Networked Virtual Environments

Networked Virtual
Helmuth Trefftz
Eafit University - Medellín, Colombia
• Why are you here?
Helmuth Trefftz
• Associate Professor at Eafit University,
Medellín, Colombia.
• Director of Virtual Reality lab at Eafit.
• Involved in NVEs since 1996.
• Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 2001
(Rutgers University, NJ).
• Ph.D. thesis: Heterogeneity in Virtual
Introduction (15´)
History (10´)
Networking Concepts (25)
Architectures (20´)
Shared State (45´)
Scalability and Performance (45´)
Research Topics (30´)
Toy application (30´)
Summary and Conclusions (10´)
• Why Networked Virtual Environments?
• 1. Technology is here:
– Powerful commodity 3D graphics accelerators on
every PC.
– Internet is almost everywhere (wired or wire-less).
• 2. Need for applications is here:
Multiplayer games
Military combat training
Design teams across continents
• What is a Networked
Virtual Environment?
– “A Networked Virtual
Environment is a
software system in
which multiple users
interact with each
other in real-time,
even though those
users may be located
around the world”
[Singhal/Zyda 1999]
• “Collaborative Virtual Environments
(CVEs) are online digital places and
spaces where we can be in touch, play
together and work together, even when we
are, geographically speaking, worlds
apart… In CVEs we can share the
experience of worlds beyond the physical”
[Churchill/Snowdon/Munro 2001]
• Key elements:
– A shared sense of space (common virtual
– A shared sense of presence (avatars)
– A shared sense of time (real-time)
– A way to communicate (text, voice,…)
– A way to interact (among users and with the
virtual world)
• Key components
– Graphic engines and displays
– Control devices (keyboard…trackers)
– Processing Systems
– Data Network
Virtual World
Current challenges
Network Bandwidth/Latency
Distributed Interaction (real-time)
Resource Management - Scalability
History - Military
• SIMNET (Simulator networking)[Miller/Thorpe95]
– Distributed military environment developed for
DARPA between 1983 and 1990.
– Aimed at:
• Building high-quality, low cost simulators
• How to network the simulators together.
– Created 11 sites with 50 - 100 simulator each.
History - SIMNET
History - Military
• SIMNET Architecture
– Object-event architecture
– Autonomous nodes (each entity is responsible
for informing its state to others)
– Dead Reckoning
• Average messages:
– Slow moving vehicles: 1mess/sec.
– Fast moving vehicles: 3mess/sec.
History - Military
• SIMNET Modules
– Network Interface
– Other-vehicle state table
– Controls
– Own-vehicle dynamics
– Sound generation
History - Military
– Multicast groups: each exercise is assigned a
multicast address.
– Multiple exercises can co-exist
• Scalability
– Exercise in March 1990:
• 850 objects
• 5 sites
• Network: T-1
History - Military
• DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation) [IEEE93]
– Started in 1989 as an effort to document the comm.
protocol of SIMNET.
– Became an IEEE Standard 1278.
• Definition of 27 PDUs (Protocol Data Unit).
Entity State: position, orientation, velocity changes.
• Each 5 seconds: a “heart-beat” state PDU.
History - Military
• DIS - Traffic:
– 96% Entity State PDUs
– Rest:
History - Military
• DIS - Scalability
– Designed for 300-500 users
History - Military
• DIS - Fully distributed and Heterogeneous
– Each machine that can read/write DIS PDUS
and manages the state, can participate.
– Heterogeneity can pose problems.
• Slow machines can fall behind processing
messages from fast machines.
• Inconsistencies!
History - Games
• SGI Flight
– Flight simulator demo program used from
1984 to 1992.
– Created in 1983.
– Networked version shown in SIGGRAPH
History - SGI Flight
Download source code from:
History - Games
• Doom [idSoftware]
– Released in December 1993.
– Initial version: no dead-reckoning, messages
at frame-rate.
– 10s of millions of downloads.
– Source code was available.
History - Doom
History - Academia
– “The longest continuing academic research
effort in networked virtual environments”
[Singhal/Zyda 1999]
– Focus on software technology for
implementing large-scale virtual environments
History - Academia
Courtesy of Naval Postgraduate School.
