Accounting and Accountancy I - Fall 2007

Accountancy II – Summer 2013
Department of Accountancy
University of Notre Dame
Janet O’Tousa Contact Information
Office Location: Mendoza College of Business 252
Office Hours: By appointment: Generally available, MW: 10:30 – 12:00; 2 – 3:30;
TR: 10:30 – 11:30; 2 – 5; Office hours prior to an exam will be specifically announced.
E-mail Address:
Office Phone #: 631-9090
Required Course Materials
Text (GNB): Garrison, R., Noreen, E., & Brewer, P., Managerial Accounting, 14th edition, 2012
Textbook’s Web Site: URL is;
Select student edition. Chapter numbers are along the left hand side.
The web site offers multiple choice questions, power point slides, practice exams, excel templates.
Calculator: Calculators should be brought to class; only non graphing calculators are to be used
on exams.
Course Goals and Objectives
The primary objective of Accounting is to provide useful information for decision-makers. The overall
goal for the two-semester Accountancy sequence is to develop your ability of to use accounting information
in various economic decision-making contexts.
ACCT 20200 provides you with the accounting tools and skills useful for planning, decision-making and
management control within an organization. The course focuses on an understanding of the accounting
environment in which business units operate and the use of internal accounting information to aid
management in its decision-making. In addition, there will be problems or cases representing business
situations designed to reinforce the course materials and to develop an appreciation for the integrity and
ethical conduct required of accountants while performing services in their professional careers.
Upon completion of this course and its prerequisite, ACCT 20100, you should have a broad understanding
of the decision usefulness of accounting information both as it relates to decision-making by users of
financial statements (201) and decision-making by management (202).
Business entities and the activities they undertake:
Readings provide broad exposure to the forces acting on businesses; the assignments and
the use of cases will require you to simulate business activities.
Accounting as a broad information discipline:
The information perspective of accounting is emphasized throughout the sequence. Most
major functional areas of accounting are covered.
The decision-usefulness of accounting information:
The primary objective of accounting is to provide useful information for decision-making.
Accounting information usefulness is examined for operating, investing, and financing
The nature of contractual relations among business parties as a means for determining accounting
information requirements:
Accounting information is frequently used to ensure that parties are keeping their business
The integrity required of accountants:
The ethical components of contract performance and the accountant=s role in contract
enforcement will be considered in cases and assignments. Accountants must not only be
ethical, but often must attest that others are as well.
In the process of learning to use accounting information in decision-making, students will:
Improve oral and written communication skills through daily participation and several
assignments that require analysis and written feedback.
Improve group interaction and team-building skills by completing the assigned group projects.
Enhance critical thinking skills in the learning process by actively participating in group and
classroom activities.
Apply major concepts, ideas and tools to problem solving situations.
Grades will be determined based on the total points earned on the following assignments and participation:
Master Budgeting Team Project
The Case of BNB Credit Union (Team)
Excel Assignments (5)
In Class Activities
35 pts.
30 pts.
25 pts.
50 pts.
360 pts.
500 pts.
(13%, team)
As per Mendoza College of Business grading guidelines, I will curve final grades between a 3.1 to 3.2
Class GPA.
Course Organization & Administration
Team Assignments: You may form your own teams of 2 students each. Each team is to work
independently of all other teams.
Late Work: Please email me if you need an extension on any assignment. Please provide a reason and
how long of an extension you will need.
In-Class Activities: Our course will be moving at a very quick pace. Please send me an email if you have
to miss class. “Just about” perfect attendance and active participation are expected. In-class activities can
take many forms, quizzes, reading checks, discussion questions (dqs), peer teaching exercises, etc. My
plans for the next class will always be announced the class before.
Peer Concerns: Please see me as soon as difficulties with a teammate arise.
Exams: Exam dates are noted on the course calendar. The exam will be administered during class time or
can be scheduled for later in the day. For those scheduling later, a time limit of 80 minutes will be strictly
observed for the 3 tests during the semester. The comprehensive final exam will have a 2 hour time limit
and must be completed on Thursday 8/1 by 9:00 PM.
Grade Appeals on Exams: If you have a concern about the assessment of your exam, please come see me
and we will go over the entire exam together.
Excel Assignments:
1. The Excel assignments will be provided you as a hard copy once the material has been covered. Excel
Templates are in the Template folder on the ACCT 20200 website ( EACH template
is individualized for each student with an ID code for each student. It will be assumed a Honor Code
VIOLATION if you use a template with someone else’s ID Code.
2. You must use Microsoft EXCEL and not any other spreadsheet program. You must save your file as
either an xls or xlsx file so that it can be opened and the points earned recorded. Please save your Excel file
as: last name first name Excel #.
