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City of Waterloo
Development Trends and Approval Processes
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)
Kitchener Waterloo Centre
Development Planner/Urban Designer
Chair Site Plan Review Committee
January 14 2010
• Provide context of current development trends
– Waterloo is changing
• Information on Waterloo planning process and
tools related to lighting
• Review specific projects and lighting plans as
Master planned projects
The Urban Design Manual
The Sign By-law
• Talk about next steps together and questions
Important Lighting Comments
City has made major design reforms within last two years for new development:
City design policies, March 2009
City design guidelines, the Urban Design Manual (UDM), September 2009 with lighting
guidelines and standards – this is new for Waterloo approved in September 2009.
Outdoor site lighting is regulated through site plan process for new development subject to
Urban Design Manual. Available on line at:
Any lighting associated with signage subject to sign by-law: controls lighting times
and sign size/location but not illumination levels. This is not associated with site plan
New public roadway lighting subject to City and Regional approval through
subdivision process or road reconstruction projects. Separate process involving
Waterloo North Hydro.
I am here to talk about site plan process and sign by-law – two separate processes
under different legislation and to talk about information sharing and collaboration with
•Growing towards outer edge:
limited land supply (greenfield areas)
Direction to intensify to make better use of
land and accommodate long term growth
Height and Density Policy Study approved
resulting in Nodes and Corridors land use
mode with new tools (official plan policies,
•Planning Act Reforms – provincial legislation with
new authority. City passed new design policies
and guidelines in 2009 to enable.
•The Urban Design Manual geared towards site
plan development to promote compatible
intensification approved 2009
• Intensification Projects
– Adaptive re-use
– Infill development
– Redevelopment
– Tall Buildings
• Master Planned Development
– Large scale development, phased
– Includes master plan design
guidelines to guide development
– Guidelines for building design,
circulation and usually lighting
– Guidelines usually prepared for
official plan/zoning amendment
applications, large site plan
CIGI Campus
RIM North Campus
The Boardwalk (INCC)
CIGI Campus Master Plan – under construction
Multi phased project: Phase I: 65,000 sqft. 220,000 sqft project  streetscape improvements (Father David Bauer Drive)
CIGI Campus Master Plan
• Master plan guidelines
– Approved by Council
– Set direction for
applications and
development approvals
• Lighting guidelines (s.11):
Lighting by specialists
For areas to be lit
To LEED standard
Hierarchy of levels
Cut off, non visible
reflective and some
architectural detailing
Guidelines for: phasing, sustainable design, circulation, public spaces, floodplain, building design, safety and security, signage
Multi phased development with central park space  1300 residential units  160 hotel suites  8-25 storeys  streetscape enhancements
Graphics: Turner Fleischer Architects Incorporated
BARRELYARDS – OPA/ZC approved, under review
BARRELYARDS – lighting plan
Quadro H2 by Selux
Full cut off wallpacks
Recessed wall lights (stairs)
Recessed pot lights
Some directional luminaires
and bollards
average: 1 footcandle  range: 0.1-2.7 footcandles
RIM North Campus – 4 buildings under construction
The Boardwalk – under construction
(533,000 sf)
(547,178 sf)
Landfill Gateway
Access Monument
Transit Mixed Use 2Area
storey buildings
Green SWM Internal
Space facility Street Transit Route
The Boardwalk – under construction
Cross boarder development (3 governments)
88 acres, 1 km frontage (equivalent to 700 homes)
1,000,000 sf commercial development:
Site Plan Approvals:
Special policies, zoning and master plan guidelines
with lighting guidelines
Anchor tenants in rear toward landfill: larger building
with larger signage
Office block at north end for transition
Subject to master site plan approvals for coordination
and detailed site plan approvals with lighting plans.
Subject to master design guidelines and City UDM.
Lighting being coordinated between cities and
established on master site lighting plan too.
Signage: Master ‘sign’ plan under review and will
address lighting (new phases). New approach.
Some tenants have introduced reduced corporate
standards for sign lighting – not part of site plan
approval or sign by-law.
The Boardwalk – comprehensive lighting plan
Average 2 footcandle with some transition  full cut of parking and street lighting  full cut off building lighting with some architectural fixtures
Pylon signage permitted (maximum 4 for site, 2 in Waterloo).
The Boardwalk – entrance and parking area lighting (full cut off)
The Boardwalk – building lighting
Basic site and building lighting compliance  screen subject to setback requirements: Owners in discussion with tenant  time restrictions in place
Site Plan Process – site development approvals
Governed under Planning Act
For commercial, industrial,
residential (townhouses and apts)
and most institutional projects
A 4-8 month process
Development subject City design
guidelines and standards (UDM):
– Part 2 General design guidelines
– Part 3 Supplemental guidelines
(includes lighting)
– Part 4: Site Plan Review
Guidelines with Performance
Standards (lighting)
UDM Approved September 2009 –
just over 1 year old!
UDM subject to future updates –
opportunity for discussion
Lighting Guidelines and Site Plan Standards (site plan)
Lighting not to spill over on abutting
properties: 0.1 footcandles
Lighting to be evenly distributed:
Average 1 footcandle for residential
Average 2 footcandles for commercial
Lighting to be full cut off fixtures:
particularly abutting residential
parking lot lighting
some flexibility for architectural fixtures
White lighting to be provided for safety
Encourage pedestrian scale lighting, LED and
architectural detailing
Does not affect subdivisions, signage
Typical lighting plan
Architectural lighting: character and interest
Sign By-law – signage approvals
Sign by-law falls under Municipal Act – different legislation than Planning Act.
By-law regulates height, size, location and type of signage based on zone categories
(zoning). Fairly restrictive compared to other cities: generally less signage and
smaller sizes.
General provisions (existing):
Some time restrictions in specific zones:
All signs permitted to be illuminated by internal lights unless specifically prohibited.
no beam or flashing illumination.
Accessory signage permitted subject to regs.
Directional signage permitted subject to regs.
Fasia signs in MXR, MXC,MXE Zones: illumination shall cease between 11:00 pm and 7:00
Sign by-law under review: investigating illumination opportunities with information
from Canadian Sign Association.
• City is running out of vacant land and transforming into a more
urban city through intensification. Better planning and will help
accommodate longer term growth. In 2010, City had 121,700
population. We are no longer a small city.
• Very fortunate City. We expect future growth and are incorporating
new tools to manage growth. The Urban Design Manual is an
excellent example for new development.
• With growth comes increases in background lighting, like traffic.
The UDM has established performance standards for outdoor
lighting through site plan process and is night sky friendly.
• Now reviewing sign by-law for lighting opportunities. Different
legislation and process.
Next Steps and Questions
Consultation with Urban Design Manual updates with RASC?
Sign By-law updates and discussion with RASC?
What are the key lighting issues?
Are you familiar with site plan process (site development) and sign by-law?
Opportunity for future meetings/updates with RASC?
Like most cities, Waterloo is growing. What other measures could be