History - Academia
– Contracted initially to handle SIMNET terrain.
– Afterwards, improvements on protocols:
Protocol for Lans only
Bridges for Lans and Wans
Implementation of IP Multicast for Wans
vrtp proposal.
• DIVE (Distributed Interactive Virtual
Environment) [Hagsand96] [DIVE]
– Built at the Swedish institute of Computer
– World Database:
• Distributed
• Fully Replicated
• New objects can be added/modified in a
RELIABLE fashion.
• Distributed lock mechanism.
History - DIVE
History - DIVE
History - DIVE
History - DIVE
• Videos
– Because of the reliable multicast
implementation they use, DIVE does not scale
well beyond 32 participants.
– DIVE 3 uses a basic communications library
based on IP multicast and Scalable Reliable
Multicast (SRM).
• MR - TPP Minimal Reality Toolkit Peer
Package [Shaw/Green93]
– MR-TTP is based on UDP (unreliable). Lost
packages are ignored.
– Instead of heartbeat: sends packages at the
rate of the input device.
– Topology: Complete Graph Connection.
– Number of users: 4 or less.
• Developed at
University’s CRG
(Computer Research
Group), led by Steve
Bendford and Chris
– Multi-user distributed V.R. system
– Runs on Sun and SGI platforms
– Textual, graphical and audio client programs
– Interaction controlled by aura, focus and
– Connection oriented networking
– Scalability: “MASSIVE usually works with up
to about 10 users ” (from Massive-1 home
History - MASSIVE
• MASSIVE 2 and 3
– Scalability and Distribution based on Locales
– Current networking via TCP client-server style
(to be combined with multicast)
– The agent that creates an environment acts
as distribution server for that environment
– Persistency
– Management of audio links.
• Summary
– A number of successful Networked VEs has
been created:
• Military
• Gaming
• Research
– Differ greatly:
• What can the users do.
• Technological decisions.
Networking Concepts
• Latency
– Amount of time to transfer a bit of data from
one point to another.
– Latency has a direct impact on interaction
inside the virtual world.
– The designer cannot really reduce latency. It
is possible to hide it or reduce its impact.
Networking Concepts
• Latency - causes:
– Physical limitations: speed of electromagnetic
waves in the transmission material (aprox.
8.25 msec per time zone).
– Delays introduced by the endpoint computers.
– Delays introduced by the network itself
Networking Concepts
• Bandwidth
– Rate at which the network can deliver data to
the destination host.
– Examples:
• Modem: 56Kbits per second.
• Ethernet: 10 or 100 Mbits per second.
• Fiber-optic: 10 Gbps or more.
Networking Concepts
• Reliability
– How much data is lost by the network and
how that loss is handled.
– Causes:
• Routers discard some of the messages (up to 50%
in some cases).
• Data gets lost in the communication media.
Networking Concepts
• Reliability - How to handle data that is
– Detect/Correct: Error-correcting codes.
– Detect: ACKS, NACKS.
Networking Concepts
• TCP: Point-to-point connection to an
application running in another machine.
• Data Checksum for integrity.
• Flow-control: to avoid flooding of
messages, including acknowledgements.
• Keeps strict ordering and consistency of
packages. Is this necessary in NVEs?
Networking Concepts
• UDP: Lightweight protocol.
• Differences with TCP:
– Connectionless transmission. Information
about the state of the connection is not kept.
– Best-effort delivery. No guarantee of delivery
or order of messages.
– Each packet is auto-contained.
Networking Concepts
• UPD Advantages:
– No overhead for connection oriented
– Packages can be transmitted/received
immediately, no need for queues.
– It is possible to send information to groups of
users (multicasting).
Networking Concepts
• Unicast
– One computer sends information to only
another one computer.
Networking Concepts
• Broadcast
– One computer sends information to every
computer in a subnet.
Networking Concepts
• Multicast
– Only computers listening to a specific
multicast group receive the message.
Networking Concepts
• Multicast: Similar to distribution of
– Subscribers explicitly request the newspaper.
– Duplicate copies are not sent down the same
distribution tree.
– The publisher does not need to know the
Networking Concepts
• Mulsticast is emerging as the
recommended way to build large-scale
• BUT many routers do not handle multicast
messages still.
Networking Concepts
IP Broadcasting
IP Multicasting
Small number of users
Limited data requirements
Typically client-server
Higher data requirements
Used both in client-server and
peer-to-peer configurations.
Small peer-to-peer Net VEs with
high data requirements and time
sensitive delivery.
Large peer-to-peer NetVEs, be
careful with routers.
Networking Concepts
• Summary
– Available networking infrastructure is a very
important factor when designing a NetVE.
– Networking-related decisions have a big
impact on:
• Complexity of implementation
• Overall performance
• Scalability
• Client-Server Systems
– logical architecture
Client 1
Client 2
Client n
• Client-Server Systems
– physical architecture with phone lines
Phone Line
Client 1
Phone Line
Phone Line
Client 2
Client n
• Client-Server Systems
– physical architecture on a LAN
Client 1
Client 2
Client n
• Client-Server Systems
– The Server can become a bottleneck.
– What are the advantages? The server
can decide::
Which clients should receive a message.
What protocol to use with different clients.
Sub-sample messages to slow users.
Keep statistics.
• Multiple-Server Architectures
Client 1
Client 2
Server 1
Server 2
Client 1
Client 2
… Client n
Client n
• Multiple-Server Architectures
– Several servers have the following
• System scales better.
• Communication between clients attached to
different servers takes longer.
• Key issue: how to assign clients to servers?
• Peer-to-peer
Client n
Client 1
Client 2
• Peer-to-peer
– “Network” will be:
• Broadcast
• One or multiple multicast groups.
– In the case of multicast groups:
• Area of Interest Management: assign different
users to different multicast groups, based on some
• How many participants can co-exist in a
virtual world?
• From a Network infrastructure point of
– Infinite compute power at each node
– Network does not saturate
– Packet size: 144 bytes
– PDUs per second: 5 - 30
Architectures [Dawson98]
Min #
Max #
Shared State
• Main idea in a NVE:
• Provide users with the illusion that every
participant is seeing the same things and
interacting with each other.
• Things in the NVE change.
• Without dynamic shared state, the illusion
of sharing space and time breaks.
Shared State
• Definition of the problem - The
consistency-throughput tradeoff
– It is impossible to allow dynamic
shared state to change frequently
and guarantee that all host
simultaneously access identical
versions of that state. [Singha/Zyda
Shared State
• Absolute consistency:
– Wait until everybody acknowledges before moving to
a new position.
– Considering latency and available bandwidth, this
may imply slowing down too much.
• Frequent updates:
– Users send the updates and move on.
– But: some users will receive the updates quickly and
others wont.
– Inconsistent views!
Shared State
• Centralized Repositories - File Repository
– For pedagogical purpose:
– One file per entity
– Each update:
• Open File
• Read/Updat
• Close File
User 1
User 2
User n
Shared State
• Centralized Repositories - File Repository
– Advantage:
• absolute consistency.
• Avoids concurrency problems.
• Locks on objects easily implemented (when are
locks necessary?)
– Problems:
Shared State
• Centralized Repositories - Repository in
Server Memory
– Entry in memory per entity.
– Users need to acquire a “lock”.
User 1
User 2
User n
Shared State
• Centralized Repositories - Repository in
Server Memory
• Advantages
– Fast!
• Disadvantages
– No persistency.
– What happens if server crashes?
Shared State
• Distributed Repositories - Virtual
– Different clients manage different parts of the
– Clients have a local cache of used objects.
Shared State
• Distributed Repositories - Virtual
• Advantages:
– No bottleneck
• Disadvantages:
– Complex to program.
Shared State
• Frequent State Regeneration
• Is absolute consistency always
• When is it NOT necessary?
Shared State
• Frequent State Regeneration
– For instance in a group flight simulator
– A temporal inaccuracy in the position of
another plane is not too serious.
– Example: if updates are sent every 40
milliseconds, one lost package is almost
Shared State
• Frequent State Regeneration
– Producer
• “Broadcast” location of local objects
• Either when they move or at a fixed rate.
– Consumers (other participants)
• Draw the scene using the locations in the local
• Update the local cache with the remote events.
Shared State
• Frequent State Regeneration
– Producers and consumers are decoupled.
• All interactions can be decoupled?
– Independent movements: YES.
– Tight-collaborative tasks: NO.
Fast cycles
Slow cycles
Shared State
• Situation 1:
– A slow computer controls a plane moving in a
straight line.
– A participant in a fast computer perceives a
“jumpy” movement.
• Situation 2:
– A fast computer floods a slow computer with
messages of a car moving in a straight line.
Shared State
• Issue 1 (slow updates - Fast computer sees jumpiness)
• Issue 2 (fast updates - Slow computer overwhelmed)
Shared State
Solution to alleviate both issues:
Instead of sending updates at frame rate,
Send parameters that describe the trajectory of
the object (example: initial position and velocity)
• Each participant displays the trajectory at its own
Shared State
• Advantages:
– Accommodates heterogeneity.
– Bandwidth usage is reduced.
• Cost:
– More cycles to compute trajectory at each
– Need to re-synchronize.
Shared State
• Dead Reckoning - Two parts:
– Prediction
• Predict where the object is based on the received
– Convergence
• Once an actual position is received: how to move
the object from the predicted to the actual position.
Shared State
• Prediction Algorithms
– Derivative Polynomials:
– Order one:
pos1  pos0  vel * t
– Order two:
pos1  pos0  vel * t  acc * t 2
– Part of DIS protocol.
Shared State
• Other prediction
– Circles
– Spirals
• Planes seem to follow
many such curves.
Shared State
• Other strategy:
– Send an update when the actual position is
very different from the predicted position.
– Advantage: the error in the system is kept
under certain threshold.
– See paper by C. Faistnauer in IEEE VR 2000.
Shared State
• Convergence Algorithms
Predicted Position
Current Position
Last actual position
Shared State
• Convergence Algorithms
• Snap: Just move the object to the most
recent “actual” position.
• Linear: Linearly interpolate to a point in the
new predicted path (convergence point).
• Cubic Spline: Create a path in the form of
a cubic spline from the current position to
the convergence point.
Scalability and Performance
• Improve the size and performance of a
Net-VE by reducing network bandwidth
and processor resources.
• Less bandwidth requirements means more
users in the network.
• Less processor requirements means free
cycles for other purposes (better
graphics,…) and more heterogeneous
Scalability and Performance
• Required resources are a function of:
– Number of transmitted messages
– Average number of destination hosts per
– Bandwidth required per message
– Timeliness (minimal delays)
– Processor cycles needed to process each
Scalability and Performance
• A reduction in any of these items is a gain.
• BUT usually a reduction in one means a
penalty in another.
• Example:
– Dead Reckoning reduces required bandwidth
but more processor cycles are required.
Scalability and Performance
• Compression & Aggregation
• Compression:
– Aims at reducing bandwidth utilization by
reducing the size of the messages.
– Internal: encode in a more efficient manner.
– External: Avoid retransmitting information that
is identical to previous packages.
Scalability and Performance
• Compression
– Example:
– Send “Snapshots” at periodic rates.
– Send updates to the snapshots.
– Snapshots sent over reliable protocol.
– Updates sent over unreliable protocol.
Scalability and Performance
• Packet Aggregation
– Aims at reducing the number of packets by
merging several packets together.
– The saving comes from the headers (25 bytes
for UDP and 40 bytes for TCP).
– Which packets can be merged?
• Packages from all entities managed by the node
(at the client).
• Packages from several clients (at the host).
Scalability and Performance
• Which packages to merge?
– Based on a timeout (send a message every
timeout units of time).
– Based on quorum (send a message only
when the quorum has been reached).
– Combination of the previous two.
Scalability and Performance
• Aggregation Servers
– Define servers that aggregate messages for
sets of entities having common
• Virtual World Location.
• Entity type.
Scalability and Performance
• General model:
– Each node has an Aura, or area of influence.
– Each node has a Nimbus, or a type of entities
from which to receive data.
Nimbus 2
Nimbus 1
Scalability and Performance
• An event is only send from the source to
the destination if the source’s aura
intersects the destination’s nimbus.
• In Massive-1 unicast, peer-to-peer,
unreliable protocols are used to send
events from the sender to the destination.
