
Terms of Reference
The Afghanistan Workforce Development Program (AWDP) is a four-year program funded by
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) implemented by Ministry of
Education’s Deputy Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DM-TVET)
with technical support from Creative Associates International.
The goal of the AWDP is to increase mid-career employment opportunities for Afghan men
and women by improving the quality of market-driven technical training and increasing job
placements and salaries in key economic sectors. Support for the expansion and strengthening
of the private sector in key economic sectors is a priority area for both the Government of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) and USAID.
Mid-career skilled workers are in high demand in several expanding economic sectors.
Developing the capacity of skilled Afghan workers, and placing them into private sector jobs,
will contribute to a reduction in (a) the high level of under- and unemployment among Afghan
nationals; and (b) the current dependency on foreign workers to fill mid-career, skilled jobs in
Afghanistan. The grant under this RFP will provide training and job placement support to
jobseekers looking for work with the private sector.
Program Objectives:
Increase employment for Afghan mid-career men and women.
Improve technical and vocational education and training
Link training service providers with employers to understand private sector skills
Adapt curricula which are consistent with private sector needs.
Improve TVET and business education teaching and training skills.
Provide job placement services for mid-career job seekers with the private sector.
Scope of Work
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit high quality proposals from
national and international non-government organizations, private companies, and private
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
education institutions to provide job placement services for mid-career job seekers with
private and semi-public1 sector.
The Ministry of Education (MoE) of the (GIRoA) through this RFP places special emphasis
MoE’s interest in job placement services and completion of training schedules by
Gender equity
Encouraging female owned businesses to apply for this RFP and develop/adapt
curricula specifically designed for women. Additionally, the RFP will encourage
TVET/ BEST institutes to have career counseling programs specifically tailored to the
needs of women job seekers.
Providing employment opportunities to qualified mid-career job seekers is a priority for both
the GIRoA and USAID. Mid-career skilled job seekers are in high demand for several
increasingly expanding economic sectors, i.e., construction, business management, and ICT in
Afghanistan. The program will assist skilled jobseekers across Afghanistan with developing
sets of skills that will increase their chances of securing employment with private companies.
These skills may include CV writing skills, interview skills, communication skills, work ethic
skills, etc. This will contribute to a reduction in (a) the high level of under- and
unemployment among Afghan nationals; and (b) the current dependency on foreign workers
to fill mid-career, skilled jobs in Afghanistan.
Contracts under this RFP will be awarded to organizations to provide modern, demand-driven
job placement services. The services to be provided by the job placement service provider
must include: (a) registration of qualified, mid-career job seekers who have received specific
competency based training through AWDP grantees or other recognized
organization/companies or who can demonstrate they possess technical skills that are in
demand by the private sector in Afghanistan; (b) registration of mid-career job vacancies in
key economic sectors; (c) provision of pre-employment trainings programs, job preparation
services for mid-career job seekers; (d) provision of job development, job matching and job
placement services for mid-career job seekers; and (e) provision of follow-up services for
successfully placed mid-career workers and employers. The effective and efficient provision
of these services will require a fully operational comprehensive IT network and data base.
Consultants are to submit Expressions of Interest in accordance with the instructions in
Section II of this document. When developing an expression of interest, the consultants are
required to consider the following guidelines:
1. A Demand Assessment as the first and important step of the model should be
conducted within a time frame of three weeks to one month for the first round of skill
Semi-public companies refer to organizations or institutions that are autonomous such as the Banke-Mili Afghan (BMA) or the Afghan Breshna Sherkat.
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
2. Selection of program targeted job seekers based the demand assessment of private
3. Training Delivery will depend on the design of the curriculum. The maximum time for
this activity to be completed is six months.
4. Recruit Trainers with relevant Bachelor level qualification and at least three years
relevant experience.
5. Employment Related Services and Placement is carried out after successful
completion of training and starts after completion of the first round of training
programs. This activity will run until the end of the project.
6. Follow Up as the last activity must be conducted after successful placement of training
graduates and will continue through the rest of the project.
Each of the activities above is articulated in details from A to C below.
Gender Equity:
All consultants are required to ensure that the following requirements are specifically
considered in their proposals for this RFP, as they are the minimum gender requirements:
At least 25% of the proposed target of people trained and placed are women
All relevant data are gender disaggregated with result frameworks including gender
sensitive and specific indicators
Inclusion of gender equality results and indicators in the proposal
Gender equity is an integral part of the proposal
A gender focal point is included in the structure of the staffing as part of the proposal
to this RFP with clear responsibilities and time allocated for the tasks.
