LakoBOX memory game description

LakoBOX memory game description
DLA. Perényi Tamás, head of department, BUTE Department of Residential
Building Design
DLA. Kolossa József, BUTE Department of Residential Building Design
Weiszkopf András
Szamos Andor
Bánáti Bodó
Babos Annamária
Benedek Márton
Boros Eszter
Brenyó Péter
Farkas Fiametta
Kelle Virág
Kozma János
Kohout Dávid
Telek Andrea
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Tóth Annamária
Vereb Dér Anna
Falvai Balázs
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
LakoBOX memory game description
by DLA. Perényi Tamás
by DLA. Kolossa József, Weiszkopf András, and Szamos Andor
by Bánáti Bodó, Babos Annamária, Benedek Márton, Boros Eszter, Brenyó Péter, Farkas Fiametta, Kelle Virág,
Kozma János, Kohout Dávid, Telek Andrea, Tóth Annamária, and Vereb Dér Anna
by Falvai Balázs
Publication date 2013
Copyright © 2013 BUTE Department of Residential Building Design,
According to the educational psychology playing and playfulness is a key element to the learning process. Yet
in today’s teaching practice insignificant proportion of university curricula is play oriented. The concept of the
LakoBOX curricula is to attempt a minimal making up of this shortage, at least on the field of residential
building design’s education. Playing through the levels of the LakoBOX game, players can discover buildings
on the residential topic representing real architectural value, according to the Department of Residential
Building Design.
12. számú Lakóépületek térszervezését játékosan oktató, interneten elérhető szoftver: LakoBOX curricula, game description.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ v
1. The user interface ........................................................................................................................... 1
1. Videos on the user interface .................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Dwellings from the game .......................................................................................... 5
2. The game-themes .......................................................................................................................... 33
1. Function & Requirements ................................................................................................... 33
2. Function & Spaces .............................................................................................................. 39
3. Functional solutions & Dwellings ....................................................................................... 45
4. Function & Light ................................................................................................................. 51
5. Low rise, high density & Housing ...................................................................................... 57
6. Structural systems & Dwellings .......................................................................................... 63
7. Circulation systems & Dwellings ........................................................................................ 69
8. Energy-efficiency & Dwellings .......................................................................................... 75
3. Copyrights of the pictures in the game ......................................................................................... 81
1. Copyrights of the pictures on the Functions & Requirements game: .................................. 81
2. Copyrights of the pictures on the Functions & Spaces game: ............................................. 89
3. Copyrights of The pictures on the Functional solutions & Dwellings game: ...................... 97
4. Copyrights of the pictures on the Function & Light game: ............................................... 106
5. Copyrights of the pictures on the Low rise, high density & Housing game: ..................... 114
6. Copyrights of the pictures of the Structural systems & Dwellings game: ......................... 122
7. Copyrights of the pictures on the Circulation systems & Dwellings game: ...................... 129
8. Copyrights of the pictures on the Energy – efficiency & Dwellings game: ...................... 136
A. The source of the program ......................................................................................................... 144
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„Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent with a tremendous spirit of
adventure and a love of play.”
—Henri Matisse, french painter 1869–1954
Dear Players, Students and Teachers!
According to the educational psychology playing and playfulness is a key element to the learning process. Yet
in today’s teaching practice insignificant proportion of university curricula is play oriented. The concept of the
LakoBOX curricula is to attempt a minimal making up some of this shortage, at least on the field of residential
building design’s education.
We looked at the process of creating and developing LakoBOX as a game itself: initially we organized a “virus
competition” for architect students, with the goal of involving the most possible students in the creation and
development of game ideas.
„The idea of the ”virus competition” is following: all aspects of the competition are kept «secret» and are
constantly changing. The names of the entrants is kept secret. The names of the jury is kept secret and is
changing. The specific task is kept secret as is the deadline. Each competing group is going their on way in their
on rythm – each group in the competition gets a new small task from time to time, and by giving answers to
these tasks they get one step further in the development of their game. The answer itself «influences» the nature
of the next task. Yet the goal is the same: the best gaming ideas will be developed and programmed and the
winner groups will be involved in the developing process.” – detail from the original virus competition
announcement, from march 2012. The teams had to apply with a logo of their own, and an answer to the same
original question: „What do you think of the connection between games and architecture?”
The „virus competition” was an ideas competition spreading on a live forum – By
solving personalized tasks, the applying teams could get nearer and nearer to an uncontroversial solution. The
core jury – József Kolossa DLA, Dávid Kohout, András Weiszkopf– wanted to see specific game ideas, insights
and opinions, which eventually would build up the inside logics of a gaming software in a natural and creative
way. Thirty teams (!) applied, and they developed their game ideas until June 2012. through four individual
rounds of tasks. By the completion of the „virus competition” we stepped into the next phase of the game
development, with a lot of game ideas and a huge creative team.
We asked for help from the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics on the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics. We wished to work together with their students, and turn the game ideas into
computer programs. The students formed mixed teams where the students of architecture gave the game ideas
along with graphical elements, and the students of informatics developed the program codes. The group of
informatics students was mentored by Hassan Charaf Dr. professor and his team: Péter Ekler Dr. senior lecturer
and Bertalan Forster Dr. associate professor of the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics: the
cooperation could only come to life through their efforts. As a result of the cooperation many game programs
were created, which we presented on march 21. 2013. on the Department of Residential Building Design at a
gaming workshop day to the lecturers of both departments. Amongst the presented games were torpedo games, a
2D picture building game, a multiple choice game and a memory game. Students taking part in the development
of the software were: Richárd Balog, Ernő Józsa, Péter Sebestyén Krassay, Richárd Nagy and Péter Gergő
Sárközi students of informatics as well as Bodó Bánáti, Annamária Babos, Gergő Vátyi and Dér Anna Vereb
students of architecture. The work of the students of architecture was consulted and mentored by József Kolossa
DLA with the help of András Weiszkopf. Finally, based on a joint decision we completed the LakoMEMORY
game, with the help of Andor Szamos student of informatics, using the graphical plans of András Weiszkopf.
Playing through the levels of the LakoBOX game, which was developed in the project “TÁMOP-4.1.2.A/111/1-2011-0055 Curriculum development on the subject of residential building design, with particular focus on
energy conscious thinking”, players can discover buildings on the residential topic representing real
architectural value according to the Department of Residential Building. Along these examples, the players are
led through the spatial needs of residential functions, the context of multi story apartment houses, structural and
energy-efficient solutions.
Have a good time and a good game!
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
the LakoBOX team
link for the game: LakoBOX memory
download link: download LakoBOX memory
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Chapter 1. The user interface
The user interface is divided into two segments. The game-themes of the game and the controls can be found on
the left side, the memory game itself is located on the right side. When choosing a game-theme only it’s first
level is visible. Continuing to the next level is possible after completing the previous one. There are five levels
to each game-theme. The program is counting the playing times, so your and your friends’ best times can be
beaten. After clicking the restart button the pictures mix up, and the level restarts. The gameplay can always be
paused by clicking the pause button.
On the first and third level of each game theme all the pictures are visible, the pairs found, gray out. On the
second and fourth level the pictures are upside down. When clicked, they flip, if the matching picture is flipped
as well, the pairs stay visible. The fifth level is about matching the pictures to the topic of four visible icons,
after a successful match the picture stays flipped. Any of the levels can be played on again after they are
completed once.
The game experience is best when played full screen in a browser. The game stores it’s data in the memory of
the browser. After deleting browser history or cookies, all saved game data is lost!
