 0.17 ecmt 1 0.20 ( 4.35) (2.76) Adj R 0.14; Se 0.75; 2 (7.7) BG LM Test (2) 0.00(1.00) 2 White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (12) 88.57(0.00) JB Normality 1301.98(0.00) Generally, the statistical fit of the model to the data was poor, as indicated by the values of adjusted R2, which were 0.14. Also the statistical appropriateness of the dynamic models was not supported by most of the diagnostic tests. In particular, the estimated short run model did not fulfil the conditions of no serial correlation and homoscedasticity. Equations (7.8) and (7.9) are the estimated long-run and dynamic import function, respectively. mt 2.02 yt 0.62 neert 0.97 tott 0.51 rervolt (10.28) (0.92) (2.20) (7.8) ( 0.18) mt 0.62 mt 1 0.09 mt 4 0.66 yt 0.46 yt 1 0.07 yt 2 ( 9.17) ( 1.77) (14.82) (7.10) ( 1.40) 0.77 reert 3 2.42 rervolt 2 1.20 tott 8 0.03 ecmt 1 0.77 (2.24) (2.18) (1.80) ( 4.35) (1.01) Adj R 0.63; Se 0.18; 2 (7.9) BG LM Test (2) 0.00(1.00) 2 White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (18) 88.93(0.00) JB Normality 29.79(0.00) The empirical results suggested that the statistical fit of the model to the data was satisfactory, as indicated by the values of adjusted R2, which was 0.63. However, the diagnostic tests performed showed that estimated model had mixed performance in respect of tests such as normality and other stability tests of residuals. Bivariate Granger causality tests were done for the REER and real GDP. The results indicate that REER Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level while there is no statistically significant effect in the other direction (Table 7.3). Table 7.3 Granger Causality Tests Test between REER and real GDP in Burundi Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 178 F-Statistic 3.11929 0.95089 Prob. 0.0467 0.3884 . Egypt Equations (7.10) and (7.11) describe the estimated cointegrated and dynamic models, respectively. 253 xt 1.20 yt* 0.14 reert 1.01 rervolt ( 0.65) (6.56) (7.10) (6.28) xt 0.38 xt 1 0.17 xt 2 0.27 xt 3 0.32 xt 4 0.25 xt 5 0.12 xt 6 ( 4.83) ( 2.21) ( 3.55) ( 4.28) ( 3.43) ( 1.84) 0.21 xt 7 0.17 xt 8 1.61 yt*1 1.55 yt*7 0.01 reert 0.01 reert 1 ( 3.49) ( 2.96) 2.23 ( 2.17) ( 2.03) (2.06) 0.01 reert 2 0.01 reert 5 0.02 reert 8 1.73 rervolt 1 2.05 rervolt 7 (1.64) ( 3.35) (1.35) ( 2.91) (7.11) (3.53) 0.32 ecmt 1 0.04 ( 5.02) (2.84) Adj R 2 0.45; Se 0.15; BG LM Test 2 (2) 1.41(0.49) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (18) 17.95(0.46) JB Normality 12.77(0.002) It should be noted that the residual diagnostic tests for Egypt’s short run export demand model fulfilled the conditions of no serial correlation and homoscedasticity. Egypt’s long-run and dynamic import functions are estimated as equations (7.12) and (7.13), respectively. The statistical fit of the dynamic model was satisfactory, as indicated by the value of adjusted R2, which was 0.45. Moreover, the statistical appropriateness of the models was supported by most of the diagnostic tests. In particular, the conditions of no serial correlation, homoscedasticity and normality. mt 0.68 yt 0.29 reert 0.45 rervolt 2.94 (2.48) (1.18) (7.12) (2.08) mt 0.67 mt 1 0.65 mt 2 0.32 mt 3 0.13 mt 4 1.52 yt 1 0.62 yt 2 0.37 yt 7 ( 5.75) (6.74) ( 3.22) ( 1.69) ( 2.20) (0.89) ( 0.56) 0.01 reert 5 0.01 reert 6 0.01 reert 8 0.85 rervolt 0.53 rervolt 1 1.20 rervolt 4 ( 2.44) (1.68) ( 1.72) ( 1.09) (1.81) (2.40) 1.21 rervolt 5 0.56 rervolt 7 0.17 ecmt 1 0.04 ( 2.41) (1.10) ( 2.32) (2.48) Adj R 0.51; Se 0.13; 2 (7.13) BG LM Test (2) 3.51(0.17) 2 White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (16) 14.85(0.56) JB Normality 2.27(0.32) The bivariate Granger causality tests indicate that REER Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level. The results also indicate that GDP Granger causes REER at 5% significance level (Table 7.4). Table 7.4: Causality Tests Test Between REER and real GDP in Egypt Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 166 254 F-Statistic 1.01526 0.32258 Prob. 0.3646 0.7247 Kenya Equation(7.14) is the estimated long-run export function. xt 1.61 yt* 1.66 neert 