Survey Instrument Development in OB/HRM Research Prof. Jiing-Lih Larry Farh HKUST IACMR Guangzhou workshop July 2007 Construct and Measurement Related Problems in Manuscripts Too many constructs Constructs are poorly defined Measures do not match constructs Unreliable/invalid measures Level of measurement does not match the level of the theory Fatal flaws for empirical papers!!! HKUST Business School LarryFarh 2 “The construction of the measuring devices is perhaps the most important segment of any study. Many well-conceived research studies have never seen the light of day because of flawed measures.” Schoenfeldt, 1984 “The point is not that adequate measurement is ‘nice’. It is necessary, crucial, etc. Without it we have nothing.” Korman, 1974, p. 194 “Validation is an unending process….Most psychological measures need to be constantly evaluated and reevaluated to see if they are behaving as they should.” Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994, p. 84 HKUST Business School LarryFarh 3 Empirical Research Model Independent Conceptual X’ From Schwab (1999) Dependent (a) Y’ (b1) (b2) (c) Operational 1. 2. 3. 4. X (d) Y Independent and dependent variables are identified by X and Y, respectively. The symbol prime, ’ is used to designate that a variable is specified at the conceptual level. Arrows represent the direction of influence or cause. a—conceptual relationship; d---empirical relationship; b1, b2—construct validity; c---internal validity HKUST Business School LarryFarh 4 Validity in Research Construct validity is present when there is a high correspondence between the scores obtained on a measure and the mental definition of a construct it is designed to represent. Internal validity is present when variation in scores on a measure of an independent variable is responsible for variations in scores on a measure of a dependent variable. External validity is present when generalizations of findings obtained in a research study, other than statistical generalization, are made appropriately. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 5 Construct Validation Involves procedures researchers use to develop measures and to make inferences about a measure’s construct validity It is a continual process No one method alone will give confidence in the construct validity of your measure HKUST Business School LarryFarh 6 Construct Validation Steps From Schwab (1999) Define the construct and develop conceptual meaning for it Develop/choose a measure consistent with the definition Perform logical analyses and empirical tests to determine if observations obtained on the measure conform to the conceptual definition HKUST Business School LarryFarh Content validity Factor analysis Reliability Criterion-related/ Convergent/ Discriminant/ Nomological validity 7 Survey Instrument Development Why is it important? How to do it? What are some of the best practices? HKUST Business School LarryFarh 8 Instrumentation in Perspective Selection and application of a technique that operationalizes the construct of interest e.g., physics = colliders e.g., MDs = MRI e.g., OB = Job descriptive index Instruments are devices with their own advantages and disadvantages, some more precise than others, and sophistication doesn’t guarantee validity HKUST Business School LarryFarh 9 Survey Instruments 3 most common types of instrumentation in social sciences Observation Interview Survey instrumentation Survey instrumentation Most widely used across disciplines Most abused technique---people designing instruments who have little training in the area HKUST Business School LarryFarh 10 Why do we do surveys? To describe the populations: What is going on? Theoretical reasons: Why is it going on? Develop and test theory Theory should always guide survey development and data collection HKUST Business School LarryFarh 11 What construct does this scale measure? (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Have a job which leaves you sufficient time for your personal or family life. (.86) Have training opportunities (to improve your skills or learn new skills). (-.82) Have good physical working conditions (good ventilation and lighting, adequate work space, etc.). (-.69) Fully use your skills and abilities on the job. (-.63) Have considerable freedom to adapt your own approach to the job. (.49) Have challenging work to do---work from which you can get a personal sense of accomplishment. (.46) Work with people who cooperate well with one another.(.20) Have a good working relationship with your manager.