1. Videos on the user interface
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The user interface
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The user interface
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The user interface
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The user interface
1.1. Dwellings from the game
Interaktive animations from the game:
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The user interface
Photograph of two blocks of the row house
Photograph from the entrance of the building
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The user interface
Photograph of the Steel and wood house taken from the slope
Photograph of the Alemao house taken from it's pool
Interior photograph of the house in Alfonso Reyes street
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The user interface
Interior photograph of the Atrium house taken from it's entrance hall
Photograph of the Bluff house taken from the slope
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the Bordeaux house taken from it's garden
Photograph of the Coffou house's glass facade
Photograph of the Crescent house taken from it's garden
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The user interface
Photograph of the house taken from the street
Photograph of the house from it's entrance
Photoraph of Gábor Turányi's family house
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The user interface
Photograph of the D house take from the other side of the channel
Photograph of the One wall house taken from the street
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The user interface
Photograph of the EMV apartment house taken from the negative corner
Photograph of Erik Gunnar Asplund's family house taken from above
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The user interface
Photograph of the apartment house's staircase
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The user interface
Interior photograph of Gunther Domenig's house
Photograph of one of the units of the "Haka" patio houses
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The user interface
Photograph of Sára Cs. Juhasz's weekend house
Photograph of György Vadász's weekend house
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The user interface
Photograph of the house looking towards the river
Photograph oh the houses solar paneled roof looking towards south
Photograph of the one story prefabricated building
Archive photograph of Luigi Figni's house
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The user interface
Photograph of the M house taken from it's atrium
Photograph of the Makasa apartment house taken from it's entrance
Archive photograph of the Mathenesse Siedlung
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The user interface
Photograph of the summer house at Balatoakarattya
Photograph of Ralph Erskine's family house
Photograph of the SB house taken from it's terrace
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The user interface
Interior photograph of the Schwarzpark house looking at it's garden
Photograph of the Studio enlargement looking through the windows into the interior
Areal photograph of the Kingo Houses
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The user interface
Photograph of the Utzon house looking at it from the bottom of the rocks
Archive photograph of the steel frame apartment house
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The user interface
Photograph of the Villa Anbar taken from it's atrium
Archive photograpf of the Villa Wagner
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The user interface
Interior photograph of William Morris' house
Photograph of two blocks of the row house
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The user interface
Photograph from the entrance of the building
Photograph of the Steel and wood house taken from the slope
Photograph of the Alemao house taken from it's pool
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Interior photograph of the house in Alfonso Reyes street
Interior photograph of the Atrium house taken from it's entrance hall
Photograph of the Bluff house taken from the slope
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the Bordeaux house taken from it's garden
Photograph of the Coffou house's glass facade
Photograph of the Crescent house taken from it's garden
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the house taken from the street
Photograph of the house from it's entrance
Photoraph of Gábor Turányi's family house
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the D house take from the other side of the channel
Photograph of the One wall house taken from the street
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the EMV apartment house taken from the negative corner
Photograph of Erik Gunnar Asplund's family house taken from above
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the apartment house's staircase
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Interior photograph of Gunther Domenig's house
Photograph of one of the units of the "Haka" patio houses
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of Sára Cs. Juhasz's weekend house
Photograph of György Vadász's weekend house
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
The user interface
Photograph of the house looking towards the river
Photograph oh the houses solar paneled roof looking towards south
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Chapter 2. The game-themes
1. Function & Requirements
Understand the functions in a dwelling and their requirements – spatial requirements, furnishing requirements,
by matching the interior photographs with the graphical floor plans! You may discover connections between
residential functions and their requirements.
Different functional spaces in a dwelling have different layouts and spatial requirements. Take a look at the
different spatial requirements of different functions – entrance; living room; kitchen; dining room; bedroom;
bathroom; terrace; garage. In the game you will see photographs of different functions in a dwelling, an their
pairs, the layout requirements. Find and pair the photographs with the graphics!
The residential functions and the spaces incorporating them vary according to the format of the dwelling. On the
first and second level you can play with the functions of family houses, on the third and fourth level you will
find functions of apartment houses. On the fifth level recognize the garage, the entrance, the bathroom and the
bedroom functions on the pictures.
The pictures on the Functions & Requirements game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
2. Function & Spaces
Discover the functions in a dwelling and their spaces! Pair the architectural drawings with the interior
photographs of the residential functions. You will see connections between architectural floor plans and the
spaces of a dwelling.
Depending on the situation and shaping of a flat, its residential spaces can take numerous, very diverse forms.
Take a look at the dwelling as a function, and detect that the two dimensional placement of the residential
functions does not necessary pre-establish its spaces. In the game you will see floor plans of residential
buildings and their interior spaces. On the fifth level you will see different functional spaces and their names.
The functionality and the usability of the residential space is defined by the spatial concept of the floor plan. On
the first, second, third, and fourth level you can match the floor plans of different residential buildings – family
houses; apartment houses; low rise, high density houses – with photos taken of their interiors! On the fifth level
identify the residential functions, and match them with the given names – kitchen; dining room; living room;
The pictures on the Functions & Spaces game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
3. Functional solutions & Dwellings
Discover the dwelling as a consciously formed element, with an external and internal spatial concept. You will
see connections between different functional solutions of residential spaces and functional layouts – floor plans.
The residential spaces are both shaped by the inhabitants of the dwelling and the architectural concept. Take a
look at the residential function and it’s different functional solutions. We present different spatial concepts to
these differing solutions. You will see architectural floor plans, and associated exterior photographs, with
various functional solutions on the fifth floor.
The chosen functional solution is determinative to the external end internal spatial concept of the building. On
the first, second, third and fourth level pair the residential buildings’ floor plans, each solving the residential
functions in various ways, with the photographs showing their exterior shaping! On the fifth level group the
pictures of different internal functional solutions – exterior; flow; loft; atrium!
The pictures on the Functional solutions & Dwellings game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
4. Function & Light
Discover the connections between the residential function as a consciously shaped spatial concept and the
various designs of light directly accessing the residential space.
Every residential function needs to be lit to be used. Exposing the residential space to light is a specific spatial
task. It takes lit wall surfaces, light exposed openings or shadows for the space itself to become like the
architectural and functional intentions. Take a look at the various different methods of exposing spaces
inhabited by residential functions to natural lighting. You will see photographs of interiors, and the matching
floor plan lighting schematics. On the fifth level you can discover the different characteristics of opening a
residential space.
Orientation, and the resulting exposure and the intensity of lighting is an important aspect while designing the
functional arrangement of the residential spaces. On the first, second, third and fourth levels you can pair
photographs of interior residential spaces and associated floor plan lighting schemes. On the fifth level you can
group differently lit residential spaces, with lighting schematics of wall openings.
The pictures on the Function & Light game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
5. Low rise, high density & Housing
Discover the system of the low rise, high density housing, and the functional solutions of the dwellings forming
the system, through examining some characteristic layouts.
The low rise, high density housing is a layout type of residential housing, in which the residential housing units
are not built on independent or isolated plots of real estate, but the whole „ensemble” is erected on the same
property. Take a look at some layout variations with the associated dwelling units of the endless number of low
rise, high density layout variations possible! You will see site plans, layout plans and photographs of the
dwellings. On the fifth level you can discover some characteristic examples of low rise, high density housing.
Buildings of the low rise, high density housing are groups of buildings built with high plot ratio, where all the
residential units have direct access to a separately and privately used garden. Pair photographs of low rise high
density houses on the first, second, third and fourth levels, with the site plan showing the whole ensemble!
Group four characteristic examples of low rise, high density housing types on the fifth level according to their,
layouts, site plans, interior and exterior photographs.
The pictures on the Low rise, high density & Housing game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
6. Structural systems & Dwellings
Discover some characteristic structural systems used to construct residential buildings. You will see connections
between methods of construction – brick, lightweight, frame and precast structures – and their effect on the
spatial concept of dwellings.
The spatial concept of a dwelling is greatly influenced by the chosen structural system. While the lightweight
construction method allows to organize the building in a relatively loose system, the precast „panel” building
method is a bound system constructed of prefabricated elements. Constructing a building out of bricks gives a
great spatial freedom, but it is unsuitable to use them in larger buildings without an additional reinforcing
structure. A frame structural system is widely used in multi story houses, due to the short structural building
times and the loose spatial organization options.
Take a look at dwellings with different structural systems, and group them according to their structural systems.
Figure out the structural systems of the residential buildings shown on the first, second, third and fourth level,
and pair them with the icon of the structural system – photographs can be paired with the matching colored
icons. Group a house with its structural system on the fifth level – you will see photographs and floor plans as
The pictures of the Structural systems & Dwellings game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
7. Circulation systems & Dwellings
Discover the connections between the common used circulation systems of multi story apartment houses, and
the interior and exterior spatial concepts deriving from these systems through some characteristic examples.
Study multi story apartment houses with various circulation systems based on pictures of their circulation
systems, and residential spaces. You will see photographs of apartment houses, and schematic floor plans with
the circulation system highlighted. On the fifth level group multi story apartment houses according to their type
of circulation systems!
To reach dwellings in multi story apartment houses, common used staircases or elevators are used in the vertical
direction, and corridors are used in the horizontal direction. On the first, second, third and fourth level you can
pair photographs of buildings to the matching schematic floor plans with the circulation systems highlighted.
Red colors mark the vertical circulation spaces, blue colors mark the horizontal circulation spaces. Group multi
story apartment houses according to their type of circulation systems on the fifth level!
The pictures on the Circulation systems & Dwellings game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
8. Energy-efficiency & Dwellings
Building energetics comprehensively studies the energies received by a building, the energy used to produce the
comfort level, and the energies leaving the building.
Discover energy efficient systems consciously handling and lowering the energy consumption of dwellings, and
their effect on the spatial concepts, through the study of some characteristic examples.
With deliberate optimization of orientation and structural planning, with choosing more efficient building
engineering systems, or with the usage of renewable natural resources, the energy consumption of dwellings can
be lowered to zero, or even they can be able to generate energy. Study dwellings using different types of energy
efficient systems. Pair photos of dwellings with the energy efficient solutions!
Energy efficient systems can be a passive defensive solution – green facade, underground housing, passive
house – or a system which actively uses the renewable resources of the Earth – geothermal energy, wind turbine,
solar cell, sunroom, active house. Find out which energy efficient system is used by which dwelling, pair the
photographs of buildings with the icons of energy efficient system on the first, second, third and fourth level.
Group a more complete documentation of energy efficient dwellings to their energy efficient systems on the
fifth level!
