
Lesson 2 – Figures of Speech
• Metaphor
• Comparison between two unlike things that
does not use like, as, than, or resembles
• Example:
• “The road was a ribbon of moonlight”
Poem Punctuation
• Run-on line
• A line of poetry without punctuation at its end
• End-stopped line
• A line of poetry that has punctuation at its end
• Tips for reading poetry:
• Look for punctuation telling you where sentences begin and stop
• Look for subject, verb, and object (if there is one)
• When reading (silent or aloud), do not make a full stop at the end of
a line if there is no punctuation – read to the next line to complete
the sense of the sentence
• Read the poem aloud – sound is important to its meaning
• Read the poem more than once – each time, you’ll get more meaning
“Folding Won Tons In”
• Read poem on pg. 433
• Answer the following:
1. What steps does the speaker list as he makes
won tons?
2. What does the speaker do with the won tons
after they are made?
3. List all of the metaphors you can find.
Explain what is being compared in each.