DRAFT - Oregon Department of Education

Perkins IV
Program Design Taskforce
Day Two & Three Offsite
26-27 July 2007
With Session Notes Included
Taskforce Responses Shown In GREEN
Revised 30 July 2007
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PDTF 26-27 July Agenda
Day Two:
Day Three:
Welcome & Logistics
Meeting Objectives for Day Two
Recap of Day One (12 July)
Tying the Pieces Together
Breakout Team Instructions
Breakout #1 (Three Teams)
Building the CTE Vision
 Leveraging Successful
Foundation Blocks
 Prioritizing & Addressing
Report Back to PDTF
Group Discussion
Expectations for Day Three
Revised 30 July 2007
Recap of Day One (12 July)
Breakout #2; Continuing the Work
Building the CTE Vision
 Leveraging Successful
Foundation Blocks
 Prioritizing & Addressing
Report Back to PDTF
Group Discussion
Optional Breakout #3
Group Discussion of Open Issues
Initiating the 4th Team
Translating Team outputs into
Next Steps for PDTF & Teams
Brief Audit
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New Introductions
& Logistics
Revised 30 July 2007
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Thoughts Since 12 July?
 Still
confused at how we get there from here
 From
each Taskforce to the Policy Advisory
 How does it tie together
 Especially Accountability, Program Design &
Special Populations
 Link to Professional Development
 12
July was a Broad Journey on CTE vs.
Perkins — what is our scope?
Revised 30 July 2007
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& Expectations
Revised 30 July 2007
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PDTF Objectives
Create a compelling vision of CTE's future
Use that vision to think strategically about the
biggest opportunities in front of us
Identify major challenges/obstacles that need to be
Build on past efforts and not reinvent the wheel
(including the Transition Taskforce, SB364, etc.)
Address those challenges that we have control over
or can influence (vs. those we have no impact on)
Develop specific strategies to make our Vision a
Translate the above into the Perkins IV 5-Year Plan
Revised 30 July 2007
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Be here 100% of the time —
phones, pagers & Blackberrys off
Constructive dialog & even
disagreement are welcome
Lots to do — please get to the
Respect our diversity —
backgrounds, experience,
capabilities and uniqueness
Aligned, we can get almost
anything accomplished
Misaligned, we will melt down
If you miss a meeting
Please prepare anyway
 Send us your thoughts & proxy
 Review the session notes to stay
 No substitutes or stand-ins
Revised 30 July 2007
Off-the-Table for the PDTF:
Your Role:
Perkins IV Funding
Distribution Formula
Active participation
Open minds; honest
Yellow vs. Green Hat
My Role:
Help drive us toward our
Bring in outside perspective
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Build on the recommendations of recent efforts — not
reinvent the wheel
We are not looking for a one-size-fits-all solution or a cookiecutter approach to CTE
Transition Taskforce
SB 364
PTE Symposium of 2004
Our diversity is our strength — in demographics, local needs, what
has worked in the past
We have lots of “good practice” models out there
We are looking for how CTE can/must become:
More responsive to the evolving needs of students & the workforce
High Skill, High Wage, High Demand
More seamless across the spectrum of PK-20
Revised 30 July 2007
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Brief Recap of Day One
(12 July Kickoff)
Tying the Pieces Together
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The Change Formula
* All three must be in place to
overcome the Resistance to Change
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Recap of Day One
 Discomfort
— “The Why”
 Feedback
from the interviews & the focus group
 Trends/big issues facing CTE
 What failure looks like
 Vision
— “The What”
 Opportunity
for CTE
 Our 2012 Vision for CTE
 Foundation blocks; leverage opportunities
 Cost
or Resistance — “The Why Not”
 Challenges/Obstacles
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for CTE
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The Work of Days Two & Three
 Refine
and flesh out:
 Our
Vision of 2012
 Foundation Blocks — Leverage Opportunities
 Obstacles
 Translate
into the Perkins IV Five Year Plan
for CTE Transformation
 Process — “The How To”
 Develop
Revised 30 July 2007
Implementation Strategies & Actions
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Day One Next Steps
Data mine for relevant input to
the PDTF
Add Industry/Program specific
Focus Groups as a strategic &
periodic tool to:
All PDTF Members — please:
Review these notes and suggest
 Look for emerging themes
 Leverage Foundation Blocks
 Challenges & Obstacles
Solicit feedback from recent
grads (2-to-3 yrs out)
 Solicit feedback from employers
 Help keep curriculum developers
as well as Instructors current and
 Help foster stronger ties with
Revised 30 July 2007
Try to find that pithy, compelling
statement that captures the
hearts and minds of CTE’s vision
Example: We help people
become whole again
 One suggestion already:
Preparing Our Future Workforce
through Effective Learning
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Mission = "our purpose for being”, raison d’etre
Vision = "we are aspiring to become; a vivid idealized
description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and
helps us create a mental picture of our target."
