The Two Fridas

Frida Kahlo
Frida was about 16 years
old when this was painted.
Self-portrait, c. 1923
Frida was married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist.
Frida’s drawing of her accident.
Frida and Diego
kept pet monkeys.
Frida’s physical and emotional pain was often
expressed through her paintings.
The Two Fridas
1939, Oil on canvas
Painted in 1939 at the time of her divorce from Diego, The Two Fridas is
believed to be an expression of Frida's feelings at the time. This double
self-portrait was the first large-scale work painted by Frida.
Frida’s Death Mask
by Ester Hernandez, 1983
Intro to Art
Visual-Verbal Journals
Artist Biography & Research Spreads
•artist’s name, interestingly shown
•birth and death dates
•3 or more quality images of artwork with credit line information
•3 or more fun-facts about the artist’s life and/or work
•style, movement, and/or technique explanation
•personal response to the artist’s work and/or style
Activation: Colored Pencils
Element: Color
Visual-Verbal Journals Personal Spreads
Internal self
Sometimes artists choose to show their feelings in their artwork.
Frieda Kahlo often used her paintings to express some of the hurt,
pain, and sorrow that were a part of her life. Other artists may show joy,
happiness, or contentment in their work. Such emotions may be
expressed through subject matter, color, lines or movement.
Create a double-page spread that visually and verbally describes
what you are like (and how you feel) on the inside.
Considerations: Color, Portraiture
Structure: Full Bleed