Appendix 2 Warwickshire County Council , Social Care and Support ,Independent Living Team Making it Real : Personal Budgets/ Direct Payments Action Plan Introduction Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) is the sector wide commitment to transform adult social care through personalisation and community-based support. On the 17.7.14 Warwickshire County Council made a declaration to commit to deliver and transform Social Care and Support using the Making It Real markers of progress. This means we have declared a commitment to use the Making It Real markers, and we have agreed to Publicly share actions that we will be taking to make progress towards achieving them. Co-produce action plans with people who use services based on three priorities of change. It was agreed an initial action plan would be co-produced with people who were receiving or may be considering receiving direct payments. What is Making It Real? Making it Real sets out what people who use services and carers expect to see and experience if support services are truly personalised. They use a set of progress markers written in co-production by people who use services and their families. This can 1 help organisations to mark how well they are progressing with transforming what they do. The aim of Making It Real is for people to have more choice and control so they can live a full and independent life. How is Making It Real Measured? The markers of progress are 26 ‘I ‘statements which measure 6 key areas: Information and Advice: Having the information I need, when I need it. Active and supportive communities: Keeping friends, family and place Flexible integrated care and support: My support my own way Workforce: My support staff Risk enablement: Feeling in control and safe Personal budgets and self-funding: My money Co-production conversation cafes’ with the Making It Real Task groups were undertaken during September and October 2014. During these workshops we explored and measured the ‘I’ statements to identify and agree 3 priorities for the personal budget/direct payments work stream. Over the next 12 months will be working towards the priorities outlined in the action plan which will focus on the initial feedback, local accounts and research undertaken with people who use direct payments, including people who receive monies from the Independent Living Fund. A mid- way review will be undertaken by the Making It Real Co-production group using the ‘I’ statements. The progress will be reviewed and new actions introduced where measures reflect any change in direction. Actions may be added as outcomes are completed and new priorities are agreed. 2 Background information: Owner of the Action Plan: Making It Real task group Who was involved in agreeing the three priorities and action plan? Direct Payments Peer Support Network Making It Real task group Direct Payment support services Practitioners from Social Care and Support operational teams Independent Living Team Commissioning – Market Management and customer engagement team What date was the board level declaration agreed: 17.7.14 Start date for action plan: 1.12.14 Review date for action plan: 31.3.15 Lead contact for this action plan: Lesley Kendall (Making It Real Coordinator) 3 Priority 1: Description of the priority: Making It Real: Information and Advice: Having access to consistent direct payment information I need, when I need it and in a format suitable to me. Direct Payment’s information and advice To streamline and centralise access to direct payment’s where possible. To ensure all direct payment s information is fit for purpose and Care Act compliant. To develop an e learning programme. To increase direct payments learning and development capacity and broaden the audience. To develop other options for peer support such a social media to provide updates. To raise the profile of the independent Living Team. To support direct payment customers to become peer reviewers. Ensure customers in receipt of monies from the Independent Living Fund are fully informed throughout the transfer process. What steps we will take to make this happen? Review Direct Payments information and advice Increase peer support opportunities such as access to Facebook, Twitter, website to keep customers update re direct payment change Develop a streamlined process for direct payments into one place Develop e- learning ProgrammeAwareness Workshops for dementia navigators Self-employed guidance developed. DP support services sign up MIR Lead contact Outcome Customer/carer involvement Reviewed Lesley Kendall ILT team ILF transfer officer I can access up to date information in a format suitable to me. I am well Informed and can talk to others like me. Clear where to signpost people for DP advice and information. I know who to contact. The process is simple. I can talk to other direct payment users. I know how I can use my direct payment. Local Accounts Direct Payment peer support network Making It Real task group Support Service questionnaire March 2015 4 Priority 2 : Description of the priority: Making It Real Workforce: Direct Payments my support staff To develop access to learning and development opportunities for personal assistants To increase personal assistant capacity To support access to Skills for Care funding To develop a suite of learning and development opportunities for personal assistants To support direct payment employers with access to small employer development opportunities What steps you will take to make this happen? Lead contact Alison Atkinson Lesley Kendall ILT officers Direct Payment employer workshop Support service’s to register with Making It Real Raise the profile of Skills for Care opportunities such as funding streams Develop a menu of learning and development for personal assistants. Explore how to increase personal assistant capacity especially in rural areas/ PA registers / promotion Produce a ‘What is a PA ‘ factsheet Market Facilitation presentation at employer and PA events. Share access to PA Peer support Attend Provider forum’s to introduce the concept of them opening up training to personal assistants Work alongside the support organisations to align guidance and Outcome If my staff are trained it will raise the quality of support I receive. I will find it easier to find a personal assistant I can send my personal assistant on training. I can find training for them. My personal assistant feels supported and valued. I am a good employer. I am an informed direct payment employer. I can access consistent up to date information. I can find providers who support and understand direct payments. My personal assistant has job satisfaction. Staff are trained and keep me safe. I know where to go to get advice Customer/carer involvement Reviewed Local Accounts Direct Payment peer support network Making It Real task group Support Service questionnaire March 2015 5 practice. and support. I am confident with the advice that is given. I can talk to other people who have a direct payment. The people I talk to know what direct payments are. 6 Priority 3: Description of the priority: Personal Budget’s : My Money Access to a range of options Al menu of choice for personal budgets Creative outcomes using new technology More cost effective options Explore models of support planning for direct payments Explore models for Direct payment support service ‘s What steps you will take to make this Leads t Outcome happen? Edward There are a range of options Service Funds information Roberts available to me to help me factsheet and guidance Alison manage my personal budget. Explore assistive technology and Atkinson There are options if i don’t tele care options for direct Lesley want to receive a direct payments Kendall payment. Pilot Support planning and There is support available to brokerage away from assessments Kay Market development of choices for Winterburn me when using direct payments. direct payments support services I am supported to make the Develop access to Individual choices during support Service Funds planning. Review Personal Budget guidance My ideas are supported to Explore money management meet agreed outcomes with options such as payment cards the money available to me. Develop an Individual available. Customers/carer involvement Customer/carer involvement Local Accounts Direct Payment peer support network Making It Real task group Support Service questionnaire Review March 2015 7 I am confident with the direct payment support available to me. I am a good employer 8