The pictures on the Energy – efficiency & Dwellings game:
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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The game-themes
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Chapter 3. Copyrights of the pictures
in the game
1. Copyrights of the pictures on the Functions &
Requirements game:
1/1/1 Coffou Cottage
• 2006-2008
• Michigan City, Indiana
• Brininstool+Lynch
• photo: Christopher Barrett of Hedrich Blessing
• source: Archdaily:
1/1/2 Summer house at lake Balaton
• 2010-2011
• Balatonszéplak-Alsó
• Péter Basa, Ádám Reisz (FBI Studio)
• photo: Zsolt Batár
• source: Építészfórum:
1/1/3 Crab Creek House
• 2009
• Annapolis, Maryland, USA
• Robert M. Gurney
• photo: Hoachlander Davis Photography
• source: ArchDaily:
1/1/4 IKEA
1/1/5 The Abbotsford Warehouse Apartments
• 2012
• Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
• ITN Architects
• photo: Michael Downes
• source: ArchDaily:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
1/1/6 Summer house at lake Balaton
• 2010-2011
• Balatonszéplak-Alsó
• Péter Basa, Ádám Reisz (FBI Studio)
• photo: Zsolt Batár
• source: Építészfórum:
1/1/7 Family house
• 2011
• Šlaito st., Birštonas, Litvánia
• Gintautas Natkevičius, Tomas Kuleša, Adomas Rimšelis
• photo: G.Česonis
• source: Építészfórum:
1/1/8 Haifa House
• 2008-2011
• Haifa, Izrael
• Pitsou Kedem, Irene Goldberg, Hagar Tzvi
• photo: Amit Geron
• source:
1/2/1 Coffou Cottage
• 2006-2008
• Michigan City, Indiana
• Brininstool+Lynch
• photo: Christopher Barrett of Hedrich Blessing
• source: Archdaily:
1/2/2 Summer house at lake Balaton
• 2010-2011
• Balatonszéplak-Alsó
• Péter Basa, Ádám Reisz (FBI Studio)
• photo: Zsolt Batár
• source: Építészfórum:
1/2/3 Crab Creek House
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 2009
• Annapolis, Maryland, USA
• Robert M. Gurney
• photo: Hoachlander Davis Photography
• source: ArchDaily: house-robert-gurney-architect/
1/2/4 IKEA
• source:
1/2/5 The Abbotsford Warehouse Apartments
• 2012
• Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
• ITN Architects
• photo: Michael Downes
• source: ArchDaily:
1/2/6 Summer house at lake Balaton
• 2010-2011
• Balatonszéplak-Alsó
• Péter Basa, Ádám Reisz (FBI Studio)
• photo: Zsolt Batár
• source: Építészfórum:
1/2/7 Family house
• 2011
• Šlaito st., Birštonas, Litvánia
• Gintautas Natkevičius, Tomas Kuleša, Adomas Rimšelis
• photo: G.Česonis
• source: Építészfórum:
1/2/8 Haifa House
• 2008-2011
• Haifa, Izrael
• Pitsou Kedem, Irene Goldberg, Hagar Tzvi
• photo: Amit Geron
• source:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
1/3/1 Gardner 1050
• 2006
• West Hollywood, California, USA
• LOHA Architects
• photo: Lawrence Anderson
• source: ArchDaily:’herlihy-architects/
1/3/2 Apartment at Bow Quarter
• 2012
• Bow Quarter, Fairfield Road, London, Great Britain
• Studio Verve Architects
• photo: Luke White
• source:
1/3/3 Bamboo Residency
• 2007-2011
• Geneva, Switzerland
• group8
• photo: Régis Golay, FEDERAL STUDIO
• source: ArchDaily:
1/3/4 22 Dandár Park
• 2008-2010
• Budapest, Dandár street, Hungary
• Gábor Kruppa
• photo: Dániel Hoffman
• source: Építészfórum:
1/3/5 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
• source:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
1/3/6 Apartment at Bow Quarter
• 2012
• Bow Quarter, Fairfield Road, London, Great Britain
• Studio Verve Architects
• photo: Luke White
• source:
1/3/7 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
• source:
1/3/8 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
• source:
1/4/1 Gardner 1050
• 2006
• West Hollywood, California, USA
• LOHA Architects
• photo: Lawrence Anderson
• source: ArchDaily:’herlihy-architects/
1/4/2 Apartment at Bow Quarter
• 2012
• Bow Quarter, Fairfield Road, London, Great Britain
• Studio Verve Architects
• photo: Luke White
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source:
1/4/3 Bamboo Residency
• 2007-2011
• Geneva, Switzerland
• group8
• photo: Régis Golay, FEDERAL STUDIO
• source: ArchDaily:
1/4/4 22 Dandár Park
• 2008-2010
• Budapest, Dandár street, Hungary
• Gábor Kruppa
• photo: Dániel Hoffman
• source: Építészfórum:
1/4/5 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
• source:
1/4/6 Apartment at Bow Quarter
• 2012
• Bow Quarter, Fairfield Road, London, Great Britain
• Studio Verve Architects
• photo: Luke White
• source:
1/4/7 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source:
1/4/8 Apartment Building
• 2011
• Luxembour-City, Luxemburg
• Metaform Architects
• photo: Steve Troes Fotodesign
• source:
1/5/1 Family house
• 2011
• Near Budapest, Hungary
• Mária Szász, interior architect: Kristóf Gőbölyös
• photo: András Móri
• source: Építészfórum:
1/5/2 Villa in Szentendre
• 2006, 2010
• Szentendre, Hungary
• Kuknyó Lajos-Architéma Kft.
• photo: Tamás Bujnovszky
• source: Építészfórum:
1/5/3 The Brick Loft
• 2011
• Joo Chiat Ln, Singapore
• Torrance Goh, Peter Sim, Hong Weiming
• photo: Jeremy San TzerNing
• source:
1/5/4 Family house
• 2011
• Šlaito st., Birštonas, Litvánia
• Gintautas Natkevičius, Tomas Kuleša, Adomas Rimšelis
• photo: G.Česonis
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source: Építészfórum:
1/5/5 Family house
• 2011
• Near Budapest, Hungary
• Mária Szász, interior architect: Kristóf Gőbölyös
• photo: András Móri
• source: Építészfórum:
1/5/6 Villa Storingavika
• 2004-2007
• Bergen
• Todd Saunders - Saunders Architecture
• photo: Michael Perlmutter
• source:
1/5/7 TBONE House
• 2006
• Stuttgart, Germany
• Coast Office Architecture
• photo: Valentin Jeck and David Franck
• source: house-by-coast-office-architecture/
1/5/8 IKEA
• source:
1/5/9 Bamboo Residency
• 2007-2011
• Geneva, Switzerland
• group8
• photo: Régis Golay, FEDERAL STUDIO
• source: ArchDaily:
1/5/10 Fortress House
• 2008
• St Andrew’s Beach, Australia
• ITN Architects
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Albert Comper
• source: ArchDaily: house-itn-architects/fortress01/
1/5/11 Townhouse
• 2009
• Landskrona, Sweden
• Jonas Elding, Johan Oscarson
• photo: Åke E:son Lindman
• source: Építészfórum:
1/5/12 New Citc Block
• 2012
• Kessel-Lo, Leuven, Belgium
• Bogdan & Van Broeck Architects
• photo: Leo Van Broeck, Olmo Peters, Matthias Van Rossen
• source: Építészfórum:
2. Copyrights of the pictures on the Functions &
Spaces game:
2/1/1 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/1/2 Apartment house of the Weiss Menfred Enterprises Retirement Found
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Dolmány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
2/1/3 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Morgens Prip-Buus
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
2/1/4 Casa Gaspar
• 1991
• Zahora, Spain
• Alberto Campo Baeza
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/1/5 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-93
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
2/1/6 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Colin Davies
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/1/7 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
2/1/8 Colony Mews
• 2006
• Islington
• Peter Barber
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source:
2/2/1 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/2/2 Apartment house of the Weiss Menfred Enterprises Retirement Found
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Dolmány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
2/2/3 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Morgens Prip-Buus
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
2/2/4 Casa Gaspar
• 1991
• Zahora, Spain
• Alberto Campo Baeza
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/2/5 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-93
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
2/2/6 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Colin Davies
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
2/2/7 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
2/2/8 Colony Mews
• 2006
• Islington
• Peter Barber
• source:
2/3/1 Werkbundsiedlung
• 1932
• Jagdschloßgasse, Wienna, Austria
• A. Lurcat, J. Hoffmann, R. Bauer, O, Strnad, Adolf Loos, J.Groag, G. Guevrakian, G. Rietweld, Holzmeister,
Wachberger, Walter Loos, Bieber-Niedermoster, L.Pilleviski1, W. Sobotka, Miklós Velits
• photo: Dr. Bierbauer Virgil
• source: Tér és Forma, 1932
2/3/2 Apartment house
• 1955-57
• Via Giuseppe Dezza 49., Milan, Italy
• Gio Ponti
• photo: Gio Ponti Archives - Salvatore Licitra, Milano
• source: Graziella Roccella: Gio Ponti, Taschen, Köln 2009
2/3/3 Apartment house
• 1958
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Tokio, Japan
• Kunio Maekawa
• photo: Maekawa Associates
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 103.
