Digestive System What is digestion? The body carries out digestion of food to convert large insoluble food molecules into smaller soluble ones. carbohydrate molecule protein molecule fat molecule Small food molecules can pass through the walls of the small intestine and then dissolve into the blood stream. Large food molecules cannot do this. Anatomy of the Digestive System Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion: intake of nutrients Digestion: breakdown of large particles into smaller ones Absorption: uptake of nutrient molecules Defecation: elimination of undigested residues Stages of Digestion Mechanical: physical breakdown of food Chemical: digestive enzymes break large food molecules into smaller ones Some nutrients are absorbed without digestion: – Vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, water Mechanical digestion Digestion begins in the mouth where food is broken down by the teeth. This is called mechanical breakdown. The small parts of food are mixed with saliva and swallowed. The stomach After food is swallowed it enters the stomach, which is basically a muscular bag filled with hydrochloric acid. food enters from the esophagus food leaves the stomach Two things happen to food in the stomach: the chemical breakdown of food begins; microbes are destroyed. muscle tissue Accessory Organs Teeth Tongue Salivary Glands Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Mouth/Oral Cavity Functions: – A. Ingestion: cheeks lips and tongue mobilize food – B. Digestion: Mechanical –Chewing Chemical –3 salivary glands –Digests some starches and fat Pharynx Motility: muscles force food down during swallowing Straight Esophagus muscular tube about 1 foot long Motility: muscular contraction moves food towards stomach www.mywebmd.ca.com Stomach Muscular sac on the left side of the abdominal cavity Functions: – Food storage – Mechanical digestion – Chemical digestion Rugae in the Stomach Rugae- folds in the stomach lining that allow it to expand with more food How do we vomit? http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion Digestion in the Stomach Mechanical Digestion: – Muscular contraction Chemical Digestion: – Secretes digestive enzymes and HCl Small Intestine http://www.afns.ualberta.ca/bbo/1/ANATOMY/SI1.asp 2 meters long, 1 inch in diameter, 5-6 meters in cadaver Functions: – Chemical Digestion – Nutrient Absorption – Motility Functions of the Small Intestine Motility: smooth muscle contract Digestion: chemical enzymes received from the pancreas, liver and gall bladder Nutrient re-absorption: microvilli increase surface area Microvilli http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/humdigest_2.gif Large Intestine Functions – Motility – Re-absorption of Water and Electrolytes Symbiotic bacteria – Synthesize Vitamins B & K Anatomy of the Large Intestine Enzymes Involved in Chemical Digestion Saliva: – Amylase: breaks down starch – Lipase: breaks down fats when it enters the stomach Low pH of the stomach activates the enzyme How do digestive enzymes help the process of digestion? Digestive enzymes are the chemicals that break large insoluble food molecules into smaller soluble molecules. Digestive enzyme animation Multiple-choice quiz