World War II Vocabulary Front Load

World War II
Vocabulary Front Load
Mrs. Tucker
World History
Victor Valley High School
Vocabulary Chapter 16
Nonaggression Pact
Final Solution
Battle of Britain
Battle of Stalingrad
Atlantic Charter
D Day
Battle of Midway
Nuremberg Trials
Battle of Guadalcanal
Nonaggression Pact
Hitler and Stalin’s 10
Year agreement Never
To attack each other
Using fast-moving planes
And tanks followed up by
Massive infantry forces
To surprise and overwhelm
The enemy
“Lightening War”
Trench Warfare
Battle of Britain
German air blitz on
Britain, mostly Londoners
from October, 1940 – May,
Constant Bombing raids
on Britain
Occasional attacks
Atlantic Charter
Declaration between
Roosevelt and ChurchillIt upheld free trade among
Nations & the right of all people
to choose their government;
Not a Pact
Battle of Midway
Air battle between US
And Japan in the Pacific,
Which the US won and
Turned the tide of the war;
Air/Sea Battle in Pacific
Land Attack
Battle of Guadalcanal
6 month long battle for
Island that was bloody
With extreme loss of life;
Land Battle for Island
Naval/Air Battle
Nazi proposed new racial
Order that Germanic people
Were a “Master Race.”
Germanic People
Different Ethnicities
Start of Holocaust - November 9,
1938, “Night of Broken Glass”
Where Nazi storm troopers
Attacked Jewish homes,
Businesses, killing 100 Jews;
Specific attack on Jews
WWII Battle
Final Solution
Hitler’s plan of genocide
To systematically kill all
Jewish Extermination
Random killings
Battle of Stalingrad
German siege on the
Russian city of Stalingrad
That resulted in large
Losses & a turn in war
Winter Siege
Quick victory
D Day
Allied invasion on the
Coast of Normandy on
June 6, 1944;
Sea and land invasion
Bombing raids only
Nuremberg Trials
Coalition of military
Tribunal to try Nazi war
Criminals in 1945-46;
Trial of war criminals;
Ignoring war crimes