We will KNOW when the right Vision comes along
Foundation Blocks = current good-practices, pilots, models,
etc. that have the potential to be leveraged across the
Oregon CTE system — adapted for local conditions
Revised 30 July 2007
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A Compelling Vision for CTE
Vision Candidates:
1. CTE: Adding value to your
employment skills
2. CTE: Providing employment
skills for today and tomorrow
3. CTE: Increasing employment
4. CTE: Meeting students needs for
successful transitions in life
5. CTE: Engagement,
Achievement, Transition
6. CTE: Career preparation today
for a secure future tomorrow
7. CTE: Creating a future of
8. CTE: Planning for a future of
9. CTE: An integral part of public
education; designed to educate
about, through, and for careers
Revised 30 July 2007
10. CTE: We connect education and
11. CTE: A key partner in Oregon
Economic Development
12. CTE: Providing the tools to
build careers
13. CTE: Building careers,
prosperity, and self respect
14. CTE: Preparing youth for life
15. CTE: We build careers
16. CTE: Strategies for success
17. CTE: The bridge to prosperity
18. CTE: The link between learning
and life
19. CTE: Preparing today's youth
for tomorrow's careers
20. CTE: Preparing Our Future
Workforce through Effective Learning
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Tying the Pieces Together
Our 2012
of CTE
Foundation Blocks
Foundation Blocks
Foundation Blocks
Revised 30 July 2007
Perkins IV Five-Year Plan
for CTE Transformation
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Breakout Instructions
* Building Our CTE Vision
* Leveraging Foundation Blocks
* Addressing Obstacles
Revised 30 July 2007
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Team A. Building Our CTE Vision
 Pick
a Scribe and a Presenter
 Group the points from the Vision brainstorming 12 July
into themes
 Get rid of duplications and redundancies
 Pick/develop the Top-Five Compelling & Pithy Statements
 What key actions would help make our Vision a reality?
 Explore how to best package this Vision for others —
marketing tactics
 Format:
Narrative vs. Day-in-the-Life vs. Other
 Identify your major audiences (e.g., CTE candidates, local Boards,
Faculty, Parents, Employers/Industry Associations)
 Strategize on how CTE should communicate this Vision to each of
these audiences
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Team B. Leveraging Foundation Blocks
 Pick
a Scribe and a Presenter
 Inventory what is working well, build on 7/12 brainstorming
 Screen this Inventory using these or similar criteria:
 Does
this “model” incorporate elements of our CTE Vision?
 Can it be leveraged, adapted in many settings?
 Does “model” get positive customer feedback about its utility?
 Does it meet many of the Nine Quality Indicators for Secondary or
Post-Secondary programs?
 Does it address specific elements of Perkins IV
the top-five “models” that have the greatest systemwide potential
 Develop implementation strategies as to how this “model”
could be applied in several settings
 Pick some low hanging fruit
 Pick
Revised 30 July 2007
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Team C. Addressing Obstacles
 Pick
a Scribe and a Presenter
 Categorize into three groups
 Which
obstacles do we have direct control over?
 Which ones can we influence?
 Which one do we have no impact or control over?
 Choose
the “deal-breakers”, those obstacles whose
resolution are pre-requisites to our achieving our Vision
 Set priorities for the first two buckets (control over & can
 Start with the “deal-breakers”, i.e., top-priorities
 Clearly
define the obstacle & who are the key parties involved
 Who else needs to be at the table to help overcome this obstacle?
