Advances in Risk Management – Beyond Basel II EY refers to the global organization, and/or one or more of the independent member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited Contents About the Speaker Pratik Shah, Ernst & Young LLP, India Partner- Advisory Services Leader- Financial Services Risk Management Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, India, has a Masters of Business Administration from Peter F. Drucker Graduate School ► Sixteen years of professional experience specialising in Governance, Risk & Compliance Assignments ► ► 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. Expertise: Operational Risk Credit Risk Regulatory Compliance Capital Management Governance Risk Enterprise Risk Management ► 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 2 Key Markets India USA UK Australia Switzerland Singapore Malaysia Vietnam ► 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key FS Clients SBI Group ICICI Group Credit Suisse ANZ Morgan Stanley GE Capital Zurich Financial Services Contents Content 1 Background and Context Setting 2 Integrated view of Risks 3 Using Risk Management to take Strategic Decisions 4 Linkage to Capital Management and Stress Testing Boubyan Bank, Kuwait 3 Background and Context Setting Page 4 What is ERM and Why do we need it ERM in a risk-based approach to managing an enterprise, integrating risk management of Pillar 1 risks, Pillar 2 risks, internal control and strategic planning. It helps to manage risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the creation and protection of value for stakeholders. “It would be a mistake to conclude that the only way to succeed in banking is through ever-greater size and diversity. Indeed, better risk management may be the only truly necessary element of success in banking.” Silo risk management Enterprise risk management AlanSafeguard Greenspan Key focus: Key focus: Maximize Enterprise Enterprise Value • Compliance focused • Works with in the boundary of definition • Focuses on Risk Mitigation & usually not fully aligned to strategic & operational decisions Necessary but value addition is limited to risk definition Page 5 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Value • Value focused • Comprehensive coverage of risk universe (ex: Strategic, model risk) • Focuses on emerging risks and core to strategic & operational decisions An organizational capability that drives substantial value Vs competes Risk Appetite and Material risk assessment sets the tone for fully functional ERM ERM Component Objective Use Risk Appetite: Risk Appetite is the amount of risk, on a broad level, that an organization is willing to take on in a pursuit of its strategic business objectives • Drive range of business decisions including resource allocation, new business opportunities, liquidity and capital planning by incorporating risk perspective • Improves the way risk is explicitly considered when management makes strategic decisions • Helps establish meaning reports for senior management and the board. • Provide focus to risk assessments and stress testing. Material Risk Assessment:: The Integrated Material Risk Framework provides the board and senior management relevant information concerning the Bank’s risk profile, in a timely and concise manner. Integrated Material Risk Assessment is driven by: Page 6 • Provide a top down approach to obtain integrated view of risks across the organization and connect risk profile to approved risk appetite PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY • Provices synthesized, actionable risk dashboard: Drawn from reports & documents used by top management to provide insights on past, present and future ERM framework builds on Basel- II elements to facilitate the risk informed business decisions Vision, Guiding Principles, Stakeholder, Risk Capacity Business & Financial objectives Identification of metrics Primary capital allocation Setting risk-adjusted return on equity Analysis of resources & constraints Integrated view of risk basis impact om risk appetite Market & Competition Performance mgmnt Re-allocation • Performance Vs original targets • Sub-allocation – BU / Portfolio • Portfolio reallocation • Performance metrics j 1 Risk Appetite Metrics KRI 2 Earnings, Capital, Reputation, Governance Identify and measure indicators for each risk that impacts the risk appetite values Risk Quantification 1 Page 7 VaR ,CVA, PFE,PD, LGD, EAD CCF,ALM, EaR, BEICF score Risk Assessment Market Risk Credit Risk Liquidity / IRR Operational Risk Sources of risk Trading book Banking book Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Governance Integration of risk an finance 2 Risk based performance management PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Basel II Framew ork Taking an Integrated view of risks – Beyond Basel II Page 8 Risk Appetite – Tool to align the risk the Bank takes is aligned to the strategy Objective A practical and simple approach to facilitate financial and business planning through improved returns Attributes of Good Risk Appetite Linked to Strategy Comprehensive Coverage ► ► ► Linkage to mid to long term strategy Benchamrked to Peers / Competes ► RAS should comprehensively cover all fundamental risks the bank faces Include quantitative and qualitative statements Govern Decision Making ► ► Govern decision making across all businesses and risk types Allocate group level risk appetite to specific risk categories, lines of business, legal entities etc. Key Steps Establish Risk Appetite Identify risk and finance metrics and define tolerances for risk appetite at bank level Cascade Risk Appetite Manage & Monitor Integrate Risk Appetite into major decisions such as capital planning, budgeting, liquidity planning Establish monitoring templates that are linked to Risk Appetite but are also relevant to Business Units Report & Escalate Develop reporting dashboards and action tracking mechanism for board and sr. management Driving Strategic Decisions on Capital Allocation through Risk Appetite: Illustrative – RAROC Risk Appetite Implementation Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC): Provides risk based profitability measurement framework for measuring risk adjusted financial performance across the bank. It is calibrated down to business groups, portfolio and borrowers Illustrative Risk Appetite Statement: The bank should target a risk adjusted return greater than the weighted average cost of capital employed at all times (Hurdle Rate). Risk Appetite Statement – Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (Illustrative) Use test – Periodic monitoring and update Target RAROC > Hurdle Rate 20.00% 18.25% 18.00% 16.00% • Target RAROC computed based on: • Peer Group Benchmarking • Hurdle rate - Cost of capital i.e capital based on WACC plus liquidity premium considered as minimum RAROC for the bank • RAROC Vs ROE i.e RAROC > ROE indicates a significant capital buffer or inefficient use of capital • Constraints- capital adequacy, priority sector – External; portfolio focus and capability - Internal Page 10 • Target RAROC embedded into • Capital utilization • Financial Projections – Asset growth rate, portfolio diversification and capital generation rate • Business Strategy- Focus areas based on RWA composition i.e Reduce percentage of Risk Weighted Assets systematically in order to improve ROA PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY 14.00% 12.34% 12.07% 12.00% 10.10% 10.00% 9.97% 10.20% 9.67% 9.17% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.15% 2.00% 0.00% 0.71% Bank 1 RAROC Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Weighted Average Cost of Capital Material Risk Assessment – Tool to distil information and provide integrated view of top risks and big bets shaping Bank’s performance Objective Risks by nature are interdependent, major negative outcomes are usually due to convergent of risk factors , so to measure the these converged impact on earnings, capital, liquidity and reputation and provide an integrated Attributes of Good MRA framwork: Risk/ Reward Tradeoff ► ► ► ► Insight on Top risks Clarity on big bets Major decisions supported with risk insights Risk dialogue with top management Increased Board Involvement ► ► Top management involved in risk processes-Oversight Critical risk information surfaced in timely manner Robust Risk Management ► ► Exhaustive identification and prioritisation of risks Should contain forward looking elements, historical risk metrics may not be good indictors of duture Key Steps Identify Metrics Finalize Metrics Link to Risk Appetite Identify material risks and corresponding metrics aligned to current risks undertaken based on strategy Shortlist material risks and metrics based on management workshops and data analysis Determine thresholds and categorize into low, medium, high based on Risk Appetite of the bank and business strategy Page 11 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Assessment & Reporting Collect data, perform assessment based on defined scales and report results through integrated risk dashboards Material Risk Assessment – Illustrative view of risk ► Risk Dashboard is a periodic snapshot of a top-down assessment of key risks facing the bank – it is presented by the CRO to the Board of the Bank - impact assessment is based on multi-dimensions i.e., earnings, capital, people and reputation – KRIs are used to track the trajectory of risk … Impact Rank (Last) Risk Group Likely 1 (x) Credit Risk Credit High 2 (x) Credit Concentration Risk Credit High 3 (x) Country Risk Credit Medium 4 (x) Market Risk Market Medium 5 (x) Liquidity Risk Finance Medium 6 (x) Operational Risk Operational Medium 7 (x) Compliance Risk Operational Medium Page 12 Earnings Capital People Reputation Ear – H Cap - M Poe - L Rep - L Ear – H Cap - H Poe - H Rep - H Ear – M Cap - M Poe - L Rep - L Ear - M Cap - L Poe - M Rep - M Ear – M Cap – M Poe - L Rep - H Ear - L Cap - L Poe - H Rep - M Ear – M Cap – L Poe - M Rep - M PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Time Horizon Status Owner Action Plan Effective NOW ↓ CRO High NOW ↑ CRO Low 1 YEAR ↓ CRO High 1 YEAR ↑ Treasury Medium NOW ↑ ALM Medium 1 Year ↑ ORM Low 1 Year ↑ Complia nce High Risk Assessment and Reporting Illustrative – Credit Risk Definition Credit Risk • Credit Risk is the current and prospective impact on earnings and capital, arising from the loss to an entity due to inability or unwillingness of a borrower/counter-party to borrower/counter-party to meet commitments in relation to lending, trading, settlement and other financial transactions or reduction in portfolio value arising from actual portfolio value arising from actual or perceived deterioration in credit quality of borrowers/counterparties. Name of the Entity: Bank xx Key Risk Driver Description: 1. Percentage of unrated exposure to Total Credit Exposure Exposure 2. Gross NPA to Gross Advances Ratio (%) 3. Total unsecured credit exposure as a % of Total Credit Credit Exposure of Entity 4. Ratio of Risk Weighted Assets to Total Assets 5. Average DPD (xx days- YY days) as a % of Total Credit Credit Risk Exposure 1 4 9 16 25 Entity Value Assessment Rating 0-5 0-1 0-5 5-10 1-2 5-15 10-15 2-3 15-25 15-25 3-5 25-35 25 < 5< 35 < 12 2.4 26.4 9 9 16 0-40 40-50 50 2-4 50-60 60-70 70 < 63 16 4-6 6-8 8< 2.4 4 0-2 Overall Rating for Credit Risk (Average) 11 Key Performance Driver Description: 1. Actual vs Targeted Net Interest Income (Actual as a as a percentage of Target) 85 > Legend – Risk Index 1-7 Page 13 Low 85-90 90-110 Medium 110-125 8 - 14 125 < High PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY 112 15 - 22 16 Critical > 23 Risk Assessment and Reporting Illustrative – Credit Risk Risk vs Performance Assessment Map Legends Risk is not commensurate with the return generated Risk is greater than return generated Risk is commensurate to the return generated Credit Risk Unrated Exposure to Total Credit Exposure 15.00% 11.00% 10.00% 12.00% 9.00% 5.00% 0.00% 2012 2013 2014 Unrated Exposure to Total Credit Exposure Page 14 Gross NPA to Gross Advances 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2.90% 2.10% 2012 2013 Past Due Exposure to Total Exposure 2.40% 2014 Gross NPA to Gross Advances PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY 2.50% 2.40% 2.30% 2.20% 2.10% 2.00% 1.90% 2.40% 2.20% 2.10% 2012 2013 SMA Exposure to Total Exposure 2014 Bringing ERM framework to life- An illustration – Credit Risk & RAROC Vision, Guiding Principles, Stakeholder, Risk Capacity Risk adjusted Resources & profitability constraints: and resource - Cost of Capital Metrics: allocation - Income & RAROC Volatility, risk free return, peer returns Risk Profile Primary capital allocation Target risk-adjusted RAROC Performance Management business mix - Reg capital / provisions Portfolio RAROC | Re-allocation |Capital Optimization j 1 2 Risk Appetite Metrics Capital - RAROC • KRI • • • Unrated exposure to Total Exposure Gross NPA to Gross Advances Past Due to Total Exposure Interest Expended to Average Liabilities Page 15 • • • • Negative Negative Negative Positive Risk Quantification PD, LGD, EAD CCF Risk Assessment Basel II- Credit Risk Source of Risk 1 RAROC Relationship Banking book Integration of risk an finance PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Credit Risk 2 Risk based performance management Bringing ERM framework to life- An illustration – Credit Risk Vision, Guiding Principles, Stakeholder, Risk Capacity Integrated Risk Profile Primary capital allocation Business & Financial objectives Setting risk-adjusted RAROC Analysis of resources & constraints Identification of metrics Performance Management Integration of Risk and Finance Data Market & Competition • Allocation of Capital based on performance of portfolios and BUs • Portfolio re-allocation • Capital Optimization 1 Risk Appetite Metrics Capital - RAROC •• KRI KRI •• •• •• 2 RAROC Relationship Unrated Unratedexposure exposuretotoTotal TotalExposure Exposure Gross NPA to Gross Advances Gross NPA to Gross Advances Past PastDue DuetotoTotal TotalExposure Exposure Interest Expended Interest ExpendedtotoAverage AverageLiabilities