2/3/4 Halen housing estate
• 1961
• Halen, Thalmatt, Bern, Switzerland
• Atelier 5
• photo: Albert Winkler
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
2/3/5 Apartment house
• 1985-88
• Nimes, France
• Jean Nouvel, Jean-Marc Ibos, Frédéric Chambon, Jean-Rémi
• photo: Philippe Ruault
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 178.
2/3/6 Three unit villa, extension
• (1932) 1991-1996
• Kavics street 8/D, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Tomay
• photo: Enikő Budai
• source: Új Magyar Építőművészet, 1998/3, 28. o.
2/3/7 Croix-Rousse, social housing
• 1999
• Lyon, France
• Frederic Borel
• photo: Nicolas Borel
• source: New Urban Housing, page 104.
2/3/8 Apartment house “mag house”
• 2002
• Rottenbiller street, Budapest, Hungary
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 2002/05, page 16.
2/4/1 Werkbundsiedlung
• 1932
• Jagdschloßgasse, Wienna, Austria
• A. Lurcat, J. Hoffmann, R. Bauer, O, Strnad, Adolf Loos, J.Groag, G. Guevrakian, G. Rietweld, Holzmeister,
Wachberger, Walter Loos, Bieber-Niedermoster, L.Pilleviski1, W. Sobotka, Miklós Velits
• photo: Dr. Bierbauer Virgil
• source: Tér és Forma, 1932
2/4/2 Apartment house
• 1955-57
• Via Giuseppe Dezza 49., Milan, Italy
• Gio Ponti
• photo: Gio Ponti Archives - Salvatore Licitra, Milano
• source: Graziella Roccella: Gio Ponti, Taschen, Köln 2009
2/4/3 Apartment house
• 1958
• Tokio, Japan
• Kunio Maekawa
• photo: Maekawa Associates
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 103.
2/4/4 Halen housing estate
• 1961
• Halen, Thalmatt, Bern, Switzerland
• Atelier 5
• photo: Albert Winkler
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
2/4/5 Apartment house
• 1985-88
• Nimes, France
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Jean Nouvel, Jean-Marc Ibos, Frédéric Chambon, Jean-Rémi
• photo: Philippe Ruault
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 178.
2/4/6 Three unit villa, extension
• (1932) 1991-1996
• Kavics street 8/D, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Tomay
• photo: Enikő Budai
• source: Új Magyar Építőművészet, 1998/3, page 28.
2/4/7 Croix-Rousse, social housing
• 1999
• Lyon, France
• Frederic Borel
• photo: Nicolas Borel
• source: New Urban Housing, page 104.
2/4/8 Apartment house “mag house”
• 2002
• Rottenbiller street, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 2002/05, page 16.
2/5/1 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Ole Rafn
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
2/5/2 "Carpet"-type housing estate "Biserhof"
• 1956-1960
• Biserhofstrasse, Biserhof, St. Gallen, Switzerland
• Heinrich Danzeisen, Hans Voser
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Friedhelm Thomas
• source: Karl Krämer, Einfalmilienhauser in der Gruppe, KARL KRÄMER VERLAG, Stuttgart, 1966
2/5/3 "Carpet"-type housing estate "Biserhof"
• 1956-1960
• Biserhofstrasse, Biserhof, St. Gallen, Switzerland
• Heinrich Danzeisen, Hans Voser
• photo: Friedhelm Thomas
• source: Karl Krämer, Einfalmilienhauser in der Gruppe, KARL KRÄMER VERLAG, Stuttgart, 1966
2/5/4 Apartment house
• 1958
• Tokio, Japan
• Kunio Maekawa
• Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century,page 103.
2/5/5 Coffou Cottage
• 2006-2008
• Michigan City, Indiana
• Brininstool+Lynch
• photo: Christopher Barrett of Hedrich Blessing
• source: Archdaily:
2/5/6 “Mauerberg” residential housing
• 1963-1964
• Siedlung Mauerberg, Wienna, Austria
• Roland Rainer
• photo: Hubert Hoffman
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
2/5/7 Extension of a Barn
• 2010
• Lesponne, France
• photo: Philippe Ruault
• source:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
2/5/8 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Hans Werlemann, Hectic Pictures
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
2/5/9 Family house
• 2001
• Groenoord-Zuid, Schiedam, NL
• NIO Architecten
• photo: Hans Pattist
• source: Juan Blesa, Multi-Family Housing, EDITORAL PENCIL, Valencia, 2008.
2/5/10 18 apartment house
• 2002-2006
• Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife, Spain
• Eustaquio Martínez García, Virgilio Gutiérrez Herreros
• photo: Miguel Curbelo
2/5/11 H house
• 2011
• Sóskstreet, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Tamás Bujnovszky
• source: Építészfórum:
2/5/12 Family housing, Alfonso Reyes street
• 2003
• Alfonso Reyes, 58, Mexico city, Mexico
• Dellekamp Arquitectos
• photo: Oscar Necoechea
• source: New Urban Housing, page 110.
3. Copyrights of The pictures on the Functional
solutions & Dwellings game:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
3/1/1 Own family house
• 1898
• Belgium
• Victor Horta
• photo: Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen
3/1/2 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/1/3 Fallingwater house
• 1935-37
• Bear Run, Pennsylvania, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/1/4 A Weiss Manfréd Vállalatok Elismert Nyugdíjpénztárának
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Dolmány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
3/1/5 Apartment house on Pasaréti street
• 1937
• Pasaréti street 7., II. Budapest, Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
3/1/6 Unité d'Habitation
• 1952
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Marseilles, France
• Le Corbusier
• photo: FLC/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London, 2008
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 82.
3/1/7 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-93
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
3/1/8 Row house with 20 units
• 1998-2001
• Barlang street, Budapest, Hungary
• Ferenc Cságoly, Ferenc Keller
• photo: from Ferenc Keller
3/2/1 Own family house
• 1898
• Belgium
• Victor Horta
• photo: Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen
3/2/2 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/2/3 Fallingwater house
• 1935-37
• Bear Run, Pennsylvania, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/2/4 A Weiss Manfréd Vállalatok Elismert Nyugdíjpénztárának
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Domány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
3/2/5 Apartment house on Pasaréti street
• 1937
• Pasaréti street 7., II. Budapest, Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
3/2/6 Unité d'Habitation
• 1952
• Marseilles, France
• Le Corbusier
• photo: FLC/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London, 2008
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 82.
3/2/7 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-93
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
3/2/8 Row house with 20 units
• 1998-2001
• Barlang street, Budapest, Hungary
• Ferenc Cságoly, Ferenc Keller
• photo: from Ferenc Keller
3/3/1 Behrens house
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 1901
• Darmstadt, Germany
• Peter Behrens
• photo: Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
• Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/3/2 Villa on Zentai street
• 1934
• Szépvölgyi street 88/b, Budapest II., Hungary
• József Fischer
• photo: József Fischer
• source: Tér és Forma, 1935/1. page 16-17.
3/3/3 Own family house
• 1937
• Sweden
• Erik Gunnar Asplund
• photo: F.S.Sundahl
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
3/3/4 Family house
• 1968-1970
• Vöröslászló street 100., Szombathely, Hungary
• Csaba Vincze
• photo: Imre Tóth
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1971/6. page 36.
3/3/5 Weekend house
• 1974-1976
• Erdőalja street, Budapest III., Hungary
• György Vadász
• photo: István Vidovics
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1978/5
3/3/6 Crescent house
• 1997
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• UK
• Ken Shuttleworth/ Foster and Partners
• photo: Nigel Young/ Foster and Partners
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
3/3/7 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Hans Werlemann, Hectic Pictures
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
3/3/8 Steel and wood house
• 2005
• Asturias, Spain
• Ecosistemaurbano
• photo: Emilio P. Doiztua
• source: 5 5/Architecture sustainable , Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2007, page 349.
3/4/1 Behrens house
• 1901
• Darmstadt, Germany
• Peter Behrens
• photo: Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
• Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
3/4/2 Villa on Zentai street
• 1934
• Szépvölgyi street 88/b, Budapest II., Hungary
• József Fischer
• photo: József Fischer
• source: Tér és Forma, 1935/1. page 16-17.
3/4/3 Own family house
• 1937
• Sweden
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Erik Gunnar Asplund
• photo: F.S.Sundahl
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
3/4/4 Family house
• 1968-1970
• Vöröslászló street 100., Szombathely, Hungary
• Csaba Vincze
• photo: Imre Tóth
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1971/6. page 36.
3/4/5 Weekend house
• 1974-1976
• Erdőalja street, Budapest III., Hungary
• György Vadász
• photo: István Vidovics
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1978/5
3/4/6 Crescent house
• 1997
• UK
• Ken Shuttleworth/ Foster and Partners
• photo: Nigel Young/ Foster and Partners
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
3/4/7 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Hans Werlemann, Hectic Pictures
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
3/4/8 Steel and wood house
• 2005
• Asturias, Spain
• Ecosistemaurbano
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Emilio P. Doiztua
• source: 5 5/Architecture sustainable , Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2007, page 349.
