CS/FP5 LESSON PLAN Date: 6.5.13 - 9.5.13 Class: N/R Area of learning: Cross-curricular activities 3-5 yrs Length of lesson: Age of No. of learners: learners: Boxes should be extended as necessary; don’t be constrained by lack of space 1. MAIN FOCUS OF LESSON Knowledge and Understanding of the World 2. LEARNING AND TEACHING TARGETS TEACHING TARGETS 1 hour X 4 afternoons 30 TIME MANAGEMENT-Shorter introduction (plan less activities/aspects to introduce). LEARNING TARGETS SH- will need help to write her name using a triangular pencil and dots to encourage letter formation. Should attempt to form the first letter of her name independently. Also remind SH to use the additional learning needs scissors. Red and blue group to experiment with more colours (can mix colours confidently) and use medium sized paint brushes rather than sponges to apply the paint (paint mixing skills). 3a. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ELOs / WALT) ACTIVITY 1 mix, shape, arrange and combine materials to express their ideas creatively and using a variety of materials and tools (FP2) ACTIVITY 2 using and becoming familiar with common words and phrases for their world (FP2) thinking about questions about living things (FP 2) ACTIVITY 3 adopt a role, making conscious use of movement, gesture and speech using language appropriate to a role or situation (role play the gardening centre) FP2 3b. LITERACY AND NUMERACY FRAMEWORK/ ICT AND THINKING SKILLS/ ESDGC LNF ACTIVITY 1 Literacy: retell familiar stories in a simple way join in, repeat or memorise rhymes, songs and stories with some support hold writing instruments appropriately ACTIVITY 2 Literacy: recall some information from a text using visual features and words ask questions about a familiar topic hold writing instruments appropriately ACTIVITY 3 Literacy make some relevant contributions in role-play activities show an understanding of the functions of writing, e.g. making posters, lists, etc. Numeracy use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items ICT/THINKING SKILLS (3-19 Skills Framework) ACTIVITY 1 Choose from given options what to do and how to do it. ACTIVITY 2 Choose from given options where to find information and ideas. ACTIVITY 3 Ask why, what, how, where, when, etc. ESDGC ACTIVITY 1 Some things can be recycled and others reused. ACTIVITY 2 The variety of living things. ACTIVITY 3 All food comes from animals or plants. The variety of living things. 3c. SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC / WILF) (Suggested – learner led) ACTIVITY 1 I can mix colours to create new colours. ACTIVITY 2 I have learnt new words about the life cycle of a frog. ACTIVITY 3 I know which words/phrases to use when playing in the gardening centre, 4. RESOURCES (including ICT) ACTIVITY 1 Template of a frog’s mask; sponges; strips of thin green cardboard ACTIVITY 2 Laminated A4 pictures of a life cycle of a frog; worksheets; information books about frogs; large dry wipe dice; My life cycle of a frog word mats. ACTIVITY 3 5. INCIDENTAL WELSH Specific key vocabulary and phrases used in this lesson 6. HEALTH AND SAFETY(as See FP 3 bore da/prynhawn da; eisteddwch; dwylo i fyny/dwylo i lawr; da iawn/ardderchog; gwrandewch; amser tacluso N/A relevant) 7. LESSON STRUCTURE i. INTRODUCTION (x minutes) Monday: Sequence pictures of the life cycle of a frog (invite children out and ask the rest of the class to rearrange the children in the correct order). Show a click and drag activity from ‘Hwb’ and invite children to sequence the pictures. Tuesday: N/A Wednesday: The Tadpole’s Promise (a shortened, simplified version of the story using the IWB). Thursday: N/A ii. MAIN WORK PERIOD Differentiated Activities/Tasks (x minutes) Identify groups as: MAT MIDDLE ALN INDIVIDUALS (if appropriate) Identify Tasks as: ENHANCED PROVISION FOCUSED TASKS/DIRECTED ACTIVITIES If used as a rotational planner please expand boxes to show all differentiated rotational tasks. ACTIVITY 1 FOCUSED TASK/DIRECTED ACTIVITY Create a frog mask in response to ‘The Big WideMouthed Frog’ story Individuals (see learning targets above). Red and Blue group i.e. higher ability (see learning targets above). Explain to the children that they are going to make a mask (show an example). Give each child a template to cut out-each child should write their own name on their template. Use a sponge to ‘paint’ the mask. Create ‘concertina’ legs and arms using strips of thin, green cardboard. The children should either tear or cut the strips independently. The children should make hand prints to create the hands and feet. Explain that the green paint has ran out. Show two colours (blue/yellow) on plates or old trays. Let them experiment by placing one hand in the blue and the other in the yellow) and rub them together to create green. ACTIVITY 2 FOCUSED TASK/DIRECTED ACTIVITY The life cycle of a frog-cut and