Liabilities •• •• •• •• Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Positive Positive Risk Quantification PD, LGD, EAD CCF Risk Assessment Basel II- Credit Risk Credit Risk Source of Risk 1 Page 16 Banking book Integration of risk an finance PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY 2 Risk based performance management ERM Framework impacts most business processes Strategic Planning and Corporate Strategy Risk and Performance Reporting: • • • • Manage expectations Proactive Management Risk Dashboards Monitoring of KRIs / KPIs Resource Management and Product Approval Strategy Identification Monitoring / Disclose Target Setting Strategy Execution • Efficient utilization of capacity • Identify acceptable and unacceptable sources of risk Page 17 • Identify optimal mix of business strategies • Medium term aspirations • Provide guidelines • Assess Earnings implications of strategies • Outline best use of spare capacity Risk and Performance Measurement • Calculate Economic Capital, RAROC/ EVA • Calculate EaR • BU cascading of limits • Maintain Desired Profile Target Evaluation and Portfolio Management • Execute contingency planning • New Business Opportunities PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Using Risk Management to take Strategic Decisions – Case: Capital Management Page 18 RAROC based capital allocation 𝑹𝑨𝑹𝑶𝑪 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 + 𝑭𝒆𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 − 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒔 − 𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒔 − 𝑬𝑳 = 𝑹𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 Expand business and allocate capital only in those geographies/ sectors/ borrowers who can match the target return , which is determined by the Bank through WACC and other mark - ups Step 2: Determine Target Risk Premium above base rate Step 1: Determine Target Return Cost per Rupee Exp Risk Appetite Segment Determine Bank-wide cost of capital (WACC) Determine Target Return (%) for the balance portfolio Determin e Bankwide Target Return (%) Add the mark-up to factor in overall spread / margin that the bank targets to achieve Add the mark-up to factor in discounts on Priority Sector DRI, staff loans, etc. Interest Operating Capital % Provisions Trend of Interest Income (%) Corporate BBB ) Corp- (below Base Rate (%) Target Risk Target Income Premium (%) to meet above base Target Return rate 1.00% 2.00% XX PSE % MSME – Guaranteed MSME no guarantor Home loan 0.25% Other Retail 3.50% 3.00% 4.00% 2.00% …. Yes Allocate Capital Prioritize growth No/Less Allocation Page 19 Reduce required Regulatory Capital Yes No Can charge premium to the customer? Guarantee s Collateral Ratings On-BS Netting No Can charge premium to the customer? Step 3: Take Capital Allocation Decisions PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Apply market constraints, competitor pricing, relationship / strategic portfolio constraints Enable senior management monitoring of capital efficiency across the bank Cost Region Interest Operating Provisions Capital Required Interest Target Income (%) Return (%) Segment Capital Efficiency Dashboard Segment Exposure RAROC Target Return (%) NPA (%) Avg. RW (%) Overall Bank RM dept. • • Monitor the Capital Efficiency across the bank, follow up with braches, BUs Mumbai Corporates Delhi SME Chennai Retail – Personal Hyderabad Region Avg. Pune Granular analysis for segments where returns are below the target returns Reporting of key metrics to Senior Management Templates provided for RAROC based capital allocation would form an input to the MIS EY will develop MIS dashboards for the senior management for strategic decisioning to target/exit portfolios – geographies, products , industries, etc. Page 20 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE SHARED WITH THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EY Senior Management • Analyze the overall Capital Efficiency metrics within the Bank • Drive strategic decision making • Support IRM in prioritizing and rolling out key initiatives EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit The MENA practice of EY has been operating in the region since 1923. For over 90 years, we have evolved to meet the legal and commercial developments of the region. Across MENA, we have over 4,200 people united across 18 offices and 13 Arab countries, sharing the same values and an unwavering commitment to quality. © 2015 Ernst & Young All Rights Reserved. This publication contains information in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Neither EYGM Limited nor any other member of the global EY organization can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor.