Chem 1050 - C1610 - Winter 2016 Instructor: George Kalligeros 286-2147 (leave message) E-mail: Lecture: 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Tues, Thus CJ-202 Lab: 8:00 - 9:30 pm Tues, Thus CJ-207 Conference: 5:30 -5:55 pm CJ205-1 & after class http://gakall.coml/mcc/ COPY General Information -Course description: Chemistry 1050 is the first semester of a one year course in General, Organic and Biological chemistry. The course is intended for students who need one year of basic chemistry or preparation for Chemistry 1170. This course is not intended as a transfer course for chemistry majors, engineering majors, premeds, etc. -Prerequisites: MTH 0070 or 1 year of high school algebra . -Required items for this course: 1. *Textbook: Stoker, Gen., Org., & Biol. Chemistry, 6th edition 2. *Lab Manual: Bettelheim, Landesberg, and Lograsso, Chem 1050 Lab Manual, Macomb Community College. 3. *Access to online homework, OWL (Part of your textbook package) 4. *Scientific calculator 5. *Notebook (For class notes and homework) 6. *Goggles (Must be worn the entire time while in the lab) 7. *Combination lock (One lock for a team of two lab partners) -Grading: •6 unit exams 550 pts total (As scheduled) [50% of sem. Grade] (5 unit exams 500pts - Final Exam -- 50pts. Final exam % score can replace your lowest test score) •Quizzes / Worksheets – Approx. 200pts. [20%] •Lab reports, 150 pts total (No drops - No make ups) . [20%] •Homework 100 pts total (10 pts per chapter using OWL2) [10%] TOTAL ----- 950-1000 pts. -Final Letter grades(points): A 90-100% (4.0), B+ 83-86% (3.3), C+ 73-76% (2.3) D+ 63-66% (1.3) E 0-56% (0) A- 87-89% (3.7) B 80-82% (3.0) B- 77-79% (2.7) C 70-72% (2.0) C- ‚ 67-69% (1.7) D 60-62% (1.0) D- 57-59% (0.7) The Online Gradebook at: -Access codes . • Each student will be given the access codes (online ID and password) for logging into the online gradebook The system creates those codes based on Email address, Student number, First name, Last name. Make sure the instructor has your EMAIL ADDRESS. -Checking Status • Log into ENGRADE to see your approximate cumulative grade to approximately one week before that date. Class/Lab Expectations -Attendance - Conduct Attend all lectures and lab sessions, take notes in class, and behave in a way that is conducive to learning for all and safety for yourself and your classmates. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable and may result in temporary or permanent expulsion from the class with loss of credit. Ask questions when clarification is needed in a non-disruptive way. KEEP ALL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION APPLIANCES TURNED OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT. Laptops should not be used to chat or exchange information during class. They should be turned off during major tests. All assignments turned in for grading must be the work of the student. A student is responsible for knowing the substance of any assignment he/she turns in. The instructor reserves the right of verifying that. -OWL2 Homework Reading is not enough to develop the skills needed in chemistry. You develop those skills by doing the assigned homework problems and questions promptly. Your homework is done on your OWL account which you must purchase and register online. Each chapter is worth 10 points for a total of 100 points. That is 10% of your semester grade. To register for OWL2 as a member of THIS class, go to: -Laboratory •You must wear SAFETY GOGGLES during the entire lab session. •You must attend all labs and be actively involved in the planning and work needed to carry out an experiment with your partner. Remember to record your partner's name under your own in the lab report. No more than one partner is allowed. [See next page] •Safety must be the first consideration in all lab work. Follow both, the printed instructions, and the oral instructions given by the instructor. •Collaboration with your partner should be limited to lab work and sharing data. Each partner should keep a complete record of data collected. The answers to calculations and questions in a lab report should be your own, not group answers. Share the lock combination with your partner. •Your lab report is due at the beginning of next class after the experiment was completed. There will be no make up labs and no lab grade will be dropped. If you are absent during a lab session, you may write a lab report using your partner's data for half credit. •Before you leave at the end of a lab session, make sure the instructor has checked your data for that experiment and INITIALED them. Plan on working the entire lab period without rushing or wasting time. WORK WITH ONE PARTNER ONLY. Sun Mon Tue January 2016 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 29 30 *CHAPTER 1 *LAB CHEK IN 17 18 19 *CHAPTER 1, 2 20 *CHAPTER 2 *EXP. 1 24 25 26 *CHAPTER 2 *EXP.2-DENSITY 31 Notes: 21 *CHAPTER 2 *QUIZ CH., 2 27 28 *CHAPTER 3 *EXAM.1 (CH. 1, 2) Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 February 2016 Wed 3 *CHAPTER 3 *EXP. 3 - MIXT. Thu 4 Fri Sat 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 *CHAPTER 3, 4 *QUIZ CH.3 SEPARATION 7 8 9 10 *CHAPTER 4 *EXP.4DISTILLATION 14 15 16 *CHAPTER 5 *QUIZ CH. 4 17 22 23 *CHAPTER 5 *EXP.6 – CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 28 29 Notes: 18 *CHAPTER 5 *CHAPTER 5 *EXP.5–PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 21 11 *QUIZ CH. 4 24 25 *CHAPTER 6 *EXAM-2 (CH. 3, 4, 5) Sun Mon Tue 1 March 2016 Wed 2 *CHAPTER 6 *EXP. 7 – FORMULA Thu 3 Fri Sat 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 *CHAPTER 6, 7 *QUIZ CH. 6 OF AN OXIDE 6 7 8 9 SPRING BREAK 13 14 15 10 SPRING BREAK 16 *CHAPTER 6, 7 *EXP. 9–BOYLES 17 *CHAPTER 7 *QUIZ CH.7-I LAW 20 21 22 23 NO CLASS 27 28 29 *CHAPTER 7 *EXP.11–WATER OF HYDRATION 24 NO CLASS 30 31 *CHAPTER 7 *QUIZ CH.7-2 Notes: Sun 3 Mon 4 April 2016 Wed Tue 5 6 7 *CHAPTER 8 *EXP.12 - 11 12 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 *CHAPTER 7, 8 *EXAM-3 (CH. 6, 7) SOLUBLITY 10 Thu 13 *CHAPTER 9 *EXP.13 – CLASSES 14 *CHAPTER 9 *QUIZ CH.8-II OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 17 18 19 20 *CHAPTER 9 *EXP.14–REACTION 21 *CHAPTER 9. 10 *QUIZ CH. 9 RATES 24 25 26 27 28 *CHAPTER 9 *EXP.15 - *CHAPTER 9-10 *EXAM.4 EQUILIBRIUM (CH. 8, 9) May 2016 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 *CHAPTER 10 *EXP.16 - BUFFERS 8 9 10 Thu 5 Fri Sat 6 7 13 14 *CHAPTER 10 *QUIZ 10 11 *EXAM-5 (CH. 10) 12 *EXAM 6 (FINAL) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: