A Women Rides the Beast

A Women Rides The Beast:
How the Church of Rome, Protestants, Hindus, and All
the World’s Religions Are Becoming One
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no one deceive you by any means; for
that Day will not come
unless the
falling away comes first, and the man of sin
is revealed , the son of perdition,
(the Second Coming)
Revelation 17:3-4:
And I saw a women sitting on a scarlet beast which was
full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten
horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls
having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
and filthiness of her fornication.
Religious Symbols of the European Union
By Alan Franklin:
Another demonic biblical symbol that is being used in
conjunction with the European Union is the one from
Revelation 17 where a “great harlot” is depicted riding
a beast. For some strange and unknown reason this
symbol is being used to represent the EU! For example,
when Britain issued a stamp to commemorate the first
European Parliament elections in 1979,
the picture on the stamp depicted a woman riding a
beast. According to the Rev. Dr. Ian Paisley, a Northern
Ireland Protestant minister and member of the
European Parliament, the woman on a beast is now the
official picture of the EU. He points out that the multimillion dollar new parliament building in Brussels,
Belgium, contains a dome with a colossal painting,
three times life size, of a woman riding a beast.
In Strasbourg, France, the rival parliamentary building
(the one with the Tower of Babel) features a mural of a
naked woman riding a beast. Likewise, the new
Brussels headquarters of the Council of Europe
contains a bronze statue of a woman riding a beast, and
the beast is depicted riding on waves, just as in
Revelation 17.
2 Euro 2002
1996 5 Euro Coin
German Weekly Magazine Der Spiegel Cover May 2000
German Weekly Magazine Der Spiegel Cover From 2004
One World Spirituality:
Darwinian Evolution
Hindu Pantheism/Panentheism
The Telegraph, February 11, 2009
The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is
compatible with Christianity
The Vatican has admitted that Charles Darwin's theory
of evolution should not have been dismissed and
claimed it is compatible with the Christian view of
Two Tracks to Globalism Merge:
Spiritual and Political
Former U.N. Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold noted that there are:
two Popes on this planet, a spiritual Pope in
Rome and a civilian Pope in New York, namely,
the Secretary-General of the UN.
The Church of Rome, like many protestant
churches, is committed to the promotion of
ecumenicalism through which all religions of
the world can work together to solve world
The Second Vatican Council also known as The Vatican
II opened October 11, 1962 and closed December 8,
1965. It was the twenty-first Ecumenicalism Council of
the Catholic Church.
In Previews of the New Papacy
Catholic Ellyn Miller Writes:
After the Ecumenical Council of Vatican II, the
greatest work of destruction ever undertaken
was initiated inside the Catholic Church.
John Paul II Being Anointed with the Hindu “Sign of
the Tilak”
John Paul II with Dali Lama and Other Religious Leaders
John Paul II Kissing the Koran, May 14, 1999
(source: marienfried.com)
John Paul II Praying at the Tomb of Gandhi in New
Delhi in 1986
(source marienfried.com)
Benedict XVI Received “Blessing” From Witch Doctor
in Sydney in 2008 at World Youth Day
(source: marienfried.com)
Benedict XVI Receiving Koran From a Muslim, April
17, 2008
(source: marienfried.com)
Benedict XVI Speaking To Religious Leaders at the Vatican
Embassy in Ankara, Turkey with the Muslim Crescent behind him
(source: marienfried.com)
Vatican II, Opened on
October 11, 1962 at St. Peter’s Basilica in
This conference furthered the ecumenical
movement and was resided over by Pope John
In Geneva, Switzerland,
Addressing the World Council of Churches,
John Paul II Declared:
“From the beginning of my ministry as bishop of
Rome, I have insisted that the engagement of
the Catholic Church in the ecumenical
movement is irreversible.”
Mother Teresa Declared:
If in coming face to face with God we accept Him in our
lives, then we . . . become a better Hindu, a better
Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever we are
. . . What God is in your mind you must accept.
Source: Desmond Doig, Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work (Harper & Row, 1976) (p. 156)
In 1985, the Pope Said:
Christians and Moslems, we meet one another
in faith in the one God. . .[and] strive to put
into practice . . .the teaching of our respective
holy books.
