Chapter 19 Study Guide -

Chapter 19 Study Guide
The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
1. What was the government of France from 1795 to 1799 and was threatened by royalists?
2. Who was born in 1769 to a poor family of lesser nobles on the Mediterranean island of Corsica?
3. What treaty was concluded by Napoleon in October 1797 that took Austria out of the war with France and resulted in
French domination of Italy and Switzerland?
4. What region did Napoleon capture from the Ottoman Empire in 1798?
5. Which British commander destroyed the French fleet at Abukir in 1798?
6. List the four countries that made up the Second Coalition against France that was formed in 1799:
7. Which two countries defeated France in Italy and Switzerland and threatened to invade France itself?
8. Who wrote, “What is the Third Estate?” in 1789 and proposed a new constitution with an executive body independent of
the whims of electoral politics with a government based on the principle of “confidence from below, power from
9. Who used a coup d’état to gain power over France in October 1799?
10. What constitution contained universal male suffrage, a system of checks and balances, a Council of State, and established
Bonaparte as the First Consul of France in December 1799?
The Consulate In France (1799-1804)
11. What was established in 1799 that had in effect ended the revolution in France?
12. What country was defeated by French forces in Italy at the Battle of Marengo in 1800?
13. What treaty took Austria out of the war with France in 1801?
14. What treaty was established between France and Britain and brought peace to Europe in 1802?
15. Who established order and peace in France by issuing a general amnesty and employing men from all political factions?
16. Who ruthlessly suppressed opposition, established a highly centralized administration, employed secret police, and
stamped out royalist rebellions?
17. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte’s foreign minister?
18. Which revolutionary policies garnered the most domestic opposition?
19. What agreement was made between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon in 1801 that made the Catholic Church the main
religion of France?
20. What established the supremacy of the state over the Catholic Church in France?
21. Who was made consul for life in 1802 by plebiscite and was granted full power to set about reforming and codifying
French law?
22. What was issued by Napoleon that safeguarded all forms of property, tried to secure French society against internal
challenges, abolished primogeniture, and was also called the Civil Code of 1804?
23. What did Napoleon make himself in 1804 after a failed assassination attempt in order to establish a dynasty that would
promote the security and stability of the French Empire?
Napoleon’s Empire (1804-1814)
24. What established a truce between Britain and France in 1802?
25. Which country restored Louisiana to France in 1801?
26. What country declared war on the French Empire in May 1803 thus reigniting the Napoleonic Wars?
27. Which British Prime Minister established the Third Coalition in 1805?
28. List the three countries that made up the Third Coalition:
29. What naval battle took place off the coast of Spain on October 21, 1805 that resulted in a British victory, thus ending all
French hope of invading of Britain and guaranteed British control of the sea for the rest of the war?
30. Which British admiral died in this great naval battle?
31. What city did Napoleon occupy after defeating the Austrians at Ulm in 1805?
32. What battle took place in the Austrian Empire between France and Russia & Austria on December 2, 1805?
33. List two results of the Battle of Austerlitz:
34. What country did Napoleon govern as king after the battle of Austerlitz?
35. What did Napoleon organize in July 1806 which included most of the western German princes?
36. What two battles took place on October 14, 1806 and resulted in major Prussian defeats by Napoleon?
37. What did Napoleon issue on November 21, 1806 that forbade his allies from importing British goods in an attempt to
economically harm Britain?
38. What battle took place on June 13, 1807 between France and Russia and resulted in a French victory and made Napoleon
master of all Germany?
39. Which Russian Tsar was ready to make peace with Napoleon in 1807?
40. What treaty was established in 1807 between France, Russia, and Prussia that resulted in Prussia openly allying with
France and Russia secretly allying with France?
41. Who did Napoleon put in place at the head of European kingdoms to help him rule his empire and carried out his orders
without question?
42. Which European country had control of the world’s seas?
43. What plan was implemented by Napoleon that cut off all European trade with Britain in order to cripple its economy?
44. What decree was issued by Napoleon in 1807 that attempted to stop neutral nations from trading with Britain?
45. What country was invaded by Napoleon in 1808 to prevent trade between Britain and Europe using smuggled goods?
European Response to the Empire
46. Which Frenchman invented the concept of canning food (Encountering the Past: Sailors and Canned Food on pg. 634)?
47. What governmental system did Napoleon impose on conquered territories?
48. What country was the farthest east of the Continental System? (Map)
49. What was a central feature of the Romantic Movement in Germany?
50. What country used France as an example of patriotic nationalism during the Romantic Movement to solve internal
51. How did Napoleon advise his brother to rule the kingdom of Westphalia (Napoleon Advises His Brother to Rule
Constitutionally pg. 636)?