 Develop the case for change (cost-benefit, tradeoffs)
 Develop work-arounds where relevant
Revised 30 July 2007
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Perkins IV
Program Design Taskforce
Day Three Offsite
27 July 2007
Revised 30 July 2007
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PDTF 26-27 July Agenda
Day Two:
Day Three:
Welcome & Logistics
Meeting Objectives for Day Two
Recap of Day One (12 July)
Tying the Pieces Together
Breakout Team Instructions
Breakout #1 (Three Teams)
Building the CTE Vision
 Leveraging Successful
Foundation Blocks
 Prioritizing & Addressing
Report Back to PDTF
Group Discussion
Revised 30 July 2007
Recap of Day One (12 July)
Knowledge-Based Economy
Breakout #2; Continuing the Work
Report Back to PDTF
Group Discussion
Group Discussion of Some Key
Path Forward
Initiating the 4th Team Translating
Team Outputs into Perkins
Brief Audit
Meeting Close
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KBE Economy
(Knowledge-Based Enterprises)
Revised 30 July 2007
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Source: ViTAL Economy
“The World is Flat” — 10 Flatteners
Berlin Wall Comes Down November 1989
When Netscape Went Public, August 1995 from PC to Internet Based
Workflow software enables a global supply chain
Open Sourcing — Shareware
Outsourcing — Y2K; Using telecom to contract to another firm in another
Off Shoring — Moving a U.S. factory to another country
Supply Chaining — Connected throughout the chain without owner control
In Sourcing — UPS into your company
Informing — The ability to build and deploy your own personal supply
chain; a supply chain of information, knowledge, and entertainment.
(Google, Yahoo, MSN Web Search)
10. The Steroids — Digital, Mobile, Wireless, Personal and Virtual
Revised 30 July 2007
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Source: ViTAL Economy
KBE Economy
Hypothesis: Every person, company or organization
has unique knowledge with KBE market value
KBE Definition and Characteristics:
A KBE economy is driven by the production, distribution and use of
knowledge for growth, wealth creation and employment increases
KBE competition is based in innovation rather than price as in classical
Countries and regions that show more evidence of innovation are richer
and grow faster
Companies that show more evidence of innovation post better financial
Innovation is the productive use of knowledge
Innovation is largely connecting existing ideas in a new way — not
Revised 30 July 2007
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Source: ViTAL Economy
Key Components & Strategies of a KBE Economy
Education Level
Percentage of College graduates is
a primary driver to higher per capita
income — but not the only one
Science and Technology Activity
75% or personal income growth
during the 90’s tied to technology
Export-Oriented Industries
Industries oriented to
national/global markets produce
higher value products and pay more
Entrepreneurial Initiative
90% of the new jobs created in the
new economy will be generated by
companies of 10 or less employees
Revised 30 July 2007
Innovation Across Industries and
gains do not depend on
what region an industry competes in,
but rather how it competes
Talent Strategy
that promote talent across
industries are most likely to become
economic winners
Reduction of Poverty and Inequality
well-being of residents
and decreased poverty are important
for sustained increases in economic
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Source: ViTAL Economy
What Does This Mean for CTE?
Taskforce Responses:
Are we preparing people for our region
or for a KBE Economy?”
Problem-solving and creativity are also
For what labor market are we preparing
our students?
Challenges us to think about how we
define “Program”
Some regions have 95% companies
with 5 or less (Rogue Valley)
How do we address a highly diversified
Cultural diversity needs to be embedded
in our knowledge and skills
We may have an increasing disparity in
Need students who are well-rounded,
have diversified skills, generalists
How to sell & present themselves
Secondary vs. Post-Secondary
responsibilities are different
Revised 30 July 2007
CTE opportunities vs. CTE programs
May shift the training and professional
development for Student Services Team
School-based Enterprises movement —
marketing, finances, skills
To allow students to design their own
AGS can be oriented to this
Those programs do not require approval
— components are identified locally
Challenges us to think about resource
Self-Employment data not included in
Labor Dept data
Must teach self-created, self-directed
working world; selling self
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Reportouts & Discussion
* Building Our CTE Vision
* Leveraging Foundation Blocks
* Addressing Obstacles
Revised 30 July 2007
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Team A. Building Our CTE Vision
Taskforce Responses:
Process went well
Lots of brainstorming
Washington State efforts = a good source of ideas
Marketing strategy
By target audience
 Message content
 Delivery ideas
Working on the pithy statement
CTE: Learning for life
Revised 30 July 2007
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Team B. Leveraging Foundation Blocks
Taskforce Responses:
Grouped our work into three areas:
The “Green Category”
 Student Support
Robust Student Support Centers
What if the POS could be articulated
across the 2ndary/Post 2ndary
 Talk about “block-transfer” rather than
What we need to improve:
More consistency
Proficiency base orientation
Broader transferability
More formalized 2ndary/Post-2ndary
re assessing technical skills — this is
a policy issue (beyond Perkins,
beyond CTE)
Coalescing elements of Programs of
Study with Professional Development
 Lots of implications beyond Perkins
— transforming CTE, supporting our
system work, setting policy
Revised 30 July 2007
Advising tools for students; make this
a part of a POS
Connect to proficiencies
Group Discussion:
Really interested in working on the
Student Support Systems and
addressing “deficits”
 Coordinating student plans
 Electronic delivery of instruction &
 Work ethics & leadership —
strengthen our organizations that
represent different pieces of
curriculum (FFA, DECA, etc.)