3.34 rervolt 15.36 (12.74) (7.14) ( 2.59) (4.31) Kenya’s short run export demand model is presented as equation(7.15). The estimated model fulfilled the conditions of no serial correlation and homoscedasticity. xt 0.23 xt 1 0.15 xt 2 0.10 xt 7 0.09 xt 10 0.16 xt 11 0.17 xt 12 ( 3.53) ( 2.28) ( 1.76) ( 1.41) (2.42) (2.54) 0.23 y 0.68 reert 0.74 reert 3 0.56 reert 9 0.43 reert 12 1.64 rervolt 4 * t (3.84) ( 3.09) (2.53) ( 2.55) ( 1.85) (1.12) 2.06 rervolt 10 1.94 rervolt 11 0.96 rervolt 12 0.20 ecmt 1 9.41 ( 2.07) ( 1.10) (1.80) ( 6.17) (0.84) Adj R 0.42; Se 0.09; 2 BG LM Test 2 (2) 0.00(1.00) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (32) 37.64(0.23) JB Normality 10.87(0.004) The respective import functions are equations (7.16) and (7.17). mt 1.61 yt 0.74 reert 1.45 rervolt 0.47 tott 11.58 (3.33) ( 1.95) ( 1.54) (7.16) ( 3.62) mt 0.20 mt 2 0.09 mt 5 0.10 mt 6 0.13 mt 7 0.05 mt 8 0.93 yt 3 ( 1.16) (3.14) ( 3.22) ( 1.40) (0.64) ( 2.11) 0.38 yt 7 0.30 reert 1 0.31 reert 2 0.62 reert 6 0.53 tott 6 1.09 rervolt (0.92) (0.83) (0.86) (1.83) (3.41) ( 0.47) 4.64 rervolt 5 4.55 rervolt 6 0.46 ecmt 1 10.04 ( 2.66) (3.26) ( 7.22) (0.14) Adj R 2 0.41; Se 0.14; (7.17) BG LM Test (2) 0,.00(1.00) 2 White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (34) 28.04(0.75) JB Normality 49.16(0.00) The results indicate that a satisfactory statistical fit of the dynamic model as indicated by the value of adjusted R2, which were 0.41. The estimated model also fulfilled the conditions of no serial correlation, homoscedasticity. Table 7.5 suggests that REER in Kenya Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level. The results however indicate that GDP does not Granger cause REER at 5% significance level. Table 7.5 Granger Causality Tests Test between REER and real GDP in Kenya Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 178 255 F-Statistic 0.21927 5.58849 Prob. 0.8033 0.0044 (7.15) Malawi Equation (7.18) is the long-run export function. xt 0.16 yt* 0.70 reert 0.12 rervolt 3.78 ( 2.03) (2.05) (7.18) ( 0.17) The dynamic behaviour of the export function is presented in equation (7.19) xt 0.11 xt 1 0.13 xt 3 1.86 yt*1 3.23 yt*3 1.95 yt*5 3.23 yt*6 (1.74) (2;02) (2.35) (3.76) ( 3.89) (2.15) 1.63 reert 1 2.51 reert 3 1.72 reert 5 1.97 reert 12 (2.21) (3.19) (7.19) ( 2.23) (1.95) 3.66 rervolt 5 0.66 ecmt 1 1.21 ( 3.02) ( 9.63) ( 0.14) Adj R 0.428; Se 0.37 2 BG LM Test 2 (2) 2.05(0.36) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (12) 14.14(0.29) JB Normality 40.50(0.00) The estimated import functions (7.20) and (7.21) are for the long-run and short-run, respectively. mt 1.80 yt 1.05 reert 1.17 rervolt 0.92 tott 10.81 ( 1.94) (1.93) (0.87) (7.20) (1.02) mt 0.17 mt 3 0.25 mt 4 1.31 reert 1 1.78 reert 4 4.32 tott 6 (2.53) (3.78) (2.24) (2.89) (1.93) (7.21) 2.99 rervolt 4 0.63 ecmt 1 13.79 ( 2.45) ( 9.74) ( 9.74) Adj R 0.36; Se 0.42; 2 BG LM Test 2 (2) 3.50(0.17) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (11) 8.60(0.66) JB Normality 1.90(0.39) The results indicate a satisfactory statistical fit of the dynamic model. The estimated model also fulfilled the conditions of no serial correlation and homoscedasticity. The bivariate Granger causality tests were done for the REER and real GDP. The results indicate that REER in Malawi Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level. The results, however, indicate that GDP does not Granger cause REER at 10% significance level (Table 7.6). Table 7.6: Pairwise Granger Causality Tests Test between REER and real GDP in Malawi Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 178 Mauritius 256 F-Statistic 1.75757 2.50168 Prob. 0.1755 0.0849 Equations (7.22) and (7.23) are the estimated export functions. xt 1.51 yt* 1.52 reert 0.25 rervolt 14.87 (2.62) (2.70) (7.22) (0.44) xt 0.26 xt 6 0.21 xt 7 0.27 xt 8 3.30 yt*6 2.17 reert 2 2.87 reert 5 ( 3.77) ( 2.71) ( 3.95) ( 1.28) ( 2.87) ( 3.09) 4.84 reert 4 4.20 rervolt 5 4.66 rervolt 6 1.98 rervolt 7 0.60 ecmt 1 0.03 ( 2.00) ( 1.93) (1.67) ( 9.13) (1.02) (2.04) Adj R 0.46; Se 0.14; 2 (7.23) BG LM Test 2 (2) 