Do Now & Exit Tickets - annickchen

Write 3 statements about
yourself, 2 true and 1 false,
and please don’t share what
you write with others.
Copy the vocabulary with
English translation from
the word wall in your
notebook using 2-column
Copy the sentences on the
board and translate them
into English in your
notebook using 2-column
• Please use a variety of structures to
write a story about the pictures with a
beginning, middle, and end. In order to
have a better grade, please use plenty of
adj., adv., proper transition words, and
sentence connectors.
• To get full credit this time, you will need
to write at least 7 valid sentences.
• Pick up your books for Free Volunteer
Reading and read in your assigned seats
quietly. For those of you who choose to read
novels, please start with "Shéi hǎokàn?", and
then "Anna méi bànfǎ".
• For those of you who have smart phones or
iPads, you may use them to play World
Language Games during FVR on Thursdays
and Fridays ONLY. (Please go to the link:
FVR for Chinese 3X & 4X on
• Pick up your books for Free Volunteer Reading and
read in your assigned seats quietly. You should
focus on books 4 and 5 this week. If you’ve
already mastered the content of the assigned
books, you may use the time to review the books
you’ve read in the past.
• For those of you who have smart phones or iPads,
you may use them to play World Language Games
during FVR on Thursdays and Fridays ONLY. (Please
go to the link: FVR: My First Chinese Words on
Cut out your flashcards. Then use the
flashcards to review the vocabulary by
yourselves. (10 minutes)
Find a partner and review the vocabulary with
the partner. Take turns to show flashcards and
ask and answer questions. (15 minutes)
When show the Chinese/Pinyin side to your partner,
ask “zhè gè shì shénme yìsi?” (What does this one
When show the English side to your partner, ask “zhè
gè zhěnme shuō?” (How do you say this one?)
1. Work with a partner and complete
the class stories by filling in the blanks
using the words listed on the righthand-side of your paper.
2. Translate the stories in the spaces
provided with your partner using
study guides when necessary.
3. Turn in your individual work to
teacher when done.
1. Get together with the students who have the same color
of sentence strips. Read and translate your sentences.
2. Form groups of four with students who have different
colors of sentence strips from yours (The sentence strips
are in 4 different colors.)
3. Read the sentences on your strips out loud to your group
members (Don’t show your strips to your group
members at this time.)
4. Listen carefully when your group members read their
sentences to you.
5. Group members line up in the correct order according to
your sentence strips.
6. Show your colored strips to your group
members. Read and translate together.
7. As a group, use your own words to write a
summary of the complete story in 8 good
sentences in Pinyin on a chart paper using the
colored strips as a guide. (Please proofread!!!)
8. Put your summaries up on the wall.
9. Walk around with your group members in the
clock-wise direction and translate all different
versions of summaries (starting with your
group’s) on your own paper. Individual
students will turn in their paper to teacher at
the end.
Exit Ticket
Give yourself a grade (0-10) for the
day and explain why you deserve
the grade on a piece of paper using
the “Interpersonal Communication”
Exit Ticket
Write at least 5 sentences about the
class story using the vocabulary
listed on the word wall.
Exit Ticket
Listen to the statements about the
class story, and then write down
“True” or “False”.
duì= O
Exit Ticket
Read the story on the board and
translate the structures that are
Exit Ticket
Look at the vocabulary words on the
board and select the corresponding
Exit Ticket
Look at the pictures of the class
story and listen to your teacher’s
statements. Then write down the
numbers of pictures that your
teacher describes.