IT Outsourcing

Chapter 10
Information Systems Sourcing
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Kellwood Opening Case
• Why did Kellwood outsource?
• Why did Kellwood decide to backsource after 13
• What was the result?
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Sourcing Decision Framework
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Sourcing Options
Domestic in-house
Domestic outsourcing
Company produces its
products domestically without
any outside contracts
Offshore in-house
Company uses services supplied
by its own foreign-based affiliate
Company uses services supplied
by another domestic-based
Offshore outsourcing
Company uses services supplied
by an unaffiliated foreign-based
Figure 10.3. Different Forms of Sourcing.
(Source: servlet/reweb2.ReWEB?rwsite=DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD)
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A firm provides IS services or develops IS in its own inhouse IS organization
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IT Outsourcing
• With IT, there is equipment and personnel involved
• Equipment and facilities are sold to outside
• Personnel might be hired by outside vendors
• Services are hired from the vendors
• Common length of agreement: 10 years
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Insourcing drivers and challenges
Insourcing Drivers
Insourcing Challenges
Core competencies related to
Inadequate support from top
management to acquire needed
Confidentiality or sensitive
system components or services
Time available in-house to
develop software
Temptation from finding a
reliable, competent outsourcing
Expertise for software
development in-house
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Economics of Outsourcing
• Benefits:
• Sell equipment, buildings (large cash inflow)
• Downsized payroll – outsourcer hires employees
• Costs:
• Services provided for a fee
• Fixed costs usually over 10-year term
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Drivers and disadvantages of outsourcing
• Offer cost savings
• Offer service quality
• Ease transition to new
• Offer better strategic focus
• Provide better mgmt of IS staff
• Handle peaks
• Consolidate data centers
• Infusion of cash
Abdication of control
High switching costs
Lack of technological innovation
Loss of strategic advantage
Reliance on outsourcer
Problems with
• Evaporation of cost savings
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Decisions about How to Outsource
• Decisions about whether or not to outsource need care and
• Requires numerous other decisions about mitigating
outsourcing risks.
• Three major decision areas: selection, contracting, and
1. Selection: find compatible providers
2. Contracting:
1. Try for flexible management terms
2. Try for shorter (3-5 year) contracts
3. Try for SLAs (service level agreements on performance)
3. Scope – Determine if full or partial outsourcing
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• Short for outsourcing offshore
• Definition:
• When the MIS organization uses contractor services in
a distant land. (Insourcing offshore would be your own
dept offshore)
• Substantial potential cost savings through reduced
labor costs.
• Some countries offer a very well educated labor
• Implementation of quality standards:
• Six Sigma
• ISO 9001
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Selecting an Offshoring Destination
• About 100 countries are now exporting software
services and products.
• What makes countries attractive for offshoring?
High English language proficiency.
Countries that are peaceful/politically stable.
Countries with lower crime rates.
Countries with friendly relationships.
Security and/or trade restrictions.
Protects intellectual property
Level of technical infrastructure available.
Good, efficient labor force
• Once a country is selected, the particular city in that
country needs to be assessed as well.
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Selecting an Offshoring Destination
• Countries like India make an entire industry of
• Software Engineering Institute’s Capability Maturity
Model (CMM).
• Level 1: the software development processes are
immature, bordering on chaotic.
• Level 5: processes are quite mature, sophisticated,
systematic, reliable
• Indian firms are well known for their CMM Level 5
software development processes, making them
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Offshore DestinationDevelopment Tiers
Carmel and Tjia suggest that there are three tiers of
software exporting nations:
Tier 1: Mature.
Tier 2: Emerging.
Brazil, Costa Rica, South Korea, and many Eastern European countries.
Tier 3: Infant.
United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, the
Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, India, Ireland, Israel, China, and Russia.
Cuba, Vietnam, Jordan, and 15 to 25 others.
Tiers: based on industrial maturity, the extent of
clustering of some critical mass of software enterprises,
and export revenues.