3.50(0.17) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (11) 8.61(0.65) JB Normality 1.90(0.39) The estimated long and short run import functions are (7.24) and (7.25), respectively. mt 1.02 yt 0.71 reert 2.54 rervolt 1.30 tott 4.03 (4.64) ( 1.52) ( 3.51) (7.24) ( 2.02) mt 0.41 mt 1 0.27 mt 2 0.26 mt 4 0.25 mt 4 1.55 yt 1 1.72 yt 4 ( 5.27) ( 3.30) ( 3.19) ( 3.37) (3.04) (3.57) 1.06 reert 5 1.03 reert 7 1.23 reert 8 3.84 tott 3 0.08 ecmt 1 1.08 ( 1.60) ( 1.44) (1.69) ( 2.38) ( 2.66) ( 10.11) Adj R 0.32; Se 0.13; 2 (7.25) BG LM Test 2 (2) 0.00(0.00) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (22) 68.03(0.76) JB Normality 17.80(0.00) The results of residual diagnostics for Mauritius dynamic import demand function suggested that the statistical fit of the model to the data was satisfactory. Moreover, except for the normality, the diagnostic tests the estimated model fulfilled the conditions of no serial correlation and homoscedasticity. Table 7.7 indicates that REER in Mauritius Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level. The results, also, indicate that the reverse is through i.e. GDP does Granger cause REER at 5% significance level. Table 7.7: Granger Causality Tests Test between RER and Real GDP in Mauritius Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 166 F-Statistic 0.36570 0.77993 Prob. 0.6943 0.4602 Rwanda Equations (7.26) and (7.27) are the respective estimated long and short-run export functions. xt 1.21 yt* 1.08 reert 2.84 rervolt 5.84 (5.11) ( 2.03) (3.71) 257 (7.26) xt 0.21 xt 2 0.17 xt 3 6.18 yt*8 2.83 reert 2 4.71 reert 5 (2.94) (2.31) ( 2.84) (1.86) (3.11) 15.98 rervolt 3 0.69 ecmt 1 20.11 ( 2.46) ( 9.13) (0.84) Adj R 2 0.36; Se 0.41; (7.27) BG LM Test (2) 0.87(0.65) 2 White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (7) 10.24(0.17) JB Normality 18.51(0.00) The respective long-run and short-run import functions are equations (7.28) and (7.29). mt 2.86 yt 0.54 reert 0.11rervolt 0.32 tott 5.84 (5.76) (0.76) (0.03) (7.27) (1.63) mt 0.20 mt 1 0.38 mt 2 0.23 mt 3 10.05 yt 2 6.51 yt 8 (2.15) (4.33) (3.14) ( 3.10) ( 2.62) 2.65 reert 2 4.88 reert 5 2.24 reert 7 1.88 tott 3 (1.52) (3.02) ( 1.30) (1.83) 2.17 tott 7 10.76 revolt 1 14.63 revolt 3 0.90 ecmt 1 3.09 ( 1.59) (1.94) ( 2.21) ( 8.57) ( 1.22) Adj R 0.46; Se 0.39; 2 (7.29) BG LM Test 2 (2) 0.25(0.88) White HeteroscedasticTest 2 (13) 9.45(0.73) JB Normality 50.84(0.00) The causality results are shown in Table 7.8 suggests that REER in Rwanda Granger causes real GDP at 5% significance level. The results, also, indicate that the reverse is through i.e. GDP does Granger cause REER at 5% significance level but not at 10% significance level. Table 7.8: Causality Tests Test Between REER and real GDP in Rwanda Null Hypothesis: y does not Granger Cause reer reer does not Granger Cause y Obs 141 258 F-Statistic 1.66123 2.28698 Prob. 0.1784 0.0815 7.6 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations This study estimated export and import demand functions for selected COMESA countries over the period 1993 to 2007. There was mixed performance in respect of the effect of REER volatility, which was the variable of primary interest in this study, on exports in the long run. While some results were negative and significant at the 5% level, others were positive and also significant at the 5% level. In Kenya and Malawi, for instance, the results showed that REER volatility had a negative and highly significant effect on exports. In Egypt and Rwanda, on the other hand, the results showed that RER volatility had a positive and highly significant effect on exports. In Burundi, and Mauritius, however, the results showed that REER volatility did not have a significant effect on exports in the long run. The exchange rate risk reflected in REER volatility, however, seemed to be an important factor in explaining export demand in all in the short run. This is because the results showed that increases in the exchange-rate volatility exerted a highly significant and negative effect upon export demand in the in the short-run in all the countries. For most countries, import-demand was largely explained by real GDP (which relates to the general level of economic activity in the country). As in the case of export demand models also, there was mixed performance in respect of the effect of REER volatility on imports in the long run. While the results of two countries showed that RER volatility had a significant at the 5% level on imports, the rest showed that RER volatility had negative but insignificant effect at the 5% level of significance in imports. Evidence from the study also revealed mixed results on the Bivariate Granger causality and impulse response functions in respect of effect of RER depreciation on output (real GDP). The impulse response functions for most countries showed that RER depreciation had an expansionary impact on the output in both medium and long terms. The opposite (contractionary impact), was, however observed for the short-term horizon. Based on the above results and conclusion, this study makes two policy recommendations that would lead to minimal volatility and consequently boost trade and thus read to improved economic growth and reduction in poverty levels. Firstly, efforts should be made in COMESA countries to develop and deepen the derivatives market to provide for hedging instruments for managing exchange rate risk. This would involve coming up with a range of trade finance products that make it possible for risk-averse traders and investors to minimize their exposure to the effect of exchange rate risky. The unpredictability of exchange rates creates uncertainty about the profits to be made and, hence, reduces the benefits of trade and investment. Hedging instruments for managing exchange rate risk should therefore be broadened in Kenya. Secondly, policy makers should design an exchange rate policy that ensures that stability in the foreign exchange market is maintained. This is because the results have shown that RER volatility has a significant detrimental effect on trade and private investment. Thus, if trade and investment were to significantly promote the country’s economic growth and thus help reduce poverty, it is necessary that a stable exchange rate policy be pursued. In this respect, the monetary authority should relook at its current intervention policy in the foreign exchange market with a view to ensure that as much as possible, REER volatilities are minimized. This entails continued maintenance of the policy of allowing the forces of supply and demand to determine foreign exchange rate in the market and only intervening to deal with major instabilities but not to target a particular exchange rate. Additionally, prudent coordination and management of fiscal and monetary policies should be pursued as a means of promoting the achievement and maintenance of a stable macroeconomic environment and hence reduced uncertainties for traders and investments. 7.5 References Anderton, R. and Skudelny, F. 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(1) Where CAt is the current account, NERt is the nominal exchange rate defined as amount of foreign currency per unit of domestic currency, X is the value of domestic exports and M is the value of domestic imports. When the exchange rate depreciates, implying decline in the absolute value of NER, foreign residents find domestic goods and services less expensive, implying that X negatively depends on the exchange rate as shown in equation 2 below: dX t 0 …………………………………………………………………………. (2) dNERt Thus, the price elasticity of demand for exports is defined as the percentage change in exports over the percentage change in prices, which in this case are represented by the nominal exchange rate, that is: x dX t Xt dNERt ……………………………………………………..………. (3) NERt Similarly, when the exchange rate depreciates, domestic residents find foreign goods more expensive, implying M depends positively on the exchange rate, that is: dM t 0 …………………………..………………………….……………………(4) dNERt It follows from the above also that the price elasticity of demand for imports is defined as the percentage change in imports over the percentage change in prices, which in this case are also represented by the NER, that is: m dM t Mt dNERt …………………………………………..