(.20) HKUST Business School LarryFarh Adapted from Heine et al. (2002)12 What construct does this scale measure? (2) I would rather say “no” directly, than risk being misunderstood. (12) Speaking up during a class is not a problem for me. (14) Having a lively imagination is important to me. (12) I am comfortable with being singled out for praise or rewards. (13) I am the same person at home that I am at school. (13) Being able to take care of myself is a primary concern for me. (12) I act the same way no mater who I am with. (13) I prefer to be direct and forthright when dealing with people I have just met. (14) I enjoy being unique and different from others in many respects. (13) My personal identity, independent of others, is very important to me. (14) I value being in good health above everything. (8) HKUST Business School LarryFarh Adapted from Heine et al. (2002) 13 Example: Computer satisfaction HKUST Business School LarryFarh 14 Construct Definition Personal computer satisfaction is an emotional response resulting from an evaluation of the speed, durability, and initial price, but not the appearance of a personal computer. This evaluation is expected to depend on variation in the actual characteristics of the computer (e.g., speed) and on the expectations a participant has about those characteristics. When characteristics meet or exceed expectations, the evaluation is expected to be positive (satisfaction). When characteristics do not come up to expectations, the evaluation is expected to be negative (dissatisfaction). HKUST Business School LarryFarh From Schwab (1999) 15 Hypothetical Computer Satisfaction Questionnaire Decide how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each characteristic of your personal computer using the scale below. Circle the number that best describes your feelings for each statement. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 1 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 3 4 5 2 My satisfaction with: 1. Initial price of the computer 1 2 3 4 5 2. What I paid for the computer 1 2 3 4 5 3. How quickly the computer performs calculations 1 2 3 4 5 4. How fast the computer runs programs 1 2 3 4 5 5. Helpfulness of the salesperson 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6. HKUST Business School How I was treated LarryFarh when I bought the computer 16 Construct Validity Challenges Construct Variance Deficiency HKUST Business School LarryFarh Systematic Variance Construct Valid Variance From Schwab (1999) Observed Score Variance Reliable Contamination Unreliability 17 Scale Development Process From Hinkin (1998) Step 2: Questionnaire Administration Step1: Item Generation Step 3: Initial Item Reduction Step 4: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Step 5: Convergent/Discriminant Validity HKUST Business School LarryFarh Step 6: Replication 18 Step 1: Item Generation -Deductive Approach It requires: (a) an understanding of the phenomenon to be investigated; (b) thorough review of the literature to develop the theoretical definition of the construct under examination From Hinkin (1998) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 19 Step 1: Item Generation-Deductive Approach Advantages: through adequate construct definitions, items should capture the domain of interest, thus to assure content validity in the final scale Disadvantages: requires the researchers to possess working knowledge of the phenomena; may not be appropriate for exploratory studies From Hinkin (1998) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 20 Step 1: Item Generation - Inductive Approach Appropriate when the conceptual basis may not result in easily identifiable dimensions for which items can then be generated Frequently researchers develop scales inductively by asking a sample of respondents to provide descriptions of their feelings about their organizations or to describe some aspects of behavior Responses classified into a number of categories by content analysis based on key words or themes or using a sorting process HKUST Business School LarryFarh 21 Step 1: Item Generation - Inductive Approach Advantages: effective in exploratory research Disadvantages: Without a definition of construct under examination, it is difficult to develop items that will be conceptually consistent. Requires expertise on content analyses Rely on factor analysis which does not guarantee items which load on the same factors share the same theoretical construct HKUST Business School LarryFarh 22 Characteristics of Good Items As simple and short as possible Language should be familiar to target audience Keep items consistent in terms of perspectives (e.g., assess behaviors vs. affective response) Item should address one single issue (no doublebarreled items) Leading questions should be avoided Negatively worded questions should be carefully constructed and placed in the survey HKUST Business School LarryFarh 23 What about these items? I would never drink and drive for fear of that I might be stopped by the police (yes or no) I am always furious (yes or no) I often lose my temper (never to always) 滿招損,謙受益 HKUST Business School LarryFarh 24 Content Validity Assessment Basically a judgment call But can be supplemented statistically Proportion of substantive agreement (Anderson & Gerbing, 1991) (see next slide) Item re-translation (Schriesheim et al. 1990) Content adequacy (Schriesheim et al. 1993) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 25 Content Validation Ratio CVR = 2ne - 1 N n e is the number of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) rating the selection tool or skills being assessed is essential to the job, i.e., having good coverage of the KSAs required for the job. N is the total number of experts CVR = 1 when all judges believe the tool/item is essential; CVR = -1 when none of the judge believes the tool/skill is essential; CVR = 0 means only half of the judges believe that the tool/item is essential. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 26 How many items per construct? 4 - 6 items for most constructs. For initial item generation, twice as many items should be generated HKUST Business School LarryFarh 27 Item Scaling Scale used should generate sufficient variance among respondents for subsequent statistical analyses Likert-type scales are the most frequently used in survey questionnaire. Likert developed the scale to be composed of five equal appearing intervals with a neutral midpoint Coefficient alpha reliability with Likert scales has been shown to increase up to the use of five points, but then it levels off HKUST Business School LarryFarh 28 Step 2: Questionnaire Administration Sample size: Recommendations for item-toresponse ratios range from 1:4 to 1:10 for each set of scales to be factor analyzed e.g., if 30 items were retained to develop three measures, a sample size of 150 observations should be sufficient in exploratory factor analyses. For confirmatory factor analysis, a minimum sample size of 200 has been recommended. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 29 Step 3: Initial Item Reduction Interitem correlations of the variables to be conducted first. Corrected item-total correlations smaller than 0.4 can be eliminated Exploratory factor analysis. An appropriate loadings greater than 0.40 and /or a loading twice as strong on an appropriate factor than on any other factor. Eigenvalues of greater than 1 and a scree test of the percentage of variance explained should also be examined Be aware of construct deficiency problems in deleting items HKUST Business School LarryFarh 30 Step 3: Internal Consistency Assessment Reliability is the accuracy or precision of a measuring instrument and is a necessary condition for validity Use Cronbach’s alpha to measure internal consistency. 0.70 should be served as minimum for newly developed measures. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 31 Coefficient alpha The average of all possible split halve reliabilities. n n ( n 1 2 t i 1 2 t 2 i ) n is the number of items for each applicant t is the total of all items for an applicant 2 is the variance across all applicants HKUST Business School LarryFarh 32 An example of coefficient Item 1 2 3 4 5 Total Subject B C 5 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 4 A 6 6 5 4 4 25 21 20 Variance 1.00 1.00 1.33 .00 .33 3.67 7.00 2 2 5 i 1 2 i t 2 Variance of total = 7.0 ; Total of variance = 3.67 HKUST Business School LarryFarh n i2 n ( n 1 2 t i 1 2 t 5 7.0 3.67 ) ( ) .60 4 7.0 33 How High Cronbach Alpha Needs to be? In exploratory research where hypothesized measures are developed for new constructs, the Alphas need to exceed .70 In basic research where you use well-established instruments for constructs, the Alphas need to exceed .80. In applied research where you need to make decisions based on the measurement outcomes, the Alphas need to exceed .90. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 34 Step 4: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Items that load clearly in an exploratory factor analysis may demonstrate a lack of fit in a multiple-indicator measurement model due to lack of external consistency It is recommended that a Confirmatory Factor Analysis be conducted using the item variance-covariance matrix computed from data collected from an independent sample. Then assess the goodness of fit index, t-value, and chi square HKUST Business School LarryFarh 35 Step 5: Convergent/Discriminant Validity Convergent validity—when there is a high correspondence between scores from two or more different measures of the same construct. Discriminat validity---when scores from measures of different constructs do not converge. Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix (MTMM) Nomological networks---relationships between a construct under measurement consideration and other constructs. Criterion-related validity HKUST Business School LarryFarh 36 Convergent Validity From Schwab (1999) Construct Measure A Measure B HKUST Business School LarryFarh 37 Step 6: Replication Find an independent sample to collect more data using the measure. The replication should include confirmatory factor analysis, assessment of internal consistency, and convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity assessment HKUST Business School LarryFarh 38 Elements of a MTMM matrix HKUST Business School LarryFarh 39 A sample MTMM matrix (Paper & Pencil self test) Heterotraitmonomethod Monotraitheteromethod Monotraitmonomethod Heterotraitheteromethod Note: SE: self esteem; SD: self disclosure; LC: Locus of control Adapted from HKUST Business School LarryFarh 40 Interpreting MTMM Reliability (monotrait-monomethod) should be the highest Monotrait-heteromethod (convergent validity) must be >0 and high Monotrait-heteromethod (convergent validity) > heterotrait- monomethod (discriminant validity)> heterotrait-heteromethod (i.e., convergent validity should be higher than discriminant validity) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 41 Inductive Example: Taking Charge (Morrison & Phelps, 1999, AMJ) Open-end survey to 148 MBA to list 152 individuals efforts, and collected 445 statements. Reduce the list to 180 by eliminating redundant and ambiguous ones, and sort the statements into 19 groups based on similarity. Write a general statement to reflect each group, compare the content of the statements with the construct, and result in 10 prototypical activities to reflect the construct. Pretest it to 20 MBA students, to check for clarity and suggestion for wording improvements Pretest the measure with a sample of 152 working MBAs, to assess internal consistency of the items and check whether the 10 specific behaviors were extra-role activities. 77% checked six or more. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 42 Open-ended Survey: Taking Charge (Morrison & Phelps, 1999, AMJ) • To think of individuals with whom they had worked who have actively tried to bring about improvement within their organization. These change efforts could be aimed at any aspect of the org, including the person’s job, how work was performed within their dept, and org’al policies or procedures. • To focus on efforts that went beyond the person’s formal role or, efforts that were not required or formally expected. • To list specific behaviors that reflected or exemplified the person’s change effort. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 43 Sample Items: Taking Charge (Morrison & Phelps, 1999, AMJ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Try to institute new methods that are more effective Try to introduce new structure, technologies, or approach to improve efficiency Try to change how his/her job is executed in order to more effective Try to bring about improved procedures for the work unit or department HKUST Business School LarryFarh 44 Theoretical Model: Taking Charge (Morrison & Phelps, 1999, AMJ) Top management openness Group norms Self-efficacy Taking charge Felt responsibility Expert power HKUST Business School LarryFarh 45 Deductive Example: Org. Justice (Colquitt, 2001, JAP) Organizational Justice Distributive Justice Procedural Justice Interactive Justice Informational Justice The Dimensionality of Organizational Justice HKUST Business School LarryFarh 46 Sample Items: Org. Justice (Colquitt, 2001, JAP) Distributive Justice Procedural justice “Have you been able to express your views and feelings during those procedures” (Thibaut & Walker, 1975) Interactive justice “Does your outcome reflect the effort you have input into your work” (Leventhal, 1976) “Has he/she treated you in a polite manner” (Bies & Moag, 1986) Informational justice “Has he/she communicated details in timely manner” (Shapiro, et al., 1994) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 47 Theoretical Model: Org. Justice (Colquitt, 2001, JAP) Distributive Justice Outcome Satisfaction Procedural Justice Rule Compliance Interactive Justice Leader Evaluation Informational Justice Collective Self-esteem HKUST Business School LarryFarh 48 Research in Chinese context HKUST Business School LarryFarh 49 Four Types of Scale Development Approaches in Chinese Management Research Farh, Cannella, & Lee (2006, MOR) Expectations about Cultural Specificity Etic Orientation Source of the scale HKUST Business School LarryFarh Emic Orientation Use or Modify an Existing Scale Translation Adaptation Develop a New Scale De-contextualization Contextualization 50 Four Types of Scale Development Approaches in Chinese Management Research Scale Development Approaches Translation approach Adaptation approach Key Assumptions Target construct is equivalent across cultures in terms of overall definition, content domain, and empirical representations of the content domain Availability of high quality culturally unbiased Western scales for target construct Target construct is equivalent between cultures in terms of overall definition and content domain Availability of high quality Western scales for target construct HKUST Business School LarryFarh Major Strengths Low developmental time and costs Preserve the possibility of a high level of equivalence Allow for direct crosscultural comparison of research findings Low to moderate developmental time and costs Ease of scholarly exchanges of research findings with the Western literature Major Limitations Difficulty in achieving semantic equivalence between the Chinese and Western scales Culturally unbiased Western scales are hard to come by Difficulty in conducting cross-cultural research Drastic adaptation may create new scale that requires extensive validation in the Chinese context 51 Four Types of Scale Development Approaches in Chinese Management Research: Scale Development Approaches Decontextualization approach Contextualization approach Key Assumptions Target construct is etic or universal or culturally invariant High quality scale for the target construct is unavailable in the literature Target construct is emic or culture specific High quality emic scale for target construct unavailable in the literature HKUST Business School LarryFarh Major Strengths Opportunity to develop universal measure for target construct Ease of scholarly exchange of research findings with the Western literature Opportunity to develop scales highly relevant for the Chinese context Opportunity to contribute context-specific knowledge to Chinese management Major Limitations Long developmental time and high developmental costs Items tend to be phrased at a more abstract level, which may limit its informational and practical value Long developmental time and high developmental costs Limited generalizability of the new scale Hard to communicate research findings with the Western literature 52 Should you use well-established scales from the (western) literature or develop local scales? Align your measure with your theoretical orientation When you take an etic (universal or cultural invariant) perspective to a research topic, you assume that the Chinese context is largely irrelevant. Here your study is based on general theories, and you should use well-established measures in the literature. When you take an emic (cultural specific) perspective to a research topic, you assume that the phenomenon is Chinese context specific. Here your study is based on context embedded theories, and you should consider using measures appropriate for the Chinese context. When you do cross-cultural research, you try to study phenomena common across societies. You model culture explicitly in your theories (either as a main or a moderating effect) and should apply measures that work in multiple cultural contexts. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 53 A Close Look at Item Generation Using Inductive Approach HKUST Business School LarryFarh 54 Item Generation Process high Key issues Content domain clarity? low sampling/method Collect behavioral incidents classification/panel test Classify into categories Empirical/ conceptual Creativity & insight content validation HKUST Business School LarryFarh Form dimensions from categories Domain definition Item development & refinement Empirical testing 55 Research project in focus Investigate the construct domain of moral leadership in the PRC… HKUST Business School LarryFarh 56 Generate Behavioral Descriptions 這份調查表是想了解您對領導道德行為的看法,在您回答之 前,請先回想您在工作上曾經遇到過的一兩位道德行為表現 良好的主管,及一兩位道德行為表現不佳的主管,并想想他 們具有哪些行為表現。 然后,請根據您所回想的結果,在下列表格中,寫出您認為一 個有道德的企業主管應該表現哪些行為,請寫出最重要的六項。 在列出六項行為后,再依據這六項行為的相對重要性,由1 至6加以排序,1代表最重要,6代表最不重要,將排序的數 字填在后面的括號中。 有道德的企業主管應具备的行為排序 HKUST Business School LarryFarh 57 Sample Items NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: NID: 111 112 113 114 121 122 123 124 125 126 131 132 133 134 142 144 145. 146. 151. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 為人坦誠 處理工作的態度比較公正 容易和員工接近 有相關的知識,工作技巧 無畏,具有挑戰中上級的勇氣,堅持做正確的事情 關心,栽培下屬.有人情味 坦白.鼓勵團結內部充份的信息流通 認真做事 公平對待下屬,以業績表現評價下屬 獎勵,肯定下屬優秀表現 公私分明 言行一 一視同仁 光明正大 有責任 不推卸 公私分明 尊重別人 誠實正直 58 Some 44 Categories #1 胸怀宽广 #3 敬业 不疾贤妒能,具有包容性,不斤斤计较,能够宽容别人的错误。 工作热情主动,积极进取,敬业奉献,勤奮 #8 诚实坦诚 不隐瞒,不误导,不欺骗,能够使员工得到真实的信息 How do you define moral leadership to begin with? How do you consolidate into dimensions? HKUST Business School LarryFarh 59 Content domain clarity Must do an exhaustive literature review How do you define your construct? How does it differ from others? What about its content domains? Its state? Its level? Its structure? The more you are able to define your construct clearly before you proceed, the greater your chance of success!!! HKUST Business School LarryFarh 60 Collect Behavioral Incidents Sampling is crucial Try to sample the entire content domain Diverse sampling “Adequate” sample size Sampling across attributes (e.g., age, gender, education) Sampling across contexts (e.g., position levels, job types, organizations, industries) Sample until saturation (no new information yielded by additional sampling) If you plan to do item level analysis, you need at least 200+ clear incidents Mode of data collection should match the complexity of the phenomenon Simple listing of events Description of complete scenarios or events In-depth personal interview Focus group Participant observation HKUST Business School LarryFarh 61 Classify Incidents into Categories Classification system Based on content similarity/dissimilarity Aim at an “all inclusive” and “mutually exclusive” system May need to provide sorters with more guidance Must have clear category definition Must have clear classification rules Panel testing Use subject matter experts as panel members if possible Train the judges well Check interrater reliability HKUST Business School LarryFarh 62 From categories to concepts Empirical approach Factor analysis (Kipnis et al. 1980) Q sort followed by cluster analysis (Coleman & Borman, 2000) Conceptual approach Rely on theoretical insights (Farh et al., 2004) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 63 Construct re-definition Re-define your “constructs” while taking into account of the results of content analysis Constructs should be more abstract and broader than categories Clear construct definition is a developing valid measures A challenging but key task!!! HKUST Business School LarryFarh must before 64 Item development and refinement Content validation Write items based on your construct definition (be aware of contamination & deficiency!!!) Be sure to review items of extant scales Incident descriptions may not make good survey items (may be too specific, too ambiguous) Schriesheim et al. (1990) method is useful for multidimensional constructs Judgments from a few content experts will do (e.g., MacKenzie et al. 1991) HKUST Business School LarryFarh 65 Summary: Best practices Study the literature & the phenomenon to come up with a broad definition of the construct Collect good behavioral incidents (quantity & quality) Build a sound classification system Conduct panel test to verify your results Use inductive and deductive approaches alternately in the dev. process HKUST Business School LarryFarh 66 Take Away Lessons Good survey measures must be grounded on sound theory and conceptual definitions Developing good survey measures takes much time, resources, experiences, and commitment, but the payoff can be immense!! Avoid convenience measurement at all time!!! If there is a good, published measure available, Use it!!! Not to reinvent the vehicle!!! HKUST Business School LarryFarh 67 Questions and Answers HKUST Business School LarryFarh 68 References : 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Anderson, J. C. and Gerbing, D. W. (1991). Predicting performance of measures in a confirmatory factor analysis with a pretest assessment of their substantive validities. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 732- 740. Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: A construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 386-400. Coleman, V. I. & Borman, W. C. (2000). Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. Human Resource Management Review, 10, 25-44. Farh, J. L., Cannella, A. A. Jr., & Lee, C. (2006). Approaches to scale development in Chinese management research. Management and Organization Review, 2, 301-308. Farh J. L., Zhong, C. B. and Organ, D.W. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior in the People's Republic of China. Organization Science, 15, 241-253. Heine, S. J., Lehman, D. R., Peng, K. 2002. What’s wrong with cross-cultural comparisons of subjective Likert scales?: The reference-group effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 903–918. Hinkin, T.K. (1998). A brief tutorial on the development of measures for use in survey questionnaires. Organizational Research Methods, 1, 104-121. Kipnis, D., Schmidt, S. M., & Wilkinson, I. (1980). Intraorganizational influence tactics: Explorations in getting one's way. Journal of Applied Psychology, 65, 440-452. Korman, A. K. (1974). Contingency approaches to leadership: An overview. In J.G. Hunt and L.L. Larson (Eds.), Contingency Approaches to Leadership (pp. 189-198). Southern Illinois University HKUSTPress. Business School 69 LarryFarh References: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M. and Fetter, R. (1991). Organizational citizenship behaviors and objective productivity as determinants of managerial evaluations of salespersons’ performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 123-150. Morrison, E. W., & Phelps, C. C. (1999). Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 403–419. Nunnally J. C. and Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric Theory (3rded.). McGraw Hill. Schwab, D. P. (1999). Research methods for organizational studies, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Schriesheim, C. A. and Hinkin, T. R. (1990). Influence tactics used by subordinates: A theoretical and empirical analysis and refinement of the Kipnis, Schmidt, and Wilkinson subscales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 246-257. Schriesheim, C. A., Powers, K. J., Scandura, T. A., Gardiner, C. C. and Lankau, M. J. (1993). Improving construct measurement in management research: Comments and a quantitative approach to assessing the theoretical content adequacy of paper-and-pencil survey-type instruments. Journal of Management, 19, 385-417. HKUST Business School LarryFarh 70