2015-2025 USF System Campus Master Plan Update Sarasota-Manatee Proposed 2015-2025 USF System Campus Master Plan Update USF manages property and development per F.S. 1013.30 and BOG Chapter 21. Plan Topic components: Campus Master Plans are Updated every five years. Executive Summary Introduction The phases of the development of the Campus Master Plan include: • a preliminary Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the previous plans • Data Collection and Analysis • Goals Objectives, and Policies updates • Campus Development Agreement with the host municipality 1. Strategic Plan 2. Introduction to the Campus Master Plan 3. Academic Program Overview 4. Future Land Use 5. Transportation 6. Housing and Student Support Services 7. Infrastructure and Utilities 8. Conservation Plan components include Graphics, Narratives, and Goals Objectives, and Policies. 9. Recreation and Open Space 10. Intergovernmental Coordination 11. Capital Improvements Appendixes USF System Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Campus Context Map Sarasota-Manatee Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Highlights Future Land Use: • Reinforces mission, vision and goals of “USFSM Strategic Plan: Focus on Quality 2020”. • Continues emphasis to develop the campus core through strategic placement of buildings of compatible use, type and massing. • Incorporates sustainability framework prescribed by FBOG Chapter 21. • Current Adopted Campus Master Plan land acquisition strategy is unchanged. Transportation: Incorporates high-priority safety improvements for campus pedestrian and bicycle routes, public transit, roadways and intersections. Housing: On-campus student housing is not included. Future student housing will be developed through affiliation agreements as demand increases (USFSM Strategic Plan 2.3). Student Support Services: Includes repurposing of existing facilities to promote student engagement and success (USFSM Strategic Plan 2.1). Sarasota-Manatee Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Proposed Updates Sarasota-Manatee Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Illustrative 10-year Plan Sarasota-Manatee Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Extension of the Campus Development Agreement The Campus Development Agreement with Manatee County Government was based on the 20002010 Campus Master Plan. The Agreement expired in July 2013. Given the unused capacity projected through 2020, it is anticipated that the terms of the previous agreement will be extended for the five-year period. Benchmarks to the Campus Development Agreement Type Academic and Support Sarasota-Manatee Development Allowed GSF Current Used GSF Remaining Balance GSF 250,000 140,950 109,950 % Used 56% Proposed 2015-2025 Campus Master Plan Update Schedule Date Reviews August 6 Review draft with President Genshaft August 19 USFSM Senior Leadership Retreat August – October USFSM internal reviews October 15 USFSM Campus Board Meeting Date Committee Reviews leading to USF UBOT Adoption October 21 Campus Development Committee October 26 ACE Advisory Committee November 12 ACE December 3 USF Board of Trustees Meeting Date Campus Development Agreement Extension January – February CDA negotiations with Manatee County Government Sarasota-Manatee