GCSE Art Food & Drink Project Structure of the Project AO1: Artists Research Develop ideas through research of Art History and other sources. Analyse the work you find and show you understand how, why, where and when it was made. AO2: Experimental Work Refine your ideas through experimental work and selecting appropriate materials and techniques. AO3: Drawing Record your findings visually, through observational drawings, painting, collage, and other forms. AO4:Final Outcome Produce a unique outcome that is meaningful and shows your intentions and that is relevant to your project so far. AO1: Artists Research Develop ideas through research of Art History and other sources. Analyse the work you find and show you understand how, why, where and when it was made. AO2: Experimental Work Refine your ideas through experimental work and selecting appropriate materials and techniques. AO3: Drawing Record your findings visually, through observational drawings, painting, collage, and other forms. Starter: Setting your own learning objectives… Some ideas: Develop my final outcome and learn how to add detail to my design. Develop my understanding of colour theory and consider the colours I will use on my final outcome. Learn how to develop my ideas with different materials. Learning Objective: To learn how to develop my final piece design in different materials. AO4: Final Outcome Produce a unique outcome that is meaningful and shows your intentions and that is relevant to your project so far. Plenary: Self Assessment Have I met my learning objective for today? Learning Objective: To learn how to develop my final piece design in different materials. What do I need to do in order to achieve my objective? What can I do at home to help me to achieve my goals? Set your self a homework task! Self Assessment Limited : restricted, incomplete, narrow, imperfect. The work is only completed so far due to the skills of the pupil. Basic: undeveloped, uncomplicated, plain, simple. The work has been produced in a simple way and may not have been thought about enough. Competent : capable, able, skilled, knowledgeable, experienced. The work is done with skill and shows that you have knowledge. Confident :secure, assertive, poised, certain, self-assured. The work shows an firm approach. The materials are used well and the pupil is able to note the reasons for using the materials and follow a path. Fluent: flowing, effortless, smooth, easy, self-assured. The work takes risks but is relevant to the project. All areas and materials are explored to the full. Task One Food & Drink Mind Map Food & Drink Task Two (AO1) Observational Drawings of Food & Drink Remember the key to a successful drawing lies in: Scale Shape Tone Textures Detail Shadows Highlights Task Three (AO1) Mixed Media Drawings Using a variety of materials draw the food items we have looked at lately. Explore different materials and try mixing materials together and see what results you come up with. You need to take notes of the materials you use and compare and contrast them with each other. Suggest ways of improving the work you have done and suggest why the images work or didn’t work well. An Examples of A good Sketchbook Page Notes to say what has been done on the page and why? Examples of drawing different textures/tones Food label/packaging Accurate drawing/ paintings of food products An example of the food in the page Designing a Page Layout http://www.amiria.co.nz/artist/gcse-art-sketchbook-coursework/ Same Material: Different Textures Notes on the page Different Papers Different Materials Photographs of Full/Exciting fish Pages Getting the design of your page right can mean the difference from your work looking competent, confident of fluent. So it is important that you consider the way your work will look. Task Four Photographing Food (AO1 & AO2) Photographs of food, Using the food items/wrappers provided, arrange them in an artistic way and take several photographs of them. These can be used to manipulate and then use as developmental works. They can also provide interesting images to draw from. Above are some examples of professional food photographs. Can you match the piece of work to the assessment word? Which image do you think is limited, basic, competent, confident & fluent? Task Five Semi Abstract Images (AO2) Lesson Objective: Using a viewfinder to look at part or a detail of a wrapper. Enlarging the images to create a semi abstract image of that wrapper. Add colour, tones, textures and details with watercolour paints Lesson Objectives Target Grade Actual Grade Basic:(D/E)My work is ok but it looks plain, it has good colours but the shapes are not accurate. Competent:(D/C)I can draw the wrapper with accurate shapes and colours and I have considered using tones. Confident:(C/B)I am confident that my work is accurate and the colours are accurate with tone and highlights. Fluent:(A-A*)My work is successful, it looks realistic, it has the correct shapes, tones, colours, textures and details . Did you achieve your target grade today? (yes, then how?/no what do you need to do to improve?): Lesson Objectives Target Grade Actual Grade Basic:(D/E)My work is ok but it looks plain, it has good colours but the shapes are not accurate. Competent:(D/C)I can draw the wrapper with accurate shapes and colours and I have considered using tones. Confident:(C/B)I am confident that my work is accurate and the colours are accurate with tone and highlights. Fluent:(A-A*)My work is successful, it looks realistic, it has the correct shapes, tones, colours, textures and details . Did you achieve your target grade today? (yes, then how?