….………………..…..(5) NERt Thus, the effect of the exchange rate depreciation on the current account is expressed as follows: dX dM dCAt X NERt dNERt dNERt dNERt dX NERt dCAt X NERt dNERt dNERt X …………….……………….…..…..(6) X NERt dM dNERt NERt M M NERt ..(7) dCAt M X x X m ……………………………………………….……(8) dNERt NERt If we assume that we were initially in a balanced current account where M=NER*X, then dCAt X x X m X ……………………………….……....…………….…..(9) dNERt 264 Dividing equation (9) by X yields the Marshall-Lerner Condition28: dCAt 1 (1 x m ) ………………………………………………………..(10) dNERt X Thus dCAt 0 if x m 1 dNERt …………………………………...……………………….……..………..(11) The Marshall-Lerner Condition states that starting from equilibrium in the current account, a depreciation of the exchange rate will improve the current account only if the sum of elasticities of exports and imports is greater than unity (Williamson, 1985). In this exchange rate elasticity model, price effects contribute to a worsening of the current account because imports become expensive. Volume effects, however, tend to contribute to improvement of current account because exports become cheaper from the foreign country’s perspective whenever the exchange rate depreciates. Thus, in the short run, the Marshall-Lerner condition might not hold since export and import volumes do not substantially change, hence price effects tend to dominate, thus leading to worsening of the current account position following exchange rate depreciation. The reverse is true in the long run. 28 Named after English political economist Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) and Romanian-born economist Abba Lerner (1905-1982). In its simplest form, Marshall-Lerner principle states that for a currency devaluation to have a positive impact in trade balance and hence balance of payments, the price elasticity of demand for imports and exports must be greater than unity. As a devaluation (revaluation) of the exchange rate means a reduction (increase) on price of exports, demand for these will increase (decrease). At the same time, price of imports will rise (decline) and their demand diminishes (increases). The net effect on the trade balance will depend on price elasticities. If goods exported are elastic to price, their demand will increase proportionately more than the decrease in price, and total export revenue will increase. Similarly, if goods imported are elastic, total import expenditure will decrease. Both will improve the trade balance. 265 Appendix 2 In the context of this study, the model assumes that the RER uncertainty (i.e. volatility) is generated by first order autoregressive process that is specified as: reert 0 1reert t where reer is the natural logarithm of REER, 0 and 1 are the parameters to be estimated and t is an error that is normally distributed with zero (0) mean and constant variance 2 . The variance of the error term depends upon time (t). The ARCH model characterizes the way this dependence can be captured by an autoregressive process of the form: 2 t 0 1 2 t 1 2 2 t 2 .... m 2 t m where 2 is the conditional variance of the RER, 2 t i for i=1,2,3….m denotes the squared residuals derived from equation 19 and i for i=0,1,…m are the parameters to be estimated. The restriction i 0 is meant to ensure that the predicted variance is always not a negative value. The term 2 t i represents the ARCH and is therefore a measure of information about the RER volatility in the previous period. This study, however, employed the GARCH which is an extension of the ARCH model in which the variance is given by: 2 t 0 1 2 t 1 2 2 t 2 .... k 2 t k 1 2 t 1 2 2 t 2 ... m 2 t m where 2 t j for j=1, 2…k is the GARCH term representing the last period’s forecast variance. GARCH (1,1) is the simplest specification in this class and is the most widely used specification. Thus, the GARCH (1, 1) model is given by: 2 t 0 1 2 t 1 1 2 t 1 This equation was employed as the GARCH process to capture the RER volatility in the respective selected COMESA countries. 266