According to M. Basil Pennington,
a Prominent Catholic Priest, the Council
“all Christians . . . to act positively to preserve
and even promote all that is good in other
religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and other
world religions.”
Msgr. Wojtyla
[who became Pope John Paul II] Declared:
Nostalgia for the unity of Christians makes
common cause with that of unity for the
whole human race … This gives rise to the
attitude of the Church towards the other
religions, which is based on the recognition of
their spiritual values, humans and Christians
together, reaching out to such religions as Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism. . .
The Los Angeles Times February 5, 1993
Reported That During his 1993 Tour
of Africa the Pope:
…sought common ground with believers in
voodoo . . . suggesting that they would not
betray their traditional faith by converting to
Pope Paul VI Said:
The Church has this exhortation for her sons and
daughters: prudently and lovingly, through dialogue
and collaboration with the followers of other
religions, and in witness of Christian faith and life,
acknowledge, preserve and promote the spiritual
and moral goods found among these peoples . . .
source: Nostra Aetate 2, Para. 6
John Paul II at the Universities of
Calcutta and New Delhi in his 1986 Visit to
India Told Hindu Audiences:
“India’s mission. . . is crucial, because of her intuition of
the spiritual nature of man. Indeed, India’s greatest
contribution to the world can be to offer it a spiritual
vision of man. And the world does well to attend
willingly to this ancient wisdom and in it to find
enrichment for human living.”
Three Catholic priests state in
their book, Finding Grace at the Center:
“We should not hesitate to take the fruit of the ageold Wisdom of the East and “capture” it for Christ . .
.Many Christians who take their prayer life seriously
have been greatly helped by Yoga, Zen, TM and
similar practices . . .”
The Church of Rome, like many protestant
churches, is committed to the promotion of
social justice, communitarianism, sustainable
development and global governance
In June 2009, Pope Benedict XVI
issued a 30,000-word encyclical calling for:
Reform of the United Nations so there could be
“true world political authority”
a global tax
Global redistribution of wealth from rich
countries to poor countries
a worldwide redistribution of energy resources,
so that countries lacking those resources can
have access to them.
In June of 2009 in His 30,000
Word Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
the current crisis … presents us with choices
that cannot be postponed concerning nothing
less than the destiny of man…The different
aspects of the crisis, its solutions, and any new
development that the future may bring, are
increasingly interconnected, they imply
one another, they require new efforts of holistic
understanding and a new humanistic
synthesis…The current crisis obliges us to replan
our journey, to set ourselves new rules and to
discover new forms of commitment, to build on
positive experiences and to reject negative ones.
In June of 2009 in His 30,000 Word
Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
To manage the global economy … to bring about
integral and timely disarmament, food security and
peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment
and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent
need of a true world political authority.
The crisis thus becomes an opportunity for
discernment, in which to shape a new vision for
the future….Remarkable convergences and
possible solutions will then come to light.
In June of 2009 in His 30,000 Word
Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
Globalization is a multifaceted and complex
phenomenon which must be grasped in the diversity
and unity of all its different dimensions, including the
theological dimension.
In this way it will be possible to experience
and to steer the globalization of humanity in
relational terms, in terms of communion and
the sharing of goods.
In June of 2009 in His 30,000 Word
Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
Practicing charity in truth helps people to
understand that adhering to the values of
Christianity is not merely useful but essential for
building a good society and for true integral
human development…
In June of 2009 in His 30,000 Word
Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
The more we strive to secure a common good
corresponding to the real needs of our
neighbors, the more effectively we love them.
The Church of Rome, like many protestant
churches, is committed to the promotion of
New Age Pagan practices and beliefs
The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her
Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals
and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan p 156.
It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed
herself of practices which were in common use among
pagans…Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic
rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan
In Catholic Catechism #460 the
Church of Rome has declared:
The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine
nature": "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of
God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into
communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship,
might become a son of God." "For the Son of God became man
so that we might become God." "The only-begotten Son of God,
wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature,
so that he, made man, might make men gods
According to Spirituality of the Catholic Educator,
(April 1990), New Jersey/New York area Catholic
schools utilize a program titled Energetics for Living:
A Curriculum Enhancement Program for Peace
Education, developed by Sisters Vergilla Jim, and
Claire Langie, Its purpose is:
“nothing less than the transformation of the
child from within” through contact with the
creative “energy” found “at the very center of
their being” leading to an experience of “the
interconnectedness and interdependency of all
living creatures. . .”