3/5/1 Villa Tugendhat
• 1930
• Brno, Czech Republic
• Mies van der Rohe
• photo: David Židlický
• source: Mies van der Rohe
3/5/2 Johnson house
• 1949
• New Canaan, USA, Connecticut
• Philip Johnson
3/5/3 HB house
• 2007
• Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Bevk Perovic
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 160, Madrid, 2012/II., page 111.
3/5/4 „Haka” patio houses
• 1963-1965
• Hakamaankuja, Tapiola, Helsinki
• Pentti Ahola
3/5/5 Apartment house
• 1976
• Seville, Spain
• Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
• photo: Duccio Magamba
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 152.
3/5/6 Villa Anbar
• 1993
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Dammam, Saudi Arabia
• Peter Barber
• photo: Peter Barber
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
3/5/7 Apartment house of the Gerogia Retirement Found
• 1936
• Rákóczi street, Károly körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Dr. Béla Tarát, Ede Novák
• photo: Kozelka
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1936, IX., Sós György, Budapest
3/5/8 Apartment house
• 1937
• Pozsonyi street 40-50., Budapest XIII., Hungary
• Béla Hofstätter, Ferenc Domány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége
3/5/9 Residential Building
• 2002
• Fukuoka, Japan
• NKS architects
• photo: Okamoto Kouji Technistaff
• source: NKS Architects
3/5/10 Levene House
• 2006
• San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
• Eduardo Arroyo, No.Mad
• photo: No.Mad
• source:
3/5/11 Family house (Schwarzpark)
• 2004
• Basel, Switzerland
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Miller&Maranta
• photo: Ruedi Walti Fotografie
• source: 8/Multi-Family Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2008
3/5/12 One wall hose (semidetached house)
• 2007
• Zurich, Switzerland
• Kristian Kerez
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 145, Madrid, 2009/II., page 159.
4. Copyrights of the pictures on the Function & Light
4/1/1 Villa Tugendhat
• 1928-30
• Brno, Czech Republic
• Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
• photo: Pavel Stecha
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/1/2 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Ole Rafn
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
4/1/3 Own family house
• 1963
• Sweden
• Ralph Erskine
• photo: Max Plunger
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/1/4 Selmer House
• 1963
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Oslo, Norway
• Wenche Selmer
• photo: Jens Salmer
• source: Elisabeth Tostrup: Norwegian Wood, Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2006
4/1/5 Villa Anbar
• 1993
• Dammam, Saudi Arabia
• Peter Barber
• photo: Peter Barber
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
4/1/6 Family house
• 2000
• Budapest, Hungary
• Gábor Turányi
• photo: József Hajdú
• source: szerk. Lévai-Kanyó Judit: 5 ház, Terc Kft., Budapest 2003
4/1/7 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Álvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
4/1/8 SB house
• 2004
• Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Bevk Perovic
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 160., Madrid, 2012/II., page 43.
4/2/1 Villa Tugendhat
• 1928-30
• Brno, Czech Republic
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
• photo: Pavel Stecha
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/2/2 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Ole Rafn
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
4/2/3 Own family house
• 1963
• Sweden
• Ralph Erskine
• photo: Max Plunger
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/2/4 Selmer House
• 1963
• Oslo, Norway
• Wenche Selmer
• photo: Jens Salmer
• source: Elisabeth Tostrup: Norwegian Wood, Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2006
4/2/5 Villa Anbar
• 1993
• Dammam, Saudi Arabia
• Peter Barber
• photo: Peter Barber
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
4/2/6 Family house
• 2000
• Budapest, Hungary
• Gábor Turányi
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: József Hajdú
• source: szerk. Lévai-Kanyó Judit: 5 ház, Terc Kft., Budapest 2003
4/2/7 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Álvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
4/2/8 SB house
• 2004
• Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Bevk Perovic
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 160., Madrid, 2012/II., page 43.
4/3/1 House of Tyroler József
• 1935
• Harangvirág street 11., Budapest II., Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• photo: Seidner
• source: Tér és Forma, 1936/9., page 14.
4/3/2 Chamberlain house
• 1940
• Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
• Marcel Brauer
• photo: Ezra Stoller/Esto
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/3/3 Johnson house
• 1949
• New Canaan, Connecticut, USA
• Philip Johnson
• photo: Paul Rocheleau
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/3/4 Own family house
• 1971
• Spain
• Jorn Oberg Utzon
• photo: Soeren Kuhn
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/3/5 Fisher house
• 1973
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
• Louis Kahn
• photo: Roberto Schezan/ Esto
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/3/6 Own family house
• 1986
• Austria
• Günther Domenig
• photo: Gerald Zugmann
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/3/7 Crescent house
• 1997
• UK
• Ken Shuttleworth/ Foster and Partners
• photo: Nigel Young/ Foster and Partners
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
4/3/8 One wall hose (semidetached house)
• 2007
• Zurich, Switzerland
• Kristian Kerez
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 145, Madrid, 2009/II., page 153.
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
4/4/1 House of Tyroler József
• 1935
• Harangvirág street 11., Budapest II., Hungary
• Molnár Farkas
• photo: Seidner
• source: Tér és Forma, 1936/9., page 14.
4/4/2 Chamberlain house
• 1940
• Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
• Marcel Brauer
• photo: Ezra Stoller/Esto
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/4/3 Johnson house
• 1949
• New Canaan, Connecticut, USA
• Philip Johnson
• photo: Paul Rocheleau
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/4/4 Own family house
• 1971
• Spain
• Jorn Oberg Utzon
• photo: Soeren Kuhn
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/4/5 Fisher house
• 1973
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
• Louis Kahn
• photo: Roberto Schezan/ Esto
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/4/6 Own family house
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 1986
• Austria
• Günther Domenig
• photo: Gerald Zugmann
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/4/7 Crescent house
• 1997
• UK
• Ken Shuttleworth/ Foster and Partners
• photo: Nigel Young/ Foster and Partners
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
4/4/8 One wall hose (semidetached house)
• 2007
• Zurich, Switzerland
• Kristian Kerez
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 145, Madrid, 2009/II., page 153.
4/5/1 Bordeaux house
• 1998
• Bordeaux, France
• Rem Koolhaas
• photo: Colin Davies
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/5/2 Home in Geres
• 2006
• Canicada, Portugal
• Graca Correia, Roberto Ragazzi
• photo: Fernando Alda
• source: 7/Single-Family Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2008
4/5/3 One wall hose (semidetached house)
• 2007
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Zurich, Switzerland
• Kristian Kerez
• photo: Hisao Suzuki
• source: El croquis 145, Madrid, 2009/II., page 159.
4/5/4 Fallingwater house
• 1935-1937
• Bear Run, Pennsylvania, USA
• Frank Lloyd, Wright,
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
4/5/5 Own family house
• 1971
• Spain
• Jorn Oberg Utzon
• photo: Soeren Kuhn
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/5/6 House M
• 1997
• Tokio, Japan
• SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima es Ryue Nishizawa)
• photo: Shinkenchiku-sha
• source: Clare Melhuish: Modern Houses 2, Phaidon, London, 2000
4/5/7 Own family house
• 1993
• Rua Cartelas Vieira, Portugal
• Eduardo Souto de Moura
• photo: Duccio Malagamba, Barcelona
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
4/5/8 Experimental family house
• 2003
• Hanoi, VN
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• C+A Coelacanth and Associates
4/5/9 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
4/5/10 Croix-Rousse, social housing
• 1999
• Lyon, France
• Frederic Borel
• photo: Nicolas Borel
• source: New Urban Housing, page 104.
4/5/11 H house
• 2011
• Sóskstreet, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Tamás Bujnovszky
• source: Építészfórum:
4/5/12 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
5. Copyrights of the pictures on the Low rise, high
density & Housing game:
5/1/1 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Ole Rafn
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
5/1/2 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-1993
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
5/1/3 Row house with 20 units
• 1998-2001
• Barlang street, Budapest, Hungary
• Ferenc Cságoly, Ferenc Keller
• photo: from Ferenc Keller
5/1/4 Row housing
• 1999
• Gavião, Portugal
• José Gigante, Nuno Valentim Lopes
• photo: Luís Ferreira Alves, João Gomes
• source: Antonio Giménez, Conchi Monzonís: Collective Housing, EDITORIAL PENCIL, S.L., Valencia,
5/1/5 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
5/1/6 Family house
• 2004
• Cádiz, Spain
• Rafael Otero González
• photo: Fernando Alda
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source: Antonio Giménez, Conchi Monzonís: Collective Housing, EDITORIAL PENCIL, S.L., Valencia,
5/1/7 Quinta Monroy
• 2003-2004
• Iquique, Chile
• Elemental S. A.