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Team C. Addressing Obstacles
Taskforce Responses:
Discussed the obstacles to death
Root causes a long list
 Isolated top five
Some solutions have been identified
Revised 30 July 2007
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Key Discussion Items
Programs of Study provide the framework in which Perkins
funded CTE will be designed and implemented.
What is your vision of Oregon’s model (Perkins) Program of Study?
Are there additional elements (beyond the Perkins Act
specifications) that Oregon should incorporate to achieve this model
Program of Study? Is co-approval of secondary and post secondary
Programs of Study possible and useful?
What role should curriculum alignment and articulation (transfer of
credit) play in the Program of Study framework?
What refinements are necessary in the Quality Assurance standards
to support the implementation of the Program of Study?
What are the “wrap around” student services that are necessary to
fully implement the Perkins Programs of Study?
Revised 30 July 2007
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Key Discussion Item #1
What is your vision of Oregon’s model (Perkins) Program of Study? Are there
additional elements (beyond the Perkins Act specifications) that Oregon
should incorporate to achieve this model Program of Study? Is co-approval of
secondary and post secondary Programs of Study possible and useful?
Revised 30 July 2007
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Key Discussion Item #2
What role should curriculum alignment and articulation
(transfer of credit) play in the Program of Study framework?
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Key Discussion Item #3
What refinements are necessary in the Quality Assurance standards to
support the implementation of the Program of Study?
Taskforce Responses:
Need to expand this to include PostSecondary CTE Programs
Driven by local control
A self-reflective process
What’s Working:
Process makes you go through lots of
steps to analyze what’s going on in the
It gets Administrators up to speed on the
classroom setting; is CTE in our schoolimprovement plan (e.g., contextual
Serves as a quality improvement tool
What’s Not Working:
It’s easy to put down stuff, but not do it
Only tied/customized to CTE/Perkins
Programs are teacher-dependent; attrition
Revised 30 July 2007
Needs greater district-level tie-in
Needs to have more ‘meat’ and
Needs good oversight and
consequences for not doing it (e.g.,
tied to teacher-evaluation)
Could be adapted to fit non-CTE
Link to the Legislative requirement of
School Districts to have/implement
an improvement plan
Exit exams/criteria ought to be
included in the future
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Key Discussion Item #4 (1 of 2)
What are the robust student services system that are necessary to fully
implement the Perkins Programs of Study?
Taskforce Responses:
Bigger than the counselors
 Inclusive — all students:
 Post-Secondary
 Special Populations
What’s working?
Many elements are in place somewhere
Career-related standards as a diploma requirement
Tutoring labs are in place at all CCs in some shape or form
Many campuses have cultural-diversity ctrs, offering special help
Special ambassador programs
Ideas — critical need for more professional development
 Make sure funding follows policy
Revised 30 July 2007
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Key Discussion Item #4 (2 of 2)
What are the robust student services system that are necessary to fully
implement the Perkins Programs of Study?
Taskforce Responses:
What’s not working or lacking?