52. What country invaded the Iberian Peninsula in order to stop Portuguese trade with Britain?
53. List the two groups that rebelled against France in Spain?
54. What kind of tactics did Napoleon face in Spain?
55. Who did Napoleon set up on the Bourbon throne of Spain?
56. Who was the British commander in Spain that led the British army and supported the Spanish insurgents?
57. What is the name given to the period of the Napoleonic Wars from 1808-1814?
58. Who did Napoleon divorce because she did not bear him a male heir?
59. Which eighteen year old Austrian princess did Napoleon marry in 1810 in order to solidify his alliance with Austria and
gain a male heir to the throne?
60. What country did Napoleon invade with hundreds of thousands of soldiers because it had withdrawn from the
Continental System in 1810?
61. What battle was fought outside of Moscow in 1812 and resulted in a French defeat?
62. What city was Napoleon forced to abandon because the Russians had burned three-quarters of it in 1812?
63. How many French troops returned from Napoleon’s campaign on Russia out of the original 600,000?
64. List the four countries that allied together and created the Sixth Coalition to fight against Napoleon and his French
65. What battle took place between the French Empire and the Sixth Coalition in October 1813 at Leipzig?
66. Where did Napoleon go into exile upon abdicating his throne in March 1814?
The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement
67. What treaty restored the Bourbons to the French throne and restored France’s boundaries back to their 1792 position in
68. List the four European powers that made up the Quadruple Alliance:
69. What gathering was held at Vienna from 1814 to 1815 that included the four major great European powers?
70. Which country had the most notable territorial adjustments made during the Congress of Vienna?
71. Which two regions were included in the Netherlands upon its establishment?
72. Which country gained control of northern Italy after the Congress of Vienna?
73. Who escaped the island of Elba in March 1815, regained power in France during the famous “Hundred Days”, and was
finally defeated by the Seventh Coalition in June 1815 at Waterloo?
74. What island was Napoleon exiled to and remained until his death in 1821?
The Romantic Movement
75. Who saw the imagination as a means to perceive and understand the world?
76. What era were Romantics drawn to in regards to art, literature, and architecture?
Romantic Questioning of the Supremacy of Reason
77. List the four things that laid the foundation for the Romantic Movement:
78. What two words mean “storm and stress” and represent a movement in German romantic literature and philosophy that
emphasized feeling and emotion?
79. What book was written by Rousseau in 1762 that set forth his view on how the individual could develop to lead a good
and happy life uncorrupted by society?
80. Who wrote The Critique of Pure Reason in 1781 and The Critique of Practical Reason in 1788 and argued that human
perception is as much a product of the mind’s activity as of sensory perception?
Romantic Literature
81. What two terms did Johann Gottfried Herder use interchangeably?
82. Which Romantic writer praised the “Romantic” literature of Dante, Petrarch, Shakespeare, and the Arthurian legends?
83. Which Romantic writer from Britain was a master of Gothic poems of the supernatural and is famous for his poem Rime
of the Ancient Mariner?
84. Which Romantic writer held a theory that the soul’s preexistence was in a celestial state before its creation?
85. Which English poet was a rebel among Romantic authors and wrote Don Juan?
86. Which Romantic writer was the greatest German writer of modern times and is famous for the long dramatic poem
Romantic Art
87. What age represented social stability and religious reverence for Romantic artists?
88. Who was a famous Romantic landscape painter from England and is famous for his work Salisbury Cathedral from the
89. What name is given to the revival of architecture during the Romantic Era that imitated medieval structures?
90. What British government structure was built in 1837 that represented this style of architecture?
91. What castle was built by King Ludwig II in 1886 and was the most extensive Neo-Gothic monument of central Europe?
Religion in the Romantic Period
92. Which religion was founded by John Wesley during the Romantic period?
93. What religious group had a key influence on this religion?
94. Which of John Wesley’s brother’s became famous for his hymns and helped organize Methodist societies?
95. Which preachers emphasized the role of enthusiastic, emotional experience as part of Christian conversion?
96. What religious movement took place in France after the French Revolution?
Romantic Views of Nationalism and History
97. Who opposed both the concept and the use of a “common” (global) language, such as French, and “universal”
institutions, (globalism) such as those Napoleon had imposed on Europe?
98. Which two brothers collected German fairy tales?
99. Who was the most important German philosopher of the Romantic era?
100. Which Scottish historical novelist wrote Tales of the Crusaders in 1825?