BM19-12.15PM 19th Meeting of the Safeguarding Board for

19th Meeting of the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland
To be held on Tuesday 15th December 2015 from 3.30pm-4.58pm
The Cherry Room, Lagan Valley Island Centre
Glenys Johnston
Neil Anderson
Dr John Devaney
Paul Douglas
Kieran Downey
Dr Martin Cunningham
Dr Theresa Donaldson
Liam Hannaway
Dr Carolyn Harper
Mary Hinds
George Clarke
Declan McGeown
Paddy Kelly
Cheryl Lamont
Pauline Leeson
Dr Clare Mangan
James Marshall
Fionnuala McAndrew
Carmel McKinney
Paul Morgan
Title & Organisation
Chair Safeguarding Board for Northern
National Head of Service for N. Ireland
CMR Panel Chair
Lay Member
Executive Director WHSCT
GP Partner, Queen’s Health Centre
Chief Executive Lisburn & Castlereagh
Chief Executive Newry Mourne and Down
District Council
Director of Public Health
Director of Nursing and Allied Health
Chief Executive Youth Justice Agency
Director Children’s Law Centre
Acting Director, PBNI
Chief Executive Children in N. Ireland
Chief Executive BELB
Lay Member
Director of Social Care and Children HSCB
Lay Member
Dir. Children & Young People’s Services
Operational Director Action for Children NI
Director of Children’s Services SEHSCT
Director of Children’s Services NHSCT
Safeguarding Nurse Consultant PHA
Director Barnardo’s NI
Director of Child Care BHSCT
Director Include Youth
Chair of the Interfaith Subgroup
Dawn Shaw
Brendan Whittle
Marie Roulston
Una Turbitt
Lynda Wilson
Cecil Worthington
Paddy Mooney
Barbara McDermott
In Attendance
Dr Michael Murray OBO Brendan Whittle
Michelle Janes OBO Lynda Wilson
Helen McKenzie
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Lead Professional Officer
John Toner
Dr Bridie Pilkington
Lisa McEneaney
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Independent Safeguarding Panel Chair
Independent Safeguarding Panel Chair
Minute Taker
Summary of Actions
Action No.
Page No.
Meeting to take place to discuss the CSE definition
Ms McKenzie
Work to begin on the 16/17 annual report in January
The Chair
Ms McAndrew to have discussions with Ms Burke in relation to
the actions from the disability report.
Ms McAndrew
Ms McEneaney
Minutes from the September Board meeting to be revisited to
establish whether the Board agreed to add FGM to page 11 of
the Learning & Development Strategy
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to be on the Board agenda in
Outcome data on separated children to come to the Board
meeting in September 16.
Draft business plan to be sent to Board members and comments
due back on 15th January
Updated Business Plan to go to the Chair’s Business Group on
21st January
Finalised business plan to go to the Board for approval on 4th
Ms McKenzie to meet with Mr Anderson, Mr Toner, Mr Downey
and Ms Shaw in relation to the Business Plan.
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
To be completed by:
Ms McKenzie
Ms McAndrew
Ms McKenzie
Ms McKenzie
Ms McKenzie
Ms McKenzie
Summary of Board Approval
Page No.
Development Day Summary Report
Pre-mobile bruising paper
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Preliminaries: Apologies, Quorum, Conflict of Interest, Complaints
The Chair welcomed Board members to the Public Board meeting.
Ms McEneaney confirmed apologies from Ms Hinds, Dr Donaldson, Dr Harper, Dr
Cunningham, Ms Lamont and Mr Hannaway. She noted that there were a number of
deputies also attending the meeting including Ms Janes who was attending the
meeting on behalf of Ms Wilson and Dr Murray who was attending on behalf of Mr
The Board was quorate.
Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts of interests noted.
There have been no complaints.
1 19/15P & 2 19/15P Previous Actions & Matters Arising
The Chair invited comment and gave an update on the actions from the
previous meeting on 24th September.
The Chair stated that the invitation to the Development Day was circulated to
deputy Safeguarding Panel Chair’s, one other individual from a different
agency and the deputy Committee Chair’s.
The Chair advised in the March public minutes page 7, paragraph 4.6 an
additional comment was added to explain why Board members did not agree
to the Inter Faith Sub Group joining the SBNI Board.
The Chair confirmed that there had been discussion about the SBNI and
DHSSPS’s definition of CSE. The Chair stated that the SBNI should have a
reflection day in relation to CSE. She advised there is little difference
between the two definitions.
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Action 1:
Meeting to take place to discuss the CSE definition.
Action by: Ms McKenzie
The Chair stated that there were no responses received from Board members
on how co-sleeping would be taken forward. Ms Turbitt advised that it was
agreed that the PHA would take this work forward. She noted that a meeting
had taken place between both her and Dr Harper. She added that cosleeping is on the agenda for the Child Development Programme Board
(CDPB) and from this it would be decided how best to take the learning
forward from the co –sleeping paper.