3. You must work individually on this assignment. Working with another student is a violation of the
Notre Dame Honor code and will be enforced when discovered. You must sign your name to the honor
code statement (the first sheet of the Excel template).
4. You must use links and formulas where ever possible. Failure to exploit Excel will result in a deduction
of points. There are only a couple of instances where typing numbers may be necessary.
5. Submit your completed assignment via email attachment to
6. See calendar for suggested due dates.
VI. The Academic Code of Honor:
“As a member of the Notre Dame community,
I will not participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty”.
Expectations with regard to Academic Integrity follow:
Students will not give or receive aid on exams. This includes, but is not limited to, viewing the exams of
others, sharing answers with others, and using books or notes while taking the exam. It also includes
discussing the exam in order to help those who are taking it later.
For case assignments involving teams, teams must work completely independently of other individuals, or
teams. Each member of a team has an obligation to ensure that the workload is shared by all members for
each assignment. Students are expected to avoid plagiarism, including the use of material from previous
semesters. See for rules on appropriate
citations. Notre Dame’s Writing Center is an excellent resource for researching and structuring written
The honor code requires that a student, with knowledge of the above violations, report such
occurrences. If a perceived honor code violation occurs, the procedures outlined in the Student
Guide to the Academic Codes of Honor,, will be followed.
Course Calendar
Due Dates
M, 6/17: Chapter 1 Managerial Accounting:
An Overview
Complete Student Information Sheet
T, 6/18: Chapter 2 Cost Concepts
Demonstration Problem: P2-21 (LO 3, LO 4)
Reading and Preparation Assignments
Must be completed prior to class
GNB: Pages 1 – 7; 13 – 19 (to be read
after class)
Questions (Q), Exercises (E), Problems (P)
Concepts: Q1-1, Q1-5
GNB: Pages 24 – 40; 44 -46;
Complete cost definition worksheet
W, 6/19: Chapter 2 Cost Concepts
Assessment: LO 1, LO 2, LO 3, LO 7
Demonstration Problem: P2-18 (LO 3, LO 4,
LO 5)
Practice: E2-2; E2-12;
Chapter 2: Pages 42 – 43
Concepts: Q2-1, Q2-2, Q2-3, Q2-4, Q2-5,
Q2-6, Q2-16
Cost Classification: E2-1, E2-7, P2-22
Cost Behavior: E2-3
High Low Method: E2-4, P2-17
Concepts: Q2-14, Q2-15
CM Income Statement: E2-5, E2-8, E2-11,
P2-14, E5-17
R, 6/20: Chapter 5 Cost-Volume-Profit
Lecture and demonstration (LO 1 – LO 7)
Suggested Due Date: Excel Assignment 1
Practice: E5-1
GNB: Pages 183 - 200
M, 6/24: Chapter 5 Cost-Volume-Profit
Assessment: LO 3, LO 5, LO 6
Lecture and demonstration (LO 8 and LO 9)
In Class Problem: P5-20
Suggested Due Date: Excel Assignment 2
T, 6/25:
Test 1 (Chapters 1, 2 and 5)
Practice: E5-5, E5-12
GNB: Pages 200 - 208
GRPs (great review problems):
P2-23 & P5-21
Also consider the review problem at the
end of the chapter reading
Concepts: Q5-1, Q5-5, Q5-7
CM Ratio: E5-4, E5-11
Break-even point: E5-7, E5-11
Target profit: E5-6, E5-11
Margin of Safety: E5-8, E5-11
Concepts: Q5-3, Q5-4, Q5-8, Q5-9,
Degree of Operating Leverage: E5-9, E515
Multi-product Break-even: E5-10, E5-14
Due Dates
W, 6/26: Chapter 8 Profit Planning
Lecture and Demonstration: Master
Reading and Preparation Assignments
Must be completed prior to class
GNB: Pages 335 -343; pages 351 - 359
Lap tops welcome
R, 6/27: Chapter 8 Profit Planning
In Class Master Budget
M, 7/1: Chapter 8 Profit Planning
In Class Case 8-28
T, 7/2: Chapter 9 Flexible Budgets and
Performance Analysis
Lecture and Demonstration: E9-9 – E9-13
Practice: P8-17
Lap tops welcome
Practice: P8-20
GNB: Read Case 8-28
GNB: Pages 383 – 397
DQs: Q9-1, Q9-2, Q9-3
W, 7/3: Chapter 9 Flexible Budgets and
Performance Analysis
Assessment: Conceptual questions
In Class Activity: E9-18
Demonstration: E9-6 and E9-7
R, 7/4: No class meeting
M, 7/8: Chapter 10 Standard Costs and
Variance Analysis
Suggested Due Date: Master Budget
Team Project
Lecture and Demonstration: E10-1 and
T, 7/9: Chapter 10 Standard Costs and
Variance Analysis
Assessment: (LO 1 and LO2)
In Class Activities: E10-5, P10-11
Suggested due date: Excel Assignment 3
W, 7/10:
Test 2 (Chapters 8, 9 and 10)
Practice: E9-15
Happy Birthday America!