paste pictures/sequence pictures. Individuals (see learning targets above). Green and yellow group (lower ability) Sequence the A4 laminated pictures on a washing line with assistance. Encourage the children to look at and discuss the information books. Introduce key vocabulary by playing the ‘Life cycle of a frog game’. Each child will need a ‘My life cycle of a Frog Word Mat’. Each child in turn should throw the dry wipe dice that have the following picture and word written on the dice: frogspawn/tadpole/froglet/frog/water/pond. The first child to label their mat is the winner. Red and blue group (higher ability): Complete worksheet by sequencing 4 pictures and labelling each picture. ACTIVITY 3 ENHANCED PROVISION (Scaffolding the learning) The Garden Centre Introduce new vocabulary (please refer to the simplified catalogue with a list of resources sold in the shop e.g. seeds, plantS, spade, watering can, compost bin, trowel, greenhouse) so that they are familiar with what is sold in the shop. Help the children to organise themselves into different roles e.g. shopkeeper, assistant, customers, manager. Model how to use language appropriate to the role e.g. Good morning/afternoon/Welcome to our shop/ How can I help you?/ Have you seen our Gardening Catalogue?/ Would you like to see our plants?/Thank you. Please call again. Encourage the children to use the phone e.g. Hello! Good Morning this is The Garden Centre. My name is......How can I help you? Do we have some carrot seeds in stock? Let me see. Yes we do. I’ll keep them behind the counter for you. What is your name and daily contact number?..... etc Our opening times Sir/Madam is between 9 am and 5 pm. Thank you for calling. Have a nice day etc. Discuss the prices of each individual item with the children. Can they recognise 1p/2p/5p/10p? Can they add the coins to make simple amounts up to 5p/10p according to ability (please refer to each group/individual numeracy targets)? Encourage the children to use the non-standard units to measure the stem of the plants. Demonstrate opportunities for markmaking/producing pieces of emergent writing e.g. shopping lists, phone messages, price tags, posters with details of the opening hours or special offers e.g. Open/Closed/Please Pay Here, order book, stock book etc. ACTIVITY 4 ENHANCED PROVISION Self chosen activities in enhanced areas of provision (see related enhancements to the provision areas below). iii RELATED ENHANCEMENTS TO THE PROVISION AREAS ‘Big Wide Mouthed Frog’ story sack-Book Area. Numbered frogs-Sand Area. iv. PLENARY (x minutes) Monday: Repeat introduction for Monday. Tuesday:N/A Wednesday: The Tadpole’s Promise (ask the children if they remember what happens in the story and then show them a clip from You Tube –animated version of the story). Thursday: N/A 8. LESSON EVALUATION (incorporate feedback from support staff and refer to individual pupils) LEARNING Assessment: Monday SH- needs further opportunities to write her own name/use the additional learning needs scissors. All children had difficulty recalling the story of ‘The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog’ in the correct order. Red and blue group mixed three colours and used medium sized brushes confidently using appropriate language e.g. primary/secondary. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Targets: Monday Take advantage of more opportunities for SH to write own name and use scissors (ensure all TA’s are aware of SH’s targets). Allow children more opportunites to revise the story of ‘The Big Wide Mouthed Frog’ e.g. during introduction and plenary on Tuesday/Thursday by placing pictures of the story in order/use masks to retell the story. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday TEACHING Assessment: Monday Time management better-introuduced less aspects therefore children more attentive on the mat. Had difficulty controlling Child A’s behaviour. Child A refused to come to the creative table when asked. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Targets: Monday Continue to plan shorter introuductions. Use a 5 min. sand timer to encourage Pupil A to complete tasks. Child A can choose his favourite activity after 5 minutes. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9. FURTHER DEVELOPMENT i. Homework (if relevant) ii. Next step in learning (Link to MTP i.e. FP2) N/A 1. Create and perform ‘The Big Wide Mouthed Frog’dance’ Creative Development: explore and express a range of moods and feelings through a variety of movements develop their control by lining movements 2. Hunting for minibeasts outdoors KUW sorting and grouping information using ICT on some occasions 3. Learning about the life cycle of a butterfly KUW thinking about questions and then asking them and making and communicating observations using and becoming familiar with common words and phrases for their world