The consultants are hereby required to include a specific section in their response to this RFP
that will clearly state their strategy to reach the pre-determined targets stated above for the
training and placement of women.
Female owned businesses are encouraged to apply for this RFP and develop/adapt curricula
specifically designed for women
Through this RFP, the MoE is encouraging and requesting all female owned businesses and
enterprises to submit proposals for funding. The RFP requires that consultants propose
specific curricula that will accelerate entry of women into the workforce.
Upon the final award of a contract, the successful consultant is required to work with at least
two private TVET and BEST institutions that have career counseling centers and provide
technical assistance to them. Alternatively, the contractors will provide the same services
themselves so they can adapt and tailor specific programs for trained women and job seekers
to accelerate their entry into the workforce.
A. Private Sector Demand Assessment
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
Program Description: The applicant must possess the capacity to provide modern, demanddriven walk-in and on-line job placement services. The key principles of the applicant’s
strategic vision for the provision of job placement service delivery should be to establish
partnerships with private sector enterprises in key economic sectors. The job placement
service delivery will be required to meet the needs of private sector enterprises for qualified,
competent and reliable mid-career skilled workers.
The Skills Demand Assessment is the first component of the AWDP model. Each consultant
must make contact with, and develop a relationship with private sector companies (PSCs).
This contact helps the applicant understand the nature of the PSCs’ businesses and their
demand for specific sector related skills.
After the award of a contract to the successful consultant, contact will continue on a
collaborative basis throughout the life of the contract. The relationship is recorded in a
contract agreement which guides the process of gathering data about skills required by the
PSCs. The result of this collaboration is a clear mutual understanding of what skills private
and semi-public sector enterprises need.
Proposal Technical Requirement: Applicants are required to elaborate how they will contact
potential employers, discuss the needs of the companies, and conduct preliminary assessment to
elaborate companies needed competences. Applicants are to demonstrate and explain in the
proposal that contacts were made and provide an initial skills demand assessment report. The
report should include company’s names and competencies identified. This report, in summary,
will be an important part of the application.
The proposal must clearly articulate the design and implementation of PSCs vacancies
identification process. Since targeting women is especially important for AWDP, women-owned
businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Regardless of ownership, the successful applicants
will clearly elaborate how they plan on reaching and incorporating into the workforce female
jobseekers, thus contributing to the overall goal of contributing to greater gender equity in
B. Program Targeted Job Seekers Selection:
Program Description: The AWDP targeted jobseekers for this contract are mid-career job
seekers who have received specific competency based training through AWDP grantees or
other recognized organizations/companies or who can demonstrate that they possess technical
skills that are in demand by the private sector in Afghanistan, and are holding at least a high
school certificate with one or two years’ of work experience or are graduates from
TVET/BEST institutions or are university graduates who are looking for jobs.
Proposal Technical Requirement: The consultants must develop and present a methodology,
including specific selection criteria, for the recruitment of potential mid-career job seekers who
can demonstrate they possess technical skills in demand by the private sector in Afghanistan, to
be placed in the private and public entities. In the recruitment methodology special preference is
to be given to women to ensure that at least 25% of the recruited mid-career job seekers are
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
women. The consultants are encouraged to design training courses specifically targeting women
and women-owned businesses
C. Employment Related Services
After successful completion of the private sector demand assessment and program targeted
job seeker selection, the next step is for the contractor to place 70% of targeted job seekers in
appropriate private sector positions. AWDP has divided the employment related services into
four main parts as following;
Job Development and Databases
Pre-Employment Training
Job Matching, Job Placement and Salary Increase
Follow up Services
Proposal Technical Requirement:
a) Job Development and Databases: The consultants will be required to include methodology
for job development. The consultants will be required to describe how they will identify job
opportunities, conduct job analysis and design job seeker profile forms. The consultants will be
required to explain how they will develop the employment database containing information
about job opportunities within private sector companies for mid-career job seekers including men
and women.
Pre-Employment Training: The consultants must outline the elements of the preemployment training that needs to be provided to the trainees for placing job seekers into midcareer positions with private sector companies. The outline must indicate that the preemployment training will cover CV and cover letter development, how to diplomatically follow
up on job applications that they have already made for example, sending a thank you letter for
accepting aCV and especially for an interview, planning and conducting job search activities,
networking skills, interviewing skills, labour market knowledge and organizational behaviour.
c) Job matching and Job Placement Services: The consultants must describe the process of
job matching and job placement services that will be provided for targeted job seekers. The
consultants will be required to describe the job matching services they plan to provide including
a comprehensive description of how they will engage with the private/public sector employers to
identify job vacancies. The consultants must describe how they will match job seekers’ skills to
job vacancies based on their skill sets and abilities with the demands of the private sector for
employers with those skill sets. In addition, successful consultants will elaborate on how their
program will provide opportunities to female trainees to be paired or partnered with female
role models in private business for both formal and informal coaching and mentoring.
Applicants are encouraged to articulate a plan for holding female-focused job fairs, career
days, and educational site visits to female friendly businesses.
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
d) Follow-Up Services: The consultants are required to explain their follow up services strategy
for job seekers who have been placed in private/public entities. This strategy must elaborate on
the mechanism through which the contractor and AWDP will be able to verify each placement.
The mechanism also needs to ensure that the placed job seekers maintain their employment and
will receive on-the-job support as required.
After the contract is awarded, the contractor will be required to develop job development
processes, employment databases, provide pre-employment training, which includes CV and
cover letter development, planning and conducting job search activities, networking skills,
interviewing skills, labour market knowledge, and job maintenance skills. Upon the award, the
contractor will also be expected to provide a clear schedule tied to fulfilling the milestones of the
contract. The contractor will use contacts established with the private sector in the needs
assessment phase. They will develop databases for matching job vacancies with the profiles of
the selected job seekers and introduce or direct, job seekers to appropriate employers. The
contractor will also conduct follow up services for all placed job seekers to ensure that they are
successfully placed and maintain their jobs for duration of at least three months. It is required
that the contractor should complete placement of at least 70% of their target.
I. Geographic Coverage
Kabul, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar e Sharif, Kundoz, Khost, Gardez, Ghazni,
Bamyan, Badakhshan, Baghlan and Shabarghan
The tenure of the assignment is for a period of Ten Months.
A profile of the organizations applying for this RFP must be submitted along with the
technical proposal. Consultants must provide a written record of experience that either
demonstrates their institutional accreditation or validates their capacity to deliver services that
meet national or international standards.
The institutional profile must include the following information:
Registration, accreditation and/or certification of the institution;
Date entity established;
Description of physical facilities and equipment;
Number and type of staff, their qualifications and organization structure;
Financial and administrative systems
Consultants should also consider the qualifications described below:
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
1. The consulting firm (registered locally in Afghanistan) will have demonstrated
experience for similar scope of work in Afghanistan or if internationally registered in a
developing country
2. Consulting firm should be able to provide required management and technical experts
who by themselves have experience in training programs
3. Consulting firm may be a private Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET)institution also, but with demonstrated consulting, training or similar
4. Consulting firm may also be a private Business Education and Skills Training (BEST)
5. Consulting firm should have inherent capacity to provide all supports that have been
mentioned above without third party contracting.
A response to this request for proposal should be made for 30 institutes. In case there is a joint
response is for more than one institute, a clear division of tasks should be given, with the lead
responder taking the responsibility for managing the whole assignment.
Inputs and Facilities to be provided by the Client
The administrative and technical support provided by the client (AWDP/DM-TVET) will
include technical assistance to all consultants in preparing responsive proposals through
organization of pre-proposal conferences. After the contract is awarded, the AWDP/DMTVET will provide technical assistance and support during implementation of the activities
under contract.
At the time of award of the contract to the successful consultant, the deliverables below will be mutually agreed upon and included
in the contract agreement between AWDP/DM-TVET and the successful consultant. The deliverables below will be in the form of
Chart of Milestone. DM-TVET will pay the contractor after completion and verification of these deliverables. In the Chart of
Milestone, the deliverables will be organized in up to six milestones. Each milestone will have a planned completion date. It is an
DM-TVET requirement that all the deliverables should be in
Description of
Staffing and Office
Set up
Required Deliverable
Completion Date
Upon completion of this milestone the contractor shows
evidence of;
1) Work Plan approved by AWDP Program Management
2) Project Key Personnel (Project Manager, All Trainers, M&E
Specialist and Job Development Specialists) CVs are
communicated with and approved by AWDP Program
Management and M&E Specialist.
3) Office set up is completed and employee work stations are
prepared and functioning.
4) Project staffing organizational chart for all personnel
completed and approved by AWDP Program Management
5) A minimum of 5 MOUs have been signed with Private
Sector entities in each province.
6) Weekly update reports are provided to AWDP on time
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
Training Delivery,
Placement and
Upon completion of this milestone contractor shows evidence
1) Adapted and validated competency-based training curricula
and training design approved by AWDP Program
Management Specialist. The curricula and training design
are submitted electronically to AWDP
2) Detailed list (name and Tazkera No.) of (350) (100%)
targeted employees and (150) (100%) job seekers who will
participate in the training program is submitted to AWDP
3) Job vacancy and job seeker databases approved by AWDP
M&E and the mentioned number of trainees (job seekers)
have been entered into the database
4) A total of (175) (50% of the total contract target) employees
and (75) (50% of the total contract target) job seekers have
completed technical and pre-employment training. (A
participant must have attended at least 85% of the training
program in order to achieve a complete status)
5) Contact reports of visits with at least (12) private sector
companies in each province provided to AWDP.
6) Job placement activities have promoted (175) (50% of the
total target) employees and placed (75) (50% of the total
contract target) job seekers into mid-career/semiprofessional positions.
7) All AWDP Training standardized M&E Registration Forms;
Training Attendance Sheets; M&E Exit Questionnaires and
updated M&E database are provided to AWDP. AWDP
M&E validation of training data is passed.
40 %
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
8) AWDP Placement standardized follow up report and the
M&E Job Placement or Salary Increase Verification Forms
for all placed and promoted trainees are provided to AWDP.
AWDP M&E validation of placement data is passed.
9) Weekly update reports are provided to AWDP on time
Training Delivery,
Placement and
follow -up
Upon completion of this milestone the contractor shows
evidence of;
1) A total number of (140) (40% of the total contract target)
employees and (60) (40% of the total contract target) job
seekers completed technical and pre-employment training
(A participant must have attended at least 85% of the
training program in order to achieve a complete status)
2) Contact reports of visits with at least (12) private sector
companies in each province provided to AWDP.
3) Job placement activities have promoted (140) (40% of the
total contract target) employees and placed (60) (40% of the
total contract target) job seekers into mid-career/semiprofessional positions.
4) All AWDP Training standardized M&E Registration Forms;
Training Attendance Sheets; M&E Exit Questionnaires and
updated M&E database are provided to AWDP. AWDP
M&E validation of training data is passed
5) AWDP Placement standardized follow up report and the
M&E Job Placement or Salary Increase Verification Forms
for all placed and promoted trainees are provided to AWDP.
AWDP M&E validation of placement data is passed
6) Weekly update reports are provided to AWDP on time
40 %
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
Training Delivery,
Placement, Follow up and Project
Upon completion of this milestone the contractor submits below
listed documents to AWDP
7) A total number of (35) (10% of the total contract target)
employees and (15) (10% of the total contract target) job
seekers completed technical and pre-employment training
(A participant must have attended at least 85% of the
training program in order to achieve a complete status)
8) Contact reports of visits with at least (12) private sector
companies in each province provided to AWDP.
9) Job placement activities have promoted (35) (10% of the
total contract target) employees and placed (15) (10% of the
total contract target) job seekers into mid-career/semiprofessional positions.
10) All AWDP Training standardized M&E Registration Forms;
Training Attendance Sheets; M&E Exit Questionnaires and
updated M&E database are provided to AWDP. AWDP
M&E validation of training data is passed
11) AWDP Placement standardized follow up report and the
M&E Job Placement or Salary Increase Verification Forms
for all placed and promoted trainees are provided to AWDP.
AWDP M&E validation of placement data is passed.
12) Weekly update reports are provided to AWDP on time
13) Inventory list is submitted to AWDP
14) Project/contract completion certificate is submitted to
15) Final project completion report is submitted to AWDP
10% =
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
Key Staff, Tentative Team Composition and time involvement
Program Manager
Monitoring & Evaluation
No of
Job Placement Specialist
Expected Input (manmonths)
Key Staff
Required Qualifications of Key Staff
Qualification and Experience
Program Manager
Minimum Bachelor degree in a relevant subject.
Minimum 5 years technical expertise in midcareer workforce development specifically TVET
and/or business education and training.
Experience in private sector training or business
management is a plus.
Experience in effectively monitoring and
advising private sector training institutions
spread across the principal urban areas of
Demonstrated effective interpersonal skills,
empathetic, proactive, creative problem solving
and ethical management.
Demonstrated exemplary diplomatic,
communication, and interpersonal skills.
Organizational acumen and cultural sensitivity.
Excellent oral and written English.
Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultants -1
Monitoring & Evaluation
Job Placement Specialist
Minimum a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant
Minimum of 3 years’ experience working on
monitoring and evaluation of development
Monitoring and Evaluation experience on GIRoA
and USAID contracts/cooperative agreements,
including USAID policy, procedural, and
reporting requirements;
Experience in field based monitoring and
Experience with computerized monitoring and
evaluation and strong organizational and
leadership skills;
Excellent oral and written Pashto/Dari and
English communication skills;
Minimum a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant
Minimum of 3 years’ experience working on job
development and placement with private/public
Excellent oral and written Pashto/Dari & English