GNB: Pages 418 - 432; 435 - 441
Practice: E10-6, E10-7
GRPs (great review problems):
One month of a Master Budget (copy
provided in class), E9-17, P10-13
Also consider the review problems at the
end of the chapter reading (9 and 10)
Questions (Q), Exercises (E), Problems (P)
Concepts: Q8-1, Q8-2, Q8-3, Q8-6, Q8-8
Cash Collections: E8-1
Selling/Admin: E8-6
Cash Budget: E8-7, P8-20
Income Stmt: E8-8, P8-20
Balance Sheet: E8-9, P8-20
Concepts: Q9-5, Q9-6, Q9-7, Q9-8, Q910, Q9-11
Flexible budget: E9-1
Activity variances: E9-2
Performance reports: E9-3, E9-4
Concepts: Q10-3, Q10-4, Q10-5, Q10-6
Direct materials variances: E10-8
Direct labor variances: E10-8
Due Dates
R, 7/11: Chapter 11 Performance
Measurement in Decentralized
Lecture and Demonstration E 11-9
M, 7/15: Chapter 11 Appendix A: Transfer
Assessment: Ch 11 LO 1 and LO2
Lecture and Demonstration
In Class Activity P11A-5
T, 7/16: Chapter 11 Appendix B: Service
Department Charges
Assessment: Transfer Pricing (LO 5)
Lecture and Demonstration: P11B-5
Suggested due date: Excel Assignment 4
W, 7/17: Chapter 12: Differential Analysis:
The Key to Decision Making
Lecture and Demonstration
Reading and Preparation Assignments
Must be completed prior to class
GNB: Pages 472 – 492
DQs: Q11-1, Q11-2, Q11-3
Questions (Q), Exercises (E), Problems (P)
Concepts: Q11-4, Q11-5, Q11-6, Q11-7,
Q11-8, Q11-10;
Practice: E11-1, E11-2, E11-3
GNB: Pages 507 - 513
Transfer Pricing: E11A-1
Practice: E11A-3
GNB: Pages 519 - 524
Service Allocations: E11B-1, E11B-3,
GNB: Pages 44 -46; Pages 527 – 552
Complete worksheets for E2-7 and E12-1
Concepts: Q12-8, Q12-12
Add or Drop a Segment: E12-10, E12-15
Make or Buy: E12-12, E12-16
Special Order: E12-14
Constrained Resource: E12-6, E12-9, E1213
Sell or Process Further: E12-8
R, 7/18: Chapter 12: Differential Analysis:
The Key to Decision Making
IN Class Problem Solving: P12-20, P12-23,
P12-24, P12-25
Suggested due date: Excel Assignment 5
M, 7/22:
Test (Chapter 11 including appendices A
and B, Chapter 12)
Practice: E12-2, E12-3, E12-4, E12-5, E12-7
Due Dates
T, 7/23: Chapter 15 Financial Statement
Reading and Preparation Assignments
Must be completed prior to class
Reference pages: GNB: Pages 679 – 713
W, 7/25: Chapter 15 Financial Statement
Reference pages: GNB: Pages 679 – 713
R, 7/26: Chapter 15 Financial Statement
Analysis and Financial Statement
Reference pages: GNB: Pages 679 – 713
Reference pages: Guide to Public Company
Auditing Brochure (copy to be provided)
M, 7/29: Financial Statement Audit
Reference pages: Guide to Public Company
Auditing Brochure (copy to be provided)
T, 7/30: Introduction to Taxes
Suggested due date: The Case of BNB
Credit Union
Reference: Wall Street Journal Articles
(copies to be provided)
W, 7/31:
Review for Final Exam
R, 8/1:
Final Exam (2 hours)
All excel assignments must be submitted
prior to taking final exam. Final exam
must be completed by 9 PM.
F, 8/2: The Case of BNB Credit Union
due by 5 PM
Questions (Q), Exercises (E), Problems (P)
ACCT 20200
Student Information Sheet
Are you taking another class or other classes? Please list along with meeting times:
Any employment and hours per week? Do you have a specific time you need to report or are your hours flexible?
Other campus activities and hours per week? Do you have a specific time you need to report?
What is your eXcel skill level? (beginner, intermediate, or advanced)
After listening to the lecture on Managerial Accounting, An Overview, please discuss why this course will be
relevant to your future career. Please incorporate in your response your reason for taking this course as well as
your expected goals at its completion.