There isn’t a comprehensive system across the CTE spectrum
Plan-profiles aren’t carried through
Lack a system-wide electronic portfolio
In many student services dept.’s the focus is still on college
No correlation between HS assessment test and College placement test
Huge gap between HS grad requirements and Post-secondary entry or career
Lack of integration of academic with career counseling — gets worse as you go up in
Deficiency in personnel especially re special populations
Transition between 2ndary and Post-2ndary for students with disabilities
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Path Forward & Wrapup
Revised 30 July 2007
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Path Forward
Each Team — Staff to “clean-up” Word file from Day’s Two and Three,
then Stan to integrate
Based on feedback from the PDTF and the above integrated file, design
Days Four and Five
Revised 30 July 2007
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Perkins IV
Program Design Taskforce
Day Two Offsite
26 July 2007
Revised 30 July 2007
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Perkins IV
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of
2006 provides funding for approved high school and
community college career and technical education programs
The purpose of this reauthorized Act is to develop the academic,
career and technical knowledge, and skills of secondary and
postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical
education programs.
Each state that seeks funding under this Act must submit a
one-year State Transition Plan (2007-08) followed by a fiveyear State Plan (2008-2013)
The development of the State Plan must allow for input from a broad
array of stakeholders including: teachers, counselors, administrators,
parents, students, institutions of higher education, members of Tech
Prep consortiums, the State Workforce Investment Board, interested
community members, representatives from special populations,
business and industry, and labor.
Revised 30 July 2007
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Perkins IV Planning Components
Oregon State
Board of Education
Dept of Community
Colleges and
Workforce Development
Oregon Department
of Education
Office of Educational
Improvement &
Perkins IV Policy
Advisory Committee
& Evaluation
Populations &
Horizontal Integration of Ideas
Revised 30 July 2007
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Who Are Our Customers?
Who we each consider to be our customers helps determine
the degree of alignment across the CTE spectrum:
Our Org’s Management
Local School Board
State Agency (ODE, CCWD,
State Board of Education
Next Org in Line
Oregon Employers
Revised 30 July 2007
Our Org’s Management
Local School Board
State Agency (ODE, CCWD,
State Board of Education
Next Org in Line
Oregon Employers
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Discussion of the
Opportunity for CTE
Revised 30 July 2007
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Important Trends
Education Week 12 June ‘07:
“Employers interviewed said they were able to redesign jobs around
academic-skills deficiencies, but not soft-skills deficiencies”
“One of the biggest crises facing CTE is a teacher shortage. It’s a
huge issue”
“For some kids, it is awfully important that they see a job at the end of
a sequence of classes”
“We need to dramatically increase postsecondary attainment,
especially among underserved groups. Without them, we simply
cannot produce enough workers for the jobs of the future, and we risk
further expanding the American family-income divide”
“Aiming to prepare 100% of students for the 40% of society’s jobs that
require [4-year] college skills makes good politics, but bad economics,
and it will create a lot of disappointment”
Revised 30 July 2007
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Important Trends, cont’d
Diplomas Count 2007 — A Conversation with the Experts
20 June ‘07:
“Why isn't vocational education being better understood?
Children not interested in heading off to college can learn real skills in a
well-run vocational setting
 The world will always need carpenters and plumbers...these jobs are
plentiful, honorable and pay well
 It seems to me we could be providing real opportunities for so many of our
youth if vocational education were given more respect and more dollars”
Bureau of Labor Statistics:
“There will be a shortfall of 10 million workers by 2010”
“A demographic crunch is coming and will be exacerbated by a talent
crunch that threatens to stall the very engines of economic growth”
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Important Trends, cont’d
Graduation Profile (Education Week)
Houston, we have a problem!
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Important Trends, cont’d
Graduation Profile (Education Week)
 Discussion:
 Graduation
#’s only tell a small part of the story
 Relevance & utility of education received is key — whether
academic or CTE or both
 The PDTF needs to looks more carefully at different aspects of this
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Talent Supply/Demand Disconnect
$/hour & skills
Developed Economies Labor Market
Competing Globally
High Skill, High Wage,
High Demand
Over-supply of low-skills
resources creates
Oregon Labor Market
Pronounced oversupply of low-skilled
Supply of workers
Number of people of
available/required by skill level
Demand for workers
Opportunity to create a
more highly skilled Workforce
Revised 30 July 2007
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Source: Manpower; IV & VE
The Opportunity for CTE?
Task force responses:
Contextualized Learning
Real World Experiences
Curricular learning opportunities
 Systems learning — making
connections re problem-solving
Strike while the iron is hot! This is
very timely
Cooperate & co-opt with other
educational areas — 3R’s
Employers are coming to the
table with resources
Opportunity to engage earlier
grades — it’s coming back
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National piece — baby boom
International piece — economic
stakes are high
Save the world!
To change perceptions about
CTE (via marketing, etc.)
To start removing boundaries
between career-oriented vs.
For seamlessness between PK
and 16, especially in HS
Capture the middle students that
may not be destined to college
Redesign programs so that they
are transitional to 4-yr degrees
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The Opportunity for CTE?
Taskforce Responses:
Marketing CTE opportunities re hightech industry
Make sure students understand that
the skills they acquire in CTE are
The opportunity is for students
utilizing CTE not the other way
Use a variety of data to drive our
To reshape CTE — restructuring,
using words/ideas that are not as
divisive; and closer to the way the
world works
Ref: Workforce side — Work
Readiness Certificate
Career-related learning standards
Revised 30 July 2007
Define CTE — it’s a very broad topic
 Lifelong learning, skill-upgrading
The labels we use are important —
we need to be clear & consistent
Perkins may have brought us
together — but this discussion is
needed now anyway!
Ties into the new diploma
requirements being implemented now
— super-timely
How do we take better advantage of
these (2012)?
We have an opportunity to define the
whole K-16 CTE spectrum
 For CTE to addressed the work &
college readiness transferring from
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The Opportunity for CTE?
Taskforce Responses:
With the CTE Teacher
shortage, we can look at all
of this in a fresh way
Can look at extending CTE
into teacher education
Ref: “Reinventing the
American HS for the 21st
Some wonderful ideas re:
changing how we deliver
education & qualify teachers
Marketing what?
Piggyback on other
Initial Themes:
Potential integration of CTE
with Academics
among the different levels of
Need to build on prior work
re: many of the above
points — build some
common understanding
Revised 30 July 2007
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What Failure Looks Like
Revised 30 July 2007
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What Failure Looks Like
 Stir
negative-discomfort by looking at the costs of not
taking full advantage of this opportunity to transform
 Imagine
the effects of not succeeding in addressing the
current & emerging workforce needs
 How would this impact your organization?
 How would this impact tomorrow’s students?
 How would this affect you personally?
 Write a couple of Headlines about the failure of CTE
Share results with the group
Revised 30 July 2007
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What Failure Looks Like
Taskforce Responses:
Student Impact
Organization Impact
 Higher dropout rate
 Congress will drop funding
 Lost opportunities (all kinds)
 ODE loses staff
 Misperception of what’s broken
 Focus more on NCLB
 CTE will become available in the
private sector at a higher cost &
 Schools become irrelevant or
longer time
status-quo continues
 Some students will be left out
 Perkins awarded to ITT to train
citizens from India and Canada to  Lost of relevancy — re experiencing
work for American companies —
the world of work
CTE is outsourced!
 Loss of roots
 Will see more remediation needs  Lost income
 Less flexibility; less opportunity to
at HS, CC & 4-yr
experiment; less transferability
 Greater barriers for risk populations
especially students of color
Revised 30 July 2007
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What Failure Looks Like
Taskforce Responses:
Personal Impact
 Lose my secure society
 High cost of repair, technical services
 It would really jeopardize my ability to
engage with local businesses —
nothing to offer
I would mourn this
Lower standard of living
I wouldn’t feel as safe
Army recruitment would rise for the
wrong reasons
Our own kids & grandkids won’t have
the same opportunities that we had
Growing gap between haves & havenots
Oregon = has-been, used to be a
nice place to live
Revised 30 July 2007
 CTE is outsourced!
 Intel closes due to lack of
 Gates is right — the Education
System is broken!
 Average cost of BS degree now
reaching $100k
 The Monthly Auto-Repair Barge is
leaving for India
 Waiting list for Nursing Home is
 Academia Learns Technical Skills
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
In small groups — pick a scribe & presenter
 Put yourself into the future
 Without
any of the limitations or issues of today
 Imagine that by 2012 Oregon becomes widely known as
a World Class Model for Career & Technical Education
A team of observers arrives:
 What
would they see?
 How would recent grads describe their experience?
 Employers?
 Educators?
 Parents?