The higher tiered countries have higher levels of skills and
higher costs.
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• Definition: sourcing service work to a foreign, lowerwage country that is relatively far away in distance or
time zone.
• Client company hopes to benefit from one or more
• Big cost savings due to exchange rates, labor costs,
government subsidies, etc.
• For the US and UK, India and China are popular
• Oddly, India and China also offshore to other
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• Definition: sourcing service work to a foreign, lower-wage
country that is relatively close in distance or time zone.
• Client company hopes to benefit from one or more ways
of being close:
• geographically, temporally, culturally, linguistically, economically, politically or
from historical linkages.
• Distance and language matter.
• There are three major global nearshore clusters:
• 20 nations around the U.S., and Canada
• 27 countries around Western Europe
• smaller cluster of three countries in East Asia
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Captive Centers
• An overseas subsidiary that is set up to serve the
parent company.
• Alternative to offshoring or nearshoring.
• Four major stategies that are being employed:
• Hybrid Captive – performs core business processes for parent company
but outsources noncore work to offshore provider
• Shared Captive - performs work for both parent company and external
• Divested captive - have a large enough scale and scope that it could be
sold for a profit by the parent company.
• Terminated Captive - has been shut down, usually because its inferior
service was hurting the parent company’s reputation.
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• When a company takes back in-house, previously
outsourced, IS assets, activities, and skills.
• Partial or complete reversal
• Many companies have backsourced such as
Continental Airlines, Cable and Wireless, and Halifax
Bank of Scotland.
• 70% of outsourcing clients have had negative
experiences and 25% have backsourced.
• 4% of 70 North American companies would not
consider backsourcing.
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Backsourcing Reasons
• Mirror reason for outsourcing (to reduce costs,
increase quality of service, etc.)
• Costs were higher than expected
• Poor service
• Change in management
• Change in the way IS is perceived within the
• New situations (mergers, acquisitions, etc.)
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• Definition:
• Taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or
contractor, and
• Outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of
• In the form of an open call.
• Used by companies to increase productivity, lower
production costs, and fill skill gaps.
• Can be used for a variety of tasks.
• Companies do not have control over the people doing
the work.
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Partnering Arrangements
• Strategic networks: arrangements made with
other organizations to offer synergistic or
complementary services
• Example: The Mitsui Keiretsu contains over 30 firms
spanning many industries. The members use each
others’ services and don’t compete: Toshiba,
Fujifilm, Sony are members
• Business ecosystems (see chapter 9): Informal,
emerging relationships
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Deciding Where Onshore, Offshore, or in the Cloud?
• New option: cloud computing
• See chapter 6 for basic definitions; advantages;
• Works when outsourcing or insourcing
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Cloud Computing Options
• On-premise
• Private clouds
• Data—managed by the company or offsite by a third party.
• Community clouds.
• Cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations
• Supports the shared concerns of a specific community.
• Public clouds.
• Data is stored outside of the corporate data centers
• In the cloud provider’s environment
• Hybrid clouds
• Combination of two or more other clouds.
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Public Clouds - Versions
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
• Infrastructure through grids or clusters of virtualized servers,
networks, storage, and systems software.
• Designed to augment or replace the functions of an entire data
• The customer may have full control of the actual server
• More risk management control over the data and environment.
• Platform as a Service (PaaS).
• Virtualized servers
• Clients can run existing applications or develop new ones
• Provider manages the hardware, operating system, and
• Limits the enterprise risk management capabilities.
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Public Clouds - Versions
Software as a Service (SaaS) or Application Service Provider (ASP).
• Software application functionality through a web browser.
• The platform and infrastructure are fully managed by the cloud
• If the operating system or underlying service isn’t configured
correctly, the data at the higher application layer may be at risk.
• The most widely known and used form of cloud computing.
Some managers shy away from cloud computing because they are
concerned about:
• security—specifically about external threats from remote
hackers and security breaches as the data travels to and from
the cloud.
• data privacy.
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