FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EMT 113/4 INTRODUCTION Course Outcomes (COs) CO1 Understand the concept and the basics operation of electrical machines and instrumentation. CO2 Analyze the transformer, dc machines and ac machines with respect to their efficiency, equivalent circuits and losses. CO3 Analyze the basics operation of dc and ac meters, dc and ac bridges, sensors and transducers. Course Outlines Part1 : Electrical machines »Transformer »DC machines »AC machines Part2 : Instrumentation »DC Bridges »AC Bridges »Sensors and Transducers Assessments a) Final Exam : 50 % b) Coursework: 50 % (i) 25 % Practical: - 15 % from Lab Reports. - 10% from Lab Test. (ii) 25 % : - 10 % from Written Test 1 & Test 2 - 15 % from Viva & Quizzes. List of Experiments LAB EXPERIMENT 1 Lab Introduction 2 3 Single Phase Transformer; voltage and current ratio DC Series Motor 4 Three Phase AC Induction Motor 5 d'Arsonval Galvanometer 6 The Basic Voltmeter Design 7 The Wheatstone Bridge Reference books • Chapman S.J., “Electric Machinery Fundamentals”, Fourth Edition, 2005, McGraw Hill, Singapore (Text book). • Z.A. Yamayee & J.L. Bala, “ Electromechanical Energy Devices & Power Systems”, 1994, Wiley & Sons, USA • Bhas S. Guru & Huseyin R. Hiziroglu, “Electric Machinery and Transformers”, 2001, Oxford University Press. • A.K. Sawhney & P.Sawhney, “A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation” Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd., 2001. • C.S Rangan, G.R. Sarma & V.S. Mani, “Instrumentation Devices & System” Tata, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2004. Lecturers & Teaching Engineers • School of Microelectronics • Mrs. Nor Farhani binti Zakaria • Mrs. Nor Azeani Abd Rahman • Mrs. Wan Azlianawati bt Wan Aziz • School of Computer & Electrocommunication • Mrs. Nur Baya binti Mohd Hashim • Mrs. Shariffah Zarihan bt Syed Zaharim Helmi Teaching Planning Study Week 1 Course Content Chapter 1:Transformer. Introduction, applications, types and constructions of transformer. General theory of transformer operation. The ideal & real single phase transformer. Lab / Tutorial Lab Introduction 2 Chapter 1:Transformer(cont). Exact & Approximate Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer. Transformer Voltage Regulation Efficiency. Open & Short Circuit. Three Phase Transformer. Lab 1: Single Phase Transformer- Voltage and Current Ratio 3 Chapter 2:DC Machines. Introduction & construction of DC Machines. Tutorial 1 4 Chapter 2:DC Machines(cont). operation, types & analysis of DC Machines. Lab 2: DC Series Motor 5 Chapter 2:DC Machines(cont). Performance, equivalent of DC Machines. DC Machine Excitation Methods. Tutorial 2 Teaching Planning (cont) Study Week 6 Course Content Chapter 3:AC Machines – Induction Motors. Introduction, construction & basic concepts. Equivalent Circuit of Three Phase Induction Motor. Performance Calculation. Power and Torque.Torque-Speed Characteristics. Lab / Tutorial Lab 3: Three Phase AC Induction Motor 7 Chapter 3:AC Machines – Sychronous Motors. Introduction,Construction of Synchronous Motors. Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Motor. 8 Chapter 4:AC and DC Meters. Measurements in AC and DC. 9 Chapter 4:AC and DC Meters(cont). Applications of DC Meter Applications of AC Meters Tutorial 4 10 Chapter 4:AC and DC Meters(cont). D’Arsonval Galvanometer Lab 5: The Voltmeter Design 11 Chapter 5:AC and DC Bridge. Design and Principle of DC Bridge. Tutorial 3 Lab 4: D’Arsonval Galvanometer Tutorial 5 Teaching Planning (cont) Study Week Course Content Lab / Tutorial 12 Chapter 5:AC and DC Bridge(cont). Applications of DC Bridge. Types of DC Bridge Lab 6: The Wheatstone Bridges 13 Chapter 6:Sensors and Transducers. Introduction to Sensors and Transducers. Lab Test 14 Chapter 6:Sensors and Transducers(cont). Different Types of Transducers. Tutorial 6 **Clearer Microsoft Word version can be downloaded from portal.