Share results with the group
Revised 30 July 2007
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Recent Grads
Very relevant to their jobs
They love what they do
Prepared for advancement
Know how to seek next steps
Their job connects back to the school systems
They equate their success with how well they were prepared
Can’t wait to work as a part-time teacher
I got a great job; I make a living wage & I owe it all to my school
Everything I took applied to my 4-yr degree
I bought a new truck/hybrid
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
I’ve got employees that create great
Job-ready day one
Where did you get them from
They want to contribute to their
My best employees come from local
I meet with local educators a couple
of times a year — they really listen;
have the capacity to met our needs
We are ready to invest in additional
Revised 30 July 2007
I enjoy teaching at my HS/CC
I have excellent candidates to
20% of my workforce are interns
Can serve my
community/customers better with
my diverse workforce
The grads know how to work as a
The grads are innovative & create
better ways to do business
We are growing at 20%/year
I am voting for the bond measure
to expand CTE
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
I have a raise
Don’t care about PERS because I
enjoy teaching so much
I have more personal
relationships with students
85% of my completing seniors
have jobs!
I go home everyday feeling
rewarded for the work I do
because my work is so
I’m not burned out
Revised 30 July 2007
I am a happy teacher
Every year students ask me
“what would it take for me to do
what you do”
I need more space/periods to
serve all those wanting to be in
the program
I love teaching skills (vs. helping
them catch-up)
I work closely with the Math &
English teachers
I team-teach with business
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Thank you!
My child is out of the house, working & earning solid wages
I’m jealous that I didn’t have this opportunity
My tax $ have been well spent
What is nano-technology?
I am happy that my child has a career, not just a job
FINALLY my kid is excited about school
He/she makes more than I do!
Now I’m back in school
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
What is that Model?
No delineation between CTE and
other learning — Academic
instruction services CTE
Easy transferable among the schools
All faculty periodically engaged in
back-to-industry efforts
Lots of on-line opportunities:
Program completers receive nextstep placement or are guaranteed a
refresher course
Stds for teacher licenses are adapted
to fit this paradigm with more
opportunities for business
Different funding model — from
contact hours to innovation, demandprograms, economic needs
Hybrid ed
No boundaries between different
level of ed
Comprehensive advising system:
Awareness => Exploration =>
Planning => Preparation
based CTE -- vs contact hours, units
Revised 30 July 2007
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Our 2012 Vision of CTE
Taskforce Responses:
What is that Model, cont’d:
 Greater level of collaboration
across the whole CTE+ spectrum
 Respect for all sectors by all
 Students have lots of ways to
apply their learning — contests,
clubs, internships
 Students K-20 all have plans that
extend into the world of work
 Model is financially responsible &
Revised 30 July 2007
Able to change with workforce
needs — flexible, adaptable
Teacher Ed is across the board
delivered by CC, 4-yr, &
Profusion of mentorships for
teachers & students
Integrated Programs developed
around career clusters & local
business needs
These opportunities are equally
distributed around the State —
on-site or via distance
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Foundation Blocks of Our Vision
— Leverage Opportunities —
Revised 30 July 2007
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Leverage Opportunities for CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Flexibility between big, little,
urban, rural schools
Quality Assurance process
(criteria) especially for HS level
Existing networks
Regional Coordinator Network
 Counsel of Instructional
 ODE/Local Ed Agency
2+2 & other transition programs
— consistently applied
Local innovative model programs
going on, e.g.:
OSU/LBCC Culinary Arts
Revised 30 July 2007
Excellent relationships between
CC and feeder HSs
Strong business community
Increased staffing ability at
CCWD for accountability, etc.
Active involvement with the
implementation & reauthorization
Student Leadership
Organizations in Oregon (esp.
Oregon Business Council budget
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Leverage Opportunities for CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Systemic Innovative Programs
Small learning communities
 Career Pathways Program
Distance Education infrastructure
Plan & Profile for K-12 can be
built upon
New diploma requirements 2007
& 2014
Credit for proficiencies (vs. time)
Strong advisory committees
Technological competence &
career opportunities — value
added within CTE
Revised 30 July 2007
Partnerships with Workforce
Policy Board
Connections with other policy
entities — this is on people’s
radar (State, National, etc.)
TSPC relationship — fertile
ground of receptivity
New legislatively funded CTE
Other funding sources — HR
CREB, Incentive Grants, DOL
Lots of existing data (needs
analysis on CTE outcomes &
labor needs)
Federal Mandate to change
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Achieving Our Vision
— Challenges/Obstacles —
Revised 30 July 2007
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Challenges/Obstacles for CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Student or youth culture
 Resistance from within CTE
community — e.g.: with
 Federal
 State
 Challenge re what is a
NCLB highly qualified
mandate vs. local control
teacher status
 In the end — everyone’s
State requirements for
just fighting for the money
teacher approval
 People tied to existing
Limited resources to rebuild
our programs
 Contract & work rule issues
Changing the culture at
Big systems to change
Revised 30 July 2007
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Challenges/Obstacles for CTE
Taskforce Responses:
Some internal structures
that get in the way of our
being nimble
Pace — global economic
Lack of State Model really
Teacher workforce issues
Articulation/transfer issues
within the State
Revised 30 July 2007
Huge learning issues with
policy makers — politics
Lack of a communications
structure and a teachingstructure
Pipeline for succession
planning for teachers and
instructional leaders
The changing
demographics of rural areas
— smaller schools
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Appendix A — Focus Group Questions
What has been your work experience since graduating from school?
Talk to me about how you moved in to your new job in the automotive industry?
What were you most prepared to do once you starting working?
And, what were you the least prepared to do?
For example, talk to me about your ability to work with auto electronics and
diagnostic equipment.
How about computer skills, e.g., your ability to go to manufacturer websites to get
repair information?
Let’s talk about how you did or didn’t learn to work together as a team to solve
And what about general communications, like working with customers?
If you had to do it all over again, what would you like to see taught in automotive
classes in high school and/or community college that it is not doing now?
Are there things that you will like taught that would enhance you skills in today’s
automotive repair business?
Revised 30 July 2007
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Appendix A — Focus Group Questions, cont’d
Do you get any training on repairing hybrid vehicles?
How about training in dealerships? What types of training did they offer to
Okay here’s a for instance…”I would have done better in the training that
Toyota offered me….if I had better preparation in school…or, I was really
suffering because_______________________.
Do you feel you learned independent skills to help you with problem
solving, like figuring out options available and which is the correct one to
Did school help you to say, “How do I communicate options for car repair
to the customer in a way they can understand?
What is your assessment of the quality of your education and how they
prepared you to work in the automotive industry?
If you were King/queen for a day what would you change in the current
education system to make automotive repair training the best it could
possibly be?
Revised 30 July 2007
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CTE Definitions
CTE programs are an integral part of public education and are designed to educate about,
through, and for careers
From the National Centers for Career and Technical Education (NCCTE), funded by
 CTE engages all students in a dynamic and seamless learning experience resulting in their
mastery of the career and academic knowledge and skills necessary to become productive
contributing members of society
From the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards and
 CTE in Oregon provides basic technical skills to all students, skills specific to a broad career
area to interested high school students and workforce training to community college
students, and leverages substantive change in the education system
 CTE programs that generate knowledge and innovation that prepare students for the
demands of a global society
 CTE: Where students learn in rich, contextual environments with the help of cutting-edge
teaching and learning strategies, acquiring all of the technical and academic knowledge and
skills they need to be successful on their life-long learning journey
 Creating a seamless flow of information, innovations, funds and success through
partnerships between business/industry, K-16 and state/federal agencies for PTE/CTE
Revised 30 July 2007
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Knowledge Based Enterprise (KBE) Model
Market Need
Tech Transfer
Human resource based
Effort based production
No fixed plant
Raw Material
•Human Capital
•History and Trends
•Current Conditions
•Forecasts for the Future
•Local, Regional and Global Competition
•Industry Best Practices & Innovations
•Relevant University Research
•Social Networks
•Prediction Models
Knowledge Based Community Characteristics
•High-quality and skilled labor force
•Close proximity to college and University knowledge base
•Local amenities that support a high quality of life, including
typography and water
•21st century infrastructure; broadband
•Regional connections with larger rural areas to connect with
knowledge base
Revised 30 July 2007
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Source: VE and Ron Duncan, S5 COI
A Few Guiding Thoughts
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again, each time hoping for different results.”
W. Edwards Deming
“The Future is already here; it’s just not widely distributed yet.”
William Gibson
“By the strength of our common endeavor, we can accomplish
more together, than we can alone.”
Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed
people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Revised 30 July 2007
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