• • Basic, even if small, foundation in understanding Chinese gives parents confidence Lots that parents can and should do to help their children with Chinese. Be able to follow along as child reads Get character AND character/pinyin versions of classroom fluency practices Read pinyin to sing songs together “Pinyin” is the standard romanization system used for Mandarin No tones needed when singing! zhu ni sheng ri kuai 祝 你 生 日 快 Literally: Wish you birth/life day When spoken, add tones: zhù nǐ le (repeat 4x) 乐 happy shēng rì kuài lè Complete list of all Pinyin sounds https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-pinyin-chart.php 鸟 岛 是 岛, niáo dǎo shì dǎo, Bird Island is an island; 鸟 岛 有 niáo dǎo yóu 鸟。 niǎo。 Bird Island has birds. 鸟 岛 的 鸟 多 得 数 不 清 了。 niáo dǎo de niǎo duō de shǔ bù qīng le。 The birds on Bird Island are countless. 要 想 到 鸟 岛, yào xiǎng dào niáo dǎo, If you wish to go to Bird Island, 一 定 要 爱 yī dìng yào ài you must love birds. 鸟。 niǎo。 你 不 爱 小 鸟, nǐ bú ài xiáo niǎo, If you don't love small birds, 就 别 到 鸟 jiù bié dào niáo don't go to Bird Island. 岛。 dǎo。 Tongue Twister Pinyin Read-a-long Practice Some characters are based on drawings or concepts 龜 山 火 上 下 Above: turtle, mountain, fire up, down Right: door/gate Characters are usually combinations: Two drawings or two meanings... 家 牢 明 森 Characters are likely a Sound/Meaning combination Ex: Have the sound “gu” from their古 part: 估 咕 姑 故 固 菇蛄 鈷 家=roof + pig = home/family 牢 = roof +cow = pen/prison 明= sun+moon= bright, light 森=wood+wood+wood =forest Ask, “What is the bushou? “ (bù shǒu “Radical”) The radical meaning woman 女 is in words for mother 妈, marry 嫁, little sister 妹 , good 好 Others: eye, water, power, knife, insect, dry, hand, spear, fire, ice, field, heart, mouth, sickness, silk... Examples from characters with 古 part for sound “gu” With radical for woman 姑= paternal aunt With radical for enclosure 固 = solid With radical for insect 蛄 = mole cricket With radical for gold [metal] 鈷 = cobalt Compound words make sense! electric-brain, electric-vision, electric-talk 电脑, 电视, 电话 These have “fire” in the word: train, match, volcano, very mad, turkey, rocket, Mars 火车,火柴,火山,火大,火鸡,火箭,火星 electric-brain = computer, electric-vision = television, electric-talk= telephone train = fire-vehicle; match = fire-kindling; volcano=fire-mountain; very mad= fire-big; turkey= fire-chicken; rocket=fire-arrow; Mars = fire-star Use the clues (pictures, sound parts, bushou/radical, etc.) Encourage Master guessing dictionary skills Sample questions to prompt guessing strategies Could the character be a picture? Do you recognize any pieces of it? What sound does that piece have? Do you know any words with that sound? What is the “bushou”? Get stroke order right from the start Practice calligraphy (water only version or real ink) Download Feel practice apps the characters: wax sticks creations, sand, soap lather, back scratches Have a common language to use to describe the [basically only] eight kinds of strokes 觉 学 孝 赏 觉 观 常 Goal: be able to “see” characters well enough to recognize its match, to make sure are looking up the right character Use games: Speed drills --how many in a minute Stroke countdown--guess in as few strokes as possible Game apps Watch online animations Invent zany character stories and mnemonics 做 碧 聽 End your print desert Use technology: Toggle between languages, pinyin/characters, sound/mute More than books: subtitles, menus, signs, tongue twisters... (e.g. concert DVD, exercise video, food packaging, online chats) Move up: Add idioms; recognize trad. characters More on reading: Read to get more context Get in Chinese reading habit from start Check out area libraries Try graphic novels Move beyond “baby” level books, though hard to match reading level to age/English reading level Join groups; follow blogs e.g. Mandarin Immersion Parents Council and Elizabeth Weise: look at their “Resources” lists Share great finds Examples of efforts: peer reading groups, online chats in Chinese, Chinese-language martial arts instruction, Chineselanguage barbers, poetry/speech competition, host exchange student, “adopt” a grandparent, read to a toddler Dictionary links: Try Pleco; Hippodict free versions (Tip: use “v” to input “ü” sound) Yes!Chinese leveled readers, see index at http://www.yes-chinese.com/reading/list.do?type=1&level=GR-K&topic= Sample story: http://www.yes-chinese.com/reading/view.do?id=20110726083026 and bedtime stories: http://www.yes-chinese.com/story/index.jsp pcbaby.com.cn for stories: http://book.pcbaby.com.cn/gushi for idiom/history stories: http://book.pcbaby.com.cn/guoxue/sj/ for learning characters: http://edu.pcbaby.com.cn/book/zwsz/donghua/ http://welearntv.vansd.org/chinese-immersion-program Teachers in Vancouver Washington’s program have made videos of reading books aloud (Links Continued) HowDoILearnChinese.com http://howdoilearnchinese.com/ several games for fruit, body parts, colors etc.; two very catchy songs for learning greetings and “Please give me...” FluentU Free content includes videos such as recent TV commercials, songs, etc. but captioned in English, Chinese and pinyin, with vocabulary help. Sorted by difficulty level. Registration needed. http://www.fluentu.com/chinese/ Silly Lilly, Stinky and a couple other kids’ books in different languages incl. Chinese http://www.professorgarfield.org/toon_book_reader/index.html 36 Chinese Characters 三十六个字 story told with animated pictographs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VhOCX5WLpw “The animation of Chinese character” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4bwDfO2h28 International Children’s Digital Library so far has 10 titles in Chinese http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ (Links continued) Mandarin Immersion Parents Council San Francisco Mandarin parents’ website was so popular they started a national version miparentscouncil.org A Parent’s Guide To Mandarin Immersion, coming fall 2014 by Elizabeth Weise, Mandarin Immersion Parents Council webmaster Blog by U.S. mom raising bilingual kids http://haomama.us/ Utah dual language immersion materials utahchineseimmersion.org—site not working? Utah Mandarin Immersion Parent Council http://utahimmersioncouncil.org/ ChildRoad subscription stories (downloadable, free trial) https://www.childroad.com/s/ (Links continued) Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture many book selections; subtitles in trad. characters http://children.moc.gov.tw/home.php Beginning Mandarin lessons by PeaceCorp pronunciation not by native speaker, but topics covered are good http://wws.peacecorps.gov/wws/multimedia/language/lessons.cfm Talking Chinese app, for beginning to learn Chinese, by FLTRP (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press) Chineasy by ShaoLan Hsueh here is her TED talk video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=troxvPRmZm8 Calligraphy Practice For INKLESS practice, shop online for “magic water painting paper” or “magic cloth for water brush painting” or “Chinese calligraphy practice sheet water only.” Also available for purchase locally.