… Contact with the child’s “sacred center”
is effected through “the regular practice of
meditation, visualization, relaxation, breathing, etc.”
“They have adapted the Hindu greeting “Namaste,”
which means “The God in me greets the God in you!”
Once the student sees that he and everything is God,
“who would do violence to God or to any of his
creatures?” asks Sister Loretta Carey, R.D.C. of
Fordham University.”
Sister Mary L. O’Hara, C.S.J., professor of
philosophy at the College of Saint Mary,
Omaha, specializes in promoting Buddhist and
Hindu techniques for enhancing education in
Catholic schools.
The Church of Rome, ,like many protestant
churches, is committed to the promotion of
spiritual evolution
Catholic theologian
Teilbard de Chardin said,:
“The fate of mankind, as well as of religion,
depends upon the emergence of a new faith
in the future.”
The Church of Rome, like many protestant
churches, Rejects The Authority of The
Word of God in Favor of Man’s Opinion
and Experiences
Confessio Romano—Catholica,
Articles IV, I, and XXI:
We confess that whatsoever new thing the pope of
Rome may have instituted, whether it be in Scripture,
or out of Scripture, is true, divine, and salvific; and,
therefore, ought to be regarded as of higher value by
lay people than the precepts of the Living God…
…We confess that the Pope has the power of altering
Scriptures, or increasing and diminishing it,
according to his will…We confess that the Holy
Scripture is imperfect and a dead letter, until it is
explained by the Supreme Pontiff and permitted by
him to be read by lay people.
The Question Box Column,
Brooklyn Tablet, Nov. 8, 1958, teaches:
Tradition as a source of Faith would suffice
without Scripture.
According to the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, #82:
…Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted
and honored with equal sentiments of
devotion and reverence.
The Church of Roman, like Many
Protestant Churches, is Promoting the
United Nations
His Pope Benedict XVI touches the United Nations flag removed from the ruins of the
United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad during the 2001 bombing attack, UN
Photo/Evan Schneider
On October 4, 1965 Pope Paul VI
turned over the Papal Tiara, a symbol of the
papacy, to the United Nations and declared
that the United Nations is:
the last, best hope of mankind.
In June of 2009 in His 30,000 Word
Encyclical Pope Benedict XVI Declared:
In the face of the unrelenting growth of global
interdependence, there is a
strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global
recession, for a reform of the United Nations
and likewise of economic institutions and
international finance, so that the concept of the
family of nations can acquire real teeth.
In New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality,
Robert Muller Wrote:
Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns
and services for the United Nations. The most
important examples are those of the Catholic, the
Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Baha’i
faiths. It is common practice of the UnitarianUniversalists to display the United Nations flag in
their houses of worship.
So does the Holy Family Church, the parish
church of the UN” . . . (p. 45)
In his book, New Genesis:
Shaping a Global Spirituality, Muller writes:
Pope John Paul II said that we [those at the UN]
were the stonecutters and artisans of a
cathedral which we might never see in its
finished beauty.
In his book, New Genesis: Shaping a Global
Spirituality, Muller wrote:
“…I discovered that for U Thant there was no difference
between spirituality, religion and life. Life was for
him a constant spirituality. I studied Buddhism to
understand him better. We became great friends. He
was able to teach me what my Catholic priests had
always told me, but at that time I hadn’t listened.”
In New Genesis: Shaping a Global
Spirituality, Robert Muller wrote:
“For the first time in evolution, the human species has
assumed a collective responsibility for the success of
planet Earth in the universe. . . . Perhaps this will be
the new spiritual ideology which will bind the human
race.” (p.37)
In New Genesis: Shaping a Global
Spirituality, Robert Muller wrote:
. . . while in the past all religions and philosophies were
born within specific local, cultural contexts, today we
are witnessing the birth of a new philosophy,
ideology or ethics which originates from a central
place of synthesis where all dreams, aspirations,
claims and values of humankind converge. (pp. 46-47)
. . .Post modern men and women need common
values, goals, ideals, visions. But the great
question in dispute is: does not all this
presuppose a religious faith?. . . What we
need is an ecumenical world order!”