• source:
5/1/8 Colony Mews
• 2006
• Islington
• Peter Barber
• source:
5/2/1 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Ole Rafn
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
5/2/2 Apartment house with twelve units
• 1992-1993
• Víznyelő street, Budapest, Hungary
• János Mónus, Zsuzsanna Szőke, Sándor Nagy
• photo: János Mónus
• source: Magyar Építőmúvészet 1995/1
5/2/3 Row house with 20 units
• 1998-2001
• Barlang street, Budapest, Hungary
• Ferenc Cságoly, Ferenc Keller
• photo: from Ferenc Keller
5/2/4 Row housing
• 1999
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Gavião, Portugal
• José Gigante, Nuno Valentim Lopes
• photo: Luís Ferreira Alves, João Gomes
• source: Antonio Giménez, Conchi Monzonís: Collective Housing, EDITORIAL PENCIL, S.L., Valencia,
5/2/5 Terracos de Braganca
• 2004
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Alvaro Siza
• photo: Jose Rodrigues
• source: 4/Collective Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2006
5/2/6 Family house
• 2004
• Cádiz, Spain
• Rafael Otero González
• photo: Fernando Alda
• source: Antonio Giménez, Conchi Monzonís: Collective Housing, EDITORIAL PENCIL, S.L., Valencia,
5/2/7 Quinta Monroy
• 2003-2004
• Iquique, Chile
• Elemental S. A.
• source:
5/2/8 Colony Mews
• 2006
• Islington
• Peter Barber
• source:
5/3/1 "Soholm housing estate"
• 1950-1955
• Bellevuekrogen, Klampenborg, Gentofte, Denmark
• Arne Jacobsen
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: D+W
• source: Carsten Thau, Kjeld Vindum: Arne Jacobsen, The Danish Architectural Press / Arkitektens Forlag,
Copenhagen, 2001
5/3/2 "Carpet"-type housing estate "Biserhof"
• 1956-1960
• Biserhofstrasse, Biserhof, St. Gallen, Switzerland
• Heinrich Danzeisen, Hans Voser
• photo: Friedhelm Thomas
• source: Karl Krämer, Einfalmilienhauser in der Gruppe, KARL KRÄMER VERLAG, Stuttgart, 1966
5/3/3 “In den Gartenhöfen” and “Im Pfeiffengarten” housing
• 1959-1961
• Im Pfeiffengarten 4153, Reinach, near Basel, Switzerland
• Ulrich Löw, Theodor Manz
• photo: Foto-Kabus OHG, Konstabz
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
5/3/4 "Haka" patio houses
• 1963-1965
• Hakamaankuja, Tapiola, Helsinki, Finnország
• Pentti Ahola
• photo: The Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
5/3/5 Kyftenbeltlaan, atrium and row houses
• 1968-1971
• Kyfenbeltlaan, Hoevelaken, Netherlands
• Jan Verhoeven
• source:
, 2012.07.19.
5/3/6 Gassehaven housing
• 1973
• Gassehaven, Holte, Denmark
• Palle Suensons
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Keld Helmer – Petersen
• source: Paulhans Peters, Rolf Rosner, Wohn-Häuser,VERLAG GEORG D. W. CALLWEY, München, 1977
5/3/7 Row housing
• 1975
• Futó street, Perbál, Hungary
• Tamás Maros, Judit Hámory
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon, Korszerű kertes beépítések, a sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
5/3/8 “Horstpad row housing”
• 1977
• Hoevelaken, Netherlands
• Jan Verhoeven
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon: Korszerű kertes beépítések, A sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Tankönyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
5/4/1 "Soholm housing estate"
• 1950-1955
• Bellevuekrogen, Klampenborg, Gentofte, Denmark
• Arne Jacobsen
• photo: D+W
• source: Carsten Thau, Kjeld Vindum: Arne Jacobsen, The Danish Architectural Press / Arkitektens Forlag,
Copenhagen, 2001
5/4/2 "Carpet"-type housing estate "Biserhof"
• 1956-1960
• Biserhofstrasse, Biserhof, St. Gallen, Switzerland
• Heinrich Danzeisen, Hans Voser
• photo: Thomas Friedhelm
• source: Karl Krämer, Einfalmilienhauser in der Gruppe, KARL KRÄMER VERLAG, Stuttgart, 1966
5/4/3 “In den Gartenhöfen” and “Im Pfeiffengarten” housing
• 1959-1961
• Im Pfeiffengarten 4153, Reinach, near Basel, Switzerland
• Ulrich Löw, Theodor Manz
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Foto-Kabus OHG, Konstabz
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
5/4/4 "Haka" patio houses
• 1963-1965
• Hakamaankuja, Tapiola, Helsinki, Finnország
• Pentti Ahola
• photo: The Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki
• source: Hubert Hoffmann: Urban Low-Rise Group Housing, Terrace Houses, Patio Houses, Linked Houses,
Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgard, 1967
5/4/5 Kyftenbeltlaan, atrium and row houses
• 1968-1971
• Kyfenbeltlaan, Hoevelaken, Netherlands
• Jan Verhoeven
• source:
, 2012.07.19.
5/4/6 Gassehaven housing
• 1973
• Gassehaven, Holte, Denmark
• Palle Suensons
• photo: Keld Helmer – Petersen
• source: Paulhans Peters, Rolf Rosner, Wohn-Häuser,VERLAG GEORG D. W. CALLWEY, München, 1977
5/4/7 Row housing
• 1975
• Futó street, Perbál, Hungary
• Tamás Maros, Judit Hámory
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon: Korszerű kertes beépítések, a sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
5/4/8 “Horstpad row housing”
• 1977
• Hoevelaken, Netherlands
• Jan Verhoeven
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon: Korszerű kertes beépítések, A sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Tankönyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
5/5/1 Catal Hüyük
• i.e. 7. évezred
• Asia, Turkey
• source:
5/5/2 Catal Hüyük
• i.e. 7. évezred
• Asia, Turkey
• photo: Mathae
• source:
5/5/3 Mathenesse Siedlung
• 1922
• Rotterdam, Netherlands
• J.J.P.Oud
• source: Günther Satmm, J.J.P.Oud, Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963, Florian Kupferberg Verlag, Mainz,
5/5/4 Mathenesse Siedlung
• 1922
• Rotterdam, Netherlands
• J.J.P.Oud
• photo: Martien Kerkhof, Studio Retina
• source: Ed Taverne/Cor Wagenaar/Martien de Vletter: J.J.P.Oud, Poetic Functionalist, Nai Publishers,
Rotterdam, 2001
5/5/5 The Kingo Houses
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Bent Ryberg
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
5/5/6 The Kingo Houses
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 1956
• Kingosvej, Helsingor, Denmark
• Jorn Utzon
• photo: Morgens Prip-Buus
• source: Jorn Utzon / Richard Weston, The Countryard Houses,Jorn Utzon Logbook, Morgens Prip-Buus
/Edition Blondal, Hellerup 2004
5/5/7 Residential housing
• 2001-2002
• Copenhagen, Denmark
• Tegnestuen Vandkunsten
• photo: Olof Hultin
5/5/8 Residential housing
• 2001-2002
• Copenhagen, Denmark
• Tegnestuen Vandkunsten
• photo: Olof Hultin
6. Copyrights of the pictures of the Structural
systems & Dwellings game:
6/1/1 Family house, with medical clinic
• 1961-1962
• Kiskunhalas, Hungary
• István Vellay
• photo: István Szabó
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1963/1., page 25.
6/1/2 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
6/1/3 Klein Bottle house
• 2005-2008
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Mornington Peninsula, Australia
• McBride Charles Ryan - Rob McBride & Debbie-Lyn Ryan
• photo: John Gollings
• source:
6/1/4 Family house
• 2002-2006
• Madrid, Spain
• Eduardo Arroyo
• photo: Roland Halbe
• source: 2G n.41: Eduardo Arroyo, Barcelona 2007
6/1/5 Housing, Gazdagrét
• 1983-1989
• Budapest, Hungary
• source: Hungarian Electronic Library,
6/1/6 Social housing
• 2002
• Lakua, Spain
• Ercilla&Campo Arquitectura
• photo: César San Millán
• source: Key Urban Housing, page 174.
6/1/7 Own family house
• 1933-1935
• Italy
• Luigi Figini
• photo: Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'Architettura, Politecnico di Milano, foto:Topuntoli
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
6/1/8 Erőmű housing
• 1979-1980
• Dorog, Hungary
6/2/1 Family house, with medical clinic
• 1961-1962
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Kiskunhalas, Hungary
• István Vellay
• photo: István Szabó
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1963/1., page 25.
6/2/2 Robie house
• 1909
• Chicago, USA
• Frank Lloyd Wright
• photo: Richard Weston
• source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
6/2/3 Klein Bottle house
• 2005-2008
• Mornington Peninsula, Australia
• McBride Charles Ryan - Rob McBride & Debbie-Lyn Ryan
• photo: John Gollings
• source:
6/2/4 Family house
• 2002-2006
• Madrid, Spain
• Eduardo Arroyo
• photo: Roland Halbe
• source: 2G n.41: Eduardo Arroyo, Barcelona 2007
6/2/5 Housing, Gazdagrét
• 1983-1989
• Budapest, Hungary
• source: Hungarian Electronic Library,
6/2/6 Social housing
• 2002
• Lakua, Spain
• Ercilla&Campo Arquitectura
• photo: César San Millán
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source: Key Urban Housing, page 174.