The Chair emphasised that the Annual Report was sent back from the
DHSSPS with numerous comments and changes to which Ms Beattie and the
Chair worked considerably hard to develop. She stated that it went back to
the DHSSPS and there had not been any correspondence in return. The
Chair stressed that the Annual Report for 16/17 will contain more information
on what the SBNI have achieved. The Chair advised that the SBNI aim to
start the Annual Report in January.
Action 2:
Work to begin on the 16/17 Annual Report in January.
Action by: The Chair
The Chair advised that the mid-year Assurance Statement was sent to Board
members for comment.
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
The Chair requested clarification regarding the action relating to the Learning
and Development Strategy Framework (LDSF) regarding a correction on
page 11 . It had been stated that the following change was required; that
‘early intervention’ was to be changed to ‘early help'. Ms McAndrew explained
that in Northern Ireland the phrase in common use is ‘early intervention’ and
that to change the LDSF would make it non-compliant with other guidance
and policy documents. Mr Marshall stressed that it was very late in the
process, after the pubic consultation stage, for additional changes to be
made. It was accepted that the LDSF should remain in its current format
however the Chair confirmed she did not agree with the Northern Ireland
wording but understood that to make a change would cause confusion for
Ms McAndrew advised that the disability work is on her agenda and there are
individuals who have been suggested to her who may be appropriate in
assisting in taking the disability work forward. She advised that she will speak
to Ms Burke and drive this forward in the New Year
Action 3:
Ms McAndrew to have discussions with Ms Burke in relation to the actions from
the disability report.
Action by: Ms McAndrew
1.10. The Chair said that the SBNI are drafting the Business Plan and have agreed
to consider adding Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) onto the 16/17 plan
however additions to the Business Plan could only be made if there was
sufficient capacity to take them forward properly.
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Ms Turbitt advised that at the September Board meeting it was agreed that
FGM would be one of the training issues under the SBNI Learning and
Development Strategy and Framework. She added that the Strategy had
been put on the website without FGM having been added as approved by the
Board. The Chair stated that FGM hadn’t been included as it wasn’t in the
Business Plan. Ms Turbitt advised that what was agreed at the last Board
meeting should be carried through. Mr Marshall advised that the Strategy
went out for public consultation, in which comments were made, it then went
out to different agencies which resulted in further comments then the final
version came to the Board and was signed off. He stressed that new issues
will emerge but the Strategy will be reviewed every three years. He advised
that it was a challenge that this document went out for consultation and the
Board are now proposing to make further amendments. He commented that
a deadline should be given for further amendments to be made, and if there
are further amendments to the strategy should it be sent out for public
consultation again? The Chair advised she will bring this back to the Board in
Action 4:
Minutes from the September meeting to be checked to establish whether the
Board agreed to add FGM to page 11 of the Learning & Development Strategy
Action by: Ms McEneaney
Action 5:
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to be on the Board agenda in January.
Action by: The Chair
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
2 19/15P Tri.x Presentation
Mr Worthington and Ms Burke undertook a presentation on the progress of
the multi-agency policy and procedures. (BM12-19.15P5B)
Ms Burke undertook a demo of the Tri.X website.
Mr Worthington invited any questions. The Chair stated that every Board
member should visit the link to view the progress being made on the multiagency policy and procedures before the next meeting. .
The Chair asked about single agency procedures and if they were up to date?
Ms Burke advised that, each agency will need to undertake a review and alter
their procedures accordingly. The Chair stated that there may be benefit in
buying in Tri.x to do this across the Board. Dr Devaney stated that if there
was a 15% budget cut this would affect ability to buy this service from Tri.x
and a cheaper alternative should be considered.
Dr Mangan asked how Tri.x was procured. Ms McKenzie stated that Tri.x had
already been procured and is a rolling contract for three years. Dr Mangan
asked had it been done through a Single Tender Action (STA) to which Ms
McKenzie stated that it was. Ms McKenzie assured Board members that any
new procurement or spend will come to the Board first for sanction.
3 19/15P Separated and Trafficked Children
Ms McAndrew advised that she had provided a written brief on separated
children. (BM19-12.15P1) she noted that 8 separated young people had
been referred to Trusts up to 30th November 15. She added that there had
been a dedicated residential facility for separated young people since October
14 and the evaluation that had been suggested had now been completed and
the actions would be taken forward. She noted that the regional Practice
Learning Network on Separated Children is in place with membership and
representation from all statutory agencies involved with separated children.
The focus of the practice network is on learning, collaborative working,
reviewing and awareness raising of strategic and policy developments,
information sharing and coordination of training to meet learning/development
needs. The Chair asked if the outcomes for separated children were analysed
to which Ms McAndrew advised that she would look at what was being
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
captured and present it with the next report. The Board agreed to receive this
report on an annual basis from September 16 in line with the monitoring of
delegated statutory functions
Action 6:
Outcome data on separated children to come to the Board meeting in September
Action by: Ms McAndrew
4 19/15P Development Day Summary Report
Ms McKenzie presented the Board Development Day Summary Report. She
advised that for 2016/17 there would be an overarching theme on Neglect
across the Business Plan. Ms McKenzie talked through the Business Plan
and the Business Plan timeline. She advised that responses on the draft
Business Plan should be back by 15th January, the updated Business Plan
would go to the Chair’s Business Group on 21st January and the finalised
Business Plan would come back to the Board for approval on 4th February.
Action 7:
Draft business plan to be sent to Board members and comments due back on
15th January
Action by: Ms McKenzie
Action 8:
Updated Business Plan to go to the Chairs Business Group on 21st January
Action by: Ms McKenzie
Action 9:
Finalised Business Plan to go to the Board for approval on 4th February.
Action by: Ms McKenzie
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
5 19/15P Section 12 & Section 3
Ms McKenzie advised that the Section 12 & Section 3 presentations from the
Development Day were included in the papers for information.
Mr Morgan advised that the SBNI need to be clear on what can be delivered
and what the priorities are for the SBNI moving forward.
Ms Shaw informed the meeting that Action for Children had recently
completed work with the NSPCC and with the Welsh Assembly in relation to a
strategic response to tackling Neglect, although this piece of work was not in
the public domain at the moment it was a reference point that the SBNI could
use to develop its involvement in issue of Neglect Ms Shaw advised that
there are numerous amounts of data across Northern Ireland, whilst Mr
Anderson stated that Neglect is a theme that could run across a number of
years of an SBNI Business Plan.
6 19/15P Business Plan 16/17
Ms McKenzie advised that once the Business Plan comes back to the Board
in January it would be useful to establish a small group to get the Business
Plan completed in a timely manner. The Chair asked members if a small
group would come together in January to which Mr Anderson, Mr Toner, Mr
Downey and Ms Shaw agreed to participate.
Action 10:
Ms McKenzie to meet with Mr Anderson, Mr Toner, Mr Downey and Ms Shaw in
relation to the Business Plan.
Action by: Ms McKenzie
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
7 19/15P Pre-mobile bruising paper
Mr Worthington presented the pre-mobile bruising paper. He advised that
there is concern about the implementation of the policy, which was to be
expected. Mr Worthington advised that this Protocol was consulted on widely.
He stated that the Board have agreed in principle to this, but it is for the
Panels and Trusts to think about how to implement the Protocol. Mr
Worthington advised that the multi-agency policy and procedures will be
drafted by May 16 and there is room for further adjustment to these policy and
procedures particularly if groups still have concerns. Ms Burke advised that
the main issues are not with the Protocol itself but with the implementation of
the Protocol. She stated that it is very clear when the Protocol should be
initiated and if there is a mark through medical intervention then it does not
meet the criteria for the Protocol. Ms Burke advised that issues need to be
ironed out at ground level.
Ms Roulston stated that there is a full brief from Dr Livingstone on behalf of
the community paediatrician’s to which there is no disagreement with the
protocol however she is expressing concern and would like to share the
Protocol with the wider Community Paediatric Group. She has linked in with
paediatricians and Dr MacPherson. Ms Roulston advised that Dr Livingstone
was reflecting the views of a number of paediatricians. Mr Morgan advised
that this was one of the reasons why Dr MacPherson and Dr Livingston were
involved in the consultation. He advised that the Southern Trust had tested
the Protocol, but not without difficulty. He stated that issues were sent to him
yesterday regarding implementation of the Protocol. Mr Downey advised that
he raised a number of concerns at the previous Board meeting. His
understanding was that the Protocol was going back to the Policy and
Procedures Committee with the view to go out for further consultation. Ms
Burke advised that the Protocol did go back to the Policy and Procedures
Committee and amendments were made. Mr Downey stated that it may have
been a misunderstanding but he felt that there would be a period of
consultation again. He added that there are still some issues and it is the
responsibility of the SBNI to work in partnership regarding this. He suggested
that a workshop should be set up to resolve these concerns.
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Mr Downey advised that he is not confident if the protocol would stand up in
court. Mr Morgan advised that this protocol is guidance, it is not a legally
binding document and it is not a policy and procedure. Mr Downey advised
that the protocol is being used to make decisions so it should be robust to be
used in formal legal proceedings. Mr Morgan stated that the issues that keep
coming back are issues with implementation. Ms Turbitt stated that the Royal
College of Paediatricians have issued guidance on child protection to their
members and nothing is contrary to what is in their guidance in relation to a
suspected risk to a child. She stated that the issue that highlighted was the
fact that there is not have a designated doctor on the Board. The Chair
advised that the protocol was approved and the issues are around
implementation and she would want to support that. If during implementation
there were things that could be slightly different in the protocol then that could
come back when the multi-agency policies are being finalised. She stressed
that Board members have a responsibility to take this protocol and implement
Mr Morgan stated that Mr Douglas is more than happy to go to the Trusts to
talk about this protocol. Ms Turbitt advised that Ms Roberts is also willing to
meet relevant groups to discuss the protocol.
8 19/15P Update on Committees
The Chair advised that the update on the Committees was included in the
Board papers for information. She advised there is now a proforma which is
completed and brought to the Chair’s Business Group.
The Chair closed the meeting at 4.58pm
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes
Date time and venue of next meeting
14th January 2016 at 3:40pm
The Chestnut Suite
Lagan Valley Island Centre
BT27 4RL
Signed by Chair:
BM19-12.15 Public Minutes