In his book, Most of All They Taught Me
Happiness, Muller writes:
I have come to believe firmly today that our future
peace, justice, fulfillment, happiness and harmony
on this planet will not depend on world government
but on divine or cosmic government, meaning that
we must seek and apply the “natural,”
“evolutionary,” “divine,” “universal” or “cosmic” laws
which must rule our journey in the cosmos.
Most of these laws can be found in
the great religions and prophecies,
and they are being rediscovered slowly but
surely in the world organizations. Any
Teilhardian will recognize in this the spiritual
transcendence which he announced so
emphatically as the next step in our evolution.
In Robert Muller’s New Genesis: Shaping a
Global Spirituality, Muller Writes:
“Peace will be impossible without the taming of
fundamentalism through a United Religions
that professes faithfulness only to the global
spirituality and to the health of this planet.”
From his same book, Muller further states:
“World-wide spiritual ecumenism, expressed in
new forms of religious cooperation and
institutions, would probably be closest to the
heart of the resurrected Christ.”
Evangelicals and Catholics Working Together
For Ecumenicalism
In 1993 Parliament of World Religions was held
in Chicago in 1993 and Chuck Colson was
awarded the $1.2 million dollar ecumenical
award known as the Templeton Prize for
On March 29, 1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Signed the Declaration “Evangelicals and
Catholics Together: The Christian mission in the
3rd Millennium
The New York Times
March 30, 1994:
They toiled together in the movements against
abortion and pornography, and now leading Catholics
and evangelicals are asking their flocks for a remarkable
leap of faith: to finally accept each other as Christians.
In what's being called a historic declaration,
evangelicals including Pat Robertson and Charles
Colson joined with conservative Roman Catholic
leaders today in ... urging Catholics and evangelicals ...
to stop aggressive proselytization of each other's flocks.
John White, president of Geneva College and former
president of the National Association of Evangelicals,
said the statement represents a "triumphalistic
moment" in American religious life after centuries of
1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Together Document Stated in Part:
In the exercise of these public responsibilities there has
been in recent years a growing convergence and
cooperation between Evangelicals and Catholics. We
thank God for the discovery of one another in
contending for a common cause. Much more
important, we thank God for the
discovery of one another as brothers and sisters
in Christ. Our cooperation as citizens is animated
by our convergence as Christians. We promise
one another that we will work to deepen, build
upon, and expand this pattern of convergence
and cooperation.
1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Together Document Stated in Part:
Economic freedom, while subject to grave
abuse, makes possible the patterns of creativity,
cooperation, and accountability that contribute
to the common good.
1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Together Document Stated in Part:
…this is a set of directions oriented to the
common good and discussable on the basis of
public reason.
1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Together Document Stated in Part:
…in view of the large number of non- Christians in the
world and the enormous challenge of our common
evangelistic task, it is neither theologically legitimate
nor a prudent use of resources for one Christian
community to proselytize among active adherents of
another Christian community.
1994 Evangelicals and Catholics
Together Document Stated in Part:
…The above is a partial list of public
responsibilities on which we believe there is a
pattern of convergence and cooperation
between Evangelicals and Catholics.
If ethics is to function for the wellbeing of all, it
must be indivisible. The undivided world
increasingly needs an undivided ethic. . . .
Alice Bailey Wrote That the New Age Would:
“…rest upon the foundation of a newly
interpreted and enlightened Christianity . . .
being universal in nature.”
Robert Muller, Catholic and
Former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General
We need a world or cosmic spirituality. ...I hope that
religious leaders will get together and define...the
cosmic laws which are common to all their faiths....They
should tell the politicians what the cosmic laws are,
what God, or the gods, or the cosmos are expecting
from humans....We must also hope that the Pope will
come before the year 2000 to the United
Nations, speak for all the religions and
spiritualities on this planet and give the world
the religious view of how the third millennium
should be a spiritual millennium....
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:
The coming of the lawless one is according to the
working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying
wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among
those who perish, because they did not receive the love
of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this
reason God will send them strong delusion, that they
should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned
who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in