Wireless Infrastructure: Overview and Issues H. Scott Matthews February 24, 2004 Homework #2 Average: 24/30 Midterm due March 4 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Source: Lawrence Berkeley Labs; http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.htm Early Radio/Wireless Events More detail on other telephone/wireless: Marconi: First ‘radio’ system created (1901) http://www.privateline.com/PCS/history2.htm Wireless by induction/conduction/radiation Application: ships - intended wireless telegraph 1906: 1910: 1924: 1927: 1934: Radio band-wave comm. - speech Ericsson - first car ‘telephone’ First mobile car ‘radio’ telephone US Federal Radio Commission started Federal Communications Commission Telephone & radio under jurisdiction - licenses for spectrum Early history - very/too close to industry to manage More Wireless Events 1958: Invention of integrated circuit (IC) In this era, FCC ‘lazy’ in giving spectrum 1973: First handheld cell phone in US Originally analog (handout) now digital Analog in 800 MHz range, Dig 800/1900 ‘Cellular’ networks - freq reuse and handoff Freq reuse allows more use of spectrum, manages potential ‘interference’ Handoff trades ownership of signal to other cells Antennas associated with cells Cell size can be 1-50km radius - digital 10km Some cells have hierarchy of smaller cells AT&T Breakup Effects Originally AT&T monopoly on telephone service in US, broken up in 1980s Created ‘baby bells’ - RBOCs Intended to compete w/ each other 1990s - started merging Now provide wireless service in competition (e.g. Cingular = Bell South, Verizon = Bell Atlantic + NE bells, etc) Antenna/Cell Locations Generally want to have 90% of an area ‘covered’ and ‘usable’ 90% of time Includes base station/equip and antenna Siting depends on demographics, population, growth, road usage, future trends Don’t want too abandon cells, so choose now and add capacity/split cells later Height of antenna effects range of cell Consider absorption of natural environment (I.e. leaves on trees absorb some of signal!) Need more power in summer than winter Unlike rest of world, US was worried about backward compatibility when going A->D System Statistics (mid 2002) From CTIA Industry Surveys (US only) 135 million “subscribers” (all sectors) Avg call length 3 minutes Number of wired ‘subscribers’ - about same Still rapid growth, but slowing (50% penetration!) Almost 90% digital 131,000 ‘cell sites’ (each using 3-5kW power) About 500 billion wireless minutes used/yr http://www.wow-com.com/industry/stats/surveys/ And decreasing as DSL, mobile phones happen What are infrastructure management issues? Wired and Wireless Users Sample Wireless Telephone Coverage Map - What Is/Is Not Covered by this Manufacturer - and is this total US coverage? QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Other Issues Wireless not really wireless FCC - defined above - communications High dependence on wired (PSTN) network Regulates activities, mergers of telecoms State PUCs - also involved Industry Groups Big difference is less oversight of these companies now that monopoly effects lower Miscellaneous Wireless generally a ‘radio’ technology Dependent on antennas (cell sites) Cell sizes getting generally smaller Spectrum allocation has become an increasingly complex problem as there have been more demands for it (FCC) Number wired/wireless users ~ equal FCC’s involvement In telecom, the government tends to regulate the devices not the network E.g. licenses spectrum for use Certifies devices (e.g. phones) compliant Industry/professional groups (e.g. IEEE) generally set equipment/network standards Management Metrics Different type of problem since networks are generally private Subscribers Coverage area Percent of US, Percent of population, .. Financial Number, growth, net additions Voice quality Time to login to system, call access time Percent completed calls or call failure rate Margin (profit) per minute, subscriber Others? Wireless ‘Data’ Networks IEEE 802.11b (used on campus) 11 Mbps, using 2.4 GHz spectrum (unlicensed!) 14 channels, 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz (80 MHz) Different channels legal around world, only chan. 1, 6, and 11 have no overlap Designing a big network means reusing channels and considering overlaps Usually uses PC cards, access points + wired Industry group (WiFi alliance) certifies products 802.11a: 54Mbps @ 5 Ghz, 12 channels no overlap - 500 MHz of frequency 802.11g backwards compatible with 802.11b, but boosts speed to 54 Mbps CMU Campus Wi-Fi Network CMU campus: ubiquitous wired, wireless networks Every room on campus ‘wired’, every space ‘wireless’ 10,000 users; 350 wireless antennas (about 30 users each) How much electricity used? Functional, but not equivalent, comparison Show energy “to network 10,000 users wired/wireless” Only ‘network’ - not ‘attached devices’ - in boundary Campus Network Model Main computer center Office/room equipment 350 Wireless Antennas 120 Wiring Closets Two Data Sources Campus has building-level electricity meters installed Several buildings have more than one meter when areas have higher than average use Used for “Main computer center electricity” Not so useful for electricity of room/equipment Portable power meters to measure electricity use of pieces of equipment Measure one of each, scale up via inventory Summary of Estimates Main Computing Center Office Network Equipment Wiring Closets Π Wired Switches Wireless Transceivers & Switches Total Annual Electricity (MkWh) 4.2 0.01-0.11 0.2 0.03 4.4 Π4.6 Power (kW) 480 15 30 3 520 Network electricity 6% of total campus - 1.7 kWh/ft2 Wireless endpoints use 10x less electricity than wired Caveats: speeds, installation and maintenance requirements different Wireless speed bump coming (10x) but electricity use expected go up only 50% Relevance: more voice wireless than wired in the world Overall Voice Network Elec Do similar analysis, estimate PSTN and wireless voice network electricity use PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Net Consider number and kW of cell sites Total energy use of sector, etc. Get estimate of 30 TWh/yr < 1% of US electricity consumption Other Issues Ad hoc = latin for ‘for this (time)’ Ad hoc networks are temporary, maybe one use systems Difference in use and design of networks Don’t have to be ‘operating’ all the time ‘Beaming’ with palm pilots is an example New ‘Bluetooth’ devices will be too Useful for sensor networks (coming soon!) Issues with designing/managing ad hoc? QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncomp resse d) de com press or are nee ded to s ee this picture. See publicinternetproject.org For details, more research Open/Public Wireless Nets Example of more formalized/larger ad hoc networks (not fully “ad hoc”) Campus wireless is not an example because you need to be registered to use Communities building small-medium wireless networks with their own broadband connection and wireless points (hotspots) Could have ‘network name’ commonality but no password/authentication/registration There are people who drive around looking for ‘open’ wireless networks just for fun Note: these guys need more work / less free time Implications of Open Nets Coordination (e.g. same network name) Security! Preventing questionable traffic Hacking/cracking/spamming Leeching (free rider problem)