6/2/7 Own family house
• 1933-1935
• Italy
• Luigi Figini
• photo: Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'Architettura, Politecnico di Milano, foto:Topuntoli
• source: Gennaro Postiglione: 100 Häuser für 100 Architekten,Taschen Deutschland GmbH, Köln, 2008
6/2/8 Erőmű housing
• 1979-1980
• Dorog, Hungary
6/3/1 Mathenesse Siedlung
• 1922
• Rotterdam, Netherlands
• J.J.P.Oud
• source: Günther Satmm, J.J.P.Oud, Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963, Florian Kupferberg Verlag, Mainz,
6/3/2 Villa on Zentai street
• 1934
• Szépvölgyi street 88/b, Budapest II., Hungary
• József Fischer
• photo: József Fischer
• source: Tér és Forma, 1935/1. page 16-17.
6/3/3 Bridge house
• 2008
• Adelaide, Australia
• Max Pritchard Architect
• photo: Sam Noonan
• source: house-max-pritchard-architect/sam-noonan-copyrighted/
6/3/4 Letterbox house
• 2009
• Mornington Peninsula, Australia
• McBride Charles Ryan - Rob McBride & Debbie-Lyn Ryan
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: John Gollings
• source:
6/3/5 Houses with tulips
• 1973
• Atomerőmű lakótelep, Paks, Hungary
• György Csete
6/3/6 Precast housing
• Debrecen, Hungary
6/3/7 Moor house
• 1962
• Orinda, California, USA
• Charles Moor
• photo: Morley Baer Photography Trust, source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century,
Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
6/3/8 CODA
• 2009
• 33 Epsom Road, Sydney, Australia
• Stanisic Associates
• photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall
• source:
6/4/1 Mathenesse Siedlung
• 1922
• Rotterdam, Netherlands
• J.J.P.Oud
• source: Günther Satmm, J.J.P.Oud, Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963, Florian Kupferberg Verlag, Mainz,
6/4/2 Villa on Zentai street
• 1934
• Szépvölgyi street 88/b, Budapest II., Hungary
• József Fischer
• photo: József Fischer
• source: Tér és Forma, 1935/1. page 16-17.
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
6/4/3 Bridge house
• 2008
• Adelaide, Australia
• Max Pritchard Architect
• photo: Sam Noonan
• source: house-max-pritchard-architect/sam-noonan-copyrighted/
6/4/4 Letterbox house
• 2009
• Mornington Peninsula, Australia
• McBride Charles Ryan - Rob McBride & Debbie-Lyn Ryan
• photo: John Gollings
• source:
6/4/5 Houses with tulips
• 1973
• Atomerőmű lakótelep, Paks, Hungary
• György Csete
6/4/6 Precast housing
• Debrecen, Hungary
6/4/7 Moor house
• 1962
• Orinda, California, USA
• Charles Moor
• photo: Morley Baer Photography Trust, source: Colin Davies: Key Houses of the Twentieth Century,
Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, 2006
6/4/8 CODA
• 2009
• 33 Epsom Road, Sydney, Australia
• Stanisic Associates
• photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall
• source:
6/5/1 House with steel porch
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 2009
• Nagykovácsi, Hungary
• László Földes, Csaba Balogh
• photo: Zsuzsa Téglásy
• source:
6/5/2 House with steel porch
• 2009
• Nagykovácsi, Hungary
• László Földes, Csaba Balogh
• photo: Zsuzsa Téglásy
• source:
6/5/3 Steel and wood house
• 2005
• Asturias, Spain
• Ecosistemaurbano
• photo: Emilio P. Doiztua
• source: 5/Architecture sustainable , Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2007, page 346.
6/5/4 Steel and wood house
• 2005
• Asturias, Spain
• Ecosistemaurbano
• photo: Emilio P. Doiztua
• source: 5/Architecture sustainable , Editorial Pencil s.l., Valencia 2007, page 351.
6/5/5 22 Dandár park
• 2008-2010
• Dandár street, Budapest IX., Hungary
• Gábor Kruppa
• photo: Dániel Hoffman
• source:
6/5/6 22 Dandár park
• 2008-2010
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Dandár street, Budapest IX., Hungary
• Gábor Kruppa
• photo: Miklós Soós
• source:
6/5/7 "Collective housing"
• 1978-1979
• Miskolc, Hungary
• Csaba Bodonyi
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon, Korszerű kertes beépítések, a sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
6/5/8 "Collective housing"
• 1978-1979
• Miskolc, Hungary
• Csaba Bodonyi
• photo: István Mózer
• source: Kálmán Timon, Korszerű kertes beépítések, a sorháztól a lakódombig, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
Budapest, 1982
7. Copyrights of the pictures on the Circulation
systems & Dwellings game:
7/1/1 Apartment house of the Weiss Menfred Enterprises Retirement Found
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Domány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
7/1/2 Apartment house on Pasaréti street
• 1937
• Pasaréti street 7., II. Budapest, Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/1/3 Unité d'Habitation
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 1952
• Marseilles, France
• Le Corbusier
• photo: FLC/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London, 2008
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 82.
7/1/4 Apartment house “mag house”
• 2002
• Rottenbiller street, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 2002/05, page 21.
7/1/6 Torre velasca
• 1958
• Milano, Italy
• Lodovice B. Belgioioso, Enrice Peressutti, Ernesto N. Rogers
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1960, Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest
7/1/7 Makasa housing
• 2005
• Les Palmas, Spain
• Alexis López Acosta, Xavier Iván Díaz Martín
• photo: Aitor Ortiz
• source: a+t Density series, D Book, a+t ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Sp. 2007
7/1/8 Apartment house in the Castle of Buda
• 1972
• Úri street, Budapest I., Hungary
• Lajos Horváth (KÖZTI)
• photo: József Szabó
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1978/6
7/2/1 Apartment house of the Weiss Menfred Enterprises Retirement Found
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Domány
• photo: Ferenc Haar
• source: Tér és Forma, 1938, Pápai Ernő Műintézete, Budapest
7/2/2 Apartment house on Pasaréti street
• 1937
• Pasaréti street 7., II. Budapest, Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/2/3 Unité d'Habitation
• 1952
• Marseilles, France
• Le Corbusier
• photo: FLC/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London, 2008
• source: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century, page 82.
7/2/4 Apartment house “mag house”
• 2002
• Rottenbiller street, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 2002/05, page 21.
7/2/6 Torre velasca
• 1958
• Milano, Italy
• Lodovice B. Belgioioso, Enrice Peressutti, Ernesto N. Rogers
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1960, Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest
7/2/7 Makasa housing
• 2005
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Les Palmas, Spain
• Alexis López Acosta, Xavier Iván Díaz Martín
• photo: Aitor Ortiz
• source: a+t Density series, D Book, a+t ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Sp. 2007
7/2/8 Apartment house in the Castle of Buda
• 1972
• Úri street, Budapest I., Hungary
• Lajos Horváth (KÖZTI)
• photo: József Szabó
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1978/6
7/3/1 Apartment house
• 1929
• Nyíregyháza, Hungary
• Dr. Iván Kotsis
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1929, II., Budapest
7/3/2 Apartment house of the Gerogia Retirement Found
• 1936
• Rákóczi street, Károly körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Dr. Béla Tarát, Ede Novák
• photo: Kozelka
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1936, IX., Sós György, Budapest
7/3/3 Apartment house
• 1937
• Rákóczi street 12., Budapest VII, Hungary
• Gyula Wälder
• photo: Tivadar Kozelka
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/3/4 Apartment house
• 1937
• Himfy street 9., Budapest IX., Hungary
• János Wanner
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Zoltán Seidner
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/3/5 Apartment house
• 1937
• Honvéd street, Budapest, Hungary
• György Rumszauer
• photo: Zoltán Seidner
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1939, XII., Pápai Ernő műintézete, Budapest
7/3/6 Apartment house
• 2005
• Kapás street 26-44., Budapest, Hungary
• Zsolt Hajnal
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 12. évfolyam, 2005., március-április, page 39.