/no what do you need to do to improve?): Using your watercolours create a painting of a food wrapper as you did today focus on a section of the wrapper and enlarge it. Basic:(D/E)My work is ok but it looks plain, it has good colours but the shapes are not accurate. Competent:(D/C)I can draw the wrapper with accurate shapes and colours and I have considered using tones. Confident:(C/B) I am confident that my work is accurate and the colours are accurate with tone and highlights. Fluent:(A-A*)My work is successful, it looks realistic, it has the correct shapes, tones, colours, textures and details . Task 6 Artist Research O Lesson Objective: (AO1) To create a double page based on an artists practice, relative to the project. Information on the artists work Examples of the artists work Background colours on the page Influences and examples of other work Task 6: Artist Research Lesson Objective (AO1): To complete the artist research page and add notation, explaining the work of the artist you have looked at. • What is the focus of the artists work? And what genre are they? • What materials do they use? • How does their work link to the work you are doing in the project? • What do like/dislike about the work? • How could you use their work to inspire your own? Some Food & Drink Artists we could use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Joel Penkman Claes Oldenburg Vic Vincini Luigi Benedicenti Jeanne Illenye Jelaine Fauce Gerard Boersma Ria Hills Oriana Kacicek Meltem Kilic Jacqueline Gnott Diane Morgan Carol Keene Linda McCoy Linda Apple • • • • • • • • • • • • • Peter Anton Paul Wayne Gregory Carl Warner Prudence Emma Stait Luciana Rondolini Christine Chin Andrew Farrugia Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann Kyle Bean Sara Asnaghi Mary Ellen Croteau Nicola Freeman Ed Bing Task 6 :Artist Research Plenary Have I got all of the aspects I need? Information on the artists work Examples of the artists work Background colours on the page Influences and examples of other work Task 6: Artist Research Self-Assessment Limited: I have researched an artist given to me and I have attempted to look at the work of others. Basic: I have looked at two/three artists and I can begin to discuss what I like and dislike about it. Competent: I find artists to complement my own ideas and I can compare and contrast their work with my own. Confident: I have looked at artists who produced a range of different styles. I produce imaginative and unique work based on this and I understand what they are trying to do with their work. Fluent: I have imaginative ideas and I find artists who have the same ideas but may produce art that looks different to mine. I have independent ideas about images and what they mean and I find these meanings in artists work. Starter : 3D Cupcakes Learning Objective: To learn how to control air dry clay to create Sculptures of food. Which of these sculptures work best & why? Design a cupcake! (10 minute task) Create a quick sketch of a cupcake that you would like to make. Consider the base, toppings and decorations, Learning Objective: To learn how to control air dry clay to create Sculptures of food. How to make a Clay Cupcake? 1. Make a base for your cup cake in the shape of a cake case. 2. Make the sponge part of your cupcake like a dome?3D Semi Circle. 3. Decide how you would like your topping, flat dripped icing, swirled icing, Messy Icing. 4. What could you decorate your cupcake with? A cherry, flowers, smarties, candles? 5. Create the decorations and add them with ‘Slip’ 6. Think about the colours you could add to the cupcake once dry and add them to your design. (EXT task) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awJq5m1nONE&list=PLTfaCWL3WybrJ7N 1rJOGIT-utrnTKSvnS Ext Task: Add colour to your designs Consider the colours you are going to add to your design once dry. Add labels to the design describing each part of the sculpture. Learning Objective: To learn how to control air dry clay to create Sculptures of food. Plenary: ‘Show & Tell’ Compare your cupcake sculpture to your design. What worked well and why? What could you improve and why? What colours/details are you going to add to your cupcake? Artist Research: Food Sculptors • What is the focus of the artists work? And what genre are they? • What materials do they use? • How does their work link to the work you are doing in the project? • What do like/dislike about the work? Examples of Artists: Tim Berg, Maria Laura Benavente, Emma Staite, Claes Oldenburg, Peter Anton, Brock Davis. • How could you use their work to inspire your own? Task 7: Experimental Work Learning Objectives(AO2): Refine your ideas through experimental work and selecting appropriate materials and techniques. Ink Work Fabric Collage Play doh Cupcake Collages :Plenary Homework: Collage of Food Images (AO2) Refine your ideas through experimental work and selecting appropriate materials and techniques . Using photos, drawings, magazine cut out create a collage of food and drink imagery. Use the image above to produce a multi media piece of work, using oil pastel, chalks, paint and collage work. Starter Create a list of things that need completing in your book in order for your pages to be completed. This will form your Homework task for the week. Front Cover Mind Map Food & Drink Observational Drawings Semi Abstract Work Artist Research Collage of food Wrappers Experimental Work Photos of food Notes on all pages Final Piece Designs Experimental Work Learning Objectives(AO2): Refine your ideas through experimental work and selecting appropriate materials and techniques. Collage, Clay, Mod rock, Wire work, fabric, jelly, plaster of paris…..