• This does not scale very well.
Scalability and Performance
• Multicast
– Key question: how to map groups of users to
multicast groups. Approaches:
• Group-per-Entity
• Group-per-Region
Scalability and Performance
• Group-per-Entity [Abrams/Watsen/Zyda98].
• There is a multicast group per entity.
• Each node subscribes to multicast groups of
entities in its nimbus.
• A directory server is necessary to inform nodes
about the position and multicast groups of other
• Problem: The number of multicast groups grows
Scalability and Performance
• Group-per-region
– The virtual world is partitioned into cells. Each
cell is assigned a multicast group.
– Users subscribe/unsubscribe from multicast
groups as they travel.
– As a user approaches a region, it needs to
subscribe to the neighbor cells. Hexagonal
cells are an advantage.
Scalability and Performance
• Level of Detail perception
• Objects that are very far away will:
– Appear smaller
– Probably not be the focus of attention.
• Therefore:
– Can be updated less frequently.
Scalability and Performance
• Need for multiple channels.
• Different channels have different
“resolution” (update frequencies, spacial
granularity, etc…)
• Who handles the channels?
– A server
– Each client
Research Topics
• Multimedia
– Incorporating audio/video live streams to
– Questions:
• What to display
• Where to display it
• A single rate or multiple rates?
Research Topics - Multimedia
• FreeWalk [Nakanishi96].
– Mapped a picture of the user in the front face of a
pyramid (avatar).
– Users can move freely and establish voice
– The volume depends on the distance and mutual
– A community server informs users about positions
and orientation of other users.
– Actual voice messages and pictures are exchanged
among users.
Research Topics
• FreeWalk
Research Topics - Multimedia
• Awareness-Driven Video QOS [Reynard
– Three different QOS levels are established:
• Porthole: 1 update every 5 minutes. At the top of
the virtual office.
• Glance: 1 frame/sec. At the front of the office.
• Communications: 20 frames/sec. On top of user’s
Research Topics - Multimedia
• Awareness-Driven
Video QOS
Research Topics - Architectures
• Hierarchy of Servers [Funkhouser95]
– Compared Static Allocation of clients to
servers vs. Dynamic Allocation (a server per
– The number of server-to-server messages
was reduced.
Research Topics - Architectures
Courtesy of T. Funkhouser
Research Topics - Architectures
• Dynamic partitioning of space
• Partition the space dynamically as the
users move in the world.
• Assign one partition to each server.
• If a space becomes to crowded, split in a
quadtree fashion.
• Load among servers was better balanced.
Research Topics - Architectures
Courtesy if the Eafit University.
Research Topics Heterogeneity
• How to accommodate heterogeneous nodes in a
NetVE [Trefftz03]
• The system handles multiple variables:
– Display Rate
– Frequency of remote updates
– Frequency of “video” updates
• The user can specify her preferences.
• The System Administrator can define minimum
• The system “optimizes” the function and defines
fidelity levels for each client.
Research Topics - Heterogeneity
• Proof-of-concept
Research Topics - Heterogeneity
• The “Switchboard”
Research Topics - Collaborative AR
• Two or more users collaborating in a
reality augmented with virtual objects.
• See Studio3D by Vienna University.
• What happens if the users are in different
physical locations?
Research Topics
• What are the “big players” doing?
– Mike Zyda (NPS):
• Very successful army game.
• Agents in VEs.
• Defense-Entertainment cooperation for Training.
– Greenhalgh/Benford (Nottingham)
• Heterogeneity
• Wireless
– Steve Feiner
• IEEE VR 2003: Merge of VR and wireless technologies.
Research Topics
• America´s Army
From America´s Army´s home page.
Commercial Systems
• ActiveWorlds
– Commercial system.
– Free sessions for guests.
– Used for:
• Education
• Social interaction of groups
– Provide avatars and connected virtual locales
– Communication: chat tool.
Toy Application (cubes)
• Demonstration
• Will be downloadable from:
Toy Application
• Packages - Client Application
Toy Application
• Packages - Server Application
– Jus the Server Package.
Toy Application - server
Toy Application - send
Toy Application - receive
Toy Application - replicate
Toy Application - Documentation
• JavaDoc
– Documentation of classes, methods and
atributes. Created by Java.
– Poseidon UML
• SourceCode
– JBuilder Personal Edition project.
Toy Application
• Changes you can do:
– Use UDP instead of TCP - Compare
– Add audio-video streaming (JMF)
– Make it peer-to-peer - Compare performance.
– Try the techniques for scalability defined in
the tutorial.
– Use a VRML loader to import prettier
Toy Application
– Test your own ideas!
• IEEE Virtual Reality (formerly IEEE
• ACM VRST (Virtual Reality Software and
• ACM CVE (Collaborative Virtual
Environments). (every two years).
• ACM CSCW (Computer Supported
Collaborative Work).
• In General networking or HumanComputer Interaction Journals have more
and more articles on NVEs.
Summary and Conclusions
“New” field.
Technology is here.
The need & interest are growing.
Many areas to be explored.
Any idea for your own research? I will be
happy to discuss.
• Enjoy!
Thank you!
Bibliography - BOOKS
• [Singhal/Zyda 1999] Singhal, S. and Zyda,
M. Networked Virtual Environments:
Design and Implementation. AddisonWesley.1999.
• [Churchill/Snowdon/Munro 2001]Churchill,
E., Snowdon, D. and Munro, A.
Collaborative Virtual Enironments. Digital
Places and Spaces for Interaction.
Springer Verlag. 2001.
Bibliography - Papers and Articles
• [Abrams/Wasten/Zyda98] Abrams, H., Waksen, K. and
Zyda M. Three tiered interest management for largescale virtual environments. In Proceedings of VRST
1998. Taipei, Taiwan, November 1998.
• [Dawson98] Dawson, F. XDSL market blooming.
Interactive Week 5(39):28-29. October, 1998.
• [Funkhouser96] Funkhouser, T. Network Topologies for
Scalable Multi-User Environments. In Proceedings of
VRAIS. 1996.
Bibliography - Papers and Articles
• [Greenhalgh/Benford95] Greenhalgh, C.,
Benford, S. Massive: a Virtual Reality System
for Teleconferencing. ACM Transaction on
Computer Human Interfaces. 2(3):239-261.
• [Hagsand96] Hagsand, O. Interactive multiuser VEs in
the DIVE system. IEEE Multimedia 3(1):30-39, 1996.
• [IEEE93] IEEE standard for information technology /
protocols for distributed simulation applications. IEEE
Standard 1278-1993. IEEE Computer Society, 1993.
• [Macedonia95] Macedonia, M., Zyda, M., Pratt, D. and Barham, P.
Exploiting reality with multicast groups: A network architecture for
large-scale virtual environments. In Proceedings of IEEE VRAIS.
Bibliography - Papers and Articles
[Miller/Thorpe95] Miler, D., Thorpe J.A. SIMNET: The advent of Simulator
Networking. In Proceedings of the IEEE 83(8):1114-1123, August 1995.
[Nakanishi96] Nakanishi, H., Yoshida, C., Nishimura, T. and Ishida, T.
FreeWalk: Supporting Casual Meetings in a Network. In
Proceedings of ACM CSCW. 1996.
• [Restrepo03] Restrepo A., Montoya, A. and Trefftz H. “Dynamic
Server Allocation in Virtual Environments using QuadTrees for
Space Partitioning”. In Proceedings of IASTED Computer Science
and Technology, Cancun, Mexico, 2003.
• [Reynard98] Reynard, G., Benford, S., Greenhalgh, C. & Heath, C.
Awareness Driven Video Quality of Service in Collaborative Virtual
Environments. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 98.
Bibliography - Papers and Articles
• [Shaw/Green93] Shaw, C. Green, M. The
MR toolkit peers package and experiment.
In Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Virtual
RealityAnnual International Symposium,
463/469. Seattle, September 1993.
• [Trefftz03] Trefftz, H., Marsic, I. and Zyda
M. Handling Heterogeneity in Networked
Virtual Environments. In Presence 12(1)
37. February 2003.
Bibliography - Web Pages
• [DIVE] DIVE home page
• [idSoftware] idSoftware home page
• [MASSIVE-3] MASSIVE home page
• [NPSNET] NPSNET home page
• Toy application: