Image Designs - Legacy Decorative Concrete

Legacy™ Decorative
Concrete Systems, Inc.
Image Designs™
Image Designs™
Step by Step
“The How To”
Image Designs™
Step by Step
“The How To” Instruction Sheet
Image Designs comes packaged 4 pieces of the same
design per box.
Step 1:
The stencil will have a sticker on the back stating to “Peel This Side
First!” Keep the picture that is on the back for reference.
Peel the white backing off.
Peeling the white backing off.
Step 2:
Apply your design to the prepared concrete substrate.
Apply pressure to vinyl pushing air pockets to sides.
Step 3:
With a damp sponge rub over the transparent adhesive backing
paper. Remove the transparent adhesive backing paper starting
at a corner and pulling in a diagonal direction.
Pulling the transparent adhesive backing off.
Almost off, pull slowly.
All transparent adhesive backing is now
Refer to the picture that was attached to
the back for your next step.
Step 4:
Now you can wick your design. Look at the picture that
was attached & decide which part you want to transfer, a
positive or negative image.
Slowly pull off the vinyl.
Your design is starting to appear.
Your design is now wicked and you can
see your image.
Step 5:
Apply Venetian MicroTop™, Perfetto~Espray™, Fresco
Stain™ or Tinte’ D’Acqua™ Stain to your design. Let dry.
Applying Venetian MicroTop™
over the design.
Step 6:
Pull the vinyl off of the substrate and
sweep off any residue.
Step 7:
Seal with any of our Legacy™ Protectants