7/3/7 Social apartment house with 61 units
• 2006
• Madrid, Spain
• Amann-Canovas-Maruri
• photo: Ángel Baltanás, Estudio Amann-Cánovas-Maruri
• source: 8/Multi-Family Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l. 2008
7/3/8 EMW housing
• 2001-2005
• Calle Berrocal 52-58, Villaverde, Madrid, Spain
• David Chipperfield
• photo: Roland Halbe
• source: Materia vol. 47, Federico Motta Editore, Milano 2005
7/4/1 Apartment house
• 1929
• Nyíregyháza, Hungary
• Dr. Iván Kotsis
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1929, II., Budapest
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
7/4/2 Apartment house of the Gerogia Retirement Found
• 1936
• Rákóczi street, Károly körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Dr. Béla Tarát, Ede Novák
• photo: Kozelka
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1936, IX., Sós György, Budapest
7/4/3 Apartment house
• 1937
• Rákóczi street 12., Budapest VII, Hungary
• Gyula Wälder
• photo: Tivadar Kozelka
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/4/4 Apartment house
• 1937
• Himfy street 9., Budapest IX., Hungary
• János Wanner
• photo: Zoltán Seidner
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/4/5 Apartment house
• 1937
• Honvéd street, Budapest, Hungary
• György Rumszauer
• photo: Zoltán Seidner
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1939, XII., Pápai Ernő műintézete, Budapest
7/4/6 Apartment house
• 2005
• Kapás street 26-44., Budapest, Hungary
• Zsolt Hajnal
• photo: Andrea Häider
• source: Alaprajz, 12. évfolyam, 2005., március-április, page 39.
7/4/7 Social apartment house with 61 units
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 2006
• Madrid, Spain
• Amann-Canovas-Maruri
• photo: Ángel Baltanás, Estudio Amann-Cánovas-Maruri
• source: 8/Multi-Family Housing, Editorial Pencil s.l. 2008
7/4/8 EMW housing
• 2001-2005
• Calle Berrocal 52-58, Villaverde, Madrid, Spain
• David Chipperfield
• photo: Roland Halbe
• source: Materia vol. 47, Federico Motta Editore, Milano 2005
7/5/1 Apartment house of the Weiss Menfred Enterprises Retirement Found
• 1937
• Margit körstreet, Budapest, Hungary
• Béla Hofstatter, Ferenc Domány
7/5/2 Apartment house on Pasaréti street
• 1937
• Pasaréti street 7., Budapest II., Hungary
• Farkas Molnár
• source: A Tér és Forma, 1937, 10th issue, Tér és Forma szerkesztősége és kiadóhivatala, Budapest, 1937
7/5/3 Apartment house in the Castle of Buda
• 1972
• Úri street, Budapest I., Hungary
• Lajos Horváth (KÖZTI)
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1978/6
7/5/4 Flower Tower
• 2004
• Párizs, Hungary
• Edouard Francois
7/5/5 Torre velasca
• 1958
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Milano, Italy
• Lodovice B. Belgioioso, Enrice Peressutti, Ernesto N. Rogers
• source: Magyar Építőművészet, 1960, Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest
7/5/6 Unité d'Habitation
• 1952
• Marseilles, France
• Le Corbusier
7/5/7 Apartment house “mag house”
• 2002
• Rottenbiller street, Budapest, Hungary
• Tamás Dévényi
7/5/8 Makasa housing
• 2005
• Les Palmas, Spain
• Alexis López Acosta, Xavier Iván Díaz Martín
8. Copyrights of the pictures on the Energy –
efficiency & Dwellings game:
8/1/1 BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development)
• 2000-2002
• Hackbridge, London, Great Britain
• Bill Dunster
• source:
8/1/2 Earth House Estate Lättenstrasse
• Dietikon, Switzerland
• Peter Vetsch, Vetsch Architektur
• source:
8/1/3 Passive progressive
• 2009
• Bessancourt, France
• Karawitz Architecture
• photo: Nicholas Calcott
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• source:
8/1/4 Separation Creek House
• Separation Creek, Victoria, Australia
• Jackson Clements Burrows Pty Ltd Architects
• photo: John Gollings
• source: house-jackson-clements-burrows/
8/1/5 Hof Residence
• 2007
• Skagafjörður fjord, Iceland
• Studio Granda
• photo: Studio Granda
• source:
8/1/6 Hunsett Mill
• 2010
• Hunsett Mill, Chapel Field Road, Stalham, Norfolk, Great Britain
• ACME (Friedrich Ludewig, Stefano Dal Piva) és Karoline
• photo: Cristobal Palma
• source:
8/1/7 Thomas Eco House
• Arlington, Washington, USA
• Designs Northwest Architects
• photo: Designs Northwest Architects
• source: house-designs-northwest-architects/
8/1/9 Family house
• 2005
• Brussels
• Philippe Samyn
• photos: Patrick Blanc
• source:
8/2/1 BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development)
• 2000-2002
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Hackbridge, London, Great Britain
• Bill Dunster
• source:
8/2/2 Earth House Estate Lättenstrasse
• Dietikon, Switzerland
• Peter Vetsch, Vetsch Architektur
• source:
8/2/3 Passive progressive
• 2009
• Bessancourt, France
• Karawitz Architecture
• photo: Nicholas Calcott
• source:
8/2/4 Separation Creek House
• Separation Creek, Victoria, Australia
• Jackson Clements Burrows Pty Ltd Architects
• photo: John Gollings
• source: house-jackson-clements-burrows/
8/2/5 Hof Residence
• 2007
• Skagafjörður fjord, Iceland
• Studio Granda
• photo: Studio Granda
• source:
8/2/6 Hunsett Mill
• 2010
• Hunsett Mill, Chapel Field Road, Stalham, Norfolk, Great Britain
• ACME (Friedrich Ludewig, Stefano Dal Piva) és Karoline
• photo: Cristobal Palma
• source:
8/2/7 Thomas Eco House
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Arlington, Washington, USA
• Designs Northwest Architects
• photo: Designs Northwest Architects
• source: house-designs-northwest-architects/
8/2/9 Family house
• 2005
• Brussels
• Philippe Samyn
• photos: Patrick Blanc
• source:
8/3/1 E+ Green Home
• Seoul, South Korea
• Unsngdong Architects
• photo: Sergio Pirrone
• source:
8/3/2 Veljko Milkovic's Self-Heating Ecological House
• 1979
• Novi Sad, Serbia
• Veljko Milkovic
• photo: Ternit
• source: house.jpg
8/3/3 Sunlighthouse
• 2010
• Pressbaum, Austria
• Matthias Hein, Juri Troy
• photo: Péter Garai
• source:
8/3/4 CODA
• 2009
• 33 Epsom Road, Sydney, Australia
• Stanisic Associates
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall
• source:
8/3/5 Passive house
• 1990-1991
• Darmstadt, Germany
• Prof. Bott/Ridder/Westermeyer
• photo: Passivhaus Institut
• source:
• source:
8/3/7 Reflecting Hube
• Weinheim, Germany
• Helwig Hase + Raum Planungs GmbH
• photo: Kristof Lemp
• source:
8/3/9 Villa Cascais
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Frederico Valsassina Arquitectos
• photo:
• source:
8/4/1 E+ Green Home
• Seoul, South Korea
• Unsngdong Architects
• photo: Sergio Pirrone
• source:
8/4/2 Veljko Milkovic's Self-Heating Ecological House
• 1979
• Novi Sad, Serbia
• Veljko Milkovic
• photo: Ternit
• source: house.jpg
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
8/4/3 Sunlighthouse
• 2010
• Pressbaum, Austria
• Matthias Hein, Juri Troy
• photo: Péter Garai
• source:
8/4/4 CODA
• 2009
• 33 Epsom Road, Sydney, Australia
• Stanisic Associates
• photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall
• source:
8/4/5 Passive house
• 1990-1991
• Darmstadt, Germany
• Prof. Bott/Ridder/Westermeyer
• photo: Passivhaus Institut
• source:
• source:
8/4/7 Reflecting Hube
• Weinheim, Germany
• Helwig Hase + Raum Planungs GmbH
• photo: Kristof Lemp
• source:
8/4/9 Villa Cascais
• Lisbon, Portugal
• Frederico Valsassina Arquitectos
• photo:
• source:
8/5/2 Hunsett Mill
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• 2010
• Hunsett Mill, Chapel Field Road, Stalham, Norfolk, Great Britain
• ACME (Friedrich Ludewig, Stefano Dal Piva) és Karoline
• photo: Cristobal Palma
• source:
8/5/4 The Houl
• 2009
• Simon Winstanley Architects
• Dalry, Castle Douglas. DG7 3UB, Skócia
• photo: Simon Winstanley Architects, Andrew Lee
• source:
8/5/5 Capitol Hill Residence
• 2011
• Seattle, WA, USA
• Balance Associates Architects
• photo: Steve Keating Photography
• source:
8/5/6 Capitol Hill Residence
• 2011
• Seattle, WA, USA
• Balance Associates Architects
• photo: Steve Keating Photography
• source:
8/5/7 Stacking Green
• 2011
• Saigon, Vietnam
• Vo Trong Nghia, Daisuke Sanuki, Shunri Nishizawa (Vo Trong Nghia Co., ltd.)
• photo: Hiroyuki Oki
• source:
8/5/8 Stacking Green
• 2011
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Copyrights of the pictures in the
• Saigon, Vietnam
• Vo Trong Nghia, Daisuke Sanuki, Shunri Nishizawa (Vo Trong Nghia Co., ltd.)
• photo: Hiroyuki Oki
• source:
Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
Appendix A. The source of the
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<div onclick="belep();"><img src="images/nyil.jpg" style="height:37px;marginleft: 10px;" />
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<div id="msg" class="felugro">You won!</div>
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